Gening Jstaf
nr,,.....,,... -- -i-jm ** W.MIH ; |L ¦ THE EVENING STAR, Washington, D. C. • WALLMAN'S FIGHTERS WIN • '¦> TtiUBSBAI. mi S, IMS A-13 ¦. i fJ /£“¦ I: -i • r Boxing Judge Denies Bribery in 5 Fights NEW YORK, July 3 (ff).— Bert Grant, a New York box- ing judge for many years, has been indicted and arrested on charges of conspiring with fight manager Hymie Wallman to commit bribery in five bouts involving Wallman's fighters. ¦Jsfr * ¦r.-\ Nr W Grant, 51, denied the charges, ERjf ar 5.. 1 & t. * _;• : ._• : & ~„- . > pleading innocent on his ar- raignment. The alleged conspiracy cov- ered five bouts at Madison ml Square Garden and St. Nicho- las Arena in New York over a period from September 30. 1954 to April 7. 1958. w 'WH 1 F f District ’Attorney Frank Hogan accused Grant of re- ~l|K IK '«*>•' ceiving a total of 8400 from Wallman, 8300 for fights that he judged and 8100 for a fight at which he did not officiate. BERT GRANT < jaßgwT Wallman Named Held in Boxing Probe Wallman, a well-known box- 3 ing manager and furrier, was S 9 ¦¦ 1 i J %1 St. Nicholas. named as a co-conspirator, Grant allegedly iV/ wf id? received $5O. r 9 but not a defendant, by a New F Tvißßb K\t\ H . ' 808 f I Il^BFnWr Bi York grand jyry that has been February 21, 1958, Miteff vs. conducting an investigation of Nino Valdes of Cuba. Hogan ¦ 1 WMIi B w* prd boxing. Hogan’s assistants, charged Grant agreed to ac- ¦ -U --”ftjk.A B& 1 '.
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