The original documents are located in Box 46, folder “ Concert & Dinner, 14th Annual Souvenir Program” of the Betty Ford White House Papers, 1973-1977 at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library. Copyright Notice The copyright law of the (Title 17, United States Code) governs the making of photocopies or other reproductions of copyrighted material. Betty Ford donated to the United States of America her copyrights in all of her unpublished writings in National Archives collections. Works prepared by U.S. Government employees as part of their official duties are in the public domain. The copyrights to materials written by other individuals or organizations are presumed to remain with them. If you think any of the information displayed in the PDF is subject to a valid copyright claim, please contact the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library.





Nineteen hundred and seventy-four

The Concert at The Dinner at The Concert Hall The International Ballroom Kennedy Center Washington Hilton


The world would be a far fearful and fearsome place without the United Nations and its many specialized agencies and special programs. One of these specialized agencies is the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) which is being saluted at this year's UN Concert and Dinner. The work of FAO is absolutely essential in today's world. The ability of the world to feed its billions of people is under unprecedented challenge. Starvation for millions is the prospect unless prompt, effective, and well-cordinated action is taken on a global scale. All nations must seek to increase their food production, keep prices from rising beyond reach, and help assure that the poorest nations are fed. The United States, as the world's largest producer of food, has a special responsibility. We have responded by removing restrictions on food pro­ duction, substantially increasing the help we give to other countries to grow more food of their own, calling for a world food conference, and increasing this year the amount we will spend for food shipments to nations in need. But the crisis is so grave and widespread that no single nation's efforts can suffice. The United Nations has an indispensable role to play, especially through the work of the Food and Agriculture Organization. The FAO has distinguished itself by alerting the world to the need for adequate supplies of basic foods at all times. The FAO has coordinated UN emergency assistance to the stricken Sahel drought area and is planning its long-term rehabilitation. And the FAO is preparing the World Food Con­ ference, about to be held in Rome in November. For the FAO's service to humanity, you and I and all the world must be grateful. And the United Nations Association must also be thanked for tireless efforts to advance the work of the United Nations and its family of specialized agencies.


The Secretary of State The General Chairman and Mrs. Kissinger and Mrs. Donald M. Kendall

The United States will never be satisfied with a world where man's fears overshadow his hopes. We support the United Nations efforts in the fields of international law and human rights. We api:;rove of the activities of the United Nations in social, economic, and humanitarian realms around the world. The United States considers the United Nations World Population Conference in August, the World Food Conference in November, and the continuing Law of the Sea Conference of fundamental importance to our common future. In coming months the United States will make specific proposals for the United Nations to initiate: A major international effort to prohibit torture; a concerted campaign to control the disease which afflicts and debilitates over 200 million people in 70 countries-schistosomiasis; and a substantial strengthening of the world's capacity to deal with natural disaster-especially the improvement of the United Nations Disaster Relief Organization. Beyond peace, beyond prosperity, lie man's deepest aspirations for a life of dignity and justice. And beyond our pride, beyond our concern for the national purpose we are called upon to serve, there must be a concern for the betterment of the human condition. While we cannot, in the brief span allowed to each of us, undo the accumulated problems of centuries, we dare not do less than try. So let us now get on.with our task.


H. E. The Ambassador of Nica:mgua and H. E. The Ambassador of South Africa H. E. The Ambassador of Panama and Mrs. Sevilla-Sacasa and Mrs. Botha Mrs. Gonzalez-Revilla H. E. The Ambassador of the Republic of H. E. The Ambassador of the Hungarian H. E. The Ambassador of Paraguay and Liberia and Mrs. Peal People's Republic and Mrs. Szabo Mrs. Solano Lopez H. E. The Ambassador of the Republic of H. E. The Ambassador of Denmark and H. E. The Ambassador of Guyana and Soviet Socialist Republics and Mrs. Bartels Mrs. Talbot Mrs. Dobrynin H. E. The Ambassador of the Philippines H. E. The Ambassador of Iceland and H. E. The Ambassador of Saudi Arabia and Mrs. Romualdez Mrs. Kroyer and Mrs. Al-Sowayel H. E. The Ambassador of the United H. E. The Ambassador of the People's H. E. The Ambassador of Republic of Cameroon and Mrs. Republic of Bangladesh and Mrs. Ali and Mrs. Schnyder Tchoungui H. E. The Ambassador of the Islamic H. E. The Ambassador of the Republic of H. E. The Ambassador of Malta and Republic of Mauritania and Mrs. Ould Ivory Coast and Mrs. Ahoua Mrs. Attard-Kingswell Abdallah H. E. The Ambassador of the Republic of H. E. The Ambassador of the Republic of H. E. The Ambassador of Malaysia and Turkey and Mrs. Esenbel Senegal and Mrs. Coulbary Mrs. Johari H. E. The Ambassador of Afghanistan and H. E. The Ambassador of the Socialist H. E. The Ambassador of Iran, Ardeshir Mrs. Malikyar Federal Republic of Yugoslavia and Zahedi H. E. The Ambassador of and Mrs. Granfil H. E. The Ambassador of the Republic of Mrs. Ortona H. E. The Ambassador of Morroco and Dahomey and Mrs. Adjibade H. E. The Ambassador of the Socialist Mrs. Senoussi H. E. The Ambassador of Israel and Republic of and Mrs. Bogdan H. E. The Ambassador of and Mrs. Dinitz H. E. The Ambassador of Mauritius and Mrs. Themido H. E. The Ambassador of the Republic of Mrs. Balancy H. E. The Ambassador of the Polish Burundi and Mrs. Ndabaniwe H. E. The Ambassador of Lebanon and People's Republic and Mrs. Trampczynski H. E. The Ambassador of the Federal Mrs. Kabbani H. E. The Ambassador of the Czechoslovak Republic of Germany and Mrs. von H. E. The Ambassador of Peru, Fernando Socialist Republic and Mrs. Spacil Staden • Berckemeyer H. E. The Ambassador of and H. E. The Ambassador of the Yemen Arab H. E. The Ambassador of the Republic of Mrs. Kosciusko-Morizet Republic and Mrs. Geghman Singapore and Mrs. Monteiro H. E. The Ambassador of Ethiopia, H. E. The Ambassador of Nepal and H. E. The Ambassador of Uruguay and Kifle Wadajo Mrs. Khanal Mrs. Luisi H. E. The Ambassador of the Republic of H. E. The Ambassador of India and H. E. The Ambassador of Kenya and Botswana and Mrs. Dambe Mrs. Kaul Mrs. Kibinge H. E. The Ambassador of the State of H. E. The Ambassador of Malawi and H. E. The Ambassador of Luxembourg and Qatar and Mrs. Al-Mana Mrs. Mbaya Mrs. Wagner H. E. The Ambassador of Viet-Nam and H. E. The Ambassador of the Khmer H. E. The Ambassador of the Republic of Mrs. Phuong Republic and Mrs. Um Mali and Mrs. Traore H. E. The Ambassador of the Socialist H. E. The Ambassador of the Hashemite H. E. The Ambassador of Colombia and Republic of Union of Burma and Kingdom of Jordan and Mrs. Salah Mrs. Botero-Boshell Mrs. Lwin H. E. The Ambassador of Japan and COSTA RICA: His Excellency, The H. E. The Ambassador of Canada and H. E. The Ambassador of Finland and Mrs. Yasukawa Ambassador of Costa Rica, Rodolfo Silva Mrs. Cadieux Mrs. Tuominen H. E. The Ambassador of the Gabonese H. E. The Ambassador of the Somali H. E. The Ambassador of the Republic of Republic and Mrs. Mavoungou Democratic Republic and Mrs. Addou Upper Volta and Mrs. Yaguibou H. E. The Ambassador of and H. E. The Ambassador of Sri Lanka, H. E. The Ambassador of Nigeria and Tobago and Mrs. Mcintyre Neville Kanakaratne Mrs. Garba H. E. The Ambassador of the Kingdom of H. E. The Ambassador of Guatemala and H. E. The Ambassador of and Lesotho and Mrs. Manare Mrs. Asensio-Wunderlich Mr·s. Halusa H. E. The Ambassador of Ireland, John H. E. The Ambassador of the Dominican H. E. The Ambassador of Thailand and Gerald Molloy On these pages and throughout the Republic, Lie. S. Salvador Ortiz Mrs. Panyarachun H. E. The Ambassador of the Central African Republic and Mrs. Banda-Bafiot Souvenir Program appear photo­ H. E. The Ambassador of Mexico and H. E. The Ambassador of Madagascar and H. E. The Ambassador of Commonwealth graphs of world leaders and dis­ Mrs. de Olloqui Mrs. Raharijaona H. E. The Ambassador of the State of H. E. The Ambassador of New Zealand of the Bahamas and Mrs. Johnson tinguished diplomats who have H. E. The Ambassador of the Kingdom of visited President Ford up to Kuwait and Mrs. Al-Sabah and Mrs. White H. E. The Ambassador of Brazil and H. E. The Ambassador of Sierra Leone and Swaziland and Mrs. Simelane October 1, 1974. The order and Mrs. Araujo Castro Mrs. Palmer H. E. The Ambassador of Norway and size of the pictures and their H. E. The Ambassador of China and H. E. The Ambassador of the United Mrs. Sommerfelt placement on the pages is not Mrs. Shen Republic of Tanzania and Mrs. Bomani H. E. The Ambassador of Chile and chronological or by precedence. H. E. The Ambassador of Fiji and H. E. The Ambassador of Jamaica and Mrs. Heitmann Mrs. Sikivou Mrs. Fletcher H. E. The Ambassador of Argentine Republic, Jose Luis Orfila

