18,1983 25 Cents Karcher, Blaine Argue Fairness Ofrent Hearing Set on M V Dispute

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18,1983 25 Cents Karcher, Blaine Argue Fairness Ofrent Hearing Set on M V Dispute ☆ * . ☆ The Weekly Newspaper w T ^ « Vol. 4 No. 50 Wednesday, May 18,1983 25 Cents Karcher, Blaine argue fairness ofrent Hearing set on M V dispute By Judith McGee Feeney tinued yesterday as Karcher, a Democrat, rents are too expensive. MATAWAN raised new questions about the lease. State Sen. John Gallagher charged last The state’s controversial lease for the new Karcher charged yesterday that the lease week that Karcher’s opposition to the Mata­ motor vehicle agency on Route 34 will be a for the building is with the former tenant, wan agency is a “smear campaign” to dam­ subject of a hearing next month before the Walter Blaine, and not with the property’s age Gallagher’s chances for re-election. Assembly Legislative Oversight Commit­ owner, N.J. Materials Co. He has charged that Karcher, County tee. But Blaine, a real estate broker and ap­ Democratic Leader John Fiorino, and As­ Assemblyman William Flynn (D.-13th), praiser, denied the charge, saying that the semblyman Richard Van Wagner are trying who heads the committee, said the hearing lease is with N.J. Materials and the state “to kill the motor vehicle agency” to will focus first on several motor vehicle pays its rent directly to the firm. discredit him. agency leases which have been questioned As evidence, he provided The Independent Van Wagner, a Democrat, is running and then on the state’s general procedures with a voucher showing that the state paid against Gallagher for the 13th District for negotiating leases. its rent for September and November di­ Senate seat. Flynn is seeking re-election in “I hope the hearing will clear the air,” rectly to N.J. Materials. the same district. Flynn said. “I don’t want any clouds hang­ “That’s a total distortion and lie,” Blaine Karcher said yesterday he has had sever­ ing over anyone’s head. If the allegations said when informed of Karcher’s allegation. al property appraisers examine the build­ are unfounded, they should be put to rest. If Karcher also said yesterday that Blaine’s ing. they are legitimate, they should be brought appraisal of the building, prepared for a tax “All of them say the total rent should be $9 out.” assessment appeal last year, proves that the or $10 per square foot,” he said. “That Assembly Speaker Alan K archer said yes­ structure is not worth the rent the state is would include a base rent of $6, with $2 per WILLIAM FLYNN square foot for renovations and $2 for utili­ terday that the hearing will probably begin paying. base rent, $5.11 for renovations, and $2.50 June 13. Karcher has refused to authorize the leas­ ties.” ' ■ for utilities. Controversy oyer the hew motor agency, es for agencies in Matawan, Woodbridge, The lease negotiated by the State Treas­ Under the proposed five-year lease, the which is at Route 34 and Broad Street, con­ and two other municipalities, claiming the ury Dept, totals $19.61 per square foot—a $12 state pays N.J. Materials $1,854 a month for rent and reimbursement for renovations it Engineering report presented to authority required. Karcher says the monthly payment should be $867. The state pays its own utili­ ties, but includes them in the total rent figure to see a building’s total cost. - BRSA doesn't need plant expansion As evidence that the present is too high, Karcher says that Blaine paid much less thority says it hopes to complete rehabilita­ UNION BEACH ing an interceptor line to serve future Holm­ when he occupied the building. del housing developments. The Bayshore Regional Sewerage Author­ tion of its 50-year old sewer lines within a Karcher said last weekend that he heard year. Engineers have said intrusion of Killam said septic systems on the north ity will not have to expand its treatment Blaine’s rent was between $300 and $400 per storm and ground water into the cracked slope of Holmdel are adequate because the plant before the year 2000 if operations at month. • lines results in excessive grit and flow from area is not densely populated. Developers the facility are improved, Keansburg reha­ But Blaine said yesterday he paid $600 per bilitates its sewer system, industrial the borough. would probably be willing to install sewers month to use two offices in the building until Shirk said the DEP is formulating a pro­ for future housing projects in the township, customers adequately pretreat their efflu­ his business expanded last year. Blaine said ent, and Aberdeen does not hook into the gram to regulate pre-treatment of industrial he added. that, since he was renting 600 sq. ft. of .BRSA, according to a long-awaited engin­ effluent. Shirk said estimates of future population space, his annual rent was $12 per sq. ft. Enforcement of the state program would eers’ report. in the township up to the year 2000 indicate When he opened a realty appraisal firm, ensure that commercial waste is not damag­ Using a grant obtained through the feder­ the BRSA plant would be able to serve the he took an additional office which was ap­ ing plant equipment or affecting operations, al Environmental Agency, BRSA engineer area without expansion. proximately another 300 sq. ft., he said, and The state has said Freneau is “in severe E.T. Killam Associates, Millburn, conduct­ he added. ■ paid an additional $220 in monthly rent. need of sew ers,” according to Shirk. But the ed a study on future waste treatment in the Killam said it would not be economically After August, he said, he was paying $820 EPA will not pay for the installation of sew­ Bayshore over the next 20 years. and environmentally feasible to install sew­ per month—or $11 per sq. ft. annually for the ers because it would not be economical, he Killam presented its report at a BRSA ers in sections of Aberdeen and Holmdel 900 sq. ft.. meeting Monday. In preparing the report, served by septic tanks, for Aberdeen to hook added. John Blauvelt, treasurer for N.J. Mater­ Shirk and BRSA Project Manager David Killam’s James Shirk said, engineers into the BRSA, or for Matawan and Keyport ials Co., confirmed Blaine’s figures. worked in conjunction with an independent to build their own treatment plant. Knowles, former ATMUA executive direc­ According to both Blauvelt and Blaine, environmental consultant, the DEP, and a The report recommends improving Aber­ tor, have said Freneau residents can allevi­ N.J. Materials occupied the portion of the ate their problems with overflowing septic citizens advisory committee. deen’s facilities, $5.8 million worth of im­ building not used by Blaine Realty. tanks by improving them and paying the . The Keansburg Municipal Utilities Au­ provements at the BRSA plant, and install- But Karcher said last night that two peo­ ATMUA to clean them regularly. ple from Matawan, whom he would not Proposed plant improvements, improving name, told him that Blaine used the entire Aberdeen’s facilities, and the Holmdel in­ terceptor line are all eligible for a federal building. Karcher also said that the fact sheet waste water construction grant, Shirk said. Moyers fined $30,000 which he received about the lease lists The Matawan-Keyport proposal and in­ Blaine as the “lessor,” although it lists N.J. stallation of sewers in Aberdeen’s Freneau section and Holmdel are not eligible, he add­ Materials Co. as the property owner. “ The lease is not with (N.J. M aterials Co. for zoning code violations ed. owner Michael) Guadagno,” Karcher said. Killam’s Robert Dalby said the BRSA By David Thaler house, but as a trustee. The trust agreement “ It’s between W alter Blaine and the State of ABERDEEN is not recorded. ranks 56th on a list of approximately 280 pro­ jects eligible for a waste water construction New Jersey.” Jack Moyers, 14 Belle PI., has been fined a Moyers rented the house at 52 Waverly PL “The only conclusion that I can draw is grant in New Jersey. He said the DEP anti­ total of $30,000 for illegally operating a from former Board of Education President that Blaine sublet the building for the term rooming house at 52 Waverly PI., Township cipates the first 47 projects will receive Kathleen Marshall, who now lives in Flori­ of five years,” Karcher said, “He might be grants before funds run out in 1985. Attorney Frederick Niemann said Monday. da. He was charged with renting rooms in the difference between the amount he paid Niemann said he obtained “a $30,000 the house, a violation of the zoning or­ per month and the $2,000 the state pays. judgement” against Moyers, an unsuccess­ dinance, and making structural changes That’s not bad work if you can get it.” ful candidate for the Board of Education last without a building permit. Borough weighs The fact sheet also lists Blaine as the third month, in Holmdel Municipal Court last He denied the charges and said they were party agent, Karcher said, adding that he week. publicized to discredit him as a school board did not have a copy of the lease. candidate. garbage contract But Blaine said that Karcher’s claim “is The case had been transferred from Aber­ Ms. Marshall obtained a judgement not even close.” deen Municipal Court to Hazlet and then to against Moyers in a civil suit and evicted the UNION BEACH “I never even had a lease with N.J. Mater­ Holmdel, because the Hazlet and Aberdeen tenants from the Waverly Place home. The Borough Council Monday will discuss ials,” Blaine said.
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