THE ATLANTA CONSTITUTION Dad1* and Snnflav, carrier delivery. 12 cents weekly. Vol. XLVL—No. 270. ATLANTA, GA., THURSDAY MORNING, MARCH 12, 1914.—TWELVE PAGES. Sin Kir coplen on the utrrctm and at newMBtandji, S centa



Switches in Ashby Street Veteran Policeman Strip- IN TWO FACTIONS BY WILLIAM BURNS Station Burn Out When ped of His Arms and Also BY THE FKiHTAfiRAPH CO Big Flyer Pulls Down the Fined on Story Told by Under Certain Conditions, Atlanta Theater Is Filled Wires Near School. Little Girl. 2890 1891 1992. 1693 1894< However, Lawyer May Al- With Enthusiastic Audi- For trjing to kiss a prettv little lo low the Detective to Have Boys filing- a big cord kite with a ence to Hear Addresses by long- tail and cutters on the end of it, vear-old girl w horn he was escorting Talk With Prisoner in Cell. put Atlanta in darkness for more than to her home from the city s nighl fort} minutes >esterday afternoon and school last "v\ ednesday night Officer Visiting Suffragists. threatened to tie up traffic W H Bone of the police force was It was between 3 30 and 4 30 o clock WANTS TO KNOW FIRST when the lights Trent out Investiga stripped of his arms yesterday by Po [ tion by inspectors of the Georgia Rail lice Chief James L Beavers and sufs GREAT OVATION GIVEN DETECTIVE'S ATTITUDt wa> and Power company showed that pended from the foice until the nex< the switches at the \shby street sta monthly meeting: of the police com ]895 1896 1997 189S 1899 TO MISS JANE ADDAMS tion were burned out possibly because mission He was also fined $10 76 in of the extra heavv load thrown on them -when the kite pulled down wires police court bj Judge Broyles Says He Will Insist Upon in the neighborhood of the Davis Prettv little Mai McGinma appeared street school as a witness against the offending offi Tells of Reforms Brought Being Present at Any In- "With the switches of the Ashby cer She told the judgre that the offi street station in trouble the side bat cer as usual was escorting her from About in Chicago by Wom- teries at the Alabama street station terview — Barrett's Claim became overloaded and put the down the nig«ht school which is above Pat an's Vote—Mrs Laidlaw town section of the cit> in darkness terson s undertaking establishment on for Reward Denied. "Within fifteen minutes after the North Fors>th street to her home at trouble started linemen located the No 49 Garnctt street a distance of Predicts Success Here. break and within thirty minutes the six or seven blocks It Is decidedlv probable that I>e entire affected area Tias repaired At She stated that when she arrived on no time during the evening was car A en E>ix: \ ici tective William J Burns -will not be traffic impeded the front porch of her home the officer Such might be the tnumphant me* peimitted to qui?/ I m Conlev the proposed a 1 iss and that she pushed sage which Jane -Vddams. and her co conMcted accomplice in the I>o Frank him awtu and went in the house ^ arrioiettes for suffiage ma 5 car: ^ closing the dooi bhe told her mother case bacl w th them after then orslaught of the escapade and her mother took ihis was ev ident in an interview upoi the bulwarks of tune worn — if the mat tei up with the superintend not honored —.prejudic e in Georgia las-t VIADUCTBUilNG 1 yiven out list night bi William M ont of th* night school The supetrin night smith tne negro s counsel Smith tendent in turn related the affair to The reil objection that the visiti ip stated positively to a reporter of The the chief of police w ho Wednesday suffi aglets seom to flnd to Atlanta s Constitution that he would not allow SOLD FOR called Bone befoie h m attit ide at the meeting last night the famous detective to put his client The offi er stated that he was tn ing wh CM filled the Atlanta thea-ter to it* undei a sweating interrogation to find out if the i; 11 was fast anc capacjt was not opposition bin \lso that Burns wot Id not be per st-ited in his defense that there v rathei the lack of it "Loaded to the muted to inteiview Conle> except in Emery-Steiner Structure Is 1 no immoral intent on his pti t in a muzzle thev came to do battle an 1 the presence of the prisoner s atto* ing for the kiss but that his attitude Purebred t*rom tiie^lynn arri\ m0 found none to flgrht ne Kesides th s t is said that the •w—"3 entirelv that of friendship "When lane \ddams stcrod up befo o detective wil have to agree to other However he admitted to the judge Heirs by the Flynn Realty f the j?reat sea of faces last night and conditions beCoi e he will even be ad Chat the b orj told b\ tne little girl called for those who were in fa^\ 01 of roitted to the ngro STveepers cell was true women ha\ ins the rig-ht to the ballot Company, Inc. 1 \*nRtK to KBOTT \tfltude. Officer Bone has >ieen in the service ^radically to a man — literally and nV Before I -?e m t Bui ns to see Con of the p-olicc depai tanei * for twent 1910 ratn el-\— the audience i ose to tip 1 Mr <3mith «*aid last night I will Bv far the largest and most impor fiv e > ears and is r ne of the oldest leet and the few who d d not rise de have to ^atibfjr myself that he is sin tant transaction in realtv circles in men in point of sei \ ice on the 01 ce THE. POLICE BO\RD FIGHT FOR Ttt ENTY FI\ E \E\RS «: lined to i esipond w hen Miss Addam^ c*-i<=U seeking to unearth the truth— \tlanta in a numb**i of v ears was the IIo s the father of a fam ly of cli 3 (\ot passed bv an> board of censorship ) ailed foi an opposing \ote and nothing b t t I w 11 have to de sale Wcdnesdav of the Emerv Stelner dien and has a little girl who is li He Wouldn't Take a Dare t m ne wh*>tnei or not ht. i3 working- building on Peachtree street at the \eus old lie is gray haired and ao \\ h< n the oppos ng \ ote was calli d to a d > ra.nk alone \lso whether or viaduct b% the helis to the propertv i jt he will art in absolute good faith i ears, of age foi w oman on the ft ont row wa*- \srted point blank whether or not he through an administratrix sale to the 1 u thei mi estimation of his offense LIVER DISAPPEARS heard to sav to her husband I dai F"lvnn Realtv compam incorporated wo ilu allow Hums to see the negro will l e made t>j the board of police o to get up 1 for a consideration of $600 000 I* rom all outw ar< indications he *- < -»n l i s for the pui pose of stir up a fight but no fight wa*. forth t« i J the i ti oi tei whv Burns will be having plans and specifications drawn San Franqisco March 11 —Ljiver diS coming Time and again she n alkr- i DAY, SAD FORECAST HUNTEDFORSIEGEL to the front of the stage and tr ed u j e *n ttea o queit on C.onlej for a new building upon the property appeared from the tables of all house cajole the audience into some expre l s said although not verified that The sale of the propertv was nego holds and restaurants of San Fran t c iifgios attoin v will request that tiated b> th e Otis & Kollidav real FOR ATLANTA TODAY sion of opposition which would gn positively wh-ether firm -will in the future be the agent Following Is the weather foiecaat for tio-n Liver the butchers say used to , anaJNintht Be it southern otvivalri moral cow Atlanta Thursda-y and Partner Were Plead- ot not this was his> pla.ii tif the property be given awa\ Then the --wholesalers I ardlce or bonest belief m the cause A disagreeable day is indicated for to this good moment there has been If t find that Bu ns ia working- in This propertv is located at the ing to Indictments—Riot- asked 2» cents a liver and got it Now Infantry Ordered in Readi- tn<* sole nterest of Frank the attor northwest corner of Peachtree street Thursday The wind will be from no dissenting voice the wholesalers are asking 15 cents ne> detlajcd he won t have a chance and the viaduct and hai> frontages on the north to northwest, becoming: rath nyte Question-s there were—world it see my client Throughout this case Peachtree and Broad streets and Via er high and gusty in character, and ous Bankruptcy Hearing. a pound but, rathtr than pay jt, the ness to Leave Inytediately, 6»-t end duct place as well as the railroad be bring with it a bit of chilly air from btiteheis unc-iilmouslj resolved irot to The marked 1 h -\ \. c v. u "ked to get at the truth th* m>rth, which will aend the temper- tTL otnei IT in pio\ iding safetv for tlie low all ot T* lijch -with its central lo carrj liver at all nights audience was If anj thing- dial cation makes of 11 one of the most ature down to about freezing: by Thurs- New fork afarch H—While Henry j By John Corriernn t utl I 1 ave no other Interest at stake day night Thursday morning th* tera 3iegel head of department stores in : of a thirst for knowledge -valuable parcels of real estate in the a<= Washington D C Maich 11—CSpe vV hen the speaking: was ov ei -i»-l i an i o fttung to allow my client to pefatiire will be about 40 degreejj, a* New York Chicago andd BostoBoston ^ , ni inn Hilt llir*A 11 ArT\ be i l atcd however, nor his story citj cial )—Two regiments of infintrv were an opportun tv a as given fo q K *• T he propertv fronts 116 feet on compared with 52 degrees "Wednesday testtfjins today m a riotous bank ' P MV AMri AVCV \\\l\l a ec* \ oorderer d bv the war department today tions to be asked questions pop] el P Peachtree street and runs entireK morniiigr. and the fall during Thursday- rt^tcy hearms the grand jury that , wwill) llv) HIlU HALlJ UuLU %1 H^sociat on in the Frank, case 13 will be continuous Some rain 'will oc- has been in\estigatmg- the failure of " « « »»* • w w-w wwi_fc^ ' to the Mexican boi lei the seven all o\ei the house like ela pigeon l to l u u t a ci ent whom I know to be through the block to Broad street a shooting tournament and with i n •R here it has a frontage of 146 feet cur during the early mornings and the the Siegel stores in Xew York and the t teertth now stationed it Fort McPhei telJiij^, the t uth And I m not going: to The depth of the propertv which con sky will probablv be overcast anel sa\ings banlc conducted in connection er-ing narksmanship the visiting * I" i Atlanta and the ninth ^tationpd fragists shot them down with guns of pcim L us bafe j and his pos-ition to stitutes also the Viaduct place and gloomy during most of the day with a with them returned three joint indict It, jt t> i cit/et I toward clearing towards asked the juestion had ceasod t} eel o t. j men que&t on Emerv Steiner building- a fout stoiv enough to co\ er the ground As a Three hundred angrv depositors wnn Buacessor lias not «*t been named 1 fljing frjni bo\ aid grilo \\ 111 Protect Con ley structure Tins building extends who!