6 7 H. E. The Ambassador of El Salvador and H. E. The Ambassador of Venezuela and Mrs. Bertrand Galindo Mrs. Burelli-Rivas H. E. The Ambassador of Pakistan and H. E. The Ambassador of and Begum Yaqub-Khan Mrs. Alba H. E. The Ambassador of Tunisia and H. E. The Ambassador of the Syrian Arab Mrs. Hedda Republic and Mrs. Kabbani H. E. The Ambassador of Cyprus and H. E. The Ambassador of the Republic of Mrs. Dimitriou Indonesia and Mrs. Nurjadin H. E. The Ambassador of the Republic of H. E. The Ambassador of the Republic of Zaire and Mrs. Mbeka Niger and Mrs. Salifou H. E. The Ambassador of the Sultanate of H. E. The Ambassador of Greece and Oman and Mrs. Macki Mrs. Alexandrakis H. E. The Ambassador of Korea and H. E. The Ambassador of and Mrs. Hahm Mrs. VanCauwenberg H. E. The Ambassador of Australia and H. E. The Ambassador of the Netherlands Lady Shaw and Mrs. Tammenoms Bakker H. E. The Ambassador of Haiti and H. E. The Ambassador of Laos and Mrs. Bouchette Mrs. Khamphan Panya H. E. The Ambassador of Great Britain The Charge d'Affaires of Lithuania and and Lady Ramsbotham Mrs. Kajeckas BARBADOS: His Excellency, The H. E. The Ambassador of the Republic of The Charge d'Affaires of Latvia and Mrs. Ambassador of Barbados, Cecil B. Williams Rwanda and Mrs. Nizeyimana Dinbergs H. E. The Ambassador of the Arab The Charged'Affaires ad interim of the Republic of Egypt and Mrs. Ghorbal Libyan Arab Republic and Mrs. Zagaar H. E. The Ambassador of the Republic of The Charge d'Affaires ad interim of the Chad and Mrs. Alingue Republic of Uganda, S. M. Nsubuga H. E. The Ambassador of the Republic of The Charge d'Affaires ad interim of the Guinea and Mrs. Bah United Arab Emirates and Mrs. Al Madfa H. E. The Amba~sador of and The Gharge d'Affaires ad interim of : H is Excellency, The Ambassador Countess Wachtmeister Honduras, Roberto Alonzo Cleaves of Ghana, Samuel Ernest Quarm H. E. The Ambassador of the People's The Charge d'Affaires ad interim of Bolivia Republic of Bulgaria and Mrs. Popov and Mrs. Loria H. E. The Ambassador of the Republic of The Charge d'Affaires ad interim of the Togo and Mrs. Kekeh Democratic Republic of the Sudan, H. E. The Ambassador of the Republic of Omer Yousif Birido Zambia and Mrs. Mwale The Charge d'Affaires ad interim of H. E. The Ambassador of Barbados and Ecuador and Mrs. Gabela PAKISTAN: His Excellency, The Mrs. Williams The Consul General of Estonia and Ambassador of Pakistan, Sahabzada H. E. The Ambassador of Costa Rica and Mrs. Jaakson Yaqub-Khan Mrs. Silva H. E. The Head of the Delegation of the H. E. The Ambassador of Ghana and Commission of the European Mrs. Quarm Communities, Jens Otto Krag

List complete as of October 1st

JORDAN: His Majesty Hussein I, King of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan

IRAN: His Excellency, The Ambassador of Iran, Ardeshir Zahedi


Dr. Addeke Boerma Director General, Food and Agriculture O rganization of the United Nations

The tribute accorded to the Food and Agriculture Organization by the United Nations Association of the United States could scarcely be more timely. Its significance extends far beyond the Organization itself, which for close on thirty years has endeavored to fulfill the mandate from its founding member nations at Quebec. The goals set then-improved nutrition and greater efficiency of food production and distribution, coupled with better conditions of life for rural populations-have proved elusive. Despite man's tremendous achievement in maintaining since the Second World War an average annual increase in world food production greater than the unprecedented rate of population growth in these years, there are today, by the most conservative estimate, more than 460 million people in the world who are permanently hungry and who cannot therefore live a normal life. Moreover, there has been a tendency over more recent years for the rate of increase in world food production to slow down, and, in 1972, for the first time since the Second World War, it actually declined. The shortages and threats of widespread famine in some parts of the world combined with the general rise in food prices prompted the govern­ ments of the world last year to convene a United Nations World Food Conference which will meet in Rome a little over two weeks from now. It will be the most important international conference on the world food problem since President Franklin D. Roosevelt convoked the Hot Springs Conference in 1943 which led to the founding of FAO. Apart from coming to grips with the dangers of the immediate situation, it will have to make plans for action to overcome more deep-rooted, long-term causes of anxiety. Chief among these is how production in the developing countries of the world can be increased fast enough to meet their continuing growth of population- which is already virtually determined for the rest of this century, together with their urgent general needs for economic and social development so that, among other things, the vast numbers of their poorest people may be freed at last from hunger and malnutrition. The role of the United States Secretary of State in proposing that this


National Symphony Orchestra conference be organized under United Nations auspices in order to harness ANTAL DORATI, Music Director the efforts of all nations gives us every reason to hope that the United States will continue to provide the kind of leadership which was instru­ Saturday Evening, October 19, 1974, at 6:00 mental in founding FAO, and which has frequently manifested itself in generous and large-scale action to relieve human suffering in various parts of the world. I know that firm, continued support for FAO and the United Nations/ FAO World Food Programme is a reflection of genuine concern among the American people for their fellow men. This support has been very often expressed in specific and collective ways by organizations such as ANTAL DORATI , Conducting UNA/USA. Like the other agencies within the United Nations system, VAN CLIBURN, Pianist FAO is deeply grateful for these efforts to increase awareness of global needs and foster international cooperation in this increasingly inter­ GOULD Spirituals for Orchestra dependent world. Proclamation Sermon A Little Bit of Sin Protest Jubilee

TCHAIKOVSKY Piano Concerto No. I in B- flat minor, Op. 23 Allegro non troppo e molto maestoso Andantino semplice-Allegro vivace assai Dr. Addeke Boerma Allegro con fuoco Director General VAN CLIBURN


BEETHOVEN Symphony No. 7 in A major, Op. 92 Poca sostenuto-Vivace Allegretto VENEZUELA: His Excellency, The Presto Ambassador of Venezuela, Miguel Angel Burelli-Rivas Allegro con brio Steinway Piano RCA and London Records

The program notes for this concert are incorporated in the Kennedy Center Concert Program

