Hale's April Shower of Values
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/■ f A ntroXT, APRIL 8, 195i H m WsktiMr' iffiaturlr»jat»r Eojettittg J frn ilil ATcrate Daily Net Praaa Raa 1 at C. a W llki For tka Weak Eadkig LV: ■ vjti:;'' Maieh SI. ItSl Mayor Harold Tuiklngton. Jack Partly alaaiy Movies wUl bo shosm at the Speaker Secured CESSPOOLS AND SEPTIC TANKS Crockett and Edward W. Krase- To Speak Tonight 1 0 ,1 6 4 *•( Community ’7 - w nlcs, chairman ot the "rpsadoia >u|Town o’clock. This will be the last ' By Bowers PTA POWER CLEANED aC «ha Aadit showing of the season. Shrine’* eomniittss, w ill bo heard in a "Salate tevManchesUr" over Miss Bsfty Olsnst a t Nrsr Toric Manche$ter—^A City of VUlago Charm _ LAdlM’ nl*ht o f Oom- Station V m c tomorrow moritlng will speak at Temple Beth Bholom Having obtained an axcellant In MnnrhrsliT nrnf I irinity JL llnachM Ur Fire depart- The past presidents o f the at 8:30. ’This is in connection with speaker. Bowers School P T A will tonight after the Sabbath service D K 'i Will \ M ) ,v|.l'I l( I \ \KS IN '^ I \ I I l.i) wtn bo holu on aoturdoy American Legion Auxiliary are the preaient'atlon of the freedom hold an open meeting on Monday, MANCHESTER. CONN., SATURDAY, APRIL 7, 1951 (FOURTEEN PAGES) PRICE Five CENTS « S ^ o f U.e meeting Tuemlay at 8 p.m. Miss Olanet comes to Man (UlaaalBed kdvartlalBS oa Page IS) ■ T itn r April 14. and not Satur- shrine on Sunday afternoon at the April 9, at eight In the auditorium. VOL. LXX, NO. 159 evening at the home o f Mrs. El chester at the Invitation of the A pril 7, at announcod in loat Verplanck school. The speaker. Dr. Robert E. .iS r a law*. Carl Petorwm hea(ta mer Rice. 7« Russell strwt. at 8 Manchester chapters of the Zionist Am ot, noted psychiatrist and lec McKinney Bros. tiM ontortalament oommltt^. A o’clock. Members planning to at Organisation of America and Had- turer, will take for his topic, "As- tend the parley luncheon on April •i.w \(,i. m ^i’os M ( 11. turkoy dinntr will bo oorvod with pecta of Parent-Child Relation 21 should have their reservaUons Nathan Hale PTA assah. ' ships." Dr. A m ot Is clinical di (janciac following. l.iO 1’. ;trl .M. I rl. M a m lirstrr in by 'Tuesday. American-born Betty Glsnet rector of the State hospital at Mid Utah Bishop Raps Scliednle8 Session went to Israel In 1949. She worked dletown, associate at Harvard and WHAT IS YOUR *M Q ? Plane with 22 Aboard Daugbten of Uberty, L.O.UI. The sixth annual meeting of the In the fields with the farmers and Johns Hopkins, and is In charge m . win hold a dogroo rehearsal CouncU of New England SUte obtained first-hand knowledge and of setting up the psychiatry study ^MANCHESTER QUOTIENT g^tuiday afternoon at 3:30 at Medical Societies will be held at The April meeting of the Nathan impreaslona'of a new generation program for medical students at Stalin Peace Prize Hale Parent-Teacher Association Onai(o ban. the Copley-Plasa hotel In Boston which la today building the Jewish Tale. Thla Is the tenth and last In the aerlea of M. Q. State. A t the same time, she had on Sunday, April 15. Guest will be held in the school auditor The public is cordially invited te.sts urernted by the Manchester Development ample opportunity to travel Dudley V. Bickford, son of Mr. speaker will be Dr. Albert N. Jor ium on Tiiesday. April 10, at 7:45 to hear this fine speaker In Bowers Comn.i "-Ion as part of Its program for creating throughout the country. She lived School auditorium next Monday. Retired Ej^scopal Qer. R u J e g and Mro. Hamilton Bickford of 22 gensen, president of J,he Univer p, . Rev, .Slegmar F. Blamberg of LoyaltV better knowledge of the town, more Interest In Missing on West Coast sity of Connecticut, who will ad .55 Lenox street, will be the speak in Haifa, Jerusalem, and Tel Aviv A P T A business meeting will fol Oroonhill otreet. and visited several of the immi ic Says Only Reward ^ / V j ! Ita affairs and stimulating a civic consciousness kWL o f M Creatwood drive both dress council members on the top er for tbe evening. His topic will low the discussion period after the grant receplon camps. talk. Tickets for the PTA benefit pointed to the future. atodoaU at Trinity college w d Air ic "The Present Emergency and be "fhir Hiiman Relations." Mr. He Wants in Working I O a t h i n v a l i d Its Impact on Public Higher Ed Blamberg is the Education Direc Now, upon her return to