""•OW,!*,,,, New J ersey Courier THE; IONS8R N1 w ar ESI O E* O-C E 4 N C O U N T ESTABLISHED IN 1850. TOMS RIVER, N. J., WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 13, 1884. VOLUME 31.—NUMBER 45. BUSINESS CARDS. BARNEOAT ADVERTISEMENTS. N ew J er sey C o u r ie r . SELECTED POETRY. Jist then the Deekin in the interest uv A Salvation Aimy Circus. Bill Nye on Rand-Shaking. Nerves in the Household. harmony announst his inteuahim uv I»nie«, CovriierthwMtt’ft Exchange, AMOVMEJJTON FOOT Til ASTONISH THK NATIVES Clouds with Silver Lining. whalin Lwaker, an prooeedid to do it, an There are two kinds of hand shakers There is hardly so Ainerioan family in OVEB THE TOST OFFICE, Chas. B. Mathis, —DAUNUM TO KB OUTDONE IN STREET PA- A . M . COX, ez tbopld man alius did bev muscle ther for whom I go armed. If lever alay my which some member is not a victim to Tom s Riven, O oban C o u n t y , N. J. BY MARY B. UOLBy, HADES AND “ D.M.LE1.DJAH LASSUS*’— WAR feliowmau nml hurl his surprised soul WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN DHALXB IN ALL KINDS ©F wnZ the prospex uv a lively row. He CUAr.,OT8 AND A FOr.TT-POCNDER PIRl.NO some sort of nervous disease—neuralgia, There’s never a day so sunny iuto the bosom of the great hereafter, it 8. 0. JENNINGS, Editor and Publisher. jumped across the seats to the Sekretory’s THACTS IN TBB FACE* OF 8IHNEES-—TRUMP­ hysteria, the extreme of epilepsy, or the But a little cloud appears i (One copy 1 year......................... 1200 DRUGS, MEDICINES, desk and hed Issaker by the throte, aud ETS AND TAMBOURINES TO SOUND THE " WAR will be either the man who graspa my mild form of constant “ tire." Women, Thore’s never a life bo happy TURKS.— -<0*b copyflmontlw................ i do LUMBER, Issaker hed him by tho hair whar it is the C lil" —CANVAS SOU THK CAMPAIGN (TO GOVMU hand with suoh an enthusiastic external oftencr young than old, are frequently (One copy 3 months............. CHEMICALS, PERFUMERY, But has Its time of te a rs ; 5,000 PEOPLE AT A TIUB—THE DEVIL TO UR tfabscriptionspayable in A finance. shortest, and they wuz a roll in on the pressure that it ooffiea back to me it quiv­ mere bundles of uerves ; tluu and blood­ AND COAL AND WOOD, Yet the sun ahluos out tho brighter LICKED ON IIIS OWN GROUND AND LARGE When the stormy tempest clears. ering, heterogeneous mass of .aonfustd less, living on morptiino aud valerian, T ransient Advsrtismbnts. — Twei»® lines, floor in less'ii no time ODD3 ON TH E ISSUE — LATE NEWS FROM FANCY TOILET ARTICLES, HARDWARE, aud abraded phluuges, or the man who known only in their homes or social lives one Inch space,) 76 cents one insertion. Each Thore’s never a garden growing In the meantime Bascom and Kernel HEADQUARTERS. Locks, Hinges, Screws, Kails, Glass, fcc. protrudes his lifeless baud toward mo additional insertion, CO cents. TRUSSES, With roics in every plo t; M’Pelter hed get into a teaZle eZ to what by tbe&i*. TsWtsh we real Doors Sash, Vfflou74/ngs, While Major Moore, the busy com­ Business Cards.—One inch space, $8.00 a year There’s never a heart so hardened the platform meant on the money ques­ aud lays it in my palm as he would a link enough to carry them to the edge ol tho each additional inch, $4.00. Shoulder. Braces, Syringes, Shingles, la th , Lime, Cement, Brick, mander-in-chief of the Salvation Army in Arc., Ac, But It has one tender sp o t; tion, and the rest uv the citizens got into of bologna snueage. The last man en­ grave, if too vaguo for any ordinary General Advertising. — Our rates will be the United States, had an “ off day” re­ made known upon application a t this office, PAINTS, OILS, LOW H3ST PRICES. We have only to prune t^e border a squabble ez to whether Cleveland wnZ hances and enriches the act very muoh medicine to touob. An emiuent physi­ either personally or by letter. Office and Y ard on B ay S treet, To find the forget-me-not. cently in Asbury Park and Ocean Grove, by looking at you with the cold, uuira- cian has hit upon a treatment for this VARNISHES AMD DYE-STUFFS. BarneRat, N. J. iy45 a Dimocrat at all or not, beooZ Tammany Legal Advertisements.