INDIA: His Excellency, The Ambassador of India, Triloki Nath Kaul

12 Antal Dorati Van Cliburn

Antal Dorati, Music Director of the National Symphony Van Cliburn was born in Shreveport, Louisiana, and when Orchestra since October 1970, was born in Budapest in 1906. he was six, the family moved to Kilgore, . His mother, He entered the Academy of Music at fourteen, a pupil of Rildia Bee O'Bryan Cliburn, was a talented pianist and a Zoltfo Kodaly, Bela Bart6k and Leo Weiner. Trained as a student of Arthur Friedheim, a pupil of , and her composer, cellist, pianist, and conductor, when he graduated at son was able to reap the benefits of her years of practice eighteen, Dora ti was the youngest student in the history of and study, for at the age of three-long before he had learned the Academy to receive a degree. In 1934, Dora ti joined the to read words-she began to teach him to read music. She Ballet Russe de Monte Carlo as its leading conductor. His remained his only instructor until he came to American debut as a symphonic conductor came in 1937 when to study with Juilliard's legendary Mme. Rosina Lhevinne. he guest-conducted the National Symphony Orchestra for Van played first in public at the age of four at Shreveport's an all-Beethoven concert. In 1938 and 1939-40, he made Dodd College. At the age of twelve, as winner of a state- extensive tours of Australia at the invitation of the Australian wide young pianists' competition, he made his orchestral debut Broadcasting Commission. Dorati became Music Director with the Houston Symphony playing the Tchaikovsky of the Minneapolis Symphony in 1949, programming and B-flat Minor Concerto. The following year, he made his commissioning many new major works by Paul Hindemith, debut as winner of the National Music Festival William Schuman, Roger Sessions and Gunther Schuller, among Award. others. He also played numerous world and American In 1952, he won the G. B. Dealey Award in Dallas, and premieres. He has been closely associated with the London with it an appearance with the Dallas Symphony. In the same Symphony Orchestra and the BBC Symphony, and in the year he won tihe Kosciuszko Foundation Chopin Award, autumn of 1966, Dorati took up his post as principal conductor followed by winnii:tg a grant from the Olga Samaroff of the Philharmonic, a position that he maintained Foundation and the Juilliard Concerto contest in 1953. Upon concurrently with the leadership of the National Symphony Juilliard graduation with highest honors, he received the Orchestra until last summer. Then he became Music Director of Carl M. Roeder Memorial Award and the Frank Damrosch the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra in London. During the past Scholarship, which enabled him to go on to graduate work. several years, he was invited to guest conduct at the Vienna In 1954 he won the Edgar M. Leventritt Foundation Award National Opera, London's Covent Garden, the Hamburg playing the Liszt Twelfth Rhapsody. This competition which is Opera, the Amsterdam Opera, the Rome Opera, and the held annually gives the winner the privilege of playing with Maggio Musicale in Florence. Dorati has won eight Grand Prix the New York Philharmonic in concert as well as four du Disque for his recordings. These include the first recording other major American orchestras, the , Pittsburgh, of the complete symphonies of Haydn for which he received the Denver, and Buffalo Symphonies. His debut that same year Grand Prix de L'Hotel de Ville de . playing the Tchaikovsky First Piano Concerto with the New York Philharmonic was a notable success. Then came his victory at the Tchaikovsky Competition of 1958 in Moscow after which Premier Khruschev asked him to play several concerts in the Soviet Union. Cliburn returned to the Soviet Union in 1960 sponsored by the U.S. Department of State as part of the Cultural Exchange Program. He returned to the Soviet Union in 1962, again in 1965, and his last Russian tour was in 1972. In the past two summers, he has made two tours in the Philippines at the request of President Marcos. COUNCIL For the 14th Annual United Nations Concert and Dinner

THE HON. WINTON M. BLOUNT MR. A. W. CLAUSEN MR. ROBERT 0. ANDERSON • MR. CHARLES L. ANDES • Chairman and President President Chairman Chairmnn Blount, Inc. of America Atlantic Richfield Company Franklin Mint Corporation

MR. HAROLD S. GENEEN MR. RICHARD C. GERSTENBERG MR. EDWIN D. DODD MR. HENRY FORD II Chairman Chairman President Chairman ITT General Motors Corporation Owens-Illinois, Inc. Ford Motor Company

MR. WILLIAM F. MAY• MR. MAURICE GUSMAN DR. ARMAND HAMMER MR. J. K. JAMIESON Chairman Miami, Florida Chairman Chairman Occidental Petroleum Corporation Exxon Corporation American Can Company


MR. DAVID P. REYNOLDS MR. SPYROS SKOURAS MR. LYNN A. TOWNSEND • "'Also serve as Honorary Chairmen Executive Vice President Chairman Chairman Reynolds Metals Corporation Prudential-Grace Lines Chrysler Corporation DINNER COMMITTEE

SPAIN: His Excellency, The Ambassador of Spain, Jaime Alba


Mrs. Donald M. Kendall Mrs. William B. Buffum

SYRIA: His Excellency, The Ambassador of the Syrian Arab Republic, Sabah Kabbani

ITALY: His Excellency, The President of Italy, Giovanni Leone

UNION OF SOVIET SOCIALIST REPUBLICS: His Excellency, The Ambassador of the USSR, Anatoly Dobrynin


THE HON. JOHN SCALI THE HON. HUBERT H . HUMPHREY THE HON. WILLIAM B. BUFFUM MR. FRANK T. CARY Permanent U.S. Representative Assistant Secretary of State for Chairman and President, IBM to the United Nations International Organization Affairs National UN Day Chairman

MR. ELMER H. BOBST MR. B. R. DORSEY MR. LEWELLYN A. JENNINGS MR. J. BURKE KNAPP Honorary Chairman Chairman Chairman of Executive Committee Senior Vice President Warner Lambert Company Gulf Oil Corporation Riggs National Bank World Bank

MR. BERNARD J. LASKER MR. NAT LEFKOWITZ MR. L. F. McCOLLUM MR. JAMES S. McDONNELL Lasker, Stone and Stern President Chairman Chairman William Morris Agency Capital National Bank McDonnell Douglas Corporation

\\ J

20 21

MR. CHARLES R. WALGREEN III MR. OSBY L. WEIR President Washington, D.C. Walgreen Drug Stores ASSOCIATE GENERAL

CHAIRPERSONS INDONESIA: His Excellency, The Foreign Minister of Indonesia, Adam Malik

Mr. Dwayne 0. Andreas Mr. Edward G. Harness Mr. William E. Neumeyer Chairman of Executive Committee Chairman General Telephone and Electronics Archer-Daniels-Midland Company The Procter and Gamble Company Washington, D . C. Decatur, Illinois Cincinnati, Ohio Mr. Glenn E. Nielson Mr. J. W. Bates, Jr. Mr. John D. Harper Chairman Chairman Chairman Husky Oil Company Reading and Bates Offshore Drilling Aluminum Company of America Cody, Wyoming Tulsa, Oklahoma Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Mr. Mario T. Noto Mr. Howard W . Blauvelt Mr. Robert S. Hatfield Washington, D. C Chairman Chairman Mrs. Jeanne L. Reagan Continental Oil Company Continental Can Company President New York, New York Stamford, Connecticut Reagan Equipment Company Mr. Philip N. Buckminster Mr. James H. Higgins Harvey, Louisiana Vice President Chairman Mr. David Rockefeller Chrysler Corporation Mellon Bank N. A. THE FEDERAL REPUBLIC OF GERMANY: Chairman Washington, D. C. Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania His Excellency, The Foreign Minister of the Chase Manlrnttan Bank Federal Republic of Germany, Hans D. Mr. Thomas S. Carroll Mr. Preston Hotchkis New York, New York Genscher President Chairman Mr. Willard F. Rockwell, Jr. Lever Brothers Bixby Ranch Company Chairman New York, New York , California Rockwell International Corporation Mr. Samuel B. Casey, Jr. Mr. Richard N. Hunt El Segundo, California President NL Industries Mr. Gerald C. Saltarelli Pullman Incorporated Washington, D. C. Chairman Chicago, Illinois Mr. Samuel C. Johnson Houdaille Industries Mr. John M. Christie Chairman Buffalo, New York Johnson Wax Company Chairman Mr. Boyd F. Schenk UNITED NATIONS: The Secretary General Riggs National Bank Racine, Wisconsin of the UN, Kurt Waldheim, and His President Washington, D. C. Excellency, The Permanent United States Mr. Reginald H. Jones Pet, Inc. Representative to the UN, John Scali Mr. John T. Connor Chairman St. Louis, Missouri General Electric Company Chairman Mrs. Murry M. Schott Allied Chemical Corporation New York, New York Washington, D. C. Morristown, Mr. Walter B. Kissinger Mr. Ovid R. Davis Chairman and President Mr. John M. Shaheen President Vice President The Allen Group Shaheen Natural Resources Company Coca-Cola Company Melville, New York New York, New York Atlanta, Georgia Mr. David S. Lewis Mr. Horace A. Shepard Mr. John D. deButts Chairman Chairman Chairman General Dynamics Corporation TRW, Inc. American Telephone and Telegraph St. Louis, Missouri Cleveland, Ohio New York, New York Mr. Robert C. Little Mr. E. Mandell deWindt Vice President Mr. George A. Stinson Chairman Chairman McDonnell Douglas Corporation National Steel Corporation Eaton Corporation St. Louis, Missouri Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Cleveland, Ohio Mr. J. Paul Lyet Mr. W. Clement Stone Mr. H. Robert Diercks Chairman Chairman Vice Chairman Sperry Rand Corporation Combined Tnsurance Company of America Cargill, Inc. New York, New York Chicago, Illinois Minneapolis, Minnesota Mr. C. William Martin Mr. 0. Pendleton Thomas Mr. Edward J. Dwyer Chairman and President Chairman Chairman Pepsi-Cola Bottling Company B. F. Goodrich Company ESB, Inc. of Washington Akron, Ohio Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Cheverly, Maryland Mr. Robert E. Thomas Mr. James H. Evans Mr. Peter McColough Chairman President President MAPCO, Inc. Union Pacific Corporation Xerox Corporation Tulsa, Oklahoma New York, New York Stamford, Connecticut Mr. C. William Verity, Jr. Mr. Frank E. Fitzsimmons Mr. George H. Meason Chairman General President President Armco Steel Corporation International Brotherhood of Teamsters Tenneco Oil Company Middletown, Ohio Washington, D. C. Houston, Texas Mr. Ralph Weller Mr. Bernard H. Goldstein Mr. Paul Mellon President President Upperville, Virginia Otis Elevator Company District Hotel Supply, Inc. Mr. Joseph Meyerhoff New York, New York Washington, D. C. , Maryland Mr. Edward Foss Wilson Mr. J. Peter Grace Mr. Irwin Miller Washington, D. C. Chairman Chairman W. R. Grace and Company Cummins Engine Company Mr. T. A. Wilson New York, New York Columbus, Indiana Chairman Mr. Harry J. Gray Boeing Company Mr. Henry J. Nave Seattle, Washington Chairman Chairman United Aircraft Corporation 22 Mack Trucks, Inc. East Hartford, Connecticut Allentown, Pennsylvania List complete as of October 1st

