Forestry Commission Technical Paper: Decline in Sitka
Decline in Sitka Spruce on the South Wales Coalfield Edited by M.P. Coutts Forestry Commission ARCHIVE Technical Paper , FORESTRY COMMISSION TECHNICAL PAPER 9 Decline in Sitka Spruce on the South Wales Coalfield Edited by M.P. Coutts FORESTRY COMMISSION, EDINBURGH © Crown copyright 1995 First published 1995 ISBN 0-85538-332-1 FDC 174.7:181.3:425:453:(429) Acknowledgements The authors of these chapters acknowledge the help of Tony Price and Dave Thomas, who carried out, in all weathers, most of the field work on which the investigations were based. Substantial editorial help from Jenny Claridge is also gratefully acknowledged. KEYWORDS: Aphids, Conifers, Forest decline, Hydrology, Nutrition, Pathogens, Pollution, Water relations Enquiries relating to this publication should be addressed to: The Research Publications Officer The Forestry Commission, Research Division Alice Holt Lodge Wrecclesham, Farnham Surrey GU10 4LH CONTENTS Page Acknowledgements ii Preface iv Sum m ary v List of Contributors vi 1. History and symptoms of decline in Sitka spruce on the South Wales coalfield 1 M.P. Coutts and N.P. Danby 2. Atmospheric pollution in forests of the South Wales coalfield 5 M.P. Coutts, J.A. Winter and T.W. Ashenden 3. Water regimes of three soil types in forests on the South Wales coalfield 11 D.G. Pyatt 4. Stem analysis of healthy and declining Sitka spruce 29 M.P. Coutts and S. Corcoran 5. Correlations between tree growth, leaf chemistry and site factors in an area of declining Sitka spruce 35 M.P. Coutts, N.P. Danby and A. Burnand 6. The role of nutrition in the decline in Sitka spruce 47 J.C.
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