""•OW,!*,,,, New J ersey Courier THE; IONS8R N1 w ar ESI O E* O-C E 4 N C O U N T


BUSINESS CARDS. BARNEOAT ADVERTISEMENTS. N ew J er sey C o u r ie r . SELECTED POETRY. Jist then the Deekin in the interest uv A Salvation Aimy Circus. Bill Nye on Rand-Shaking. Nerves in the Household. harmony announst his inteuahim uv I»nie«, CovriierthwMtt’ft Exchange, AMOVMEJJTON FOOT Til ASTONISH THK NATIVES Clouds with Silver Lining. whalin Lwaker, an prooeedid to do it, an There are two kinds of hand shakers There is hardly so Ainerioan family in OVEB THE TOST OFFICE, Chas. B. Mathis, —DAUNUM TO KB OUTDONE IN STREET PA- A . M . COX, ez tbopld man alius did bev muscle ther for whom I go armed. If lever alay my which some member is not a victim to Tom s Riven, O oban C o u n t y , N. J. BY MARY B. UOLBy, HADES AND “ D.M.LE1.DJAH LASSUS*’— WAR feliowmau nml hurl his surprised soul WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN DHALXB IN ALL KINDS ©F wnz the prospex uv a lively row. He CUAr.,OT8 AND A FOr.TT-POCNDER PIRl.NO some sort of nervous disease—neuralgia, There’s never a day so sunny iuto the bosom of the great hereafter, it 8. 0. JENNINGS, Editor and Publisher. jumped across the seats to the Sekretory’s THACTS IN TBB FACE* OF 8IHNEES-—TRUMP­ hysteria, the extreme of epilepsy, or the But a little cloud appears i (One copy 1 year...... 1200 DRUGS, MEDICINES, desk and hed Issaker by the throte, aud ETS AND TAMBOURINES TO SOUND THE " WAR will be either the man who graspa my mild form of constant “ tire." Women, Thore’s never a life bo happy TURKS.— -<0*b copyflmontlw...... i do LUMBER, Issaker hed him by tho hair whar it is the C lil" —CANVAS SOU THK CAMPAIGN (TO GOVMU hand with suoh an enthusiastic external oftencr young than old, are frequently (One copy 3 months...... CHEMICALS, PERFUMERY, But has Its time of te a rs ; 5,000 PEOPLE AT A TIUB—THE DEVIL TO UR tfabscriptionspayable in A finance. shortest, and they wuz a roll in on the pressure that it ooffiea back to me it quiv­ mere bundles of uerves ; tluu and blood­ AND COAL AND WOOD, Yet the sun ahluos out tho brighter LICKED ON IIIS OWN GROUND AND LARGE When the stormy tempest clears. ering, heterogeneous mass of .aonfustd less, living on morptiino aud valerian, T ransient Advsrtismbnts. — Twei»® lines, floor in less'ii no time ODD3 ON TH E ISSUE — LATE NEWS FROM FANCY TOILET ARTICLES, HARDWARE, aud abraded phluuges, or the man who known only in their homes or social lives one Inch space,) 76 cents one insertion. Each Thore’s never a garden growing In the meantime Bascom and Kernel HEADQUARTERS. Locks, Hinges, Screws, Kails, Glass, fcc. protrudes his lifeless baud toward mo additional insertion, CO cents. TRUSSES, With roics in every plo t; M’Pelter hed get into a teazle ez to what by tbe&i*. TsWtsh we real Doors Sash, Vfflou74/ngs, While Major Moore, the busy com­ Business Cards.—One inch space, $8.00 a year There’s never a heart so hardened the platform meant on the money ques­ aud lays it in my palm as he would a link enough to carry them to the edge ol tho each additional inch, $4.00. Shoulder. Braces, Syringes, Shingles, la th , Lime, Cement, Brick, mander-in-chief of the Salvation Army in Arc., Ac, But It has one tender sp o t; tion, and the rest uv the citizens got into of bologna snueage. The last man en­ grave, if too vaguo for any ordinary General Advertising. — Our rates will be the United States, had an “ off day” re­ made known upon application a t this office, PAINTS, OILS, LOW H3ST PRICES. We have only to prune t^e border a squabble ez to whether Cleveland wnz hances and enriches the act very muoh medicine to touob. An emiuent physi­ either personally or by letter. Office and Y ard on B ay S treet, To find the forget-me-not. cently in Asbury Park and Ocean Grove, by looking at you with the cold, uuira- cian has hit upon a treatment for this VARNISHES AMD DYE-STUFFS. BarneRat, N. J. iy45 a Dimocrat at all or not, beooz Tammany Legal Advertisements.—At rates allowed by Thore’s never a cup so pleasant he detailed to his friend and host, in the poasioned eyo of a dead oodflsb. class of invalids whioh is said to be sac- law, opposed him, and the npshot uv the biz- Physicians’ Prescriptions Carefully Prepared But has bitter with the sweet: familarity of his genial nature, some pro­ I oau forgive a lady sometimes for de­ cessfnl He removes them from homo, Special Notices (In local column), 10 cents a nis wnz a row wich inclooded every Dim- at all hoars. . There’s uovor a path so rugged jects that were takiug shape in his active line for first Insertion; subsequent insertions,8 ocrat present except me, and we broke up positing a little warm mass of forty-four changes the whole material and moral Fashionable Millinery That bears not the print of fe et; centB a line. Proprietor of MATHIS’ QUARTER DOL­ brain for the enlargement of the sphere of button kid iu my hand with no apparent atmospheve about them, puts thorn to bed AND LADIES’ GOOD8. And we have a Holper promised without passin any resolooshens or rati­ LAR FAMILY LINIMENT. Iy40 “Army operations” in thia country in the emotion—in the hand. It is the eye, For tho trials we may meet. fying the nomination at all. and forbids them to move hand or foot. BUSINESS CARDS. TOM 8 RIVER, NEW JERSEY. Deekin Pogram and I retired to the character, habits, political economy and after all, that I want to shake hands They are overfed five times a day. Tho MRS. JO SIE A. N EILL, There’s never a sun that rises social life of which, the Major thinks, his back room uv Basoom's, and while the with. laok of exeroiao is supplied by kneading M 'W & J l T But we know it will set at night; old foe, the devil, lias too prominent a ALBERT C. MARTIN, S NOW PREPAR ED to offer a full and old Saint wuz a washing the blood orf 1 remember, even now, after a stormy the entire body, and by elentrieHy, The A. A. BRANT, The tints that gleamed lu the morning hand. I complete stock of Fashionable Millinery Goods, At evening are just as b rig h t; career as postmaster and through the toil patient goes to bed a skeleton au4*comes Attorney and Solicitor in Chancery, DEALER IN ALL KIND8 OF and other articles of Ladies’ Goods, adapted to the his face we had a oonversnsben over the Pali and Winter season. Her stock embraces And the hour that is the sweetest platform. It is to oheokmate his satauio majesty and persecution of politics, a pair of out, it is said, fat and rosy. The secret OOlce over the Bank, all qualities from the cheapest to the B E S T and save the world from his dominations grades, which she Is prepared to dispose of Is between the dark and light. “ Parson,” sed tho old man, “ what is bright eyes that used to conio about even in this treatment is absolute rest, and that the Major lays awake nights forming with the breost pocket of my ovoraoat the redaction of the patient to a condi­ Toms Riv er , n . J. LUMBER, CHEAP FOR CASH! There's never a dream th at’s happy the reel meanin uv the platform ?" But the waking makes us sad ; plane. His two by two scouts, going and how I used to shake haudB with tion of a mere animal. COAL AND WOOD, Extra Fine flats, “ Anything yoo like,” was tho reply, There’s never a dream of sorrow oat to towns and cities with their tam­ them, God bless them ; I didn't soem to If this prinoiplo be correct, there is no J. HOLMES BIRDSALL, Fine French Flowers, “ anything yoo like. Remember its a h a r d w a r , e , Bat the waking makes ns glad ; bourines, have an unexpectedly gratify­ know whether I had one hand or Bix roBBou why every mother should not ap­ ATTORNEY AT LAW, Laces, Silks, Dimocratik platform, and a Democratik Locks, Hinges, Screws, Kails, Class, See. Ribbons, Ties, Ac. We shall look some day with wonder ing result. It looks and reads like a in my grasp. I didn't care. I was an ply it in tho ’ i'eatment of her nervous Master and Examiner in Chancery, At the troubles we have had. platform must be comprehensive." Doors, Sash, B linds & M oldings. Also a large assortment, of all grades and quali­ modern repetition of “ The Acts," as inebriate, aud ont of thoao brown eyfis patient (for she is sure to have one.) Her AND NOTARY PUBLIC, “ Does it mean free trade or partook- ties of There’s never a way so narrow originally oompiled by St. Luke. Tho OFFICE on Main Street,- epposltc the Shingles. lath, Lime, Cement.. Brick, shun ? " if 'iK becoming more aud more iutori- husband is over-worked in the office or HOSIERY AND GLOVES. But the entrance Is made straight; Ocean House, * c . , arc. momentum has been increae d by brass cafced. shop ; ho grows thinner aud more irrita­ LOWEST PRICES. There’s always a guide to point us “ Either or both, or neither.” TOMS III Villi, K. J . Kid GHoves a Specialty. bands, big drums and plenty of convert­ All J knew about the h; nd was that it ble ; every xnontbh is appetite fails; ho 6 Office and Yard on Robbins street, To the " little wicket gate “ Parson, wunst on a time an ekestrian ed oornets and banjos ; but the campaign was a good hand, and I did not call for a cannot sleep ; complains of dull vacuity Near Post Office and Hotels. 2T And the augels will be th e nearer attempted the perilous feet uv riding too I. W. CARMICHAEL, To a sonl that is desolate. hosses wioh wuz goin in different direck- for 1885 ia to be on a broader scale, new deal. at the baBe of his brain, of a stricture like and in its line of march is to outrival Dear reader, I know what you expect an iron band abont bin jr.wr. There is Counselor at Law and THOMAS ROBERTS, There’s never a heart so haughty shuns. It resnltid in a total failyoor, an Adam Forepangh or the redoubtable mo to say. Yon think I'm going to soy no Wins to lose. If possible lift tho Master in Chancery, AUMACK’S YARD. Manufacturer of But will some day bow and kneel;. he wuz split in too and his blood drenched There’s never a heart so wounded the arena,” Barnnrn. that those laughiug eyes are now closed weight a little. Adopt a oheapor, sim Office on Main street, Opposite Railroad Depot, Toms River. First, an iuiuieiiuu uuuvus urcuu in to be TIN AND SHEET-IRON WARE, That the Saviour cannot heal; “ Deekin, I recognize tho parable. But in eternal sleep, that the lilllo round pier style cf living, let the floors go un- TOMS RIVER, N. J. There is many a lowly forehead prepared, with all the adjuncts of gay yoo must remember we aint ridin two hand that used to work itself into a paper oarpeted or take out the monoy iu the LUMBER. COAL That is hearing the hidden seal. banners, bearing Scripture mottoes, bag of coramols so gently aud accurately, savings bank. There will come no J. W. WEBB, M. D., TIN ROOFING AND SPOUTING. bosses jist now. Wo hev only promised LIME, CEMENT AND BRICK, Also Dealer in There’s never a day so sunny to ride ’em. We hev not yit got into the seating capacity and rings for knee drill is folded over its comrade iu death’s rainier day thau this. Give him a month’s But a little cloud ap p ears; HOMCEPATHIST, saddle. We hev promised to ride the and the “ free and easy.” This will bo mysterious repose, but such is not tho abfiolute holiday freo from worry and DOORS, SASH AND BLINDS, Stoves, Heaters, Ranges, House­ There’s never a life so happy preceded to places on its line of progress case. work, feed him well, nmnso him. Let nurN s t r e e t , (four doors north of postofflee,) perteckshun boss and likewise the free furnishing Goods, Cutlery, But has bad its time of tears; by immense posters, warning sinners, They still continue to do business at the this holiday be taken in tbo country, or Also, Blacksmiths’ Coal, Yet the sun shines out the brighter trade hoss, but wo don’t have to get onto TOMS RIVER, N. J . and showiug piotorinlly how the Salvation old stand and defy competition. Homowhorc on the water, out of sight or Lamps, Lanterns, Glassware, etc. When the stormy tempest clears. em till after the November elekshun. The Office Hours: 7 to 8 a. m.; 12 to 2, and e to 7 AT LOWEST PRICES FOR CASH. soldiers pick drunkards out of the gutter, Finally, however, my brethren, tbo hearing of daily work and cares. Nino P. M. 18 All orders for new work er repairing, or repairs post offises and custom housos are then chances out of ten ho will come hack a ____ W M. AtJMACK. ana bricks for stoves, heaters, ranges, etc., sekoored, and after that we kin ride either draw loafing legions from beer salooue, man or womau who does not shake hands C. W. POTTER, promptly attended to. Please give me a call. FAMILY READING. blarney the sous of St. Patrick withsongB with the heart had better reform. Sooner now rnau. boss, or neither, ez we Bee fit. Tho mane Or is it one of the hoys who is pale, NOTARY PUBLIC with N otarial Seal, BLUE FRONT STORE, pint is to git the offises. After that we of Zion, and pour joyous sunlight into thnn hold tho clammy daw of a fulae and AND The Corners Ratify the Nomination. broken hearts and starving homes, by galvanized friend, I would cheerfully Who has constant heudauliefl, whoso face FRANKLIN HARRIS MAIN STREET, TOMS RIVEE, N. J. will take our chances with the people. ComuiiNsioner of Deeds for State of New York, rescuing men and women from rum and nml even hilariously shake the genuine jerks strangely in tho spring, who has Surrogate’s Office, Toms River, N. J. 24 DEALER IN ALL KINDS OF AND Confederate X Roads, (Wiob is in the We git four years lease n v power anyhow. tho devil. moody fancies complaints of injustice, State uv Kentucky) July 14.—The noose Do yoo see ?” camel's hair tail of n soured aud oyuioul GREEN STREET, TUCKERT0N, has doubts of the Bible. It is tbo boy CALVIN C. HAVENS, uv the nominashen uv Cleveland for the “ Principle?” sed the Deekin inquir­ Thus tho grand entree will ho charac­ government mule. It may indicate n GROCERIES Where a full lino of the above articles are for teristic. If Mr. Mayor’s police have to warped aud unnatural mentul condition, wiio is head of his ciusft, too. The lad Surveyor ami Conveyancer, sale under the management of Presidenny by the Dimecratio Nashnel ingly. AND but I am that way. does not need moral discipline, or ap­ Oonvenshnn at Chicago, reeebfc the Cor­ “ My principle, my deer old frend, ic to escort the caravan of our popular show­ TOMS RIVER, N. J. CHAS. B. ROBERTS. peals to his footings or iiis faith. Tako ners by mule express from the station at hev the post oftls at the Corners. Yoors men, of course they will be expooted to PROVISIONS, The Back Yard. him from school, and from home, ttirn him All business intrusted to me will receive imme­ Orders received for Iron and Wooden Pumps, Secessionville. To say that tho noose shood be to git yoorself warm in the col­ treat tho “ hallelujah lasses” with manly diate attention. Orders by mall promptly re­ Digging and cleaning out wells, repairing pumps, courtesy and protection, and each town Many book yards are abomiuatious to on a farm for a year. He will learn souio sponded to. 23tf plumbing, gas fitting, etc. 81 evoked the profoundest sensashen is put- lectors offis. See ?” OPPOSITE RAILROAD DEPOT, things there as useful in hfs future life tin it altogether too mild. The bora waz The Deekin did see, and within five or city will witness a parade, with vocal the eyo and nose. One finds iu them all TOMS R IV E R , N. J. as Greek or geometry. Muko him bathe E. W. SNYDER, tooted from the front uv Bascom’s gro* minutes he wuz moppin tho blood from and all aorta of niusio. The great feature sorts of litter and refuse, from oyster regularly, eat heartily, drink milk and FASHIONABLE TAILOR, Keeps on hand a good assortment GEO. W . WELSH’S SON, eery, and at the summons the citizens uv his face on the street, and boornyin for of tho march, however, will be th e " War shells to old boots. Here the slops of Cry Chariot,” built after the models of the kitchen are poured to inoranHB the beef tea, sleep early at night and late in Cowperthwait’s Exchange, M ain St., the Corners rallied at the meeting house Cleveland and the platform, A similar BUILDERS’ HARDWARE, Amioidab and the “ Queen of the South” odors which ought to warn every health­ tho morning. It is not the mind but the T om s R iv er , N. J. 253 GREENWICH ST., and we organized ourselves to-wunst into conversation with Issaker Gavitt perdoost machine that needs repairing, CEDAR SHINCLES, Ac. a ratification meeting. similar res alts, and at 11 o'olook at nite who came to see Solomon ; and besides ful person of the malarial influences N E W Y O R K . Or ia it the mother’s own ar^i or head ALSO, I took the cheer, ez a matter of course, they wnz both sleepin the sleep uv a this an immense Krnpp gun, well mount­ breeding there, to break out eventually that tortures her with neuralgia. At any COMMISSIONER 07 DEEDS and Issaker Gavitt wuz yoonanimonsly gallon of whiskey on tho floor at Has- ed on its caisson, and manned by Salva- in fevers or diphtheria. If any member HENRY A. DORSETT, oust, give the suffering part heat and ab­ FINE GOLD WATCHES, appointed Sekretary, he bein the only corn’s. iJanArroy lasses, who charge and fire of the family dies from one of these dis­ OF BERKELEY TOWNSHIP. 14 solute rest, wrap it in cotton and flannels UPHOL8TBEEE, Stem-winding, Q 3 0 t o 9 6 0 and oitizen nv the Dimecratio persuasion in “ Dimecratio harmony 1” remarkt lias- continuous volleys of salvation traots on eases, his death is probably lameuted as to excludo the air. Let the arm stop its HARRISON GOBLE, npwardi. the Corners wioh hez the gift uv writin, corn smilinly, to wioh I assented. the tena of thousands who may be sup­ a “ mysterious dispensation of an All- COWPERTHWAIT'S EXCHANGE, working and the brain its thinking. Ladies', 9 1 0 t o 9 1 6 and upwards ceptin myself, and nv course I can’t I can’t understand why voters don’t posed to line the sidewalks andoongregato Wise Divine Providence,” but if the min­ (8. F. Irons’ Undertaking Rooms,; In abort, the home treatment of all BAKER he President and Sekretary uv the same understand Dimoeratio Convcnshuns al the street owners. ister would visit tho back yard ho would TOMS RIVER, I . J. Main St., nearly opposite the Post Office, nervous disorders Bhould be based on meetin. better. Wat do I care for platforms any­ All this, however, is preliminary. Jn say that the death was caused solely by a Furniture repaired, chairs reseated, boat cush­ TOMS R IV E R , N. J. violation of hygienic laws, throe words—change, warmth, aud rest. ions made to order, and all kinds of general Job­ Silver Hunting American Watches The followin resoloosheu wuz to-wunst how ? I like this platform espeahily, for the huge circus they intend to preach the bing done at reasonable prices. 