Base Ball, Trap Shooting and General Sports
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BASE BALL, TRAP SHOOTING AND GENERAL SPORTS, Volume 49, No. 8. Philadelphia, May 4 1907. Price, Five Cents. LATEST NEWS. STRONGLY CONDEMNED BY THE VETERAN ANSON RECEIVES PRESIDENT JOHNSON. A LEGAL BLOW. The American League Executive Which WiH Affect His Independent Dedares That His Organization Chicago Base Ball Venture Will Never Again Consent to The Sunday Base Ball Question Opening Season Before April 18* Again to the Front* SPECIAL TO "SPORTING LIFE." Chicago, 111., May 1. ^Jndge Honor* last Chicago, 111., Mar 1. President Ban Thursday denied a preliminary motion for Johnson, of the American League, has come an injunction asked by Capi. Adrian C. out flat-footed and announced that there will Anson in a suit begun to be no more mid-winter base enjoin the city and Build ball openings for the Ameri ing Commissioner Joseph can League. Johnson says Downey from stopping work that April 11 was agreed to in the grandstand at his new as the opening date because base ball park at Sixty- the National League people first and Champlain avenue. contended that it was neces It was argued that the city sary to open so early in had no right to revoke a order to do away with con permit once issued. The flicting dates in the cities court was not inclined to where both leagues have this view. "I©m sorry," teams. "Never again for Judge Honore said, "that I us," says Mr. Johnson. "No cannot assist in this laud matter what the National able enterprise, but the law A. 0. AIMM Ban B. Johnson League may do next season, on the subject seems clear." the opening games in ^he In his petition Capt. Anson said stopping American League will not take place before the work would result in the loss of profits April 18 or 20 at the earliest. If then of $50,000 for the season. The ex-captain a schedule canot be fixed up which will has the sympathy of the local fans in his avoid conflicting dates, why let them con troubles. His next move is still shrouded flict. The National League won©t get any in doubt. the better of it on conflicts. There will be 154 games in the American League sched ule, and it won©t go any later in the fall, SUNDAY BASE BALfc. there being enough open dates in the present schedule to carry the present early dates, An Ex-Governor Tells Some Minister* a which will be shoved along. No reasonable man expects spring weather before May 1 Few Salient Facts* in New York, Boston, Cleveland, Chicago Special to "Sporting Life." or Detroit. Even St. Louis, Philadelphia JOHN A. DONOHUE, Marion, O., April SO. Ex-Lievtassat and "Washington have had plenty of cold Governor Warren G. Harding and tae min weather this month since the opening." First Baseman of the Chicago American League Chtt>. isters of the city are at present arrayed im battle royal over the Sunday base ball John A. Donohue, first baseman of the Chicago American League Club, was one of the chief question. Harding, at a recent meeting, BURKALOW©S FAME. Individual factors in the capture of the world©s championship fall of 1906, his fielding being phenom made the statement that Sunday base ball enal and game-saving, and his batting most timely. Donohue was born on July 13, 1879, at Springfield. O. He played his first game of real base b:ill at Marietta, O., in 1896, starting as a in Ohio was a dead issue. The preachers The Deceased Veteran Was in His Day a catcher, where a left-handed thrower is under a heavy handicap. In the middle of 1897 Donohue Sunday came back at the newspaper man joined the Wheeling team and was transferred with that franchise to Grand Rapids in 1898. He by preaching on the evils of Sunday desecra Famed Slugger. was sold to Dayton In that year and remained there until August, 1900, when he was sent to tion, and base ball was very roughly hand Special to "Sporting Life." the Pittsburg Nationals. He finished that season, with Minneapolis, then went to Milwaukee in 1901 in the American League. The franchise was transferred to St. Louis in 1902 and in the led. Mr. Harding also came in for his Louisville, Ky., April 30. A message middle of the season he was released, went back to Milwaukee, and started playing first base. At share of censure. Monday the local papers received by Frank Eckert, a local hotel the close of 1903 he was purchased for the White Soz and joined them in 1904. He throws and contained columns of strong anti-Sunday proprietor, that Ike Van Burkalow had died bats left-handed. reports of the special services and Mr. on April 20 as the result,/of