* the day will be cold, wmdv had b*»cn forciblv ejected from the in South Carolina. Lieutenant Colonel llenrv D --tv er) He must be pro-tec ed trank took thi ough to Broad street where it is and disagreeable Fndaj will be cold bankruptcy hearing- hunted around On the stapr* w ore a lart,f iniibtr will be temporarily in command of the of the lead UK n ei and w o nen of \t Ereat cai e and pains to pa otect him two stories high The weather will, not however be cold the federal building- for biegel in \am regiment Colonel Van Orsdale s num lanta for the beneft of wh >m t e t self when Conley ofieied to visit In the building there are twentj enough to neceseitate cutting off wa At the time thev were looking Cor him Harts\ille S C March 11—A largft =ber will fall to Colonel George W Me five stores all of which are under said tliev were in\ited to sit i pon J rank s cell and face him with Con tei pipes he and his banking partnei w ei e elephant which escaped from a circus Iver. now stationed at Manila P I lease to expire in two and one half the stage regardless of their artit id lev s accusations "W e strove w ithout standing before Jucjge Rosalskj plead train said to have been wrecked to- HcaaoDH for Trnmifer years ing not guilts to the indictments tow a-i d the sifffi age q iest on a ail o bring about the confrontation da\ on the Seaboard Air Line vva^ killed Tha explanations given for the ti an*i At the expiration of these leases the REFERENDUM IS URGED One indictment charges Siegel and \ttoi nev Lmtoii Hopkins pi etfderf t,i t t rank would not allow it There Fl> nn Realt} company w ill impt ove fer of the seventeenth and nmti ref,i OYPI the meeting- and introduced the fore why should I? rank—or any of h,is \ ogel with grand larceny in that the\ | tonight m the woods about air miles ments to the Aic \ican border are this propertv with a substantial bund ON THE MINERS' STRIKE made false statements to the Bank of from her*- b> a part> of men who in j speakers He was warm tn his praise icpiesentativ es so far as that matters in* thes„ e of Jane \ddamis and of Dr bhaw wh fommeice in order to bonow $2o 000 a long chase used shotguns rifles and —be allowed to see the man to whom Just what the nature of this building 10 pievent \ie\ican maiaudeis f rom 1 could not be present at the \tlanta Chicago Mai oh 11— We will sane The otheis allege that the two bankers a^ces in dispatching" the mammal he i efused an audience' crossing over into Texts to prev ent j mppt llg He predicted tie dis w h* n. will be has not jet been decided the accepted deposits when the} knew If Burns convinces Conlev. s counsel tion the ailing off of the copper mm Excitement was- great and there were Texans crossing over into Mexico to ns suffrage will pie\ail in Geoi directors having onlv on Wednesday bank of Henri Siegel and compan} to woine that he stands on neutral and fair voted the monev to have architects to ers strike if the men themselves want many wild but baseless rumors of repaj Senator Morris Sheppird ' to do it declared Charles H Moyer be insolvent 6ia ^i ound he will be permitted the de figure on a building for the property damage done by the beast An effort Texas for his support of the Bloomed Into **outfa president of the "v\ estern Federation of Depositors 4 re Put Out administration in opposition to 0,o\ sired interview, famith declared Mr Otis stated howev er that the was made to have the local militia or 11^ f i«it introduced Mrs L.d dla discu&sion of the directors at Wednes Miners heie toda^ Moyer recommend l testified at the bankruptcy ernor Colquitt It became known ^\edneada> that dered out to protect the inhabitants Mis L-ajdlaw declared that suf one of the first missions Burns wisliejj dav & meeting indicated that the atruc ed a referendum i otr to determine proceedings that he did not invest any whether the strikers desired to waive front the elephant which no doubt was Senator Sheppard wanted the addl had"rather~"bioomed" Vn the solid south lu accomplish upon returning to \t ture w ill be an office building with capital in the j i^ate bank that borp tional troops sent to patiol the boi th m broken into it 1 iti 011 the Frank case is to question' an arcade extending through from their demand fo e o,?n tion of the his name Ho got about tl at far in hiaj merely 0 ^playing- the exubeiaricc of aer Since the cash of the le\as In opening she based her argum* i l un on to surrondei their union cards 1 Loiiltv It is a a i-d that he v\ ill seek Peachtree to Broad street These cle te^timonv when \II«s 1es*ne Mai tin j spirit induced bv it" new found liber rang-eis across the I itei national boi ion the Rtatement tnat a good woma. and return to work w 116 a i i use confession elieitmg tictits tails w ill be settled after a conference announced that ^he had a right to re > j ts so far as Know 11 no person or der to iccover the "bod of Clemente ' u* ^nod voter and a good M ith architect^ The success of the The men could mak« then individual C2tj I h h how eve it was stated bv the resent the depositors at tUe hearli ?r fp,Ope, t^, w is injured b\ the elephant -, . tiie ^nner^an ranchmin theie } f£"s the vote at the polls she sai i msrob attornev will not be pe nutted j proposed plaza w ill gov ern the plans teems w ith the mining companies said She was uiged to remain quiet TkliPD | ha^ been uneasiness in administration determines our civic and mti nil Mo> ei "\ s fa r as the Western Fed that I am not going to allow Burns to circle-* Serious consequences might t \ ie ubvlouslv a Rood Aoman ^HI make it a fash proposition in The directors of the * Ij nn Realty eiat on was concei ned he said that SuTJoom^lnrte/bJatS^MariAMflt/CAATS IN GERMANY follow a dash b Te\ans in o Mexico Hit, best in all things companx are as follows organisation was willing to accep-t the A. good cook will look Into the coi t ent I ptJimit him to see Conley he Henl el Three hundred rt<-pos t | »»«— g*v A/ITU/ «U/A J? TAJf" or Mexicans into Texas Mrs .Nellie A Meegan of \V ashing It Is obvious that a tool Burns could not be reached for a sonvill<> J? la Mrs Annie T 3 !>nn of also were put out Thev gathered mother w 11 want to know about th statement last nigrlit \ccordang to a strike and w ould be content to have front of the w inflow of Marshal He Berlin Maich 13 —The German To alias as far pos Ible the eond nona at schools and the places >f the str kers return to work with the kel s office and shouted threats of MO f-cir« of the people on amuHement that lier children and othe telegram which he sent to The Consti [ I Iv nn of "Wilmington E>el Miss Flvnn 1 American Commercial Union has en 1 P bordei th understanding that the> could gx> with lence against Siegel tered a protest through the Ij nited president took up with ne the question children must go to The ti ue modern tutlon Tuesday niiht he will be in this was represented at Wednesdaj s meet mother is not content with the know 1 »_ itv some time this week.—probably [ing by Mr Otis out i ejudice testified that he and vogrel States embassy to the German govern . of sending some additional troops o^ cr said he w-ished to nrake it edge that she has made life bettfr for •within the next da> or so Tjpon his re filed a bond and purchased fixtures for ment against the imposition of the new I there As a result I have ordered that her own c hi Wren but wants to do a.s plain however that the men on strike the bank Then he admitted thej war taA on American residents in the Seventeenth infantiv and the Ninth much for the crildren of other mothers turn this time he will remain in town could Lake any action they desired until his Investigation is complete accepted deposits and made them act Germanv infantry be sent there The Seven The good liouat r is not s^olng t > teenfch Infantry is novi at Fort Me be satisfied w' -rushing the d ist Conference In Held without interference from the fed era as a floating capital for the ban! By a law passed last sear in con tion Siegel declared he had no monev to necuon «• th the increase of the Ger Pherson Georg-ja and the Ninth Jii- \n interesting angle ot recent devel OF BOY CONVICTED faiii.rv is now at Fort I-ogati H Poot opments in the b rank situation was a paj what he owed and he declined to man armj all persons in Germany with \i-kansas and Pol t Thomas Kentuckv | secret conference held tfueisdaj after answer a question as to whether an | an income of o\er 57oO and up to OF SERIOUS CRIME ALASKAN PEN IS USED rhey w ill be stationed at present at Weather Prophecy noon between Solicitor Dorsey and At entr\ was made on the books of the f $i. 5fto a year have to pay an extra j Lagle Piss and Laredo and the cav FA1\ A^ COOLER torne> Smith It is said to have lasted stores when thev borrowed from the j tax of one nalf of one per cent. The j TO SIGN RAILWAY BILL bank on the ground that it might in ,_ _._ ... „ t);vo alr\ now at those places will be re thi oughout the afternoon Neither I awrencev ille Ga March 11—(Spe tax increases progressively up to |i[ev'ed for more extended border I man would dn-ulge its nature, refusing cial >—A^ case of much Interest that was A ashmgton Afarch 11 —The pen criminate him pei cent on incomes of Jl* 500 and ^QJ.