39 A very strong argnment against a dirty —Century. FULL LIKE OF BREAD, CAKE and Stem-winding, 8 12 t o 8 1 8 . submitted : it ia so constructed that Watteraou, nv gospel to “ every creature," as they claim A Pies, ami everything usually kept in a conn- back yard is tbo spirit of deception which try bakery, constantly on hand. Large Cake Onr reputation for good time-keeping Watches Resolved, That the Dimocrisy of Con­ Looiaville, wioh is Free trade, and Ran­ they are commissioned by the head of the The Kean Kan. S A M U E L C. B A IL E Y , made to order. Hot Bread and Rolls every morn­ nas oeen known in South Jersey for forty years, Church. General Booth and wife, and it is apt to foster in the young members ing for breakfast. Ten and Twenty Cent Cake a and onr standard is better than ever. federate X Roads hev heard with mingled dall, of Pennsylrany, wich is High P ro­ DIALER IN specialty. Also, a fall line of confectionery. Major Moore to do. of the family, for it is a constant deoeit We sometimes wonder what a mean Very thankful for past favors, I solicit a contin­ JHJWBJLFLY. emoshens nv pleasure and gratitood nv tective Tariff, kin both stand on it, em- uance of yonr patronage. 1 When this immense salvation circus to present a dean and attractive front man thinks abont when ho goes to bed. FRESH AND SALT MEATS, SILVIB AND p l a t e d w a b e the nominashen uv that sterlia patriot and bracineach other in harmony. yard to the gate o f passersby, while the When be turns out the light and lies PRODUCE, A c of all the newest designs, always lu stock. world renowned statesman, Cleveland It is so worded that Watterson will and menagerie shall be ready to take tbo At living prices. A KICE ASSORTMENT OF We challenge comparison in down, when the darkness cloaca in about uv— support it in Kentncky, ez a demand for road, and where its debut is determined back yard is not fit to be seen. Children Cor. Main and Washington Streets, WATCH REPAIRING him and he is alone. And not a bright for quality of work, all of which Is done on the Ther ensood at this pint a most okkerd reform in tho tariff leanin towards Free upon will be duly stated in onr columns, should be taught to be olean for the sake l7ly T oes River, N. J, premises. of cleanliness, and not besanse outsiders thought, not a manly aot, not a word of I pause. Trade, and Randall will support it ekelly and also at greater length and perspicuity 14-k. GOLD CHAINS, 08 crnU per dwt. blessing, not a grateful look cornea to DAVID MERRELL. Manufactured in same style as custom work, con­ “ What State is Cleveland from ? ” in­ in Pennnylvauy, becoz it is for reform iD of detail in the weekly War Cry. So cloar arc likely to criticise them. Do not allow stantly on hand and for sale by SOLID 8ILVKR FORKS A14!> SPOONS $1.06 per blfift* him again. Not a penny dropped o». quired the Cheerman uv the Committy on the tariff with a decided leenin to Per- the track for a hallelujah time next se*. anything to be thrown abont. Have Wheelwright and Carriage Maker, into the outstretched palm of poverty, LEOPOLD WISSMACH, DIAMOND COLLAR BUTTONS, $5 and upwards. Resolooshens, tecksbun. aoa.—Aeburji Park liepubliean. drains mode to convey all slops entirely Mechanics' Row, Toms River, N. J. Bancroft's building, three doors north post office DIAMOND STUDS, $10 and upwards. away from the bonne, make good walks, nor the balm of a loving word dropped DIAMOND EARRINGS, $20 and upwards. “ Uv Noo York,” I answered promptly. I bev red that plunk keerfnlly, and I The subscriber having had an experience of TOMS RIVER, N. J. The Mormon Temple. iuto an aching heart, no sunbeam of forty years at the business, believes he can do as DIAMOND RINGS, $12 and upwards. The blank wnz filled in, wen nnforchn- defy anyone to perdoose a man nv any and let the gronnd have a fine covering good work as the best, and as cheap as the cheap­ of grass, not weeds. Make it a m is to onoouragement oast npon a straggling est, having worked In th , best shops In the city DIAMOND LACKPISN, $15 and upwards. nitly it was sejested that ez the resoloo­ shade uv opinynn, wioh I can’t soot ont The great building at Bait Lake City, of New York. DIAMOND BRACELETS, $20 and upwards. life—when none of these things ooroe shens wnz agoin out to the world it wood uv that platform, pervided I know what which the Mormons have been twenty- have the baok yard at all times as olean Painting and Trimming done la the best man­ to him as the “ God bless you ” of the ner. Thankful for past favors, he solicits a con­ MORROW, DAY * CO. Old Gold and Silver taken in Exchange. be decent to pnt in his fust name, and the man desires invariably in advance. eight years in constructing, is approach­ a« the front one. tinuance of the same. departed day, how he mast try to roll ONLY STORE ON A CORNER, not one nv us knowd wat it wnz. It will be a rather diffikilt campane to ing completion. The main walla are MAN U FAC TUHERS OF All of the Symptoms. away from himself and sleep on the other and five blocks above Liberty Street Ferry. Deekin Pogram insisted that it must flte, becoz our speekers, will hev to pre­ done. It is bnilt of granite, which is NAYLOR & ROBBINS, side of the bed. When the only victory be Androo. “ The fust vote I oast for a pare a speech for each State they go into. hauled from the mountains, back of Balt “ Bay, Gap., can you give me a small CEDAR LUMBER REMEMBER~the NUMBER, he can think of is some mean victory, in Dimecnt for President,” he remarkt, Iowa and Wisconsin wid require one Lake, on wagons or tracks, with wheels contribution for campaign expenses?” Dining Saloon, OF ALL KINDS. which he has wrongod a neighbor. No 2 5 3 ! “ wnz for a Androo, Androo Jaxon, and kind nv a speech and Pennaylvany and twelve feet high. The walls are ten feet said a tramp, stepping up to a business Attn Mill and Office at Forked River, wonder he always sneers when he tries ». E. U ln a PARK PLACE. 44 the last Dimeoratic President we had wnz Ohio quite another. Pledgin sekoority in thickness and eighty-five in height. It man. “ I am doing a little collecting to to smile. When there is ao much suf­ BILLIARD HALL, 6ml6* OC RAN COUNTY, N. J. another Androo, Androo Jonson. This to the nigger can’t be dwelt upon very has cost up to this tim et 1,500,000, which help things along.’’ fering aud heartache and misery in the ON WATER STREET, near Main, man, Cleveland, his name must be An- lively in Looisiana and Mississippi, and has been collected by the tithing tax. It " Which party are yon a representative world, anyhow, don’t be mean, my boy. TOMS RIVER, IK. J. Fire Association droo.” they will hev to be rather keerfol dodgin will require six yearn more to finish the of ?'' aaked the merchant. CEDAR LUMBER. work. Probably no other church building “ Now which would you suppose, .Suffer injustice a thousand times rather I P MKALS AT ALL HOURS. • OF PHILADELPHIA. And so it went into the resolooshens between Southern and Northern Georgia AVIKG recently erected a Steam Saw Mill, in the United States has been constructed judging by my personal appearance ?” than commit it onoe. An parties wishing a good round meal, cheap, H about one and a half milea north of Manna- O r g a n i z e d 1 8 1 7 . Androo Cleveland.” on the tariff question. hawkin, Ocean Co., N. J., and having commenced in a way to secure such durability as is “ Well, that ia rather a difficult qnea will do well to give me a call. to cut off a large tra c t of excellent Cedar T im ber I diskivered a diffikilty the minnit I Bat a man wich hezn’t sense enuff to A Singular Book. Sarly breakfast before the leaving of tb-t first CASH CASH tion. From your hungry and hopeless morning train. n e a r it, I have on hand or can cut to order at red the platform, Deekin Pogram is, an write three or four speeches and to make possible to this. Borne of thoae who pre short notice The m at curious bojk in the world ia Fresh lager beer alwayr on hand. alias hez been, a violent free trader, proper inquiries afore he opens liis diet the early ruin of the Mormon bier- look I mijht take you for a Greenback- Boat Boards and Plank, ISURPLU81 one that ia neither written nor printed. NAYLOR & ROBBINS, while Issaker Gavitt is, and hez bio, a mouth ez to wat people want in any given arcy are wondering what nse they can er ; from yonr assumed pious expres Bridge and Tank Plank, Every letter of the text ia eat iuto the ly!2 PROPRIETORS. Siding, Inch Hoard*. violent pertektionist, ever sence he se- lokality, don’t deserve to lie employed make of this temple. sion sod the extent of ysnr cheek I ‘ $1,250,000. ------»«♦»<------leaf, and, as the slterasto leaves are of Shingle*, lath . kocred a interest in a rolling mill wich by a Dimecratio Central Committy. Sich would say you are a Republican ; bnt MORTIMER LA\E, Fence Posts and Balling, The Lord's Prayer. when I catch the aroma of yonr breath blue paper, it la as easily read as the IJ 9 sum Eastern capytalists establisht on his « man is not to be trusted. All that in Fence Rail* and Stake*, best print. The labor required and the H o u s e a n d S ig n P a in t e r , Yacht Knee* and Frame*, father’s farm. I supposed, however, needed in a apeeker is grate powers nv A correspondent writes to Notes and and note the size and color of your i The AMSoclatloa continue* to Injure from lom I set yoo down as a Democrat every patience necessary to out each letter may Toma River, X. J . Telegraph Pole*, by Fire, buildings, furniture and merchandise that I hed em both fixed. I red it to constrackshen. Queries : “ An old preacher, who many Hop Poles, Ac. generally. In all parts of the United State*. years ago went home to the better land, time.” be magined. The w^rk ia ao perfect will attend to all order, for OCEAN COUNTY AGENCY: em separately, and ermstrood to Issaker P etroleum V. Nasbt, (Constmer>. The Mill and Swamp are alongside the track of was very particular when using that that it seem* almost as though done by the Tnckerton Railroad, and within three miles of that nothing could be more perteckshnn, The lawyers have not always had the House and Sign Painting, a landing on Barnegat Bav, affording facilities GOW DY BLOCK, grand prayer, and always prayed, * Give machinery, but every character was made for shipping Lumber by Rail or Boat to all points. and to the good old Deekin that it Managing Stoves. best of the argument, for on s certain oc­ Graining, ] ialsomining, TOMS RIVER, K. J. ii*day by d«y our daily bread.’ And, by band. The book ia entitled, “ The PLANING. wuz ez wildly free trade ez even he eood casion so attorney thinking to mske a PAPER HANOISO, JOSEPH W . SHINN, Age i t. Miss Parloa, in a recent lecture in New again, * Leave us not in temptation, but Psaaion of C hrist” It tea very old vol­ Machine Surface Placing done at reasonable iyi4______deeire. joke at the expense of s journalist, sent Carriage Painting and Glaring, rates. York, said one of the most frequent mis­ deliver us from evil.’ I may aay that he ume, and was a curiosity m long ago aa JAME3 S. HULMR, Mannahawkln, N. J. The platform wtz red by myself and him the following lines: Will endeavor to fill his contracts, whether ver­ takes people mske is in putting on too was a learned mao in language*, and the year 1640. At thte time it belong* to bal or w ritten , with promptness Residence; Mount Holly, If. J. 1/1 NOTICE TO FARMERS I we proposed another resoloosben approv­ much cosh Never have the coal come shrank from imagining that Deity shonid I slept In sc editor's bed ls*t night. the family of the Prince de Ltgne, and is HE TINCYNT0WN MARL COMPANY ing that. Then trubble ensood. When no other chanced to be nigh ; T Is prepared to furnish Marl to th* farmers above ‘.he lining of any stove. I t is a lead us in temptation. Now, will some kept at a museum in France. OCEAN COUNTY AGENCY WILLIAM T . HOWELL of Ocean county at Deekin Pogram, who is a violent free waste of fuel, and the fire will not be so How I thought m I tumbled the editor's bed, trader, riz to remark that he oood vote reader kindly tell n* whether my old How easily editors lie. “ I s a surprised, Mr. Brown, that you Has now in atore a • I2 .B 0 p e r C ar L o a d , bright and clear because the draught friend’■ interpretation was correct? I Delivered at the Pennsylvania R. R. station at for that platform with his bole hart and will not be so good. When not using the The journalist was equal to the occa­ don’t like o r new minister. Why, I think QUEEN INSURANCE COMPANY, Large and Well-Selected Stock Toms River. This Mail Is the best In quality of when using the prayer, follow his prac­ O f Liverpool end London. any produced in tae State. sole, He hed bin a free trader all his Ere keep the dampen closed ; it will be sion, and immediately penning the fol­ he is perfectly lovely, and he OF life, and he never knowd a Dimecratio tice, — I cannot but think there ia both lowing lines sent them to the lawyer - such stirring eermooa.’’' “ Well, 1 C a p i t a l , ...... £2,000,000. reedy when needed, then open tbs Km vod beauty in nw STOVES, HEATERS, RANGES, is River, N. J. Conreushun to plant itaelf so cleerly an draughts. For cooking, either on top of If the lawyer slept la the editor's bed. say I like him." “ Wbnt pawttemter e»jifj. Relimble, Prompt, Honorable. GEORGE F. BROWN, .superintendent, explicitly on the side nv free trade since When no other chanced to be ntifh ; tion have you to him r “ Well, mslsms, Hollow W are of all kinds, lytT* vincentown, N. J. the stove or in the oven, no matter how Bishop Clark, writing ia the Independ­ be hed been in pollytix. ent, says : “ A student in the Andover And though he has written, and nalrcly said, I’ll be frank with you. His votes te ao JOSEPH W. 8HINN, A*% hot the fire denired, having the coal come How easily editor* II*; TINWARE, Tmaker Gavitt riz to aay be eood vote nearly to the top of the lining, tb s fin seminary, whom I well knew and who D. m . B U N TIN G , for that tariff plank with all hi* hart, be lie must then admit, as he lay oa that bed GOWDY BLOCK, Toms River, N. J. Wood and Iron Pumps, ought to last four hours without new coal afterward became a very useful minister, And slept to Us heart's desire, he’s preaching that it’* almost wwoiMAiM . . . m nr cos that plank showed that the Dimocrisy to bear the eonvenation oftte • i n k s , s rr e.. or poking. The top of the stove may be was suspended for a while because of the VYhste er be may say of the editor 's bed. For Insurance in the lower part of Ocean cown- hed finelly got right on the tariff ques­ offence that he gave when it earn his Twss the lawyer himself was the Uer. mg the sermon.” ly, Tnckerton and vicinity, apply to A. W. BAY- Which he offer* a t reduced rate*. BEEF, TEAL, MUTTON, red-hot, and the coal piled up to the lid*, WOOD, Tnckerton, N. J. » tion, the plank, ex be red it, being for and yet the oven will not bake. It te be­ turn to * return thanks,’ at the does of SALT PORK. HAMS. 8ADSA0I. i in the way of '‘Quick Sales and Small Profits.” the prota&ahira uv American industry the common dinner, by venturing to cause there ia loo mneh coal, and the uvofone plants that 4 U S D , B0L0GHA, Sc., fa.. It wnz encnmdgin to them wich hslsevtd _*e*t that, if it were ooMsotaat with Washington Street, near Main. draagfct is stopped by i i The practice the young women of the large rittea, the is now tented, on I Handsome Fosters in program and tech, to bev the Dteaoorfey the divine purpose, it would he gratify­ ALLEHTOWR. *. J. of baring the top of a stove or range red- pointed shoe tea and high heel rw Bainl, tin t n Mnddnrwort ron nv (be nation rite on thte m o * im p o rtan t hot will eocu destroy it. ing to have some improvement in the p in t. loogur seen, The new style o# shoe EXCURSIONS, THE BUST FLACK TO BUY 1 Do yoo pertood to nay that the Dim- shown a heel not move than an inch ia HARNESS Unices a man believes in son height, placed where it rightfully be­ CHURCH FESTIVALS, by a Michigan mad dog. Hi* friends are DAT B f M i n UVXRT CTTICX. U Q T 8 S 3 ahwekedtbe Deekin, I it ' outside of self—something far longs, and the toe is round aud wide. 1 6 t h Y E A R The material is soft calfskin, aud the AUCTION SALES, S Tn Il^i5 S :SSSa to me it is for fi sh ops fotiows thui of the foot ■ t e a Etc.. Etc., Etc., Hopewell Semin&ry, 1 Yen old an , o n t yoo andsntend T oni COTTKti j M l Proapti, F n il4 4 «t ‘4 . it Bitten?engmM oe* a grant deal of su£ena< II)* I-* ylKMAF. I - n ’t epeXL one saloon to every thirty- ’ good rad i Courier Office, Tom s River, tn. Box 115, Lairwftod. Orraa lo o ire a tool and aSne wnx." (ted. \

From Our Washington Correspondent. Republican State Convention. Facilitie« for Reaching the Seaside. N ew J ersey C o u r ie r . Heal E ita te Conveyance!. JOHN H. WELSH, A SUMMER 8AL.E! W ashington, D . 0 ., Aug. 11th. The Convention to nominate a Repub­ There sever has been a time when the Entered fo r record in the Ocean County Clerk’e IMPORTER OP FUNHUL GF MRU EAST CROSS. lican electoral tiokefc for New Jersey was numberless reaorte of the New Jersey Office J o r the week ending August 12,1884. o r Bay head Land Company toWm. Harris, lots The funeral of Sergeant William H. held, pursuant to call, in the Taylor ooaat were so easy of Looesa to people of at B aybead. Dated July 19,1884. Considera­ Oroas, the first of the Greely expedition Opera House, Trenton, last Wednesday. the adjacent States as jhe present. From tion, #2,000. FINE WATCHES to perish, took place from bis late resi­ Major Z. K. l'angborn, of Jersey City, New York, Pennsylvania, Delaware, and Edward Howe to Leavitt Howe, lots at Bay- AND hesd. Dated July 81, 1884. Consideration, Heavy Winter Clothing. dence in this city yesterday afternoon. was ohsinaan ; Edward L. Anderson, of Maryland, the lines of the Pennsylvania ♦600. JEWELRY. The largest attendance was present that Mercer, Stephen H. Little, of Morris, system connect closely at Philadelphia or C harles W. Matson to Rachel A. Brower, lot has been seen here at a funeral since and William Watkins, Jr., of Gloucester, at P o in t Pleasant. Dated Juue 14,1884. Con­ elsewhere with the seashore road*, mak­ sideration, $166. The idea of offering for sale HEAVY AND MIDDIiE-WEIGHT Garfield’s. Pennsylvania Avenue, from were chosen secretaries. On taking the ing it possible for residents of the sections Frank 8klnnerto Annie C. Hagerraan, lots MY FINE WATCHES, SU ITS AND OVERCOATS to the farmers in the hot weather of Jnly and TOSIS RIVER. N. J. August is neither stupid, absurd nor impractical. Every farmer, whether 2d street to the Congressional Cemetery chair, Major Pangborn mode a vigorous named to reaoh the Atlantic with, in at M anhasset. Dated Dec. 27. 