Government Gazette Staatskoerant REPUBLIC OF REPUBLIEK VAN SUID-AFRIKA

Vol. 593 Pretoria, 7 November 2014 No. 38148

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CONTENTS INHOUD Page Gazette Bladsy Koerant No. No. No. No. No. No.


Trade and Industry, Department of Handel en Nywerheid, Departement van General Notices Algemene Kennisgewings 943 Liquor Act (27/1989): Notice of applica- 943 Drankwet (27/1989): Kennisgewing van tions for liquor licences: Divided into the aansoeke om dranklisensies: Ingedeel following provinces:...... 6 38148 onder die volgende provinsies: ...... 6 38148 ...... 6 Limpopo ...... 6 Mpumalanga ...... 29 Mpumalanga ...... 29 North West ...... 30 Noord-wes...... 30 Western Cape ...... 51 Wes-Kaap...... 51 944 do.: Notice of applications for the 944 do.: Kennisgewing van aansoeke om die removal of licences: Divided in the fol- verplasing van lisensies: Ingedeel onder lowing provinces:...... 52 38148 die volgende provinsies: ...... 52 38148 Limpopo ...... 52 Limpopo ...... 52 North West ...... 53 Noord-wes...... 53

ir Important Announcement:

Please take note that from 1 April 2010 all Northern Cape Liquor Licence Applications will be published in its own Extra Ordinary Provincial Gazette.

The publication date will be the First Friday of each month. The closing date will be two weeks prior to publication. Closing time: 12h00. Proof of payment (R137,50)must be sent must with be the sent application with the application (Form 2) (Form 2). L

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Important Notice

CONDITIONS FOR THE PUBLICATION OF APPLICATIONS FOR LIQUOR LICENCES The Government Gazette, containing publication of applications for liquor licences on behalf of the Department of Trade and Industry, is released during the first Friday of each calendar month. Closing times for the acceptance of liquor licence applications (see next page) due to be published on a specific Friday, are at 15:00 on the Friday two weeks prior to the publication date. Applications received by this office after the applicable closing times, will be retained for publication in the following Government Gazette containing liquor licences. In order to ensure timeous publication of liquor licences, all applications must be completed in full (English and ) since amendments after the applicable closing dates will not be considered. Should the neccessary cheque or postal orders not accompany the appli- cation, the application will be returned. t Belangrike Kennisgewing


Die Staatskoerant, waarin aansoeke om dranklisensies namens die Departement van Handel en Nywerheid gepubliseer word, verskyn gedurende die eerste Vrydag van elke kalendermaand. Sluitingstye vir die aanname van dranklisensie-kennisgewings (sien volgende bladsy) wat op ’n bepaalde Vrydag gepubliseer moet word, is op die Vrydag twee weke voor die publikasiedatum om 15:00. Kennisgewings wat ná die toepaslike sluitingstye deur hierdie kantoor ontvang word, sal oorgehou word vir plasing in die eersvolgende Staatskoerant vir dranklisensies. Ten einde tydige publisering van kennisgewings te verseker, moet alle kennisgewings volledig voltooi word (Engels en Afrikaans) aangesien geen wysigings ná die betrokke sluitingsdatums oorweeg sal word nie. Indien die nodige tjek of posorders nie die aansoek vergesel nie, sal die aansoek teruggestuur word.

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PHYSICAL ADDRESS: POSTAL ADDRESS: Government Printing Works Private Bag X85 149 Bosman Street Pretoria Pretoria 0001

CONTACT PERSON: Hester Wolmarans Tel. No. (012) 334-4591 Fax No. (012) 334-5842 E-mail: [email protected]

CONTACT PERSON FOR SUBSCRIBERS: Mrs N. Kekana Tel. No. (012) 334-4737 Fax No. (012) 323-9574

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IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT Closing times for APPLICATIONS FOR LIQUOR LICENCES 2014 The closing time is 15:00 sharp on the following days:

24 October, Friday, for the issue of Friday 7 November 2014 21 November, Wednesday, for the issue of Friday 5 December 2014 17 December, Wednesday, for the issue of Friday 2 January 2015 ▼ ▼

BELANGRIKE AANKONDIGING Sluitingstye vir AANSOEKE OM DRANKLISENSIES 2014 Die sluitingstyd is stiptelik 15:00 op die volgende dae: 24 Oktober, Vrydag, vir die uitgawe van Vrydag 7 November 2014 21 November, Woensdag, vir die uitgawe van Vrydag 5 Desember 2014

▼ 17 Desember, Woensdag, vir die uitgawe van Vrydag 2 Januarie 2015 ▼

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NOTICE 943 OF 2014 KENNISGEWING 943 VAN 2014 DEPARTMENT OF TRADE AND INDUSTRY DEPARTEMENT VAN HANDEL EN NYWERHEID LIQUOR ACT, 1989 DRANKWET, 1989 KENNISGEWING VAN AANSOEKE OM NOTICE OF APPLICATIONS FOR DRANKLISENSIES LIQUOR LICENCES Kennis word hierby gegee dat die aansoekers in die Notice is hereby given that the applicants specified Bylae hierby gespesifiseer, kennis gegee het van hulle in the Schedule hereto have given notice of their voorneme om aansoeke om dranklisensies in te dien intention to lodge applications for liquor licences in ten opsigte van persele geleë in die distrikte wat in die respect of premises situated in the districts indicated Bylae aangedui is. in the Schedule. Die betrokke aansoeke kan tot en met die laaste dag The applications concerned may, up to and including waarop ’n beswaar teen of vertoë of ’n petisie ter the last date on which an objection against or ondersteuning van sodanige aansoeke ingevolge die representations or a petition in support of such regulasies ingedien kan word, op versoek gratis deur applications may be lodged in terms of the regulations, enige persoon by die kantoor van die landdros van die upon request and free of charge, be inspected by any distrik van waar sodanige aansoeke afkomstig is, person at the office of the magistrate of the district ondersoek word. from which they emanate. BYLAE SCHEDULE Onderstaande syfers, wat tussen hakies in die Bylae The undermentioned figures used in brackets in the gebruik word, het die volgende betekenisse: Schedule, have the following meanings: (1) = Volledige naam, straat- en posadres van (1) = Full name, street and postal address of aansoeker. applicant. (2) = Soort lisensie waarvoor aansoek gedoen (2) = Kind of licence applied for. word. (3) = Kind of liquor to be sold. (3) = Soort drank wat verkoop sal word. (4) = Name under which business is to be (4) = Naam waaronder besigheid gedoen sal conducted and full address of premises. word en volledige adres van perseel. (5) = Determination, consent, approval or (5) = Bepaling, toestemming, goedkeuring of authority applied for (see regulation 5). magtiging waarom aansoek gedoen word (sien regulasie 5).


BOCHUM BOCHUM (1) Mokgatjane Eric Chipu t/a Kwebo Ke Tshelete (1) Mokgatjane Eric Chipu t/a Kwebo Ke Tshelete General Supplier Trading, Inveraan Village, Senwa- General Supplier Trading, Inveraan Village, Senwa- barwana, PO Box 5077, Senwabarwana, 0790. barwana, PO Box 5077, Senwabarwana, 0790. (2) Liquor Store. (2) Liquor Store. (3) All kinds of liquor. (3) All kinds of liquor. (4) Kwebo Ke Tshelete Liquor Store, Stand No. 55, Inveraan (4) Kwebo Ke Tshelete Liquor Store, Stand No. 55, Inveraan Village, Senwabarwana, Bochum. Village, Senwabarwana, Bochum. (5) Regulation 5; section 41 (i) (5) Regulation 5; section 41 (i)

BOCHUM/SENWABARWANA BOCHUM/SENWABARWANA (1) Selamolela Matome Joseph, Stand No. 36, Fountein (1) Selamolela Matome Joseph, Stand No. 36, Fountein du Champ Farm, Ga-Mashamaite, Raditshaba, 0718. du Champ Farm, Ga-Mashamaite, Raditshaba, 0718.

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(2) Liquor Restaurant. (2) Liquor Restaurant. (3) All kinds of liquor. (3) All kinds of liquor. (4) Kgaka Mpedi Liquor Restaurant, Stand No. 52, Fountein (4) Kgaka Mpedi Liquor Restaurant, Stand No. 52, Fountein du Champ Farm, Ga-Mashamaite, Raditshaba, 0718. du Champ Farm, Ga-Mashamaite, Raditshaba, 0718. (5) Section 41 (i) (a). (5) Section 41 (i) (a).

BOCHUM BOCHUM (1) Morena Mosilo Gilbert, P.O. Box 493, Bochum, 0790. (1) Morena Mosilo Gilbert, P.O. Box 493, Bochum, 0790. (2) Restaurant Liquor Licence. (2) Restaurant Liquor Licence. (3) All kinds of liquor. (3) All kinds of liquor. (4) Ramoswete Liquor Restaurant, Ga-Kobe Village – no (4) Ramoswete Liquor Restaurant, Ga-Kobe Village – no stand number, Farm: Blackhill No. 317 LS, Bochum stand number, Farm: Blackhill No. 317 LS, Bochum District, Limpopo Province. District, Limpopo Province. (5) Section 41 (1) (a). (5) Section 41 (1) (a).

BOLOBEDU BOLOBEDU (1) Molopa Oscar Mohale, 7011285607081, Stand No. (1) Molopa Oscar Mohale, 7011285607081, Stand No. 227, Bodupe Village, Ga-Rakwadu, Bolobedu; PO Box 227, Bodupe Village, Ga-Rakwadu, Bolobedu; PO Box 990, Ga-Kgapane, 0838. 990, Ga-Kgapane, 0838. (2) Special Licence; Liquor Tavern. (2) Special Licence; Liquor Tavern. (3) All kinds of liquor. (3) All kinds of liquor. (4) Lesedi Tavern, Stand No. 277, Bodupe Village, (4) Lesedi Tavern, Stand No. 277, Bodupe Village, Rakwadu, Farm No. 424LT, Modjadji, Bolobedu, Mopani Rakwadu, Farm No. 424LT, Modjadji, Bolobedu, Mopani District, Limpopo Province. District, Limpopo Province. (5) Section 41 (1) (a). (5) Section 41 (1) (a).

CAPRICORN CAPRICORN (1) Moleboheng Elizabeth Motlhose, Stand No. 767, (1) Moleboheng Elizabeth Motlhose, Stand No. 767, Ga-Makanye; PO Box 4234, Sovenga, 0727, Cell. 071 Ga-Makanye; PO Box 4234, Sovenga, 0727, Cell. 071 697 2589. 697 2589. (2) Special On-consumption Licence. (2) Special On-consumption Licence. (3) All kinds of liquor. (3) All kinds of liquor. (4) Beezy Corner Liquor Restaurant, Stand No. 769, (4) Beezy Corner Liquor Restaurant, Stand No. 769, Ga-Makanye, Mankweng, 0727. Ga-Makanye, Mankweng, 0727. (5) Section 41 (1) (a). (5) Section 41 (1) (a).

CAPRICORN CAPRICORN (1) Nkuna Ntsekewane John, Stand No. 09, Mankweng, (1) Nkuna Ntsekewane John, Stand No. 09, Mankweng, Zebediela; PO Box 283, Groothoek, 0628. Zebediela; PO Box 283, Groothoek, 0628. (2) On-consumption. (2) On-consumption. (3) All kinds of liquor. (3) All kinds of liquor. (4) Rama ZB Eating House, Stand No. 09, Mankweng, (4) Rama ZB Eating House, Stand No. 09, Mankweng, Zebediela. Zebediela. (5) Kgoshi M.S. Kekana, III’s Annexure (permission to (5) Kgoshi M.S. Kekana, III’s Annexure (permission to occupy and approval). occupy and approval).

DZANANI DZANANI (1) Vhulahani Matodzi Joyce, Stand No. D87, Mphaila (1) Vhulahani Matodzi Joyce, Stand No. D87, Mphaila Village, Dzanani, 0955. Village, Dzanani, 0955. (2) Special License; Eating-house. (2) Special License; Eating-house. (3) All kinds of liquor. (3) All kinds of liquor.

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(4) Nyambeni Eating-house, Site No. P1578, Mphaila (4) Nyambeni Eating-house, Site No. P1578, Mphaila Village, Dzanani, 0955. Village, Dzanani, 0955. (5) Section 41 (i) (a). (5) Section 41 (i) (a).

DZANANI DZANANI (1) Ms. Sithuu Azwindini Nelson, PO Box 3445, Dzanani, (1) Ms. Sithuu Azwindini Nelson, PO Box 3445, Dzanani, 0995. 0995. (2) Special Licence (Eating-house). (2) Special Licence (Eating-house). (3) All kinds of liquor. (3) All kinds of liquor. (4) Dalaas Special/Eating House, House Site Number A17, (4) Dalaas Special/Eating House, House Site Number A17, Ha-Raliphaswa Village, Farm Nzhelele Number 509, Ha-Raliphaswa Village, Farm Nzhelele Number 509, Registration Division No. KU, District Dzanani, Limpopo Registration Division No. KU, District Dzanani, Limpopo Province. Province. (5) Section 41 (1) (a). (5) Section 41 (1) (a).

DZANANI DZANANI (1) Ramatsitsi Khathutshelo David, Mavhunga Village, (1) Ramatsitsi Khathutshelo David, Mavhunga Village, PO Box 327, Mungomani, 0992. Posbus 327, Mungomani, 0992. (2) Special Liquor Licence (Eating-house). (2) Spesiale Dranklisensie (Eethuis). (3) All kinds. (3) Alle soorte drank. (4) Mavhunga Eating House, Mavhunga Village, Stand (4) Mavhunga Eating House, Mavhunga Wyk, Stand No. D264, Farm No. 215 M.T., Dzanani Territory, No. D264, Plaas No. 215 M.T., Dzanani Gebied, Dzanani Dzanani District, Limpopo Province. distrik, Limpopo Provinsie. (5) Section 41 (1) (a). (5) Artikel 41 (1) (a).

GROBLERSDAL GROBLERSDAL (1) Shoprite Checkers (Pty) Ltd, Reg. No. 1929/ (1) Shoprite Checkers (Edms) Bpk, Reg. No. 1929/ 001817/07. Registered address: Cnr William Dabbs & 001817/07. Residensiële adres: H/v William Dabbs- & Old Paarl Roads, Brackenfell. Postal address: Chris Ou Paarlweg, Brackenfell. Posadres: Chris Oelofse & Oelofse & Company, PO Box 2177, Alberton, 1450. Kie., Posbus 2177, Alberton, 1450. (2) Grocers Wine License. (2) Kruidenierswynlisensie. (3) Table Wine. (3) Tafelwyn. (4) U Save (Marble Hall), 120 Main Street, being Erf 1028, (4) U Save (Marble Hall), Hoofstraat 120, synde Erf 1028, Marble Hall, District Groblersdal, Limpopo Province. Marble Hall, distrik Groblersdal, Limpopo Provinsie. (5) Authority in terms of section 41 (1) (c) of the Act. (5) Magtiging ingevolge artikel 41 (1) (c) van die Wet.

HLANGANANI HLANGANANI (1) Tshipoliso Mavhungu Joseph, Stand No. 1922, (1) Tshipoliso Mavhungu Joseph, Stand No. 1922, Waterval, 0960; PO Box 418, Elim Hospital, 0960. Waterval, 0960; PO Box 418, Elim Hospital, 0960. (2) Liquor Store. (2) Liquor Store. (3) All kinds of liquor. (3) Alle soorte drank. (4) Joe’s Liquor Store. (4) Joe’s Liquor Store. (5) Consent ito section 41 (1) (a). (5) Toestemming igv artikel 41 (1) (a).

HLANGANANI HLANGANANI (1) Bubha Holiday and Resort, Del van Goodehoop Farm, (1) Bubha Holiday and Resort, Del van Goodehoop Farm, Elim Levubu Road, next to Albasim Dam, PO Box 920, Elim Levubu Road, next to Albasim Dam, PO Box 920, Louis Trichardt, 0920. Louis Trichardt, 0920. (2) Special Liquor Licence: Other. (2) Special Liquor Licence: Other. (3) All kinds of liquor. (3) All kinds of liquor.

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(4) Bubha Entertainment Centre, Gedeelte 13 (’n gedeelte (4) Bubha Entertainment Centre, Gedeelte 13 (’n gedeelte van Gedeelte 12) van plaas Goedehoop 8, next to van Gedeelte 12) van plaas Goedehoop 8, next to Albasin Dam, Elim Levubu Road. Albasin Dam, Elim Levubu Road. (5) Regulation 5; section 41 (i) (a) (c). (5) Regulation 5; section 41 (i) (a) (c).

HLANGANANI/VHEMBE HLANGANANI/VHEMBE (1) Mashele Tintswalo Elizabeth, Stand No. 3178, (1) Mashele Tintswalo Elizabeth, Stand No. 3178, Mahonisi Village, Elim. Mahonisi Village, Elim. (2) Special License; Restaurant Liquor Licence. (2) Special License; Restaurant Liquor Licence. (3) All kinds of liquor. (3) All kinds of liquor. (4) Mashele Eating House, Stand No. 3178, Mahonisi (4) Mashele Eating House, Stand No. 3178, Mahonisi Village, Elim. Village, Elim. (5) Section 41 (1) (a). (5) Section 41 (1) (a).

HLANGANANI/VHEMBE HLANGANANI/VHEMBE (1) Mashele Rhangani Clement Collins, Stand No. 1271 (1) Mashele Rhangani Clement Collins, Stand No. 1271 Section A, Waterval, Elim. Section A, Waterval, Elim. (2) Special License; Restaurant Liquor Licence. (2) Special License; Restaurant Liquor Licence. (3) All kinds of liquor. (3) All kinds of liquor. (4) Clement’s Sport Bar, Stand No. 1271, Section A, (4) Clement’s Sport Bar, Stand No. 1271, Section A, Waterval, Elim. Waterval, Elim. (5) Section 41 (1) (a). (5) Section 41 (1) (a).

HLANGANANI HLANGANANI (1) Rambau Tshifiwa, Stand No. 504, Mpheni Village, (1) Rambau Tshifiwa, Stand No. 504, Mpheni Village, Makhakhe, 0960. Makhakhe, 0960. (2) Special License; Liquor Tavern. (2) Special License; Liquor Tavern. (3) All kinds of liquor. (3) All kinds of liquor. (4) Piwi Chillers Tavern, Stand No. 504 Mpheni Village, (4) Piwi Chillers Tavern, Stand No. 504 Mpheni Village, Makhakhe, 0960. Makhakhe, 0960. (5) Section 41 (i) (a). (5) Section 41 (i) (a).

LEBOWAKGOMO LEBOWAKGOMO (1) Mthombeni Resemathe Piet. (1) Mthombeni Resemathe Piet. (2) Bar Lounge. (2) Bar Lounge. (3) All kinds of liquor. (3) All kinds of liquor. (4) Nare Bar Lounge, Stand No. 201, Staanplaas, Chuene- (4) Nare Bar Lounge, Stand No. 201, Staanplaas, Chuene- spoort. spoort. (5) Section 41 (1) (a). (5) Section 41 (1) (a).

LEPHALALE LEPHALALE (1) Selemela Sello Amos, Stand No. 149, Block Mmatladi (1) Selemela Sello Amos, Stand No. 149, Block Mmatladi Section, Shongoane 2, Lephalale, 0555. Section, Shongoane 2, Lephalale, 0555. (2) Liquor Store. (2) Liquor Store. (3) All kinds of liquor. (3) All kinds of liquor. (4) Kopanong Liquor Store, Stand No. 20083, Block (4) Kopanong Liquor Store, Stand No. 20083, Block Mmatladi Section, Shongoane 2, Lephalale, 0555. Mmatladi Section, Shongoane 2, Lephalale, 0555. (5) Section 41 (i) (a). (5) Section 41 (i) (a).

LEPHALALE LEPHALALE (1) Selemela Sello Amos, Stand No. 149, Block Mmatladi (1) Selemela Sello Amos, Stand No. 149, Block Mmatladi Section, Shongoane 2, Lephalale, 0555. Section, Shongoane 2, Lephalale, 0555.

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(2) Liquor Restaurant. (2) Liquor Restaurant. (3) All kinds of liquor. (3) All kinds of liquor. (4) Polar Park Liquor Restaurant, Stand No. 20083, Block (4) Polar Park Liquor Restaurant, Stand No. 20083, Block Mmatladi Section, Shongoane 2, Lephalale, 0555. Mmatladi Section, Shongoane 2, Lephalale, 0555. (5) Section 41 (i) (a). (5) Section 41 (i) (a).

LEPHALALE (LIMPOPO) LEPHALALE (LIMPOPO) (1) Whisky Hendrick Matwalane, Matopi Eco Village, (1) Whisky Hendrick Matwalane, Matopi Eco Village, Nr 1D Ledibeng, Onverwacht, 0555; Matopi Eco Village, Nr 1D Ledibeng, Onverwacht, 0555; Matopi Eco Village, Nr 1D Ledibeng, Onverwacht, 0555. Nr 1D Ledibeng, Onverwacht, 0555. (2) Bar (Special Licence). (2) Bar (Special Licence). (3) All kinds. (3) All kinds. (4) Secret River Bar, Grootfontein Farm, Portion 79, (4) Secret River Bar, Grootfontein Farm, Portion 79, Lephalale, 0555. Lephalale, 0555. (5) —. (5) —.

LEPHALALE (ELLISRAS) LEPHALALE (ELLISRAS) (1) Chickenland (Pty) Ltd, Reg. No. 1987/004022/07. (1) Chickenland (Edms) Bpk, Reg. No. 1987/004022/07. Registered address: 64, 3rd Avenue, Inanda, Geregistreerde adres: 64, 3de Rylaan, Inanda, Johannesburg. Postal address: C/o Tommy Vorster – Johannesburg. Posadres: P/a Tommy Vorster – Piet Piet Snyman, PO Box 26640, East Rand, 1462. Snyman, Posbus 26640, East Rand, 1462. (2) Restaurant Liquor Licence. (2) Restaurant Dranklisensie. (3) All kinds of liquor. (3) Alle soorte drank. (4) Nando’s (Lephalale Mall), Shop 76, Lephalale Mall, cor- (4) Nando’s (Lephalale Mall), Winkelnommer 76, Lephalale ner Chris Hane Avenue and Nelson Mandela Drive, Erf Winkelsentrum, hoek van Chris Hanelaan en Nelson 2635 RE, Ellisras Extension 16, Lephalale, situated in Mandelaweg, Erf 2635 RE, Ellisras Uitbreiding 16, the Magisterial District of Lephalale (Ellisras), Limpopo Lephalale, geleë in die Landdrosdistrik van Lephalale Province. (Ellisras), Limpopo Provinsie. (5) Other business as contemplated in section 41 (1) (a) of (5) Ander besigheid soos omskryf in artikel 41 (1) (a) van die the Liquor Act, 1989. Drankwet, 1989.

LETABA (at ) LETABA (te TZANEEN) (1) Wireless World CC, Reg. No. 1992/0148801/23, Shop (1) Wireless World BK, Reg. No. 1992/0148801/23, Winkel 2, Lifestyle Centre, Tzaneen, 0850, c/o Emil Scheepers 2, Lifestyle Sentrum, Tzaneen, 0850, p/a Emil Attorneys, PO Box 72478, Lynnwood Ridge, 0040. Scheepers Prokureurs, Posbus 72478, Lynnwoodrif, (2) Special On-consumption License (Other or Eating- 0040. house). (2) Spesiale Binneverbruiklisensie (Ander of Eethuis). (3) All kinds of liquor. (3) Alle soorte drank. (4) The Station Pub, Old Transnet PX-Goods Office (4) The Station Pub, Ou Transnet PX-Goederegebou, Building, Transnet Property, on a portion of Portion 18 Transnet-Gronde, op ’n gedeelte van Gedeelte 18 Hama-washa 557, L.T., Letaba District. Hamawasha 557, L.T., distrik Letaba. (5) A. (5) A.

LYDENBURG (LIMPOPO PROVINCE) LYDENBURG (LIMPOPO PROVINSIE) (1) Gezina Wilhelmina Maria Trüter, ID: 5806240068085, (1) Gezina Wilhelmina Maria Trüter, ID: 5806240068085, B10, Portion 48, Ohrigstad, c/o Marius Blom B10, Gedeelte 48, Ohrigstad, p/a Marius Blom Ingelyf, Incorporated, PO Box 32106, Glenstantia, 0010. Posbus 32106, Glenstantia, 0010. (2) Liquor Store Licence. (2) Drankwinkellisensie. (3) All types of liquor. (3) Alle soorte drank. (4) Liquor City Burgersfort, Shop 1, 118 Morone Street, on (4) Liquor City Burgersfort, Winkel 1, Moronestraat 118, op Erf 118, Burgersfort. Erf 118, Burgersfort. (5) —. (5) —.