ISRAEL: His Excellency, The Ambassador of Israel, Simcha Dinitz HOST COMMITTEE

Mr. Paul G. Anderson, Jr. Mr. John D. deButts The Hon. Parker Hart Mr. Richard N. Little Mr. Panic Mr. Donn B. Tatum President Chairman Bechtel Corporation Vice President Chairman and President Chairman Hasenwinkle Grain Company American Telephone and Telegraph Washington, D. C. Union Pacifi c Corporation ICN Pharmaceuticals Walt Disney Productions New York, New York Irvine, California Burbank, California Bloomington, Illinois New York, New York Mr. T. S. Hartness Mr. Charles L. Andes Mr. Cartha D. Deloach Chairman Mr. Robert C. Little Mr. R. T. Parfet, Jr. Mr. 0. Pendleton Thomas Chairman Vice President, Corporate Affairs Pepsi-Cola Bottling Company Corporate Vice President Chairman Chairman Franklin Mint Corporation PepsiCo, Inc. Greenville, South Carolina McDonnell Dougla~ Corporation The Upjohn Company B. F. Goodrich Company St. Louis, M issouri Kalamazoo, Michigan Akron, Ohio Franklin Center, Pennsylvania Purchase, New York Mr. William L. Henry Mr. Dwayne 0. Andreas Mr. H. Robert Diercks Executive Vice President Mr. Joseph E. Lanning Mr. Andrall E. Pearson Mr. Robert E. Thomas Chairman Vice Chairman Gulf Oil Corporation President President President Archer-Daniels-Midland Company Cargill, Inc. Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania K ellogg Company PepsiCo, Inc. MAPCO, Inc. Battle Creek, M ichigan Purchase, New York Tulsa, Oklahoma Decatur, Illinois Minneapolis, Minnesota Mr. Joseph W. Hight Mr. Dewey Arnold Mr. Edwin D. Dodd President Mr. William F. May Mr. Leo J. M. Pierre Mr. W. Reid Thompson Chairman Vice President Partner President Reuben H. Donnelley Corporation Chairman Price Waterhouse and Company Owens-Illinois, Inc. N ew York, New York American Can Company Chase Manhattan Bank Potomac Electric Power Company Greenwich, Connecticut N ew York, New York Washington, D . C. Toledo, Ohio Mr. Richard N. Hunt Washington, D. C. Mr. E. M. Benson, Jr. Mr. Edward J. Dwyer NL Industries, Inc. Mr. James S. McDonnell Mr. Marvin B. Poster Mr. E. K. Thomson President Executive Vice President Chairman Washington, D. C. Chairman Bechtel Corporation McDonnell Douglas Corporation Marva! Poultry Company Atlantic Richfield Company ESB, Inc. Mr. Robert E. Hunter Washington, D. C. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania St. Louis, M issouri Dayton, Virginia Los Angeles, California Chairman Mr. Donald A. Tollefson Mr. Rolf D. Bibow Mr. Arthur E. Earley Weatherhead Company Mr. J. A. McRae Mr. Edmund T. Pratt Arthur Andersen and Company Chairman Vice President President Cleveland, Ohio President Washington, D. C. Pfizer, Inc. United Aircraft Corporation Meldrum and Fewsmith, Inc. McRae Consolidated Mr. Larry D. Umlauf Mr. John V. James Oil and Gas, Inc. N ew York, New York East Hartford, Connecticut Cleveland, Ohio Vice President President Houston, Texas Mr. Howard W. Blauvelt Mr. Frank R. Faraone Dresser Industries, Inc. Mr. Louis Putze Pet, Inc. President Chairman General Motors Corporation Dallas, Texas Mr. William F. McSweeny St. Louis, M issouri Utility and Consumer Continental Oil Company Washington, D. C. Mr. Lewellyn A. Jennings Occidental Petroleum Corporation Mr. C. William Verity Washington, D. C. Products Group Stamford, Connecticut .Chairman Mr. Allan L. Farrow Chairman, Executive Committee Rockwell International Mr. James W. McSwiney Armco Steel Corporation Mr. Lee H. Bloom President R iggs National Bank Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Vice President Na-Churs Plant Food Company Washington, D . C. Chairman Middletown, Ohio Mrs. Jeanne L. Reagan Lever Brothers International Mr. Samuel C. Johnson The M ead Corporation Mr. Peter K. Warren Dayton, O liio President New York, New York Marion, Ohio Vice President, International Operations Chairman Reagan Equipment Company PepsiCo, Inc. The Hon. Winton M. Blount Mr. William S. Fishman Jo hnson Wax Company Mr. Mark J. Meagher Harvey, Louisiana President Racine, Wisconsin Executive V ice President and Purchase, N ew York Chairman and President Mr. David P. Reynolds Blount, Inc. ARA Services, Inc. General Manager Mr. Ralph Weller Mr. Reginald H. Jones Executive Vice President Montgomery, Alabama Philadelphia, Pennsylvania President Chairman R eynolds Metals Company Washington, D. C. Otis Elevator Company Mr. Archie R. Boe Mr. Frank E. Fitzsimmons G eneral Electric Company , Virginia Chairman General President New York, New York Dr. Ruben F. Mettler New York, New York Mr. John E. Rhodes Allstate Insurance Company International Brotherhood of Teamsters President Mr. T. A. Wilson Mr. Howard C. Kauffmann Chairman of Finance Committee Northbrook , Illinois Washington, D . C. TRW, Inc. Chairman Senior Vice President Schlumberger, Ltd. Cleveland, Ohio Boeing Company Mr. George Bremser, Jr. Mr. Francis D. Flanagan Exxon Corporation New York, New York Seattle, Washington Chairman and President W . R . Grace and Company N ew York, New York Mr. John E. Meyer Mr. Gilbert F. Richards Texstar Corporation Washington, D . C. President Mr. Chris J. Witting Mr. Walter B. Kissinger Chairman Grand Prairie, Texas Cities Service International President Mr. E. David Foreman Chairman and President The Budd Company Tulsa, Oklahoma Crous e-Hinds Company Mr. Philip N. Buckminster Ogden M etals, Inc. The Allen Group Troy, Michigan Syracuse, New York Vice President Washington, D. C. Mo/ville, N ew York Mr. Joseph Meyerhoff Chrysler Corporation Baltimore, Maryland Mr. Bruce R. Rismiller The Hon. Marshall Wright Mr. Ernest Gallo Mr. J. Burke Knapp Xerox Corporation Washington, D. C. Mr. Akio Morita Vice President Chairman Senior Vice President Rosslyn, Virginia Mr. W. B. Camp E. and J. Gallo W inery World Bank Chairman Eaton Corporation Washington, D. C. Chairman Modesto, California Washington, D. C. The Sony Corporation Mr. C. A. Rolander Tokyo, Japan S enior Vice President W. B. Camp and Son Mr. George H. Geick Mr. H. I. Koolsbergen Mr. Jack Yogman Bakersfield, California Mr. J. Kevin Murphy Gulf O il Corporation President Sperry Rand Company Chairman Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Mr. Robert T. Campion Washington, D. C. Oil Shale Corporation President Joseph E. Seagram and Sons, Inc. Mr. Laurence E. Russell New York, New York President Mr. James R. Golden Los Angeles, California Purolator Services, Inc. Lear Siegler, Inc. Lake Success, N ew York Continental Can Company Mr. Henry Zarrow Ford Motor Company Mr. George F. Kress New York, New York Santa Monica, California Washington, D. C. Chairman Mr. Anthony M. Natelli President Mr. John M. Shaheen Sooner Pipe and Supply Corporation Mr. Samuel B. Casey, Jr. Mr. Bernard A. Goodrich Green Bay Packaging Company Partner Green Bay, Wisconsin Peat, Marwick, M itchell and Company President Tulsa, Oklahoma President ITT Pullman Incorporated Washington, D. C. Shaheen Natural Resources Company Washington, D . C. Mr. Edward Lefevre New York, New York Chicago, Illinois Mr. Henry J. Nave List complete as of October 1st Mr. Vincent L. Gregory Vice President Mrs. Anna Chennault General Dynamics Corporation Chairman Mr. Robert B. Shetterly President Vice President Washington, D . C. Mack Trucks, Inc. President Rehm and Haas Company Flying Tiger Corporation A llentown, Pennsylvania The Clorox Company Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Mr. Nat Lefkowitz Oakland, California Washington, D. C. Mr. William E. Neumeyer Mr. Maurice Gusman President William Morris Agency G eneral Telephone and Electronics Mr. W. Clement Stone Mr. John T. Connor Miami, Florida Chairman New York, New York Washington, D . C. Chairman Combined Insurance Company of America Allied Chemical Company Mr. Garth Stuart Hancock, Sr. Mr. R. A. Lenon Mr. Glenn E. Nielson President Chicago, Illinois Morristown, N ew Jersey President Chairman Hancock Peanut Company Mr. Ovid R. Davis International M inerals and Husky Oil Company Mr. Richard B. Stoner Courtland, Virginia Vice President Chemical Corporation Cody, Wyoming Vice Chairman Cummins Engine Company 24 The Coca-Cola Company Mr. John D. Harper Libertyville, Illinois Mr. Gouverneur H. Nixon 25 Chairman Columbus, Indiana Atlanta, Georgia President Aluminum Company of America D. D. W illiamson and Company Pitts burgh, Pennsylvania Louisville, K entucky SUBSCRIBERS SPONSORS AND CONTRIBUTORS