1888. Consid­ oth a»TEM AND KEY W IN D IN G , warrant­ (a distance of over smile), was lined with and able address in which lie arraigned most cases, a single! change of cars, eration, 0688. ed to run within two minutes a year. landed proprietor, tenant or laborer, has always on hand a little spare Annie C. Hagerman to Wm. E. Pearson, lots Wednesday Afternoon, August 13, 1884. people who hod gathered to watch the the Democratic party as tho enemy of From Philadelphia, nine express trains at Manliasset. Dated Aug. 0,1884. Consider­ Silver Hunting American Watches, money, and to these good people we propose offering such inducements in ation, *800. W inter Clothing that the stupidity will be on th eir part if they do not buy procession pass. Rev. Dr. Chas. C. the laboring classes aud charged it with leave every week day | one additional on Stem Winding, from $16.00 to $20.00. Entered at the Poet Office at Tome River, ae Andrews, rector of Christ Church, de­ attempting to bring the wages of the H elen M. Phillips to Walter H. Bacon, lot Also, Sole Agent lo r Greenwich Street of the a t this sale the clothing they will need next winter. We have placed upon Saturday and four on!Sunday, for Atlan­ at P o in t Pleasant City. Dated Aug. 9,1884. second-class m ail matter. livered an eloquent sermon, in wliioh he working men down to the level of the our counters our entire winter stock remaining from last winter, beside tic City; throe for Ca|pe May on week- Consideration, 11,600. PATENT INLAID BRACELETS; any quantity of new, fresh stock made to complete the assortment. These recounted the heroism of the deceased, pauper wages of Europe. He reminded days, one on Bnndajy; and seven on W m. 8. Ringgold to Thomas X. Orr, lots at Also. Pin and Ring; Patent granted Aug. 28,1870. REPUBLICAN NATIONAL TICKET. and made use of the following remarks : the Convention that the Democratic party W averly. Dated July 14, 1884. Consideration, Also, a great variety of different kinds of goods are first class in every respect, of our own manufacture. We back week-days, one additional on Saturday ♦1,575. therewith our own guarantee to return you your money if you do not think “ Sorgoant Cross was a hero in its best when in power had ou three different end two cn Sunday, for Long Branch, W m. 8. Ringgold to Edwin Jefferies, lots at Jewolry of the Best Quality. you have secured a great bargain. Now then, if you want a suit or overcoat FOB PliESIDKNT, sense, because he was a stalwart, unflinch­ occasions reduced the tariff, and that Waverly. Dated July 14, 1884. Consideration, and the long list of resorts on th e upper *1,515. ould call attention also to a choice assort­ for about half the money you will be able to buy i t for after our every time the country went to the verge ment of JAM ES G. BLAINE, ing champion of duty. Men liko this coast. These trains jun at hoars best W m . 8 . Ringgold to Wm. R. Ringgold, lots OF MAINE. are glorious in their life and example. of bankruptcy and disaster, and notwith­ suited to the needs of travelers, and at Waverly. Dated July 14, 1884. Considera­ Who would leavo the ploasnres of homo, standing this they are trying to do tho reach, direct or by connection, every tion, *845. DIAMONDS, REMOVAL Especially selected for my Retail Trade. FOIL VICE-rnKStDENT, of family and friends to encounter the same thing now, He eloquently eulog­ William 8. Ringgold to John L.Long, lots at At or about September 1 st next, to 910 and 912 Chestnut St., point of interest from Cape May Point W averly. Dated Ju ly 14, 1884. Consideration, Also have on hand a fine assortment of JOHN A. LOGAN, perils of such a journey unless he were ized James G. Blaine, and declared his to Sftndy Hook. *365. nerved un to it by a powerful and uncon­ belief tb&t tho opposition of Curtis, W m. 8. Ringgold to Francis Bucbman, lots and OF ILLINOIS. An equal number of trains ra n from at W averly. Dated July 14,1884. Considera­ STERLING SPOONS FORKS. C O M E ONIII querable conviction of duty ? He went Bohurz and other Bo-oalled Independents the coast to the interior. Besides these, tion, *255. Also, keep constantly an hand Clotiiing of tho quality and character of these garments a t these prices ELECTORS AT LABOR. ont to do what in him lay toward enlight­ was in the interest of Free Trade. there are daily excursion trains from Phil­ Wm. 8. Ringgold to Wm. 8. Ringgold, etal., .tOIIN TAYLOR, lots at Waverly. Dated July 14, 1884. Con­ represents the best economy, even if you hang it np for a year before you ening the world. If ho could face inde­ The Committee on Resolutions report­ adelphia to Atlantic cjity. Cape May, aud sideration, *>155. FREDERIC A. POTTS. ed the following declaration of principles, WEODINC RINGS wear it. We are selling LIGHT-W EIGHTS at prices th a t please. Call scribable perils and brave death itself contiguous resorts, v^bile Long Branch W m. 8 . Ringgold to George Nebeker, lots at and we will satisfy you of that fact. DISTRICT ELECTORS. from a sense of duty, what an example which was unanimously adopted : and Ocean Grove are accessible by cheap W averly. Dated July 14, 1884. Consideration, 1st District—ALBERT MERRITT. *390. it is to Christians to persevere in seeking Resolved, B y the Republicans of New Jersey, excursions every day ^xoept Saturday and B ruo-'W 'isrxisrG -s, 3d District--ISRAEL 8. ADAMS. In convention assembled, indorsing in ail Wm. 8. Ringgold to George C. Renkauff, lots WATCH REPAIRING 3d District—SIMON VAN WIL'KLK. a higher life, a noble existence beyond Sunday. To ease of transportation, at W averly. Dated July 14, 1884. Consldera- things the platform of th e National Republi­ *485. Is under my own personal supervision, as It has 4th District—LEWIS II. TAYLOR. the portals of death." The Knights of can Convention, we declare: cheapness is added, making the traveling been for over thirty years. NINTH & CHESTNUT STS. - - i y 4 2 . PHILADELPHIA. W m. 8. Ringgold to Edward B. Staggers, 5th District—HENRY L. BUTLER. 1. That in appealing to the people for their Pythias were present in largo numbers, continued support, v e point to the record expense of a summer tour an inconsider­ lots at Waverly. Dated July 14, 1884. Con­ wonld respectfully state that I am the only Oth DUtrlct—GARDNER R. COLBY. the deceased having boon a member of which the party has mode during the twenty- able item. The comprehensive system sideration, *375. dealer in Greenwich street who keeps no Plated 7th District—THOMAS B. POTTER. four years It lias been responsible for the con­ Jewelry, and have no connection w ith any house that organization. Jacob H. Compton to Joseph Murdock, land except my own, at duct of National affairs as the best pledge of of excursion tickets afforded by the Penn­ in Jack so n township. Dated Juno 2,1884. THE EARTHQUAKE, what It will do In the future. Organized as a sylvania Railroad cotvers almost every Consideration, *100. 2d District Congressional Convention. party of free soil aud free speech, and us a 271 GREENWICH STREET, 1884. SUMMER. 1884. About 2.10 yesterday afternoon, a low point in the territory referred to herein. protest against the aggressions of slavery, It (Near Murray,) New York. The Republican votora of the Second Con­ rumbling sound, resembling distant saved Un.- Union by suppressing the slave-own­ Sueli facilities places |i trip to the seaside Ocean County Marine Record. I would invito attention to my stock of goodb adapted to gressional District of New Jersey, comprising thunder, was heard, aud the next instant, ers' rebellion against the National authority. within tho reach of every class of persons. itu JOHN H. WELSH. the counties of Atlantic, Burlington. Morccr Its first President, Abraham Lincoln, Issued BALTIMORE, Aug. 5.—Cleared and sailed, old mother Earth, the synonym for sta­ tho proclamation of emancipation, and the ------sebr. E . E. Birdsall, 8oper, New York. 10.— ami Ocean, arc requested to select delegates to bility, began disporting herself in a Republican party is pledged to maintain the Cleveland Takes to the Woods. Arrived, sclirs. 8. R. Soper, Potter, New York ; Sheriff’s Sale. SUMMER WEAR, a Congressional Convention, to bo held at civil and political rights o f the freedmeu. Martle A. Holmes, Bnrr, Boston; J. B. Car­ y v i r t u e o f a w r i t o f f i . f a .. Toms River, in the county of Ocean, on m anner far from proper for a person of It restored the seceding States to their former In the free and boundless W est, when rington, Parker, Bridgeport; D. 8. Williams, B Issued out of the Court of Common Pleas Such as her years. Buildings quivered, ohande- relations with the Government, and In its Jr.. H yers, New York. 12.—Arrived, eehrs. of the county of Ocean, and to me directed, I WEDNESDAY, the 10th day of September treatment of the enemies of the Union it has a m an seeks shelter iff flight, he is said James H. Hoyt, Dlssosway, New York; Eras- will sell at public vendue, on next, at 13 o'clock m., for the purpose of nom­ liers assumed tho work of pendulums, been as magnanlmoL In peace as It was un­ to “ break for tall timber.” Governor tus W im an, Letts, Stapleton; Lulu Ammcr- TUESDAY, AUGUST ID, 1884, Plain aud Checked Nainsooks, inating & candidate for Congress, to be voted clocks stoppod, and the order of things yielding in war. Cleveland has gone icjto the Adirondack mau, Rulon, New Haven ; Geo. II. Mills, Til- At the hotel of Cowdrlck & Cook, in the village for at the ensuing election. By amendments to tho Constitution it has lotson, do.; Geo. Aery. Rogers, do.; cleared of Toms River, co unty of Ocean aud State of New Plaid and Dotted Swiss, generally was charged for the space of secured the validity of the National debt, and woods for two weeks, leaving h is letter and sailed, sehr. J . B. Carrington, Parker, Jersey, between the hours of 12 and 8 o’clock. i*.m. The basis of representation under this call about twenty seconds, after which every­ In the same instrument it incorporated a pro­ Bridgeport. All the right, title and interest of Sarah M. will bo one delegate for each 100 Republican vision that guarantees the payment of pen­ of acceptance unwrjtten. When Mr. Lewis in all that certain farm or plantation situ­ India Linens and Mulls, BATH, Mb., August 7.—Sailed, sehr. Nellie ate In the township of Lacey, In the county of vo's? cast a t the last Congressional election, thing again " pursued tho oven tenor of sions to our soldiers aud sailors, and prohibits Blaine wits nominated, the Pharisee W. C raig, Pierce, Philadelphia. tho payment nf any part of tho rebel tl.' >r Ocean aud State or New Jersey, between cedar aud one for each fraction of the saiuo above its way. ‘ It was at first thought that n>' organs were im patient to have h is “ ag­ CHARLE8T'--N, Aug. 7.--Arrived, sebr. Creek and Goodluck, am? on the easterly and any claim for the loss or emancipation ot any westerly Sides of the Shore Road, beginning at a Plaid Muslins from 6c. per yard upwards, 50 In each township and ward j provided, that explosion had occurred, and that idea slave. gressive campaign ” begin, and much Ellen Tobin, Hankins, New York. white oak tree, being old and marked and the each township and ward sliuli be entitled to at By a reduction of a tariff and W ’imal taxa­ N EW YORK, Aug. 5.—Arrived, schr. Charles third and northwest corner of a cob-aerc tract Real and Imitation Luces, prevailed until tho issue of this morn- mirth was wasted on the proposition that W: A lcott. French, Virginia; Howard Wil­ returned to Thomas Barber lu the year 1690, and least one delegate. tion it bus removed many of the ou i deas 1m- iug’s newspapers, when it was found that ioscd by the war, and since 1805 It has re- politioal campaign cannot be opened liams, Williams, Baltimore; Centennial, Wil­ recorded lu the Surveyor General’s Office at MAIILON HUTCHINSON, letts, do. 6.—Arrived, schr. Lydia Middleton, Perth Amboy, In book O, page 69, thence running Oriental Laces in w ide widths, wo had passed through n veritable earth­ Sluccd the National debt over *1,000,000.000. u n til at least m ore th n one candidate is (1) south thirty-one degrees west, nine chains, to Chairman. By economy and prudence It brought about 4 Bunnell, Virginia; cleared, schr. A. A. Shaw, quake. the northwest corner of the plantation now N' m s ’ ~Vcitings, Law ns, etc. JOHN J . GARDNER, tho resumption of specie paym ents; It has in the field. Cleveland was nominated Morgan, Baltimore. 7.—Arrived, schr. Rhoda owned and possessed by John T„. W ilber: thence NOTES ANT) JOTTINGS, always stood firmly fur lire inuiuteuaucuof the five weeks ago. I t is fiow authoritatively Holmes, Yancient, Virginia; Lillie’ Holmes, (2) aoutn etghty-one degrees east, one hundred SUN UMBRELLAS at Reduced Prices to close out. W. FUDI) DEACON, faith of the Government; It lias furnished to Holmes, Baltimore. 8.—Sailed, schr. Kate B. and forty-seven chains and fifty links, along the H. H. WITIIINGTON, Company A, Washington Light In­ tile people a sound and stable currency; and announced that his letter of acceptance Ogden, Newbury, Baltimore. 12.—Arrived, north line of the aforesaid John L. Wilbur’s plan­ tation ; thence (8) south sixty-four degrees east, Together with a full stock of ABM. C. B. HAVENS, fantry, is to leave the city ou tho lGth within twenty years of a great and costly war sehrs. M artha 8. Bemcnt, Pierce. Baltimore ; w ill not appear u n til August 25th, or Oracle I). Chambers, Lane, Philadelphia for sixty chains, along the said Wilber’s line to Barn- Executive Committee. inst. for a week’s encampment at Long we have un overflowing treasury and unprece­ egat Bay; thence (4) northerly along the bay and dented credit. later, aud that the active campaign df the Allyn’s Point. meadow to the southeast corner of the farm now August (till, 1884. Branch. It has established the principle of interna­ Democrats cannot begin until then. NEW HAVEN,Aug. 7.—Cleared, sehrs. Lulu possessed by Garret Stout; theuoe (6) westerly STAPLE AND FANCY GOODS, tional arbitration for the adjustment of claims Ammerm&n, Rulon, Baltimore ; Geo. Aery, along the southerly lines of the aforesaid Stout On the basis above stated, the several town- Tho Sixth Auditor has prepared a against other nations which threatened war; This, however, is au <|rror. Tho Demo­ farm, the several courses thereof, to the west Rogers, do. 8.—Arrived, sehr.Howard Wil­ line of Walter Bcnthal’a 000-acre tract, which OF1 A L L KIISrDS. ships of Occa:i county will be entitled to a statement of the receipts and expendi­ it passed the homestead laws opening up the cratic campaign bogafi when that sterling liams, Williams, Baltimore. public domains to uctual settlers; it enacted is about two hundred and ten chains distant from representation in the Convention as follows : tures of the Post Office Department for Democratic paper, th<|> Rochester Union, NEW PORT NE\Vr8. Aug. 8.—Arrived, schr. Barnegut Buy aforesaid ; thence (6) south thirty- Also, a Full Line of the law compelling reforms In tho civil service, Charley Woolaey, Bennett, New York. one degrees west, along the west line of the Townships, Votes In UW2. Delegates. the quarter ending March filst last, by and a Republican Administration has faithfully then edited by Mr. William Purcell, theD said Walter Bcuth&l’s OOu acre tract, to the Berkeley 77 1 executed th at law in letter and in spirit. NORFOLK, Aug. 12.—Arrived, sehrs. W. II. place of beginning, containing by estimation, wliioh it appears that thoro exists a de­ a candidate for Presidential Elector on Kenzel, Soper, Philadelphia; Lydia H. Roper, after a reasonable allowance for Vighwaya, ponds Brick 801 4 It has shown Itself to be ft party of progress FINE STAPLE GROCERIES. ficit of over §1,300,000. and reform, of law aud order, of liberty and Cranmer, New York. and other waste places, one hundred ami twenty iloycr 353 4 the Democratic ticket) published cortain acres, be the same more or less. The above de­ My entire Stock is New and bought for cash, and is offered at popular »wiug to tho natural increase of tho equality. During tho whole period of Us ex­ PHILADELPHIA, Aug. 11.—Arrived, schr. scription from a deed of conveyance given by Knglcswood 110 1 istence, on all questions involving the welfare grave charges against Mr. Cleveland’s A. A. Shaw . Morgan, New York. 12.—Arrived, David Rogers and wife to David I. C. Rogers, prices. Jackson 121 1 money order business and tho introduc­ of the people or the Integrity of tue Republic, private character ; and when the Cincin­ schr. N ellie W. Craig, Pierce, Bath. bearing date the 25th day of June, A. D. 1860, Lucey 130 1 tion of postal notes, tho volume of work !t lias encountered and overcome the active nati Enquirer, the Democratic organ of PROVIDENCE, Aug. 11 .—Sailed, schr. John and recorded In Ocean County Clerk’s Oillce, In To former friends and customers a cordial invitation is extended. hostility or indifference of the Democratic R. H allid ay ,, Cranmer, Georgetown, D. C : Book 1, page 145. Manchester 70 1 has bceu swelled to such an extent that party, which, although masquerading now as th e West, published three columns of the Anna It. Bishop. Union., Baltimore. Seized and taken in execution as the property It will be my aim to add to and keep my stock well assorted with a party of patriotism and reform, Is essentially details of the Bafi'alo floandal, tho Dem­ or Sarah M. Lewis, defendant, a t the suit of Pllimsled 193 a postmasters’ accounts for tho month of PERTH AMBOY, Aug. 4.—Arrived, schr. William Aumack, complainant, and to be sold by desirable and seasonable goods at all times. Stafford 100 1 the sarno as when It declared tho w ar for the ocratic campaign was fairly boom ing. JAMES J. ALLEN, Sheriff. •Tuuo are now iu tho hands of the Anditor Union a failure, denounced the amendments Twilight, Vaneleaf. 7.—Sailed, schr. Twilight, Union 103 2 I s it Burprisiug th a t Governor Cleveland, Vaneleaf, Mott Haven. Dated Juue 14, 1834. I’r. fee, $10.26. 6w42 of the Post Office Department. to the Constitution, and persistently opposed all efforts to Improve the civil service. with this fire in the rear, takes to the RICHMOND, Aug. 8.—Arrived, schr. Wm. 18 Trouble exists in tho Btamp Division That wo regard It as th e duty of Congress N orth woods? T h e friend of hum anity, II. Bailey, Longstreet, New York. 9.—Arrived. Administrator’s Notice. J. L. COWPERTHWAIT, of tho Post Office i ’eparlmoutou account to legislate for the benefit of our owu people however, must needs <{lrop a tear for hon­ 6chr. A nnie V.Bergen, Chambers, Philadelphia! The creditors of Firmou Thompson, deceased, Proclaiuatioii by the Governor. and our own country, rather than for England est Benjamin F. Butler, who is waitiug 10.—A rrived, sehrs. John T. Williams, Leek, ami others interested, are hereby notified that a NEXT DOOR TO McCLEES’ HARDWARE STORE. of tho poor quality of the stationery fur­ or tho people of any other country, and that to read Cleveland’s lejiter of acceptance New Y ork ; Leona, Lipplncott, do.; Virginia report of the several claims and demands exhib­ State ok New .!husky, 1 free-trade, under whatever Insidious name It Rulon. Mills, Philadelphia. 12.—Arrived, ited against the estate of the said decedent, and nished by tho cent rotors. The matter is before he writes his own.— Newark the amount of the personal and real estate, will E xecutive Department, > may he called or presented, either as a tariff schr. F an n y Tracy, Tilton, Kennebec. being investigated. Advertiser. be made to the Orphans’ Cour-t of the County of T renton, August Oth, 1884. ) reform or a tariff for rovenuo exclusively, WASHINGTON, D. C., Aug. 11.