Taft Will Name Federal Judge
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V tiff iartfif x w r v. t n i ii i ir . 1 1 i ii arm . iek if ihb i .: a TJ. S. WEATHER BUREAU,. April 27. Last 24 Hours' Rainfall, ..27. SUGAR. 96 Degree Test Centrifugals, 3.97c. Per Ton, $79.40. Temperature, Max. 77; 68. Min. Weather, variable. 88 Analysis Beets, 10s. 5Vid. Per Ton, $84.00. ESTABLISHED JULY 2, 1858. VOL. XLIX., NO. 8336. HONOLULU, HAWAII TERRITORY, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 28, 1909. PRICE FIVE CENTS. LEGISLATURE HAS VERY Taft Will Name Mainland DECREE OF DEP0S1T10 Man for Federal Judge LITTLE WORK FOR TODAY. ENDS THE REIGN OF THE OQOOX0000000 THE LAST OF THE SESSIO (Special Cablegram to the Advertiser.) 0 ABDUL HAMID WASHINGTON, April 27.-Pre- sidcnt Taft Ti has decided to appoint a mainlander for ad- ditional Federal Judge of Hawaii. The name The Loan Bill Killed House Cleans Up the of the man chosen is unobtainable. A Brother Nearly His Own Age Will Be Pro- by the Senate Body Senate Bills and Con E. G. WALKER. claimed Sovereign Old Ruler Accepb is Now Ready to siders Number of oooooooooooooooooc oc Downfall as Allah's Will. Adjoufn. Resolutions. zoo on THE OBJECTED TO .' . (Associated Press Cablegrams.) . , This meet The loan bill had short life in the morning the House will QUENN REPORT CONSTANTINOPLE, April 28. The decree deposing the Sultan was read Senate yesterday, the measure being for the last work of the session, a ses-sio- n S.S. MM lost on the carrying of a motion for that has been full of work, work in public by the Sheik-ul-Isla- It recites that Abdul Hamid's acts bare been indefinite postponement. No one at- all cleaned up and disposed of. Little contrary to the sacred law and that he has committed numerous crimes, the tempted to save the bill and it went remains to be done today, except kill American Consul , Takes a McClellan Demanded That decree constituting a terrible indictment of the fallen sovereign. to its end unmourned. time with oratory until midnight ar- Rare Collection to . (Statement Therein Be The Senate had planned to take up rives. , HOW THE SULTAN TOOK IT. The House had little to do yesterday the House resolution on the Organic Chicago. , Stricken. deposition simply amendments in committee of and did that little with neatness and The Sultan when informed of his said: "It is the will Act the ' ' ; the whole yesterday, but the resolution despatch. The morning session saw of Allah. v three bills in third reading passed, with ' "was again tfhtil morning, Mr. Henry D. Baker, the American Supervisor McClellan took a firm TO PROCLAIM NEW EULEE. deferred this one read through on second reading : when the resolution will be considered Consul at Hobart, Tasmania, was one stand last night against the badgering ready for final action today. A salute of 101 guns will announce the new Sultan, who will be proclaimed . of the passengers by the Marama yes- of a portion as soon as the minutes are read. Alfonso's Home Rule resolution was tactics of the membership '; S r "' The brll preventing purchasers from tabled because of the fact that the terday, en route fo; his home in Chi- of the board' against Road Overseer as Mehemmed V. House has gone on, on " Imposition in buying an animal which already record cago on leave of absence. Mr Baker 'Paele of Koolaupoko district and de- PERPLEXITIES AHEAD. this subject, favoriug only the ap- the seller knows to be afflicted wit'l called on the Governor and on the manded that a portion of a report pointment o local men to local offices It is believsd that many serious problems still confront the Young Turks. disease, passed third reading as did also in the Federal positions. secretary of the Chamber of Com- which censured Paele for disbursing all the measure allowing circuit courts to Senate Bill 58,' which exempts from merce, and expressd his regret that thejKoolaupoko appropriation before NO REGRETS IN LONDON. compel the attendance of witnesses taxation any hospital that maintains he was unable to spend at least a the month was over, and which he as- three free beds, passed third reading. serted is not borne out bv facts, be from any part of the Territory. Senate Bill 150, appropriating $600 week inHawaii, and enjoy all Its de Kalau-pap- j out. He baek-e- d The Senate practically concluded its to pay the district magistrate at a lightful attractions. stricken stated, and was RECOGNITION FROM WASHINGTON. labors yesterday and today will be de- $25 .a month for his salary, also "I am obliged to sacrifice myself this up by the Mayor and Supervisor voted to clearing up the. odds and ends passed third reading. Kane, that the