Bishop, 4 Polish Priests to Offer Pilgrim Mass a Mass of Concelebration Of- with Bishop Carroll Will Be Fa- Pastor, St
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THE VOICE P.O. Box 1059. Miami 38, Flo. Return Requested VOICE Weekly Publication of the Diocese of Miami Covering the 16 Counties of South Florida VOL. VIII, NO. 12 Price $5 a year ... 15 cents a copy JUNE 35 1966 Bishop, 4 Polish Priests To Offer Pilgrim Mass A Mass of Concelebration of- with Bishop Carroll will be Fa- pastor, St. Michael and Archan- fered at 6 p.m. in the Cathedral ther Jan Januszewski, pastor, gel parish. on Saturday, June 4 by Bishop St. Joseph Parish, Stuart; Fa- The sermon will be preached Coleman F. Carroll and four ther Czesla Naumowscz, S.P., by Bishop Carroll. superior of the Piarist Fathers Polish-born priests will high- Chaplain to Bishop Carrol who staff the boys division of will be Father Christopher Kon- light the Diocese of Miami pil- Cardinal Gibbons High School, grimage in observance of the kol, assistant pastor, St. John Fort Lauderdale; Father John the Apostle parish, Hialeah; Millennium of Christianity in Lorenc, St. Lawrence parish, and Father Patrick Slevin, pas- Poland. North Miami Beach; and Fa- tor, St. Michael the Archangel Concelebrants of the Mass ther John Mickum, assistant parish. HUNDREDS TO ASSIST I ll Hundreds of Americans of Po- lish ancestry as well as native Poles are expected to assist at I Bishop Asks Faithful Join . the Mass which will be offered for the welfare of Poland and in honor of Our Lady of Czesto- {In Pilgrimage At Cathedral i chowa, patroness of Poland. Tn the Priests, Religious and Faithful of the Diocese: Among those present will be This year of 1966 marks the 1000th anniversary of the con- representatives of the Miami version of Poland to Christianity. For a millennium the people Polish American Club and its of Poland and the Polish people throughout the world have auxiliary; Polish Roman Catho- faithfully served Christ and His Church. lic Union, Lodge No. 1492, Po- I would like to call upon all in the Diocese to join with me lish National Alliance, Council in thanking God for His rich graces to the Polish people and No. 199; Polish National Alli- in begging the Lord's continued support of the people of Poland ance, groups 3036, 3071, and during these troubled days. 3122; Polish Women's Alliance, Because of the fact that the Polish Government refused to group 793; Polish Army Veter- grant the Bishop of Miami a visa to lead a Pilgrimage to the ans Association, Post 206; COMBINED GRADUATION exercises for Catholic high schools in Dade County were held Mother Country, I have now scheduled a Pilgrimage to the PAVA Ladies Auxiliary, Chapter last Sunday in Dade County Auditorium. Graduates of Notre Dame Academy, Monsignor Mother Church of the Diocese, St. Mary's Cathedral. The date 206; Polish Legion of Ameri- Edward Pace High School, and Archbishop Curley High School are shown during com- and time is Saturday, June 4, at 6 p.m. can Veterans, Post 158; Polish mencement exercises in the afternoon. I invite you to join with me at that time in the celebration Veterans in Exile, Post 46; St. Cecilia Choir; and members of of Holy Mass as a sign of gratitude to God for the gift of the Polish American Clubs in SPEAKER CITES 'MIXED-UP WORLD faith so generously bestowed upon the Polish people. I ask Hollywood and Fort Lauderdale. also that you assist the suffering Church of Poland by your prayers and sacrifices, especially during this millennium year. Announcement of the pilgrim- Imparting to you my paternal blessing, I am age was made by Bishop Cole- Seek Balance, Graduates fold Sincerely yours in Christ, man F. Carroll shortly after he Dade County's Catholic high to a "very mixed-up" world by time of the Depression and and 14 other members of the school graduates were urged developing principles in keep- World War II, Monsignor Mc- U. S. hierarchy were denied per- last Sunday by a prominent ing with their heritage as Cath- Carrick told graduates that (Continued on Page 2) priest-educator to bring balance olics and followers of Christ. they "are the heirs of these con- Advising graduates to do for tradictory traditions. Bishop of Miami themselves and the world what "You have inherited," he their conscience tells them must pointed out, "a mechanized be done, Msgr. Theodore Me- world of conformity and other College Awards Honorary Carrick, president of the Cath- directedness, just as the pendu- olic University of Puerto Rico, lum is swinging back to the in- gave the commencement ad- dependent virtues in a mass Degree To Bishop Carroll dresses during two combined protest against the mass cul- graduation exercises in Dade ture, in the search, somewhat County Auditorium. An honorary