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MALAMULELE MALAMULELE (1) Shoprite Checkers (Pty) Ltd, Reg. No. 1929/ (1) Shoprite Checkers (Edms) Bpk, Reg. No. 1929/ 001817/07. Registered address: Cnr William Dabbs & 001817/07. Residensiële adres: H/v William Dabbs- & Old Paarl Roads, Brackenfell. Postal address: Chris Ou Paarlweg, Brackenfell. Posadres: Chris Oelofse & Oelofse & Company, PO Box 2177, Alberton, 1450. Kie., Posbus 2177, Alberton, 1450. (2) Grocers Wine License. (2) Kruidenierswynlisensie. (3) Table Wine. (3) Tafelwyn. (4) U Save (Saselamani), Erf 482, Punda Maria Street, (4) U Save (Saselamani), Erf 482, Punda Mariastraat, Saselamani, District Malamulele, Limpopo Province. Saselamani, distrik Malamulele, Limpopo Provinsie. (5) Authority in terms of section 41 (1) (c) of the Act. (5) Magtiging ingevolge artikel 41 (1) (c) van die Wet.

MALAMULELE MALAMULELE (1) Neosho Trading (Pty) Ltd, 139 16 & 17, Mala Plaza (1) Neosho Trading (Pty) Ltd, 139 16 & 17, Mala Plaza Shopping Centre, Malamulele, PO Box 295, Malamulele, Shopping Centre, Malamulele, PO Box 295, Malamulele, 0982. 0982. (2) Special Licence Liquor Store. (2) Special Licence Liquor Store. (3) All kinds of liquor. (3) All kinds of liquor. (4) Pick ’n Pay Malamulele Liquor Store, 16 & 17, Mala (4) Pick ’n Pay Malamulele Liquor Store, 16 & 17, Mala Plaza Shopping Centre, 211 LT Boltman, Limpopo Plaza Shopping Centre, 211 LT Boltman, Limpopo Province. Province. (5) Section 41 (1) (a). (5) Section 41 (1) (a).

MANKWENG MANKWENG (1) Raisebe Prescilla Chaba, Box 4975, Solomondale, (1) Raisebe Prescilla Chaba, Box 4975, Solomondale, 0964. 0964. (2) Liquor Tavern. (2) Liquor Tavern. (3) All kinds. (3) All kinds. (4) Ncube’s Pub, Stand No. 1262, Solomondale. (4) Ncube’s Pub, Stand No. 1262, Solomondale. (5) Section 41 (1) (a). (5) Section 41 (1) (a).

MANKWENG MANKWENG (1) Chickenland (Pty) Ltd, Reg. No. 1987/004022/07. (1) Chickenland (Edms) Bpk, Reg. No. 1987/004022/07. Registered address: 64, 3rd Avenue, Inanda, Johannes- Geregistreerde adres: 64, 3de Laan, Inanda, Johannes- burg. Postal address: C/o Tommy Vorster – Piet burg. Posadres: P/a Tommy Vorster – Piet Snyman, Snyman, PO Box 26640, East Rand, 1462. Posbus 26640, East Rand, 1462. (2) Restaurant Liquor Licence. (2) Restaurant Dranklisensie. (3) All kinds of liquor. (3) Alle soorte drank. (4) Nando’s (Paledi Mall), Shop 4/5, Paledi Mall, Erf 3, (4) Nando’s (Paledi Mall), Winkelnommer 4/5, Paledi Turfloop Township Extension 1, Mankweng, Limpopo Winkelsentrum, Erf 3, Turfloop-dorpsgebied Uitbreiding Province. 1, Mankweng, Limpopo Provinsie. (5) Other business as contemplated in section 41 (1) (a) of (5) Ander besigheid soos omskryf in artikel 41 (1) (a) van die the Liquor Act, 1989. Drankwet, 1989.

MANKWENG MANKWENG (1) Raisebe Prescilla Chaba, Box 4975, Solomondale, (1) Raisebe Prescilla Chaba, Box 4975, Solomondale, 0964. 0964. (2) Liquor Tavern. (2) Liquor Tavern. (3) All kinds. (3) All kinds. (4) Ncube’s Pub, Stand No. 1262, Solomondale. (4) Ncube’s Pub, Stand No. 1262, Solomondale. (5) Section 41 (1) (a). (5) Section 41 (1) (a).

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MANKWENG MANKWENG (1) Mutibi Ntobetsene Virginia, Stand No. 17, Legodi (1) Mutibi Ntobetsene Virginia, Stand No. 17, Legodi Street, Rainbow Park, Polokwane, 0700. Street, Rainbow Park, Polokwane, 0700. (2) Liquor Restaurant. (2) Liquor Restaurant. (3) All kinds of liquor. (3) All kinds of liquor. (4) The Vill Lounge, Stand No. 007C, Mamadimo Park, (4) The Vill Lounge, Stand No. 007C, Mamadimo Park, Sovenga, 0727. Sovenga, 0727. (5) —. (5) —.

MESSINA (MUSINA) MESSINA (MUSINA) (1) Essau Sibanda, Stand No. 54, Charli Thipe Street, (1) Essau Sibanda, Stand No. 54, Charli Thipe Street, Nancefield, 0900. Nancefield, 0900. (2) Special License (Other). (2) Special License (Other). (3) All kinds of liquor. (3) All kinds of liquor. (4) Extension 7 Entertainment Centre, Stand No. 2414, (4) Extension 7 Entertainment Centre, Stand No. 2414, Nancefield Extension 7, Nancefield, 0900. Nancefield Extension 7, Nancefield, 0900. (5) Section 41 (i) (a). (5) Section 41 (i) (a).

MOKERONG MOKERONG (1) Mathebula Remenmber Acton, Ga-Tau Ya Tswala, (1) Mathebula Remenmber Acton, Ga-Tau Ya Tswala, Bainskloof, Mokerong; PO Box 1464, Lephalale, 0555. Bainskloof, Mokerong; PO Box 1464, Lephalale, 0555. (2) Liquor Store. (2) Liquor Store. (3) All kinds of liquor. (3) All kinds of liquor. (4) Mathebula Liquor Store, Stand No. 10214, Ga-Tau Ya (4) Mathebula Liquor Store, Stand No. 10214, Ga-Tau Ya Tswala Village, Baiskloof, Farm No. Mokerong. Tswala Village, Baiskloof, Farm No. Mokerong. (5) Section 41 (1) (c). (5) Section 41 (1) (c).

MOKERONG MOKERONG (1) Ntefeng Christinah Mosehla, Stand No. 37, Zebediela (1) Ntefeng Christinah Mosehla, Stand No. 37, Zebediela Farm No. 123 KS (Sekiming); Box 2835, Chuenespoort, Farm No. 123 KS (Sekiming); Box 2835, Chuenespoort, 0745. 0745. (2) Liquor Tavern. (2) Liquor Tavern. (3) All kinds. (3) All kinds. (4) Ga-Christinah Liquor Tavern, Stand No. 37, Zebediela (4) Ga-Christinah Liquor Tavern, Stand No. 37, Zebediela Farm No. 123 KS (Sekiming). Farm No. 123 KS (Sekiming). (5) Section 41 (1) (a). (5) Section 41 (1) (a).

MOKERONG MOKERONG (1) Mphosi Lazarus Selae, P.O. Box 4176, Polokwane, (1) Mphosi Lazarus Selae, P.O. Box 4176, Polokwane, 0700. 0700. (2) Special Licence (Liquor Store). (2) Special Licence (Liquor Store). (3) —. (3) —. (4) Cybrobix Liquor Store, Site Moletlane, Zebediela Stand (4) Cybrobix Liquor Store, Site Moletlane, Zebediela Stand 123 K.S along Road R519 at Global Garage, District 123 K.S along Road R519 at Global Garage, District Mokerong, Limpopo Province. Mokerong, Limpopo Province. (5) —. (5) —.

MOKERONG MOKERONG (1) Letladi David Kekana, Stand No. 883, Zebediela Farm (1) Letladi David Kekana, Stand No. 883, Zebediela Farm No. 123 KS (Rakgoatha); Box 2835, Chuenespoort, No. 123 KS (Rakgoatha); Box 2835, Chuenespoort, 0745. 0745. (2) Liquor Tavern. (2) Liquor Tavern. (3) All kinds. (3) All kinds.

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(4) Letladi Liquor Tavern, Stand No. 883, Zebediela Farm (4) Letladi Liquor Tavern, Stand No. 883, Zebediela Farm No. 123 KS (Rakgoatha). No. 123 KS (Rakgoatha). (5) Section 41 (1) (a). (5) Section 41 (1) (a).

MOKERONG MOKERONG (1) Koena Jackina Ngoepe, Stand No. 571, Ham No. 1, (1) Koena Jackina Ngoepe, Stand No. 571, Ham No. 1, Rebone, 0647. Rebone, 0647. (2) Liquor Restaurant. (2) Liquor Restaurant. (3) All kinds. (3) All kinds. (4) Makgore, Stand No. 00022A Ham No. 1, Rebone. (4) Makgore, Stand No. 00022A Ham No. 1, Rebone. (5) Section 41 (1) (a). (5) Section 41 (1) (a).

MOKERONG MOKERONG (1) Moima, Malesela Daniel, Stand 609, Mmamatlakala (1) Moima, Malesela Daniel, Stand 609, Mmamatlakala Village, Mokamole, District Mokerong; C/o Box 699, Village, Mokamole, District Mokerong; C/o Box 699, Marble Hall, 0450. Marble Hall, 0450. (2) Special Licence (Eating-house). (2) Spesiale Binneverbruiklisensie (Eethuis). (3) All kinds of liquor. (3) Alle soorte drank. (4) Leswikeng Tavern, Stand 609, Mmamatlakala Village, (4) Leswikeng Tavern, Stand 609, Mmamatlakala Village, Mokamole, District Mokerong. Mokamole, District Mokerong. (5) Approval in terms of sec 41 (1) (a). (5) Goedkeuring ingevolge artikel 41 (1) (a).

MOKERONG MOKERONG (1) Koena Jackina Ngoepe, Stand No. 571, Ham No. 1, (1) Koena Jackina Ngoepe, Stand No. 571, Ham No. 1, Rebone, 0647. Rebone, 0647. (2) Liquor Restaurant. (2) Liquor Restaurant. (3) All kinds. (3) All kinds. (4) Makgore, Stand No. 00022A Ham No. 1, Rebone. (4) Makgore, Stand No. 00022A Ham No. 1, Rebone. (5) Section 41 (1) (a). (5) Section 41 (1) (a).

MOKERONG MOKERONG (1) Choga Angelina Ramasela, Box 4326, Mahwelereng, (1) Choga Angelina Ramasela, Box 4326, Mahwelereng, 0626. 0626. (2) Liquor Store. (2) Liquor Store. (3) All kinds of liquor. (3) All kinds of liquor. (4) Khaito Liquor Restaurant, Stand No. 275, Ga-Madiba (4) Khaito Liquor Restaurant, Stand No. 275, Ga-Madiba Village, Farm No. 243 K.R., Macalacaskop. Village, Farm No. 243 K.R., Macalacaskop. (5) 41 (1) (a). (5) 41 (1) (a).

MOKERONG MOKERONG (1) Lekolwane Matsobane George, Box 3640, Mokopane, (1) Lekolwane Matsobane George, Box 3640, Mokopane, 0600. 0600. (2) Special Licence (Liquor Tavern). (2) Special Licence (Liquor Tavern). (3) All kinds of liquor. (3) All kinds of liquor. (4) JMG Tavern, Stand No. 40386, Sekgakgapeng Village, (4) JMG Tavern, Stand No. 40386, Sekgakgapeng Village, Farm No. 243 K.R., Macalacaskop. Farm No. 243 K.R., Macalacaskop. (5) 41 (1) (a). (5) 41 (1) (a).

MOKERONG MOKERONG (1) Maaka, Malesela Abram, Box 100, Mokopane, 0600. (1) Maaka, Malesela Abram, Box 100, Mokopane, 0600. (2) Liquor Store. (2) Liquor Store. (3) All kinds of liquor. (3) All kinds of liquor.

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(4) Maaka A Se Makhura Liquor Store, Stand No. 7771, (4) Maaka A Se Makhura Liquor Store, Stand No. 7771, Mmotong Village, Bakenberg. Mmotong Village, Bakenberg. (5) 41 (1) (a). (5) 41 (1) (a).

MOKOPANE (POTGIETERSRUS) MOKOPANE (POTGIETERSRUS) (1) Shoprite Checkers (Pty) Ltd (Reg. No. 1929/ (1) Shoprite Checkers (Edms) Bpk (Reg. No. 1929/ 001817/07). Registered address: Cnr William Dabbs & 001817/07). Residensiële adres: H/v William Dabbs & Old Paarl Roads, Brackenfell. Postal address: Chris Ou Paarlweg, Brackenfell. Posadres: Chris Oelofse & Oelofse & Company, P.O. Box 2177, Alberton, 1450. Company, Posbus 2177, Alberton, 1450. (2) Grocers’ Wine License. (2) Kruideniers-wynlisensie. (3) Table Wine. (3) Tafelwyn. (4) U Save (Naboomspruit), 76 Hans van Rensburg Street, (4) U Save (Naboomspruit), 76 Hans van Rensburg Street, being Erf 152, Naboomspruit, Mookgophong, District synde Erf 152, Naboomspruit, Mookgophong, District Mokopane, Limpopo Province. Mokopane, Limpopo Provinsie. (5) Authority in terms of section 41 (1) (c) of the Act. (5) Magtiging ingevolge artikel 41 (1) (c) van die Wet.

MOLETJI/LONSDALE MOLETJI/LONSDALE (1) Semono, Kwena Frans, 599 Lousiana Village/Moletji, (1) Semono, Kwena Frans, 599 Lousiana Village/Moletji, Lonsdale, 0710; P.O. Box 1861, Lonsdale, 0710; 599 Lonsdale, 0710; P.O. Box 1861, Lonsdale, 0710; 599 Lousiana Village/Moletji, Lonsdale, 0710. Lousiana Village/Moletji, Lonsdale, 0710. (2) Liquor License. (2) Liquor License. (3) All kinds of cold drinks. (3) All kinds of cold drinks. (4) Nnoinyana Tarven, 599 Lousiana Village/Moletji, (4) Nnoinyana Tarven, 599 Lousiana Village/Moletji, Lonsdale, 0710; 599 Lousiana Village/Moletji, Lonsdale, Lonsdale, 0710; 599 Lousiana Village/Moletji, Lonsdale, 0710. 0710. (5) Article 41 (1) (a). (5) Article 41 (1) (a).

MOUTSE MOUTSE (1) Scott, Sonnyboy John, P.O. Box 1635, Dennilton, (1) Scott, Sonnyboy John, P.O. Box 1635, Dennilton, 1030. 1030. (2) Sorghum Beer. (2) Sorghum Beer. (3) All kinds. (3) All kinds. (4) Khutso E Be Lebatho, Sorghum Beer Licence, Stand (4) Khutso E Be Lebatho, Sorghum Beer Licence, Stand No. 406, Walkraal, Kgobokwane. No. 406, Walkraal, Kgobokwane. (5) Section 41 (a) (i). (5) Section 41 (a) (i).

MOUTSE MOUTSE (1) Ledwaba, William Madimetja, Standplaas No. D5837, (1) Ledwaba, William Madimetja, Stand No. D5837, Maganebuswa; Posbus 814, Siyabuswa, 0472. Maganebuswa; P.O. Box 814, Siyabuswa, 0472. (2) Spesiale Lisensie, Drankhuis (2) Special Licence, Tavern. (3) Alle soorte drank. (3) All kinds of liquor. (4) Sweet From Heaven, Standplaas No. 146, Gedeelte A, (4) Sweet From Heaven, Stand No. 146, Section A, Matlelerekeng, 0450. Matlelerekeng, 0450. (5) Goedkeuring ingevolge artikel 41 (1) (a). (5) Approval in terms of section 41 (1) (a).

MOUTSE MOUTSE (1) Mashigo, Sokies Simon, Standplaas No. 579, (1) Mashigo, Sokies Simon, Stand No. 579, Thabane, Thabane, Siyabuswa, 0472; P.O Box 402, Dennilton, Siyabuswa, 0472; P.O Box 402, Dennilton, 1030. 1030. (2) Special Licence, Tavern. (2) Spesiale Lisensie, Drankhuis. (3) All kinds of liquor. (3) Alle soorte drank. (4) News Café Tavern, Stand No. D0113, Dennilton, (4) News Café Tavern, Standplaas No. D0113, Dennilton, 1030. 1030. (5) Approval in terms of section 41 (1) (a). (5) Goedkeuring ingevolge artikel 41 (1) (a).

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MUSINA MUSINA (1) Mapungubwe National Park and World Heritage Site, (1) Mapungubwe National Park and World Heritage Site, farm Greefwald, Musina; Private Bag X383, Musina, farm Greefwald, Musina; Private Bag X383, Musina, 0900. 0900. (2) Special License (On-consumption) (Special Liquor (2) Special License (On-consumption) (Special Liquor Licence, Restaurant). Licence, Restaurant). (3) All kinds of liquor. (3) All kinds of liquor. (4) Mapungubwe National Park and World Heritage Site, (4) Mapungubwe National Park and World Heritage Site, farm Greefwald, Musina. farm Greefwald, Musina. (5) Section 41 (1) (a). (5) Section 41 (1) (a).

NAPHUNO NAPHUNO (1) Maropeng Martha Maake, Stand No. 154 B Pulaneng (1) Maropeng Martha Maake, Stand No. 154 B Pulaneng Village, Ga-Maake, Naphuno. Postal: C/o Harry Mashao Village, Ga-Maake, Naphuno. Postal: C/o Harry Mashao Consulting, P.O. Box 3577, Tzaneen, 0850. Consulting, P.O. Box 3577, Tzaneen, 0850. (2) Special Liquor Licence (Tavern). (2) Special Liquor Licence (Tavern). (3) All kinds of liquor. (3) All kinds of liquor. (4) Manaila Sports Bar, Shop No. 154, Pulaneng Village, (4) Manaila Sports Bar, Shop No. 154, Pulaneng Village, Ga-Maake, Naphuno. Ga-Maake, Naphuno. (5) 41 (1) (a). (5) 41 (1) (a).

NEBO NEBO (1) Magampa Ntladile Rinah, P.O. Box 980, Boleu, 0474. (1) Magampa Ntladile Rinah, P.O. Box 980, Boleu, 0474. (2) Restaurant Liquor Licence. (2) Restaurant Liquor Licence. (3) All kinds of liquor. (3) All kinds of liquor. (4) Rilokwane Liquor Restaurant, Stand No. 180, Zone A, (4) Rilokwane Liquor Restaurant, Stand No. 180, Zone A, Majakaneng Section, Ga Boleu Village, farm Tafelkop Majakaneng Section, Ga Boleu Village, farm Tafelkop No. 120 JS, Nebo District, Limpopo Province. No. 120 JS, Nebo District, Limpopo Province. (5) Section 41 (1) (a). (5) Section 41 (1) (a).

NEBO NEBO (1) Phasishe Isaac Maredi, Stand No. 10097, Masemstaat (1) Phasishe Isaac Maredi, Stand No. 10097, Masemstaat (Phusulang); Box 2835, Chuenespoort, 0745. (Phusulang); Box 2835, Chuenespoort, 0745. (2) Liquor Tavern. (2) Liquor Tavern. (3) All kinds. (3) All kinds. (4) Speedwell Liquor Tavern, Stand No. 10097, Masemstaat (4) Speedwell Liquor Tavern, Stand No. 10097, Masemstaat (Phusulang). (Phusulang). (5) Section 41 (1) (a). (5) Section 41 (1) (a).

NEBO NEBO (1) Selala Phafana John, P.O. Box 20, Glen Cowie, 1061. (1) Selala Phafana John, P.O. Box 20, Glen Cowie, 1061. (2) Liquor Restaurant. (2) Liquor Restaurant. (3) All kinds . (3) All kinds . (4) Selala Liquor Restaurant, no stand number, Riverside A. (4) Selala Liquor Restaurant, no stand number, Riverside A. (5) Section 41 (a) (i). (5) Section 41 (a) (i).

NEBO NEBO (1) Mmamae Chidi, P.O. Box 488, Steelpoort, 1133. (1) Mmamae Chidi, P.O. Box 488, Steelpoort, 1133. (2) Licence Liquor Restaurant. (2) Licence Liquor Restaurant. (3) All kinds. (3) All kinds.

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(4) Swarang Liquor Restaurant, No Stand Number, Ga- (4) Swarang Liquor Restaurant, No Stand Number, Ga- Molepane Village. Molepane Village. (5) Section 41 (a) (i). (5) Section 41 (a) (i).

NEBO NEBO (1) Mashifane, Boshigo Simon, Stand 12, Frishgewaagd, (1) Mashifane, Boshigo Simon, Stand 12, Frishgewaagd, District Nebo; C/o Box 699, Marble Hall, 0450. District Nebo; C/o Box 699, Marble Hall, 0450. (2) Special Licence (Eating-house). (2) Spesiale Binneverbruiklisensie (Eethuis). (3) All kinds of liquor. (3) Alle soorte drank. (4) MNM Liquor Restaurant, Stand 12, Frishgewaagd, dis- (4) MNM Liquor Restaurant, Stand 12, Frishgewaagd, dis- trik Nebo. trik Nebo. (5) Approval in terms of section 41 (1) (a). (5) Goedkeuring ingevolge artikel 41 (1) (a).

PHALABORWA (1) Sam Antony Chakkachamparambi, 3 Koos Street, Me (1) Sam Antony Chakkachamparambi, 3 Koos Street, Me Dipark, Tzaneen; P.O. Box 1016, Fauna Park, Dipark, Tzaneen; P.O. Box 1016, Fauna Park, Polokwane. Polokwane. (2) Liquor Store Licence. (2) Liquor Store Licence. (3) All kinds of liquor. (3) All kinds of liquor. (4) Morula Liquor Store, Erf 3491B, , (4) Morula Liquor Store, Erf 3491B, Namakgale, Phalaborwa. Phalaborwa. (5) Regulation 5, Section 41 (I) (a) (c). (5) Regulation 5, Section 41 (I) (a) (c).

PHALABORWA PHALABORWA (1) Martin , Stand 499, Gravelotte Ext. 1, (1) Martin Shiluvane, Stand 499, Gravelotte Ext. 1, Phalaborwa. Postal: C/o Harry Mashao Consulting, Phalaborwa. Postal: C/o Harry Mashao Consulting, PO Box 3577, Letaba, 0870. PO Box 3577, Letaba, 0870. (2) Special Liquor License (Tavern). (2) Special Liquor License (Tavern). (3) All kinds of liquor. (3) All kinds of liquor. (4) Somontu Liquor Tavern 2, Stand 499, Gravelotte Ext. 1, (4) Somontu Liquor Tavern 2, Stand 499, Gravelotte Ext. 1, Phalaborwa. Phalaborwa. (5) 41 (1) a. (5) 41 (1) a.

PHALABORWA () PHALABORWA (HOEDSPRUIT) (1) AM Luxury Game Resort (Edms) Bpk, Reg. No. 2012/ (1) AM Luxury Game Resort (Pty) Ltd, Reg. No. 2012/ 110574/07. Residential address: No. 400 16th Street, 110574/07. Woonadres: No. 16de Straat No. 400, Central Park, Block G, Midrand, 1685. Postal address: Sentraalpark, Block G, Midrand, 1685. Posadres: P.O. Box 3466, Dalview, 1544. Posbus 3466, Dalview, 1544. (2) Special Liquor Licence (other) (on-consumption). (2) Spesiale Dranklisensie (ander) binneverbuik) (3) All kinds of liquor. (3) Alle soorte drank. (4) AM Luxury Game Resort. Business address: No. 351 (4) AM Luxury Game Resort. Besigheidsadres: Kierrieklopper- Kierrieklopper Street, Hoedspruit Wildlife Estate, straat No. 351, Hoedspruit Wildlife Estate, Hoedspruit, Hoedspruit, Phalaborwa, 1380. Phalaborwa, 1380. (5) Section 41 (1) (a). (5) Artikel 41 (1) (a).

PHALALA PHALALA (1) Lumona Enika. Postal address: Private Bag X01, (1) Lumona Enika. Postal address: Private Bag X01, Lephalale, 0555. Lephalale, 0555. (2) Special Licence (Accommodation). (2) Special Licence (Accommodation). (3) All kinds of liquor. (3) All kinds of liquor.

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(4) Lumona Park Lodge, Ward No. 9, Site Number 177, (4) Lumona Park Lodge, Ward No. 9, Site Number 177, Maletswai Village, farm: Rooipoort No. 173 KS, Phalala Maletswai Village, farm: Rooipoort No. 173 KS, Phalala District, Limpopo Province. District, Limpopo Province. (5) Section 41 (1) (a). (5) Section 41 (1) (a).