a complication Harding editorially in his own paper deroted of diseases at Arlington Heights, O., re over a cplumn of space pointing out the ad minds the Louisville fans that another of Last September he went to the home of a When its policy of straight, hard hitting vantage of Sunday ball. Said he: "It the grand old galaxy of base ball stars, relative at Arlington Heights to await the does not avail it is all at sea. The old keeps the men from the saloon and from famous in their day in all parts of the calling out in life©s game. He was 51 Philadelphia Club was supposed to be the the Sunday excursion, and thereby keeps country, has passed off life©s diamond. years of age. strongest in the league, and it was so, in thousands of dollars in tha city. The pure mechanical ability, but it never won preachers have misrepresented my position VAN BUKKALOW LIKE OLD PHILLIES. any pennants. For the same reason I do in this fight. Thjre is only one outcome participated in the© memorable nineteen-in- not believe that Cleveland will be able to the people will rule." ning game between the old Eclipse team of capture the American League flag this sea this city and the Akron (O.) nine. Among Why Cleveland Can©t Win Flags in Han- son, or any other, so long as nothing but the Eclipse players were Pete Browning, lon©s Opinion. straightaway base ball is relied on." FARRAR©S DAUGHTER John Dyler and Johnny Reccius. Browning Special to "Sporting Life." became famous as a home-run getter, and Managerial Qualifications. Gives the Old War Horse, Frank Bancroft, was known in every base ball city in this Cincinnati, O., April 30. In discussing country as the "Gladiator" and "Line pennant-winning teams today Manager Han- Prank Bancroft says: "From my experi Delightful Audience. ©em Out Pete." He died about a year ago, lon, of the Cincinnati Club, alluded to the ence, a rnanager should have two strong Special to "Sporting Life." after having lost his reason. Others who supposedly powerful Cleveland team as fol points ability to organize and to train and lows: "The Cleveland team reminds me al Cincinnati, O., April 30. Miss <3erslda»e played ball with Burkalow were Guy ability to get all the work out of the players Farrar, prima donna with the Metropolitan Hecker, "Hub" Collins and Jimmy Wolfe. together too much of the old Philadelphia there is in them after they are organised. team, which had big Ed Delehanty, Lajoie, Opera Company, which appeared here last Wolfe©s final days were spent in Central To my mind Frank Selee was one of the week, is a daughter of "Sid" Farrar, the asylum for the insane at Lakeland. Flick and other great batsmen. The Quakers greatest organizers ever born. Just as he always started off ,at a great clip, threaten had put the Chicago- team on a winning famous old first baseman of the Philadel WAS A STAR. ing all kinds of things. But they never phia team, and a great friend of Frank basis he was obliged to resign on account Bancroft©s "Banny called on the young Burkalow was a pitcher and an outfielder finished anywhere. Why? Beacuse in mid of sickness, and others reaped the benefit of songstress one morning. © ©I am glad to see, as well, and he filled both positions in star summer, when the crack pitchers of the his efforts.©© style. It was in the latter seventies that opposing in the league had rounded Miss Farrar," said the old war horse, "that he gained his reputation. In 1877-8 he into shape and were going along at their you are not ashamed of your father©s name. pitched for the Memphis Reds. When the best, the heavy hitters of the Philadelphia The "Unpardonable Sin." Most young women who study abroad and Rochester Ponies belonged to the old Na Club were at a disadvantage, and they had "I can sit on the bench pretty patiently go on the operatic stage think they have to tional League he twirled for that club. He nothing to fall back on. In modern base when a team is piling up errors," says Hugh assume some high-sounding cognomen. Al also belonged to teams at Pittsburg, In ball, pure and simple slugging will not carry Jennings, of the Detroit team. "Errors are low me to congratulate you on your good dianapolis, Evansville and Keokuk. He en any team through a season to a final victory. part of the game, and the most conscientious sense in this respect, as well as your splen gaged in a seventeen-inning game between There will always be some pitchers that the players in the world make them at just the did success in your profession." Misa the Memphis Reds and the Alleghenies, of sluggers cannot hit consecutively.