Government Gazette Staatskoerant REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA REPUBLIEK VAN SUID-AFRIKA Vol. 593 Pretoria, 7 November 2014 No. 38148 N.B. The Government Printing Works will not be held responsible for the quality of “Hard Copies” or “Electronic Files” submitted for publication purposes AIDS HELPLINEHELPLINE: 08000800-0123-22 123 22 Prevention Prevention is is the the cure cure 404721—A 38148—1 2 No. 38148 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 7 NOVEMBER 2014 ANNUAL PRICE INCREASE FOR PUBLICATION OF A LIQUOR LICENCE: FOR THE FOLLOWING PROVINCES: (AS FROM 1 APRIL 2014) GAUTENG LIQUOR LICENCES: R209.60. NORTHERN CAPE LIQUOR LICENCES: R209.60. ALL OTHER PROVINCES: R127.70. IMPORTANT NOTICE The Government Printing Works will not be held responsible for faxed documents not received due to errors on the fax machine or faxes received which are unclear or incomplete. Please be advised that an “OK” slip, received from a fax machine, will not be accepted as proof that documents were received by the GPW for printing. If documents are faxed to the GPW it will be the sender’s respon- sibility to phone and confirm that the documents were received in good order. Furthermore the Government Printing Works will also not be held responsible for cancellations and amendments which have not been done on original documents received from clients. CONTENTS INHOUD Page Gazette Bladsy Koerant No. No. No. No. No. No. GENERAL NOTICES ALGEMENE KENNISGEWINGS Trade and Industry, Department of Handel en Nywerheid, Departement van General Notices Algemene Kennisgewings 943 Liquor Act (27/1989): Notice of applica- 943 Drankwet (27/1989): Kennisgewing van tions for liquor licences: Divided into the aansoeke om dranklisensies: Ingedeel following provinces:................................. 6 38148 onder die volgende provinsies: ............... 6 38148 Limpopo .............................................. 6 Limpopo .............................................. 6 Mpumalanga ....................................... 29 Mpumalanga ....................................... 29 North West .......................................... 30 Noord-wes........................................... 30 Western Cape ..................................... 51 Wes-Kaap............................................ 51 944 do.: Notice of applications for the 944 do.: Kennisgewing van aansoeke om die removal of licences: Divided in the fol- verplasing van lisensies: Ingedeel onder lowing provinces:..................................... 52 38148 die volgende provinsies: ......................... 52 38148 Limpopo .............................................. 52 Limpopo .............................................. 52 North West .......................................... 53 Noord-wes........................................... 53 ir Important Announcement: Please take note that from 1 April 2010 all Northern Cape Liquor Licence Applications will be published in its own Extra Ordinary Provincial Gazette. The publication date will be the First Friday of each month. The closing date will be two weeks prior to publication. Closing time: 12h00. Proof of payment (R137,50)must be sent must with be the sent application with the application (Form 2) (Form 2). L This gazette is also available free online at www.gpwonline.co.za STAATSKOERANT, 7 NOVEMBER 2014 No. 38148 3 Important Notice CONDITIONS FOR THE PUBLICATION OF APPLICATIONS FOR LIQUOR LICENCES The Government Gazette, containing publication of applications for liquor licences on behalf of the Department of Trade and Industry, is released during the first Friday of each calendar month. Closing times for the acceptance of liquor licence applications (see next page) due to be published on a specific Friday, are at 15:00 on the Friday two weeks prior to the publication date. Applications received by this office after the applicable closing times, will be retained for publication in the following Government Gazette containing liquor licences. In order to ensure timeous publication of liquor licences, all applications must be completed in full (English and Afrikaans) since amendments after the applicable closing dates will not be considered. Should the neccessary cheque or postal orders not accompany the appli- cation, the application will be returned. t Belangrike Kennisgewing VOORWAARDES VIR DIE PUBLIKASIE VAN AANSOEKE OM DRANKLISENSIES Die Staatskoerant, waarin aansoeke om dranklisensies namens die Departement van Handel en Nywerheid gepubliseer word, verskyn gedurende die eerste Vrydag van elke kalendermaand. Sluitingstye vir die aanname van dranklisensie-kennisgewings (sien volgende bladsy) wat op ’n bepaalde Vrydag gepubliseer moet word, is op die Vrydag twee weke voor die publikasiedatum om 15:00. Kennisgewings wat ná die toepaslike sluitingstye deur hierdie kantoor ontvang word, sal oorgehou word