PHALALA PHALALA (1) Ngoepe Noko Kleinbooi. Postal address: P.O. Box 542, (1) Ngoepe Noko Kleinbooi. Postal address: P.O. Box 542, Villa Nora, 0609. Villa Nora, 0609. (2) Liquor Store Licence. (2) Liquor Store Licence. (3) All kinds of liquor. (3) All kinds of liquor. (4) Bakone Liquor Store, Stand No. 263, Mmatladi Section, (4) Bakone Liquor Store, Stand No. 263, Mmatladi Section, Shongoane II Village, farm: Shongwane No. 471 LR, Shongoane II Village, farm: Shongwane No. 471 LR, Phalala District, Limpopo Province. Phalala District, Limpopo Province. (5) Section 41 (1) (a). (5) Section 41 (1) (a).

PHALALA PHALALA (1) Ntwampe Ntumo Elizabeth. Postal address: P.O. Box 69, (1) Ntwampe Ntumo Elizabeth. Postal address: P.O. Box 69, Tom Burke, 0621. Tom Burke, 0621. (2) Restaurant Liquor Licence. (2) Restaurant Liquor Licence. (3) All kinds of liquor. (3) All kinds of liquor. (4) Mokwena Liquor Restaurant, Dark City Section - no stand (4) Mokwena Liquor Restaurant, Dark City Section - no stand number, Seleka Wyk 2 Village, farm: Beauty No. 56 LQ., number, Seleka Wyk 2 Village, farm: Beauty No. 56 LQ., Phalala District, Limpopo Province. Phalala District, Limpopo Province. (5) Section 41 (1) (a). (5) Section 41 (1) (a).

PIETERSBURG (POLOKWANE) PIETERSBURG (POLOKWANE) (1) Fernandes Manuel Benedito, 44A Railway Street, (1) Fernandes Manuel Benedito, 44A Railway Street, Ladanna, 0704. Ladanna, 0704. (2) Grocers’ Wine License. (2) Grocers’ Wine License. (3) Table wine. (3) Table wine. (4) Paris Supermarket, No. 6 Witklip Street, Ladanna, 0704. (4) Paris Supermarket, No. 6 Witklip Street, Ladanna, 0704. (5) —. (5) —.

PIETERSBURG PIETERSBURG (1) Fernandes, Ockert Johannes, farm Weighton, Haenerts- (1) Fernandes, Ockert Johannes, farm Weighton, Haenerts- burg, District Pietersburg, c/o Box 699, Marble Hall, burg, District Pietersburg, c/o Box 699, Marble Hall, 0450. 0450. (2) Special Licence (Accommodation). (2) Spesiale binneverbruiklisensie (Akkommodasie). (3) Alle soorte drank. (3) Alle soorte drank. (4) Purple Turtle Guest House, Stand 982, Risik Street, (4) Purple Turtle Guest House, Stand 982, Risik Street, , District Pietersburg. Haenertsburg, District Pietersburg. (5) Approval in terms of sec 41 (1) (a). (5) Goedkeuring ingevolge art 41 (1) (a).

PIETERSBURG PIETERSBURG (1) Isidoro Calderia Afonso, C33 Indian Centre Complex, (1) Isidoro Calderia Afonso, C33 Indian Centre Complex, Excelsior Street, Polokwane; P.O. Box 1783, Polokwane, Excelsior Street, Polokwane; P.O. Box 1783, Polokwane, 0700. 0700. (2) Restaurant Liquor Licence. (2) Restaurant Liquor Licence. (3) All kinds of liquor. (3) All kinds of liquor. (4) 10 to 9 Shisa Pub & Grill, Shop No. C33, Indian Centre (4) 10 to 9 Shisa Pub & Grill, Shop No. C33, Indian Centre Complex, Excelsior Street, Polokwane. Complex, Excelsior Street, Polokwane. (5) Regulation 5, section 41 (1) (a) (c). (5) Regulation 5, section 41 (1) (a) (c).

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POLOKWANE POLOKWANE (1) Maake, Moatla Petrus, Stand No. 578, Extension 40 (1) Maake, Moatla Petrus, Stand No. 578, Extension 40 Township, Polokwane, 0699. Postal address: P.O. Box Township, Polokwane, 0699. Postal address: P.O. Box 31041, Superbia, 0759. 31041, Superbia, 0759. (2) Liquor Tavern. (2) Liquor Tavern. (3) All kinds of liquor. (3) All kinds of liquor. (4) Tripple Seven Liquor Tavern, Stand No. 578, Extension (4) Tripple Seven Liquor Tavern, Stand No. 578, Extension 40 Township, Polokwane. 40 Township, Polokwane. (5) Section 41 (1) (a). (5) Section 41 (1) (a).

POLOKWANE POLOKWANE (1) Kalarz Hospitality, Stand No. 4199, Woodlands, Bendor, (1) Kalarz Hospitality, Stand No. 4199, Woodlands, Bendor, Polokwane, 0699. Polokwane, 0699. (2) Restaurant. (2) Restaurant. (3) All kinds of liquor. (3) All kinds of liquor. (4) Chesa Nyama, Shop No. 69, Savannah mall, cnr Grimm (4) Chesa Nyama, Shop No. 69, Savannah mall, cnr Grimm & Thabo Mbeki Street, Polokwane. & Thabo Mbeki Street, Polokwane. (5) Section 41 (1) (a). (5) Section 41 (1) (a).

POLOKWANE POLOKWANE (1) Maloa, Mmakwena Sarah. (1) Maloa, Mmakwena Sarah. (2) Tavern. (2) Tavern. (3) All types of liquor. (3) All types of liquor. (4) Mafras Corner, Stand No. 69, Lori Street, Westernberg; Erf (4) Mafras Corner, Stand No. 69, Lori Street, Westernberg; Erf 1192. 1192. (5) Section 41 (1) (c). (5) Section 41 (1) (c).

POLOKWANE POLOKWANE (1) Malose Phillimon Mogotlane, Stand No. 32, Alma (1) Malose Phillimon Mogotlane, Stand No. 32, Alma Township; Box 79, Alma, 0512. Township; Box 79, Alma, 0512. (2) Tavern. (2) Tavern. (3) All kinds of liquor. (3) All kinds of liquor. (4) City Tavern, Stand No. 32, Alma Township, 0512. (4) City Tavern, Stand No. 32, Alma Township, 0512. (5) Modimolle Municipal. (5) Modimolle Municipal.

POLOKWANE POLOKWANE (1) Mosomane Kgabo Martina, Stand No. 224, Rametloana (1) Mosomane Kgabo Martina, Stand No. 224, Rametloana Village, Moletjie; Box 868, Lonsdale, 0710. Village, Moletjie; Box 868, Lonsdale, 0710. (2) Tavern. (2) Tavern. (3) All kinds of liquor. (3) All kinds of liquor. (4) Makgetha Tavern, Stand No. 436, Rametloana Village, (4) Makgetha Tavern, Stand No. 436, Rametloana Village, Moletjie. Moletjie. (5) Moletjie Tribal Authority. (5) Moletjie Tribal Authority.

POLOKWANE POLOKWANE (1) Mooka Madimetja Victor, Stand No. 130246, Ga- (1) Mooka Madimetja Victor, Stand No. 130246, Ga- Ramorulane, 0710. Ramorulane, 0710. (2) Tavern. (2) Tavern. (3) All kinds of liquor. (3) All kinds of liquor. (4) Manyenyane’s Tavern, Stand No. 10017, Ga-Ramorulane, (4) Manyenyane’s Tavern, Stand No. 10017, Ga-Ramorulane, 0710. 0710. (5) Maphla Traditional Council. (5) Maphla Traditional Council.

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POLOKOANE POLOKOANE (1) Magate Sekonya, Stand No. 25A, Bok Street, Polokoane; (1) Magate Sekonya, Stand No. 25A, Bok Street, Polokoane; Box 2835, Chuenespoort, 0745. Box 2835, Chuenespoort, 0745. (2) Liquor Restaurant. (2) Liquor Restaurant. (3) All kinds. (3) All kinds. (4) Letaverna Elite Liquor Restaurant, Stand No. 25A, Bok (4) Letaverna Elite Liquor Restaurant, Stand No. 25A, Bok Street, Polokoane. Street, Polokoane. (5) Section 41 (1) (a). (5) Section 41 (1) (a).

POLOKOANE POLOKOANE (1) Magate Sekonya, corner Chuenespoort (R37) and (1) Magate Sekonya, corner Chuenespoort (R37) and Koppermyn Road, Erf Reminder of Portion 3 of Koppermyn Road, Erf Reminder of Portion 3 of Palmietfontein No. 24KS, Polokoane; Box 2835, Palmietfontein No. 24KS, Polokoane; Box 2835, Chuenespoort, 0745. Chuenespoort, 0745. (2) Liquor Store. (2) Liquor Store. (3) All kinds. (3) All kinds. (4) Lenatha Liquor Store, corner Chuenespoort (R37) and (4) Lenatha Liquor Store, corner Chuenespoort (R37) and Koppermyn Road, Erf Reminder of Portion 3 of Koppermyn Road, Erf Reminder of Portion 3 of Palmietfontein No. 24KS, Polokoane; Box 2835, Palmietfontein No. 24KS, Polokoane; Box 2835, Chuenespoort, 0745. Chuenespoort, 0745. (5) Section 41 (1) (a). (5) Section 41 (1) (a).

POTGIETERSRUS (MOKOPANE) POTGIETERSRUS (MOKOPANE) (1) Jurie Potgieter and Mariette Potgieter, (A&B): Portion (1) Jurie Potgieter en Mariette Potgieter, (A&B): Gedeelte 18 of the farm Swartwater, Swartwater, Limpopo; (A&B): 18 van die plaas Swartwater, Swartwater, Limpopo; PO Box 1953, Thabazimbi, 0380. (A&B): Posbus 1953, Thabazimbi, 0380. (2) Special Licence (on-consumption) (Eating-house). (2) Spesiale Lisensie (binneverbruik) (Eethuis). (3) All kinds. (3) Alle soorte. (4) Die Boorgat, portion of the farm Zwartwater 123, (4) Die Boorgat, gedeelte van die plaas Zwartwater 123, Registration Division M.R. Swartwater, Potgietersrus Registrasie Afdeling M.R. Swartwater, Potgietersrus (Mokopane), District Limpopo Province. (Mokopane), distrik Limpopo Provinsie. (5) A. (5) A.

POTGIETERSRUS (AT MOKOPANE) POTGIETERSRUS (TE MOKOPANE) (1) Potgietersrus Dienssentrum vir Bejaardes (Non- (1) Potgietersrus Dienssentrum vir Bejaardes (Nie- profit Organization), Reg. No. NPO001 771, c/o Dudu winsgewende Organisasie), Reg. No. NPO001 771, h/v Madisha and Geyser Street, Mokopane, 0601, c/o Emil Dudu Madisha- en Geyserstraat, Mokopane, 0601, p/a Scheepers Attorneys, PO Box 72478, Lynnwood Ridge, Emil Scheepers Prokureurs, Posbus 72478, 0040. Lynnwoodrif, 0040. (2) Special (on-consumption) License (Eating-house or other). (2) Spesiale binneverbruiklisensie (Eethuis of ander). (3) All kinds of liquor. (3) Alle soorte drank. (4) Potgietersrus Dienssentrum vir Bejaardes, Portion 5, (4) Potgietersrus Dienssentrum vir Bejaardes, Gedeelte 5, Erf 1461, c/o Dudu Madisha and Geyser Streets, Erf 1461, h/v Dudu Madisha- en Geyserstraat, Mokopane, Mokopane, Limpopo. Limpopo. (5) A. (5) A.

PRAKTISEER PRAKTISEER (1) Thomas Ntshwane Mabilu, Box 31796, Superbia, 0759, (1) Thomas Ntshwane Mabilu, Box 31796, Superbia, 0759, No. 45 Frans Village, Driekop. No. 45 Frans Village, Driekop. (2) Restaurant Liquor License. (2) Restaurant Liquor License. (3) All kinds. (3) All kinds. (4) Ntshwane Liquor Restaurant, t/a Ntshwane Holding (Pty) (4) Ntshwane Liquor Restaurant, t/a Ntshwane Holding (Pty) Ltd, No. 245 Ga Mpuru Village, Maandagshoek. Ltd, No. 245 Ga Mpuru Village, Maandagshoek. (5) Section 41 (1) (a). (5) Section 41 (1) (a).

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PRAKTISEER PRAKTISEER (1) Mokone Jan Malatji, Stand No. 22, Maandagshoek (1) Mokone Jan Malatji, Stand No. 22, Maandagshoek (Tshwale), Box 2835, Chuenespoort, 0745. (Tshwale), Box 2835, Chuenespoort, 0745. (2) Liquor Tavern. (2) Liquor Tavern. (3) All kinds. (3) All kinds. (4) Dinoko Liquor Tavern, Stand No. 22, Maandagshoek (4) Dinoko Liquor Tavern, Stand No. 22, Maandagshoek (Tshwale). (Tshwale). (5) Section 41 (1) (a). (5) Section 41 (1) (a).

PRACKTISEER SEKHUKHUNE (1) Mphosi Lazarus Selae, PO Box 4176, Polokwane, (1) Mphosi Lazarus Selae, PO Box 4176, Polokwane, 0700. 0700. (2) —. (2) —. (3) Cybrobix Liquor Store, Site R37, Steelpoortdrift 296 K.T., (3) Cybrobix Liquor Store, Site Ha Masha Ngoabe Village, near Burgersfort at Global Garage, District Pracktiseer, Stand 23, Sekhukhune, at Global Garage, District Limpopo Province. Sekhukhune, Limpopo Province. (4) Special Licence (liquor store). (4) Special Licence (liquor store). (5) —. (5) —.

SEKGOSESE SEKGOSESE (1) Mantoko William Raphiri, PO Box 73, Morebeng, (1) Mantoko William Raphiri, PO Box 73, Morebeng, Soekmekaar, 0810. Soekmekaar, 0810. (2) Special License Liquor Tavern. (2) Special License Liquor Tavern. (3) All kinds of liquor. (3) All kinds of liquor. (4) Dikolobe Liquor Tavern, Stand No. 551, Thakgalang No. (4) Dikolobe Liquor Tavern, Stand No. 551, Thakgalang No. 1, Klipkraal Village, Sekgosese. 1, Klipkraal Village, Sekgosese. (5) Section 41 (1) (a). (5) Section 41 (1) (a).

SEKGOSESE SEKGOSESE (1) Shoprite Checkers (Pty) Ltd, Reg. No. (1) Shoprite Checkers (Edms) Bpk, Reg. No. 1929/001817/07. 1929/001817/07. Registered address: Corner of William Residensiële adres: H/v William Dabbs en Ou Paarlweg, Dabbs and Old Paarl Roads, Brackenfell. Postal address: Chris Oelofse & Company, P.O. Box 2177, Brackenfell. Posadres: Chris Oelofse & Kie, Posbus Alberton, 1450. 2177, Alberton, 1450. (2) Grocers Wine License. (2) Kruidenierswynlisensie. (3) Table wine. (3) Tafelwyn. (4) U Save (Matoks), Shop 9, My Shopping Centre, (4) U Save (Matoks), Winkel 9, My Shopping Centre, Business Area, Mphakone Sefane, Matoks, Limpopo Besigheidsarea Mphakone Sefana, Matoks, Limpopo Province. Provinsie. (5) Authority in terms of section 41 (1) (c) of the Act. (5) Magtiging ingevolge artikel 41 (1) (c) van die Wet.

SEKHUKHUNE (NEBO) SEKHUKHUNE (NEBO) (1) Senong Tukudi Willy, Stand No. 194, Malope Village, (1) Senong Tukudi Willy, Stand No. 194, Malope Village, Ga-Masemola, 1060; PO Box 1311, Marble Hall, 0450. Ga-Masemola, 1060; PO Box 1311, Marble Hall, 0450. (2) Special Licence for Liquor Store. (2) Special Licence for Liquor Store. (3) All kinds of liquor. (3) All kinds of liquor. (4) Phaahle Bottle Store, Stand No. 194, Malope Village, (4) Phaahle Bottle Store, Stand No. 194, Malope Village, Ga-Masemola, 1060. Ga-Masemola, 1060. (5) Local Municipality Tribal Authority, approval section 43 (5) Local Municipality Tribal Authority, approval section 43 and 52. and 52.

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SEKHUKHUNE (PRAKTISEER) SEKHUKHUNE (PRAKTISEER) (1) Makofane Anikana Dorina, Thokwane Village, PO Box 8, (1) Makofane Anikana Dorina, Thokwane Village, PO Box 8, Driekop, 1129. Driekop, 1129. (2) Liquor Tavern. (2) Liquor Tavern. (3) All kinds. (3) All kinds. (4) Modipadi Liquor Tavern, Thokwane Village, Thokwane (4) Modipadi Liquor Tavern, Thokwane Village, Thokwane Section, Stand No. 183, Crydon Farm No. 120 KT, Section, Stand No. 183, Crydon Farm No. 120 KT, Limpopo Province. Limpopo Province. (5) Plan is available, building still under construction and (5) Plan is available, building still under construction and letter from Chief is also available. letter from Chief is also available.

SEKHUKHUNE SEKHUKHUNE (1) Liquor Legent (Pty) Ltd, Reg. No. 2013/143770/07. (1) Liquor Legent (Pty) Ltd, Reg. No. 2013/143770/07. Registered office: 8 Airfield Towers, Mosquito Street, Geregistreerde adres: Airfield Towers 8, Mosquitostraat, Rhodesfield, Kempton Park, 1619. Postal address: 8 Rhodesfield, Kempton Park, 1619. Posadres: Airfield Airfield Towers, Mosquito Street, Rhodesfield, Kempton Towers 8, Mosquitostraat, Rhodesfield, Kempton Park, Park, 1619. 1619. (2) Liquor Store Licence. (2) Drankwinkellisensie. (3) All kinds of liquor. (3) Alle soorte drank. (4) Liquor Legent, Shop No. 13, Jane Furse Crossing (4) Liquor Legent, Winkel No. 13—Jane Furse Crossing Shopping Centre, 809 Vergelegen B, Jane Furse Main Winkelsentrum, 809 Vergelegen B, Jane Furse Hoofweg— Road—R597, Jane Furse. R597, Jane Furse. (5) Authority in terms of section 41 (1) (c). (5) Magtiging ingevolge artikel 41 (1) (c).

SEKHUKHUNE SEKHUKHUNE (1) Maditsi Nkwane Norman, PO Box 923, Lebowakgomo, (1) Maditsi Nkwane Norman, PO Box 923, Lebowakgomo, 0745. 0745. (2) Liquor Licence Restaurant. (2) Liquor Licence Restaurant. (3) All kinds. (3) All kinds. (4) Phaahlamalope Liquor Restaurant, Stand No. 80009, (4) Phaahlamalope Liquor Restaurant, Stand No. 80009, Mabulela Section, Atok. Mabulela Section, Atok. (5) Dedet. (5) Dedet.

SEKHUKHUNE SEKHUKHUNE (1) Mashilo Kgometala Simon, P.O. Box 1144, (1) Mashilo Kgometala Simon, P.O. Box 1144, Sekhukhune, 1124. Sekhukhune, 1124. (2) Special Liquor Licence—Tavern. (2) Special Liquor Licence—Tavern. (3) All kinds of liquor. (3) All kinds of liquor. (4) Kgometala Tavern, Stand No. 79, Leolo Machupje (4) Kgometala Tavern, Stand No. 79, Leolo Machupje Section, Ga-Kgopane Village, Farm: Het Fort No. 329 Section, Ga-Kgopane Village, Farm: Het Fort No. 329 KT, Sekhukhune District, Limpopo Province. KT, Sekhukhune District, Limpopo Province. (5) Section 41 (1) (a). (5) Section 41 (1) (a).

SEKHUKHUNE/NEBO SEKHUKHUNE/NEBO (1) Segwahle Joseph Bapela, Stand No. 40067, (1) Segwahle Joseph Bapela, Stand No. 40067, Thabampshe Village, Ga-Masemola, 1060; PO Box Thabampshe Village, Ga-Masemola, 1060; PO Box 1311, Marble Hall, 0450. 1311, Marble Hall, 0450. (2) Special Licence for Pub & Restaurant. (2) Special Licence for Pub & Restaurant. (3) All kinds of liquor. (3) All kinds of liquor. (4) Bapela Jazz-Inn, Stand No. 40067, Thabampshe Village, (4) Bapela Jazz-Inn, Stand No. 40067, Thabampshe Village, Ga-Masemola, 1060. Ga-Masemola, 1060. (5) Tribal Authority Approval Local Municipality, Section 43 (5) Tribal Authority Approval Local Municipality, Section 43 and 52. and 52.

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SEKHUKHUNE (PRAKTISEER) SEKHUKHUNE (PRAKTISEER) (1) Moloto Tumedi Vincent, Shakung Village, PO Box (1) Moloto Tumedi Vincent, Shakung Village, PO Box 1854, Burgersfort, 1150. 1854, Burgersfort, 1150. (2) Liquor Tavern. (2) Liquor Tavern. (3) All kinds. (3) All kinds. (4) Tsela ye Bar Lounge, Shakung Village, Moroleng (4) Tsela ye Bar Lounge, Shakung Village, Moroleng Section, Stand No. 33, Crydon Farm No. 120 KT, Section, Stand No. 33, Crydon Farm No. 120 KT, Limpopo Province. Limpopo Province. (5) Plan is available, building still under construction and (5) Plan is available, building still under construction and letter from Chief is also available. letter from Chief is also available.

SENWABARWANA SENWABARWANA (1) Motlepa Maboko Nelson, P.O. Box 20023, (1) Motlepa Maboko Nelson, P.O. Box 20023, Westernburg, 0699. Westernburg, 0699. (2) Liquor Store. (2) Liquor Store. (3) All kinds of liquor. (3) All kinds of liquor. (4) Motlepa Liquor Store, Combro 163 LS, Mohodi, Ga- (4) Motlepa Liquor Store, Combro 163 LS, Mohodi, Ga- Manthata Village. Manthata Village. (5) —. (5) —.

SESHEGO SESHEGO (1) Moloko Moloko Erick, PO Box 4176, Polokwane, 0700. (1) Moloko Moloko Erick, PO Box 4176, Polokwane, 0700. (2) —. (2) —. (3) Moloko Liquor Tavern, Farm Chebeng-Mathapo, Stand (3) Moloko Liquor Tavern, Farm Chebeng-Mathapo, Stand No. 111, District Seshego, Limpopo Province. No. 111, District Seshego, Limpopo Province. (4) Special Licence (Tavern). (4) Special Licence (Tavern). (5) —. (5) —.

SESHEGO SESHEGO (1) Seema Maselaelo Monica, PO Box 20023, Westernburg, (1) Seema Maselaelo Monica, PO Box 20023, Westernburg, 0699. 0699. (2) Liquor Tavern. (2) Liquor Tavern. (3) All kinds of liquor. (3) All kinds of liquor. (4) Phepheshi Tavern, Stand No. 97, Vianen Village, (4) Phepheshi Tavern, Stand No. 97, Vianen Village, Matlala. Matlala. (5) —. (5) —.

SESHEGO SESHEGO (1) Nteseng Gleton Seemola, Garamongoana No. 1, (1) Nteseng Gleton Seemola, Garamongoana No. 1, Moletjie, Postnet Suite No. 53, P.O. Box 5081, Moletjie, Postnet Suite No. 53, P.O. Box 5081, Polokwane North, 0750. Polokwane North, 0750. (2) Restaurant. (2) Restaurant. (3) All kinds of liquor. (3) All kinds of liquor. (4) Phampham Family Restaurant, Stand No. 606 LS, (4) Phampham Family Restaurant, Stand No. 606 LS, Ga-Ramongoana No. 1, Moletjie. Ga-Ramongoana No. 1, Moletjie. (5) Regulations 5, Section 41 (I) (a) (c) and 42 (1). (5) Regulations 5, Section 41 (I) (a) (c) and 42 (1).

SESHEGO SESHEGO (1) Thanyang Malachia Masenya, Segwaleng Village C4, (1) Thanyang Malachia Masenya, Segwaleng Village C4, Site No. 181, P.O. Box 1016, Fauna Park, Polokwane, Site No. 181, P.O. Box 1016, Fauna Park, Polokwane, 0787. 0787. (2) Special Liquor Licence: Tavern. (2) Special Liquor Licence: Tavern. (3) All kinds of liquor. (3) All kinds of liquor.

