215 215 INDEX INDEX Academy Awards, 94,110.202 Adler,Academy Buddy, Awards, 62,180_182,184,197,19 94,110,202 8,209 A~9..ofAdler, Re-,~~, Buddyt'I'ne , 62,180-182,184,197,198,209116 Arre of Re2snn.The, 116 Albert, Eddie, lE8,193 6 Ale:2:..:'lnd~rAlbert,I s K~.F!tir:1e~ddic, ldS,193R3nd, 67-70,82,15 r~Jov"r~r-•n ........ •~••'•'•'••,l.•.... ,.4.. ..._') ."LI.:,~;.~~~tJ·=e ,t,J J.~t.-~~n~\,I,,, ... A1 t~~chulcr,1 67 70 ' 82 , 156 Ameche,Al tsc1111:Le:r.,l Do~, 56-5 8,68,69,193 Andl::e','ls,Dana,13Amecho, Don, 656-58,68,69,193,137 Armst,:,on(!,Frank,145.And~ews, Dana, 136,137 150 Arrov,'s.rniArrnst:-:-oni, th, 91 Frank, 145, 150 Atlr""t~Arrow2'.r.1.i ;:onctitution, th, 91 The, 156 .A tlc•.r!ta C;or:.cti tuti on, The, 156 Ayres,Ayres,Lew, -Lew, 9 9 Bacon, F'!'Flnk, t::. .Ber}(e:L~Y.'BcginaJ,d,Bacon, F!":ink, ~ '22 Barnes,. ;3erke:J.~y,·· George, R,ep:ina.\d, 4E,74 ~2 Barrymore,Barnes, I,ionelGeorge, 23 4e, 74 Barthe1mess,Barrymore, Richard, Lionel 23 56 Bartholomew,Barthelmess, Freddie, Richard, 61 56 Bartlett,Bartholomew,sy, 148-150, Freddie, 201-203 61 BehindBartlett, the Screen, Sy, 148-150, 84 201-203 BehD,Behind Joci the 75, Screen, 157-158 ,84 178-179 BellBehn, for Adana,Joe, 75, A,125- 157-158,127 178-179 Baxter;-'"Varner,21Bell for Adana, A,125-127 Belov"dBaxter;-:_'/arner, Infidel, 94, 21 201-204 ~ __"Del ._. - r '-. r j .L} ,. _._ o~r"d....... \. ,,,.,-1,2·-- - - -- \.,..npl - - f 04./ ' 201-20"..,.. .t"jen-:<\.l.r,-::ie-n->t11"co )-24r~•~_-:,I, Berlin,,/,. '\. .. Irving,·- f &'".-,.,; C.,"'"f' 68 ber. 1_1n, • T • 68 ~i~ -rvine-,The, q2 P3.'uP~r8.~e, P"~~~e m~o n2 p]-ac~"'~n::::,_~ ... ::, . .i...C-.~-- 'Ohef ~f 2'3 ~1 99-102,103 .!-t.. BlackI!\.' ....-." .'.S~Rn, • .l-" The, , 23, 99-102,103 Blansf'or:cr.Blansford,L"O\], 129 Brand, Harry,Lou, 81 129 Bravado~;Brand, Harry, The, 16,81 197-199, 200 Broun.Bravados; Heywood, The, 21316, 197-199, 200 Brower,Broun, 77.Heywood, 79-80, 213 84 Brower, 77, 79-80, 84 Cantein ~ Castile,15-16,133, 136, 139, 142-145,169, 187 Capra,Canta.in Frank, from 92,212Castile,15-16,133, 136, 139, 142-145,169, 187 Capra, Frank, 92,212 Carolina,Carolina, 8,22-23 Carousel, 1778,22-23 -180 Carradine,Carousel, John.177 -180 55,93 Carroll.Carradine, Madeline. John, 55,9350,60 Carroll, Madeline, 15G,60 ChadChad Hanna, 55, 92-9 , Chaney,Hanna,Lon, 19555, 92-94 Cianel1i,Chaney, Lon, Eduardo, 1q5 126 Gianelli, Eduardo, 126 cima,:,ron,172Cimn!'ron, 172 CinemaScoCinemaScope,ne, 87,88, 168-170 CinemaScone-55,87,88, 178 168-170 Circ\JJtCinemaScone-55, ?id0:.-r's ~~ife•178 .i, 154 Clarke,Circuit CharlesRider's G.,Wife,53, A, 131, 154 134, 175. 180 Clarke, Charles G-.