this concert on April 11 by the Uni Manchester Development Commission ' RiOTC cadota, left laat night by versity of Connecticut Glee Club Fear Craft Is Lost in S i^ o S ^ ilo O O mlle MA W p to ucation." tor of the Connecticut State Inter country, she offers a thrilling ac For Peace Is Peace count, not only of her experience, .w'ill be on sale before and after Saved Eighth Time Air Force base* In the eouthwMt. racial Commission and Is also a Mountains or at Sea; but also of the hopes, er.otlons and the meeting. California Appellate Allies Chase Reds Bickford U a member of the rifle Miss Jean Ann Dougan of .56 member of the faculty of Hlllyer Miss Betty Glsnet ‘DEAR JOHN” ............................... .Hank Williams Moscow, April 7.— (TP)— Gardner street, a second-year stu problems of the people of Israel. Air Force, Coast Guard toam which will riioot against the College. Miss Glsnet was not Just a tourist; “ DADDY’S LI'TTLE RANGER” ...................Serg Ellis The Rev. Arthur W. Moulton, (Zourt Orders U. of C. dent in the College of Arts and It is also planned to show the Yiddish actress. Her diversified University of Texas at Austin to she is one of the few Americans 77, retired Episcopal bishop And Sheriffs in Search; Sciences at the University of Con movie, "Adventures In Teleionla.” talent and experience were put to “MEN WITH BROKEN HEARTS” . .Luke The Drifter To Restore 18 Profs Through Minefields day. ____ necticut, will be Initiated into the who learned to see the country WINE LIQUOR of Utah, was listed today as Believe Ship Qrcled which should prove to be both edu from the Inside and to sense In all good use while she wa.s In Israel. Kappa Alpha Theta sorority to Hadaasah will be hostess to the “TOMORROW NEVER COMES” ......... Ernest Tubbs the winner of a Stalin peace Sacramento, Calif., April 7— H ie Keeney school cational and enjoyable. Its dramatic realism the throbbing, Near Deep Canyons i¥i- morrow. At this meeting a nominating Oneg Shabbat that will follow the priZe along with such world (A5—The State Appellate court in TRIBUTE TO THE Tbkyo, April 7 — (/P) — Allied I Inje road east of ('Ti\inchon. RUlb. Teachers club will hold lU April pulsa'T.g heart of Israc!. She is a and BEER I born Reds were dug In both meeting on Tuesday. April 10. at committee, will be named to pre vlborating personality and her plat sendee. figure as French Communist has ruled the University of Cali 1 troops pushed warily through O f Gaviota Pass, Area A son, Peter Jeffrey, was bom places. eight o’clock at the school. After sent at the May meeting a elate form representations ha-7e proven scientist Frederic Joliot- fornia loyalty oath Invalid and mlncfldda and booby traps to yesterday at the Manchester Me of officers for next year. It Is Before suddenly pulling back to May Be Impassable a short buelneas meeting Mw. to be an exciting experience for the ordered their Jobs restored to 18 day In pursuit of Rods retreat- morial hospital, to Mr. and Mrs. urged that all members make audiences which have heard her. Curie. the high ground" mirth of the Han rmneU Mlller’a fourth and fifth Also on the Hat of winners were Ing deeper Into North Korea. Raymond Qulsh of 39 Harlan road. every effort to attend so that they An alert and intelligent young professors who had refused to I tan river the ('ommunists sowed Santa Barbara, Calif., April m d e s will present a P ^ They have two other children, Arthur Drug Stores / »//7 A7 1 /, Mme. Sun Yat-sen, widow of the irnm. folk dances and folk songs. may have a voice In electing this lady. Miss Glsnet was well prepar Potterton’s sign It. The ITnlted Nations advance trails and roads with mines. Their 7.— (/P)— A Southwest A ir Sheleen Ann and Michael 'Thomas. founder of the Chineae Republic The puplta win also present a mu ed for her observations. She was TRUSSES — BELTS PACKAGE STORK LARGE STOCK— ALL SPEEDS. .Tl. 4.’>. 78 In a unanimous opinion, the I 1 waa over central and western fade bark was in the face of 'The maternal grandparents are committee. and a vice chairman of the Chin ways plane carrying 22 per- sical fbr which they have com- educated at the University of Wis ELASTIC HOSIERY 35 OAK STRltr tel 6597 battle fronts pock marked wdth heavy Allied artillery that helped Mr. and Mrs. Samuel J. 'Turklng- A social hour will follow with eae Oommunlat government In Third District Court of Appeals pooed the words and music.