-A rrived, Ocean on Tuesday, tho second day of September The World's Industrial and Cotton Centen­ Rooms ou P. street, near tho Ebbitt alms ut one of two things ; the transfer of our sehr. Ann E. Valentine, Chambers, Perth next, at which time and place exceptions thereto manufacturing Industries to Europe, or else Amboy. (If any) will be filed, anil the administrator will nial Exposition, New Orleans, tinder the joint House are to bo rented for purposes of A Democrat Waifts a H earing. ------»-)-«-»«------THEO. HIRSCH auspices of the United Stales of America, the the reduction of the wages of tlio laboring thereupon make application to have the said people of this country to tho same standard N zw jroRK, Aug. T, 1884. ostate decreed Insolvent. National Cotton Planters’ Association ana the meeting by the New Jersey Republican Well Dressed people don’t wear _ WM. A. MILLER, Administrator. City of New Orleans, authorised the Governor of tlio ill-paid labor of Europe; to both of OFFERS THE Association. which we ure opposed, and here enter our S. C. J ennings, Esq.-i-Dear Sir : I see you dingy o r faded things when the lOo. and Dated June 14,1SS4. Pr. fee, $4.&o 2m88 of this State to appoint a Commlsloncr for publish a " political straw •" but no signature, guaranteed Diamond Dye will make Nuw Jersey, who would attend to the duties of Considerable indignation bos been suluniu protest against, believing that the representing the State In connection with the happiness and welfare of our people and the no way In which to coiitrndlct. Now I will them good ns new. They are perfect. Notice of Settlement. raised by tho imposition of a fine uf $5 prosperity of the Nation depeud upon main­ Exposition. In pursuance of this authority, give you one. In tlio bank In which I have Got at druggists and bo economical. Estate of LEAn Collier, Deceased. on a gentleman of this city for slapping taining hi thu future os In the past the Ameri­ Balance of his SUMMER STOCK T appointed Caleb Henry Barney, Esq., of can system of protection, rather thato the always done my businoss there has alw ays boon Wells, Richardson & Go., Burlington, VL o t i c e in i i k u k i i t g i v e n , that the Bergen county, os such Commissioner. a boy whom be had oaught in tho aot of ------accounts of the subscribers, Executors of The Exposition derives its National charac­ English system of a tariff exclusively for rev­ cloven Republicans. Ni(iw six of these will LeahN Collier, deceased, will be audited and AT ter from an act of Congress, entitled “ An act stealing flowers from his frout yard. enue. We therefore demand, os of paramount vote for Cleveland ; and as a guarantee for tho “ I Don’t Feel Like Work.” stated by the Surrogate, and reported for settle­ Importance, a tariff sufficient In ull things to ment to the Orphans’ Court of tho County of to encourage the holding of a World's Indus­ E ssex. truth, sign my name. Now publish this, a* It makes no difference what bnsiness trial aud Cotton Exposition iu the year eigh­ protect our own laboring people, and to devel­ Qcean, ou Tuesday, the seooud day of September op the resources of ogr own country, fair play is bonnlc play. next, Extra Low Prices. teen hundred and eighty-four," approved by you are engaged in : whether you ore a CHARLES 8. COLLIER, the President of the United States. February The bitter partisan spirit, lack of com­ 3. Tho Republican party favors, and always Jogs R. Wju.bu. has favored, any policy th at by lawful means preaohar, a merchant, a mechanic, WILLIAM 8. COLLIER, 10th, 1883. Under this act. which Is substan­ mon courtesy, aud disregard of parlia­ We cheerfully oompjly with the request _ . . , Executors. FICURED LAWNS at 5 and 6 cts. a yard. tially liko the act under which the Philadcl- extends American inllucuee and American a lawyer or a common laborer, you can’t Dated June 24, A.D. 1684. Printer’s fee, $3. 38 mentary usnge betrayed by Director Ideas. To th at ond wo approve every lcgltl- of ourosteemed Democratic friend Welsh, ilila Centennial Exposition was held, the matu.effnrt to open the m arkets of the world, do your work well while yon are half COOD QUALITY CALICO at 3, 4, 5 and 6 cts. I'rcsidcui Issued a Proclamation, September Emson iu his action toward Mr. Sm ith at expecting to able before the campaign 10th, 1883. The United States Government but especially those of our Western Hemi­ siok. Thousands try to, but in vain. Notice of Settlement. has. by legislation, provided for a loan of the Into meeting nf the Board of Free­ sphere, to the products of American skill and closes to furnish a nujnbor of “ political Estate of Benjam in Pkkdmokr, Deceased. capital ; thus reviving trade, luereasing com­ How much better to keep your organs t l ,000,000, and the expenditure of *300,000 holders, is emphatically condemned by a straws" that shall beat the one furnished o t i c e i * h e r e b y g i v e n that the DRESS GOODS, WHITE GOODS, additional, for making a collective Government merce, and diverting to our own Bhorcs the in good order by taking Parker’s Tonic N accounts of the subscriber, Surviving Exec­ Exhibit. Ncnrly every State In the Union hns largo number of the influential Democrats enormous traffic practically monopolized by by him out of its boots. The article in when yon feel “ a little out of sort*.” utor of Benjamin Predmore, deceased,willhcaud. other nations. ltcd and stated by the Surrogate, and reported for STRAW HATS niul PARASOLS, made appropriations for a proper State ex­ of this county with whom wo have talked the Courier, to whijoh ho refers, was It would be money iu your pocket. settlement to the Orphans’ Court of the County hibit, anti I deem It of great Importance to 4. Willi full faith and confidence in the of Ocean, on Tuesday, the second day of Sep­ New Jersey that Its manufactures, agricultural on the subjeet. It is gratifying to know iharactcr, capacity and patriotism of James based on absolute f&cfs, and therefore we One hour of good, rejoicing health is tember next, Interests, resources and advantages should be that at tho present time thoro are very Blaine, n th H warm I appreciation of his olialleuga successful ooutradiotiou. If worth half a dozen hours full of languor H. II. PREDMORE, Surviving Executor. MARKED WAY DOWN. fully and nroporly presented to the attention mliieut public services, and pride iu the abil and p ain, Dated June 24, 1884. Printer’s fee, $s. 2m33 of the citizens o f the United Stator, and other few men who are willing to rest under files which, in the judgm eutof all parlies, and onr friend Welsh will shake the dust of ALSO, countries that will attend the Exposition. the humiliating stigma of wooriug " the the whole country, have placed him In the the metropolis off Ids feet aud spend a Assignee’s Notice of Settlement. The exhibit of our State at the Centennial frout rank of American statesmanship, wc CEO. T. CROOK, Emson collar. ’’ The indications are that ’ Tomato and Straw- Malarial fever, Ague and Bilionsness, will ANALYSIS. Per Cent. AXALY8IS. Percent. willingly made, If the breed of heroes Is not divorce as much as possible, and seems ing process. Seventh District—Thomas B. Potter, of leave every neighborhood ac soon as hop bit­ Ammonia, 2.00 to 3.50 extinct.—A’. Y. in a fair way to laooejx}. It might be a Available Phos. Acid, 10.00 to 12.1 Hudson. " c r a t e s , ters arrive. Available Phos. Acid. 7.00 “ 9.00 Total good plan to iatrodueje this method into 12.00 " 14.i The Independent's little quibble over A meeting of the Ocean County Re­ The above nominations were ratified Nailed op or in shook, ‘ My mother drove the paralysis and neu­ T o tal 8.00 “ 10.00 Potash, A ctual, 2.00 " 3. the word " souls ’’—evidently used as it publican Executive Committee was held by the Convention ; and the counties some of the free and jasy part* of this ralgia all out of h e r system w ith hop bitters." Potash, Actual, 2.00 3.50 highly-favored land. ■itrkleberry Bnxes, —Ed. Oswego Sun. Price, *26 p er Ton. has been a thousand times by writers in at the office of A. C. Martin, Esq., in being called for nominations for two Price, *35 per Ton. Kindling Wood. © "K eep the kidneys healthy w ith hop bit­ the sense of "lives is smart, perhaps; this town, yesterday. Nearly every electore-at-large, Frederic A. Potta of *2.60 per Bag of 900 lbs Itcvhlnz h in g Pile*—Symptom* Cedar Shingles of all Kinds, ters and you need not fear sickness.” *3.50 p e r Bag of 200 lbs. *1 per Ton off for Cash. nevertheless if, as is asserted, Science township in the county was represented, - i w wiici is FciiUcicd i i « s ! e n buu more Hunterdon, John Taylor of Meroer, Ttiee symptoms are moiim out ture, ure. likelit perspiration, Cedar and Pine Lumber, Siding, Pickets, Posts has now all that the discovery of the intense tuning, increased by srratcfciag; t< refreshing and reviving with hop bitters in and favorable reports were given by the Charles W. Hagen and Carl Lenz of an l Railing manufactured and sold by each draught. North Pole could give, the question of various members of the committee Rod­ Essex were named. The vote resulted n —The vigor of youth for the aged and infirm - e » , n . 0n T h ree Ton, of , Cui bono ?” still remains. Why should erick A. Clark, of Blast Brick, was unani­ as follows: Potts, 595 ; Taylor, 554 ; E. F. LARRABEE, in hop bitters!!! ( —" At the change of life nothing eouals 1 DM he Mot up to the Arctic regions to mously re elected chairman. Hagen, 136, Lena, 10. Messrs. Potta rn ir- Him, rar iirn, unonm «43 Mas*cheater. N. J, Head, erysipelas. Barter's Itch, Blotches, _ . \ Ho? Bitters to allay all troubles incident - Special Fish Manure tor all Craps, 845 per Ton. freeze and starve if no good results are and Taylor were declared the nominees, scaly, crusty Skin Dtsei.se*. Box, b j mall, SO [ Thereto." j to be the outoome ? The people of this e ta ; S for ft.*. Address DR. 8WAYNE A SON, ESTABLISHED 1873. —“ The best periodical for ladies to take The intellgenoe reaches us, through s and the nominations were made nnani- Philadelphia, Pa. Sold by Druggists. Delivered in any quantity at jour nearest railroad station FREE OF FREIGHT. country undoubtedly admire “ heroic reliable source, that the Republican* of monthly, and from which thev w ill receive the mons. U w , Kidney nr *maarft n ------greatest benefit is bop bitters’" Clui L. AWlrgitr, Slv„ j c Pr|r, Afem TnrtmOT v irtu e s b u t these is developing a feel­ Symptoms: Impure b ooi costive bowels, ir- Essex county w as never more enthusi­ Qen. Richard J. Oglesby, of Illinois, r-tratar appetite, soor bricking, paia* -,a skie, —Mothers with sickly, fretful, nursing chil­ ing that the heroic virtues of Arctic ex­ astic or more thoroughly organized than was then introduced and made an elo­ back aad Iwart, yellow nrine, horning when dren. will cure the children and benefit them- urinating, clay colored reel. bad breath, bo de­ selve* by taking bop bitters dailv. Pemberton Marl by the Carload. plorers are fast degenerating into mere is the case at present Strong hopes are quent and able speech, at the conclnsitm sire for work, chiila, fev-rs, irritaoUrty, whitish —Thousands die annually from some form love of adventure aud reckless disregard entertained there that New Jersey will to n n e, dry cough, d o n lead, witfe dull pais tn of kidney disease that might hare i^cn pre­ of which the Convection adjourned. back part, low of men*try. foggy sight. For vented by a timely use of hop bitters. of ooMeqtteodes. It seems os if inis Arc­ this Pali join the Repubikma column of S A * 5 t e Fiuus are a rare —Indigestion, weak stomach, irregularities J. C. GASKILL, Birmingham, N. tic business, with its absolute certainty of ' *------McA l l i s t e r s of the bowels, cannot exist when hop bitters States and give her electoral vote to The following, from the De* Moines are used. failure, ought to rest for a while. Blaine and Logan. (Iowa) Register, ia as true as gospel, Spectacles and Eye-glasses A timely • * * %n!C of h 0p By the way, can anyone tell why it is and ia worthy of consideration by every ______IansA . Bitters will keep a woie family headquarters Having acquired a In robust health a year at a little cost. that the Government regards cavalry The tariff question ia to be thoroughly voter: *' Twretyfour yean ago tbs Dem­ bythe oki_e*tabUahed "8WAYXX'S WILD RUBBER BO0DS CHSRKT. The Bret dtae gives relief, aad a NATIONAL REPUTATION. ! —To produce re al genuine sleep aad child­ officers as particularly fitted to deal with discussed in the North A merman Review. ocrats went ont of power and M t the c o re speedily follow*. S8c.orH.Sh, a t d------like repose aP night, take a little hop bitten Uus Arctic problem ? Is there anything Free Trade argument* will appear in rtssi M r Kents rer-Cn rmoraeten. Spy Glasses, etc. Sead on m iring. treasury empty and bankrupt. Now the Article. Resto re s rrowth. ft is the cavalry service that adapts its offi the September number, and Fruieeuon Republicans are asked to go out of f. MITCHELL McALLBTElL None genuine without a terneb of greea a m and men to the hardships and tries of Great Brl'-sin ’ ‘ view* in the October. The ablest writers power because they have filled it wp eertwied. TOe favorite < OPTICIAN, lit Hope on the w hite label. Shan mR the vile, JONES & GETZ, dongas of Arctic exploration ? GG both aides have been engaged. S & J ^ SdraggMs k for ■ Is l ■j»a, or Xs cents t poisonous stun with m Hop" o r “ Hops" ia again, and bare a rosad sum to V. ft. money. ^ ' ty » ®av MARKET AT., PHILADELPHIA Good Appointm ent. The Ortleya-Ortley Basok. also, and women and children may in­ T he board of directors of th e New Business noHoes inserted under this heading at The New Brunswick Fredonian recent­ dulge in boating and sailing ad libitum One Cent a W ord each insertion. Y ork and Long Branch Railroad having MAGNOLIA HOUSE, ly published, in connection with a report without danger, t uniting themselves offered the Snperintendency of th a t road BARGAIN.—Row-boat for # 10. Also of a sole of lota at Ortley on the beach, meanwhile with oraubing and fishing. to Hon. Bufos Blodgett, he has decided T0M8 RIVER, N. J. i Snoakbox fo r sale. J0 8 . GROVER. the following sketch of the Ortley family, Going from flu to feather, thia vicinity is COWPERTHWAIT & CO. to aooept the position, and will change ighout, ant under from whom the above tract was purchased noted far and near among sportsmen as a TRAYED fro m the premises of the sub­ m s residence from Manchester to Long Ho duett boating scriber one Peacock and tw o Hens. All a few years ago. There are a few slight most altering and satisfactory shooting from Now York and Spersons are forbid harboring the same, andBranoh a in the coarse of the next few inaccuracies in the eketoh ; but in the ground. Here are oanvaasbaok, red head iSS&Ii*!!?!?!1* h*«been purchased, **! will m ake dally trips to Berkeley, Seaside reward will be p a id tor their return to days. Mr. Blodgett came to New Jersey park, nerasgat Inlet tod other points of Interest ou Barnegat Bay. D E A L E R S I N J. J. WE8TRAY, main it is correct, and can hardly fail to and widgeon, broadbill and black duck, Prices moderate. For term s apply to 43 W estray ’a Point, Island Heights. 1866, and for the following eight years interest Ocean oounty readers : blue and green-winged teal in season, held the position of Master Mechanio of W. H. TOWNE, Tom s River, N. J. I ALLYa ily p PAPERS a p i may be had on Sundays A good many years ago, Miohaol O rt­ and bay snipe—yellow legs, ourlew, the New Jersey Southern Railroad, his Or to Aberdeen Hotel, cor. Hist 8t. aud Broadway, Now York. 48tf by leaving o rders immediately aat t tusw-KEN- ley quitted his home in Holland, and willet, marlin—during all the bathing BALL'SD STATE1[ONERY 8TORE, Post Office. residence being a t Manchester in this after a tedious voyage in the Bteerage of season. f “ 0R SALE.—1 Leather Top Phaeton, 1 „ „ oonnty. In 1874= ho was appointed Su­ a ship arrived in New York. He imme­ FANCY & STAPLE DRY GOODS, r ger Wagon w ith Umbrella, 1 Two-Horse perintendent of the road, which position diately sojourned to a German settlement B rev ities. MANHASSET, Farm Wago j, by C . W. POTTER, a t the ~ Situate between Seaside Park and Berkeley, Front. j he has continuously filled until a few where Paterson now is. Remaining there Gapfc. John Qrant, of the yacht Gharrio, days ago, when he voluntarily resigned a few years, he, by prudence and econ­ seems to be a great favorite with the Is the doming favorite seaside resort. LUMBER for the purpose of accepting the one omy, aocnmnlated some means, with young ladies, if we may judge from cer­ ARE NOW OFFERING A WELL SELECTED STOCK OF referred to at the commencement of this which h e returned to New York and en­ tain complimentary remarks we overheard OR SALE.