Ministry of Higher Education (MoHE) Higher Education Development Program (HEDP)

Outcome Based Education & Student Centered Learning Workshop for Faculty Deans Final Report

20th-22nd May 2017

Table of Contents

Background ...... 3 Rationale ...... 3 OBE-SCL Workshop for Faculty Deans: ...... 4 Training Objectives: ...... 4 Outcomes of the Dean’s workshop ...... 4 Workshop Schedule ...... 5 Batch 1 – parallel to Batch 2 ...... 5 Batch 2 – parallel to Batch 1 ...... 5 Location: ...... 6 Participants: ...... 6 Training materials: ...... 6 Training Modality: ...... 7 Challenges:...... 7 Lesson Learned: ...... 7 Expectations from Deans ...... 8 Conclusion ...... 8 Annex 1: Deans Information List ...... 8 Annex 2: Some Photos from within the workshop ...... 11


Background Afghan universities are largely traditional, with teacher-centered pedagogy and passive student learning. International trends in universities are increasingly moving toward active student centered learning (SCL) and outcome-based education (OBE). These also combine with blended learning where on-line e- learning methods are integrated with on-site, face-to-face interaction between students and teachers. Afghan universities urgently need to modernize teaching and learning to reflect and keep pace with these international trends.

As one of the components in the Higher Education Development Program (HEDP) efforts are taken to modernize and enhancing the quality of teaching and learning. Hence, Outcome Based Education & Student Centered Learning concepts come into play to achieve this goal. The objective of this theme is to assist universities in introducing modern outcome-based education (OBE) and student-centered learning (SCL) in line with current international trends in higher education. The introduction of OBE and SCL will require new approaches to curriculum design and delivery; innovative teaching methods and techniques; active and dynamic learning models; increased use of higher education publications, and ICT and internet-based resources; and the modernization of assessment systems, in universities. The Staff Development Centers (SDCs) of universities will play an important role in the provision of continuous professional development for university academics, management and technical staff, to introduce and establish OBE and SCL and to use ICT, web-based content and digital resources, for teaching and learning. The degree programs which are considered priorities for the country’s economic development will be the first set of programs to which OBE and SCL will be introduced. Over time, OBE and SCL will be expanded to other degree programs.

Rationale The concepts of OBE-SCL have been introduced to the Afghan faculties through various local and overseas workshop. The very first workshop was held on November 21st and 22nd 2015 at the ministry of Higher Education. This workshop was a simple introduction to the OBE-SCL. The OBE-SCL experts from UTM coached the workshop. At the end of the workshop it was agreed to conduct an advanced OBE-SCL workshop in near future. Therefore, on April 24th – 3rd May 2016 the advanced workshop was held in presence of 170 Afghan faculties and 4 OBE-SCL experts of UTM. This workshop helped Afghan faculties have a more solid understanding of OBE-SCL concepts. At the end of this workshop, UTM trainers asked the participants to complete a teaching portfolio so that they can win a fellowship to enhance their knowledge on OBE-SCL at UTM in a more advanced OBE-SCL workshop. Out of 170 participants 24 faculties from 14 universities have been selected and departed to UTM for OBE-SCL Trainer Certificate workshop. They attended this workshop for 12 days and managed to obtain the Certificate of OBE-SCL Trainer and Associate Trainer.

These 24 faculties gained the title of OBE-SCL Trainer and Champion. These Champions conducted OBE- SCL workshop at their respective universities for two weeks. These 24 Champions managed to train 260

3 teachers in OBE-SCL. The participants of these workshops conducted by Champions would receive a certificate of participation. There will be more workshops conducted by these Champions in coming years.

Some of these Champions have stated that the University Leadership and Management are less supportive of the OBE-SCL workshops, its implementation and practice and they have no knowledge on OBE-SCL and its importance. They suggested that the university chancellor, vice chancellor, faculty deans and department heads should fully support the champions on implementation and conduct of OBE-SCL workshops. Hence, MoHE has decided to launch a series of OBE-SCL workshops for faculty deans and department heads to obtain support from top management level. It was also agreed to hold annual OBE- SCL conference for university Chancellor and Vice Chancellors and related stakeholders to raise their awareness about the OBE-SCL, its objectives, benefits, and importance. HEDP seriously followed the suggestions by Champions and put them into action.

