Serie B 1995 Vo!. 42 No. 2 Norwegian Journal of Entomology
Serie B 1995 Vo!. 42 No. 2 Norwegian Journal of Entomology Publ ished by Foundation for Nature Research and Cultural Heritage Research Trondheim Fauna norvegica Ser. B Organ for Norsk Entomologisk Forening Appears with one volume (two issues) annually. also welcome. Appropriate topics include general and 1Jtkommer med to hefter pr. ar. applied (e.g. conservation) ecology, morphology, Editor in chief (Ansvarlig redakt0r) behaviour, zoogeography as well as methodological development. All papers in Fauna norvegica are Dr. John O. Solem, University of Trondheim, The reviewed by at least two referees. Museum, N-7004 Trondheiln. Editorial committee (Redaksjonskomite) FAUNA NORVEGICA Ser. B publishes original new information generally relevant to Norwegian entomol Arne C. Nilssen, Department of Zoology, Troms0 ogy. The journal emphasizes papers which are mainly Museum, N-9006 Troms0, Ole A. Scether, Museum of faunal or zoogeographical in scope or content, includ Zoology, Musepl. 3, N-5007 Bergen. Reidar Mehl, ing check lists, faunal lists, type catalogues, regional National Institute of Public Health, Geitmyrsveien 75, keys, and fundalnental papers having a conservation N-0462 Oslo. aspect. Subnlissions must not have been previously Abonnement 1996 published or copyrighted and must not be published Medlemmer av Norsk Entomologisk Forening (NEF) subsequently except in abstract form or by written con far tidsskriftet fritt tilsendt. Medlemlner av Norsk sent of the Managing Editor. Ornitologisk Forening (NOF) mottar tidsskriftet ved a Subscription 1996 betale kr. 90. Andre ma betale kr. 120. Disse innbeta Members of the Norw. Ent. Soc. (NEF) will receive the lingene sendes Stiftelsen for naturforskning og kuItur journal free. The membership fee of NOK 150 should be minneforskning (NINA-NIKU), Tungasletta 2, N-7005 paid to the treasurer of NEF, Preben Ottesen, Gustav Trondheim.
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