—A first-claw side-bar Buggy, article. It is a noteworthy fact that gaged in business. His location was near­ a bevy of fair damsels make th e other day leather top, in the best of ord er. Also, A Public Sale of Lots during the ten yoars he has been Super- in reference to his obliging disposition Fboat-house on Robbins’ Poiut. Apply to ly opposite to tike Navy Yard, and was ARTHUR POTTER, Water street, Toms River. tendent of the N. J . Southern, there has then th e “ up-town’’ of the city. While and entertaining fund of conversation. To the highest bidder, will tak e place on the premises, on been no accident on that road resulting in New Jersey, Miohael Ortley had sev­ The young yachtsmen must look out Monday, A ugust $3th, 1884, Prints, Cambrios, Cashmeres, RESH HAY a n d straw for sale by the bale in I obb of life or serions injury to its eral children bom to him , among whom for their laurels when Capt. John is tw'b i 'M- T|f08.e tot? *re graded and covered with top dressing from tho main land. F or ton, at W in. Aumack's Lum ber and Coal The streets wJIJ be gray died without expense to the Jot owners. There Jj more money made tu Yard, Toms R iver, N . J. 24 passengers, neither has the company were John, Miohael L ., Jacob, Henry around. Table Linen, Tickings, Flannels, suffered loss through the negligence of and William. All of the sons were sea­ Our advicea from Island Heights are SEASHORE LOTS p A I K l T O . PrJze Medal and East- its employees. This is a reoord of which to the effect th a t tho camp meeting ser­ T htetm yotuei ciMsof real ostttto, aud the improvements now going on are bound to make a r P a 11 a R * 0 lake. Good and cheap. faring men, and at one time tbree of them Hosiery and Gloves See sample and prices. A. A. BEANT. Mr. Blodgett may well feel proud. sailed in one vessel, of which John was vices are not as largely attended this MANHASSET. Although entirely at variance with Mr. matter. Somewhere about 1823, Oaptain year aa has been (he case formerly, es­ OARDERS W ANTED. — A few boarders Blodgett in political matters and methods, pecially by the people of this town. But Don’t intre your opportunity of making some money at MANUAS9E f. For particular,, , oarer, Ladies’ and Gents’ Underwear B can be accommodated with good rooms John Ortley, with a crew consisting of In a pleasant neighborhood, on reasonablewe take pleasure in saying now that in Michael and William Ortley, Ghris-John then “Island Heights don’t core a conti­ FRANK SKINNER, Manager, terms, by applying to Mrs. J . R. SCHENK, o ur social intercourse with him we havo nental for Toms River,” yon know—at Tom s IUver. Emson (father of ex-Sena tor Emson and 1 16 South 4 th Street, Philadelphia. Cloths and Cassimeres. invariably found him to be a courteous, now living at an advanced age near New loost that’s the rumor. Or to Berkeloy Hotel, Seaside Park, N. J. 4atr honorable gentlemen in all respects. He Egypt)* and David Pettit, in attempting Mr. Vincent S. Oooke, a member of N e w J e r s e y C o u r i e r . has been for years the ablest and most to oross tho outer bar at Barnegat Inlet, the reportorial staff of tho Philadelphia AGENCY FOR THE sagacious leader of the Demooraoy of was knocked overboard by the tiller of Press, who is spending his summer voca­ TOMS RIVER, N. J. th is county, and there is no one capable the “ Navigator,” and was drowned. tion at Island Heights, where his family Carpets, Oil Cloths and Rugs, of filling his place in the oonnoils of that Upon the death of John Ortley, h is occupy a cottage, made a pleasant call at CHAMPION HARVESTING MACHINES. party. Daring the three years in whioh brother Henry became master of th e the Coubieb office last Friday. Wednesday Afternoon, August 13,1684, he represented Ooonn county ia the “ Navigator,” made a few voyages South, The prospects of a good corn crop were House of Assembly, in 1878, ’79 and ’80, where, as is supposed, he died of a fever never more promising in this neighbor­ MOWERS, REAPERS AND REPAIRS he made a good record as an intelligent hood than is th e case at present, owing LOCAL MATTERS. about a year after the death of Ouptaiu CONSTANTLY ON HAND. BOOTH AND SHOES, and influential legislator, and was re­ John Ortley. William, who was also to the abundant rains we havo had daring An E arthquake Shook. garded as by far the ablest man the captain and part owner of a newly-built the past month or six weeks. f l l l l E B E ST IS THE CHEAPEST, aud In this case the cheapest is the best, as wo will sell , our machines for less money than other machines can bo sold for. Wo lead all others m price At twelve minutes past 2 o’clock last Democrats of this county ever sent to vessel, went to sea and was never heard The peaoh festival given by the ladies and quality. We can refer to Bcores of farm ers ln Ocean county who will coutlrm what wo say. Before buying elsewhere call on 3 Sunday afternoon our citizens were either House. of afterward. Juoob Ortley, after follow­ ef the Presbyterian Churoh, last Wednes­ startled by a deep rumbling sound ac­ Mr. Blodgett has a large circle of per­ ing the water for a number of years, died day and Thursday, netted about one HATS AND CAPS, companied b j a rocking motion of their sonal friends in this county, belonging of the cholera in New York in 1832. hundred and fifty dbllors. S. C. BAILEY, A g’t,Toms River, N. J. dwellings, oansing, even in the minds of to both political parties, who will sin­ Michael L . was the only son left, and Birthday Celebration. the strong-nerved and self-possessed, a cerely regret his leavi’ g here, and whose all of lv.3 brofcKrs died without issue. We cheerfully comply with n polite momentary feeling of uneasiness and good wishes will follow him. Tho same prudence and economy which request to publish tho following account Edward Irons, apprehension. The duration of the shook P . S.—We learn that Mr. Blodgett gave Miohael Ortley his “ start in the of a rooenfc birthday celebration in the PIANOS \ ORGANS Tabic Cutlery, Plated Ware, is variously estimated at from ten to h as accepted the chairmanship of the world,” enabled him to gradually enlarge family of the publishers of th e Lakewood HAKGHE8TBR, N. J., Of rellablo m akers, sold for cash or on the most thirty seconds. In our judgment the Democratic State Committee. means, until, when he died, he had Times and Jo u rn al: a*’ ommodating terms. No home need be with­ out mush) after sending for a catalogue and our latter estimate is nearest correct. Iu this Significant Facts. accumulated considerable property, “ On Saturday, Ang. 9tli, 1884, two Desires to Inform ills friends aud patrous ln system or selling. Satisfaction always guaran­ immediate neighborhood, so far as we A young Democrat, whose partisan among which were tracts of meadow, carryall loads consisting of six young Ocean county Chat he lias made arrangements teed. Wood and Willow Ware. have been able to learn, no damage was with a few Piano and organ Companies to handle zeal far exceeds his knowledge, having beach and bay land, together with several ladies and two gentlemen from the vicin­ Pianos and Organs, done. Some of our citizens state that recently asserted in our presence that tracts of land in the vicinity of Burrsville, ity of Freehold, instead of going to To all parties desiring to buy none but th e they experienced a dizzy sensation at the th e circulation of the New York Times about twelve miles from Ortley. In th e Wreck Pond beaob, as in th e usual cus­ very best make of Organ, I would suggest th a t you buy tho moment the shock occurred. Others Bay had largely increased since th a t journal settlement of the estate, the beach, mead­ tom, came to Lakewood to spend the day. that articles of furniture in their houses bolted tho nomination of Blaine, we ow and bay property were allotted to The gentlemen above mentioned are FINE GROCERIES, were moved from their position, and that made it our business a day or two ago Michael L. Ortley, the only son of brothers of th e “ Times and Journal ” dishes in their closets rattled, etc. to interview Mr. Geo. D. Kendall, the Michael, and the city property was editors, one of whom celebrated his birth­ MASON &HAMLIN ORGAN. At first a good many of our citizens only newsdealer in this town, iu relation awarded to a daughter who had married day on this date. After spending the One Hundred styles are fully described supposed that there had been an explosion to the matter. His statement is that a man Hoagland, a familiar New Bruns­ day very pleasantly yachting and gather­ nnd lllustrnfcil. Prices from $22 at the powder works, which aro located during tho last two months his sales of wick name. The beach, meadow and bay ing pond lilies on the beautiful Lake to 0800. Fifty styles be­ Best grades of New Process Flour. about three m iles to the westward of this th e Times have fallen off m ore than property was situated, part where the Carasaljo, they started for home, tho edi­ tw een OO a n il 0200. town. After a while, howover, telegrams fifty percent., while the demand for the Sculthorp families live on Motedeconk tors accompanying one of the brothers, Bold also on from other localities began coming in, New York Tribune has increased over Neck, part was what was long known as making a delightful load of Bix. Ou some of which were from points as far three hundred per cent, during the same “ Jakey” Herbert’s (now Mantoloking), reaching the Moreau homestead, about a MONTHLY INSTALMENTS. distant as Camden and New York, stating period. He also states that he formerly and p a rt where the old Ortley homestead mile south of Freehold, they alighted rienflc write for catalogues aud terms. Choice Dairy Butter. that an earthquake shock had been ex­ had customers for quite a number of now is. About this the time of the se t­ and partook of a bountiful repast pre­ perienced in those places at the precise tlement of the estate, which gave Michael pared by Mrs. Moreau, the mother of copies of Harper’s Weekly, b u t during the gentlemen. After an hour or so of Do not fail to see the New Improved time the phenomenal sensation was th e past few weeks be has not had a call L. Ortley all tho property in this section sooial chat the ladies departed for their experienced here. This disposed of the for a single copy, its former readers being of the State, he married Aosah Phillips, homes, escorted by tho b o y s. It was explosion theory, and everybody talked dissatisfied with the coarse it pursues abandoned the sea, and settled down on altogether on enjoyable affair, and we WHITE “ earthquake ” the remainder of the day hope the s c b ib e s may survive to enjoy toward Mr. Blaine and disgusted with its property between Burrsville and Point many more of the same kind.” and evening, resuming the topio again on political cartoons. Some of th e yearly Pleasant where Bcvcn or eight children C . W. Cowporthwalt. C. B. Cowporthwait. Remarkably Cheap Property. SEWING MACHINE, I'lANON by Hardman, Emerson, Now Bng- Monday morning, and discussing it in all subscribers to H arper’s Weekly, in this were born. land and (.'bristle & Bon. its aspects. town, have given emphatic notice to the The second Michael Ortley was not so Four tracts of land situated about With its perfect Automatic Bobbin Winder. Mr. John G. Howard, of Waretown, thrifty as the first Michael had been. H e three-fourths of a mile to the northward ORGANS by Bstcy,Mozart, New England and publishers not to send them another Worcostcr Organ Cos. COWPERTHWAIT'S EXCHANGE, TOMS RIVER, N. J. informs us th a t there were three distinct did not own much if any vessel property, of this town, and jointly belonging to the THE MACHINE of the FUTURE. copy, and making them a present- of the All kinds of musical instruments: violins shocks experienced at that place, occurring nor did he try to cut an inlet to the sea estate of the late Samuel Beatty and unexpired snbscription. Accordcons, Harmonicas, Organettos, Piano at intervals of a few seoonds. Judging near what is now Mantoloking, as his others, were sold at public auotion last O rg an s and Machines W arranted Stools and Covers, Instruction liookB, Violin from his description the effeots must have A F rau d - Thursday. T ract No. 1, containing about for Five Years. father before him had done ; he smoked Trimmings, etc. been more marked there than here. One A glib-tongued fellow made his ap­ and dozed and dozed and smoked, and 5j nores was b id in by Montraville Ironp, pearance in this town last week, and on lady in that village, who was lying on a went behind, now and again calling on his for $130; tract No. 2 containing about 3 j EDWARD IRONS, three evenings stationed himself on a bed when th e shock oconrred, was so brother-in-law Hoagland for loans ; and aoreswas bought by Tuttle Oowdriokfor platform on Main street for the purpose much frightened that she fell in a fainting notwithstanding the fact that Mrs. Ortley $135; tract No. 3, containing about 4$ 8ENERAL AGENT, GHAS. McCLEES, cf selling what he claimed to b e a new condition, after hastily running down was a thrifty woman and careful wife, acres, was struck off to O. C. Havens on kind of toilet soap, made of rare and stairs. The house of Samuel Birdsall the world was constantly getting the b e t­ a bid of $135 ; and tract No. 4, contain­ M A N C H E S TE R , N. J . IDKAI.I'.It IN costly ingredients and possessing the lyso was so violently shaken as to cause several tor of her husband. One day he decided ing a little over 4 acres, to YV. W. Apple- m ost wonderful properties, a large quan­ brioks to dislodge from the top of one of to remove to the present Ortley; thither gate lot $35 ! ThcBe prices are regarded tity of which he succeeded in disposing E stablished 1Q,74. the chimneys and after clattering across went with his family in 1836 and died as extremely low. of at ten cents a cake, and very small the roof fall to the ground. in 1838. The widow struggled with her JOSEPH W. SHINN, FURNITURE, cakes they were. He left here on Satur­ W hen Doctors Disgree The telegrapio reports state that the children and reared and raised all b u t day morning on his way to o u r down- It will be tim e enough to doubt tho re­ shook was q u ite severe in the neighbor­ two. She died about fourteen years ago GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT, shore villages. Before leaving he bought liability of Kidney-Wort. Doctors all hood of A sbury Park, Seabright, the at an advanced age, following her Gowdy Block, Toms River, H. J. a large number of cakes of " Ivory Soap " agree that it is a most valuable medicine Atlnntio Highlands and other places in mother, Hannah Phillips, who had died iu all disorders of the Liver, KidnejB aud Hardware, Agricultural Implements, etc., from some of our merchants a t eight Over $80,000,000 of Insurance Capital represent­ that locality than anywhere else in New a few years before at the great age of 108 Bowels, and frequently prescribe it. Dr. ed, comprising the following leading Companies: Jersey. A house is reported to have cents per cake. I t has been found ont years. P. 0 .Ballon, of Monkton, says: “ Tbe EQ U ITA B LE L IF E , Assets $M,0*0,000. th a t he divides each of these cakes into past year I have used it more than ever, F IR E ANNOTATION, Ass«ts$4,2fi0,000. fallen down a t Eaton town ; and a church Upon the death of Michael L. Ortley, four parts, moulds them into sm all cakes, aud with the best results. I t is tho most Q U E E N , Assets $5,000,000. MAIN STREET, TOMS BIVEB, N. J. steeple was shaken down in Bah way. In Mr. Hoagland, the brother-in-law, p re­ successful remedy I have ever used.” LONDON ANNUMANCE. ABsets 116,000,000, other parts of the State, the shock was and then sella them for ten cents each, sented his claims for adjustment Com­ Such a recommendation speaks for itself. P H E N IX , Assets 13,500,000. distinctly felt and much apprehension making a clean profit of eight cents on mon report says the widow deeded him Sold by all druggists. See advt. HOM E, Assets 17,000,000. each oake he sells. the property in fee simple, and that he, HANOVER, AssetH $2,665,000. How He Got a Position. O R IE N T , Assets $1,(100,000. The greatest severity of the shock The Lot Sale after selling sufficient portion of the es­ I applied for a position in a banking MANUFACTURERS!', Assets $1,600,000. THE DAVIS appears to have been felt at Hartford, tate to reasonably satisfy his claims, honse in W all street six months ago, MERCHANTN’, Assets $1,600,000. HARDWARE. FURNITURE At Island H eights last Friday was not JE R N E Y CITY, Assets $250,000. BnilMers’ H ardware — Lock*, Butts, Null Conn., where many persons are reported a s much of a success as was anticipated. deeded the remainder of the property and although I proved my competency, Weights, Nslls, and everything !u the Hard­ Of the latest Improved Styles and Patterns, con­ they would not take me. I bad been Property sarveyed and insured anywhere In ware line requisite for furnishing a house. sisting of to have been thrown down, some of them The only purchasers at the sale were back to the widow, aud whether by will Ocean county without extra charge and on m ost Parlor and Dining Room Units, down on m y luck and looked old favorable terms. Orders by mall will receive S e w i n g M a c h i n e . Carpenters’ Tools. being badly bruised. In New York City Mrs. Mary Lavallette, who b id off a lot or otherwise the writer has been u n ­ t'h a m ter h u lls, In Black Walnut or Chestnut and shabby. An idea struck me, prompt attention. 6 Blacksmiths' Hardware - none Hhoei, or„ lanltauon Oak, Maple, or Fancy Colors buildings w ere considerably shaken, on the north aide of Yansant Avenue, at able to learn, the present Michael and I got up a new growth of hair with Horse Nslls, Ac. with Black Walsut Trliuruio**. What a wonderful Invention 1 A favorite Carrtaae MaterlaJs-Klmi, 8pokes, Bar Iron, clocks stopped, and much excitement was $210; Benjamin Parker, lot on same Jacob were awarded “ Ortley’s-on-the- Parker’s H air Balsam, raised a decent NEW JERSEY tmong the ladles, and a friend In every hsuse- Steel, Ao. Mfu. L m n. >«i m -M itM t. beach. ” suit of clothes, applied again, and they hohl. Never falls to give satisfaction ; needs no Tin and Hollow Ware. ■M ax.!., mirr e .., d reire. T»>I«|. n . occasioned, although no damage to avenue, at $200 ; and Bev. J . B. Qraw, took me in a minute.” So writes a clerk Stats Normal and Model Schools, buildings is reported. In Philadelphia The tract of beach land about six miles basting; docs no puckering; will do s wider Cattery—Pocket and Table t'nUsry, best qual­ lo t on same, at $196. The public sale with $2,000 salary. The moral is plain. TRENTON. rango of work than any other machine. Don’t ity Silver Plated Ware. ' and other parts of Pennsylvania chimneys was then adjourned until to-morrow. from Point Pleasant and three miles from Parker’s H air Balsam gives a person a CROCKERY Fall Term will commenoe Monday, Sept. 15. fall to see It. Bend for catalogue and prices. were thrown down, store signs displaced, Subsequently Mrs. Lavallette purchased the mouth of Toms River, has long been new face. CHINA AND CLASS WARS, ■ —— ------■ - ■ - AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. etc. a t private sale a doable lot fronting on known as Ortley’n, now Ortley Michael In grant variety, consisting of George C. Newman, 806 Market street, T°, Plows, Harrows, cultivators, plow Castings, The area of country affected by the Summit Avenue, near Barnegat Bay, for and Jacob, grandsons of Michael and Philadelphia, (opposite Strawbridge & Hoes, Rakes and Mhovels. DIMMER, TEA ARM TOILET d m , * e . Model School, |SG O per year. Buildings H one and Hand Hakes. shock seems to have extended from $ 1, 000. sons of Michael L. inherited this estate, Clothier’s), manufacturer of Parlor Mir­ thoroughly heated by steam. The Model School SONGS OF REDEEMING LOVE and retained it until 1876, when Jacob rors and F ine Frames for Pictures and offers to both young Ladles and (Jontlemen su p e­ CARPETIN68 Brattleboro, VL, on the north, to Wash rior advantages in all Its departments, viz.; til thu best book for Sunday Schools, Prayer F i» Blackberries. disposed of his share of the property to Portraits, and dealer iu oil paintings, Mathematical, Classical. Commercial? Musical, Mattings and Oil Cloths. ington, D. C ., on thesontb, and from the Mr. 0. J. M ajory, who is the proprietor steel engravings, water colors and works Drawing, and ln Belles-Lettres. For new C ata­ Meetings, etc. Furnished at a liberal discount by FERTILIZERS. Atlantic seaboard westerly as far as Pitts­ the projectors of Lavallette City. H ere, logue containing full part iculars, address of a small fruit farm about a mile and a of art T he newest frames and prettiest W. HAHBROUC'R, burgh, Pa. thanks to the kindness of a devoted pictures always on hand. Large assort­ Principal, WINDOW 8HA0E8. half north of this town, presented ns on mother, the Ortley boys grew to m an’s ment ; low prices. Iy23 4t44 Trenton, New Jersey. A Urge aaaortmentof ell kinds end qualities. Captain Strum, of the brig Alice, Saturday with some of the finest black­ Burlis & Kirkbride, FIELD AND GARDEN SEEDS, Paper Shades of every kind and description which arrived at New York from Turk’s estate, healthy, ragged, honest; little W W A N T E D .—LADIES OR GENTLEMEN.