OBE-SCL Workshop for Faculty Deans: HEDP managed to hold a 3-day OBE-SCL workshop for 77 Faculty Deans of primary disciplines from 15 Universities on 20th-22nd May 2017. There were 4 OBE-SCL experts from UTM to mentor this workshop. These trainers coached the 1st and 2nd OBE-SCL workshop at MoHE in 2015 and 2016. This workshop was officially commenced in presence of Mr. Abdul Tawab Balakarzai H.E Deputy Minister for Academic Affairs, HEDP team, Malaysian experts, and faculty deans. Training Objectives: The main goal of this workshop is to disseminate the knowledge of OBE-SCL concepts to Faculty Deans at the public universities and get their support in the OBE-SCL practice and implementation.

 To train the university leadership and management level on OBE-SCL and showcase its impacts on Higher Education  To make sure that the University Faculty Deans are fully involved into the program  To remove any concept barriers and misunderstanding about OBE-SCL system and approach  To clarify the important roles of University Faculty Deans in supporting the OBE-SCL Training Programs  To support, promote and institutionalize OBE-SCL at the university with the help of top management Outcomes of the Dean’s workshop By the end of the 3-day Deans’ OBE-SCL workshop, participants are able to:

 Explain the purpose of OBE in enhancing the effectiveness of Higher Education system to produce quality graduates  Explain the terms and processes involved in OBE so that they are able to convince faculty members to practice OBE  Assess the effectiveness of OBE implementation at the department using simple checklist approach.  Explain the needs to shift from the traditional way of teaching and learning to SCL approaches  Describe the How People Learn Framework and Constructive Alignment for evaluating a learning environment that is implemented in their faculties  Identify factors required for supporting the implementation of SCL approaches among faculty members


The 77 faculty deans were equally divided into two batches. Two OBE-SCL Malaysian experts were in charge of each batches. The following is the schedule of the 3-day workshop. The UTM experts had a rotational role which means that two experts trained 1st batch in OBE and then moved to the 2nd batch to teach them OBE. The other two experts trained the 2nd batch in SCL and then moved to 1st batch to train SCL.

Workshop Schedule Batch 1 – parallel to Batch 2

Day 1

8:30 – 10:00 am Overview of OBE 10:00 – 10:30 am Break 10:30 – 1:00 pm OBE: Planning and Design Stage 1:00 – 2:00 pm Break 2:00 – 5:00 pm OBE: Delivery Stage Day 2

8:30 – 10:00 am OBE: Assessment Stage 10:00 – 10:30 am Break 10:30 – 1:00 pm OBE: Assessing Effectiveness 1:00 – 2:00 pm Break 2:00 – 3:30 pm Introduction to SCL 3:30 – 5:00 pm Active Learning: Book-ends and informal Cooperative Learning Day 3

8:30 – 10:00 am SCL techniques: Various approaches and aims 10:00 – 10:30 am Break 10:30 – 1:00 pm How to identify an effective learning environment? 1:00 – 2:00 pm Break 2:00 – 5:00 pm Supporting SCL for successful implementation

Batch 2 – parallel to Batch 1 Day 1

8:30 – 10:00 am Introduction to SCL


10:00 – 10:30 am Break 10:30 – 1:00 pm Active Learning: Book-ends and informal Cooperative Learning 1:00 – 2:00 pm Break 2:00 – 5:00 pm SCL techniques: Various approaches and aims Day 2

8:30 – 10:00 am How to identify an effective learning environment? 10:00 – 10:30 am Break 10:30 – 1:00 pm Supporting SCL for successful implementation 1:00 – 2:00 pm Break 2:00 – 3:30 pm Overview of OBE 3:30 – 5:00 pm OBE: Planning and Design Stage Day 3

8:30 – 10:00 am OBE: Delivery Stage 10:00 – 10:30 am Break 10:30 – 1:00 pm OBE: Assessment Stage 1:00 – 2:00 pm Break 2:00 – 5:00 pm OBE: Assessing Effectiveness Location: As per suggestions and recommendations by Malaysian OBE-SCL experts, MoHE and HEDP had to prepare a classroom for the Dean Workshop equipped with mobile tables and chairs, projector, screen and big enough for executing the group works and activities. As experience indicates and lessons learned from previous workshops held at MoHe, there was not such a place available at MoHE. Therefore, we had to move beyond ministry and look for such a place to meet the standard of a typical classroom that would be suitable for this purpose. After visiting Kabul based universities, we found the two Training Rooms at Engineering Faculty of a suitable place for the Dean workshop. We officially booked the places for the workshop. HEDP made sure that every single part of the rooms is functioning and provided the required materials that didn’t exist. Participants: The participants were 77 Deans & Deputy Deans of primary disciplines from 15 universities. The participants list in the OBE-SCL Workshop for faculty deans is in annex 1. Training materials: Each participant received a package which included the items as follow:


a. Four OBE-SCL Workbooks b. Notebook c. Pen d. Brochure e. Paper folder

Training Modality: Since the number was large, the 77 faculty deans were divided into two batches considering similar disciplines. One batch received training on Student-Centered Learning (SCL) module while at the same time the other batch received training on Outcome-Based Education (OBE) modules. Prof. Syed Ahmad Helmi and Prof. Khairiyah led the SCL module and Prof. Megat and Prof. Siti Hawa led the OBE module.