^ a— Hnin and colder toda * In regard to his partnership with to diseubs the subject tried in the superior court hei e this ^i ith which Speaker Champ Clark sign ove I Friday • week was that of the state against ogel in the private bank Siegel said he bev eral European powers are about Nearly 1S,OOO Troops in Icxan It is said however that the two ed the Maskan railroad bill was maae Local Itcport. weie going over certain phases of the Houston Culpepper an orphan bo> and his partner had agreed to divide t make a joint protest baaed on a The orders for the dispatch of tw o -" Alaskan gold and was held in an more i egimenta to Texas w ill i esult Lov. est temperatui e iiewlv discovered evidence in the hands about lo vears old Vy penholder made from the tusk of the profits at the end of each vear He clause of the German treaties with E* g:he&t empeiatnre 6 of t'ie defense which is to be The lad was indicted for assault with a mastodon that roamed Alaska more said his salaisaiai-vi froirom -variouvanou»s storeMLUI-CsN £tUMSia oGieeeie©ce Italj and KumaniRumania ex in the assembly in that state of nearly ' in temperature 60 contained in the application for a new ! intent to rape on a b >eat old girl but than, ?0 000 \ears ago was S46 000 a sear and that his wife ( emptinigg subjects of those counti ies 18 000 troops mo e b\ 3 000 than the Normal temperature trial to be submitted somewhere in the i the juiy returned a verdict for assault Vice President Marshall used the spent most of it from taxation lev led under extra-ord entire force of the regular armv that PainfaU n past -4 houib inches The mother of the girl testified agams* «lej(el Turned Pale narv conditions. bhafter led into Cuba \earlj 11 000 Deficierrcv since 1st of mo inche* 1 6 neighborhood of April 10 same pen and holder tonight when he t Deficiency sin-ce Jam ar> 1 inches 6 19 1 ri nds of Leo I rank—and it is un j the defendant and her evidence was affixed his signature The penholder is It was a little after 3 o clock in The United States it Is pointed out soldiers are in camp itX""e\,as City tie i stood members of his counsel—aie j verv damag-ing- carved in the form of an Alaskan totem .he afternoon when one of District At would benefit b\ the most fa\ ored under command of Bngat >r General From \ arlouM Statlona £ to be responsible tor the proposed j The alleged crime occurred at the pole bj an Alaskan Indian living at ;ornev V. hitman s d«t«ctiv*8 told nation treatment if this protest shouJd Funston of Philippine fame The oth interview of Burns with Conley Burn-s home of the little girl s parents in the S^agwaj Siegel s attorney that the Indictments be successful but meanwhile an Amerl ers are scattered along the border from STATIONS i Temperature | Ralr Brownsville Texas to P%ogales Ariz and state or yast record for obtaining contessions southern pait of Gw innett count> lagt iadr been returned The lawyer leaned can protest has been filed WEATHEH I " P m j High jlnche* Cheei s * rank and his friends in the Thursdav and as the grand jurj was to Siegel and whispered the infor j ~~ ~ —~~ under command of Brigadier General in session the lad w as arrested and NATHAN IS OPPOSED matlon to him faiegel turned pale and crepanciea may Tasker H Bliss the largest garrisons Atlanta rain 5- 6! p aspects of the planned *interiogation said tne total of the ais Birmingham rain Conle> is guarded <:ealouslv in lua brought before the court. 'rora then on stammered out his an being mantamed at EI Paso Jsogales 8 6 J6 BY ROMAN CATHOLICS even reach a. higher figure Buffalo clear 38 _-; 00 cell in the Towei—which is located "When Judge C H Brand was in the swers to questions put to him Douglas Laredo Eagle Pass a.nd In Hands of Receivers Brownsville where railroadd enter Charleston cldj 5S 66 00 near i- rank s—and no one but his at act of stentenclng Culpepper TVednes- Chicago March 11—Resolutions pro Siegel and Vogel were taken to the Chioigo clear «0 OH The Fourteenth street store the Mexico tornej boliotoi Dorsev and Detectivea da> morning a $J5 fine being imposed testing against the appointment of ground floor of the court building in a Although the two regiments will pro Denver cleai 40 01 Ernesto Nathan former ma> or of Simpson Crawford company the bank Galveston eld". 48 60 1 16 fetarnes tnd Campbell are permitted to upon him one of the jurors rose in his >ri^ate elevator that they might dodge ing flrm of Henry Siegel &. Co Henry ceed to Eagle Pass and Laredo Oen see him Rome as the Italian envoy to the eral Bliss will designate their exact io Jacksonville pt tr> 60 0 OIJ piace and stated to the court that he Panama Pacific exposition were ;he mob of depositors When the pair Siegel &. Co wholesalers and the Kansas Oitj rleai 34 ^s 00 fae fact tliat Robert P Barrett, a would paj $1 of the amount Judge adapted here todav by the executive rri\ed before Judge Rosalskj both ap { Merchants Express company, of this cation The present strength of each mechanic. found bloodstains and regiment Is 832 men At Laredo and Knoxvi'le snow >s ti Brand also contributed ?1 as well as board of the American Federation of peaied dazed District Attorney 'Whit { citt all allied with and controlled by Lrfjuls.\ille cl 56 -2 04 hearing a long argument from Lawton Rome Journal Quits. New York pt cldy to -0 00 >ialle> an attorney, who appeared, to Rome Ga March IT. —(.Special )-— Raleirfh rain 3C "0 on naim the reward of $1 000 offered b> The Rome Journal a new paper which San Francisco, clear 54 58 oo the city council for evidence to con- Union Barbers on Strike. lias been published here for the past St Louis smro 30 34 % ict the partj or parties sruilty of St Paul clear 28 34 Nashville Tenn March 11 —Lmon two months has suspended publication 44 Marv Phagan s death Eariett based barbers of Nash\ ille went on a strike Lack of advertising patronage was the Shreve-port cldi 54 Ms claim to the reward on the fact Vlcksburs cldi 62 today at noon The number of men reason given faj the manager William 66 that he first discovered the alleged out is twent} five or thirtj Changes in "Vv-alton nho tame here from Fairfax Tampa pt. cldj 72 oo Sta n of blood and strands of hair in Toledo, clear 28 30 Of) wase scale, and a half holidaj weekly S C a few weeks ago Mr "Walton Washington cldv 28 32 are asked Thirt> (Ue cents instead has not decided upon his future plans V\ illlston cldj 43 Continued on Page Two. of 25 cents for haircuts is among the hut expects to publish a weekli paper demands cial statement used as a basis of addi n«w operations The stores h'aTe been • o in some other town in Georgia. ional credits before the failure It is continued in operation by the receiver* CoiUintled On Page von HERRMANN Section r>ir»otor.


from the polished library table but abe m the gallery to join the junior suf- liquor interests offered o» much ap- is going- out into your dty and clfean frage corps, which she explained. position." up Che streets Mr». McCormlcIt Spealuu Frank Callaway asked wbat had been Tent for Antarctic Expedition Gets Cobwebs Vat* Coming: to Women, the result* of women s votea in the WILSON TO WIN BAniE If you are the sort of a person who Mrs Stanley McCormick of Chicago, west spoke upon the inconsistencies of the T^-ould have objected to the masna Mrs McCormick answered that the Out Blood charter on the ground of probably be arguments the men used against wom- ring a dangrerous move, or would have an's suffrage, and pointed to official ac- majority of the accomplish men ta had been the passage of progressive meaa TO REPEAL FE TOLLS If You Can't Think and the said trie old-fashioned candles are pood tions of men in public office as incon- enough for me without using an elec sistent with stands they had previously uree principally in the matter of hu- Skin Breaks Out in Boib trie lisrh't or automobiles are Interest manitarian reforms Ing- to look at, but I do not believe taken when sought by the suffragists Canvass Shows Opposition they will ever become practical and She picture*! the condition of women Mms Dennett came back at Mr Cal- or Abscesses You Need laway thusly are dangerous besides if you are havin... ,ga th„.„e ..^..righ^t wto „„«vote, „„„-whil„e„e men Will Be Fruitless—Adamson A Blood Bath !t Were disfranchised, and then entered 'Is that a fair question? "What have I men done9" Asks for Special Rule. portunfrty to be much happier .for the into a pantomime of the men beseech The fame of Georg-ia s native blood vote is coming to T* omen in Georgia, ing them for the right to vote and the I Suffrage Here to 9«my. medicine S S S Is known all over the and the sooner you recognize that the women using the same arguments on l A gray-haired gentleman from th civilized -world Throughout the South- "Washington Alarch 11 —With debate ern States It is considered a specific better the men that men use upon women state of Washington arose and stated on repeal of the exemption clause of She- "then toofc. up a discussion wh which kept the audience in an uproar I come from a state where women the Panama canal act about to be and how the women should get their of laughter for thirfv minutes The audience was fain to hear more of Mrs vote I want to say that suffrage la all in the house interest in the outcome of franchise closing with a clever bit of McCormick e facmtillating wit and a-p right and it s here to etay the president s request of congress was flattery to thp men of the audience plauded for everal minutes TI hen she The raising of the age of consent had intensified today opponents of the re Miss Caroline Fuutz Reese of Green finished Keen exploited as an accomplishment of peal displaiini? unusual activitj To •w ich Qonn third vice president ot the administration leaders who have madt national association spoke ne^t Ad darns Mrs W H Pelton who was on the d. thorough can\ ass of the situation Speaking upon the topic of Justice Miss Addams speaking- with a sober- stage arose and asked that some man it appeared practically certain tonight and Fair Play for women seeking the ness and earnestness w hich kept the in the audience state the age of con- that opposition to the repeal will be vote she stated that an examination audience in a pi of ound silence oC at sent in Georgia. fruitless of the women would show that nearly tention told of the manv things the women of Chicago had tried to get the It was stated variously as 10 12 and Senate \Vaita OD House all of them are entitled to the right of 14 ^ ears