Dr. and Mrs. Leonard Aries Mr. Marco Mitrani Mr. Herbert J. Adair, Sr. Mr. W. E. Brock, Jr. Mr. Abe Cooper Mrs. Mercedes B. Botts Mr. Bruce A. Norris Chairman Chairman President Kent-Moore Corporatio11 Brock Candy Company Continental Distributing Company Mr. John S. Bugas Mr. Nicholas S. Noyes Warren, Michigan Chattanooga, Chicago, Illinois Mr. L. A. Burcham Mr. Kurt Orban Mr. Paul G. Anderson, Jr. The Hon. and Mr. Sam Cooper Mr. Leonard J. Patricelli Dr. Joseph V. Charyk President Mrs. Wiley T. Buchanan, Jr. President Mr. Sam Cooper Mr. Howard C. Petersen Hasenwinkle Grain Company Humko Products Washington, D. C. The Hon. Howard R. Cottam Mr. John T. Pierson, Jr. Bloomington, Illinois Memphis, Tennessee Mr. Christopher H. Buckley Mr. Charles D. Daniel Mr. Daniel F. Portis Mr. Philip F. Anschutz Mr. James B. Crawford Chairman and President President President Mr. John R. Dietz Mr. John P. Radnay Risdon Manufacturing Company The Anschutz Corporation Glenshaw Glass Company, Inc. Dr. and Mrs. Charles Edwards Mr. John M. Ranney Naugatuck, Connecticut Denver, Colorado Glenshaw, Pennsylvania Mr. R. A. Edwards, Jr. Mrs. Virginia E. Ranney Dr. Allan H. Applestein Mr. L.A. Burcham Mr. Ralph E. Cross Mr. James F. English, Jr Dr. Milton D. Ratner Chairman Chairman President F. W. Woolworth Company Mr. John W. Fisher Mr. Stanley B. Rose Basic Food Industries, Inc. The Cross Company New York, New York Mr. Wayne E. Fowler Mrs. Dorothy Schiff South Miami, Florida Fraser, Michigan Mr. Eugene B. Glick Mr. Edward A. Shay Mr. Fred F. Auerbach Mr. William B. Burkenroad, Jr. Mr. Robert B. Cullum President Mr. Courtlandt S. Gross Mr. Simon Sheib President Chairman l. Aron and Company, Inc. Auerbach's The Cullum Companies, Inc. General Alfred H. Gruenther (ret.) Mr. and Mrs. Murry M. Schott New Orleans, Louisiana Mr. L. G. Guaderrama Mr. Henry C. Singleton Salt Lake City, Utah Dallas, Texas Mr. Neal Ball Mr. G. A. Burson Mr. Edward J. Daly Mr. Chinn Ho Mr. Lloyd E. Skinner President Vice President Chairman and President Mr. Amory Houghton, Jr. Mr. Richard A. Smith Farmers Chemical Company American Hospital Supply Corporation World Airways, Inc. Harrison, Tennessee Miss Jean L. Hubbard Mr. Herbert St. Goar Evanston, Illinois Oakland, California Mr. Robert P. Jensen Mr. George F. Sunkel Mr. Alan P. Bedol Mr. George A. Butler Dr. Falih N. Darmara President Mr. W. A. Kerr Mr. Matthew Tatelbaum Chairman and President President New England Toyota Distributors Mr. Louis Kimple Mr. Emanuel M. Terner Marshallan Products, Inc. Special Metals Corporation Woburn, Massachusetts Miss Mariquita Kraus Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Testwuide Cleveland, Ohio New Hartford, New York Mr. and Mrs. Jack E. Litt Mr. A. Buel Trowbridge Mr. Elmer C. Bennitt Mr. John A. Buzzard Mr. Charles D. Daniel President Chairman Chairman and President Mr. J. Erskine Love, Jr. Mr. D. A. Turner Wilbur Chocolate Company Butler County Mushroom Farm, Inc. First National Bank of Washington Mr. Malcolm MacNaughton Mr. J. H. Williams Lititz, Pennsylvania Butler, Pennsylvania Washington, D. C. Mr. Cyril Magnin Mr. Edward Foss Wilson Mr. F. Steven Berg Dr. John T. Caldwell Mr. C. D. Davenport Mr. Antonio Ortiz Mena Chairman Chairman and President Vice President Educational Testing Service and List complete as of October 1st National Home Products, Inc. Century Engineering Corporation Chancellor, North Carolina Buffalo, New York Cedar Rapids, Iowa State University Dr. V. Blinoff Raleigh, North Carolina Mr. Kindle B. Davis Chairman Dr. Allen Calvin President Alcolac, Inc. Bud Davis Chevrolet, Inc. Dean, University of San Francisco Baltimore, Maryland Memphis, Tennessee San Francisco, California Mr. Richard A. Bloch Mr. W. B. Camp Mr. Lloyd K. Davis Chairman President President H. and R. Block, Inc. Fisk Electric Company W. B. Camp and Sons, Inc. Kansas City, Missouri Houston, Texas Bakersfield, California Mr. and Mrs. Kurt Blumberg Mr. Edward E. Carlson Mr. Nicholas L. Deak Irvin Industries, Inc. President President Greenwich, Connecticut Deak and Company United Airlines New York, New York Mr. Burton W. Bordow Chicago, Illinois President Mr. Jerry L. Caven Mr. Charles de Bretteville Bordow Corporation Chairman President Rye, New York Bank of California States Investment Corporation San Francisco, California Mr. S. V. Bowen Boise, Idaho Chairman Dr. Joseph V. Charyk Mr. Arthur DeMoss Automatic Service Company President President Atlanta, Georgia National Liberty Corporation Communications Satellite Corporation Valley Forge, Pennsylvania Mr. O tha! E. Brand Washington, D. C. President Mr. Vincent V. Checchi Mr. John R. Dietz Griffin and Brand of McAllen President Chairman and President McAllen, Texas Gannett Fleming Corddry Checchi and Company and Carpenter, Inc. Mr. Morris Brenner Washington, D. C. Chairman and President Harrisburg, Pennsylvania Mrs. Miles Nelson Clair Brenner Industries, Inc. A. Member of Council Mr. R. Edwards, Jr. -, North Carolina Vice President Associated Countrywomen of the World Allis-Chalmers Corporation Mr. William L. Brittain Waban, Massachusetts Chairman Washington, D. C. Premier Corporation Mr. Henry B. Clark, Jr. President Mr. Donald F. Eldridge Fowlerville, Michigan Chairman Waialua Sugar Company Mr. Eli Broad Waialua, Hawaii International Video Corporation Chairman Atherton, California Mr. and Mrs. Frank E. Cochran Kaufman and Broad, Inc. Mr. James F. English, Jr. Bray Lines Incorporated Los Angeles, California Chairman UNION Of SOVIET SOCIALIST Cushing, Oklahoma 26 Connecticut Bank and Trust Company 27 REPUBLICS: H is Excellency, The f oreign Mr. W. C. , Jr. Hartford, Connecticut Minister of the USSR, President Coleman Dairy, Inc. Little Rock, Arkansas Mr. Herman Epstein Mr. Neal Gilliatt Mr. Chinn Ho Mr. John J. Kovacevich Mr. Cyril Magnin Mr. Gouverneur H. Nixon Chairman Vice Chairman President Proprietor Chairman President Intaglio Services Corporation The Interpublic Group of Companies Capital Investment of Hawaii, Inc. John J. Kovacevich Company Joseph Magnin Company D. D. Williamson and Company, Inc. Stamford, Connecticut New York, New York Honolulu, Hawaii Arvin, California San Francisco, California Louisville, Kentucky Mr. Fred R. Esty Mr. John Glatt Mr. John Jay Hooker Mr. George F. Kress Mr. V. W. Makin Mr. Bruce A. Norris Chairman President Chairman Chairman President Chairman and President United States Banknote Corporation Norpac Growers, Inc. STP Corporation Green Bay Packaging