-,-53; 131, 134, 175, 180 C1eo~atra,Cleo~atra, 120120 coha~1t GGorr:'c u. t 5 Cohan,Harry, Gaor~e hl., 5 Cohn,Cohn, Harry, 211211 Col bertf Claudette, 97-99 ColumbiaColbert, pictures,Clnudctte, 9697-99 CommandColumbia Decision, Pictures, 14596 Command Decision, 145 216 Country Doctor, Tho, 34-40, 41, 1.2-45,81 216 Crain,Countrv Jeanne, Do0.tor, 167 'T'h~, J4-4o, 41, 42-45, 81 Cummin,qs,Crain, Irving, Jeanne, 75-76 lb? Cummin,o-s, Irvine:, 75-76 Darling, William, 73, 115 Darlin~, William,4 73, 115 Darnell, Linda, 93,9 , 107,108 160 DavidDarnell, and Batl1~~l~"' Linda, 93i9h, 12, 50-52, 107,108 156 - Dav~d cm.~ th:-;h~ Davies, G;&ricDt B:80 ~• 12, 50-52, 156-160 Davis,Davies, Georrre(artdirector), i..2r1cni ~o 176 David,Davis, George(horse Georrre(art trainer), director), 94 176 ~David, Waters, Geo:rp-e(horse 136-137 tr2.iner), 94 Deen Waters, 1J6-1J7 Demillef Cecil B., 157 Des MoinesDe~ille, Re~ister, Cecil B., 10 157 Devin:e:-Andy,Des noines 30Re~ister, 10 Dinlo~aticDevine, Courier,Andy, 30 194 Director'sDinlo~atic Guild, Courier, "171 194 DirtyDirector's pozen, ~he, Guild, 210 171 Donlevy,Dirtv Brian,Dozen, 18The, 210 Dresser,Donlevy, Louise, brian;-JB 5,9 Dunn,Dresser, James,S Louise, 5,9 Dunne,Dunn, Philip, James, 84-85, 5 159 Dunne, Philip, 8lJ.-85, 159 Eberle, Ed, 63-64 Eilers,Eberle, Sally, Ed, 8,963-64 ElephantEilers, Tree, Sally, The, 8,9 209 Elenhant Tree, Th9, 209 Ephron, Henry, 179 EphroEphron,n, Phoebe, Henry, 179 179 Evans,Ephron, Robert, Phoebe, 191 .-179197 BvesEvans,of the Robert, World, 194-197 4 ~----Eves -of -----the ~orld, 4 Fain,-- Sammy, 177 Fairbanks,Fain, Sammy, Douglas, 177 3 Fairbanks,Fairbanks, Douglas, Douglas, Jr., J 213 FarmerFairbanks, Takes ADou~las,Wife, 31,Jr., 92-93 21J Farmer Takes P. Wife, Jl, 92-93 Farrell.·charles;b"Farrell, Feld, Fritz,Charle~· 167 Feldman,Feld, Fritz, Charles. 167 139- 140 Fitzgerald,Feldman, Charles,F. Scott, 139-140 93-94, "201-204 Fleming,Fitzuerald, Victor, F. Scott, 31 93-94, ·201-204 Flynn,Fleming, ~rrol, Victor, 188, 31 193 Fonda,Flynn, Henry, ~rrol, 29-3 188,2, 193 73,93 Fonda, Henry, 29-32, 73,93 Ford,Ford, John, John, 89~92 89-92 FortysccondFortysecond street, 68 Foster, Uorrr.an~97Street, 68 FoXFoster, Film corporation,Uorman, 9,97 4-5, 31, 34,37, 91 Frederick,Fox Film Corporation, Pauline, 46 4-5, Jl, J4,J7, 91 Frederick, Pauline, 46 Froman,Froman, Jane,Jane, 156156 Furthman,Furthman, Jules,Jules, 55 ~y,FrtP:V, 5656 Gardner, Ava, 1~4-~66, 176, 181-183, 185 G2rdner, Ava, 1 Gaynor, Janat,164-166, bf t,l].• 176, 2), )0-3181-183, 185 Gibbs,Gaynor, Sir Jan~t, Philip, 6e E,l], 116 23, J0-31 "GiftGibbs, of Sir the Philip, Vagi", 116 166-168 Goe-tz."Gift of\:';i.lli2r:'i~· the Fa!!i"72~ i J.03-166-16810o, 110 Gee tz, sr,1 t Goldstein,·:/ilii Robert, 72,208 H·;-106, 110 Goldwyn,Goldstein, Samuel, Robert, 91, 208 155, 213 Goldwyn, Samuel, 91, 155, 213 I Goodwin,Goodwin, Ira,Ira, 2323 Gomez, Vincente, 166 Gomez, Vincente, 166 J 217 217 Grable,Grable, Betty, Bettyt 95-9 95-966 Graham,Grah~m, Sheilah, Sheilah, 201, 201, 203 203 Gr~1.?~~Gran,-'ss ~~~J; c:,~;,~,~i~of t.