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(4) Masinya Tavern, Segwaleng Village C4, Site 181, (4) Masinya Tavern, Segwaleng Village C4, Site 181, Mashashane. Mashashane. (5) Regulation 5, Section 41 (I). (5) Regulation 5, Section 41 (I).

SESHEGO SESHEGO (1) Malesela Samuel Matotoka, ID No. 7404235370084, (1) Malesela Samuel Matotoka, ID No. 7404235370084, Site No. 490, Schoongezicht, Box 4507, Polokwane, Site No. 490, Schoongezicht, Box 4507, Polokwane, 0700. 0700. (2) Liquor Restaurant. (2) Liquor Restaurant. (3) All kinds. (3) All kinds. (4) Moenyana Liquor Restaurant, Stand No. 659, (4) Moenyana Liquor Restaurant, Stand No. 659, Schoongezicht Farm No. 362, LS Seshego, Limpopo Schoongezicht Farm No. 362, LS Seshego, Limpopo Province. Province. (5) Section 41 (1) (a). (5) Section 41 (1) (a).

SESHEGO SESHEGO (1) Raselebana Tshekisi Daniel, Booslag Village, (1) Raselebana Tshekisi Daniel, Booslag Village, Ga-Matlala, Seshego; PO Box 55, Mokobodi School, Ga-Matlala, Seshego; PO Box 55, Mokobodi School, 0748. 0748. (2) Bar Lounge. (2) Bar Lounge. (3) All kinds of liquor. (3) All kinds of liquor. (4) Ditau Bar Lounge, Stand No. 95, Booslag Village, (4) Ditau Bar Lounge, Stand No. 95, Booslag Village, Ga-Matlala, Seshego. Ga-Matlala, Seshego. (5) Section 41 (1) (a). (5) Section 41 (1) (a).

SESHEGO SESHEGO (1) Mathobela Andrew Monyakanyaka, Stand No. 187, (1) Mathobela Andrew Monyakanyaka, Stand No. 187, Makweya Village, Moletjie, Seshego, PO Box 71, Makweya Village, Moletjie, Seshego, PO Box 71, Chebeng, 0756. Chebeng, 0756. (2) Liquor Tavern. (2) Liquor Tavern. (3) All kinds of liquor. (3) All kinds of liquor. (4) Mathobela Liquor Tavern, Stand No. 71, Makweya (4) Mathobela Liquor Tavern, Stand No. 71, Makweya Village, Moletjie, Seshego. Village, Moletjie, Seshego. (5) Section 41 (1) (a). (5) Section 41 (1) (a).

SESHEGO SESHEGO (1) Chueu Lesiba Maritz, Stand No. 24A, Harrietzwish (1) Chueu Lesiba Maritz, Stand No. 24A, Harrietzwish Village Farm No. 393, Box 2398, Sovenga, 0727. Village Farm No. 393, Box 2398, Sovenga, 0727. (2) Liquor Restaurant (Special Licence). (2) Liquor Restaurant (Special Licence). (3) All kinds of liquor. (3) All kinds of liquor. (4) Mmathibedi Liquor Restaurant, Stand No. 24B, (4) Mmathibedi Liquor Restaurant, Stand No. 24B, Harrietzwish Village Farm No. 393. Harrietzwish Village Farm No. 393. (5) Section 41 (1) (a). (5) Section 41 (1) (a).

SESHEGO SESHEGO (1) Malesela Isaiah Galane, Erf 2076, situated at Kwena (1) Malesela Isaiah Galane, Erf 2076, situated at Kwena Moloto Street, Zone 3, Seshego; P.O. Box 5989, Moloto Street, Zone 3, Seshego; P.O. Box 5989, Polokwane, 0750. Polokwane, 0750. (2) Restaurant. (2) Restaurant. (3) All kinds. (3) All kinds. (4) Side Dish Restaurant, Erf 2076, situated at Kwena (4) Side Dish Restaurant, Erf 2076, situated at Kwena Moloto Street, Zone 3, Seshego. Moloto Street, Zone 3, Seshego. (5) Section 41 (1) (a). (5) Section 41 (1) (a).

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SESHEGO SESHEGO (1) Legodi Nkgwatha William, Stand No. 900, Boetse (1) Legodi Nkgwatha William, Stand No. 900, Boetse Village, Ga-Mashashane, 0743. Village, Ga-Mashashane, 0743. (2) Liquor Restaurant. (2) Liquor Restaurant. (3) All kinds of liquor. (3) All kinds of liquor. (4) Constar Liquor Restaurant, Stand No. 904, Boetse (4) Constar Liquor Restaurant, Stand No. 904, Boetse Village, Ga-Mashashane, 0743. Village, Ga-Mashashane, 0743. (5) —. (5) —.

SESHEGO SESHEGO (1) Mathebula Ngwako William, Chipana Village, Ga- (1) Mathebula Ngwako William, Chipana Village, Matlala, Seshego; P.O. Box 971, Founa Park, 0699. Ga-Matlala, Seshego; P.O. Box 971, Founa Park, 0699. (2) Liquor Tavern. (2) Liquor Restaurant. (3) All kinds of liquor. (3) All kinds of liquor. (4) Mathebula Liquor Tavern, Stand No. 1100033, Chipana (4) Mosima Liquor Restaurant, Stand No. 020244, Chipana Village, Ga-Matlala, Seshego. Village, Ga-Matlala, Seshego. (5) Section 41 (1) (a). (5) Section 41 (1) (a).

SESHEGO SESHEGO (1) Tjale Setlabane Caiphus, Ga-Mabitsela Village, (1) Tjale Setlabane Caiphus, Ga-Mabitsela Village, Moletjie, Seshego; P.O. Box 2443, Koloti, 0709. Moletjie, Seshego; P.O. Box 2443, Koloti, 0709. (2) Bar Lounge. (2) Bar Lounge. (3) All kinds of liquor. (3) All kinds of liquor. (4) Tjale Liquor Restaurant, Stand No. 347, Ga-Mabitsela (4) Tjale Liquor Restaurant, Stand No. 347, Ga-Mabitsela Village, Moletjie, Seshego. Village, Moletjie, Seshego. (5) Section 41 (1) (a). (5) Section 41 (1) (a)..

SESHEGO SESHEGO (1) Josea Mathata Kganyago. Site No. 162, Village C11, (1) Josea Mathata Kganyago. Site No. 162, Village C11, Waterplaas, Monotwane Village, Mashashane, 0743. Waterplaas, Monotwane Village, Mashashane, 0743. (2) Liquor Restaurant (2) Liquor Restaurant (3) All kinds of liquor. (3) All kinds of liquor. (4) Mathatha Liquor Restaurant, Site No. 362, Village C11, (4) Mathatha Liquor Restaurant, Site No. 362, Village C11, Water Plaas, Monotwane Village, Mashashane, 0743. Water Plaas, Monotwane Village, Mashashane, 0743. (5) Section 41 (i) (a). (5) Section 41 (i) (a).

SESHEGO SESHEGO (1) MS. Thokozile Yvonne Butte, 1780 Zone 1, Seshego, (1) MS. Thokozile Yvonne Butte, 1780 Zone 1, Seshego, 0742. 0742. (2) Special Licence (Tavern). (2) Special Licence (Tavern). (3) All kinds of liquor. (3) All kinds of liquor. (4) Ausi Thoko Tavern, 1780 Zone 1, Seshego District, (4) Ausi Thoko Tavern, 1780 Zone 1, Seshego District, Seshego Limpopo Province. Seshego Limpopo Province. (5) Section 41 (1) (c). (5) Section 41 (1) (c).

SESHEGO SESHEGO (1) Malesela Isaiah Galane, Erf 2076, situated at Kwena (1) Malesela Isaiah Galane, Erf 2076, situated at Kwena Moloto Street, Zone 3, Seshego; P.O. Box 5989, Moloto Street, Zone 3, Seshego; P.O. Box 5989, Polokwane, 0750. Polokwane, 0750. (2) Restaurant. (2) Restaurant. (3) All kinds. (3) All kinds. (4) Side Fish Restaurant, Erf: 2076, situated at Kwena (4) Side Fish Restaurant, Erf: 2076, situated at Kwena Moloto Street, Zone 3, Seshego. Moloto Street, Zone 3, Seshego. (5) Section 41 (1) (a). (5) Section 41 (1) (a).

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SOUTHPANSBERG SOUTHPANSBERG (1) Odendaal Alan Christian, 177 Forestry Ave, Makhado, (1) Odendaal Alan Christian, Forestryweg 177, Makhado, Erf 519, 66 Burger Street, Makhado; P.O. Box 466, Erf 519, Burgerstraat 66, Makhado, Posbus 466, Makhado, 0920. Makhado, 0920. (2) Special on consumption licence (Club). (2) Spesiale binne-vebruik lisensie (Klub). (3) All types of liquor. (3) Alle soorte drank. (4) Turbi Hills, Shellhole, Moth Club, Erf 519, 66 Burger (4) Turbi Hills, Shellhole Moth Klub, Erf 519, Burgerstraat Street, Makhabdo; P.O. Box 466, Makhado, 0920. 66, Makhado; Posbus 466, Makhado, 0920. (5) Section 41 (1) (a). (5) Art 41 (1) (a).

THABAMOOPO THABAMOOPO (1) Magabutlane Habakuk Shikoane. (1) Magabutlane Habakuk Shikoane. (2) On-site consumption. (2) On-site consumption. (3) Lager, Cider, Wine, Spirit. (3) Lager, Cider, Wine, Spirit. (4) Shakes Bottle Store & Bar Lounge, 174 Unit E, (4) Shakes Bottle Store & Bar Lounge, 174 Unit E, Lebowakgomo. Lebowakgomo. (5) Section 41 (1) (a). (5) Section 41 (1) (a).

THABAMOOPO THABAMOOPO (1) Thamaga Maritanganye Obed, P.O. Box 20023, (1) Thamaga Maritanganye Obed, P.O. Box 20023, Westernburg, 0699. Westernburg, 0699. (2) Liquor Tavern. (2) Liquor Tavern. (3) All kinds of liquor. (3) All kinds of liquor. (4) Bra Chesters Tavern, Stand no. 394, Mongobong (4) Bra Chesters Tavern, Stand no. 394, Mongobong Mamaolo Village. Mamaolo Village. (5) —. (5) —.

THABAZIMBI THABAZIMBI (1) Mr Papalasi J. Seakgosing (ID No. 6703205923082, (1) Mr Papalasi J. Seakgosing (ID No. 6703205923082, Stand No. 2305 Ext 5, Regorogile, Thabazimbi, 0386. Stand No. 2305 Ext 5, Regorogile, Thabazimbi, 0386. (2) Special Liquor Licence Tavern (on-consumption). (2) Special Liquor Licence Tavern (on-consumption). (3) All kinds of liquor. (3) All kinds of liquor. (4) “Seah’s Inn”, Stand No. 2305 Ext 5, Regorogile, (4) “Seah’s Inn”, Stand No. 2305 Ext 5, Regorogile, Thabazimbi, 0386. Thabazimbi, 0386. (5) A. (5) A.

THABAZIMBI THABAZIMBI (1) Rudolf Jacobus de Jager and Yolande de Jager (1) Rudolf Jacobus de Jager en Yolande de Jager, (A&B) (A&B), 52 Steenbok Street, Thabazimbi (A&B) P.O. Box Steenbokstraat 52, Thabazimbi (A&B), Posbus 1373, 1373, Thabazimbi, 0380. Thabazimbi, 0380. (2) Restaurant Liquor Licence. (2) Restaurant Dranklisensie (3) All kinds. (3) Alle soorte. (4) Chesanyama, Thabazimbi, Erf 1079, Shop 3, Zanmin (4) Chesanyama, Thabazimbi, Erf 1079, Winkel 3, Zanmin Building, Van der Bijl Street, Thabazimbi District, Gebou, Van der Bijlstraat, Thabazimbi Distrik, Limpopo Limpopo Province. Provinsie. (5) A. (5) A.

THOHOYANDOU THOHOYANDOU (1) Tengani Eunice Selamulela, Khalavha, Thohoyandou; (1) Tengani Eunice Selamulela, Khalavha, Thohoyandou; P.O. Box 920, Makhado 20. P.O. Box 920, Makhado 20. (2) Restaurant. (2) Restaurant. (3) All kinds of liquor. (3) All kinds of liquor. (4) Sela Eating House, Khalavha, Thohoyandou. (4) Sela Eating House, Khalavha, Thohoyandou. (5) Regulations 5, Section 41 (1) (a) (c) and 42 (1). (5) Regulations 5, Section 41 (1) (a) (c) and 42 (1).

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THOHOYANDOU THOHOYANDOU (1) Netshitungulwane Tshilisanani Ishmael, Vhulata- (1) Netshitungulwane Tshilisanani Ishmael, Vhulata- thevhe, Mulenzhe, Thohoyandou; P.O. Box 1016, Fauna thevhe, Mulenzhe, Thohoyandou; P.O. Box 1016, Fauna Park, Polokwane, 0787. Park, Polokwane, 0787. (2) Restaurant Liquor Licence. (2) Restaurant Liquor Licence. (3) All kinds of liquor. (3) All kinds of liquor. (4) Tshivhi’s Family Restaurant, Vhulatathevhe Village, (4) Tshivhi’s Family Restaurant, Vhulatathevhe Village, Mulenzhe, Thohoyandou. Mulenzhe, Thohoyandou. (5) Regulation 5 Section 51 (1) (a) (c). (5) Regulation 5 Section 51 (1) (a) (c).

THOHOYANDOU THOHOYANDOU (1) MS. Mutangele Mashudu Elisa, P.O. Box 3492, (1) MS. Mutangele Mashudu Elisa, P.O. Box 3492, Vhuluadzi, 0926. Vhuluadzi, 0926. (2) Special Licence (Eating House). (2) Special Licence (Eating House). (3) All kinds of liquor. (3) All kinds of liquor. (4) Site 12/102/3 (1523), Dopeni Village Farm, Dopeni (4) Site 12/102/3 (1523), Dopeni Village Farm, Dopeni Registration Division No. 255 K.T., District: Registration Division No. 255 K.T., District: Thohoyandou Limpopo Province. Thohoyandou Limpopo Province. (5) —. (5) —.

THOHOYANDOU THOHOYANDOU (1) Makhuvha Mphedziseni, 2295 Makwarela, P.O. Box (1) Makhuvha Mphedziseni, 2295 Makwarela, 799, Sibasa, 0970. P.O. Box 799, Sibasa, 0970. (2) Special Licence Liquor Restaurant. (2) Special Licence Liquor Restaurant. (3) All kinds of liquor. (3) All kinds of liquor. (4) Kasi Flava Restaurant, Makwarela, Farm 278 MT, (4) Kasi Flava Restaurant, Makwarela, Farm 278 MT, Mphaphuli, Limpopo Province. Mphaphuli, Limpopo Province. (5) Section 41 (1) (a). (5) Section 41 (1) (a).

THOHOYANDOU THOHOYANDOU (1) Mabuda Mmbudziseni Moses, Erf No. 3580 Ext 75, (1) Mabuda Mmbudziseni Moses, Erf No. 3580 Ext 75, Bendor, Polokwane; P.O. Box 116, Tshidimbini, 0972. Bendor, Polokwane; P.O. Box 116, Tshidimbini, 0972. (2) Special Licence (Accomodation Liquour License). (2) Special Licence (Accomodation Liquour License). (3) All kinds of liquor. (3) All kinds of liquor. (4) Farisanji Lodge, Vondwe Village (Matatshe), Thohoya- (4) Farisanji Lodge, Vondwe Village (Matatshe), Thohoya- ndou. ndou. (5) Section 41 (a) (1). (5) Section 41 (a) (1).

THOHOYANDOU THOHOYANDOU (1) Muhanganei Mushayatha Elizabeth, Stand No. 584, (1) Muhanganei Mushayatha Elizabeth, Stand No. 584, Thohoyandou, Block J, Muledane, P.O. Box 589, Vhufuli, Thohoyandou, Block J, Muledane, P.O. Box 589, Vhufuli, 0971. 0971. (2) Special License on-consumption (Restaurant Liquor (2) Special License on-consumption (Restaurant Liquor License). License). (3) All kinds of liquor. (3) All kinds of liquor. (4) Mutoti Valley Garden, Liquor Restaurant, Mutoti Village, (4) Mutoti Valley Garden, Liquor Restaurant, Mutoti Village, Thohoyandou. Thohoyandou. (5) Section 41 (1) (a). (5) Section 41 (1) (a).

THOHOYANDOU THOHOYANDOU (1) Mabuda Mmbudziseni Moses, Erf No. 3580 Ext 75, (1) Mabuda Mmbudziseni Moses, Erf No. 3580 Ext 75, Bendor, Polokwane, P.O. Box 116, Tshidimbini, 0972. Bendor, Polokwane, P.O. Box 116, Tshidimbini, 0972. (2) Special Licence (Accommodation Liquor License). (2) Special Licence (Accommodation Liquor License). (3) All kinds of liquor. (3) All kinds of liquor. (4) Farisani Lodge Vondwe, Village (Matatshe), (4) Farisani Lodge Vondwe, Village (Matatshe), Thohoyandou. Thohoyandou. (5) (6) Section 41 (a) (1). (5) (6) Section 41 (a) (1).

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TSHITALE TSHITALE (1) Muluvhu, Mulaifa Salthiel, ID: 8101105323081, Erf 5, (1) Muluvhu, Mulaifa Salthiel, ID: 8101105323081, Erf 5, Tshikumbu Village, Mulima, Tshitale District, c/o Emil Tshikumbu Village, Mulima, Tshitale District, p/a Emil Scheepers Attorneys, PO Box 72478, Lynnwood Ridge, Scheepers Attorneys, PO Box 72478, Lynnwood Ridge, 0040. 0040. (2) Special on-consumption licence (eating house). (2) Spesiale binneverbruiklisensie (eethuis). (3) All kinds of liquor. (3) Alle soorte drank. (4) Tshikumbu’s, Erf 5, Tshikumbu Village, Mulima, Tshitale (4) Tshikumbu’s, Erf 5, Tshikumbu Village, Mulima, Tshitale District. District. (5) A. (5) A.

TSHITALE TSHITALE (1) Ndifelani Oriel Nkabelane, Stand No. 72, Muila- (1) Ndifelani Oriel Nkabelane, Stand No. 72, Muila- Gumani, 0946; PO Box 187, Soekmekaar, 0810. Gumani, 0946; PO Box 187, Soekmekaar, 0810. (2) Restaurant Liquor License. (2) Restaurant Liquor License. (3) All kinds of liquor. (3) All kinds of liquor. (4) TEN83, Stand 501, Thondoni Village, Muila, Vlakfontein, (4) TEN83, Stand 501, Thondoni Village, Muila, Vlakfontein, Tshitale District. Tshitale District. (5) 41(1) (a). (5) 41(1) (a).

VUWANI VUWANI (1) Nelson Mberegeni Mudau, Ha-Mashau, Vuwani, PO (1) Nelson Mberegeni Mudau, Ha-Mashau, Vuwani, PO Box 2254, Thohoyandou, 0950. Box 2254, Thohoyandou, 0950. (2) Restaurant Liquor Licence. (2) Restaurant Liquor Licence. (3) All kinds of liquor. (3) All kinds of liquor. (4) Luvhone Family Restaurant, Stand No. EH-14, Ha- (4) Luvhone Family Restaurant, Stand No. EH-14, Ha- Mashau, Vuwani. Mashau, Vuwani. (5) Regulation 5 section 41 (i) (a) (c). (5) Regulation 5 section 41 (i) (a) (c).

VUWANI VUWANI (1) Mudau Mberegeni Nelson, Mugweni Village, PO Box (1) Mudau Mberegeni Nelson, Mugweni Village, Posbus 2254, Thohoyandou, 0950. 2254, Thohoyandou, 0950. (2) Special Liquor Licence (Eating-house). (2) Spesiale Dranklisensie (Eethuis). (3) All kinds. (3) Alle soorte. (4) Luvhone Eating House, Mugweni Village, Erf No. (4) Luvhone Eating House, Mugweni Wyk, Erf No. 299/4/R3A, Farm No. 49 L.T., Mashau Territory, Vuwani 299/4/R3A, Plaas No. 49 L.T., Mashau Gebied, Vuwani District, Limpopo Province. Distrik, Limpopo Provinsie. (5) Section 41 (1) (a). (5) Artikel 41 (1) (a).

VUWANI VUWANI (1) Ramakuela Takalani Donald, Pretoria West, (1) Ramakuela Takalani Donald, Pretoria West, 158 Terfgras Street, Danville. 158 Terfgras Street, Danville. (2) Special Licene off-consumption (Liquor Store License). (2) Special Licene off-consumption (Liquor Store License). (3) All kinds of liquor. (3) All kinds of liquor. (4) Matopo Liquor Store, Tshitandani Center, Hamutsha (4) Matopo Liquor Store, Tshitandani Center, Hamutsha Village, Vuwani. Village, Vuwani. (5) Section 41 (1) (a). (5) Section 41 (1) (a).

VUWANI VUWANI (1) Madzena Avhurengwi Steven, Mukhoro Village, PO (1) Madzena Avhurengwi Steven, Mukhoro Wyk, Posbus Box 98, Mashau, 0943. 98, Mashau, 0943. (2) Special Liquor Licence (Eating-house). (2) Spesiale Dranklisensie (Eethuis). (3) All kinds. (3) Alle soorte.

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(4) Madzena Eating House, Mukhoro Village, Erf No. (4) Madzena Eating House, Mukhoro Wyk, Erf No. 299/4/R3A, Farm No. 49 L.T., Mashau Territory, Vuwani 299/4/R3A, Farm No. 49 L.T., Mashau Gebied, Vuwani District, Limpopo Province. District, Limpopo Provinsie. (5) Section 41 (1) (a). (5) Artikel 41 (1) (a).

VUWANI VUWANI (1) Rakhuwadzi Bidela Rowetz, Ha-Vhangani Village, PO (1) Rakhuwadzi Bidela Rowetz, Ha-Vhangani Village, Box 48, Masia, 0944. Posbus 48, Masia, 0944. (2) Restaurant Liquor Licence. (2) Restaurant Dranklisensie. (3) All kinds. (3) Alle soorte. (4) Phadinwe Restaurant Ha-Vhangani Village, Erf No. (4) Phadinwe Restaurant Ha-Vhangani Village, Erf No. 299/4/R4A, Farm No. 49 L.T., Masia Territory, Vuwani 299/4/R4A, Farm No. 49 L.T., Masia Gebied, Vuwani District, Limpopo Province. Distrik, Limpopo Provinsie. (5) Section 41 (1) (a). (5) Artikel 41 (1) (a).

WARMBATHS (AT BELA-BELA) WARMBADS (TE BELA-BELA) (1) Motaung, Paulinah, 7209270862089. Street address: (1) Motaung, Paulinah, 7209270862089. Straatadres: Erf 434, RDP Township, Rooiberg, 0500. Postal address: Erf 434, Hop Dorpsgebied, Rooiberg, 500. Posadres: C/o Emil Scheepers Attorneys, PO Box 72478, P/a Emil Scheepers Prokureurs, Posbus 72478, Lynnwood Ridge, 0040. Lynnwood-rif, 0040. (2) Liquor Store License. (2) Drankwinkelisensie. (3) Alle soorte drank. (3) All kinds of liquor. (4) Maxi Liquor Store, Winkel 1, Besigheidsgebou, Erf 448, (4) Maxi Liquor Store, Shop 1, Business Building, Erf 448, Hop Dorpsgebied, Rooiberg, Distrik Warmbad. RDP Township, Rooiberg, Warmbaths District. (5) Section 41 (1) (c). (5) Section 41 (1) (c).

WARMBAD (TE BELA-BELA) WARMBATHS (AT BELA-BELA) (1) Mabaso, Machome David, 6209085346089. Straat- (1) Mabaso, Machome David, 6209085346089. Street adres: Erf 1702, Leseding Section, Bela-Bela, 0480. address: Erf 1702, Leseding Section, Bela-Bela, 0480. Postal address: P/a Emil Scheepers Prokureurs, Posbus Postal address: C/o Emil Scheepers Attorneys. 72478, Lynnwoodrif, 0040. (2) Special on-consumption License (Tavern). (2) Spesial Binneverbruiklisensie (Drankhuis). (3) All kinds of liquor. (3) Alle soorte drank. (4) Mashanganeng Tavern, Erf 1702, Bela-Bela X2 (4) Mashanganeng Tavern, Erf 1702, Bela-Bela X2 Dorps- Township, Leseding Section, Bela-Bela. gebied, Leseding Section, Bela-Bela. (5) A. (5) A.