Doctor of Laws Pittsburgh, and graduate of paradoxical, but so very under- degree was conferred on Bishop Duquesne University there, was Msgr. John J. Fitzpatrick, standable, of an emerging com- k ^JCllbMt StSt . ed for Ms contributions to Chancellor of the Diocese of Mi- mon man, who, to be more a rMI»»*^s College, Emmitsburg, ami, presided at commence- man, seeks less to be common, Md., during the .158th com- human relations, especially ment ceremonies for seniors of while at the same time, he mencement held Wednesday, those pertaining to the Latin Archbishop Curley High, Notre (Continued on Page 4) June 1. American peoples. Dame Academy, and Monsignor Edward Pace High, in the after- Bishop Carroll, a native of Prior to his appointment as noon. first Bishop of Miami, Bishop Msgr. Peter Reilly, pastor, I Mass For Miami Carroll taught philosophy at Mt. Little Flower parish, Coral Ga- Mercy College and Duquesne ! Pope's 46th Year bles, presided during the eve- High Graduates University, in Pittsburgh, and ning exercises when graduates Baccalaureate Mass for Cath- I As Priest Marked has been previously honored of Christopher Columbus High olic students being graduated with degrees from Duquesne, VATICAN CITY (NO — and Immaculata-LaSalle High from Miami Senior High School the University of Miami and I On the eve of the 46th an- were awarded their diplomaas. will be offered at 9:30 a.m. in Barry College. | niversary of the ordination HEIRS OF TRADITIONS St. Michael the Archangel | of Pope Paul VI, the Vatican Last year, he was the recip- Recalling that the high school Church. I City daily, L'Osservatore Ro- ient of the 1965 National Con- graduate of 1910 was on his own Father John Block will cele- I mano, published a front-page ference of Christians and Jews in the "do-it-yourself" world at brate the Mass at which high ! tribute by its editor, Raimon- Silver Medallion Award for OUT LADY of Czestochowa painting is presented to Bishop the beginning of the 20th cen- school seniors will assisf; attired do Manzini. The Pope was Brotherhood and the United Coleman F. Carroll by Mrs. S. Miciak, Mrs. Pelagia Lukas- tury and that the next, genera- in academic caps and gowns. ordained on May 29, 1920, in Fund Leadership Award, and zewska and Mrs. Maria Dambski, members of the Polish tion faced a world in which Brescia, Italy. was named Dade County's Out- Millennium Committee of the Florida Division of the Polish "conformity had set in to a A brunch will be served in standing Citizen. American Congress in Miami. much greater degree" at the the school cafetorium. ALL IN 8 To Be Ordained Priests In Ireland, Serve In Miami Eight more young men *.vill Father Patrick A- Cleary and be ordained to the priesthood Father Francis A. Guinan will for the Diocese of Miami dur- be ordained during rites on Sun- ing ceremonies in Ireland this day, June 19 at All Hallows Col- month. lege, Dublin, by Bishop Patrick Father Michael J. Hourigan Dunne, Auxiliary Bishop of Dub- will be ordained Sunday, June lin. 5, by Bishop Peter Birch in St. Four priests were recently or- Mary's Cathedral, Kilkenny. dained in Miami and in Worth- The Sacrament of Holy Or- ington, O., for the Diocese of ders will be conferred on Sun- Miami. day, June 12, on Father Dominic Bishop Coleman F. Carroll O'Dwyer, Father Thomas conferred the Sacrament of Holy Q'Shea and Father James Mur- Orders on Father Martin Dev- tagh by Bishop Thomas Keogh ereaux, Father John McLaugh- at St. Mary Cathedral, Carlow. lin and Father Michael Sullivan Some 600 Adults And Children Were Confirmed D uring Bites Last Sunday In The Cathedral on May 14 in St. Mary's Cathe- On the same day at St. John's dral. Cathedral, Waterford, Bishop Michael Russell will ordain Fa- Father John McGowan was ther Christopher Stack to the ordained to the priesthood last priesthood while at the Cathe- Saturday by Archbishop Egidio dral of ' the Assumption in Vagnozzi, Apostolic Delegate to Thurles, Father Anthony J. the United States, at the Pon- O'Shea will be ordained by tifical College Josephinum in Bishop Thomas Morris. Worthington, 0. sweep Second hand •res+ed to 5otmospheines 169' Voice Photoe Bishop Coleman F. Carroll Confirms A Child Adult Is Confirmed By Bishop Edward Dalmau electronically 4 Polish Priests To Join Bishop In Concelebrated Mass time tested (Continued from Page 1) On Sunday, Jan. 30 Bishop Millennium of Christianity in Po- for, is affording them the oppor- Carroll offered Pontifical Low land this year," Bishop Carroll tunity to pay tribute to mission by the communist gov- Mass in the Cathedral to mark emphasized. Our Lady of Czestochowa, Po- ernment to lead a group of pil- the beginning of the Millenni- land's patron." grims to Poland for celebrations "The Diocese of Miami, there- um year.