ballot city fathers to do for thp good of the Announcement yesterda> that the community before thej got the vote She made a strong appeal to have the senate committee on interoceanic canals Women \Vho Should Vote. and of how the> had for > ears met limit raised to 18 or 21 years at the bad determined to a-wa-lt action by the She outlined the kinds of women next session of the legislature house before taking «P the repeal con v, no should have the right to vote as been acceded to since they acquired Marion Jackson arose and asked Mrs tfovcrsj, for consideration created some Blood Impurities Gone to Stmy. follow s the ballot last Julj Felton comment in the senate for blood risings old sores scrofula, "Women -who pay taxes Tells of Reforms "Why not make it 48*1" Informal conferences were held and all those effects attributed to poi- Working -women of whom there are She told of hospital reforms needed Other questions innumerable were among democrats, their conclusions be soned blood Most anywhere you go for thirty "v ears being axcomplvshed in 1 6000000 in the United States two months after •women got the vote asked bj prominent men and women of ing that there Is no reason for unusual there is some one to say what a -won- Mothers upon whom rests the re of poorhouse reforms of the appoint Atlanta, all of which were promptly haste on the part of the senate and derful influence S S S is to drive out sponsifaility of directing the lives of ment of ten women police for amuse answered bj the visitors that action b> the house may be await complete^ and permanently cure any their children without having the right ment parka and dancing pavilions, ed unless the Sims repeal bill should form of blood trouble and the mayor s more than gracious SuAraglata Arrive. encounter unusual delay in that body No matter how badl\ they attack of ballot to say under what conditions The suffrage leaders came to Vt They shall live. offer to increase this number to twen Should the house prolong discussion of the sjatem or how unsightly becomes ty fTve reforms in the citj s method lanta from Birmingham, and were met the measure unreasonably adminlstra the ^1 in just remember there is one Teachers who have the duty of in of handling the disposal of garbage at the station by a committee of At structlng 20 DUO 000 children in the and many similar other progressive tion leaders In the senate may make ingredient in S S S that so stimu measures lanta suffragists They were escort an effort to take Initiative action in lates the pellular ti^s jes throughout problems of toda> an3 yet cannot She closed with a warning to worn ed to the Georgian- Terrace hotel the upper branch the bod> that each part selects its speak from actual experience en s clubs stating that if women s Practically the entire morning was President "W ilson conferred on the own essential n Jti iment from the fallen women from T*. horn corrupt clubs do not stand for suffrage they spent in a secret session with the At tolls issue today irvith Senatois James blood will shortly find themselves bereft of political powers extort graft lanta leaders for the purpose of pro- of Kentutkj and Hoke Smith of Geoi Tbis means that all decas all break Women as consumers their power a4id purpose for the rea son that the innumerable humamta viding ways and meanfl o£ forwarding gia Both said they expected the house ing- down of the tissues is checked and 4.dd to these reasons for fail* pla> nan purposes for which women s clubs the cause of women s votes in Georgia to act before any action is taken ta> repair work begins S S S has such the expediency and usefulness of worn were first organized ha\ e since been Visitois \\ere entertained at noon at a the senate a specific influence on all local cells as en voting she said tak^n o\ er b> the govei nment and luncheon gi\en by Mrs Edward H In I am heartiH In support of the tolls to preser\ e their mutual welfare and In conclusion she appealed to the that onK through the ballot can worn afford t proper relative assistance to an now have a hand in guiding the man at hei home on East Fifteenth exemption repeal said Senator Hoke > oung people pai tic&larlj a partv of atieet and between 4 and o o clock in Smith and I think that the action each other For many -v ears people >oung £irls from Lucy Cobb institute conduct of these projects relied upon mercury iodide of potash the atternoon were tendered a recep- should be taken, as speedily as possi "Will Bind Couples Together. ble arsenic physics, cathartics and dope Mi<=s Mar} Ware Dennett of New tion at the Terrace under the direc as remedies for blood sickness but tion of the Eighth Ward league. Some Talk of Caucus now the pure \ e etable S S S is York confined her argument nnairtlv to Senatoi Marline oC N"ew lersej an 0 an it ack upon the theory that has nounced his allegiance to opposition of their safeguard been advanced that the granting of "i ou can get S S S in *ny drug YOU'RE CONSTIPATED, the i epeal There still is discussion Store but ins st upon having it And the ballot to women w 11 interfere with SMITH TO PROTECT among senators about the advisability motherhood and destroy the peace and if > our blood condition—.is such that of a democratic caucus on the question you would like to consult a specialist unit> of the home CON LEY FROM GRILL before it is submitted to the senate The vote she said, will bind men freely and confidential^ address the BILIflUSi-CASCARETS Chairman Ada.mson of the house in Medical Department The Swift Spe and women together as the most terstate commerce committee failed to precious interest of their lives The Continued From Pag* One. HOW TENT IS COVERED WITH SNOW. cific Company G 16, Swift Eldg day to get assurance of unanrmous Atlanta Ga Clean Your \Vaste-CloineecWaste-Closjgi l °° °-Perafclve spin* of men and women consent to take up the repeal bill and . «. . 7 _ I 1C5 the sure guarantee of the home and Lieutenant ShdJckleton s Antarctic e\ designed tent w ill be utilised This tie promptly introduced a re&olution the latheroom and n-e attempted to pedition will have nov el equipment on tent as shown in the accompanying il Liver and Bowels Tonight. the state pi ov i, that his discoveiy put the police lustration is made so that it can be calling for a apreialr rule to expedite fiei paitingr shot -was on the tiail of fc rank and aiterwards the daring •ventuie into the south polxr oovpied with snow and so turned ii^to action The bill will not be Called up Feel Bully! led to his an est and. conviction wastes In addition to sleds operated "V\ omen arc people Js there a man a tvpical Eskimo snow hut or >fs*it is until the, latter part of next wceK, aft AMUSEMENTS. in the audience ^ho will not admit Slumt Give Abaolute Proof. t>y aeroplane propellers newly termed an igloo "^ er the rivers and harbors bill has been that' Then if the men who have their Baiietts claim to tlie reward will disposed of Got a 10 cent box nloodfatain& and hair threads brought eral debate on the meisure ablf you at e from constipation indiges who are always saving It can t be about Franks Lonviction In fact the t on biliousness and sluggish bowels tefaolution adopted by council explicit DOES VOW OF POVERTY lltm\V Waimti* nml MK»>< — \ ou always get the desli ed results t\one but while thev are talk ng the> iy pro\ ide sthat the money is to be Tlio icreatpflt whow on «-nrth with C ascarets aie likely to be inten uptPd almost an> paid to the person who p-roduces e\i THOMASVILLE FANS Don t let your stomach liv-er and daj. by somebody doing it deuce which migiit lead to the arrest how els make v ou misei a-ble Take | and conviction of the part --v, fl-H of WANT SOME BALL GAMES j After the speeches were finished the Mary Jr'hagan s death ^^V^"^* i ZIEGFELD FOLLIES <: ascarets ton ght put d.n end to the i „, anding -vote was called for with the 1UO—-In Company—1OO headache biliousness -dizziness ijerv • Detective Sta-rnea c^_6' af th^ e Thomae\ ille Ga., March 11 —Ope j ousness sick sour gassy stomach aforesaid results and then there was cutors of Frank, r-/^ ° Prose ciaL)—Thomasville fans are getting so Orelientra. ?2 Balcony, 91 "»<* and f 1 that he chipped txf^ti thj! ^mmittee ba ka,c-he and all other distress \ a- call fof questions to be asked the floor and i>-J«ie bloodstains from Question Involving Order of The City of Lao Ho-Kow Sack- anxious to see a ga ne of ball that cleanse >oui inside organs of all the Many Questions Asked at the tual vfttroduced the evidence President Mass has written to the' Monday Tuesday Matinee and I ft IP gases and constipated matter that Jb rank _^™e toi^ the committee St. Benedict Before United ed and Burned—Much managers of some of the bi^ teams in when is producing the nriser\ E R Black lose and asked the blood^'^vas suspected long- before tiaining in Florida to seo if ho can get The Berlin Musical SUCCCSB. A 10 cent bot means health happ-i ^\ hat valid arguments liav e been Ban ett ^"*^tains were pointed out by States Supreme Court. Loot Secured. dates with some of thorn on their wa> TI^S and a clear head for months used against woman s suffrage9 total nP0* According: to Detective home from spring: ™-a tiee It is un No more da>s of gloom and distress * A the stains were insti umental deratood th-at several ot the club^ arc if \ ou will take a, Cascare»t now- and From Miss Fuutz Reese came I "A MODERN EVE" don't want jou to have it Frorn Mrs _ roving: that the murder was com willing to stop foi games en route then VI1 drugrgists sell Oascairfrts cted on the second floor of the fac "Washington Marrfh 11 —Oral arg-u Tekin March 11 —Brigands today home so it ma> not be nPces-*ai > to Special Tang;o < borufl Don t forset the children—their little Laidlaw came It hurts m> feelings ory but he did not state the con ment was heard In the supi emc court sacked and burned the city of Lao Ho- wait for the opening: of the season n Insides need a gentle cleansing too K.OW killed Dr T Froyland, a Nor the Georg-ia State league to see the \ lehts :'•<• to »1 5Oj Mat . 