WARMBATHS (AT BELA-BELA) WARMBAD (TE BELA-BELA) (1) Molao, Sinah, 4507230323081. Street address: Erf 164, (1) Molao, Sinah, 4507230323081. Straatadres: Erf 164, Moraka Street, Bela-Bela Proper, Bela-Bela, 0480. Morakastraat, Bela-Bela Proper, Bela-Bela, 0480. Postal address: C/o Emil Scheepers Attorneys, PO Box Posadres: P/a Emil Scheepers Attorneys, Posbus 72478, Lynnwood Ridge, 0040. 72478, Lynnwoodrif, 0040. (2) Special on-consumption License (Tavern). (2) Spesiale Binneverbruiklisensie (Drankhuis). (3) All kinds liquor. (3) Alle soorte drank. (4) China’s Tavern, Erf 164, Moraka Street, Bela-Bela (4) China’s Tavern, Erf 164, Morakastraay, Bela-Bela Proper, Bela-Bela. Proper, Bela-Bela. (5) A. (5) A.

WATERBERG (AT MODIMOLLE) WATERBERG (TE MODIMOLLE) (1) Phukubje, Mahlangu Abram, 6408065391087. Street (1) Phukubje, Mahlangu Abram, 6408065391087. address: Erf 8437, Phomolong, Phagameng, Modimolle, Straatadres: Erf 8437, Phomolong, Phagameng, 0510. Posal address: C/o Emil Scheepers Attorneys, PO Modimolle, 0510. Posadres: P/a Emil Scheepers Box 72478, Lynnwood Ridge, 0040. Attorneys, Posbus 72478, Lynnwood Ridge, 0040. (2) Special on-consumption License (Tavern). (2) Spesiale Binneverbruiklisensie (Drankhuis).

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(3) All kinds of liquor. (3) Alle soorte drank. (4) Pholoso Tavern, Erf 843, Phomolong (Phagameng X9), (4) Pholoso Tavern, Erf 843, Phomolong (Phagameng X9), Phagameng, Modimolle. Phagameng, Modimolle. (5) A. (5) A.

WATERBERG WATERBERG (1) Leobo Private Reserve (Pty) Ltd. Registered address: (1) Leobo Private Reserve (Pty) Ltd. Registered address: Block A, 472 Botterklapper Street, The Wilgers Ext 54, Block A, 472 Botterklapper Street, The Wilgers Ext 54, Pretoria. Postal address: PO Box 515, Pretoria, 0001. Pretoria. Postal address: PO Box 515, Pretoria, 0001. (2) Special Licence (Accommodation) on-consumption. (2) Special Licence (Accommodation) on-consumption. (3) All kinds of liquor. (3) All kinds of liquor. (4) Leobo Private Reserve, Remaining Extent of the farm (4) Leobo Private Reserve, Remaining Extent of the farm Olievenfontein 111, Registration Division K.R., Limpopo Olievenfontein 111, Registration Division K.R., Limpopo Province, in the District of Waterberg, Modimolle Province, in the District of Waterberg, Modimolle Municipality. Municipality. (5) Tobacco products. (5) Tobacco products.


BELFAST BELFAST (1) Piet Matu, Stand 2821, Siyatutuka, Belfast; PO Box (1) Piet Matu, Stand 2821, Siyatutuka, Belfast; PO Box 1198, Belfast, 1100. 1198, Belfast, 1100. (2) Special Licence Other. (2) Special Licence Other. (3) All kinds. (3) All kinds. (4) “Amadodana Household”, Stand 2821, Siyatutuka, (4) “Amadodana Household”, Stand 2821, Siyatutuka, Belfast. Belfast. (5) 4 (1) (a). (5) 4 (1) (a).

BETHAL BETHAL (1) Hlatshwayo, Saul. Street: No. 7547, Extension 5, (1) Hlatshwayo, Saul. Street: No. 7547, Extension 5, Emzinoni, Bethal, 2310. Business: No. 7547, Extension Emzinoni, Bethal, 2310. Business: No. 7547, Extension 5, Emzinoni, Bethal, 2310. 5, Emzinoni, Bethal, 2310. (2) Restaurant Liquor Licence. (2) Restaurant Liquor Licence. (3) Alcoholic fruit beverages; beer, brandy, liquor. (3) Alcoholic fruit beverages; beer, brandy, liquor. (4) Yona Yethu Liquor and Restaurant, No. 7547, Extension (4) Yona Yethu Liquor and Restaurant, No. 7547, Extension 5, Emzinoni, Bethal, 2310. 5, Emzinoni, Bethal, 2310. (5) Hot deli; light refreshments; newspapers; snacks; (5) Hot deli; light refreshments; newspapers; snacks; cigarettes. cigarettes.

HIGHVELD RIDGE HOEVELD RIF (1) Odette Malan, 7 Stephanus Schoeman Street, (1) Odette Malan, Stephanus Schoemanstraat 7, Secunda, Secunda, 2302; PO Box 8549, Centurion, 0046. 2302; Posbus 8549, Centurion, 0046. (2) Special Licence (Accommodation). (2) Spesialelisensie. (3) All types. (3) Alle soorte. (4) Royal Guest House, 7 Stephanus Schoeman Street, (4) Royal Guest House, Stephanus Schoemanstraat 7, Stand 753, Secunda, 2302, Mpumalanga. Erf 753, Secunda, 2302, Mpumalanga. (5) A. (5) A.

MDUTJANA/NKANGALA MDUTJANA/NKANGALA (1) Mahlangu Khalabaai Lucas, Stan No. 845, Matshela- (1) Mahlangu Khalabaai Lucas, Stan No. 845, Matshela- Pad Section Siyabuswa Location (Block A), Dr. J.S. Pad Section Siyabuswa Location (Block A), Dr. J.S. Moroka Municipality; PO Box 1311, Marble Hall, 0450. Moroka Municipality; PO Box 1311, Marble Hall, 0450. (2) Special Licence–Restaurant. (2) Special Licence–Restaurant.

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(3) All kinds of liquor. (3) All kinds of liquor. (4) Mona-Kings Pub & Restaurant, Stan No. 845, Matshela- (4) Mona-Kings Pub & Restaurant, Stan No. 845, Matshela- Pad Section, Siyabuswa Block A, Dr J.S. Moroka Pad Section, Siyabuswa Block A, Dr J.S. Moroka Municipality (Mdutjana District). Municipality (Mdutjana District). (5) Tribal Authority Resolution and section 43 & 52. (5) Tribal Authority Resolution and section 43 & 52.


ATAMELANG ATAMELANG (1) Kebogisitswe Lydia Moncho, P.O. Box 103, (1) Kebogisitswe Lydia Moncho, P.O. Box 103, , 2770. Delareyville, 2770. (2) Liquor Licence. (2) Liquor Licence. (3) All kinds. (3) All kinds. (4) Mangi’s Tavern. (4) Mangi’s Tavern. (5) — (5) —

ATAMELANG ATAMELANG (1) Ernest Sebako, 1514 Lehatlheng Section, , (1) Ernest Sebako, 1514 Lehatlheng Section, Madibogo, 2772. 2772. (2) Tavern. (2) Tavern. (3) All types. (3) All types. (4) M E B S, 1514 Lehatlheng Section, Madibogo, 2772. (4) M E B S, 1514 Lehatlheng Section, Madibogo, 2772. (5) Section 4 (1) (a). (5) Section 4 (1) (a).

ATAMELANG ATAMELANG (1) Ernest Sebako, 1514 Lehatlheng Section, Madibogo, (1) Ernest Sebako, 1514 Lehatlheng Section, Madibogo, 2772. 2772. (2) Tavern. (2) Tavern. (3) All types. (3) All types. (4) M E B S, 1514 Lehatlheng Section, Madibogo, 2772. (4) M E B S, 1514 Lehatlheng Section, Madibogo, 2772. (5) Section 4 (1) (a). (5) Section 4 (1) (a).

ATAMELANG ATAMELANG (1) Antoni Nomvula Hildah, Erf KB 191, Tlhaping Section, (1) Antoni Nomvula Hildah, Erf KB 191, Tlhaping Section, Kopela, 2774. Kopela, 2774. (2) Special Liquor Licence, Tavern. (2) Special Liquor Licence, Tavern. (3) All kinds. (3) All kinds. (4) N.H. Tavern, KB 091, Tlhaping Section, Kopela, 2774. (4) N.H. Tavern, KB 091, Tlhaping Section, Kopela, 2774. (5) Authority in terms of Tribal Resolution. (5) Authority in terms of Tribal Resolution.

ATAMELANG (NORTH WEST) ATAMELANG (NORTH WEST) (1) Antoni Themba Jack, P.O. Box 92, Kopela, 27745. (1) Antoni Themba Jack, P.O. Box 92, Kopela, 27745. (2) Liquor Tavern. (2) Liquor Tavern. (3) All kinds. (3) All kinds. (4) T J Tavern, Erf E10, Section, Kopela Village. (4) T J Tavern, Erf E10, Taung Section, Kopela Village. (5) Authority in terms of Tribal Resolution. (5) Authority in terms of Tribal Resolution.

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BAFOKENG BAFOKENG (1) Shoba Rashell Mnisi, ID No. 8310035444087, Stand (1) Shoba Rashell Mnisi, ID No. 8310035444087, Stand No. 1493, Phase 1, Freedom Park, Phokeng. Postal No. 1493, Phase 1, Freedom Park, Phokeng. Postal address: P.O. Box 911-3692, Rosslyn, 0200. address: P.O. Box 911-3692, Rosslyn, 0200. (2) Special Liquor Licence (Tavern—on-consumption). (2) Special Liquor Licence (Tavern—on-consumption). (3) All kinds of liquor. (3) All kinds of liquor. (4) Shoba’s Tavern, 1493 Phase 1, Freedom Park, (4) Shoba’s Tavern, 1493 Phase 1, Freedom Park, Phokeng. Phokeng. (5) Authority in terms of section 41 (1) (a). (5) Authority in terms of section 41 (1) (a).

BAFOKENG BAFOKENG (1) Magdeline Lesedi Mataboge, 281 Maile Village; P.O. (1) Magdeline Lesedi Mataboge, 281 Maile Village; P.O. Box 373, Rankunyana, 0320. Box 373, Rankunyana, 0320. (2) Bar (Special Licence). (2) Bar (Special Licence). (3) All kinds. (3) All kinds. (4) Panorama Bar, 224 Maile Village, Bafokeng. (4) Panorama Bar, 224 Maile Village, Bafokeng. (5) —. (5) —.

BRITS (MADIBENG) BRITS (MADIBENG) (1) Jacob Jappie Makoso, P.O. Box 211, Maboloka, 0197. (1) Jacob Jappie Makoso, P.O. Box 211, Maboloka, 0197. (2) Tavern. (2) Tavern. (3) All kinds of liquor. (3) All kinds of liquor. (4) Theo’s Tavern, Stand No. 2556, Jericho, 0189. (4) Theo’s Tavern, Stand No. 2556, Jericho, 0189. (5) (41) (1) (a). (5) (41) (1) (a).

BRITS BRITS (1) Mziwamadoda Sydwell Nxedlana, 449 Block B, (1) Mziwamadoda Sydwell Nxedlana, 449 Block B, Kagisanong View, Kgabalatsane; 449 Block B, Kagisano Kagisanong View, Kgabalatsane; 449 Block B, Kagisano View, Kgabalatsane, 0193. View, Kgabalatsane, 0193. (2) Tarvern Licence. (2) Tarvern Licence. (3) All kinds and cold drinks. (3) All kinds and cold drinks. (4) Tripple One, Kgabalatsane, 449 Block B, Kagisano View, (4) Tripple One, Kgabalatsane, 449 Block B, Kagisano View, Kgabalatsane, 0193. Kgabalatsane, 0193. (5) Article 41 (1) (a). (5) Article 41 (1) (a).

BRITS BRITS (1) Michael Sello Mabasa, 1788 Section F, Maboloka; 1788 (1) Michael Sello Mabasa, 1788 Section F, Maboloka; 1788 Section F, Maboloka 0197. Section F, Maboloka 0197. (2) Tarvern Licence. (2) Tarvern Licence. (3) All kinds and cold drinks. (3) All kinds and cold drinks. (4) Mike’s Tarvern, 1788 Section F, Maboloka, 0197. (4) Mike’s Tarvern, 1788 Section F, Maboloka, 0197. (5) Article 41 (1) (a). (5) Article 41 (1) (a).

BRITS BRITS (1) Michiel Ignatius Cronje, Portion 28 of the farm (1) Michiel Ignatius Cronje, Portion 28 of the farm Hartbeespoort No. 482 JQ. Hartbeespoort No. 482 JQ. (2) Special Liquor Licence (other). (2) Special Liquor Licence (other). (3) All kinds of liquor. (3) All kinds of liquor. (4) Schoemansville Resort. (4) Schoemansville Resort. (5) —. (5) —.

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BRITS BRITS (1) Zargodox (Pty) Ltd (M2009/018532/07). Street (1) Zargodox (Pty) Ltd (M2009/018532/07). Straatadres: address: 137 Daisy Street, corner of Grayston Drive, Daisystraat 137, hoek van Graystonlaan, Sandown, Sandown, 2196. Postal address: C/o Emil Scheepers 2196. Posadres: P/a Emil Scheepers Prokureurs, Attorneys, P.O. Box 72478, Lynnwood Ridge, 0040. Posbus 72478, Lynnwoodrif, 0040. (2) Restaurant Liquor License, alternative Special On- (2) Restaurant Dranklisensie, alternatiewelik Spesiale consumption) Licence (Eating-house or other). Binneverbruiklisensie (Eethuis of ander). (3) All kinds of liquor. (3) Alle soorte drank. (4) Harties Cable Way Mountain Restaurant, Restaurant (4) Harties Cable Way Mountain Restaurant, Restaurant- en and Recreational Areas on top of the Magaliesberg Ontspanningsarea bo-op die Magaliesberg op Mountain on the farm Hartebeespoort Cable Way 971 Hartebeespoort Cable Way 971 J.Q., distrik Brits. J.Q., Brits District. (5) A. (5) A.

BRITS BRITS (1) Tshegofatso Nyalunga, ID No. 9307250339082, (1) Tshegofatso Nyalunga, ID No. 9307250339082, 917 Block E, Letlhabile, Brits, 0264. 917 Block E, Letlhabile, Brits, 0264. (2) Liquor Restaurant. (2) Liquor Restaurant. (3) All types of liquor. (3) All types of liquor. (4) Tshego Liquor Restaurant, 917 Block E, Letlhabile, Brits, (4) Tshego Liquor Restaurant, 917 Block E, Letlhabile, Brits, 0264. 0264. (5) —. (5) —.

BRITS BRITS (1) Nhate Francisco Antonio, House No. 1805, Scandaf (1) Nhate Francisco Antonio, House No. 1805, Scandaf Section, Majakaneng; P.O. Box 8515, Rustenburg, 0300. Section, Majakaneng; P.O. Box 8515, Rustenburg, 0300. (2) Tavern License. (2) Tavern License. (3) All kinds of liquor. (3) All kinds of liquor. (4) Nhates Tavern, House No. 1806, Scandaf Section, (4) Nhates Tavern, House No. 1806, Scandaf Section, Majakaneng. Majakaneng. (5) —. (5) —.

COLIGNY COLIGNY (1) NWK Limited (1998/007577/06), 81 Scholtz Street, (1) NWK Beperk (1998/007577/06), Scholtzstraat 81, Lichtenburg; C/o Marius Blom Incorporated, P.O. Box Lichtenburg; P/a Marius Blom Ingelyf, Posbus 32106, 32106, Glenstantia, 0010. Glenstantia, 0010. (2) Grocer’s Wine. (2) Kruideniers-wynlisensie. (3) Table Wine. (3) Tafelwyn. (4) Econoliquor, Total NWK Super Service, cnr N14 & R503 (4) Econoliquor, Total NWK Super Service, cnr N14 & R503 (Lichtenburg/Coligny), being Portion 39 of the farm (Lichtenburg/Coligny), Gedeelte 39 van die plaas Teurfontein No. 73, District Coligny. Teurfontein No. 73, distrik Coligny. (5) —. (5) —.

COLIGNY COLIGNY (1) NWK Limited (1998/007577/06), 81 Scholtz Street, (1) NWK Beperk (1998/007577/06), Scholtzstraat 81, Lichtenburg; C/o Marius Blom Incorporated, P.O. Box Lichtenburg; P/a Marius Blom Ingelyf, Posbus 32106, 32106, Glenstantia, 0010. Glenstantia, 0010. (2) Liquor Store Licence. (2) Drankwinkellisensie. (3) All types of liquor. (3) Alle soorte drank. (4) Econoliquor, Total NWK Super Service, cnr N14 & R503 (4) Econoliquor, Total NWK Super Service, cnr N14 & R503 (Lichtenburg/Coligny), being Portion 39 of the farm (Lichtenburg/Coligny), Gedeelte 39 van die plaas Teurfontein No. 73, District Coligny. Teurfontein No. 73, distrik Coligny. (5) —. (5) —.

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DITSOBOTLA () DITSOBOTLA (ITSOSENG) (1) Mphetlho Solomon Mojalefa, Erf E112, Nooitgedacht, (1) Mphetlho Solomon Mojalefa, Erf E112, Nooitgedacht, Radithuso. Radithuso. (2) Liquor Tavern. (2) Liquor Tavern. (3) All kinds. (3) All kinds. (4) Solly’s Palace Tavern, Erf E112, Nooitgedacht, (4) Solly’s Palace Tavern, Erf E112, Nooitgedacht, Radithuso. Radithuso. (5) Authority in terms of Tribal Resolution 41 (1) (a). (5) Authority in terms of Tribal Resolution 41 (1) (a).

DITSOBOTLA DITSOBOTLA (1) Kanaetsile Petrus Molebalwa, P.O. Box 14, Itsoseng, (1) Kanaetsile Petrus Molebalwa, P.O. Box 14, Itsoseng, 2744. 2744. (2) Liquor. (2) Liquor. (3) All kinds . (3) All kinds . (4) K.P. Bottle Store, 2543 Zone 2, Itsoseng, 2744. (4) K.P. Bottle Store, 2543 Zone 2, Itsoseng, 2744. (5) 41 (b). (5) 41 (b).

DR RUTH SEGOMOTSI MOMPATI DR RUTH SEGOMOTSI MOMPATI (1) Ontiretse Audrey Phokomosane, ID No. (1) Ontiretse Audrey Phokomosane, ID No. 8201250605082, A75 Elias, , , Tel: 082 8201250605082, A75 Elias, Ganyesa, Vryburg, Tel: 082 521 3398. Postal address: No. A75 Elias, Ganyesa, 521 3398. Postal address: No. A75 Elias, Ganyesa, 8613. 8613. (2) Liquor Store Licence (off-consumption). (2) Liquor Store Licence (off-consumption). (3) All kinds of liquor. (3) All kinds of liquor. (4) Phomolong Liquor Store, No. A75 Elias, Ganyesa, 8613. (4) Phomolong Liquor Store, No. A75 Elias, Ganyesa, 8613. (5) Authority in terms of section 41 (1) (c). (5) Authority in terms of section 41 (1) (c).

GANYESA GANYESA (1) Kebaone Early Botilo, P.O. Box 2697, Vryburg, 8600. (1) Kebaone Early Botilo, P.O. Box 2697, Vryburg, 8600. (2) Liquor Restaurant License. (2) Liquor Restaurant License. (3) All kinds of liquor. (3) All kinds of liquor. (4) Mmetshwane Liquor Restaurant, Southey Village. (4) Mmetshwane Liquor Restaurant, Southey Village. (5) Section 41 (1) (a). (5) Section 41 (1) (a).

GANYESA GANYESA (1) Dora Pipies, P.O. Box 96, Ganyesa, 8613. (1) Dora Pipies, P.O. Box 96, Ganyesa, 8613. (2) Liquor Restaurant. (2) Liquor Restaurant. (3) All kinds. (3) All kinds. (4) Dora’s Liquor Restaurant, Phola Section. (4) Dora’s Liquor Restaurant, Phola Section. (5) Authority in terms of section 41 (1) (a). (5) Authority in terms of section 41 (1) (a).

GANYESA GANYESA (1) Marius Ricado Badenhorst, House No. A31, (1) Marius Ricado Badenhorst, House No. A31, Seloshesha Section, , 8614; P.O. Box 597, Seloshesha Section, Morokweng, 8614; P.O. Box 597, Morokweng, 8614. Morokweng, 8614. (2) Restaurant. (2) Bottle Store. (3) All kinds of liquor. (3) All kinds of liquor. (4) MAC Owen’s Liquor Restaurant, A31 Seloshesha (4) MAC Owen’s Liquor Restaurant, A31 Seloshesha Section, Morokweng, 8614. Section, Morokweng, 8614. (5) N/a. (5) N/a.

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GANYESA GANYESA (1) Senkokile David Moitlhwe, P.O. Box 1516, Ganyesa, (1) Senkokile David Moitlhwe, P.O. Box 1516, Ganyesa, 8613. 8613. (2) Bottle Store Licence. (2) Bottle Store Licence. (3) All kinds. (3) All kinds. (4) Dick N Roll Bottle Store, Kgokgojane Village. (4) Dick N Roll Bottle Store, Kgokgojane Village. (5) Authority in terms of section 41 (1) (a). (5) Authority in terms of section 41 (1) (a).

GANYESA GANYESA (1) Kebaone Early Botilo, P.O. Box 2697, Vryburg, 8600. (1) Kebaone Early Botilo, P.O. Box 2697, Vryburg, 8600. (2) Liquor Restaurant Licence. (2) Liquor Restaurant Licence. (3) All kinds of liquor. (3) All kinds of liquor. (4) Mmetshwane Liquor Restaurant, Southey Village. (4) Mmetshwane Liquor Restaurant, Southey Village. (5) Section 41 (1) (a). (5) Section 41 (1) (a).

JOHN TAOLO GAETSEWE JOHN TAOLO GAETSEWE (1) De Koker, Hendrick Mohau. (1) De Koker, Hendrick Mohau. (2) Pub and Grill. (2) Pub and Grill. (3) Beer, spirit and wine. (3) Beer, spirit and wine. (4) Casino Tavern. (4) Casino Tavern. (5) 41 (a) (c). (5) 41 (a) (c).

KLERKSDORP KLERKSDORP (1) Josse Manuela De Gouveia, 46 Chris Hani Str, (1) Josse Manuela De Gouveia, 46 Chris Hani Str, Wilkoppies, Klerksdorp, 2570; 46 Chris Hani Str, Wilkoppies, Klerksdorp, 2570; 46 Chris Hani Str, Wilkoppies, Klerksdorp, 2570. Wilkoppies, Klerksdorp, 2570. (2) Restaurant Liquor Licence. (2) Restaurant Liquor Licence. (3) All kinds of liquor. (3) All kinds of liquor. (4) Food Lovers Market Café, c/o Joe Slovo and Central (4) Food Lovers Market Café, c/o Joe Slovo and Central Ave, Flamwood Value Centre, Shop 1 and 2, Klerksdorp, Ave, Flamwood Value Centre, Shop 1 and 2, Klerksdorp, 2570; Erf No. 402 IP, Portion 163, Klerksdorp. 2570; Erf No. 402 IP, Portion 163, Klerksdorp. (5) Section 41 (1) (a). (5) Section 41 (1) (a).

KLERKSDORP KLERKSDORP (1) Nowandile Jikija, 7365 Ext 12, Jouberton, 2574. (1) Nowandile Jikija, 7365 Ext 12, Jouberton, 2574. (2) On-consumption (Tavern). (2) On-consumption (Tavern). (3) All kinds of liquor. (3) All kinds of liquor. (4) Jikija Tavern, 7365 Ext. 12, Jouberton, 2574. (4) Jikija Tavern, 7365 Ext. 12, Jouberton, 2574. (5) Article 4 (1) (a). (5) Article 4 (1) (a).

KLERKSDORP KLERKSDORP (1) T.K.V.A Trading (Pty) Ltd, 16426 Petunia Street, (1) T.K.V.A Trading (Pty) Ltd, Petuniastraat 16426, Extension 6, Kanana, 2619; 16426 Petunia Street, Uitbreiding 6, Kanana, 2619; Petuniastraat 16426, Extension 6, Kanana, 2619. Uitbreiding 6, Kanana, 2619. (2) Restaurant Licence. (2) Restaurantlisensie. (3) All kinds of liquor. (3) Alle tipe drank. (4) T.K.V.A. Coffee Shop, Erf 449, Wilkoppies Extension 4, (4) T.K.V.A. Coffee Shop, Erf 449, Wilkoppies Uitbreiding 4, Registration Division I.P., North-West Province (better Registrasie Afdeling I.P., Noordwes Provinsie (beter known as 65 Buffeldoorn Road, Wilkoppies). bekend as Buffeldoornweg 65, Wilkoppies). (5) (A). (5) (A).