— berries we ever saw or tasted. They are given to labor, for the broad acres of How to Get Well. v v In city or country, to take nice, light and GERMAIN MILLET, dec. Island on Monday, reports that when he of the Improved Wilson variety, and How to keep well and be strong and vigorous pleasant work at their own homes; $1 to $5 a day MOUNT HOLLY and PAPER HAN0IN88. was six miles east of the Highlands on pasture and the “ meadows sweet w ith are questions o f vital importance. This Is well easily and qnletly made; work sent by m all; no A large and splendid assortment to select frem were produced ou shoots of th is year’s answered and convincing proofs famished in canvassing; no sump for reply. Please address PARIS GREEN. Sunday, at 2.10 p. m., the ship felt the hay” year after year brought the sufficient Reliable Man i g Co., Philadelphia, Pa. 4w«S* Gilt, Satin nnd Plain Papers, cf the new growth. Many of these berries measured an Illustrated Pamphld concerning the How­ ASDURY PARK, N.J. eat designs and patterns. shock of the earthquake severely. He means for their modest wants, while th e ard Galvanic Shield, which gives soothing PAINTS, OllSAND VARNISNIS. H all Papers of el] kinds. an inch and a half to an inch and three- bay and ocean gave them of their pleni­ strengthening currents of Electricity and Mag­ wanted for the Lives of all the says : ** I was in the cabin at the time, quarters in length, and their enormous netism. -It can be worn by anyone, night or Presidents of the United Htates. and lli© shock felt as if the vessel had tude of fish and game without stint ; day, at work o r at rest, and overcomes weak­ ______AGENTS;__ The largest, handsomest and size was fully equalled by their luscious- when one day the fever for eligible site* ness or disease without drugging tbe stomach. best book ever sold for less than twice our price. Instruments can be seen at Prof. Clute’s, teach­ W indow G lass of ail star*. PICTURE FRAMES struck a wreck or a sand bar heavily and ness. Pamphlet sent fr e e unstaled. Sealed 4 cents The fastest selling book In America. Im m ense H ABB TO O M U I AT SHORT HOT1CR for Summer resorts halted at the door of postage. Address, AMERICAN GALVANIC profits to agents. Alt Intelligent people w ant It. er of music, Toms River. IT was then dragged over iL I and the Any one can become a successful agent. Terms A Ifcw Yacht- the Ortley homestead, Jacob was smitten CO., No. 1103 Chestnut street, Philadelphia, free. IIalaett book Co., Portland, Maine. 10 pilot hurried on deck to see what she had Pa. Iy27. collided with. She was still quivering. Capt. Wm. L . Force, the celebrated and sold the tract now known as L aval­ “ Rough on Rats” clear* out Rats, Mice. 15c. The shock seemed to me to last a fall yacht builder of Keyport, has ju st built lette City. GEO. W. COWPERTHWAIT, for Mr. Geo. B. Burnette, a handsome After Jacob disposed of his real estate, HELP 'Vonren MEN minute. I t was accompanied by a ram­ “ Rough on Coma,” for Corns, Bunions. 15c. new pleasure yacht, which has been Michael expressed his determination to MAXUPACTURKR ARB BRALER IN ble that travelled from north to sooth. Thin people. “ Wells’ Health Renewer" re- retain the old place to tho end of bis “NERVOUS: There was no disturbance of wind or christened th e “ Josephine.” It was storea health and vigor, cnres dyspepsia. 01. LACK VITAL ENERGY. placed on oar river the latter p art of last days. Bat the spirit of restlessness cam e TV HOWARD OALVAWIO SKIRLS water. The wind was in the northeast “ Rough ob Toothache," instant relief. 15c. mmt our Mtar Starun QVrtah* »4 Mrg STOYES, RANGES, HEATERS, week; and, judging from her performance upon h im ; he saw the beach land on •mM ApplUama nra Krr»(re* D-WHty. Pa­ and was lig h t.” raffin, Khrumatlras. Laaaf VHai Rairn, on her trial trip, she is likely to prove either aide of his own growing into a con­ Ladle* who would retain freshness and OwrworUS Rral*. taw> Baft. KMa«y. —Another slight shock was expen- vivacity don't fall to try ** Well*' Health Re­ Unr Stnaiaek OawlaiaU, Mai* U4 Wall Will •fc.vwTVjmtt AND TIN WABE, enced - In Case, Attachment. Philadelphia and Loop Branch Division same is not fixed or provided for by this act j 8. And bo it enacted, That any wires ten feet, to which the owner of any land may this Mate, but doing business herein,” ap­ A n A ct to amend an act entitled “ An act for the violation of any ordinance by this ' for convoying electricity or the conduits excavate, In the erection of any building upon Edwin V. Machette. j to authorize municipal corporations to proved March fourteenth, eighteen hundred 1JOTIGB is hereby given that a writ of a t- Time Table adopted June 14, 1884. act uulhomed to be passed w hich penalty : containing sold w ires, shall be laid a t the hi* own property, and to provide for the giving and seventy-nine. Lw taclunent at the salt of John 8. Morey contract for a supply o f water for public may bo imprisonment not exceeding ten 1 greatest practicable distance from th e out. of notice In writing of such Intended excava­ 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and General against the rights and credits, moneys and effects, TRAINS LEAVE TOMS RIVER uses,” wliieh act was approved March tion to any- adjoining owner or owners, and Assembly of the State of New Jersey, That goods and chattels, lands and tenements of Edwin For Berkeley, 7.00 and 10.13 A. M., 3.15, 5.12, fifteenth oneulousand^hrht'“hundred* day'B in the county Jaii or workhouwfor a | side o f any water or gas pipe now laid that they will be required to protect and care COLLEGE, NEWARK, NEW JERSEY. linetntli, oncUiou.aml eight hundred | noll,10Mdlngfm yM i™ ; allproaMU-: down, and that lacti Jl«listanc<) shall...... not be hereafter all snob moneys shall be paid by such V. Machette, a non-resident debtor, for the sum 5.32 and 7.20 v. K.; Sundays, 0 1# a. m. 0 m inutes of New York. Positions for nil worth j and eighty-one. for their several foundation walls that may be foreign fire Insurance companies and their of one thousand dollars, laaoed out of the C ir­ For New York, via Berkeley and Bay Head tlons for the violation of any ordinance less ‘lian three feet, except in cose where endangered by such excavation, and to provide cuit Court of the county of Ocean, held In and Junction, 7.50 and 10.18 a. m., 8.15 and 0.32 p. m. r-iduatos. Life scholarship, $40. -lo Vacations 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and Gen­ agsnts, and by tbe secretary of state of this for said connty, on the nineteenth dsy of May, •Vritc for circulars. COLEMAN k PALMS. Prop™ shall bo made before the recorder or police it shall bo necessary that tho said wires or that in case of the neglect or refuial for ten state, or sucli other officer os may be entrusted For Philadelphia, 7.35 and 8.05 a. m , 4.38 and eral Aosembly of the State of Now Jersey, conduits shall cross of Intersect an y such days of such adjoining owner or owners lo A, D. eighteen hundred and eighty-four. R e­ 6.16 p. x.; Sundays, C.30 p. u. T h|it the act entitled “ A n act to authorize justice of the town, or if there bo*none by law with the collection and distribution of turnable and returned Into Court, duly executed then before a justice of tho peace therein. w ater or gas . take proper action to secure and protect the the general fond arising therefrom, to the by the Sheriff of the county o f Ocean, on th e LEAVE BERKELEY municipal corporations to contract for a 4. And be ft enacted, That this act shall foundations of any adjacent building or other treasurers of the several fire department relief twenty-third day of May, A. D. eighteen h un­ For New York, 6.52, 8.12 and 10.85 a . m., 3.35, hie College lu the branches, forms and supply of water for public uses,” which XXXII. T o divide wards and designate structure, that the party or parties or their dred and eighty-fonr. WM. I. JAMES, 4.4S and 5.52 p. m. f bjMdnes*, by competent and willing their boundaries. take effect immediately. funds or firemen's relief associations organ­ For Toms River, 6.30, 7.40 and 10.10 A. M., 2.34, act was approved March fifteenth, one agents, contractor* or employees rnay enter ized by the active and exempt flremeu, aud Thomas C. CPRTts, Cleric. nftirged and Improved course of I 2. And bo it enacted, T hat the town Approved May 10, 1884. into such adjacent property, and do alt nec­ Attorney for Plaintiff, 4.10 and 6.45 P. M. thousand eight hundred and eighty-one, not to any other person or persons or corpora­ Point Pleasant, N. ,T. For Philadelphia, via Toms River, 6.30 and council of every incorporated tow n in this essary work to make Bitch foundations secure, tion whatever. bo amended bo that the same shall read us and recover for such work und labor Iu so Dated May 31,1891. Pr’s fee, $10 SO. 2m 44 7.40 A. 4.10 and 6.45 r. x. follow s: state shall have power to appoint a town CH APTER CCXV, 3. And be it cdactcd, That in case where LEAVE PHILADELPHIA Kirk. Open'ihe"e*utFre'j'eju*. BtnSeutemayem treasurer, who need not bn a member of protecting such adjacent property the cost such moneys, o r any balance thereof, o r any ter ai any time. Oon.Garfleld’s "Address to Young 1. Bo it enacted by the Senate aud G en­ An Act for the government of persons thereof and to make such further and other For Toms River, 8.30 A. M., 8.80, 4.00 and 5.2V Men,” and illustrated circulars, tree to all who call the town council, who shall hold his w ho are now or may hereafter become property purchased therewith, or any securi­ Rule to Limit Creditors. p. m. Sundays, 7.30 a. m. or write for them. BKYANT & HTUATTON BTI8I. eral Assembly of the State of New Jersey, provisions in relation to the proper conduct ties In which the same may have been Invested, NESS COLLEGE, Tenth It Cbestuut SU. PElada. That it shall be lawful for tho city coun­ office for one year and until hl« successor members of companies incorporated and performance of said work as to said com­ Estate of Micharl Spkagce, deceased. LEAVE NEW YORK has been appointed and qualified ; lie shall muy now remain in the hands or possession or cil, township committee or the governing under tho act entitled “ An act to mon council oi legislative board of any city charge of any commou council, o r board of Pursuant to an order of th e Surrogate of tb e For Toms River and intermediate stations, 7.10 give bonds in such amounts and with such authorize the formation of pursuing and may seem necessary and proper. county o f Ocean, made on the twenty-sixth and 3.10 p. m. body of any municipal corporation in this commissioners, or other person or persons or day of May, A. D. one thousand eight h un­ I. S. BUCKELEW, Superintendent. sureties as shall he prescribed byordin- detective companies,” approved March 2. Aud be it enacted, That a suit may be corporation whatever, other than the several state, by whatever name sucli governing maintained in any court having jurisdiction dred and eighty-four, notice Is hereby given to J. R. WOOD, Oen. Pass. Agt. body shall be called, to enter into and ance of the tow n council, conditioned for twenty-ninth, eighteen hundred and fire departments relief funds or firemen’s re­ all persons having claims against the estate o f over the amount Involved and the person of lief associations, organized by the active and Michael Sprague, deceased, late of the county make a contract mid agreement with any the faithful performance of bis duties ; ho seventy-eight. -•■ilnllfl or defendant, to recover for any JERSEY shall receive all moneys duo to or belong­ exempt firemen, and the treasurers by them of Ocean, to present the sam e, under oath o r aqueduct board or water company for a 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and Gen- done under any ordinance passed iu elected, such money, property and securities, affirmation, to tha subscriber, on or before th e ^PHILADELPHIA A HEADING R. 11. BRIDGETON, NEWdERSEY.O year o r term of years, for the obtaining ing to the tow n, und shall deposit aud rtil Assembly of the State of New Jersey, purmjttnco o f the first section hereof, in th e and the remainder thereof, shall (upon the twenty-sixth of February next, being niie months Offer* mb*ul ednotional *d*>nta|M for the yoBweaf both keep tho same as directed by the town T h a t it shall not be lawful for any person irotccting o r uncaring of tho buildings o r from the date of said o rd er; and any creditor ■nn. Full »orp« ot eowpotentToaekw*. very and* furnishing of a supply of water lo be organization, by the active and exempt fire­ — Acting to bring m and exhibit hia or h e r NEW JK11KEY SOUTHERN DIVISION. tborongh II 0T»ry Pepnrunont. ---- ‘—*—* *- **- council; ho shall keep an account of t'l w h o Is how or may hereafter become a ouudutiou walls of adjacent ov'ners as afore- men, of a fire departm ent relief fund o r fire­ used by and within such municipal cor­ Raid. — i, under oath or affirmation, within th e hi allkful. Fw catalogue nnd *•) pe l 00 exceed a sum equal to one dollar for each th e sum of two thousand dollars lu addition to kronen; i* m:iti;nv g i v e n , that th e M&scotte, Potpourri,...... Audran l 00 shall furnish said board, us w ell as the . ustify m the sum of fiyc thousand dollars such offence, forfeit and pay the sum of five the appropriation of the sum of two thousand C. G HANCOCK. Gen. Pass. & Tkt Agt. Trovatore, Potpourri,...... F«rd* 75 inhabitant of such municipal corporation, hundred dollars to the person aggrieved there­ .1 accounts of the subscribers. Administrators R. BLODGETT, Supt. unless the proposition ho approved by a towucouncll, whenever so required, a jefore the justice o f the supreme court dollars of last year, he and the same is hereby of Christopher Estlow, deceased, will be audited Night on the Water, Idyl,...... op. 93, W ilton 60 statement of the receipts aud expenditures by, to 1)0 recovered In any section of debt, appropriated for tho erection of a building to and stated by the Surrogate, and reported fo r Hustling Leaves...... op. 68, Lange 60 majority of legal voterB in such municipal holding the circuit iu said county, who with full costs, and shall also, for every such for school purposes. shall certify his approval thereof upon the be used ns a threshing barn and store houie settlement to the Orphans’ Court of the County VOCAL. corporation at an annual or special elec­ offence bo deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, fo r grain, roots, potatoes and other vegetables. rjniCHEBTQN RAILROAD. Patience, (Magnet am! the Chum,). Sullivan 85 tion, to which tho same m ay be submitted; 4. And bo it enacted, That any council­ sam e, provided lie is satisfied th at the and upon conviction thereof shall be fined n o t Olivette, (TorpeUoand the Whale,) — Audran 40 man or other tow n officer may be removed 2. And be it enacted, That the sum of five GODFREY ESTLOW. To take effect Monday, June 23, 1884. When 1 um Near Thee, (English and Germ an and. provided, that this uct shall not principal named in said bond is a proper less than fire hundred nor more than one thousand dollars be and tbc same 1b hereby from office by resolution oi ; * town thousand dollars, or shall be Imprisoned n o t FRANK ESTLOW, words,)...... Abt 40 apply to any city now supplied with water an d suitable person to engage in the busi­ appropriated for tbe purchase of a gas machine Administrators. Who's at My Window 7...... Otbome 85 council; provided, that no *u removal ness of pursuing and detecting offenders less than thirty days nor more than one year. with all necessary pipes and other appurteu- Dated June 24,1884. for public use, pursuant to an existing 8. And be it enacted, That no citizen possess- P r. fee, $3. 2m38 lA>8t Chord,...... Sullivan 40 ■ball be made until tho officer .gi.ttobn against the laws ; and when the said bond anccs thereunto belonging and for the necessary A.M. I M y Dearest Heart,...... SulUoau 85 contract or nrruugciuuit w ith sonic board ing all other qualifications which are or m ay I.lfe’u Best Horen,...... Meininger 40 or corporation. removed has had au opportunity to be is given according to the provisions con­ expenditures iu introducing gas throughout i 3 0 ...... Beach naven...... 11 50 \ he prescribed by law shall be disqualified fo r th e buildings. Administrator’s Notice o f Settlement. ' 15...... Edge Cove...... 11 10 1 Hequttrd Love, (4 purr Bong,)...... Archer 83 2. And bo it enacted, That this act shall heard in his defence, nor unless two- tained herein, and a certified copy thereof service aa grand or petit juror in any court o f Sleep while the Soft Evening Breezes, (4 p art tliirds of alltlie members of the council 8. And be it enacted, That the sum of fifteen I nsolvent E state. 2 4 ...... Tuykerton...... 10 69 ( take effect immediately. presented by tho president of said pur­ this state, on account of race, color or p re ­ hundred dollars be and the same is hereby ap- ’ 31!...... West Creek...... 10 52 ( Song,)...... Bishop 35 vote'tberofor; whenever any such removal suing or detective association under seal, vious condition of servitude, and any officer o t i c e in iiiv rf.r y g i v e n , that th e ’ 4 2 ...... Mannahawkln...... 10 41 ! In th e Gloaming...... Harrison 30 Approved May 0, 1884. ; iropriuted for the erection of an extension to accounts of the subscriber. Administrator Only b e True,...... Vickers 35 shall be made, tho cause therefor, together tho governor shall commission such mem­ or other person charged with any duty in th e lie stable to be used for housing the wagons N ’ 5 2 ...... Barnegat...... 10 81, ( selection o r summoning of jurors who shall of the insolvent estate of Elisha Jones, deceased, ’ 56 . ..Waretown Junction... 10 27 ., Under the Eaves...... W inner 35 with the yeas nnd nays upon the vote bers of said associociation who have quali­ and other farm lm pler ents. will be audited and stated by tbe Burrogute, an d i 15;...... Bambcr...... 10 08... Free Lunch Cadets,...... Sousa 85 CHAPTER CCXIII. taken, shall be entered at large on the exclude n r fail to summon any citizen for th e 4. And be it enacteu, That the sum of four reported for settlement to th e Orphans' Court o f fied with the provisions of this act. cause aforesaid shall, on conviction thereof, he i 25]Arrive..Whitings..Leave 9 58 1 If th e music selected amounts to ju st $1, send An Act concerning Incorporated towns in minutes of tho town council. And bo (t enacted, That it shall not thousand dollars be-and tbe Baine is hereby the County of Ocean, on Tuesday, the second i RffjAr... Philadelphia ...Le. only th e 15 pictures, your name ami address. If deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and be fined appropriated for the purchase of furniture day of September next. ‘ " ^ ‘ Lib In excess of $ I, postage stampB may be enclosed this state and certain officers thereof. 5. And he it enacted, That in addition he lawful for the prosecutor of the pieus iu not inure th an five thousand dollars. RUSH A 8. JONES, Administrator. for such excess. 1. Be it enacted by the Senate aud G en­ and lor repairing and improving lue sanitary to the duties imposed upon him hy the an y county of this state to employ a mem­ And be it enacted, That tills uct shall tak e condition of the old buildings. Dated June 24, 1884. l’r. fee, $3. 2iu3M We make mis liberal oiler because we desire to eral Assembly of the'Btatc of New Jersey, laws of thli state, It shall be tho duly of ber of any of said companies in the detec­ effect Immediately. 