25c to 91 I don t like it ^ nection between the stains and threads today on the validity under American wegian missionary and wounded sev- £>r John & "White askod of hair and the murder of the girl by law of the vow ol po\erty pi escribed Cirst. game this spring t Frank eral other foreigners including the There la a-Iso said to be a possibility I Dad the women of Chicago^ some twelve centuries ago foi mfmhers Rev O M. Sama, a native of Norwa> ot having games with Savannah and hand in the reform move *" Barrett discovered the alleged spots of the Catholic Brotherhood of St A force of 500 brigands obtained en- nt Did o-f blood and the strands of -hair several Benedict Briefs already have be-en trance to the citv by means of treach Albany for the bally league In case AIL\NTVS BVSIB'5'1 THF VTER the liquor Interests oppo: days attei the discovery of the mur these g-ames can be arranged Manager A th WMk \-otes foi submitted and the case is before the erv from within They immediately Dudley will older his men to i eport The Exposition Line—1915 women? der Barrett reported his dis court foi decision used the torch and the sword. They FORSYTHI TW"- ICE" D\ILV •covery to Lemmie Qulnn and Quinn before the 2">th the time first decided Jane Addamn;s ans,M«f The legality of the vow of poverty burned the Asiatic Petroleum and the upon foi their coming LADDIE CLIFF England s Bay \V e ha\ e had, red reported to Darley It was through was questioned in the administration ibingei buildings and looted the British L.MULMC. \ft-irr COMEDIAN T Dai ley that the police were furnished Thomasvllle has th-p pi ettiest ball time in Chica^*\ ' the \ ote so short a of the esta-te of Fathei Aug-ustm Wirth and American Tobacco company 8 that we ha\e not yet with, the information a priest Starnes saw that there were many New York on behalf of the oider told staff of three men two of them with I iverpool bervicfi things which caused the department to the court today that if the opinion of their wives and three other women ZIEGFELD FOLLIES IvBXT .S-VLLLNOH Arizona 113-15 Whitehall 164 Decatur suspect Frank and Conlej the lower court were allowed to stand Dr Froyland who was killed by the Refusal on the part of the committee as fhe Jaw of the land the property brigands and Rev Sama, who was First time south 100 in to act on the demand of Bairett for of the Benedictines and all other re wounded represented the society MAURETANIA, Mar. 17 • «," Guaranteed Fresh Country EGGS, the payment of the reward is talk en as ligious orders prescribing the v ow of Another society the China Inland company. New York beautv New Mexico an Indication that no action will be poverty would be endangered He said mission the headquarters of which are LUSITANIA . . Mar.3l,g°° dozen .... 2 4 'AC taken until the Frank case IB finaUy :he lower court had fTiled to distin in London England has a staff in I ao chorus All-star cast VIA No. 10 Pail Pure Leaf LARD, $1.22^ decided In fact Attorney- Nalley real guish betw een the religious and civil Ho Kow of one missionarv and his QLlCIitsT ROUTE) via FISHOiUARD for i/t-B mentation that it did involve the valid Great Britain a Latgeat Ship .ty of the vow acid phosphate That is the sulphuric Jones'Cash Store USED AS A DRY DOCK acid has combined with other material llie £*mbu as a the land soui it is not because the •which has temporarily been converted acid phosphate contains a free acid It 31c til terra lean- Adriatic ierv i«.e into a regular drv doc-It for the over ;rustee for the order is called acid phosphate1* because It is California No 1O Silver c£h pai fares to points intermediate r Pot oe armed florid taced loving an air of ticular purpose i ,Tu °* ' , 27c mystery ostentatiously hiding the dark Let us ah-ow vou Evaporated Uillt. g foT 25C processes by which criminals are caught * Hy-L.o" I anternn S S. S. "Laconia" Sat., April; Tickets on Sale Daily America Storehouse of Radium and society saved j CHILDREN gi've a good stron^, = | i.IUICtiyi VK, MONACO. AAPI,fc,«l, | March 15 to April 15. K\ni»ornt«Ml Mlllc. " C?1 ftH t,Fiom IHe Worlds Work) Turn from that picture to another light and are larse size, dozen «pi.UU i In the last few years the - has Thirty two uniformed policemen are i and ea.ay 7fi*» H [ I HAS.. IKILhTE nu«l \V 111 nn\ e you money on monthly depended largely upon the carnotite istenins to a speech In the audience to clean •«» Through Tourist Sleepers. supplies fields of Colorado fop its supply of sit eight or ten heads of citv depart { "Cold Slant" I an- ladium The product of the Austrian merits The chief of! police haa arrant I PREFER ternn that burn Bound tne World Trlpa, »474,B5 and ui> Liberal Stopovers Allowed mines ig comparatfvelj insignificant ed for the meeting because he has been Just as well out of buettal thruuku ratea to &jcypt, ladiu. attending all the ^e^sione of the state d oo-i s as £ | AQ China Japan, fdaailu. Australia, isew ^n» at Points En Route In 191 * f OT example Colorado pro conference of chin ties and wants to in*>ide » • *«*w land. Syutb Afrlc«t itud South Amerlctu In duced a-bout 20 grams of radium the dependent tours la Europe ate mead for re^t of the world including Austria secure some of the benefits for his men Reflector Lanterns The speakei is talking about the po for dashboards to I booklet Cunard Tours. Let us arrange for your fuimshed only about t% grams "We .iceman of the future He a-sks his | hang on wall or I Agents for 1'EMNhCUAK A ORIENTAL thus pi oduce approMmately six times learers to throw their imaginations felt. AM NA\IO \TJON CO t re FJOKOH, etc Jun« Call or write for informa- that will come into our minds about Searchlight I,a n - 1 is and 30 July 17 Aucuet 1 Itln«rarlea policemen will be the arresting of ciirn ternn» foi lighting no\v ready tion and literature. nals At that remark the audiem e dri\ewaj s wttps pricks up The best traffic poliieinan and p r i t D. L. GRIFFIN, C P A ie goes on is the one who can handle p: i o u n d s Built a busv corner with the fewest aetid^nts foi R O. BEAN, T P. A and least delay The best ooppei on a seivice $2.50 beat will be not tht one wiio makf-s the ElectrIc t ln»h O P BARTLETT, G A most arrests but the one who most ef I Iffbts* handx al fectivel> ser\es as guide and mentor wav s readv * r*an t [ StCU«EB«EBVI«TMMt fjOW (&*-•> Fourth Nat'l Bank Bldg, to his people forestalling and prevent explode Complete • Atlanta, Ga. ng trouble Instead ot apprehending i YIELDS TO :hose who make it 1 SI.25IO $2.50 = ROGEKS B.TOY,^GEKT In his treatment of children also the policeman mut»t get ovei reg-arding FOR ALL LINES You Breathe It ;hem as naturallv bad sd.\s the speak er A*» he pui sues thi^ point declaring UNION DEPOT TICKET OFFICE., .hat some da> kids *vill run to a cop King Hardware | PHONE_MAIN BIB,, Be wise in time and use Hyomci at just as instinctively as thej now. run the fiibt sMnptom of catarrh such as Yont his eves dancing and the words Company i Resinol stops frequent head colds, constant sniffling 'ront his ej es daiicm and the words : tscfui Map of Great Britain—FREE raising of mucus or droj>pmg:s in the bursting from his lips cries out Some S3 PEACHTRER ST RI ET : Also illustrated tojk of tours on the throat Do not let the disease become of em do now sir 87 I GREAT WESTfBV KA.I1 WAY OF de^p seated and you arc in danger of Other things happen to show that a serious if not fatal ailment omcim < skin torments! the bluecoats are getting a new M«ion ^IllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllillC T KATFU5V C^ 2rt??01 Stb »« »• * There is no other treatment for but enough has been set down to prove HE soothing, healing medi- catarrh head colds etc like the Hyo- that > our notions formed when you mei method none Just as good so easy were a police reporter will have to be cation in Resmol Ointment and pleasant to use, or that gives such T And Resinol Soap penetrates revised The speaker was Alexander ESTABLISHED 1»T» quick sure and lasting relief You Johnson and the place the municipal SOAP Special Spring Sailing A simple, safeand effective treatment for every tony pore of the skin, clears breathe it—no stomach dosing court room of Newport News Va. The bronchial troables,avoidiny drags. Vapor- it of impurities, and stops Jtcfimg Tr> H> omel at once and see how chief of police is described as the best And Cuticura Ointment TO THE ized Cresoleno Etops the paroxysms of quickly it clears the head stops the that the town ever had Whooping Congh and relieves Spasmodic instantly. Resinol speedily heals sniffling1 and banishes catarrh Hyo- Croup at once, Ib is & boon to sufferers eczema, rashes, ringworm, and other mei helps you to enjoy good health All because they keep the from Asthma Tht»tvircarryicgtlie,!nti- septic vapor, inspired -with every breath, eruptions and clears away disfigur- druggists sell it. Ask for the com- Eugenics. MEDITERRANEAN makes breathing: emsy, soothes the sore ing pimples and blackheads, when plete outfit—$1 00 skin free from chapping, throat and stops the cough, assuring- rest- other treatments prove a waste of (Elizabeth C Billing^ in The Snirvev ) ful eights. It js invaluable to mothers The chart before him lay wherein to S. S. "Laconia" sailing Sat., April 11 with young children, time and money. MOTHER CRAY'S redness, roughness and RamoHenot an experiment. H la • Defeat and failure as his ancestry. CALLING AT us fostot for doctor's prescription which prbved »o SWEET POWDERS Weakness and pain as his hereditv toyktei. wonderfully successful for akin troubles He bowed his head in bitter agony irritation incidental to GIBRALTAR, MONACO, NAPLES, PATRAS, TRIESTE and FIUME FOR CHILDREN, Feeling himself unworthy utterly Try CreBclene Antiseptic that it haa been need by other doctors all Throat Tablets for the tP- over the country for the past nineteen Then light, through black despair outdoor life in winter. For particulars apply to ritetad Oiroat. They are vcars. Sold by *!i draggiata. Resmol Shone piercingly iTO end antl Ointment, 50o»n

\ .^i_—^ ;v •JL*M&!**& i THE CONSTITUTION, ATLANTA, GA., THURSDAY, MARCH 12, 1914. liiree.