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KLERKSDORP KLERKSDORP (1) Bogosi Nimrod Tsatseng. (1) Bogosi Nimrod Tsatseng. (2) Bottle Store Licence. (2) Bottle Store Licence. (3) All kinds of liquor. (3) All kinds of liquor. (4) Z458 Tlharipe Street, Jouberton, Klerksdorp, 2574. (4) Z458 Tlharipe Street, Jouberton, Klerksdorp, 2574. (5) 41 (1) (c). (5) 41 (1) (c).

KLERKSDORP KLERKSDORP (1) Bogosi Nimrod Tsatseng. (1) Bogosi Nimrod Tsatseng. (2) Bottle Store Licence. (2) Bottle Store Licence. (3) All kinds of liquor. (3) All kinds of liquor. (4) Z458 Tlharipe Street, Jouberton, Klerksdorp, 2574. (4) Z458 Tlharipe Street, Jouberton, Klerksdorp, 2574. (5) 41 (1) (c). (5) 41 (1) (c).

KLERKSDORP KLERKSDORP (1) Newshelf 1167 (Pty) Ltd, trading as United National (1) Newshelf 1167 (Pty) Ltd, trading as United National Breweries, Gallagher House in Gallagher Estate, Breweries, Gallagher House in Gallagher Estate, Midrand, Gauteng; Posbus 9353, Centurion, 0146. Midrand, Gauteng; Posbus 9353, Centurion, 0146. (2) Sorghum Beer Licence (off-consumption). (2) Sorghumbierlisensie (buiteverbruik). (3) Sorghum beer. (3) Sorghum bier. (4) United National Breweries, Erf 375, 3 Benji Olifant Road, (4) United National Breweries, Erf 375, Benji Olifantweg 3. Uraniaville, Klerksdorp, 2570. Uraniaville, Klerksdorp, 2570. (5) (A). (5) (A).

LEHURUTSHE (1) Keobokile Phineas Motlogelwa, P.O. Box 25, Puana (1) Keobokile Phineas Motlogelwa, P.O. Box 25, Puana Section, , 2868. Section, Dinokana, 2868. (2) Special Licence (Liquor Tarven). (2) Special Licence (Liquor Tarven). (3) All kinds of liquor. (3) All kinds of liquor. (4) Boikanyo Inn, Erf 6382, Puana Section, Dinokana, 2868. (4) Boikanyo Inn, Erf 6382, Puana Section, Dinokana, 2868. (5) 4.1 (a) (c). (5) 4.1 (a) (c).

LEHURUTSHE LEHURUTSHE (1) Abram Bosunkie Montsho, P.O. Box 9272, Mokgola, (1) Abram Bosunkie Montsho, P.O. Box 9272, Mokgola, 2869. 2869. (2) Special Licence (Liquor Tarven). (2) Special Licence (Liquor Tarven). (3) All kinds of liquor. (3) All kinds of liquor. (4) G4 Liquor Inn, Erf 565A, Sepitse Section, Mokgola (4) G4 Liquor Inn, Erf 565A, Sepitse Section, Mokgola Village, 2869. Village, 2869. (5) 4.1 (a) (c). (5) 4.1 (a) (c).

LEHURUTSHE LEHURUTSHE (1) Abram Bosunkie Montsho, P.O. Box 9272, Mokgola, (1) Abram Bosunkie Montsho, P.O. Box 9272, Mokgola, 2869. 2869. (2) Liquor Store Licence. (2) Liquor Store Licence. (3) All kinds of liquor. (3) All kinds of liquor. (4) Maphoka Liquor Store, Erf 565A, Sepitse Section, (4) Maphoka Liquor Store, Erf 565A, Sepitse Section, Mokgola Village, 2869. Mokgola Village, 2869. (5) 4.1 (a) (c). (5) 4.1 (a) (c).

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LEHURUTSHE LEHURUTSHE (1) Ms Kedibone Lizzy Nkgothwe, House No. 210, (1) Ms Kedibone Lizzy Nkgothwe, House No. 210, Leshwaing Section, , 2886; P.O. Box 2199, Leshwaing Section, Supingstad, 2886; P.O. Box 2199, Supingstad, 2886. Supingstad, 2886. (2) Tavern. (2) Tavern. (3) Beers. (3) Beers. (4) Sejosennye Tavern, 210 Leshwaing Section, (4) Sejosennye Tavern, 210 Leshwaing Section, Supingstad, 2886. Supingstad, 2886. (5) —. (5) —.

LEHURUTSHE LEHURUTSHE (1) Michael M. Mbele, 27 Matshelapata, P.O. Box 211, (1) Michael M. Mbele, 27 Matshelapata, P.O. Box 211, Khunotswane, 2883. Khunotswane, 2883. (2) Bottle Store Licence. (2) Bottle Store Licence. (3) All kinds of liquor. (3) All kinds of liquor. (4) The Cars Road Liquor Store, 19 Matshelapata; P.O. Box (4) The Cars Road Liquor Store, 19 Matshelapata; P.O. Box 211, Khunotswane, 2883. 211, Khunotswane, 2883. (5) 41 (a) (c). (5) 41 (a) (c).

LICHTENBURG LICHTENBURG (1) Kunkuru Mountain Investments CC, 5 Vredenburg (1) Kunkuru Mountain Investments BK, 5 Vredenburg Building, Main Street, Irene, 0062; P.O. Box 454, Irene, Gebou, Mainstraat, Irene, 0062; Posbus 454, Irene, 0062. 0062. (2) Restaurant License. (2) Restaurantlisensie. (3) All kinds of liquor. (3) Alle tipe drank. (4) Ocean Basket, Portion 2 of Erf 30, Lichtenburg (4) Ocean Basket, Resterende Gedeelte 2 van Erf 30, Township, Registration Division I.O., North-West Lichtenburg, Dorpsgebied, Registrasie Afdeling I.O., Province (better known as 26 Dr. Nelson Mandela Drive, Noordwes Provinsie (beter bekend as Dr. Nelson Lichtenburg). Mandelarylaan 26, Lichtenburg). (5) A. (5) (A).

LICHTENBURG LICHTENBURG (1) Linda Grobler, P.O. Box 1353, Lichtenburg. (1) Linda Grobler, P.O. Box 1353, Lichtenburg. (2) Liquor Store. (2) Drankwinkel. (3) All kinds. (3) Alle soorte. (4) Die Hoek Drankwinkel, Portion 52, Hibernia, Dudfield, (4) Die Hoek Drankwinkel, Portion 52, Hibernia, Dudfield, 2740. 2740. (5) Section 41 (1) (c). (5) Article 41 (1) (c).

MADIBENG MADIBENG (1) Rapula Sebanyoni, 177 Bapong, 0269. (1) Rapula Sebanyoni, 177 Bapong, 0269. (2) Liquor License. (2) Liquor License. (3) All kinds. (3) All kinds. (4) Inner City Tavern, 316 Bapong, Skoolplaas. (4) Inner City Tavern, 316 Bapong, Skoolplaas. (5) —. (5) —.

MADIBENG BRITS MADIBENG BRITS (1) Tshegofatso Benedict Mabote, Stand No. 21, Moseja (1) Tshegofatso Benedict Mabote, Stand No. 21, Moseja Section, Hebron, 0193. Section, Hebron, 0193. (2) Liquor Store. (2) Liquor Store. (3) All kinds of liquor. (3) All kinds of liquor. (4) Mabote Liquor Store, Stand No. 21, Moseja Section, (4) Mabote Liquor Store, Stand No. 21, Moseja Section, Hebron, 0193. Hebron, 0193. (5) (41) (1) (a). (5) (41) (1) (a).

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MADIBENG BRITS MADIBENG BRITS (1) Lucas Phale Ndlovu, P.O. Box 492, Letlhabile, 0264. (1) Lucas Phale Ndlovu, P.O. Box 492, Letlhabile, 0264. (2) Liquor Restaurant (2) Liquor Restaurant (3) All kinds of liquor. (3) All kinds of liquor. (4) Ko Peya Pub & Grill Liquor Restaurant, 3627 Block A, (4) Ko Peya Pub & Grill Liquor Restaurant, 3627 Block A, Letlhabile, 0264. Letlhabile, 0264. (5) Se (1) (a). (5) Se (1) (a).

MADIBENG BRITS MADIBENG BRITS (1) Heinrich Werner, P O Box 1152, Brits, 0250. (1) Heinrich Werner, P O Box 1152, Brits, 0250. (2) Grocer’s Wine. (2) Grocer’s Wine. (3) All kinds of Liquor. (3) All kinds of Liquor. (4) Model Melkwinkel, Stand No. 3069, cnr. Rutgers & De (4) Model Melkwinkel, Stand No. 3069, cnr. Rutgers & Wits Avenue, Brits, 0250. De Wits Avenue, Brits, 0250. (5) (41) (1) (a). (5) (41) (1) (a).

MADIBENG BRITS MADIBENG BRITS (1) Pieter Willem Jansen van Nieuwenhuizen, Portion (1) Pieter Willem Jansen van Nieuwenhuizen, Portion 695, Krokodildrift, 0250. 695, Krokodildrift, 0250. (2) Accommodation. (2) Accommodation. (3) All kinds of liquor. (3) All kinds of liquor. (4) Sundowner Lodge, Portion 69, Krokodildrift East, 0250. (4) Sundowner Lodge, Portion 69, Krokodildrift East, 0250. (5) (41) (1) (a). (5) (41) (1) (a).

MADIBENG BRITS MADIBENG BRITS (1) Seithati Thelma Lekalakala, Stand No. 71, Kerkstraat, (1) Seithati Thelma Lekalakala, Stand No. 71, Kerkstraat, Brits, 0250. Brits, 0250. (2) Restaurant (2) Restaurant (3) All kinds. of liquor. (3) All kinds. of liquor. (4) VIP Cafe, Stand No. 71, Kerkstraat, Brits, 0250. (4) VIP Cafe, Stand No. 71, Kerkstraat, Brits, 0250. (5) (41) (1) (a). (5) (41) (1) (a).

MADIBENG BRITS MADIBENG BRITS (1) Sipho Edward Nkosi, Stand No. 2314, New Stand, (1) Sipho Edward Nkosi, Stand No. 2314, New Stand, Klipgat, 0208. Klipgat, 0208. (2) Restaurant (2) Restaurant (3) All kinds of Liquor. (3) All kinds of Liquor. (4) Mashata Pub & Grill, Stand No. 2314, New Stand, (4) Mashata Pub & Grill, Stand No. 2314, New Stand, Klipgat, 0208. Klipgat, 0208. (5) (41) (1) (a). (5) (41) (1) (a).

MADIBENG (ODI) MADIBENG (ODI) (1) Rob-Led Security and Projects, 2852 Thakwane (1) Rob-Led Security and Projects, 2852 Thakwane Street, Mabopane, 0190. Street, Mabopane, 0190. (2) Liquor Store. (2) Restaurant. (3) All kinds of liquor. (3) All kinds of liquor. (4) Rob-Led Security and Projects T/S, Rob-Led Liquor (4) Rob-Led Security and Projects T/S, Rob-Led Liquor Store, Stand No. 4, Madibeng Hills, Klipgat, 0202. Store, Stand No. 4, Madibeng Hills, Klipgat, 0202. (5) 41 (1) (a). (5) 41 (1) (a).

MADIKWE MADIKWE (1) Itumeleng Ntsileng, Koster Section, House No. 679, (1) Itumeleng Ntsileng, Koster Section, House No. 679, Madikwe, 2840. Madikwe, 2840. (2) Off Consumption. (2) Off Consumption.

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(3) All kinds. (3) All kinds. (4) Itumeleng Bottle Store. (4) Itumeleng Bottle Store. (5) —. (5) —.

MADIKWE MADIKWE (1) Mabel Pholose, House No. 638, Lenong Street, (1) Mabel Pholose, House No. 638, Lenong Street, Madikwe, 2840. Madikwe, 2840. (2) Off Consumption. (2) Off Consumption. (3) All kinds. (3) All kinds. (4) Mable Bottle Store. (4) Mable Bottle Store. (5) —. (5) —.

MANKWE MANKWE (1) Thabo Frederick Maretele, 1213 Morubisi Street, (1) Thabo Frederick Maretele, 1213 Morubisi Street, Mogwase, 0314, PO Box 1470, Mogwase, 0314. Mogwase, 0314, PO Box 1470, Mogwase, 0314. (2) Liquor Restaurant. (2) Liquor Restaurant. (3) All kinds. (3) All kinds. (4) T-Man’s Liquor Restaurant. (4) T-Man’s Liquor Restaurant. (5) 41 (1) (a). (5) 41 (1) (a).

MANKWE MANKWE (1) Patric Raletsebe Molemane, House No. 10342, (1) Patric Raletsebe Molemane, House No. 10342, Mononomo Letotong Section, P.O. Box 40, Northam, Mononomo Letotong Section, P.O. Box 40, Northam, 0360. 0360. (2) Tavern. (2) Tavern. (3) All kinds of liquor. (3) All kinds of liquor. (4) Cyverkuil Tarven, House No. 10257, Mononomo, (4) Cyverkuil Tarven, House No. 10257, Mononomo, Makgoropitsane Section. Makgoropitsane Section. (5) —. (5) —.

MANKWE MANKWE (1) Papi Isaac Siko, House III, Matlametlo, Box 661, (1) Papi Isaac Siko, House III, Matlametlo, Box 661, Mokgalwana. Mokgalwana. (2) Tavern. (2) Tavern. (3) All kinds. (3) All kinds. (4) Amamole Tavern, Stand 1710, Matlametlo, Tlokwane (4) Amamole Tavern, Stand 1710, Matlametlo, Tlokwane Section. Section. (5) —. (5) —.

MANKWE MANKWE (1) Patric Raledebe Molemane, House No. 10342, (1) Patric Raledebe Molemane, House No. 10342, Mononono Letotong Section, PO Box 40, Northam, Mononono Letotong Section, PO Box 40, Northam, 0360. 0360. (2) Tavern. (2) Tavern. (3) All kinds of liquor. (3) All kinds of liquor. (4) Cyverkuil Tavern, House No. 10287, Mononono (4) Cyverkuil Tavern, House No. 10287, Mononono Makgoropitsane Section. Makgoropitsane Section. (5) —. (5) —.

MANKWE MANKWE (1) Princess Makhozasana Nkuna, ID No. 8106210371081, (1) Princess Makhozasana Nkuna, ID No. 8106210371081, House No. 10075, Ngweding Village, Rhenostekraal, House No. 10075, Ngweding Village, Rhenostekraal, Mankwe, 0344. Mankwe, 0344. (2) Tavern Licence. (2) Tavern Licence.

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(3) All kinds. (3) All kinds. (4) Jam Session Tavern. (4) Jam Session Tavern. (5) 41 (1) (a). (5) 41 (1) (a).

MANKWE MANKWE (1) Thabo Frederick Maretele, 1213 Morubisi Street, (1) Thabo Frederick Maretele, 1213 Morubisi Street, Mogwase, 0314, PO Box 1470, Mogwase, 0314. Mogwase, 0314, PO Box 1470, Mogwase, 0314. (2) Liquor Restaurant. (2) Liquor Restaurant. (3) All kinds. (3) All kinds. (4) T-Man’s Liquor Restaurant. (4) T-Man’s Liquor Restaurant. (5) 41 (1) (a). (5) 41 (1) (a).

MMABATHO (1) Mr Rashid Munongo Majagira (ID No. 7006067999185), (1) Mr Rashid Munongo Majagira (ID No. 7006067999185), Stand No. 3545 Extension 34, Danville, 2745. Stand No. 3545 Extension 34, Danville, 2745. (2) Restaurant (on consumption). (2) Restaurant (on consumption). (3) All kinds of liquor. (3) All kinds of liquor. (4) “Kgomotso Liquor Store”, Stand No. 2520 DP, Kgotleng (4) “Kgomotso Liquor Store”, Stand No. 2520 DP, Kgotleng Street, Mmabatho, 2745. Street, Mmabatho, 2745. (5) (a). (5) (a).

MMABATHO MMABATHO (1) Mr Rashid Munongo Majagira (ID No. 7006067999185), (1) Mr Rashid Munongo Majagira (ID No. 7006067999185), Stand No. 3545 Extension 34, Danville, 2745. Stand No. 3545 Extension 34, Danville, 2745. (2) Liquor Store (off-consumption). (2) Liquor Store (off-consumption). (3) All kinds of liquor. (3) All kinds of liquor. (4) “Kgomotso Liquor Store”, Stand No. 2520 DP, Kgotleng (4) “Kgomotso Liquor Store”, Stand No. 2520 DP, Kgotleng Street, Mmabatho, 2745. Street, Mmabatho, 2745. (5) (a). (5) (a).

MARICO MARICO (1) Gerhardus Marthinus Roos, ID No. 7812125065087, (1) Gerhardus Marthinus Roos, ID No. 7812125065087, address: Plot 94, Grootvallei, Buhrmansdrift, 2867. Postal address: Plot 94, Grootvallei, Buhrmansdrift, 2867. address: PO Box 62, Buhrmansdrift, 2867. Tel: 072 692 Posadres: Posbus 62, Buhrmansdrift, 2867. Tel: 072 692 3758. 3758. (2) Special Licence (on-consumption) Tavern. (2) Spesiale Lisensie (binneverbruik) Taverne. (3) All kinds of liquor. (3) Alle soorte drank. (4) Oppad Tavern, Portion 154 (Portion of Portion 45), of the (4) Oppad Tavern, Gedeelte 154 (Gedeelte van Gedeelte Farm Grootvallei 94, Registration Division J.O., Province 45), van die plaas Grootvallei 94, Registrasieafdeling of North-West, Buhrmansdrift. I.O., Provinsie Noordwes, Buhrmansdrift. (5) Section 41 (1) (a) of the Liquor Act. (5) Artikel 41 (1) (a) van die Drankwet.

MATLOSANA MATLOSANA (1) Madolo Lenah Mangi, Erf 16140 Ext 15, Jouberton, (1) Madolo Lenah Mangi, Erf 16140 Ext 15, Jouberton, 2574. 2574. (2) Liquor Tavern. (2) Liquor Tavern. (3) All kinds. (3) All kinds. (4) Madolo’s Palace Tavern, Erf 16140 Extension 15, (4) Madolo’s Palace Tavern, Erf 16140 Extension 15, Jouberton, 2574. Jouberton, 2574. (5) Authority in terms of section 41 (1) (a). (5) Authority in terms of section 41 (1) (a).

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MOLOPO MOLOPO (1) Goodwin Matane, ID No. 7411285817088, PO Box 209, (1) Goodwin Matane, ID No. 7411285817088, PO Box 209, Lekoko Village. Lekoko Village. (2) Tavern. (2) Tavern. (3) All kinds of liquor. (3) All kinds of liquor. (4) Kebalepile Tarven, Lekoko Village, Stand No. 10261B. (4) Kebalepile Tarven, Lekoko Village, Stand No. 10261B. (5) N/a. (5) N/a.

MOLOPO MOLOPO (1) Sebolaaneng Olehile Victor, Tshidilamolom Village, (1) Sebolaaneng Olehile Victor, Tshidilamolom Village, Masamane Village, 2735; PO Box 4968, Mmabatho, Masamane Village, 2735; PO Box 4968, Mmabatho, 2735. 2735. (2) Tavern, sell liquor for consumption on premises. (2) Tavern, sell liquor for consumption on premises. (3) All types of liquor. (3) All types of liquor. (4) Tsa-Merafe, Masamane Village, Masamane (see (4) Tsa-Merafe, Masamane Village, Masamane (see attached plan). attached plan). (5) —. (5) —.

MOLOPO MOLOPO (1) Fanaso David Maruping, 2675 Pholoholo Street, (1) Fanaso David Maruping, 2675 Pholoholo Street, Huhudi, Vryburg, 8600. Huhudi, Vryburg, 8600. (2) Off-consumption (Bottle Store). (2) Off-consumption (Bottle Store). (3) All kinds. (3) All kinds. (4) Treasure Island Bottle Store, 2675 Pholoholo Street, (4) Treasure Island Bottle Store, 2675 Pholoholo Street, Huhudi, Vryburg, 8600. Huhudi, Vryburg, 8600. (5) —. (5) —.

MOLOPO MOLOPO (1) Goodwin Matane, ID No. 7411285817088, PO Box 209, (1) Goodwin Matane, ID No. 7411285817088, PO Box 209, Lekoko Village. Lekoko Village. (2) Tavern. (2) Tavern. (3) All kinds of liquor. (3) All kinds of liquor. (4) Kebalepile Tarven, Lekoko Village, Stand No. 10261B. (4) Kebalepile Tarven, Lekoko Village, Stand No. 10261B. (5) N/a. (5) N/a.

MOLOPO MOLOPO (1) Bonolo Calphonia Tiroyabone, PO Box 33, , (1) Bonolo Calphonia Tiroyabone, PO Box 33, Mahikeng, 2745. 2745. (2) Special Liquor Licence-Tavern. (2) Special Liquor Licence-Tavern. (3) All kinds of liquor. (3) All kinds of liquor. (4) Tshidi’s Palace, Majemantsho, 12399. (4) Tshidi’s Palace, Majemantsho, 12399. (5) Article 4 (1) (a). (5) Article 4 (1) (a).

MOLOPO MOLOPO (1) Michael Patrick Charnley, 20 Olienhout Street, Golf (1) Michael Patrick Charnley, 20 Olienhout Street, Golf View, Mahikeng, 2745; PO Box 6433, Mahikeng, 2735. View, Mahikeng, 2745; PO Box 6433, Mahikeng, 2735. (2) Nite Club Liquor Licence, consumption on the premises. (2) Nite Club Liquor Licence, consumption on the premises. (3) All kinds of liquor. (3) All kinds of liquor. (4) Club Mmilo, 3 First Avenue, Industrial Site, Mahikeng, (4) Club Mmilo, 3 First Avenue, Industrial Site, Mahikeng, 2745, Stand 1305. 2745, Stand 1305. (5) Section 19. (5) Section 19.

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MOLOPO MOLOPO (1) Fanaso David Maruping, 2675 Pholoholo Street, (1) Fanaso David Maruping, 2675 Pholoholo Street, Huhudi, Vryburg, 8600. Huhudi, Vryburg, 8600. (2) Off-consumption (Bottle Store). (2) Off-consumption (Bottle Store). (3) All kinds. (3) All kinds. (4) Treasure Island Bottle Store, 2675 Pholoholo Street, (4) Treasure Island Bottle Store, 2675 Pholoholo Street, Huhudi, Vryburg, 8600. Huhudi, Vryburg, 8600. (5) —. (5) —.

MOLOPO MOLOPO (1) Motshabi Keolebogile Morgan, PO Box 4808, (1) Motshabi Keolebogile Morgan, PO Box 4808, Mmabatho, 2735, 668 Motlhabeng, Mafikeng. Mmabatho, 2735, 668 Motlhabeng, Mafikeng. (2) Special License (Sports Pub & Grill). (2) Special License (Sports Pub & Grill). (3) Alle soorte drank. (3) Alle soorte drank. (4) Mor’gano Sports Bar & Grill, 250B Dibate, Mafikeng. (4) Mor’gano Sports Bar & Grill, 250B Dibate, Mafikeng. (5) Article 41 (1) (a). (5) Article 41 (1) (a).

MOLOPO MOLOPO (1) Motshabi Keolebogile Morgan, PO Box 4808, (1) Motshabi Keolebogile Morgan, PO Box 4808, Mmabatho, 2735, 668 Motlhabeng, Mafikeng. Mmabatho, 2735, 668 Motlhabeng, Mafikeng. (2) Special License (Sports Pub & Grill). (2) Special License (Sports Pub & Grill). (3) All kinds of liquor. (3) Alle soorte drank. (4) Mor’gano Sports Bar & Grill, 250B Dibate, Mafikeng. (4) Mor’gano Sports Bar & Grill, 250B Dibate, Mafikeng. (5) Article 41 (1) (a). (5) Article 41 (1) (a).

MOLOPO MOLOPO (1) L. Serrao, Shop 3, Thekiso Road, Unit 6, Mmabatho. (1) L. Serrao, Shop 3, Thekiso Road, Unit 6, Mmabatho. (2) Restaurant. (2) Restaurant. (3) All kinds. (3) Alle soorte. (4) Oasis Pub & Grill, Unit 6, Shop 3, 3 Thekiso Road, Unit (4) Oasis Pub & Grill, Unit 6, Shop 3, 3 Thekiso Road, Unit 6. 6. (5) Section 41 (1) (c). (5) Article 41 (1) (c).