5. And be it enacted, That the sum of four give a present sufficiently large to indnee every That the town council or other governing Approved May 10,1884. one to give Dobbins’ Electric Soap a tria l long the collector or rcceivor of taxes to 1m? at tion or arrest ol offenders against th e laws thousand dollars be and the same is hereby Notice of Settlement. J J. PHARO.Superintendent. enough to know Just how good It is. If, after body of every incorporated town in this the town lmll o f the town in which lie appropriated fur the erecllou of a dwelling II. N. GILSON, Gen. Pass. Ag’t. u n til such member snail hava fully com- CHAPTER CCXX. Estate of Robert L. Bryamt, Deceased. trial, they continue to nse the soap for years, we state shall have power to pass, alter holds his office for tho purpose of receiv­ died with the provlslous-of Ibis act, nnd house for the use of the superintendent and OTIGE IN HEREBY GIVEN, that the shall be repaid. If they only use the fifteen bais, nmend nnd repeal ordinances for the fol­ ing and collecting taxes and arrears of A further supplement to *' An Act for the b et­ family. accounts of tho subscriber, Administrator getting the dollar’s worth of music g ratis, we n case of such employment it shall not bo ter preservation of the early records of tho J shall lose money. This shows our confidence. lowing purposes: taxes on such days and at such hours ns fl. And be it enacted, That the treasurer of of Robert L. Bryant, deceased, will be audited an d law ful for tho board of freeholders o f the State of New Jersey," passed March twcuty- this stalo be and lie is hereby directed to pay stated by the Surrogate, and reported for settle­ The Soap can be bought of all grocerB—th e music I. T o manage, regulate, protect and shall bo designated hy tho tow n council ; county to pay the expenses thereof. nlutli, o n e thousand eight hundred and the trustees of the school the aforesaid sums ment to the Orphans’ Court of the county of can only be got of us. See that our nam e is ou control the finances and property of the each wrapper. he shall enter in suitable books to be pro­ 8 . And be it enacted, That any member seventy-two. upon the w arrant of the comptroller. Oc#an, on Tuesday, the second day of September A b ox of this Soap contains sixty b ars. Any town. vided lor that purpose by the tow n council of any of suid companies who shall engage 1. Be It enacted hy the Senate and General 7. And bo it enacted, That this aet shall take next. lady buying a box, and sending us sixty cuts of II. To make and adopt an assessment the Hums received hy him lor taxes ; and Rscmbly o f the State of Ifew Jersey, T h at effect immediately. RICHARD BRYANT, Administrator. Mrs. Fogy, can select m usic to the am ount of in the detection, pursuit, apprehension, to enable th e New .Jersey Historical Society Date! June 24. A.D. 1884. P r.’s fee. $3. 2in38 fci4.RO. Tills Hoap improves with age, an d you map or maps whereby to describe lands he shall specify In sucl. entry the names arrest or prosecution o f thieves, tramps, Approved May 14, 1884, except as to th e fol­ assessed for taxes or improvemsnts. continue the work of procuring m aterial lowing items, to which I object, to wit: First. The only radical Internal remedy. Never are n o t asked to buy a useless article, b u t one of tho persons from whom or on whose marnnders or other depredators on per­ for and arranging, collating, editing and known to fail In a single case, acute or chronic, —u u se every week. ly 2i I II. To ascertain and establish tho account moneys arc paid, and the date of The sum of two thousand dollars mentioned N otice of Settlement. It expels the poisonous Uric Add from the blood, sons or property or the recovery of Btolcn printing the early records of the State, in the In section one. Second. The sum of five thou­ E state o f F rancis Co r n eliu s, Deceased. I. L. € It AC* IN & CO ., boundaries of all streets, highways, public myjnent, mid the sums respectively paid form a* tho “ New Jersey Archives," the sum which is the prime cause of Rheumatism, Gout goods, without complying with th e pro­ sand dollars, mentioned in section two. Third. o t i c e in i i e r e r y g i v e n , that th e lift W. Fourth Street, Philadelphia. lanes nnd alloys In tire town and to pre­ >y them for taxes and for interest separ­ visions of this act shall be deemed guilty f three thousand dollars annually for three The sum of one thousand five hundred dollars, N accounts of the subscriber, Executor vent and remove nil oncroachmonts upon ately ; he shall, at least once in each of a misdemeanor, nnd upon conviction years Is hereby appropriated, to bo paid to the mentioned In section three. Fourth. The 6inn of Francis Cornelius, dec’d, will be audited am i Tlio Old Reliable Specific such streets, highways, lanes nnd alleys. society as required for the said purposes by o f four thousand dollars, appropriated for the stated by the .Surrogate, and reported for settle­ week, furnish the treasurer a detailed shall lie punished by a lino not exceeding ment to the Orphans’ Court of the County of Endorsed by Physicians and IV. To regulate, clean and keep in re­ statement of such sums so received by the state treasurer on the warrant of the erection of a dwelling house, mentioned in five hundred dollars, or imprisonment at nptroller. section five. These Reins in section one, two, Ocean, on Tuesday, the second day of Septem ­ Thousands of Patients. pair the streets, highways and public him, which statement the treasurer shall liai d labor not exceeding three years, or ber next. C. It. VANDOREN, Executor. !. And be It enacted, That the printed v o l­ three and five, are not approved. Dated J tine 24,1884. Pr.B fee, $3. 2m39 place ot the town and to prevent and ro lay before the town council a t its next both. ume* us completed shall be deposited with th e LEON ABBETT, Governor. ami Neuralgia. As a blood purifier It has no move obstructions und incumbrances in stated meeting thereafter ; he shall, ut 4. And he it enacted, That the provis commissioners of the state library, to be by equal. Acting on common-sense principles, It nnd upon all streets, highways nnd public least once in each week, and oftoncr, if theta distributed In the manner provided l>y eradicates from the blood all poisonous matter THE SURE io n s of this net shall not apply to persons JOINT RESOLUTION, NUMBER SEVEN. Notice of Settlement, which causeB disease.—It has been in use for CURE places. required, pay over to the town treasurer law for th e distribution of the volumes h ere­ t o r ingaged exclusively iu the pursuit o f pro tofore printed. A Joint Resolution relative to claim of Stock- Estate of Sarah A. Ashton, Deceased. V. T o provide for ami enforce the re­ nil moneys received hy him for or on perty belonging to tho members of the KIDNEY DISEASES, moval of snow and ico from tho sidewalks 3. And be itenuctcd, T hat this act shall ton Rifle Association. o t i c e i s i i e r e r y g i v e n , that the POSITIVELY CURES account of th e town from an y source corporations associations to which they tukc effect immediately. 1. Be it resolved by the Senate and General N accounts of the subscriber, Executor of and gutters of streets by tho owners of the whatever, nnd St shall be the duty of tho Approved May 13, 1884. Assembly of the State of New Jcrsoy, That Sarah A. Ashton, deceased, will be andiled mid many years and cured a larger percentage ol LIVER COMPLAINTS, belong without compensation or pay for stated by the Surrogate, and reported for settle­ lands fronting thereon ; and such ordin- town treasurer out of tho m oneys so re­ th eir services, other diau their expenses. tbe general commanding the national guard, cases Ilian any other remedy. Send for testi­ ment to the Orphans’ Court of the county of monials from the cured.—Salley llca strikes direct- CONSTIPATION, PILES, p'icq m ay provide in case of tho neglect or ceived by him to first pay tho state school 0. Aud he it enacted, That this act shall CHAPTER CCXXI. the adjutant general and the quartermaster Ocean, on Tuesday, the second day of September refusal of or by the ow ner o f any lot ol state anu county taxes ns required by a Act to authorlzo cities to make permun general are hereby requested to investigate next. AND BLOOD DISEASES. ho deemed a public act nnd shall take improvements In tho road beds of streets at the claim of the Stockton Rifle Range Associ­ laud fronting on a public street or high­ law. effect Immediately. FORMAN COWARD, Executor. way to remove snow or icc from the side­ the general expense. ation against the state under the contract Dated Jane 24,1SS4. P r. fee, $3. 2m3S Rheumatism, 0. Ami lie It enacted, That the qualified Approved May 10, 1884. 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and General between the state and that association, and | PHYSICIANS ENDORSE IT HEARTILY. walks or gutters in front of his lands that voters of tho several incorporated towns Assembly o f tho State of New Jorsoy, T h a t report to the governor the amount due by the Notice of Settlement. “ Kidney-Wort ia tbe most suooeaafol remedy the tow n council may cause the same to of this state shall have power to rniso in CHAPTER CCXVI. it shall be lawful for the board of aldermen o r state, if any, lo bo paid upon the governor's ly at the cause of those diseases, while so many I ever used." Dr. J?. C. B*llou, Monkton, Vt. he done at the expense ot such owner and Estate of Ivins Davis, Deceased. so-called specifics only treat locally the effect. each year, by vote at the annual town A Further Supplement to the act entitled “ An ommon council now having legal power to approval. When you hav# tried In vain all the “ oils,” “ Kldnoy-Wort le always reliable. that the expense thereof may he assessed nuke street Improvements of any city, by o r­ .pproved May 5, 1884. o t i c e in i i e h e b y g i v e n , that > Dr. n. IV. OtarK, BO. BtVO, V*. meeting or charter or municipal election a c t Insecure to creditors an equal aud just accounts of the subscribers, Executors of “ K iduey-Wort baa cured my wife after tw o years as a tax upon such lauds and he collect­ such sum or sums of money as they shall division of the estates of debtors who convoy dinance, to order that the road bed of any N Buffering.” Dr. O. M. Summerlin, Bun HiU, Ga. street or avenue shall be paved, repaved, m a ­ Ivins Davis, deceased, will be audited an d able as general tnxes are collected. deem expedient for tho following pur­ to assignees for the benefit of creditors ’ JOINT RESOLUTION, NUMBER EIGHT. stated by the Surrogate, and reported for settle­ GOUT, NEURALGIA, IN THOUSANDS OP OASES V I. To provide for the fighting of the (Revision), approved March twenty-seventh, cadamized, repaired with broken stone, or ment to the Orphans’ Court of the county of it haa cured where all olao had filled, i t la mild, poses : o n e thousand rig h t hundred and seventy- otherwise permanently improved, at the gen­ Joiut Resolution requesting Congress to pass Ocean, on Tuesday, the second day of September streets, highways nnd public places of the a bill to promote the efficiency of the revenae “ ointments,” “ liniments" and “ pain cures,’' but efficient, CERTAIN IN ITS ACTION, but 1. For lighting tho streets of the four. eral expense of tho city, and tho expense of next. CHARLES 8. COLLIER, and when your doctors cannot help you, do not harmless in all oaaes. town. tow n; 1. Be It enacted hy the Senate and General such work shall be in such case paid out of marine service. Executor. despair but take Sallcyllca at once and be ci IW I t cleaned tbe Bleed a i l Streagthena mat Y ll. To provide for and regulate the moneys raised by tax for the improvement Whereas, The eminent services rendered l*y MARY A. nKNDRIOKSON, fflTCJ New Life to all the Important organa of II. For the im*'utcnanco and support of Anecmbly of the State of New Jersey, That Executrix. tbe body. Tbe natural action ot the KLidneya ia hydrants nnu cisterns iu the streets and lu all eases where assignment has heretofore of streets ; any such ordinance shall be passed the brave men of tlie revenue marine entitles the poor; them to the highest commendation; Dated J uhu 24,1S84. Fr. fee, $3. 2ni3s restored. The Livor la cleansed of all disease, public placeB. III. For regulating, cleaning and keep­ been made for the benefit of creditors under In the same manner that other ordinances of GRAVEL, DIABETES, and tbe Bowels move freely and healttiftUly. th e act to which this Is a supplement, and the such city requiring the expenditure of money ind Whereas, No provision exists in the pres­ In this way tbe w o n t diseases are eradicated V III. To nnnio and num ber the streets, ing In repair the streets and highways are passed ; but till* act shall not bo construed cut laws for tbc retiring of the meritorious, from the system ______g houses and lots in the town. assignee, for anv reason, has not sold the real Guardian’s Notice of Settlement. No one can afford to live in pain and misery when and the const ruction of crosswalks ; estate, or ha* sold said real estate and has not to prevent the doing of such work by proceed­ aged or disabled in that service; therefore, IX . To prevent the driving of cattle and 1. Be it resolved by the Senate and General Halicyltca will relieve him and put him In condi­ PMiaC #L0ft LtyGIIl 4>K VET, HOLD BV MtCttUISTS. IV. For th e support of the public m ade his final report w'lhin tho tim e pro­ ings for assessment as heretofore. tinal account of the subscriber, Guardian tion to attend to his daily avocations. Dry oen be sent by mail, other animals through any of tho streets schools; scribed by the act to which this is a further 2. And he It enacted, That this act shall tak e Assembly of the State of New Jersey, That of Wm. E. Havens, Annie A. Havens, Demorest WELLS, RlCHARPfiON A C O Jirlh g taa Vt. of th e town onr tho fist day of the week V. For the support of the police do supplement, it shall be lawful for such assignee effect immediately. the scuutors and representatives from this T. Havens, llarry 8. Havens, Jesse J. Havens Approved May 13, 1884. state arc earnestly requested to use their in­ and Lizzie B. Havens, m inors, will be audited commonly called Sunday and to regulate partment; to hereafter proceed In all things as h e might BLOOD POISONING. the same at other times. hav e done If the tim e prescribed In said act fluence for the passage of the bill pending in VI. For th e support of the fire depart CHAPTER COX XII, Congress, II. R.. number four thousand four X. To prevent nnd punish immoderate lm d not expired ; provided, he shall file his f I per box, 6 boxes for CB, k ; 3 N m ent; final report und account within six months Au Act to reimburse William S. Weart for hundred and elghty-thlee, “ to promote the driving or riding in the streets. VII. For w ater for the extinguishment fro m the approval o f this act. damages sustained against commissioners of efficiency of the revenue m arine service," With full directions in ten languages. Sold by XI. To prevent the driving of wagons whoreby the officers of the revenue marine druggists everywhere, or sent by mail, prepaid, of tires; 3. And be It enacted, That this act shall take the sinking fund of the State of New Jersey. on receipt of price. or other vehicles on the sidewalks except •ffcct immediately. who have grown old, or who have been serious­ VIII. For th e payment of interest upon Whereas, Jam es Wilson and Joseph L. Bodlnc, ly Injured in the performance of their duty, where necessary to cross the same. the debt of th e town and such p art of the Approved May 10, 18S4. commissioners of the sinking fund of th e Administrator’s Notice of Settlement. W A S H B U R N E & C-O,, Prop’*, state of New Jersey, did on the sixth day of may bo retired, in accordance with provisions Insoi.vbnt E state. X II. To regulate aud prohibit uny prac­ principal as m ay he due nnd payable; similar to those new in force hi relatiou to the lj30 287 Broadway, New York’ tise having a tendency to frighten animals CHAPTER CCXVII. March, A. 1)., eighteen hundred and eigaty- o t i c e in h e r e b y g i v e n , that th e IX. For th e sinking fund required to be tlarcc, lease to one William 8. Weart a c e r­ naval officers of the United States. N accounts of the subscriber, as administrator or annoy persons passing in the street of raised during the year; An Act to authorize cities to order au d regu­ tain farm belonging to said commissioners 3. And be it further resolved, That copies of of the insolvent estate of John Larkin, deceased, the town. X. For the salaries of officers not in late the cuiisti uciioit of sidewalks ftiid to of the sinking fund situate iu the township these resolutions be forwarded to the senators will be audited and stated ny the Surrogate, an a provide for the payment of the expense and representatives in Congress from New reported for settlement to th e Orphans’ H eart of Dr.HALLS ENGLISH K i l l. To regulate or prohibit all public eluded under any other bead ; of W est Amwell, in the county of H unter­ the County of Ocean, on Tuesday, the second 1 performances nnd exhibitions for money. thereof. don, containing about one hundred and Jersey, by the secretary of state. XI For th e purchase of necessary real 1. Be It enacted by the Senate and General Approved May 9, 1884. day of September next. LONDON . p I I I o X IV . To locate, regulate or prohibit c-stnte and tho erection of buildings ; fifty-eight acres of land ; 9m3S JAMEs LARKIN, Administrator. A ssembly of the S tate of New Jersey, That And whereas. The said commissioner* w ere Dated Ju n e 24, 1884. Pr. fee, $3. MALAWI A ^ LLb slaughter bouses. XII. For tho contingent expenses of (he th e incorporated cities of this state shall have IVI /- \ l— r-\ _ NO MEDICINE XV. To regulate or prohibit the blast unable to deliver to said William 8. Weart JOINT RESOLUTION. NUMBER NINE. EQUAL TO i t . t . i e >' TONt UP bit town. pow er through their several appropriate leg­ the possession of said farm on the first day MM lng o f rock within the town. XIII. But no appropriation shall be islative bodies to pass ordinances for tbc reg­ Joint Resolution authorising the purchase of Rule to Limit Creditors. of April then next ensuing ns agreed ui a historical painting representing the pre­ * S q-POOTEfl'.CO X V I. To prescribe the mauner in which raised or ordered except by a majority of ulation, construction and repair of sidewalks, in said lease on account ol the person tl Estate of Apam C. F idi.bb, deceased. E NT ' F HUS •• SNA,* A r e you foiling, tr y W ells’ Health R k - an d thereby to fix and determine the method sentation of Molly Pitcher to Washington. DRUOG I S T s . heweb, a pure, dean, wholesome persons or corporations shall exercise any all the voters voting at such elec­ in possession holding over aud refusing to 1. Be it resolved by the 8cnate and General Pursuant to an order of the Surrogate of th e in which sidewalk* In such cities shall be con­ deliver uiip possession thereof, whereby the privilege granted to them in the uso of tion. structed, repaired and maintained ; th e mate­ Assembly of th e State of New Jersey, That county of Ocean, made on the twelfth day of any street or highway in tho town or in said William 3. Weart was ou the said first the commissioners of the state library be May, A. D. one thousand eight hundred'and TOISTIO, 7. And be it enacted, That