vir plasing in die eersvolgende Staatskoerant vir dranklisensies. Ten einde tydige publisering van kennisgewings te verseker, moet alle kennisgewings volledig voltooi word (Engels en Afrikaans) aangesien geen wysigings ná die betrokke sluitingsdatums oorweeg sal word nie. Indien die nodige tjek of posorders nie die aansoek vergesel nie, sal die aansoek teruggestuur word. This gazette is also available free online at www.gpwonline.co.za 4 No. 38148 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 7 NOVEMBER 2014 IMPORTANT NOTICE WHEN SUBMITTING LIQUOR NOTICES FOR PUBLICATION, CONTACT PARTICULARS ARE AS FOLLOWS: PHYSICAL ADDRESS: POSTAL ADDRESS: Government Printing Works Private Bag X85 149 Bosman Street Pretoria Pretoria 0001 CONTACT PERSON: Hester Wolmarans Tel. No. (012) 334-4591 Fax No. (012) 334-5842 E-mail: [email protected] CONTACT PERSON FOR SUBSCRIBERS: Mrs N. Kekana Tel. No. (012) 334-4737 Fax No. (012) 323-9574 This gazette is also available free online at www.gpwonline.co.za STAATSKOERANT, 7 NOVEMBER 2014 No. 38148 5 IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT Closing times for APPLICATIONS FOR LIQUOR LICENCES 2014 The closing time is 15:00 sharp on the following days: 24 October, Friday, for the issue of Friday 7 November 2014 21 November, Wednesday, for the issue of Friday 5 December 2014 17 December, Wednesday, for the issue of Friday 2 January 2015 ▼ ▼ BELANGRIKE AANKONDIGING Sluitingstye vir AANSOEKE OM DRANKLISENSIES 2014 Die sluitingstyd is stiptelik 15:00 op die volgende dae: 24 Oktober, Vrydag, vir die uitgawe van Vrydag 7 November 2014 21 November, Woensdag, vir die uitgawe van Vrydag 5 Desember 2014 ▼ 17 Desember, Woensdag, vir die uitgawe van Vrydag 2 Januarie 2015 ▼ This gazette is also available free online at www.gpwonline.co.za 6 No. 38148 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 7 NOVEMBER 2014 GENERAL NOTICES ALGEMENE KENNISGEWINGS NOTICE 943 OF 2014 KENNISGEWING 943 VAN 2014 DEPARTMENT OF TRADE AND INDUSTRY DEPARTEMENT VAN HANDEL EN NYWERHEID LIQUOR ACT, 1989 DRANKWET, 1989 KENNISGEWING VAN AANSOEKE OM NOTICE OF APPLICATIONS FOR DRANKLISENSIES LIQUOR LICENCES Kennis word hierby gegee dat die aansoekers in die Notice is hereby given that the applicants specified Bylae hierby gespesifiseer, kennis gegee het van hulle in the Schedule hereto have given notice of their voorneme om aansoeke om dranklisensies in te dien intention to lodge applications for liquor licences in ten opsigte van persele geleë in die distrikte wat in die respect of premises situated in the districts indicated Bylae aangedui is. in the Schedule. Die betrokke aansoeke kan tot en met die laaste dag The applications concerned may, up to and including waarop ’n beswaar teen of vertoë of ’n petisie ter the last date on which an objection against or ondersteuning van sodanige aansoeke ingevolge die representations or a petition in support of such regulasies ingedien kan word, op versoek gratis deur applications may be lodged in terms of the regulations, enige persoon by die kantoor van die landdros van die upon request and free of charge, be inspected by any distrik van waar sodanige aansoeke afkomstig is, person at the office of the magistrate of the district ondersoek word. from which they emanate. BYLAE SCHEDULE Onderstaande syfers, wat tussen hakies in die Bylae The undermentioned figures used in brackets in the gebruik word, het die volgende betekenisse: Schedule, have the following meanings: (1) = Volledige naam, straat- en posadres van (1) = Full name, street and postal address of aansoeker. applicant. (2) = Soort lisensie waarvoor aansoek gedoen (2) = Kind of licence applied for. word. (3) = Kind of liquor to be sold. (3) = Soort drank wat verkoop sal word. (4) = Name under which business is to be (4) = Naam waaronder besigheid gedoen sal conducted and full address of premises. word en volledige adres van perseel. (5) = Determination, consent, approval or (5) = Bepaling, toestemming, goedkeuring of authority applied for (see regulation 5). magtiging waarom aansoek gedoen word (sien regulasie 5). LIMPOPO LIMPOPO BOCHUM BOCHUM (1) Mokgatjane Eric Chipu t/a Kwebo Ke Tshelete (1) Mokgatjane Eric Chipu t/a Kwebo Ke Tshelete General Supplier Trading, Inveraan Village, Senwa- General Supplier Trading, Inveraan Village, Senwa- barwana, PO Box 5077, Senwabarwana, 0790. barwana, PO Box 5077, Senwabarwana, 0790. (2) Liquor Store. (2) Liquor Store. (3) All kinds of liquor. (3) All kinds of liquor. (4) Kwebo Ke Tshelete Liquor Store, Stand No. 55, Inveraan (4) Kwebo Ke Tshelete Liquor Store, Stand No. 55, Inveraan Village, Senwabarwana, Bochum. Village, Senwabarwana, Bochum. (5) Regulation 5; section 41 (i) (5) Regulation 5; section 41 (i) BOCHUM/SENWABARWANA BOCHUM/SENWABARWANA (1) Selamolela Matome Joseph, Stand No. 36, Fountein (1) Selamolela
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