MOLOPO MOLOPO (1) Mary Josephine King, 1603 Lekhela Close, Unit 6, (1) Mary Josephine King, 1603 Lekhela Close, Unit 6, Mmabatho, PO Box 1372, Mafikeng, 2745. Mmabatho, Posbus 1372, Mafikeng, 2745. (2) Restaurant Liquor Licence. (2) Restaurantdranklisensie. (3) All kinds of liquor. (3) Alle soorte drank. (4) Time Out Family Restaurant, 13 Havenga Street, (4) Time Out Family Restaurant, 13 Havenga Street, Mafikeng, 2745, Molopo District, North West Province. Mafikeng, 2745, Molopo Distrik, Noordwes Provinsie. (5) Consent in terms of section 41 (1) (a). (5) Toestemming in terme van artikel 41 (1) (a).

MOLOPO MOLOPO (1) Motshabi Keolebogile Morgan, PO Box 4808, (1) Motshabi Keolebogile Morgan, PO Box 4808, Mmabatho, 2735, 668 Motlhabeng, Mafikeng. Mmabatho, 2735, 668 Motlhabeng, Mafikeng. (2) Special License (Sports Pub & Grill). (2) Special License (Sports Pub & Grill). (3) All kinds of liquor. (3) Alle soorte drank. (4) Mor’gano Sports Bar & Grill, 250B Dibate, Mafikeng. (4) Mor’gano Sports Bar & Grill, 250B Dibate, Mafikeng. (5) Article 41 (1) (a). (5) Article 41 (1) (a).

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MOLOPO (NORTH WEST) MOLOPO (NORTH WEST) (1) Gaokgethwe Dipoco Shadrack, Private Bag X2140, (1) Gaokgethwe Dipoco Shadrack, Private Bag X2140, Mahikeng, 2745. Mahikeng, 2745. (2) Liquor Tavern. (2) Liquor Tavern. (3) All kinds. (3) All kinds. (4) Shadow’s Place (Tavern), Erf 10081, (4) Shadow’s Place (Tavern), Erf 10081, Ramatlabama Village, Molopo, Mahikeng. Village, Molopo, Mahikeng. (5) Authority in terms of tribal resolution. (5) Authority in terms of tribal resolution.

MOLOPO (NORTH WEST) MOLOPO (NORTH WEST) (1) Gaokgethwe Dipoco Shadrack, Private Bag X2140, (1) Gaokgethwe Dipoco Shadrack, Private Bag X2140, Mahikeng, 2745. Mahikeng, 2745. (2) Liquor Tavern. (2) Liquor Tavern. (3) All kinds. (3) All kinds. (4) Shadow’s Place (Tavern), Erf 10081, Ramatlabama (4) Shadow’s Place (Tavern), Erf 10081, Ramatlabama Village, Molopo, Mahikeng. Village, Molopo, Mahikeng. (5) Authority in terms of tribal resolution. (5) Authority in terms of tribal resolution.

MOLOPO MOLOPO (1) Mzindle Ishmael Simphiwe, 27 Kristenbosch, Riviera (1) Mzindle Ishmael Simphiwe, 27 Kristenbosch, Riviera Park, Mafikeng, North West, 2745; PO Box 6772, Park, Mafikeng, North West, 2745; PO Box 6772, Mmabatho, North West, 2735. Mmabatho, North West, 2735. (2) Restaurant. (2) Restaurant. (3) All liquor. (3) All liquor. (4) Leamogetswe Hospitality Management (Pty) Ltd, (4) Leamogetswe Hospitality Management (Pty) Ltd, Plot 7902, Makhene Road, Mmabatho Unit 6. Plot 7902, Makhene Road, Mmabatho Unit 6. (5) —. (5) —.

MOLOPO MOLOPO (1) Gaopalelwe John Matsime, 5561 Tlhabologo, (1) Gaopalelwe John Matsime, 5561 Tlhabologo, Tlhabologo Village, 2749. Tlhabologo Village, 2749. (2) Special Liquor Licence (Tavern). (2) Special Liquor Licence (Tavern). (3) All kinds of liquor. (3) All kinds of liquor. (4) Matsime Tavern, Setlopo Station, Setlopo Village. (4) Matsime Tavern, Setlopo Station, Setlopo Village. (5) N/a. (5) N/a.

MORETELE MORETELE (1) Florance Nomsa Mahlangu, 384B Mashabelo Section, (1) Florance Nomsa Mahlangu, 384B Mashabelo Section, Ratjiepane, Temba, 0416. Ratjiepane, Temba, 0416. (2) Tavern Licence. (2) Tavern Licence. (3) Beer and beverages. (3) Beer and beverages. (4) Hero Tavern, 384B Mashabelo Section, Ratjiepane, (4) Hero Tavern, 384B Mashabelo Section, Ratjiepane, Temba, 0416. Temba, 0416. (5) Authority in terms of section 41 (1) (a). (5) Authority in terms of section 41 (1) (a).

MORETELE/TEMBA MORETELE/TEMBA (1) Amos Matunge Simango, PO Box 388, Swartdam, (1) Amos Matunge Simango, PO Box 388, Swartdam, 0405. 0405. (2) Tavern. (2) Tavern. (3) All kinds of liquor. (3) All kinds of liquor.

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(4) Matunge’s Tavern, Stand No. 2005, Block C, Section, (4) Matunge’s Tavern, Stand No. 2005, Block C, Section, Swartdam, 0405. Swartdam, 0405. (5) 41 (1) (a). (5) 41 (1) (a).

MORETELE/TEMBA MORETELE/TEMBA (1) Dikeledi Mirriam Chauke, PO Box 144, Leeuwpoort, (1) Dikeledi Mirriam Chauke, PO Box 144, Leeuwpoort, 0486. 0486. (2) Tavern. (2) Tavern. (3) All kinds of liquor. (3) All kinds of liquor. (4) Dikeledi’s Tavern, Stand No. E192, Mokhukhung (4) Dikeledi’s Tavern, Stand No. E192, Mokhukhung Section, Ruigtesloot, 0486. Section, Ruigtesloot, 0486. (5) 41 (1) (a). (5) 41 (1) (a).

MORETELE/TEMBA MORETELE/TEMBA (1) Giena Thema, Stand No. 1867, Prichard Section, (1) Giena Thema, Stand No. 1867, Prichard Section, Mmotla, 0407. Mmotla, 0407. (2) Tavern. (2) Tavern. (3) All kinds of liquor. (3) All kinds of liquor. (4) Sebakanaga’s Tavern, Stand No. 1867, Prichard (4) Sebakanaga’s Tavern, Stand No. 1867, Prichard Section, Mmotla. Section, Mmotla. (5) 41 (1) (a). (5) 41 (1) (a).

ODI ODI (1) Jabulane James Shiba, E 163 Kagisanong View, (1) Jabulane James Shiba, E 163 Kagisanong View, Kgabalatsane South. Kgabalatsane South. (2) Special Liquor Licence (On-consumption) Tavern. (2) Special Liquor Licence (On-consumption) Tavern. (3) All kinds of liquor. (3) All kinds of liquor. (4) JJ’s Tavern, E 163 Kagisanong View, Kgabalatsane (4) JJ’s Tavern, E 163 Kagisanong View, Kgabalatsane South. South. (5) Authority in terms of section 41 (1) (a). (5) Authority in terms of section 41 (1) (a).

ODI ODI (1) Sarah Duduzile Tshabalala, Stand No. 580 B, Phiring (1) Sarah Duduzile Tshabalala, Stand No. 580 B, Phiring Section, Kgabalatsane; PO Box 24, Letlhabile, 0246. Section, Kgabalatsane; PO Box 24, Letlhabile, 0246. (2) Liquor Restaurant. (2) Liquor Restaurant. (3) All kinds of liquor. (3) All kinds of liquor. (4) Dudu’s Liquor Restaurant. (4) Dudu’s Liquor Restaurant. (5) Sell liquor. (5) Sell liquor.

ODI ODI (1) Toyana Joseph Sekhosana, 445 Mmotong Section, (1) Toyana Joseph Sekhosana, 445 Mmotong Section, Kgabalatsane. Kgabalatsane. (2) Sorghum Beer (On-consumption). (2) Sorghum Beer (On-consumption). (3) All kinds of liquor. (3) All kinds of liquor. (4) Kwakwatsi Beer Garden, 445 Mmotong Section, (4) Kwakwatsi Beer Garden, 445 Mmotong Section, Kgabalatsane. Kgabalatsane. (5) —. (5) —.

ODI ODI (1) Tswina Trading & Projects (Pty) Ltd, PO Box 415, (1) Tswina Trading & Projects (Pty) Ltd, PO Box 415, Pretoria, 0001. Pretoria, 0001. (2) Special Liquor License (On-consumption). (2) Special Liquor License (On-consumption).

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(3) All kinds of liquor. (3) All kinds of liquor. (4) Tswina Café, 357B, Hebron Industrial, Hebron. (4) Tswina Café, 357B, Hebron Industrial, Hebron. (5) —. (5) —.

ODI ODI (1) Tswina Trading & Projects (Pty) Ltd, PO Box 415, (1) Tswina Trading & Projects (Pty) Ltd, PO Box 415, Pretoria, 0001. Pretoria, 0001. (2) Special Liquor License (On-consumption). (2) Special Liquor License (On-consumption). (3) All kinds of liquor. (3) All kinds of liquor. (4) Tswina Café, 357B, Hebron Industrial, Hebron. (4) Tswina Café, 357B, Hebron Industrial, Hebron. (5) —. (5) —.

ODI ODI (1) Toyana Joseph Sekhosana, 445 Mmotong Section, (1) Toyana Joseph Sekhosana, 445 Mmotong Section, Kgabalatsane. Kgabalatsane. (2) Sorghum Beer (On-consumption). (2) Sorghum Beer (On-consumption). (3) All kinds of liquor. (3) All kinds of liquor. (4) Kwakwatsi Beer Garden, 445 Mmotong Section, (4) Kwakwatsi Beer Garden, 445 Mmotong Section, Kgabalatsane. Kgabalatsane. (5) —. (5) —.

ODI ODI (1) Toyana Joseph Sekhosana, 445 Mmotong Section, (1) Toyana Joseph Sekhosana, 445 Mmotong Section, Kgabalatsane. Kgabalatsane. (2) Sorghum Beer (On-consumption). (2) Sorghum Beer (On-consumption). (3) All kinds of liquor. (3) All kinds of liquor. (4) Kwakwatsi Beer Garden, 445 Mmotong Section, (4) Kwakwatsi Beer Garden, 445 Mmotong Section, Kgabalatsane. Kgabalatsane. (5) —. (5) —.

ODI ODI (1) Tswina Trading & Projects (Pty) Ltd, PO Box 415, (1) Tswina Trading & Projects (Pty) Ltd, PO Box 415, Pretoria, 0001. Pretoria, 0001. (2) Special Liquor License (On-consumption). (2) Special Liquor License (On-consumption). (3) All kinds of liquor. (3) All kinds of liquor. (4) Tswina Café, 357B, Hebron Industrial, Hebron. (4) Tswina Café, 357B, Hebron Industrial, Hebron. (5) —. (5) —.

ODI ODI (1) Mantununu Philemon Machete, 29/1st Avenue, Midas (1) Mantununu Philemon Machete, 29/1st Avenue, Midas Square, Hebron. Square, Hebron. (2) Sorghum Beer (On-consumption). (2) Sorghum Beer (On-consumption). (3) All kinds of liquor. (3) All kinds of liquor. (4) Charlie’ Beer Garden, 29/1st Avenue, Midas Square, (4) Charlie’ Beer Garden, 29/1st Avenue, Midas Square, Hebron. Hebron. (5) —. (5) —.

ODI ODI (1) Mantununu Philemon Machete, 29/1st Avenue, Midas (1) Mantununu Philemon Machete, 29/1st Avenue, Midas Square, Hebron. Square, Hebron. (2) Sorghum Beer (On-consumption). (2) Sorghum Beer (On-consumption). (3) All kinds of liquor. (3) All kinds of liquor.

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(4) Charlie’ Beer Garden, 29/1st Avenue, Midas Square, (4) Charlie’ Beer Garden, 29/1st Avenue, Midas Square, Hebron. Hebron. (5) —. (5) —.

ODI ODI (1) Nothozamile Woco, ID: 7806260279081, Legal (1) Nothozamile Woco, ID: 7806260279081, Legal Assistance Consultants, PO Box 4750, Brits, 0250. Tel. Assistance Consultants, PO Box 4750, Brits, 0250. Tel. (012) 252-2637. Cell. 082 838 3392. (012) 252-2637. Cell. 082 838 3392. (2) Bottle Store Liquor License. (2) Bottle Store Liquor License. (3) All kinds of liquor. (3) All kinds of liquor. (4) Thozi’s Bottle Store, B437 Modderspruit, Tonado, 0274. (4) Thozi’s Bottle Store, B437 Modderspruit, Tonado, 0274. (5) Yes, according to article 41 (1) (a). (5) Yes, according to article 41 (1) (a).

ODI 1 ODI 1 (1) Makmot Trading and Projects CC, 2008/119498/23, (1) Makmot Trading and Projects CC, 2008/119498/23, Unit 40, Willowgreen Complex, Farrow Road, Equestria, Eenheid 40, Willowgreen, Farrowweg, Equestria, Pretoria, c/o Marius Blom Incorporated, PO Box 32106, Pretoria, p/a Marius Blom Ingelyf, Posbus 32106, Glenstantia, 0010. Glenstantia, 0010. (2) Liquor Store Licence. (2) Drankwinkellisensie. (3) All types of liquor. (3) Alle soorte drank. (4) Midway Bottle Store, Stand 807B, Lucas Mangope Road (4) Midway Drankwinkel, Erf 807B, Lucas Mangopeweg (Molefe Makhinta Highway), Hebron, District Odi 1. (Molefe Makhinta Hoofweg), Hebron, Distrik Odi 1. (5) —. (5) —.

ORKNEY ORKNEY (1) Fokane, Refiloe, 21933, Ext 14, Kanana, 21934 Ext 14, (1) Fokane, Refiloe, 21933, Ext 14, Kanana, 21934 Ext 14, Kanana, 2619. Kanana, 2619. (2) Liquor License consumption on premises. (2) Liquor License consumption on premises. (3) Beer on premises. (3) Beer on premises. (4) R.B. Fokane Restaurant, 21934, Ext 14, Kanana, 2619. (4) R.B. Fokane Restaurant, 21934, Ext 14, Kanana, 2619. (5) Department of Civil Engineering, National Building (5) Department of Civil Engineering, National Building Regulations and Standard Act 1977. Regulations and Standard Act 1977.

OTTOSDAL (1) Ottosdal Boerevereniging. Address: 23 Koster Street, (1) Ottosdal Boerevereniging. Adres: Kosterstraat 23, Ottosdal, 2610. Postal address: PO Box 104, Ottosdal, Ottosdal, 2610. Posadres: Posbus 104, Ottosdal, 2610. 2610. Tel No. (018) 571-0104. Tel No. (018) 571-0104. (2) Special Lisence (on-consumption) Tavern. (2) Spesiale Lisensie (binnevebruike) Taverne. (3) All kinds of liquor. (3) Alle soorte drank. (4) Ottosdal Boerevereniging, Portion 46 (a portion of (4) Ottosdal Boerevereniging, Gedeelte 46 (’n gedeelte van Portion 14) of the farm Dorpsgronde van Ottosdal, Gedeelte 14) van die plaas, Dorpsgronde van Ottosdal, located at the Showgrounds, 23 Koster Street, Ottosdal. geleë te Skougronde, Kosterstraat 23, Ottosdal. (5) Section 41 (1) (a) of the Liquor Act. (5) Artikel 41 (1) (a) van die drankwet.

POTCHEFSTROOM POTCHEFSTROOM (1) Nzimeni Andreas Mxamakele, Plot 111, Wilgeboom, (1) Nzimeni Andreas Mxamakele, Plot 111, Wilgeboom, Potchefstroom, Erf 17370, Uitbreiding 11, Ikageng, Potchefstroom, Erf 17370, Uitbreiding 11, Ikageng, 2539. 2539. (2) Liquor Store Licence. (2) Drankwinkellisensie. (3) All kinds of liquor. (3) Alle tipe drank. (4) Chesa Nyama Liquor Store, Erf 17370, Uitbreiding 11, (4) Chesa Nyama Liquor Store, Erf 17370, Uitbreiding 11, Ikageng Registration Division I.Q., North West Province. Ikageng Registrasie Afdeling I.Q., Noordwes Provinsie. (5) A. (5) A.

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POTCHEFSTROOM POTCHEFSTROOM (1) Nonyane Angelinah, Potchefstroom, North West, (1) Nonyane Angelinah, Potchefstroom, North West, 17572 Monanga Street, Tisageny Extention (11). 17572 Monanga Street, Tisageny Extention (11). (2) Tavern. (2) Tavern. (3) —. (3) —. (4) Nonyane Angelinah, 17572 Ext (11), Potchefstroom, (4) Nonyane Angelinah, 17572 Ext (11), Potchefstroom, 2531. 2531. (5) —. (5) —.

POTCHEFSTROOM POTCHEFSTROOM (1) Nzimeni Andreas Mxamakele, Plot 111, Wilgeboom, (1) Nzimeni Andreas Mxamakele, Plot 111, Wilgeboom, Potchefstroom, Erf 17370, Uitbreiding 11, Ikageng, Potchefstroom, Erf 17370, Uitbreiding 11, Ikageng, 2539. 2539. (2) Liquor Store Licence. (2) Drankwinkellisensie. (3) All kinds of liquor. (3) Alle tipe drank. (4) Chesa Nyama Liquor Store, Erf 17370, Uitbreiding 11, (4) Chesa Nyama Liquor Store, Erf 17370, Uitbreiding 11, Ikageng Registration Division I.Q., North West Province. Ikageng Registrasie Afdeling I.Q., Noordwes Provinsie. (5) A. (5) A.

POTCHEFSTROOM POTCHEFSTROOM (1) Michael Matthews, Manoa Hiaile Molale. (1) Michael Matthews, Manoa Hiaile Molale. (2) Special Liquor Licence (Tavern) (2) Special Liquor Licence (Tavern) (3) All kind of liquor. (3) All kind of liquor. (4) MMM Inn, 4076 Madi Str, Ikageng, Potchefstroom. (4) MMM Inn, 4076 Madi Str, Ikageng, Potchefstroom. (5) License to sell liquor. (5) License to sell liquor.

POTCHEFSTROOM POTCHEFSTROOM (1) Letshabo Mohohlo Johannes, 2183 Bathoeng Str, (1) Letshabo Mohohlo Johannes, 2183 Bathoeng Str, Ikageng Location, Potchefstroom, 2531. Ikageng Location, Potchefstroom, 2531. (2) Restaurant. (2) Restaurant. (3) All kind of liquor. (3) All kind of liquor. (4) Ronnies Pub & Grill, 2183 Bathoeng St, Ikageng (4) Ronnies Pub & Grill, 2183 Bathoeng St, Ikageng Location, Potchefstroom. Location, Potchefstroom. (5) N/a. (5) N/a.

POTCHEFSTROOM POTCHEFSTROOM (1) Sello Jacob Moletsane, 4551 Rata Street, Ikageng, (1) Sello Jacob Moletsane, 4551 Rata Street, Ikageng, Potchefstroom. Potchefstroom. (2) Restaurant. (2) Restaurant. (3) All kind of liquor. (3) All kind of liquor. (4) Mamothusi Place, 4551 Rata Str, Ikageng. (4) Mamothusi Place, 4551 Rata Str, Ikageng. (5) —. (5) —.

POTCHEFSTROOM POTCHEFSTROOM (1) Matlhomola John, Gore Kwang, 11928 Vukani Street, (1) Matlhomola John, Gore Kwang, 11928 Vukani Street, Ikageng, Potchefstroom. Ikageng, Potchefstroom. (2) Sorghum. (2) Sorghum. (3) Sorghum. (3) Sorghum. (4) Rethabile, 11928 Vukani Str, Ikageng, Potchefstroom. (4) Rethabile, 11928 Vukani Str, Ikageng, Potchefstroom. (5) —. (5) —.

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POTCHEFSTROOM POTCHEFSTROOM (1) Thulo Molathegi Simon Elvis, 8825 Omphile Str, (1) Thulo Molathegi Simon Elvis, 8825 Omphile Str, Ikageng, Potchefstroom. Ikageng, Potchefstroom. (2) Pub & Grill. (2) Pub & Grill. (3) All kinds of liquor. (3) All kinds of liquor. (4) Mavis Inn, 8825 Omphile Str, Ikageng, Potchefstroom. (4) Mavis Inn, 8825 Omphile Str, Ikageng, Potchefstroom. (5) —. (5) —.

POTCHEFSTROOM POTCHEFSTROOM (1) Boer Vooruit Landbou Benodighede CC, 323 (1) Boer Vooruit Landbou Benodighede BK, Lynnwood- Lynnwood Road, Menlopark; PO Box 35465, Menlopark, weg 323, Menlopark; Posbus 35465, Menlopark, 0102. 0102. (2) Restaurantlisensie. (2) Restaurant Licence. (3) Alle tipe drank. (3) All kinds of liquor. (4) Fellows, Erf 3056, Winkel No. 42, h/v Retief en Walter (4) Fellows, Erf 3056, Shop No. 42, c/o Retief and Walter Sisuluweg, Potchefstroom, Registrasie Afdeling I.Q., Sisulu Avenue, Potchefstroom, Registration Division Noordwes. I.Q., North West Province. (5) (A). (5) (A).

RUSTENBURG RUSTENBURG (1) Zeth Sonnyboy Dikgore, Erf 21785, Uitbreiding 23, (1) Zeth Sonnyboy Dikgore, Stand 21785 Ext 23, Paardekraal, Rustenburg; Erf 21785, Uitbreiding 23, Paardekraal, Rustenburg; Stand 21785 Ext 23, Paardekraal, Rustenburg. Paardekraal, Rustenburg. (2) Spesiale Lisensie binneverbruik (Taverne). (2) Special Liquor Licence (Tavern). (3) Alle soorte drank. (3) All kinds of liquor. (4) ZD Inn, Erf 21785 Uitbreiding 23, Paardekraal, (4) ZD Inn, Stand 21785 Ext 23, Paardekraal, Rustenburg. Rustenburg. (5) Section 41 (1) (c). (5) Artikel 41 (1) (c).

RUSTENBURG RUSTENBURG (1) Buffalo Grill CC (2007/041444/23), Plot 336, Gedeelte (1) Buffalo Grill CC (2007/041444/23), Plot 336, Gedeelte 21 van die Plaas Rhenosterfontein, Buffelspoort, 21 van die Plaas Rhenosterfontein, Buffelspoort, Rustenburg; Posbus 4844, Buffelspoort, 0284. Rustenburg; Posbus 4844, Buffelspoort, 0284. (2) Restaurant Dranklisensie. (2) Restaurant Dranklisensie. (3) Alle soorte drank. (3) Alle soorte drank. (4) Buffalo Grill, Winkel No. 15, Buffelspark Sentrum, (4) Buffalo Grill, Winkel No. 15, Buffelspark Sentrum, Buffelspoort, Rustenburg. Buffelspoort, Rustenburg. (5) Artikel 41 (1) (c). (5) Artikel 41 (1) (c).

RUSTENBURG RUSTENBURG (1) Setlhauno Boitumelo Godfrey, 1966 Lenatong Street, (1) Setlhauno Boitumelo Godfrey, 1966 Lenatong Street, Boitekong Ext 2, Rustenburg, 0308; PO Box 8515, Boitekong Ext 2, Rustenburg, 0308; PO Box 8515, Rustenburg, 0300. Rustenburg, 0300. (2) Liquor License. (2) Liquor License. (3) All kinds of liquor. (3) All kinds of liquor. (4) Murphy Liquor Store, 1966 Lenatong Street, Boitekong (4) Murphy Liquor Store, 1966 Lenatong Street, Boitekong Ext 2, Rustenburg, 0308. Ext 2, Rustenburg, 0308. (5) —. (5) —.

RUSTENBURG RUSTENBURG (1) Mable Pholose, Geelhout Park, Ext 4, No. 12 (1) Mable Pholose, Geelhout Park, Ext 4, No. 12 Palmboom avenue, Rustenburg, 0299. Palmboom avenue, Rustenburg, 0299. (2) Off-consumption. (2) Off-consumption.

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(3) All kinds. (3) All kinds. (4) Blessing Bottle Store. (4) Blessing Bottle Store. (5) —. (5) —.

RUSTENBURG RUSTENBURG (1) Kotze Louis Adriaan, Dowjee Building, Shop 5, Main (1) Kotze Louis Adriaan, Dowjee Building, Shop 5, Main Road, Marikana, Rustenburg, 0299; P.O. Box 8515, Road, Marikana, Rustenburg, 0299; P.O. Box 8515, Rustenburg, 0300. Rustenburg, 0300. (2) Restaurant License. (2) Restaurant License. (3) All kinds of liquor. (3) All kinds of liquor. (4) Marikana Restaurant, Dowjee Building, Shop 5, Main (4) Marikana Restaurant, Dowjee Building, Shop 5, Main Road, Marikana, Rustenburg, 0299. Road, Marikana, Rustenburg, 0299. (5) —. (5) —.