The Malaysian experts conducted the pre-test for both batches on OBE & SCL modules. The same test was also administered as the post-test at the end of the workshop to assess the deans’ understanding on OBE- SCL knowledge. The result will be shared by the Malaysian experts with MoHE.

The Malaysian experts adopted an active, participatory, collaborative and dynamic method of delivery. They encouraged the participants to take part in each single part of the training. They formed groups and did some team and group works.

The Afghan OBE-SCL Champions from Kabul University and Kabul University of Medical Science have fully participated throughout the workshop and facilitated the training. They mainly helped the deans with low level of English proficiency and they interpreted the ideas explained by Malaysian experts.

Challenges: It is obvious that most workshops have ups and downs. Some will end very successfully and some might end with major or minor failures. The following is the list of challenges observed by MoHE and also some suggested by Deans for the improvement of such workshops in future.

 Some deans lacked English proficiency and they requested for instance interpretation  The OBE-SCL workbooks were mainly in English, some deans requested for the translated version so that they can better understand the concepts  The so-often commuting of the catering team created noise and disturbed both Malaysian trainers and deans  The power cut was a major problem and the training room lacked a proper and standard wiring system  Some of the deans weren’t much attentive throughout the workshop and they would leave classroom pretending they receive a phone call  Faculty Deans from Kabul based universities, were less attentive and some even didn’t show up during the three days.  Some deans suggested that 3 days for workshop is not sufficient for learning about OBE-SCL

Lesson Learned: Since this workshop was of its first kind, the following points and lessons were learned.


. For the next OBE-SCL workshop, MoHE and HEDP shall make sure that the deans or department heads have good command of English . Duration of the workshop shall increase to at least 5-6 days in upcoming events . The place for workshop shall be fully checked to make sure that every single part and item is well functioning to avoid any inconvenience during the training

Expectations from Deans Ministry of Higher Education, Higher Education Development Program, OBE-SCL Champions expect the chancellors, vice chancellors, faculty deans and department heads to fully support the OBE-SCL implementation, promotion and practice at their faculties and departments. Further support is especially expected from these 77 faculties who attended the 3-day OBE-SCL workshop in their roles as leaders and supervisors to observe, assess and scaffold the OBE-SCL champions, trained teachers, and workshops.

Conclusion MoHE is determined to continue holding more of such workshops to the Afghan Universities’ leadership and management. This will ensure that MoHE can invite and have the target audience onboard about OBE-SCL and seek for their full support for its smooth and sound implementation and practice. HEDP learned good lessons from the first workshop and will take them into account while designing the upcoming OBE-SCL workshops. Annex 1: Deans Information List N University Full Name Position Name of Faculty O 1 Fazel Ahmad Bawar Dean Medical Science 2 Balkh University Masouda Ahmadabadi Dean Engineering 3 Balkh University Rahim Khan Rahimi Dean Agriculture 4 Balkh University Zalmai Maulawizada Dean Pharmacy 40 Balkh University Moh.Hakim Sahibzada Dean Economics 41 Balkh University Munesa Habibi Dean Education 42 Balkh University Naweed Rahmani Deputy Dean Computer Science 5 Sayed Mohammad Baqir Dean Agriculture Hussaini 6 Bamyan University Ahmad Reza Rostayee Dean Geology & Mining 43 Bamyan University Ismail Ahmadi Dean Economics 44 Bamyan University Hussein Aziz Dean Natural Sciences 7 Mahmood Hemat Dean Agriculture 45 Ghazni University Neamatullah Farisa Dean Language & Literature 46 Ghazni University Mohammad Yasin Asi Dean Education 8 University Mohammad Yousof Jami Dean Agriculture


