Prophetic Voice of St John Paul II

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Prophetic Voice of St John Paul II Let's spread the Good Seed! By Sister Moira Debono, RSM,STD Prophetic Voice of St John Paul II This coming week marks the feast day of St John Paul II, one of the most-beloved popes by Catholics and non-Catholics alike who not only touched the world but left his mark on it by his words and activities. Is it a coincidence that this memorial is in Respect Life month?1 One of his succinct expressions of warning was declaring that we lived in a “culture of death.” It rang true when he wrote extensively about it in Evangelium Vitae, his encyclical on the Gospel of Life, and succeeding popes have repeated this ominous phrase. The culture of death includes those actions which are clearly death-dealing, abortion and euthanasia, and yet have become commonplace. However, for the popes the culture of death did not stop at only those two means of dreadful deaths. The culture of death invades our lives whenever the dignity of any individual is cheapened. In Evangelium Vitae, St Pope John II strenuously argued that capital punishment was to be avoided “except in cases of absolute necessity: in other words, when it would not be possible otherwise to defend society.”2 His argument includes that every person has been made in the image of God, and only He is the master of life, of every human life, even one that has done wrong. He concludes with the Catechism: “This is…more in conformity to the dignity of the human person".3 Yes, this recognition of dignity is true both for the one guilty of offending and for the society in which he/she resides. Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI has words that are also unsettling about where we find ourselves. In his encyclical on charity, Caritate in Veritate, he not only lists abortion and “eugenic programming” but a “a pro-euthanasia mindset…making inroads as an equally damaging assertion of control over life that under certain circumstances is deemed no longer worth living. Underlying these scenarios are cultural viewpoints that deny human dignity.”4 This very week the Netherlands has approved euthanasia for terminally ill children up to age 12 whose parents approve. (Euthanasia for anyone older is already permitted there). Benedict continues, “[t]hese practices in turn foster a materialistic and mechanistic understanding of human life.”5 In other words, there is a utilitarian view of human life which determines the value of something by what it can accomplish or produce. For utilitarians there is no value in simply existing. How opposite is this to the value God the Father places on human life who sent His Son to redeem everyone of us! As did St John Paul II, Benedict’s writings also condemn economic injustices perpetrated in our world. These injustices are not even seen as such when we do not have the informed consciences that would impel us to act to correct them. The “throwaway culture” of Pope Francis is his graphic image of the culture of death. We all know it is uncouth to litter and we are ecologically ignorant using too many disposable items. Yet, Pope Francis points out people are being used everyday and “thrown away.” Women and children, especially, are sexually exploited or are economic slaves. They are used, then tossed when they can no longer perform. Once again, utilitarianism raises its ugly head. He continued: A “culture of indifference accompanies the throwaway culture: things that do not affect me, do not interest me.”6 Indifference is scary. As Jesus related the parable of the Good Samaritan, he described those who should have known better just pass by the wounded traveler. Let’s be sure He wasn’t describing us. Are we being drawn insidiously into the culture of death, having hearts of stone, resistant to the cries against life around us? As Catholics we must transform such attitudes. Each person, you and I, are made in the image of God and we know that God is Love. Therefore, all are signs of God’s love. Our mission is to make that love visible in the world. That is the culture of life. The outpoured love of Christ has been given to us in all the sacraments, especially the Eucharist to prepare us to be live-giving for others. Reflection questions: Do I have an informed conscience? What do I do to promote the culture of life? Do I know the difference between being an individual and individualism? Am I able to explain to another the culture of life and the culture of death? Have I returned or is it time to be nourished by Sunday Mass and the sacrament of Penance? 1 Oct 22 was chosen as his Feastday as his pontificate began on this day. 2 John Paul II. Evangelium Vitae Encyclical, 1995. ii/en/encyclicals.index.html 56. It continues: “Today however, as a result of steady improvements in the organization of the penal system, such cases are very rare, if not practically non-existent”. 3 CCC, 2267 4 Benedict XVI, Caritate in Veritate Encyclical, 2009 xvi/en/encyclicals.index.html 75. 5 Benedict XVI, Caritate in Veritate Encyclical, 2009. 75 6Quoting Pope Francis at a homily of a daily Mass in 2018. women-are-victims-of-a-throwaway-culture/ Sr. Moira Debono Director for New Evangelization [email protected] ... .
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