~.,''i.'rath,T.ho, Th'?_,89-90 29-90 G r.~;cGre?._1_(0_ ~:.c:",-' c;~i:r~_°i)y,-'...'1"'. )-·1;0,9 3 93 Green,Green, biarsnall. i.iarsnall. 200 200 Green,Paul, 8,22, 198 ~'i~hter,Green,Paul, The, 8t22, 23, 151-153,198 197, 214 0 - 0 ?~ ~•·nfi~ht._,. LA,. - ,___ '-" - ' ~~h f '- J • 1~1) - 15~J • 197, 214 Halprin,Halnrin, Sol, Sol, 169 169 }iarris,Harris, Cora, Cora, 15 4 154 Hayward,Hayvmrd, Susan, Susan, 154, 154. 161, 164 Becht,Becht, Ben, Ben, 99-101 99-101 Hell Harbor, 1-4 HeminFway,Hell Harbor, Ernest, 1-4 161-163, 181-183, 184-186, 192 Hemin.rrway, 1:<,;rnest, 161-16 3, 181-18 J, 184-186, 192 Henried,Henried, Paul, Paul, 176 176 Herbert, Hugh, 127-128 Herbert, Hugh, 127-1288 4 Herzcholt,Herzcholt, Jean, Jean, 2,3,3 2,J,J8r42-4J,42- 3 Holden,Holden, viilliam, Vlilliam, 175-17~ 175-17~ Hough,Hough, Stanley, Stnnley, 172 172 HouseHouse of of Connellv, Connellv, 8,22 8,22 House of Rothschi'ld, 60 HouseHouse Un-American of i-uri~hsc.hild, Activities 60 Committee, 132~133 House Un-American Activities Committee, 1J2-J.JJ Hudson,Hudson, Rochelle, Rochelle,3 1Jl Hudson,Hudson, Rock, Rock, 200-201 200-201 Hull,Hull, Henry, Henry, 28 28 Jesse Ja~~L 16-20~ 28,31_32,46-48,70-83,102,136,214 Jesse JamesL 16-20, 28,Jl-32,46-48,70-8J,102,1J6,214 Jessel,Jessel, George,GeorFe, 160-161160-161 Johnson, Johnny, 147 ~ohnson,Johnson, NUnnally,13,16_17,23,28-29,31-36,39-40,55,60,70,,Johnny, 147 Nohnson, Nunnally, 13, 16-17, 23, 28-29,2G Jl-J6, 39-l~0, 55, 60, 70, 75-76,90,93,151-152, 156,202- 3 206 Jones,75-76,90,9),151-152, Jennifer, 107,108-111,167,175- 156,202-2G3177 , 181-182,185,205- Jones, Jennifer, 107,108-111,167,175-177, 181-182,185,205-206 208208 JosephJo~enh andand HisHis Brethern,Brethern, 211211 Kent,Kent, Sidney,Sidney, 24-2624-26 Kerr, Deborah, 202-203 Kerr, Deborah, 202-203 0 171 KingKin~ ofof thethe KhvperKhvier Rifles,168,17Rifles, 168,170-171- KIrkwood:-James,Kirr:wood-;-;.fames, 55 Knight,Knight, Arthur,Arthur, 168168 Knox,Knox, Alexander,Alexander, 116-117,116-117, 120-121120-121 Koster,Koster, Henry,Henry, 87-8887-88 IJandi.Landi, Elissa,Eliss2, 6,226,22 LaShelle,LaShelle, Joseph,125Joseph,125 Lay, Bierne,148. 14° , L ay , B1 e rn e , : CJ 1 b ,, Leal,Leal, Alfredo.Alfredo, 195-195-1909 Levathes, Peter, 208-209 Levathes, ictert 20f-2094 Levien,Levien, sonya,8,Sonya,8, 3J4-J5,-35, 3737 u",htin'Li£Yhtin 1 ,4-5 -J . ,4-5 Little,,1t'tJ-;:-'Ph""'B"47.<.," Thonas,47 ~.. ' >.0, 85'-86 Ij.tt1-e ~\ld L~E2~~. ---Little --C1ld --Nf:w York, B5-86 218 Macgowan,Macf.:owan, Kenneth, Kenneth, 84 84 Macomber~acomber Affair, Affair, The, The, 164 164 McCrea, Joel,5 -- McLean,McCrea, Barbara,39,53_54,58-59,62,93,109,124,133-134,144,166 Joel,5 -- McLean, Barbara,39,53-54,58-59,62,93,109,124,l3J-1J4,144,166 MacRae,MacRae, Gordon, Gordon, 179 179 .
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