9 Dr. Khalil Azar Dean Medical Science 10 Herat University Mohammad Nasir Moain Dean Engineering 47 Herat University Mirwais Kakar Deputy Dean Science 48 Herat University Sayed Yahya Hazin Dean Language & Literature 49 Herat University Abdullah Yamyaee Dean Economics 50 Herat University Abdul Wali Jamshidi Dean Public Administration 11 Jawzjan University Associate Prof. Gh. Sakhi Dean Engineering Yasa 51 Jawzjan University Associate Prof. Abdul Dean Chemical Qayom Rajabi Technology 52 Kabul Education University Siddiqullah Barikzai Dean Computer Science 53 Kabul Education University Monawar Shah Malistany Dean Social Sciences 54 Kabul Education University Abdul Qadus Nadimi Acting Dean of Natural Sciences Faculty 55 Kabul Education University Jamshed Rashidi Dean Language & Literature 12 Kabul Poly Techniq Pohanyar Samiullah Patyal Lecturer Water Resources University 13 Kabul Poly Techniq Pohanyar Aminullah Amin Deputy Dean Electro-Mechanic University 14 Kabul Poly Techniq Pohanyar Abdul Hameed Deputy Dean Geology & University Sediqi Mining 15 Kabul Poly Techniq Pohanyar Mohammad Lecturer Geomatics & University Amin Safari cadaster 16 Kabul Poly Techniq Prof. Raz Mohammad Azizi Dean Construction University 56 Kabul Poly Techniq Pohanyar Niaz Mohammad Deputy Faculty Computer University Ramaki Dean Science 57 Kabul Poly Techniq Pohanyar Abdul Wasim Lecturer Chemical University Noori Technology 17 Kabul University M. Humayoun Rasooli Dean Engineering 18 Kabul University Wakil Ahmad Sarhadi Dean Agriculture 19 Kabul University M. Naseem Saddiqi Dean Pharmacy 20 Kabul University Noor Ahmad Akhundzada Dean Environmental Science 21 Kabul University Abdul ghaias Safi Dean Geology & Mining 22 Kabul University Noor Mohammad Ayoobi Dean Veterinary 58 Kabul University S. Hassan Adelyar Dean Computer Science 59 Kabul University Tahera Nabi Dean Science


60 Kabul University Zarifullah Darkhili Deputy Dean Public Administration 61 Kabul University M.Aslam Nasimi Dean Language & Literature 62 Kabul University Jamshed Haidari Deputy Dean Economics 23 Kabul University of Medical Ismail Zaman Dean Curative Science medicine 24 Kabul University of Medical Razia Rabezada Dean Stomatology Science 25 Kabul University of Medical Frozan Abid Kanjo Dean Allied Health Science 26 Kabul University of Medical Ziba Mazari Dean Nursing Science 27 Kabul University of Medical Zuhal Sulaiman Deputy Dean Public Health Science 63 Farid Ahmad Bashardost Dean Public Administration 28 Kandahar University Shahn Mahmood Barai Dean Agriculture 29 Kandahar University Bilal Ahmad Rahimi Deputy Dean Medical Science 30 Kandahar University Mujtaba Manavi Dean Engineering 64 Kandahar University Mohammad Hasham Daqiq Dean Economics 65 Kandahar University Zabihullah Adabpal Dean Language & Literature 66 Kandahar University Abdul Sattar Kakar Dean Computer Science 31 Dr. Sayed Hamed Hashemy Dean Stomatology 67 Kunduz university Obaidullah obaid Dean Economics 32 Dr. Haroon Rahimi Deputy Dean Medical Science 33 Nangarhar University Zalmay Khaliqi Dean Engineering 34 Nangarhar University saidajan Attiq Abdiani Dean Agriculture 68 Nangarhar University Mohammad Zubair Dean Economics Noormel 69 Nangarhar University Mohiburahman Janati Dean Science 70 Nangarhar University Zakira Babakar khil Dean Education 71 Nangarhar University Mohammad Yousuf Dean Computer Momand Science 35 Hakimullah Amini Dean Agriculture 72 Parwan University Abdul Mohammad Qudosi Dean Economics 36 Janhanshah Tanai Dean Public Midicine 73 Shaikh Zayed University Mirwais Tanai Dean Computer Science 74 Shaikh Zayed University Raheem Jan Dardmal Dean Economics


75 Shaikh Zayed University Miawalishah Miakhel Dean Language & Literature 37 Shaikh Zayed University Rahmatullah Hashimi Dean Agriculture 76 Shaikh Zayed Universtiy Gul Salim Sharafat Dean Education 38 Shaikh Zayed Unverstiy Waliullah Qasimi Dean Engineering 39 Takhar Unvirsity Abdul Bais Parsazada Dean Engineering 77 Takhar Unvirsity Mahammad Farhad Aryan Lecturer Education

Annex 2: Some Photos from within the workshop

Official Inauguration of OBE-SCL Workshop for Deans by H.E Deputy Minister for Academic Affairs


Faculty Deans during the OBE-SCL Workshop inauguration ceremony


During the workshop- Batch 1#


During the workshop- Batch 2#


Deans doing group work activities


Faculty Dean receiving certificate from H.E DM for Academic Affairs


Faculty Deans receiving certificate from Malaysian OBE-SCL Master Trainer


Group photo