Company Matthey Bishop, Inc. Norris Grain Company New York, New York Dundee, Oregon Fort Lauderdale, Florida Green Bay, Wisconsin Malvern, Pennsylvania North Miami, Florida Mr. A. Edwin Fein Mr. Eugene B. Glick Mr. Amory Houghton, Jr. Mr. Milton S. Kronheim, Sr. Mr. John V. McAdams Mr. Royal O'Day Vice President President Chairman President Chairman Chairman United Industrial Corporation Gene B. Click Company, Inc. Corning Glass Works Milton S. Kronheim and Company, Inc. Albert Frank-Guenther Law Marine Midland Bank New York, New York Indianapolis, Indiana Corning, New York Washington, D. C. New York, New York Syracuse, New York Mr. Joseph E. Fernandes Mr. Louis B. Golden Mr. and Mrs. Carlisle H. Humelsine Mr. William D. Lamborn Mr. Walter McBee Mr. William B. Oliver Chairman Chairman The Colonial Williamsburg Foundation President President Chairman Fernandes Super Markets, Inc. AAV Companies Williamsburg, Virginia Lamborn and Company International Industries Frito-Lay, Inc. Norton, Massachusetts Solon, Ohio Mr. John W. Jalonen New York, New York Los Angeles, California Dallas, Texas Mr. Joseph H. Filner Mr. Aaron Goldman Chairman Mr. John W. Larsen Mr. James I. McClintock Mr. E. V. O 'Malley President Chairman Birr, Wilson and Company, Inc. President Chairman Chairman Noblemet International, Inc. The Macke Company San Francisco, California The Bowery Savings Bank The Bethlehem Corporation The O'Malley Companies New York, New York Washington, D. C. Mr. Robert P. Jensen New York, New York Detroit, Michigan Phoenix, Arizona Mr. Joseph M. First Mr. Daniel L. Goldy President Mr. Edgar H. Lawton, Jr. Mr. Randall J. McElhone Mr. Kurt Orban Vice President President General Cable Corporation President President President Triangle Publications, Inc. International Systems and Controls Greenwich, Connecticut Hartsville Oil Mill Nevada Beverage Company Kurt Orban Company Radnor, Pennsylvania Houston, Texas Mr. Cliff C. Jones Hartsville, South Carolina Las Vegas, Nevada Wayne, New Jersey Mr. Louis C. Fischer The Hon. Albert Gore Chairman Mr. David M. Levitt Mr. L. William McNutt Mr. Nestor Ortiz R. B. Jones Corporation Chairman Chairman President President Foreign Affairs Representative Kansas City, Missouri Gino's, Inc. Island Creek Coal Company DCA Food Industries, Inc. Collin Street Bakery Gulf Oil Corporation King of Prussia, Pennsylvania Lexington, Kentucky Mr. Burton M. Joseph New York, New York Corsicana, Texas Washington, D. C. Mr. Herbert Fisher Mr. Harry E. Gould President Mr. Leon Levy Mr. Antonio Ortiz Mena Mr. Mandell J. Ourisman I. S. Joseph Company, Inc. Chairman and President Chairman and President Partner President President Minneapolis, Minnesota Jamesway Corporation Could Paper Corporation Oppenheimer and Company Inter-American Development Bank Ourisman Chevrolet Company, Inc. Secaucus, New Jersey New York, New York Mr. Stanley Kaufelt New York, New York Washington, D. C. Marlow Heights, Maryland Mr. John W. Fisher Mr. Courtlandt S. Gross Chairman Mr. Frederick Lichtman Mr. Edward H. Meyer Mr. Leonard J. Patricelli Twin City Grocers, Inc. President Lockheed Aircraft President Chairman and President President Ball Corporation Burbank, California Edison, New Jersey Tulsa Oil Corporation Grey Advertising The Ten Eighty Corporation Muncie, Indiana Mr. L. G. Guaderrama Mr. Ira Kaufman Detroit, Michigan New York, New York Hartford, Connecticut Mr. William S. Fishman President Chairman Mrs. Frederick B. Llewellyn Mr. Malcolm Meyer Mr. Howard C. Petersen President L. G. Cuaderrama Farms Company Boston Stores Past President Chairman Clrnirman Carson, California ARA Services, Inc. Las Cruces, New Mexico Woman's National Farm and Builders Investment Group The Fidelity Bank Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Mr. Michel T. Halbouty Mr. Irving Kaufman Carden Association Wayne, Pennsylvania Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Osterville, Massachusetts Mr. Isidore Forman Owner President Mr. Marco Mitrani Mr. Ronald J. Peterson Page Communications Chairman Michel T. Halbouty Company Mr. J. Bruce Llewellyn Milco Industries Chairman Forman Brothers, Inc. Houston, Texas Engineering, Inc. President Bloomsburg, Pennsylvania Martin Oil Service, Inc. Vienna, Virginia Washington, D. C. Mr. Fred T. Haley Fedco Foods Corporation L. Alsip, Illinois Bronx, New York Mr. Walter Moore Mr. Wayne E. Fowler President Mr. Frederick R. Keith Chairman Mr. John T. Pierson, Jr. Executive Vice President Brown and Haley President Sir Walter Linda! Unijax, Inc. President Norsul Oil and Mining Tacoma, Washington Keith Realty Company Chairman and President Jacksonville, Florida The Vendo Company St. Pauls, Nort/1 Carolina Albany, Georgia Mr. Floyd D. Hall Linda/ Cedar Homes, Irie. Kansas City, Missouri Seattle, Washington Mr. Akio Morita Mr. Richard L. Freundlich Chairman and President Mr. Douglas Kelly, Jr. Chairman Mr. Edward J. Piszek President Eastern Air Lines, Inc. President Mr. Jack Linville Sony Corporation President Ship 'N Shore, Inc. Miami, Florida Riverside Chemical Company President New York, New York Mrs. Paul's Kitchens Memphis, Tennessee Aston, Pennsylvania Mr. Garth Stuart Hancock, Sr. Zephyr Egg Company Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Zephyrhills, Florida Mr. J. Lem Morrison Mr. Kazuo Fukatsu President Mr. William F. Kelly Owner Mr. Anthony J. Pizza President Hancock Peanut Company President Mr. and Mrs. Jack E. Litt Morrison Brothers Chairman C. Itoh and Company, Inc. Courtland, Virginia Frank Briscoe Company, Inc. Arpeja-California, Inc. Greensboro, Alabama Anthony J. Pizza Food East Orange, New Jersey Los Ang~les, California New York, New York Mr. Philip Hanes, Jr. Mr. John A. Muhl Products Corporation Chicago Heights, Illinois Mr. James P. Furniss Chairman Mr. W. A. Kerr Mr. Ellis C. Littman President Chairman Hanes Dye and Finishing Company President Chairman Pepsi Cola Bottling Company Mr. Abe Plough Great American Mortgage Investors Winston-Salem, North Carolina Kerr Glass Manufacturing Nixdorff-Krein Manufacturing Company Oskaloosa, Iowa Chairman Los Angeles, California St. Louis, Missouri Atlanta, Georgia Mr. T. S. Hartness Mr. Eugene W. Murphy Plough, Inc. Memphis, Tennessee Mr. Ernest Gallo Chairman Mr. Louis Kimple Mr. J. Erskine Love, Jr. Chairman Chairman Pepsi Cola Bottling Company President President Gateway Transportation Company, Inc. Mr. Louis F. Polk, Jr. Dixico, Inc. E. and J. Callo Winery Greenville, South Carolina