to Mrs Ymanda, Bro\\n \tlanta, Ga, ehang-es in the south, and the Jarg'e Robert Ray Pleads Guilty. ILLINOIS WOMEN FAIL \ vesterda1- appeared before Judge New- "•otton interests a delegation is to Robert T Raj, former clerk ir the pa tiopate ir tne conference repre- TO RUSH TO POLLS I man of the United St ttes court and 1 ROBERT PAUSE DEAD . SUPPERIESSTO Atlanta postoffice who w as indicted 1 senting the New ~i ork Cotton Exchange entered a rl^ 'f ?ruilt\ Judge 'New- and the importing interests in Liver- Chicago March 11 —Although. 1111 ; b\ a federal grand Jur% September 1 man imposed i sentence of ten da> s in nois women were given their first i 1913 for pllferinsr fn-e one dollar sil the Tulton iount\ j-ul and tne pa.} - pool Bremen and Havre will "b* re- chance to take part in the selection { qupsted to send representatives fro-m AFTER LONG ILLNESS jesterday of nominees for municipal . GOES KELLEY'S ARMY ver certificates from a letter addressed ment of J'JOO f ne pa< h of those points offices in hundreds of villages and j ONCOniPLANNEO Thifa action was decided on at noon { small cJtfe" there w as no rush of, todaj bv tne local exchange, in lieu [ newly made voters to the primary poll- Authorities Determined to Funeral Services Will Take Ing* places I of adopting resolutions, such as a num A review of the i arious election re Starve Marchers—Governor ber of exchanges have adopted con- Place at Residence This ports toda> disclosed that, except Hoped That the Question demning the New York contracts and where local contests were of para Says They Are Vagabonds. Watch Carefully passing the resolutions on to the con- Afternoon. mount Interest, women as well as men of Cotton Exchange Con- stayed at home. gressmen and senators from the sev- Town after town reported that few eral states in -which they were or are Robert PtRise pwmeei citizen of 'Vt iv omen voted Many other towns re- Sacramento Cal March 11— Gen- tracts May Be Settled at expected to^ be adopted corded a light \ote where U had been eral Ivellej s arm> temporanl> de the Child's Diet lanta, died "W ednesda> morning at The matter was taken up with the expected that women w ould ballot in tamed on Its march toward. "Washing- Meeting in Augusta. o clock after a long illness at the force ton tvent to bed supperless tonl&ht In | New Orleans exchange this afternoon residence 985 Gordon street In Canton a woman ran third for the shacks that form its «^amp In "iolo Start Them Off Right With o and another meeting is to be held here The funeral services will taike place nomination for n?a> or on the citizens* countj Sacramento countj- no* onl\ . tomorrow to fivt the date In May for at the residence this afternoon at 3 30 rnerger ticket In Mount Carroll an- officially <=hut off the food snppl> I Good Laxative and Then Augusta, Ga March 11—\t a meet the gathering: and doss up the pre other woman candid *te for nomination \vhich had been contributed by the • o clocik Dr A, R Kolderfay of the for ^iia'v or was defeated 2"'0 to 30* ing of the Augusta Ctftton I xchaiige liminai j arrangements Payne Memorial Presb\ terian church counts- but issued an order forMd'dingr i Watch Their Food. toda-i at noon p ans were put Into Suffragist leaders declared the an> person com eying supplies across 1 officiating women voters were saving- their ener the bridge bevond which the industrial j effect wl^ch it is intended «Oiall lea*l Mr Pause was a citizen of Atlanta gTles for the spring elections when the workers are camped j Mothers are often unconsciously to a w orld confcrencp of r-otton inter fo-r nearly half a centurj, having come wet and drv proposition will be an very careless about the diet of then ests to be held here in ila to defi to this cit\ in 1S70 He established ;sue in more tnan 300 Illinois muni- Wove Ordered by Cttr* ! children forcing1 all to eit the same cipalities. This mo\ e was ordei ed b> the cit> nitelj settle the question of objection the first higrh class restaurant ever and etnmtv authorities yes-terdav In the i foods The fact is that all foods do to the present form of "\e-\\. York Cot belief that It T.V ould oause disintegra- not agree alike with different persons toiXj-Exchange contracts In addition j tion of the arm> But someone dls- Hence, avoid what seems to constipate ti/represeniatives of all the cotton e-t obeved and twice a <3a\ food in large i the child or to give it indigestion and quantities was sent to the camp It J urge it to take more of what is [was explained- todaj when tbe source quicklv digested t o-f the a-rnrv s supply 'was di£.co"vered I that the order for a single meal given If the child shows a tendency to Democratic Leader Proposes , b> a citizens committee had been un i constipation it should immediately be 1 derstood to mean supply unfcil further given a mild laxati\e to help the bow Prohibitive Tax — Coupon COMMITTEE MEMS | not i e i els Bj this is not meant a phj sic (olonist The result of shutting off food be i or purg-ative for these should never be I Advocates Are Heard. came apparent immediately Men be j given to children nor anything like g"an leaving the camp t>inglj and in | salts pills etc "JVTiat the child re Regarding Date for Meeting to grrj >«- Bv nif^Yit the arm> ivihich had quires is simply a small of the R4I PH P \TTEN Excursions to i umbered 1 oOO Monda\ an-d d-vnndled ] \\ a~=li n0t n Metreh 11 —Representa Arrange for Primary—West gentlest of medicines such as Dr t e Lnde uuocls proposal to impose a to J 000 yesterdaj further had been Caldwell s Syiup Pepsin which in the for her bov R-Uph who was constipat i educed to about 600 men Leaders fopinion of thousands of watchful ed fi om bn th i ut i^ n \v doing line ron b ti\*- ax. on arermum coupons May Quit Committee. were finding it difficult to hold these] mothers is the ideal remed\ for anj \aturall\ bl o s enthusiastic about it _, ven a v, i h tobacco and cdgaret es in hand child shoeing a tendency to constipa. ind v, antb other mothers to use it (ajifornia %as tnt =uojecL of a hearing to tobapco The rural districts of Yolo co-unty tton So many things cin happen Dr Cald~w ell s S> rup 1 s and means com enforce •with threats their demands for sleeplessness ind many othei annoj, bj- those \\ho ilreidx 1 now its "value, n tee I GJ estntames of Che United J Harrl^ chairman o ing th n business -with measui e soli ing- the problem Che situa and all can use it Thousands endorse ple bottle c-\n obtain it postpaid bv offer very low railroad and sleeper committee to meet and artange for the tion w Ith i egard to the several bun it among1 them Mrs M B Patten Val id! ess i g l>i \\ B (aldx\ell 419 t hrnr-i itinCT t! e consumer while receives the ^ fares, with the excellent Service il on uH o a. es declaied the} stimu state primal \\hen irreconcilables bent on marching ley Junction, Iowa who is ne\er with- "^Va^I 11 gtou St Monticello 111 A pos tied rusmess and increased the g~ov eplies Mr Harris will decide the date the national capital regardless of out it in the house Mrs P itten t,a\s tal c 11 « with \ om iiime and address provided by Santa Fe trams. trnments ifvenues "SVifliam A Coak and issue the call all obstacles is desperately involved l^hat byrup Pepsin has done wondern on it \\ ill do Ie\ i presenting photo lithographers ^acramento will not permit them to Tourist sleepers —personall y con- r ^a^etl in producing cooipons and pass th.roug i, if you take the Fast Mai'. srnt i a the Independent Petail To-bac would be appropriate for me to sit on tion fell flat today when the railroad -) Y'-bOC- at o i -of America, t, C Ber opened In Atlanta the name < f Pause Lhe committee that will decide on the companies refused to carr^ them monthly payments will mark the sucofs^ful odmpic h iii of ,m un Why not go and buy that California or n n i i ind Isaac Cipson of Chicago being w ell known all ov ei the c 01111 date and frame the rules lie said T here is a state law foi bidding" fhe dertaking without precedent T lu n i^. -i II tn>i( to- \ou to Anzona farm ? WntetoC L Seagra\e3. i present ng numerous retail cigar ti v in connection wrth the ta,mous Senatoi West is Em ling life in o\ er tranfaporta.tion of uncles rabies dealers a •- c dtlons protested that the \tlanta iestaurant during the se\en Governor Hiram John&on addressing: decide before the sale endh and the pn< cs are ith need \ lu Lher General Colonization Agent. 2301 Railway «o i illed tobicco trust manufacturers heated \\ ashington hotels and the the Ad club here tod a 3- praised Sacra Exchange. Chicago, for Ari- v, ei e inor jpol zing the business jnde-r ties and eighties JTis restaurmt was heav^ air of the senate chamber very men to officials for their stern sup you wish to subscribe zona and San Joaqu n tie sti nuliis of the coupon scheme and situated in the building w hirh then trjmg presston -of General Iiyelley and his that ft «as dealing a death blow to ocoupied the site of the present Gould I Iia^e lived much out of doois he army Valley booklets— they 1 The g-o\erno-r declared the problem the r ndustrj They said It was im building ^aid todav I slept ou-t of doors sum \ are free possible foi the n dependents to com f was not one of men Involuntarily out of Mr Pause was a native o Dresden mei and winter on the verinda of my employment but of men who preferred I ete with the United Cigrai Stores com (Sermanj immi.griating to fhis country Jno D Carter S P A., runv and its, allies vi ith their-string of home In \aldosta, and I find it \ ery vagrancv and would not work" 14 N Pryor St„ )00 or more s'tores throughout the in 186_* w hen onl\ 19 > ear of age stuff> here Atlanta, Go. cour tr He staged in Isew York cit> until 1867 when he came to Augusta Ga V\ hile Coat of Bncon'K ronernl BVRDENS ARE SHIFTED in \ugusta, he married "VIiss Anna The expenses of Senator Bacon s fu Sterilization Enjoined. Shaeffer of Augusta He is surv ived npral which, the senate will make an TO THE CONSUMERS ' ( ni i il Bluffs low.i Maich 1 1 — by nine children is follow s \£iss appropriation to cover will amo int to I I edeial Judge fam th "McPherson today Clara R Pause of Atlanta \]r« HairV appro-s-im-atelj $3 800 "Washington March 11—The burdens I)a.i | \ou «ill Bv I'leascd eri i itt ! a tcmporari- injunction retui n H Fullr-r Robert Pause Ji oC Bal H\^^^\l\N^s B\KHII ihle M irch -1 against thp enfoice Colonel T P Higglns sergeant at of the LA 1* ollette \v orklng women s 7V7* fit ^ I.