—At rates allowed by Thore’s never a cup so pleasant he detailed to his friend and host, in the poasioned eyo of a dead oodflsb. class of invalids whioh is said to be sac- law, opposed him, and the npshot uv the biz- Physicians’ Prescriptions Carefully Prepared But has bitter with the sweet: familarity of his genial nature, some pro­ I oau forgive a lady sometimes for de­ cessfnl He removes them from homo, Special Notices (In local column), 10 cents a nis wnz a row wich inclooded every Dim- at all hoars. There’s uovor a path so rugged jects that were takiug shape in his active line for first Insertion; subsequent insertions,8 ocrat present except me, and we broke up positing a little warm mass of forty-four changes the whole material and moral Fashionable Millinery That bears not the print of fe et; centB a line. Proprietor of MATHIS’ QUARTER DOL­ brain for the enlargement of the sphere of button kid iu my hand with no apparent atmospheve about them, puts thorn to bed AND LADIES’ GOOD8. And we have a Holper promised without passin any resolooshens or rati­ LAR FAMILY LINIMENT. Iy40 “Army operations” in thia country in the emotion—in the hand. It is the eye, For tho trials we may meet. fying the nomination at all. and forbids them to move hand or foot. BUSINESS CARDS. TOM 8 RIVER, NEW JERSEY. Deekin Pogram and I retired to the character, habits, political economy and after all, that I want to shake hands They are overfed five times a day. Tho MRS. JO SIE A. N EILL, There’s never a sun that rises social life of which, the Major thinks, his back room uv Basoom's, and while the with. laok of exeroiao is supplied by kneading M 'W & J l T But we know it will set at night; old foe, the devil, lias too prominent a ALBERT C. MARTIN, S NOW PREPAR ED to offer a full and old Saint wuz a washing the blood orf 1 remember, even now, after a stormy the entire body, and by elentrieHy, The A. A. BRANT, The tints that gleamed lu the morning hand. I complete stock of Fashionable Millinery Goods, At evening are just as b rig h t; career as postmaster and through the toil patient goes to bed a skeleton au4*comes Attorney and Solicitor in Chancery, DEALER IN ALL KIND8 OF and other articles of Ladies’ Goods, adapted to the his face we had a oonversnsben over the Pali and Winter season. Her stock embraces And the hour that is the sweetest platform. It is to oheokmate his satauio majesty and persecution of politics, a pair of out, it is said, fat and rosy. The secret OOlce over the Bank, all qualities from the cheapest to the B E S T and save the world from his dominations grades, which she Is prepared to dispose of Is between the dark and light. “ Parson,” sed tho old man, “ what is bright eyes that used to conio about even in this treatment is absolute rest, and that the Major lays awake nights forming with the breost pocket of my ovoraoat the redaction of the patient to a condi­ Toms Riv er , n . J. LUMBER, CHEAP FOR CASH! There's never a dream th at’s happy the reel meanin uv the platform ?" But the waking makes us sad ; plane. His two by two scouts, going and how I used to shake haudB with tion of a mere animal. COAL AND WOOD, Extra Fine flats, “ Anything yoo like,” was tho reply, There’s never a dream of sorrow oat to towns and cities with their tam­ them, God bless them ; I didn't soem to If this prinoiplo be correct, there is no J. HOLMES BIRDSALL, Fine French Flowers, “ anything yoo like. Remember its a h a r d w a r , e , Bat the waking makes ns glad ; bourines, have an unexpectedly gratify­ know whether I had one hand or Bix roBBou why every mother should not ap­ ATTORNEY AT LAW, Laces, Silks, Dimocratik platform, and a Democratik Locks, Hinges, Screws, Kails, Class, See. Ribbons, Ties, Ac. We shall look some day with wonder ing result. It looks and reads like a in my grasp. I didn't care. I was an ply it in tho ’ i'eatment of her nervous Master and Examiner in Chancery, At the troubles we have had. platform must be comprehensive." Doors, Sash, B linds & M oldings. Also a large assortment, of all grades and quali­ modern repetition of “ The Acts," as inebriate, aud ont of thoao brown eyfis patient (for she is sure to have one.) Her AND NOTARY PUBLIC, “ Does it mean free trade or partook- ties of There’s never a way so narrow originally oompiled by St. Luke. Tho OFFICE on Main Street,- epposltc the Shingles. lath, Lime, Cement.. Brick, shun ? " if 'iK becoming more aud more iutori- husband is over-worked in the office or HOSIERY AND GLOVES.
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