Printpack, Inc. LaCrosse, Wisconsin Chairman Dallas, Texas Atlanta, Georgia Modesto, California Mr. J. Ray Hatton Mr. James J. Needham Leisure Dynamics New York, New York Mrs. Frederic G. Garrison President Mr. F. Joseph Kissel Mr. Wilber H. Mack Chairman Past President Hatton Brothers, Inc. President Chairman Mr. Daniel F. Portis Eatwell Provisions, Inc. Woman's National Farm and Pahokee, Florida American Natural Gas Company New York, New York Owner Jamaica, New York Detroit, Michigan Garden Association Mr. Matthew J. Hickey III Mr. Edward N. Ney Portis Mercantile Company Birmingham, Michigan Lepanto, Arkansas President Mr. Louis Kitsis Mr. Donald R. MacKay President President Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Garson Hickey and Company Former President Young and Rubicam International Mr. Troy V. Post Shari Candies, Inc. The Lovable Company Chicago, Illinois American Re-Insurance Company New York, New York Chairman and President New York, New York Mankato, Minnesota New York, New York Mr. J. W. Hight Mr. Robert J. Nicholas Troy Post Corporation Dallas, Texas Mr. and Mrs. Roswell Garst President Mr. Sidney Kolker Mr. Malcolm MacNaughton President Garst and Thomas Hybrid Corn Reuben H. Donnelley Corporation President Chairman 28 Nicholas Turkey Breeding Farms Mr. Marvin B. Poster Coon Rapids, Iowa New York, New York Washington Beef Company Castle and Cooke, Inc. Sonoma, California President 29 Washington, D. C. Honolulu, Hawaii Marva/ Poultry Company Dayton, Virginia !vfr. John T. Potter !vfr. Edward A. Shay !vfr. !vfatthew Tatelbaum Chairman President Chairman Potter Instrument Company Pacific Architects and Engineers Mars Bargain/and, Inc. Plainview, New York Washington, D. C. New Bedford, Massachusetts Mr. T. A. Prendergast !vfr. Simon Sheib !vfr. Emanuel Terner Cliairman President Chairman Billy the Kid, Inc. Avnet, Inc. Midland, Glass Company, Inc. El Paso, Texas New York, New York Cliffwood, New Jersey Mr. Eugene Pulliam !vfr. Horace A. Shepard !vfr. and !vfrs. Robert L. Testwuide President Chairman Schrier Malting. Company Phoenix Newspapers, Inc. Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland Sheboygan, Wisconsin Phoenix, Arizona Cleveland, Ohio !vfr. James F. Thornton !vfr. John P. Radnay !vfr. Richard D. Simmons Chairman President President The Lummus Company Emersons, Ltd. Moody's Investors Service, Inc. Bloomfield, New Jersey Rockville, Maryland New York, New York !vfr. Jack Tietolman !vfr. John l\1. Ranney !vfr. Henry C. Singleton President !NOIA: His Excellency, The Foreign Minister and !vfrs. Virginia E. Ranney Chairman Radio Futura, Ltd. Singleton Packing Corporation Montreal, Quebec, Cnnnda of India, Sadar Swaram Singh Ranney-Davis Mercantile Company Tampa, Florida Arkansas City, Kansas !vfr. Erwin Tomash Dr. !vfilton D. Ratner !vfr. Lloyd E. Skinner Chairman Chairman Dataproducts Corporation Chairman Skinner Macaroni Company Woodland Hills, California Rentar Industries, Inc. Omaha, Nebraska New York, New York !vfr. William W. Turnbull !vfr. Sumner l\1. Redstone !vfr. V. J. Skutt President Educational Testing Service President Chairman Northeast Theatre Corporation Mutual of Omaha Princeton, New Jersey ARGENTINA: His Excellency, The Argentine Boston, Massachusetts Omaha, Nebraska !vfr. D. A. Turner Minister of Foreign Relations, Alberto !vfr. and !vfrs. I. Budd Rockower !vfr. Douglas R. Smith Chairman Vignes Rockower Brothers, Inc. Chairman and President W. C. Bradley Company Trevose, Pennsylvania National Savings and Trust Company Columbus, Georgia Washington, D. C. !vfr. J. R. Rodfong !vfr. A. Raymond Tye President !vfr. Gerald J. Smith President BVA Credit Corporation Chairman United Liquors, Ltd. W est Roxbury, Massachusetts Rid1mond, Virginia Davy Power Gas Lakeland, Florida !vfr. Stanley B. Rose !vfr. Frederick H. Vahlsing, Jr. President !vfr. James H. Smith Chairman and President Cleveland Wrecking Company President Vahlsing, Inc. Robbinsville, N ew Jersey Cincinnati, Ohio Blue Cross of Northwest Ohio Toledo, Ohio !vfr. Neil Rosenstein !vfr. and !vfrs. Louis A. Waters !vfr. John H. Smith Browning-Ferris Industries Chairman EGYPT: His Excellency, The Egyptian American Health Industries President Houston, Texas Computer Leasing Company Foreign Minister, Ismail Fahmy Los Angeles, California !vfr. Davis Weir Arlington, Virginia !vfr. Sam Rubinstein Chairman !vfr. Richard A. Smith American Finance System, Inc. President Wilmington, Delaware Whitney-Fida/go Seafoods, Inc. President General Cinema Corporation Seattle, Washington !vfr. James J. White III Boston, Massachusetts !vfr. William Ruder President !vfr. Julian l\1. Sobin 7. J. White Incorporated President President Phi!udelphia, Pennsylvania Ruder and Finn Sobin Chemicals, Inc. New York, New York !vfr. J. H. Williams Boston, Massachusetts !vfr. Harold Ruttenberg R. B. and ]. H. Williams Company !vfr. Saul P. Steinberg Nntchitoches, Louisiana Chairman and President Chairman AVM Corporation !vfr. Kemmons Wilson Tlte Reliance Group Jamestown, New York Chairman New York, New York !vfr. Harvey E. Sampson Holiday Inns, Inc. !vfr. Herbert St. Goar Memphis, Tennessee President President The Harvey Group, Inc. !vfr. Emanuel L. Wolf Dixie Saving Stores, Inc. Woodbury, New York Chairman and Pre~ident Chattanooga, Tennessee !vfr. J. B. Saunders Kalvex, Inc. !vfr. Willis G. Sullivan New York, New York Owner Chairman Saunde~s Industries !vfr. William H. Wurster Krause Milling Company Houston, Texas President Milwaukee, Wisconsin !vfrs. Dorothy Schiff Woodward and Dickerson, Inc. !vfr. George F. Sunkel Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Editor-in-Chief and Publisher Chairman !vfr. Frank Yablans Piggly Wiggly Red River Company New York, New York President Clarksville, Texas !vfr. David B. Shakarian Corporation !vfr. George H. Sweet New York, New York President President General Nutrition Corporation !vfr. William C. Yowell, Jr. Masland Duraleather Company Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Executive Vice President Philadelphia, Pennsylvania !vfr. Nathan Shapell The National Bank of Washington !vfr. Stanley I. Tannenbaum Washington, D. C. Chairman Chairman Shapell Industries, Inc. !vfr. Norman P. Zucker Kenyon and Eckhardt, Inc. Beverly Hills, California President New York, New York NEI Corporation Mr. S. !vfark Taper New Orleans, Louisiana President First Clrnrter Financial Corporation List complete as of October 1st Beverly Hills, California UNA-USA