-rsjth St ImtnL of the Iowa sterilisation law timore Mrs Dr E. Dent >n of Chatta ai ms of the senate said a few bills eight hour law 111 the capital already ii&o&a, Paul S Pau^e H \i r\ B Pause have been shifted to the consumers anc ha\ e not vet been receivpd but the employees several witnesses today tolc Mrs J D Frailer Jr Miss Athene total will not exceed the abo\e figures. the senate laboi committee supporting Pause and Miss Mite Pause all of The cost of the special congressional Senator Kenyon s bill fo.i an imestlga Atlanta train will amount to one half of the tton of the cost of II\mgr here "O ages Mi Pause engaged in the real estate totaJ si7m ha-ve bpen reduced and prices have busmes after selling his icstaut ant, been raised the w itnesbos said Colonei Higgms recalled that tliei e Miss Mai ie Obenauer an agent but for niian\ % had been ret red were Tpracticallj. three funeials one 111 the bureau of labor statistics said a from active business Washington one in Atlanta and one stiuU of the cost of liv ing all ovet Yin Winkle Trucks in M & fire be Your present delivery system, lieved to be in the debris made slow Uneeda Biscuit progiess toda'v POSTAL VOTE FAVORED No bodies v, ere recoveied and the number at the moigue is ten Of these Nourishment—fine fla- to be efficient, must be done \\ith nine ha\ e been posit iv el v identified Why Have More Than the Identification of Lucius P Ruff of vor—purity—crispness Lhe motor truck. Dallas Texa-* having been confirmed J. —wholeEomeness,' All late this aftej-noon Fire Chief S-wingle^ said that at the Five Thousand Lawyers rate at which the 100 men employ ed for $ 'cents, in the In order to insure the efficiency b-v the city to explore the ruine \\ ere Secretary Addresses Maryland making hea,dwaj it would require ta\ o moisture-proof package. o-r .Three da,} g to reach the other bod *b Legislature on Initiative bought the new Encyclopaedia BritAnmca for their own of the motor truck you should in- V conservative estimate places the libraries ? number of dead at thirty although and Referendum. some officers of the club think it may stall Van Winkles. reach forty five l It is not onl\ because the,v can turn to this»work with con Four large insurance companies it Vnnapolis March It—1 =Jecretar> Wil- is -=aid will pay claims aggi egatin liam J Br\a.n s calving lure toda> be fidence for sound information about legal <*ubje< Is and fand $10- 000 on the li\es of persons who fore the .Man land legislature loclared A little booklet and catalogue pet ished Doubtless the total inbiir IIP hoped that not onl\ would the articles by men such as I i ited States hoi.ow the nut ^tivt, ance will be much lai goi hut addi Hon. Simon E. tlpnal figuo-es were not obtainable to and lefeipndum is it had boi i jw-td tht, Sir Thomas Barclay, Prof Adhemar \\ill be sent you on request—\\rite day- \usti alian ballot but thit 111 time it Baldwin, LLD, Vice President of the Esmem, o f Ihn I ni would adopt the postal vote \n in Governor of Connect International Law \s itiative and refei endum bill is pend \er its of Pins who for it. inp? before the Maryland legiblaturc icut and Professor of soeiatiou who wnles on writes < n Code Napo- THEY BOUGHT PISTOL The postal vote of "Vew /ealand al Constitutional International La\v leon French Law lo\\i a titiren though au a\ from and Pnxate Interna uid Institutions etc AND SHOT THE SELLER lv>me to ast his vote on an election tional Law at ^ ate f*>d ha\e it counted University wbo writes L-iwyers use the Britannica Fittsbuig1 Pa March 11—Two joungrj ^>Secretae i ^ Bi>ari said h'e belies ecJ men enteied the store of Morris Cob ; there is more ^ u tue in the people than on American La^v just as much because in it the\ Van Winkle Motor Truck Co. lins a pawn broker toda> and after ovei finds expression in then re pre can vlwav> find quickly trust- A. J. PAXTON, Jr. buj ing a revolver loaded It One of sentatKes \ representative should them pointed it at Coblins while the not v lolato his conscience either in Baronet Biscuit worthy information by experts Downtown Office, 1130 Candler Building othei moved toward the open safe public or pii\ ate matters and when Coblins sci earned and was shot in the he fetls that he cannot do what hia Round, thin, tender— A Few of the Five on any subject—about Steamship ATLANTA, GA. head The bindits ran from the store constltuer ts conser^ ati\ el\ w ants him Lines or Printing Textiles or and \\ei e chascrl until one of them to do h-e sho aid return his comrmssio i •with a delightful Savor Thousand Lawyers, was captured The other escaped on I believe the crime of rnisiepresen Railways Insurance or Enamels a street car tation is greater than pri\ ate embe/- —appropriate for lunch- I Judges, Courts, i /lement said Mr Brvan and when | etc., that use the Cold Storage or Vaccination, what J vou get misrepresentation jour office eon, tea and dinner. is the difference between human holder can laugh at \ou while he is Britannica Mew York Dental Offices JUDGE NOEL'S HOUSE t di awing a salai v and doing as he 10 cents. and animal blood, what are the I pi rases f sjmptoms of shock, or why it is 28' and 32 ^ PEACHTREE STREET DESTROYED BY FIRE • \ou ne^tl i ot lo afraid to change Sapnme CoorU of 30 states i oui opm j on the question of the U. S Supreme Court harder to estim ite the width of B ii en a \ isla ua \Iai ch 11 initiative ind leferend im the «ecre Over the Bonita Theater and Zakas Bakery cic.1 ) — The j>iett\ h >me of 'udse Hob I tai \ con 1 id rl President \VjJsoii U. S. Court of Claim, a nver than that of a field as ert H Noel of B-antlev district was changed hit opinion and was not U. S. Commerce Covrt wide —say in testing a witness destio-ved b\ fue toda% The 3 id,-,e i ashamed He sud he had been teach GOLD CROWNS . $3.OO had onl\ $1000 Insuiince The origin ing- th«> students at Punceton that the D. S. Ct .f Cnitomi how milk is adulterated or of the fire is unknow n Imtiati \ e and referendum w as wrong U. S. AJprtMt General whj the shadow cast by an electric but wlier he found he was wrong he BRIDGE WORK.. $4.OO Cbaflu J Bonaparte light is sharper edged than that BKOMO was not asha. ned to say so All Other Work at Reasonable Prices get the srenu; call for £un name LAV Pan! D Crania cast b\ the sun, or the answer to AT_LV _B BROMO QUININE Look for slgna Joan W. Goff Lady Attendant Phone Ivy 1817 ture of E TV GRO\ B Cures a told In One POTTS FIGHTS EDICT any one of thousands of pressing Day 25c Martin W. Littleton questions ot fict, impossible to OF THE PLUCKING BOARD \ Frank Moss foresee or for < \ en the wisest of GRAHAM CRACKERS Francis Lyade Stetson "Washi igton Match 11 —Capta,m Wayne MacVeagh men to prepare for Templin \I Potts recentl> retired Joseph H. Cboatc from the navy acti\ e list b\ the pluck A food for every day. The New Ing board was before the senate naval Crisp, tasty and Jam R. Garf icM committee today asking appointment to Charles S. Whitman the list of re-ar admirals under the terms of a bill b> Senator Clulton As strengthening. Fresh Francis L. Wellmao Encyclopaedia ranking captain last March he passed baked and fresh de- Elib. Root Spring Shoe Styles an examinatio1 n for promotion when the plucking board retired him livered. 10 cents. JonnLind I Rear Admiral Bluem < hief of the Sannel Untermejrer Britannica I navigation bureau one of the speakers before the committee said the passage De Lance; Nicoll of tbe bill would create a bar1 prece is a Work of Proved Utility dent but otherwise made no a., 'u.ment For Men i against it Captain Potts vho was 60 in Every Walk of Life I contended th it no precedent would be | set bince his cate was exceptional Experts use the Britannica to increase their knowledge of their Announcing our shoe own subjects And they use it to obtain the help of experts Infirmary Is Burned, on subjects outside their specialty. It UK reases their effi- Sco vville K\ March 11—Thf AJer ciency. It can increase yours The Britannic i is the contri- department ready for edith 'irmary burned here eiil\ this morning Mrs Meredith wife of £>r bution of expert men to inexpert men," savs Dr Li man VbbotL H H Meredith w as the first to dis spring business, \\e present a window full of the best shoe styles tovir the fire a IK! manasred to i pach Knowledge is the key to success Ownership of the Bnlannica her 1 isband s room being overcome means admission to the ranks of those that know The reason- b\ smoke as «=he thj ow open the dooi distributed thruout America. and h id to be carried out Charles able pnce of the book and the convenient plan of pa\mg for it in Duncan assistant cashier of the Citi small monthly payments have placed this great efficiency library yens National bank escaped bv sliding- down the portico column The prop Buy biscuit baked by in the hands of thousands of subscribers with incomes of the most crty loss wag ?lo 000 partl> covered b> The English model has full sway. It is shown here in all insurance modest size. NATIONAL its graceful phases, tan and black. W. U. Pays 4 Per Cent. BISCUIT NOW js the Time to Decide / j ISew "i 01 k March li —The d rectors COMPANY of the "VV estern Tjnion Telegraph com_ The Cambridge University Press has announced the Also conservative styles in first quality, all desirable models. pan> today declared a quarterly divi- dend of 1 per cent putting the stock Jilway* look for that name termination of the direct sale to the public, at a on £ 4 per cent basis Since 1908 the annual dividend rate liad been 3 per special low pnce and with the prn ilege of partial cent J P Morgan resigned from the board of directors Cdwin G Merrill, payments have money by acting now. president of the Union Trust company Prices $4 to $10- ,: of \e\v lork was elected to the board to fill i vacancv created bv the resig1 nation of "W illiain H Mooi e Find Out What this Book CHENEY'S Can do for You. REDUCED TO $5 A TON. EXP -CTORAIVT Curaa Croup, Whooping Cough Geo. Muse Clothing Co. BEST HIGH GRADE JEL- •kiity years on Ltaw market and sola every Send for the large Illus- where tor -5c Best medicine for croup L1CO COAJL. CARROLL cclds and bore throat affectiona. Don t *>• led aiv ay by new and untried remedtea. trated Prospectus. to Cheney B ftxpttclorant. It ia & HUNTER, v -