money is being spent WASHINGTON, April 28. Prompt recognition will be given to the new of legislation and consideration of the time, and go right on to America, Senate Bill 152, which appropriates on the bugaboo Waiahole bridge rer .Turkish Government. proposed amendments to the Organic $2000 additional for the expenses of owing to having with me a family of ;. ; pairs,-whic- were not only authorized, Act. , the second circuit court, Maui, passed. twenty animals and birds, native" to Knudsen's Views. Found in Wastepaper Basket. but ' ordered by the board, and to be THE LATE SOVEREIGN. Tasmania. and Australia, which am - " . I... " In speaking of the results of . the done: under direction Engineer The Home Eule resolution, on the or- going; to give to the zoo." at Lincoln the of Abdul Hamid II. was born September 22, 1842. lie is the second son of legislative session of 1909, Chairman Gere. der of the day for the second reading, Park, Chicago, and to Sultan Abdul Medjed, and succeeded to the throne on the deposition of bis Knudsen of the Judiciary Committee, could not be found. Finally Clerk the National the ; Supervisor Quinn, chairman of the Sultan Murad V., August 31, 1878, Murad is still living, an im- said yesterday. searched the wastepaper basket and Zoo at New York City. The collection elder brother, Judiciary Committee handled committee which made the report, in V "The ! discovered it. had blown off the is on the upper deck of the Marama; prisoned lunatic. in- It , fullv seventy per cerit. of the bills defending his statement, said that it thirty-fourt- h table the day before and been janitored protected by tarpaulins from trop- The lately .deposed sovereign is the in: male descent, of the-- troduced in the Senate and about eigh- the. was really not intended to censure Pa- cent, ' into the basket. There it had been ical sun rays, up to present house of Othman, r of fhe empire and the 'twenty eighth Sultan ty per of the House bills that variously and plenteously spit on. This and the ele so much as to serve as a warning came up for consideration. time since the conquest of Constantinople. By the law of succession obeyed in the was not the reason for tabling it, how- enjoying the best of health. In to all road overseers not to overpay "None' of the bills oprsed by the - ieigning family, the crown is inherited by seniority by the male descendants of ever,, the reason being stated by Affon- the collection are four Tasmanian , Judiciary , Committee became law, their appropriation. Mr. McClellan in-- his' i so, the introducer, who asked Othman sprung from the Imperial harem. The Sultan is succeeded byv the, recom- for the devils (Sarcophilus urslnus), fierce whereas all but two of bills ! tabling because he was convinced the timated that this sort of serving notice in ar uncles or cousins of greater mended by the committee passed the little brutes, certainly very devil- eldest son, unless, as the present case, there I first House resolution had satisfactorily and on others was a poor way of preparing Senate, and most of them reached the age. 'H''' , . - j cohered the point. ish in their dispostion. They look .s Governor and became law. a report jand using one overseer as a Abdul Hamid has ten living children and eight living brothers and sisters. ivtro-duce- like a cross between small and d Revived the Commission. a bear scapegoat. The Mayor tin; ' - "A great number of the bills stated that His successor is a brother who was born in 1844. ; wptc of a seeming Unimportant Long succeeded in reviving the reso- a pig, and have white markings on bridge had cost so far in materials, lution supplies, 4 etc., about THE MTJRDERS AT ADANA. "nature, but . have been very necessary calling for the appointment of a them, 'and have powerful jaws which engines, labor, in order to Temove little inc onsisteneis commission to investigate the condi- they like to open up accompani- $1500. Engineer Gere denied that the ADANA, April 27. There has been a renewal of the murders and incen- collec- to the Mayor was making a correct statement in the present laws, in order to make tions 'elsewhere regulating .the district is critical. ' them more workable. tion and distribution of school funds. ment of a most savage growl. They and said it was much lower. diarism. The situation in the entire "The legislation that I was most in- The vote to reconsider earried and the are found only in Tasmania at pres- , The committee's paragraph censuring terested in as chairman of the Judi- resolution was restored to the calendar ent,, and are almdst extinct there, hav- Paele was a follows: - overseer ciary Committee was that which turned for action.