Mr. Robert S. Benjamin Chairman of the Association

UNA/USA is a nationwide, non-profit organization dedicated to broadening public knowledge about the United Nations and its multi-faceted activities. UNA/USA is the official coordinating body for the National UN Day Program, working together with Governors' Committees and Mayors' Committees in nearly 2,000 communities. The Association also works through a network of local chapters and more than 150 affiliated national organizations, representing a total constituency of millions of Americans. Through its National Policy Panels, UNA/USA brings together scholars, business and labor leaders, foundation officials and technical experts to apply creative thinking to perplexing international problems. These reports have helped to shape U.S. policy in a wide range of areas including arms control, U.S.-China relations, population, international communications, etc. UNA/USA publishes a monthly periodical, The Inter Dependent, as well as fact sheets and educational materials on many specific UN activities. UNA/USA is supported entirely by membership dues, contributions Mr. Joseph M. Segel from individuals, foundations, business and labor organizations, and by Chairman of the Board of Governors income from its publications, conferences and special events.

Mr. Frank T. Cary National UN Day Chairman

Dr. Richard Van Wagenen President, Capital Area Division 32 33 EARL WARREN

Warren E. Burger Chief Justice of the United States

The remarkable lifetime of public service of Chief Justice Earl Warren, extending over a period of more than half a century, exemplified his dedi­ cation to the rule of law. It was inevitable that he would be a supporter of the United Nations concept, and it was only a coincidence that its organi­ zation meeting was held in his native State of California, enabling him to observe the efforts and achievements of the United Nations from its inception. His world outlook was demonstrated in many ways. During his entire tenure as Chief Justice and during the five years of his life that followed, he was an inveterate world traveler and, as such, a unique goodwill representative of the United States. Although he did not ordinarily travel in a formal diplomatic capacity, his standing made him welcome every­ Chief Justice where, and he contributed much to friendly relations with other nations. It was logical, therefore, that his developing world outlook led to a keen of the United States interest in the work of the United Nations and his support of the United 1953-1969 Nations Association for many years. To other countries of the world-particularly the underdeveloped states Chairman of the and those which aspired to emulate our free institutions-Earl Warren was United Nations Association a symbol of the concept of the rule of law. His leadership and his influence of the United States of America will be sorely missed but his mark is indelible. 1970-1974 Warren E. Burger Chief Justice of the United States

34 35 It was also Earl Warren's conception that the United States, the princi­ pal architect of the United Nations and the leading power in the world, has the primary responsibility to support and sustain the United Nations. In answer to critics, he was prone to reply in the words of Adlai Stevenson, "Let none of us mock its weaknesses, for when we do, we are mocking ourselves." From the richness of his experience and total commitment to peace and the rule of law, Chief Justice Warren recognized that our nation derives its great influence in the world not only from great physical power but also from the fact that our basic law and our national outlook are premised on the equality and dignity of all persons. In his leadership of the United Nations Association of the United States, he urged that the way to peace in this turbulent age is to keep to that national vision; to work with all our might for the establishment of a structure of law that will be equitable and just to all nations and peoples. He knew full well that the law alone cannot assure world peace but that Arthur J. Goldberg there can be no peace without it, and he devoted his great talents and Former Associate Justice of the energy in the light of that truth. Supreme Court of the United States The members of the United Nations Association mourn the passing of Honorary Chairman of UNA/USA this great American and great citizen of the world.

Arthur J. Goldberg Honorary Co-Chairman of UNA/USA Former Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States

When Chief Justice Warren retired from the Supreme Court, it was most appropriate for him to assume the office of Chairman of the United Nations Association of the United States of America. The retiring Chief Justice, in accepting the Association's invitation to be its Chairman, said that he was moving from one area dedicated to the rule of law to another devoted to the same principle. Earl Warren believed that the effort to bring the rule of la..v to govern JAPAN: His Excellency, The Prime Minister the relations between sovereign states-the central effort of the United of Japan, Kakuei Tanaka Nations and its supportive association, UNA/USA-is of the highest priority. These beliefs came naturally to him from a lifetime in the law and government. Being a realist, Chief Justice Warren recognized that the rule of law among nations is obviously more difficult to achieve than here at home, but he likewise conceived that it is even more necessary. Earl Warren, therefore, was willing to lend his prestige and personal efforts to the extension of law into the international realm. This, he knew, was not going to be achieved in one great Utopian stroke of the pen. But he had faith in the United Nations Charter, just as he had abiding confidence in SAUDI ARABIA: His Excellency, The Minister of State, Omar Saqqaf our Constitution. His credo was akin to that of President Truman, who, on the closing day of the founding conference of the United Nations in San Francisco on June 26, 1945, spoke of the future of the new Charter of the United Nations in these words: "This Charter, like our own Constitution, will be expanded and improved as time goes on. It has not been poured into any fixed mold. Changing world conditions will require readjustments [in the interests] of peace and not of war." 37 Production Committee MENU Gerald G. Wagner, Chairman

Vodka Shrimp Cocktail Neptune Social Aides Junior Hostesses Stolichnaya for the UN Dinner for the UN Dinner * * * Rock Cornish Hen Merville Social Aides in Charge Junior Hostess in Charge Niersteiner O elberg Mrs. John Carlyle Melanie K. Frost Tomato DuBarry Wild Rice Riesling Spi:itlese 1971 Mr. Gerald Richman Broccoli Polonaise

Dr. and Mrs. Joel Alperstein Marie Alagia * * * Miss Gail Amidzich Nancy-anne Bucca Salade Normande Lieutenant Lynda R. Buckley Maureen Callaghan Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. Buttenheim Jane Distlehorst * * * Mr. John W. Einfurter Kate Farrell Vacherin Glace Jubilee aux Cerises Captain John Harris Mary Feddis Miss Susan J. Herdina Rita Ferra! * * * Mr. and Mrs. Herman J. Hohauser Jo-ann Figueroa Coffee Captain James Jackson Karen Forlenza Miss Katie Kain Jayne Gilbride Mr. and Mrs. G. Andrew Lawrence Joan Gilbride Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Milstein Carla Goheen Captain Douglas Morelly Colleen Kelly Miss Gail Parks Denise Loftus Major David Van Poznak Cynthia Lingley Maureen Mallon Captain Joel Sears Dancing: The Meyer Davis Orchestra under the direction of Meyer Davis Captain Carolyn Speese Rita McNerney Captain John Wilferth Molly Messner Sonsire Ramos Susan Rivers Marie Starn Karen Tobias

Appreciation The Committee expresses appreciation to the United Nations for authorizing The Franklin Mint to provide a sterling silver proof of the 1974 United Nations Peace Medal to each gentleman and a sterling silver pendant­ charm bearing the same design to each lady.

UNA/USA is grateful to Monsieur Henri Wines, Ltd., for the selection of the dinner wine.

39 Announcements 15th ANNUAL UN CONCERT Saturday, October 25, 1975, The , Eugene Ormandy conducting. The Jimmy Dorsey Orchestra under the direction of Lee Castle will play for dancing at the United Nations Dinner. 16th ANNUAL UN CONCERT UN Day, Sunday, October 24, 1976. Pablo Casals (1876-1974). A musical tribute to the memory of a great man, of peace and of music, on the occasion of the lOOth anniversary of his birth, the 200th birthday of the United States of America, and the 31st anniversary of the United Nations. Alexander Schneider, music director, Isaac Stern, soloist. The United Nations Dinner will follow.

UNITED NATIONS ASSOCIATION OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA NATIONAL OFFICE: 345 East 46th Street, New York, New York 10017 WASHINGTON OFFICE: 2501 Calvert Street, N.W., Suite 112, Washington, D.C. 20008