th is act shall rial out of which tb c sains shall be construct­ day of April without a farm and place to ty-four, notice Is hereby given to all per- F o r Bnfti. Nerves. Stomach, Liver.Kidneys, digging up any street or highway for any not apply to any incorporated city of this ed ; and also to provide for the paym ent of the anthorized to purchase an oil painting repre­ having claims against tbe estate of Adam C. L onga An Unequaled Inrtgomiit. Cures move his family, farming implements aud senting the presentation «f Mully Pitcher to purpose whatever. state. coat of such construction, repair and mainten­ stock, an d had to store and place the latter Fidler, deceased, late of th e county of Ocean, to DYSPEPSIA, A V II. To abate and remove nuisances ance ; provided, th at no city shall be author­ Washington ‘by General "Green, tbe morning present the same, under oath or affirmation, to 8. And be i t enacted, T hat the council with relations and neighbors, and was th ere­ after the battle of Monmonth; and on the the subscribers, on or before the twelfth day of ITeadache, Fever, Ague, Chills, of every kind. ized to put down any patented sidew alk, but by put to great inconvenience and damage or other governing laxly of any such In property owners m ay construct at th eir own requisition of the aald commissioners, or a of February next, t>elng nine months from the DEBILITY A NEWNESS. X V liI. To prevent vice and immoral corporated to w n shall have pow er to bor­ ex {tense sidewalks of any material th at may to wit. th ree hundred dollars; therefore, majority of them, for the cost of the aame, date of said order; and any creditor neglecting ity, to preserve public peace nnd good row money temporarily in the name of 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and General the comptroller is directed to draw his warrant to bring tn and exhibit his o r her claim, under N ice to take, tru e m e rit, unequaled f o r be allowed by general ordinance of such city. Assembly o f the Slate of New Jersey, T h at oath or affirmation, within the lime so limited, t o RJMD „ U V E wf.N Ig h t tell rio‘ ** ’ ‘order, to prevent and queltell riots, rio‘ disturb­ ** ’ ‘order, such incorporated town, in anticipation of 3. And be It enacted, That any such city for the amount, and the treasurer authorized will bfe forever barred of his or her action th ere­ the com ptroller of the state o f New Jersey be to pay the said warrant, and so much money ances andml disorderly assemblages.nssen appropriated revenues not exceedinging m ay prescribe by general ordinance in what and is hereby authorized and directed to draw for against said Executrix and Executors. X IX . To restrain and suppressiupp dis the amount o f such anticipated revenue* cauuw sidewalks sludl he constructed, rcnali a* may be required therefor, is hereby appro­ FRANCIS A. FIDLER, Executor. a warrant upon the treasurer of New Jersey priated from the treasury for the purpose. ELIZA FlDl.KK, Jtxecutrlx, orderly and gnming houses and houses of o r maintained at th e expense of the abutting in favor of said William 8. W eart for the sum ao appropriated. lan d owner*; whenever in any city it shal 2. Aud be it resolved, That this joiut resolu­ JOHN G. HOWARD, Executor. ill fame. ft. And t>e it enacted, That this act shall of three hundred dollars, which shall be in full tion shall take effect immediately. Dated May 12, 18S4. Pr. fee. W. 2n»3S hereafter become the duty of any owner of satisfaction of all damage* sustained by aald X X . To restrain and punish drunkards, take effect immediately. abutting lands under the ordinance of the Approved May 14, 1884. vagrants, mendicants, tramps and beg William 8 . Weart against tbc commissioners Approved M ay ft, 1884. city to construct o r alter or repair any side of the sinking fund ot New Jersey in reference Order to Show Cause. gars. w alk or section thereof, the authorities o tc said lease and the possession of said farm . X X I. To regulate interments of the such city having charge of the street affairs wanted for the Lives of all the CEAN ORPHANS* COURT. April eighth, CHAPTER CCXIV 3. And Ik* it enacted, That this act shall tak e Presidents of the United Sutes. O In April Term, 1884. BUCMA dead within the limits of the town. o f the city may cause a notice In writing to effect immediately. he served upon the owner or occupant of said ______The largest. hsn.i«omeBt and Joseph Hilliard, administrator, anil Catharine I X X II. To regulate the construction and A further supplement to an act entitled Approved May 13. 1884, best book ever sold for less than twice our price. Hilliard, administratrix, o f David Hilliard, de­ (ifliiojy- utuprm “ An act concerning corporation*,” ap land# requiring the necessary specified work The fastest selling book In America. Immense ceased. having exhibited to this Court, under cleaning of privies and cesspools. to t>e done hy said ow ner or occupant within a X X III. To establish and regulate one proved A pril aevenih, eighteen hundred CHAPTER CCXXIII. pioflts to agents. All intelligent people want it. oath, a ju st and true acccLat si the personal | and seventy-five. period of not less th an thirty days from ths An Act to provide for agreements between Anr one can become a successful agent. Terms estate and debts of the said decedent, whereby it or m ore public pounds and to restrain arad date of service of such notice; whenever any free. ID i.krrr Book Co., Portland. Maine. 10 appears that the personal estate of said deceased Buchu-Paiba 1 Be it enacted by the Senate and Gen- creditors and insolvent companies. is insufficient to pay his debts, uid request ebe regnlate the running at large ot horses, lan d s are unoccupied and tho owner cannot he for the working class. Send 10 cents C or*** o f Catarrh o f Um eral Assembly of the State off New Jersey, 1. He it enacted by tbc Senate and (teuera! aid of the Court in the prem ises; cattle, swine and other animals, geese and found within the city, the same may t*e mailed Assembly of the Slate of New Jersey, T h at for postage, and we will mail you fnt Bladder, inflammation, Irritation of Kid That any company organized by virtue ot postage prepaid to his or her post office ad­ Send six ceats for postage, and it Is therefore ordered, th at all persons in te r-, a royal, valuable box of sample goods n e r s and Bladder, Stone or Ora.el D ta other poultry, and to authorize the im- a henever any company organised under any receive, tree, a costly box of ested in the lands, tenements and real estate of the Prostate Gland, Dropsical the aetto which this i» supplement, for dress, If the same can be ascertained ; In case law of th is Male, and engaged in manufactur­ goods which will help you to that will put you .n the wav of making more l»nundinc and sale of the same for the suck owner Is a non-resident of the city and M lh money tn a few days than you ever thought pos­ Swellinra, Female Disease, Ineontin- penalty Incurred and for the costa of the purpose o f constructing, mainlainiti| ing within this state, shall nave been or shall make more »y right away than anything else sible at any business. Capital not. required. We ra c e of Urine, all Diseases of the O entto hi* or her post office address cannot be ascer­ be declared to 1* insolvent, and a receiver tn the world. i. of either sex, succeed from L nnarjr Organs in either ser. For U n ­ keeping and impounding. and operating works for the supply am tained, then the notice may he inserted for the flnu hour. The broad road to fortune opens will start you. You can work all the time or in distribution o f eleclricity for electric lights, shall have been or shall be appointed, and no spare time only. The work is universallv adapt­ healthy or Unnatural Dischargee uuc XXIV. To regnlate or prohibit the four week* in some newspaper of each city; before the workers, absolutely sure. At once and tval estate of the said deceased shall not r>e ed to both sexes, young and old. Yon can easily a ls o ' Chapin’s Injection Fleur,” each $1 heat or power, shall have full power to settlement shall have been made for th ree address T am 4k Co., Augusts, Marne. 10 «old as will be sufficient to pay his debts, or the keeping of swine, geese and goats. in case the owner o r occnpau of such land* years theafter. it shall be lawful for such com ­ earn fiom M cents to $5 p«*r evening. 1 hat all who . For 8TPH1L1S. either contracted oi use the public roads or highways, streets, ahall not comply w ith the requirements of residue thereof, as the cas« m ar require. want work may test the business, we make this iE jSSH atei. ny Cto»n. Comma XX V. To regulate and prevent the run­ pany to en te r Into an agreement with its cred ­ By the Court, taon Bitter byrup, (1.00 per bottle, an** aevenue* and alleys in this state for the ra ch notice, it shall he lawful for th e street A MONTH FAR AGENT*. C. W. POTTER. Surrogate. unparalleled offer: to all who are nor well satii- ning at large of dogs and to authorize the itors for a •ettlcment. with tbe consent an d J1 N T OUT. led we will send H to pay for tbe trouble of Chapin* Syphilftlc P O la^ O rL aS c* ^ j purpose of erecting posts or poles on the department of the city, upon filing doe proof approval of the chancellor, and after such 8300 Dated Ju n e *4,19S4. P r. fee. »7.50. fcnS8 destruction of dogs running at large. off the service or publication of the aforesaid LOG AN. C am - writing ns. Fall particulars, directions etc., XXVI. To regulate to prohibit swim­ same to sustain the necessary wires and agreement shall have been signed by not less ______Official. Illus­ sent free. Fottnnes win he made bv those who iwrtlee in the appropriate departm ent of the than two-thirds in amount o f the holders of tratedBLAINE Life *f fire ■cpuM SSL.1’ ktas rhmlce. by give their whole time to the work. Great success m ing or bathing in the water? of or bound- fixtures upon first obtaining the consent in city , to cause the required work to be done, Order to Show Cause. writing of the owners of the soil ; pro­ the valid claims against such company, said Ju d g e B u d . assisted by the editor of the Ken­ absolu'ely sure. Don’t delay. Start now. Ad­ 8. A ing the town. an d paM for ont o f th e moniea of th e city to agreement shall he Liudiug upou all of the nebec Journal an-i B la in e 's P riv a te Seere- DRAN ORPHANS' dress Stissoi* A CO., Portland, Maine. 19 X X V II. To establish, regulate and con­ vided, however, no posts or poles shall th e credit of the street department; tbs cost creditors o f such company the same as if th ey •ary. Cloth, fitS.Offi. ____ in April Terns, I'M. be erected in any street o f any incor­ o f such work shall be certified by tb c person P I C U C I R U f ) M l HKNBBirKS. hy Tho*. T. Cranmer, administrator of Job a . C rea­ trol a day and night police and to regulate had all signed, to the end that the receiver uLtVtLAIVU cel. Fran»t W plftl. porated city o t town withont firat obtain having charge thereof to the person having may be discharged by the chancellor, aud the mer, deceased, having exhibited to this Court, un ­ FOUTZ’S C a t a r h N From - ■ *Col. .* J * . MaM- • and define the manner of their appoint­ charge of the collection of assessments in Our books B e M y u n i a ll e e ta p e tn to n in der oath, a Just and true account of the personal m ent and removal, their duties and com ­ tug from any incorporated city or town a effects an d property of tbe company restored Authorship. Illustrations, Paper and Binding. estate and debts of the said decedent, where- j NORSE AND CATTLE POWDERS hof, of New York: I so rb city; upon filing tin said certificate the to its own possession. Frespeetn* free to actnal canvassers. Spe­ hare suffered severe­ pensation. designation o f the street in which the am oont of the root ot such work shall he and by it appears that the personal estate of said ly for the last teq same shall be placed and the manner^ of 3. And be it eeacted. That any creditor w ho cial terms tu those —— deceased is insufficient to pay his debts, and XXXIII. Ts regulate and control the become a lien upon said abutting Und* in shall n*fn«c to J j s w h EST 2 .0 2 Kaneft the sm of a . Court lu the premises; yein from H ay Fe w trf whuh such work was done to the in early and midsum­ m anner of building dw elling houses a«u notice given to such company within sixty ft is therefore ordered that ah persons Interest­ mer and la th e fall. I other building* to take down remove or I be so located as in no way to interfere sam e extent that asocaament* for lo ca l im­ days from the discharge of the receiver, apply , ed in tb e lands, tenements and real estate of the with the safety or convenience of persons prove menu are lien* in such city co d er its said deceased, appear before the Court, at rhe desire in th e Interest destroy bnildisgsthat are liable to fall or are to the chancellor for ah assessment of th e ' Court House In Toms River, ou Tuesday the of my fellow snffTen travelling on or over the said roada and ch a rter or the general law, and shall be col- value of th e claim of such creditor, and tb e to testify in favor of dangerous to life; to regulate or prohibit in the hi an nor provided Lv law for tke second day of Septemoer next, to show'cause the carrying on of manufactures danger­ highways, an d that the public streets in chancellor may appoint three commissiooei s why so much of the hands, tenements, here- Vo Rowan wffl dte of co u r Bor* or I rvo t t Kyk Cream Balm. collection of sock o th er assessments, and shall to determine the actual value of tbe property ! My short u s e of It ous in causing or promoting fires; to re- any of the incorporated cities and towns of b ea r interest at tb e same rate; in addition d i laments and real estate of the said deceased IU, if f ^ tr* Pewdere arewed tetJwT L ” demonstrated its effl- »hi« «t*te shall he *ohjeet to natch regula­ of each com pany while the same was in th e I shall not be sold ns wtll be sufficient to par Fonav Powder* will cure «nd prevent How pwm n , recy.-J. MafAeMR . gnlate or prohibit the manufacture, sale, T*to the city m ay h are aa action to recover bands of th e receiver, and the proportionate Ut debts, or the iesuiae thereof, as toe case i !>>*»*'*----- Fowaererowoem wuiwffl prevent barnsGapss in PowiaF o iu tions as may he fir*t imposed by the for against the ow ner of said may require. Voottn Powders win tnerrese the qnsnWtr of mflj Broadway. keeping, storage or use of fireworks, gun­ value of th e claim of such creditor, and the ' Apply into th e nos- pow der, esmphene, kerosene, burning porated authorities of said cities and lands, to any oonrt having competent jurisdic­ value o r proportionate amount of such claim j THE BLATCHLEY By tbe Court tills. towns. tio n thereof; a certified copvit of< tbe aforesaid shall be paid by tbe com pane ia discharge of - A n \ *S4 ^ - ! . foitrt Pwwdert win a m or prevent Hy* Cream Bala fluid, nitro glycerine, dynamite or other certificate shall In such actiontioo ba prim a fade Dated Ju . M.A. it. ISM. Pr. fee. Iijkt, tm3S n d Csaie wre inflammable or explosive materials; to re­ 8 And be it enacted. T h a t any tbe debt, ia order that snch claimant may re- is s remedy 1 evAdence of tbe existence of a debt doe from ceire the fall proportion that would hare been I on t correct *11 gulate or prohibit the use of firearms ; to companies be and they are hereby tfee said owner to th e city. PUMP! oolhomed and empowered to la y pipes o r realized If a tale' of the property had been ! Order to Show Cause. DAVID X. TOTTT*. F ravriataw , raze and demolish any G ilding or erec 3. And be it enacted. That all m onies recov­ ordered by the court to be made by the iw- i ticn when necessary to prevent the ex -1rondniisand------lay< #wirea------therein------beneath ered or paid to the city under the prorW oos M Y U L K S T r o f f i t a s s m C R Y R T, April eighth. •ALTIROXE. M . reiver. Ula For sale by C. W. POTTER, Tores Rim tension of a conflagration, and to provide lh® pnblic roads, highways, streets, ‘J __ Curtis, administrator of the ______», for tk e MccruiEmfBl «nd p m m l a f j a a t M O T m w d u Ihry to m w o rtiu T S u d * “ ^ “ the cost of each , haTe * rfefct to appeal from the decision of th e sUTCHirrs William H. Budge, deceased, hiv.n* exhibited ______TRIFLE ENAMEL ec==ol=£c= to rrsrrs of'property fe- th.t mud nra or f sed er the « to th a Court, under oatX. a jure and tree arc«enst a t ? t i l l * 5 4 * T I* - N r tire U v e a nf 4 And S i t of^the personal estate and debts of said decedent, | LA I H E & I CP ------ainmchcuM. ooodmli«b.l\ br tad u ' - — " . section o f this act, to tbe chancellor who shall I HMCOAII-LIRED whereby it appears that the personal estate of “ , I " S I »! ine the same, or at tbe reqawd said deceased ts insufficient to par ht* debts, and i ___I X To proscribe m l defae tke btk" ' tk' w rtec e of Ibe with the previsions of this act a r e hereby j ^ ' 1 $ ^ p»rty. in ls»ue m ay be framed to r duties of officer, ind empk-TTSof the town w* to „Y wise ootirrcss-ilT f-twrori or repealed. request the aid of the Court to the premises: ; Is 1 VoL by tbe trial of thee queeti ______** in taerefore ordered. taataD persons interest- , 2 * sac ft tol, | M racci and tbeir comnerimtinn where erm n m interfere with pofeiic trsrel or damaee Apr-''-(■proved May U. 1884. commtoeioBers before tbe circuit court of smy edin th e toads, tenements and real estate of sard ‘ Sffiger cent, to Agents o u ritT re : ties is sot fixed by law. and tke penal’T P°Nie or prisaw prototf. «*"< •‘•‘I »* coqaty o f this state, and tbe chancellor m ay Conn,« the Court U ftllM I SLIMTIYL f-fi . for M in* to perfora sack dsties, which j be laid nearer than time feet except m ts CHAPTER CCXVII!. order that each farther proceedings shall be PUMP CONSUMPTION, pesalty nay extend to removal o f «tb e berrinsfter------excepted. ------to any„ w a „ te , r o r gas 1 A n Act entitled “ Ai relating to the depth as may be to accordance with the p.»------foundation waB« ot of co n rt of etapeeYy. and the courts o f j I h are a positive remedy I------— ftto office, prorided. thtt j ; bit »e prtte Iriro,* »h*i * b,oproed------and eoBstrnctioo ___ a____ JM 6 outfit free. P»j By fts use ftontthdn of omessf the w e n t ton BotbiTig in thi* set «bmll be ronatrw»«1 ftw the jwtrpnee o f kriug a ay sock pipe i buildings and the responsibilitT of adjoining law ia th e trial of — No nsft. Cajna! eat and o f k a | standing hav* bees cared. Xndeet •ItCTCreproltfefproThtowof or wto, .itko.l to ecrorol of| m srroeg ■ my faith in tn efficacy th a t I wl alter o f repeal tke prevtotoee of «ay to w n * ccm&mtKor w^awjthoat _____Je^., A And l° be it enacted. " J That this aet efeaS ! mad TWO BOTTLES FRYE, together with term o f office of aay boaid o f aMeroen or com m on co u n cil! * be tbe Senate usd - - General -l immediately^ By the Court. _____ VALTABL* TRlATfSE oa tta dEesSe to hi o f sock city ; NBd provided, farther, that Aaremtty of Rate of New Jersey. That Approved May lt. lfef. * sufferer. Git * o p u s usd post office ad-Irens. IS Dr. T. A. 8LOCTM. I S Tetri St, Hew T «l