Front Cover.P65
THE RICHARD M. NIXON NATIONAL SECURITY FILES 1969–19741969–1974 Africa A UPA Collection from National Security Files General Editor George C. Herring The Richard M. Nixon National Security Files, 1969–1974 Africa Microfilmed from the Holdings of the Nixon Presidential Materials Project, National Archives, College Park, Maryland Project Coordinator Robert E. Lester Guide compiled by Dan Elasky A UPA Collection from 7500 Old Georgetown Road • Bethesda, MD 20814-6126 Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data The Richard M. Nixon national security files, 1969–1974. Africa [microform] / project coordinator Robert E. Lester. microfilm reels — (National security files) Summary: Reproduces National Security Council, CIA, Defense Department, and State Department telegrams, memoranda, reports, public statements, and correspondence dealing with Africa. Also, includes the overthrow of the Libyan monarch in 1969 and the Biafran crisis during the Nigerian civil war. Also contains information on the Organization of African Unity. Microfilmed from the holdings of the Nixon presidential materials project, National Archives, College Park, Maryland. Accompanied by a printed guide compiled by Dan Elasky, entitled: Guide to the Microfilm edition of National Security Files. ISBN 978-0-88692-910-7 1. Africa—Foreign relations—United States. 2. United States—Foreign relations— Africa. 3. Africa—Politics and government—1960—Sources. 4. United States—Politics and government—1969–1974—Sources. 5. National security—United States—History—20th century—Sources. I. Lester, Robert. II. University Publications of America (Firm) III. Title. IV. Series. DT38.7 327.730609—dc13 2005044132 CIP Due to clerical error, the incorrect ISBN number was printed on the title target of the microfilm reels.
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