RUSTENBURG RUSTENBURG (1) Westzel John Nicolaas Chrustoffel, 19A Heystek (1) Westzel John Nicolaas Chrustoffel, 19A Heystek Street, Rustenburg, 0299; P.O. Box 8515, Rustenburg, Street, Rustenburg, 0299; P.O. Box 8515, Rustenburg, 0299. 0299. (2) Restaurant License. (2) Restaurant License. (3) All kinds of liquor. (3) All kinds of liquor. (4) Grinno’s Restaurant, 19A Heystek Street, Rustenburg, (4) Grinno’s Restaurant, 19A Heystek Street, Rustenburg, 0299. 0299. (5) —. (5) —.

RUSTENBURG RUSTENBURG (1) Joyride Trading 15CC (2010/078429/23), 97B Kreme- (1) Joyride Trading 15CC (2010/078429/23), 97B Kreme- tart Avenue, Geelhout Park, Rustenburg. tart Avenue, Geelhout Park, Rustenburg. (2) Restaurant (on-consumption). (2) Restaurant (on-consumption). (3) All kinds of liquor. (3) All kinds of liquor. (4) “Joyride Trading 15CC, t/a Joyride Liquor Restaurant”, (4) “Joyride Trading 15CC, t/a Joyride Liquor Restaurant”, Stand No. JQ 275, 1 Donkerhoek Road, Rustenburg. Stand No. JQ 275, 1 Donkerhoek Road, Rustenburg. (5) (A). (5) (A).

RUSTENBURG RUSTENBURG (1) Sizakhele Cynthia Sephoti, 10070 Nox Street, Pitsedi- (1) Sizakhele Cynthia Sephoti, 10070 Nox Street, Pitsedi- shulejang; PO Box 71, Silkaatskop, 2852. shulejang; PO Box 71, Silkaatskop, 2852. (2) Special License (on-consumption). (2) Spesiale Lisensie (on-consumption). (3) All kinds of liquor. (3) Alle soort drank. (4) Nketsenketse Tavern, 10070 Nox Street, Pitsedishule- (4) Nketsenketse Tavern, 10070 Nox Street, Pitsedishule- jang, 2852. jang, 2852. (5) Article 41 (1) (a). (5) Article 41 (1) (a).

RUSTENBURG RUSTENBURG (1) Victor Shongoane, No. 23 Sidzumo Street, Tlhabane, (1) Victor Shongoane, No. 23 Sidzumo Street, Tlhabane, Rustenburg, 0299. Rustenburg, 0299. (2) Special License (Restaurant). (2) Spesiale Lisensie (Restaurant). (3) All kinds of liquor. (3) Alle soort drank. (4) Zero One Four Restaurant, No. 13 Melhout Avenue, (4) Zero One Four Restaurant, No. 13 Melhout Avenue, Geelhout Park 4, Rustenburg, 0299. Geelhout Park 4, Rustenburg, 0299. (5) Article 41 (1) (a). (5) Article 41 (1) (a).

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RUSTENBURG RUSTENBURG (1) Kgothatso Ashley Lesojane, 15 Ridder Street, (1) Kgothatso Ashley Lesojane, 15 Ridder Street, Rustenburg East, 0299. Rustenburg East, 0299. (2) Special License (Restaurant). (2) Spesiale Lisensie (Restaurant). (3) All kinds of liquor. (3) Alle soort drank. (4) Mumruby S Liquor Restaurant, E166 Senkhu Street, (4) Mumruby S Liquor Restaurant, E166 Senkhu Street, Kgamakwe Section, Photsaneng, 0311. Kgamakwe Section, Photsaneng, 0311. (5) Article 41 (1) (a). (5) Article 41 (1) (a).

RUSTENBURG RUSTENBURG (1) Elegant Manor Estate (Pty) Ltd, Plot 180, Donkerhoek; (1) Elegant Manor Estate (Pty) Ltd, Plot 180, Donkerhoek; PO Box 6629, Rustenburg, 0300. PO Box 6629, Rustenburg, 0300. (2) Special License (Accommodation). (2) Spesiale Lisensie (Akkomodasie). (3) All kinds of liquor. (3) Alle soort drank. (4) Elegant Manor Guest House, Plot 180, Donkerhoek, (4) Elegant Manor Guest House, Plot 180, Donkerhoek, Rustenburg, 0300. Rustenburg, 0300. (5) Article 41 (1) (a). (5) Article 41 (1) (a).

RUSTENBURG RUSTENBURG (1) Monwametsi Rejoyce Nawane, 001 Garakosi Section, (1) Monwametsi Rejoyce Nawane, 001 Garakosi Section, Mokgoleng, , 2865. Mokgoleng, Zeerust, 2865. (2) Special License (on-consumption). (2) Spesiale Lisensie (on-consumption). (3) All kinds of liquor. (3) Alle soort drank. (4) Nawane’s Tavern, 120 Mosono Section, Zeerust, 2865. (4) Nawane’s Tavern, 120 Mosono Section, Zeerust, 2865. (5) Article 41 (1) (a). (5) Article 41 (1) (a).

RUSTENBURG RUSTENBURG (1) Kaizer Otshepeng Matlou, 2023 Rapoo Street, (1) Kaizer Otshepeng Matlou, 2023 Rapoo Street, Tlhabane, 0299. Tlhabane, 0299. (2) Special License (Restaurant). (2) Spesiale Lisensie (Restaurant). (3) All kinds of liquor. (3) Alle soort drank. (4) The Res Restaurant, 2023 Rapoo Street, Tlhabane, (4) The Res Restaurant, 2023 Rapoo Street, Tlhabane, 0299. 0299. (5) Article 41 (1) (a). (5) Article 41 (1) (a).

RUSTENBURG RUSTENBURG (1) Munyai Mbereni Isaac, Stand No. 40123, new stand, (1) Munyai Mbereni Isaac, Stand No. 40123, new stand, Majakaneng, Mooinooi, Brits; P.O. Box 8515, Rusten- Majakaneng, Mooinooi, Brits; P.O. Box 8515, Rusten- burg, 0300. burg, 0300. (2) Tavern License. (2) Tavern License. (3) All kinds of liquor. (3) All kinds of liquor. (4) Sheba Tsa Gago Tavern, Stand No. 40123, new stand, (4) Sheba Tsa Gago Tavern, Stand No. 40123, new stand, Majakaneng, Mooinooi, Brits. Majakaneng, Mooinooi, Brits. (5) —. (5) —.

RUSTENBURG RUSTENBURG (1) The Legends, Portion 80 of the farm Rietvlei 271 JQ, (1) Gedeelte 80, van die plaas Rietvlei 271 JQ, Rustenburg, Rustenburg, Rustenburg District. Rustenburg distrik. (2) Restaurant Liquor Lisence. (2) Restaurant Dranklisensie. (3) All kinds of liquor. (3) Alle soorte drank.

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(4) Airspan, Poertion 191 of the farm Modderfontein 332, (4) Airspan, Gedeelte 191 van die plaas Modderfontein 332, Rustenburg, Rustenburg District. Rustenburg, Rustenburg distrik. (5) Section 41 (1) (c). (5) Artikel 41 (1) (c).

RUSTENBURG RUSTENBURG (1) Jose Piquita Chadinha, ID No. 7208195208089. Postal (1) Jose Piquita Chadinha, ID No. 7208195208089. address: PO Box 1048, Rooseveltpark, 2129. Posadres: Posbus 1048, Rooseveltpark, 2129. (2) Restaurant Liquor License. (2) Restaurant Dranklisensie. (3) All kinds of liquor. (3) Alle soorte drank. (4) Pizza Del Forno, Shop 16, Lifestyle Square Shopping (4) Pizza del Forno, Winkel 16, Lifestyle Square Winkel- Centre, situated in Beyers Naude Road, between Von sentrum, geleë in Beyers Nauderylaan, tussen Von Wieligh and Marais Streets, Rustenburg. Wieligh en Maraisstraat, Rustenburg. (5) N/a. (5) N.v.t.

SETLAKGOBI SETLAKGOBI (1) Mavis Matshidiso Melane, P.O. Bxo 51772, Phatsima (1) Mavis Matshidiso Melane, P.O. Bxo 51772, Phatsima Village, Mahikeng, 2745. Village, Mahikeng, 2745. (2) Tavern. (2) Tavern. (3) All kidns. (3) All kidns. (4) Borakalalo Tavern, Setlhwatlhwe Village, . (4) Borakalalo Tavern, Setlhwatlhwe Village, Setlagole. (5) Authority in terms of section 41 (1) (a). (5) Authority in terms of section 41 (1) (a).

TAUNG TAUNG (1) Charlie Joseph Kgosithebe, Stand No. 851, Kameel- (1) Charlie Joseph Kgosithebe, Stand No. 851, Kameel- puts Village, House No. 238, , 8584. puts Village, House No. 238, Kameelputs, 8584. (2) Liquor Tavern Licence (for on-consumption). (2) Liquor Tavern Licence (for on-consumption). (3) All kinds of liquor. (3) All kinds of liquor. (4) Ikageng Tavern, Stand No. 851, House No. 238, (4) Ikageng Tavern, Stand No. 851, House No. 238, Kameelputs, 8584. Kameelputs, 8584. (5) Tribal Resolution letter. (5) Tribal Resolution letter.

TAUNG TAUNG (1) Charlie Joseph Kgosithebe, Stand No. 851, Kameel- (1) Charlie Joseph Kgosithebe, Stand No. 851, Kameel- puts Village, House No. 238, Kameelputs, 8584. puts Village, House No. 238, Kameelputs, 8584. (2) Liquor Tavern Licence (for on-consumption). (2) Liquor Tavern Licence (for on-consumption). (3) All kinds of liquor. (3) All kinds of liquor. (4) Ikageng Tavern, Stand No. 851, House No. 238, (4) Ikageng Tavern, Stand No. 851, House No. 238, Kameelputs, 8584. Kameelputs, 8584. (5) Tribal Resolution letter. (5) Tribal Resolution letter.

VENTERSDORP VENTERSDORP (1) 3156 Ext 2, Tshing Location, Ventersdorp. (1) 3156 Ext 2, Tshing Location, Ventersdorp. (2) Tavern. (2) Tavern. (3) All kinds. (3) All kinds. (4) China Lounge. (4) China Lounge. (5) —. (5) —.

VENTERSDORP VENTERSDORP (1) Kgarubi P.D., 374 Letsaba Street, Tshing Location, (1) Kgarubi P.D., Letsabastraat 374, Tshing Lokasie, Ventersdorp. Ventersdorp. (2) Restaurant Liquor. (2) Restaurant Liquor.

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(3) All kinds. (3) Alle soorte. (4) Villa Resturant, 374 Letsapa, Ventersdorp, Tshing. (4) Villa Resturant, 374 Letsapa, Ventersdorp, Tshing. (5) Section 41 (1) (a). (5) Article 41 (1) (c).

VRYBURG VRYBURG (1) Matipane Juel Moepadira, New Stand, Ditshukutshwa- (1) Matipane Juel Moepadira, New Stand, Ditshukutshwa- neng, , Vryburg. neng, Louwna, Vryburg. (2) Liquor Licence; Special Licence (Tavern). (2) Liquor Licence; Special Licence (Tavern). (3) All kinds of liquor (on-consumption). (3) All kinds of liquor (on-consumption). (4) Boiteko Tavern, New Stand, Ditshukutshwaneng, (4) Boiteko Tavern, New Stand, Ditshukutshwaneng, Louwna, Vryburg. Louwna, Vryburg. (5) Article 4 (1) (a), Tribal consent. (5) Article 4 (1) (a), Tribal consent.

VRYBURG (POMFRET) VRYBURG (POMFRET) (1) Vicunga Antonio Vigunda, Erf 538, Block 8, Pomfret, (1) Vicunga Antonio Vigunda, Erf 538, Block 8, Pomfret, Esperansa, 8619. Esperansa, 8619. (2) Liquor Tavern. (2) Liquor Tavern. (3) All kinds. (3) All kinds. (4) Antonio Calado’s Tavern, Erf 538, Block 8, Esperansa, (4) Antonio Calado’s Tavern, Erf 538, Block 8, Esperansa, 8619. 8619. (5) Authority in terms of section 41 (1) (a). (5) Authority in terms of section 41 (1) (a).

VRYBURG VRYBURG (1) George Toba, House 4, Bray New Town Location, (1) George Toba, Huis 4, Bray New Town Lcoation, Vryburg Vryburg District, North West Province; P.O. Box 24, Bray, Distrik Noordwes Provinsie; Posbus 24, Bray, 8620. 8620. (2) Binneverbruiklisensie; Drankwinkel Lisensie. (2) On-consumption Liquor License (Pub License). (3) Alle. (3) All. (4) Huis 4, Bray New Town Location, Vryburg Distrik, (4) House 4, Bray New Town Location, Vryburg District, Noordwes Provinsie. North West Province. (5) On-consumption Liquor License (Pub License). (5) Binneverbruiklisensie; Drankwinkel Lisensie.

WOLMARANSSTAD WOLMARANSSTAD (1) Lentikile Patrik Pelele, P.O. Box 660, Ottosdal, 2610. (1) Lentikile Patrik Pelele, P.O. Box 660, Ottosdal, 2610. (2) Liquor Restaurant. (2) Liquor Restaurant. (3) All kinds of liquor. (3) All kinds of liquor. (4) Bheks Corner Liquor Restaurant, Stand No. 1382, Lerole (4) Bheks Corner Liquor Restaurant, Stand No. 1382, Lerole Str, Ottosdal, 2610. Str, Ottosdal, 2610. (5) 41 (1) (a). (5) 41 (1) (a).


SOMERSET WEST SOMERSET-WES (1) Greystone Trading 1507 CC, t/a Cattle Baron (1) Greystone Trading 1507 CC, t/a Cattle Baron Somerset West (9 Huising Street, Somerset West); c/o Somerset West (9 Huising Street, Somerset West); c/o J P Joubert Attorneys, PO Box 445, Strand, 7139. J P Joubert Attorneys, PO Box 445, Strand, 7139. (2) Wine Farmer’s License. (2) Wine Farmer’s License. (3) All kinds of liquor. (3) All kinds of liquor. (4) Cattle Baron Somerset West, 9 Huising Street, Somerset (4) Cattle Baron Somerset West, 9 Huising Street, Somerset West. West. (5) —. (5) —.

This gazette is also available free online at 52 No. 38148 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 7 NOVEMBER 2014


NOTICE OF APPLICATIONS FOR THE REMOVAL KENNISGEWING VAN AANSOEKE OM DIE OF LICENCES VERPLASING VAN LISENSIES Notice is hereby given that the applicants specified Kennis word hierby gegee dat die aansoekers in die in the Schedule hereto have given notice of their Bylae hierby gespesifiseer, kennis gegee het van hulle intention to lodge applications for the removal of liquor voorneme om aansoeke om die verplasing van licences to premises situated in the districts indicated dranklisensies na persele geleë in die distrikte wat in in the Schedule. die Bylae aangedui is, in te dien. The applications concerned may, up to and including Die betrokke aansoeke kan tot en met die laaste dag the last date on which an objection against or waarop ’n beswaar teen of vertoë of ’n petisie ter representations or a petition in support of such ondersteuning van sodanige aansoeke ingevolge die applications may be lodged in terms of the regulations, regulasies ingedien kan word, op versoek gratis deur upon request and free of charge, be inspected by any enige persoon by die kantoor van die landdros van die person at the office of the magistrate of the district distrik van waar sodanige aansoeke afkomstig is, from which they emanate. ondersoek word.

SCHEDULE BYLAE The undermentioned figures used in brackets in the Onderstaande syfers, wat tussen hakies in die Bylae gebruik word, het die volgende betekenisse: Schedule, have the following meanings: (1) ϭ Volledige naam, straat- en posadres van (1) ϭ Full name, street and postal address of aansoeker. applicant. (2) ϭ Soort lisensie wat verplaas sal word. (2) ϭ Kind of licence to be removed. (3) ϭ Soort drank wat verkoop sal word. (3) ϭ Kind of liquor to be sold. (4) ϭ Volledige adres van gelisensieerde (4) ϭ Full address of licensed premises and perseel en distrik waarin geleë. district in which situated. (5) ϭ Naam waaronder besigheid gedoen sal (5) ϭ Name under which business is to be word en volledige adres van ander conducted and full address of other perseel. premises. (6) ϭ Bepaling, toestemming, goedkeuring of ϭ (6) Determination, consent, approval or magtiging waarom aansoek gedoen word authority applied for (see regulation 83). (sien regulasie 83).


BOLOBEDU BOLOBEDU (1) Manyama Laster Sello, Stand 66, Ooghoek Village, Ga- (1) Manyama Laster Sello, Stand 66, Ooghoek Village, Ga- Modjadji. Postal: C/o Harry Mashao Consulting, PO Box Modjadji. Postal: C/o Harry Mashao Consulting, PO Box 3577, Letaba, 0870. 3577, Letaba, 0870. (2) Special Liquor License (Accommodation). (2) Special Liquor License (Accommodation). (3) All kinds of liquor. (3) All kinds of liquor. (4) —. (4) —. (5) Zillah Park Lodge, Block 12, Scheme No. 3 Mawa (5) Zillah Park Lodge, Block 12, Scheme No. 3 Mawa Village, Ga-Modjadji, Bolobedu. Village, Ga-Modjadji, Bolobedu. (6) 41 (1) (a). (6) 41 (1) (a).

LEPHALALE LEPHALALE (1) Mooncloud 44 (Pty) Ltd, No. 18 Vaalbos Street, (1) Mooncloud 44 (Pty) Ltd, No. 18 Vaalbos Street, Lephalale. Postal: C/o Harry Mashao Consulting, PO Box Lephalale. Postal: C/o Harry Mashao Consulting, PO Box 3577, Letaba, 0870. 3577, Letaba, 0870.

This gazette is also available free online at STAATSKOERANT, 7 NOVEMBER 2014 No. 38148 53

(2) Restaurant Liquor License. (2) Restaurant Liquor License. (3) All kinds of liquor. (3) All kinds of liquor. (4) —. (4) —. (5) Joey’s Lounge, Shop No. 2D & 2E, 2 Elma Uitrusters (5) Joey’s Lounge, Shop No. 2D & 2E, 2 Elma Uitrusters Building, No. 2 Jan Lee Street, Lephalale. Building, No. 2 Jan Lee Street, Lephalale. (6) 41 (1) (a). (6) 41 (1) (a).

LEPHALALE LEPHALALE (1) Mooncloud 44 (Pty) Ltd, No. 18 Vaalbos Street, (1) Mooncloud 44 (Pty) Ltd, No. 18 Vaalbos Street, Lephalale. Postal: C/o Harry Mashao Consulting, PO Box Lephalale. Postal: C/o Harry Mashao Consulting, PO Box 3577, Letaba, 0870. 3577, Letaba, 0870. (2) Special Liquor License (other). (2) Special Liquor License (other). (3) All kinds of liquor. (3) All kinds of liquor. (4) —. (4) —. (5) Joey’s Lounge, Shop No. 2D & 2E, 2 Elma Uitrusters (5) Joey’s Lounge, Shop No. 2D & 2E, 2 Elma Uitrusters Building, No. 2 Jan Lee Street, Lephalale. Building, No. 2 Jan Lee Street, Lephalale. (6) 41 (1) (a). (6) 41 (1) (a).

MUTALE MUTALE (1) Nomsa Nkosikhona Khoza, P.O. Box 3071, Thohoyan- (1) Nomsa Nkosikhona Khoza, P.O. Box 3071, Thohoyan- dou. dou. (2) Eating-house. (2) Eating-house. (3) All kinds of liquor. (3) All kinds of liquor. (4) Nomsa Eating House, 36 Zwigodini Village-260 MT (4) Nomsa Eating House, 36 Zwigodini Village-260 MT Tshikundamalema Mutale. Tshikundamalema Mutale. (5) Nomsa Eating House—Zwigodini Village, Tshikundam- (5) Nomsa Eating House—Zwigodini Village, Tshikundam- alema Mutale. alema Mutale. (6) 41 (1) (a). (6) 41 (1) (a).


KLERKSDORP KLERKSDORP (1) Daniel Paulus Mattheus Fourie. Street address: (1) Daniel Paulus Mattheus Fourie. Street address: 32 Jones Street, Freemanville, Klerksdorp. Postal 32 Jones Street, Freemanville, Klerksdorp. Postal address: PO Box 11718, Klerksdorp, 2570. address: PO Box 11718, Klerksdorp, 2570. (2) Liquor Store License. (2) Liquor Store License. (3) All types. (3) All types. (4) 2 Oosthuizen Avenue, Klerksdorp, 2570, North West (4) 2 Oosthuizen Avenue, Klerksdorp, 2570, North West Province. Province. (5) Pirates Inn. Address: 2 Oosthuizen Avenue, (5) Pirates Inn. Address: 2 Oosthuizen Avenue, Freemanville, Klerksdorp, 2570, North West Province. Freemanville, Klerksdorp, 2570, North West Province. (6) Permanent removal. (6) Permanent removal.

KLERKSDORP KLERKSDORP (1) BG Drankwinkel CC, CK: 1993/011178/23. Street (1) BG Drankwinkel CC, CK: 1993/011178/23. Street address: 99 Leask Street, Klerksdorp, 2570. Postal address: 99 Leask Street, Klerksdorp, 2570. Postal address: PO Box 11718, Klerksdorp, 2570. address: PO Box 11718, Klerksdorp, 2570. (2) Liquor Store License. (2) Liquor Store License. (3) All types. (3) All types.

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(4) Terminussentrum, Golf Street, Klerksdorp, 2570, North (4) Terminussentrum, Golf Street, Klerksdorp, 2570, North West Province. West Province. (5) BG Liquor Store. Address: Erf 283, 10 Marlowe Avenue, (5) BG Liquor Store. Address: Erf 283, 10 Marlowe Avenue, Taxi Rank, Orkney. Taxi Rank, Orkney. (6) Permanent removal. (6) Permanent removal.

POTCHEFSTROOM POTCHEFSTROOM (1) Ryk Hendrick Cloete, 218 Beyers Naude Street, (1) Ryk Hendrick Cloete, Beyers Naudestraat 218, Potchefstroom, 218 Beyers Naude Street, Potchefstroom, Beyers Naudestraat 218, Potchefstroom, Potchefstroom, 2531. 2531. (2) Restaurant Liquor Lisence. (2) Restaurantdranklisensie. (3) All kind of liquor. (3) Alle soorte. (4) C/o Retief and Church Street, Shop 33, West Acres (4) Hoek van Retief- en Churchstraat, Winkelno. 33, West Centre, Potchefstroom. Acres Sentrum, Potchefstroom. (5) 218 Beyers Naude Street, Potchefstroom. (5) Beyers Naudestraat 218, Potchefstroom. (6) None. (6) Geen.

RUSTENBURG RUSTENBURG (1) Ivelin Nikolaev Nenov, Morula Park No. 4, Duvenhill (1) Ivelin Nikolaev Nenov, Morula Park No. 4, Duvenhill Street, Safari Garden, Rustenburg, 0300. Street, Safari Garden, Rustenburg, 0300. (2) Tavern License. (2) Tavern License. (3) All kinds. (3) All kinds. (4) 90A President Thabo Mbheki Drive, CBD, Rustenburg, (4) 90A President Thabo Mbheki Drive, CBD, Rustenburg, 0300, Rustenburg District. 0300, Rustenburg District. (5) Phoenix Liquor Restaurant, 104 President Thabo (5) Phoenix Liquor Restaurant, 104 President Thabo Mbheki Drive, CBD, Rustenburg, 0300. Mbheki Drive, CBD, Rustenburg, 0300. (6) —. (6) —.

ZEERUST ZEERUST (1) Nicolaas M.J. Pretorius, Paul Kruger Street No. 3, (1) Nicolaas M.J. Pretorius, Paul Kruger Street No. 3, Groot-Marico. Groot-Marico. (2) Off-consumption Licence (Liquor Store). (2) Off-consumption Licence (Liquor Store). (3) All kinds of liquor. (3) All kinds of liquor. (4) Erf 3, Paul Krugerstraat, Groot-Marico. (4) Erf 3, Paul Krugerstraat, Groot-Marico. (5) Mid Summer Off Sales, 31 Voortrekker Str eet, Zeerust, (5) Mid Summer Off Sales, 31 Voortrekker Street, Zeerust, 2865. 2865. (6) —. (6) —.

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