thing is unfair and unethical. The average ?m&£:*&#$m&:^^ THE CONSTITUTION man's chief capital is his train. He-should GEORGIA'S WATER Established 1868. _ £ THE STANDARD SOUTHERN NEWSPAPER be given a fair return on its product for at POWER DEVELOPMENT lAILY GBISTJ&« »~-f least a term of years. That was the orig- S. W. M'C.ViilE. State Geologist. Da3y. Sm^ay. inal, or at least the ostensible. Intent of I. CLARK HOWELL. the patent laws. But under constant con- Trouble may pive no Editor Constitution: The development of STATED POLITICAL QI2INDI warning— Georgia's water powers in the last decade has Editor- u»d General Maaajjer. gressional amendment and a maze of depart- ^£tim#^^ W. L. HALSTEAD. Meets you in every place. been phenomenal, prior to 1903, or ten years mental rulings and contradictory court pro- But atill tell the world ago, the only water power development with- Monroe, Ga., March 11,—(Special.)—Hon. ability, of distinguished services to the whole Burinrsq Manager. of the United States, and especially to th* cedure, the poor man has lost out in the good morning. in the limits ot the state, -which could be con- Clifford M. Walker, of Monroe, after a confer- Directors* Clark Howen. Ko!)y Robinson, fourth district of Georgia. Albert How ell. Jr_ E. B. Black. H. W. Grady. With ever a smiling *»e«. sidered at all in'the class with recent devel- ence with Hon. J. E. Pottle, of MilledgeviUe, shuffle, and the rich man has, as is too Best still it is. as we jour- opments, was that of the Augusta canal. For "2. That it would be a national calamity announced definitely today that he will offer if his connection with the congress, the most Telephone Main 5OOO. often the case before the courts, been given ney along. more than a quarter of a century this water distinguished body of legislators In the world, To leave out the sighing power held the unique position of being thf for the position of attorney general to suc- the advantage. most extensive water power development in ceed present Attorney General T. S. Felder, should at this time be severed, as matters of and give Life a song. far-reaching importance are now for the first Congress knows and long has known the the southern states. The early completion of who has announced that he will be a candi- time in years »nder consideration by the ad- this canal. Which was a municipal undertak- date for the United States senate at the ap- facts. The fact that they stand unredressed ministration which has at heart the great The birds in the branches sin stiff ing of no mean proportion for its time, at proaching primary. mass of the common people. is an act of omission in which no one need Have sorrows of their own, once placed the city of Augusta in a position Mr. Pottle and Mr. Walker are close per- "For these and other reasons we hereby But they thrill to God o'er the rose-decked to offer attractive inducements to manuCac- sonal friends, and Mr. WalKer has withheld take particular pride. , present to th* voters of the Fourth Congres- sod turers in the form of cheap power, a finan- his announcement until he ascertained defi- Seldom a sorrowful tone: cial consideration which has been the means nitely whether his friend Mr. Pottle would,, sional district the name of Hon. William OL Adamson, of the county of CarrdH, for nomi- Take you the lesson Life's pathway along-— of making Augusta one of our most im- offer for the position. Upon receiving assur- nation to succeed himself in the «txty -fourth. Leave out the sighing and give Life a aong! portant manufacturing center*, and h-as won ances to the contrary, Mr, Walker today A BILLION-DOLLAR LIFT. ***** stated: congress of the United States of America." for that city the appropriate title "The Low- The above resolution was unanimoiuAy The stupendous aum of one billion The Maabrt Rld&e Man. ell of the South." "Two weeks ago I consented on request of carried. dollars is waiting to promote national C It. Vance, th« Musket Ridge man. sends Other early developments which may here friends at home to consider making the race these sentiments to The Dalton Citlaen: be T-eferred to as furnishing rather large tor attorney general to succeed Hon. T. S. The executive committee wa« duly elected prosperity. "I suppose that in the Promised Land powers are those at Columbus; but these, like Pelder, who h,as announced that he will be a and a meeting of this body is called for th» latter part of tho wee£. It seems now that That is the substance Ol an analysis of there will be some -who will kick because the the Augusta canal power, are now so far candidate for' another office. Response from several hundred letters around the state has Carroll will have an early primary. Entered at th» postcfflco at Atlanta, m* mil it is too yellow and the honey too sweet. overshadowed by the magnitude of some of second-class mail matter. the financial needs of the railroads made Don't i ou reckon I'm right? our recent hydro-electrical developments that been so favorable that I have definitely de- they have become of only minor importance. cided to run. I will later make a canvass of by Richard H. Edmonds in a recent issue "Try to enjoy what you have, and work WARM CONTESTS BBI9TG DECIDED POSTAGE: KATES < The following tabulated data collected by the state!and will cordially appreciate the United States and Mexico. like the- devil for what you need. IX DECATUR COUNTY PRIMARY TODAY of The Manufacturers' Record. "A good laying- hen now is worth about as the writer since the first of January, during support of all the people." 10 to 12-paC* vmvetm, Icl 12 to_ S*-1P«K« much as a horse will be in five years. personal visits to the individual plants men- Mr. Walker is one of the best equipped Bainbridge, Ga.. March 11.— (Special.)— papers. 2c: S4 to 38-paee paper*. 3« 3« » Mr. Edmonds speaks with the force of T^ocal interest centers in the primary to be Ctf-pase pvpero, Oc. "The folk on Lside the penitentiary are tioned, gives the developed and ultimate de- lawyers of the state. He is particularly fitted authority when he says that, in round those that have thus far kept their meanness velopment in horse-power of all of the main for the presentation of criminal cases to the held throughout the country tomorrow to He- water power plants at present in the state: supreme court, having recently completed two cure nominees for county offices. ATLANTA, GA., March 12, 1914. numbers, one billion dollars will be re- from being found out. "Every nran whq goes to hell carriea with Developed "Water Power* of Georgia. books on that branch of the law. He is a The various candidates are: For sheriff, the incumbent, John H. Hmanuel. Is opposed jUBSCRIPTIOJI BATE8I quired to equip American railroads for the him his own brimstone. Present Ultimate man of high character and fine personality, Br Mall In the United St»te» and Mexico. tasks of the present and the immediate "The sheriff is the guy that put the 'J* in Stations- Devel- Devel- combining a brilliant intellect with a strong by S. W. Martin; for tax col-lector. T. M_ (Payable Invariably In advance.) Jail. Don't mess with that chicken!" \ opment. opment. mentality and a nature so lovable as to en- Battle ad interim Incumbent, Is opposed by 1 mo. * mo. 12 mo. future. \ h.-p h.-p. dear him to hundreds all over the state. He A. E. Belcher, "W. J. Holder and L. P. Pat- n n Geonvln Railway A Power Co. a As an encouraging text for his analysis, Song of the Early Bird*. is in every way qualified, and letters received terson; County Treasurer George S. BfcNalr Is gaily "?.f. . .^.:::: ISS *|:|| *<:es-into,'. ***** be observed that the latter *is .more than one years. No man of his ag-e in Georgia has a mayor of Marietta, is being spoken of more wider circle of friends He is the oldest son signal for the loosening of a billion dollars Joy in the World, to Star. and one-half times that of the former. In than any one else, and will, in all probability, the exchange with his eyes open, knowing of Colonel B. S. "Walker, one of tho best men into every channel of activity in America. The New Times are with us, believers, other words, Georgia's water power plants run for the place. His friends are urging him and strongest consti uc±I\ e Torres in the just exactly in what manner the cards are And Joy's in the world to stay; are at present producing less than three- to do so, and it seems to be the general ex- What that will mean as a- stimulus to fifths the power for which they were con- south. He graduated from the state univer- pertation that he will represent the diblrn t stacked, and that the old and cynical adage It's with us by niprht universal prosperity is difficult of estimate. In the lonely starlight, structed:; or, to state it differently, these sity in the class of 1897, which numb*'red a^airi 111 the senate. Colonel Webster Blair such strong men as Ed MadSox of Rome, of "caveat emptor" should apply. If the 1 It walks wftn. us every day! water power plants as now developed can be may also be in the race With oUier industrial and commerc *! Ho well Erwin of Athens, Orrin Roberts of Dollars to dimes increased by the installation of additional The county executive committee has bopn transactions of the New York cotton and portents of a healthy jiature, the year 1914 Monroe, I. J. Hofmayer of Albany, Harry These are best of the times. units in the present plants more than one and called to meet March 21, and it is expected Doda of Atlanta, and Ben Dasher of Macon. other produce exchanges affected merely should be one of the most progressive in And the heart, like a bell, beats with one-half times. This additional Installation, that the county primary will be fixed for a. He has been a member of the state executive silvery chimes! which in many cases will be comparatively fairly early date — somewhere about May 1. the gamblers not« unwilling to "welch" on American history. inexpensive, will, no doubt, be made from committee, and was In 1910 the grand chan- their contracts, that would be a different time to time as the demand for power in- cellor of the Knights of Pj thias of Georgia, FRIENDS OP WISK BACKIXfi HIM Words From Br>r creases, so that within the next decade, or making at Brunswick the most notable IV FIOU'F \<. \IIfcbT B%RTI^KTT matter. But when it is considered that the J Judgment Day only looks fur away ter de possibly in a much shorter interval, all of Pythian address m^ears. He is a prominent Jonesboro, Ga , March 1 1. — (Special.) —-Vh e A BEDROCK ARGUMENT. the plants will be fully installed and be pro- member of the State Bar association, and a unfair form o£ contract is only a lever for feller what's afraid ter face de music. announcement that Judge Robert T. Daniel, ducing all the power for -which they were well-known la j man In the Baptist church, A bedrock argument for a tond issue Some folks Is all fle time thinkin* dey WUB of Griffin, would not be a candidate for con- enabling the exchange to juggle prices a originally designed. being a member of the board of trustees of gress from the sixth district was very pleas- that will enable Atlanta to "catch up," and bo'n ter give de good La/wd instructions as Mercer university and of Shorter college at thousand miles away, then the matter be- ter how ter run the worl'. Not All Included. ing to the people of Clayton county. While a vivid demonstration of the manner in Rome. He is peculiarly fortunate in having he has a host of friends here who would have The smaller developed w^ater powers of comes obviously one of national and con- which our parsimonious financial policy close relatives in ten different sections of supported him if he had entered the rac°. the state have not been included In the 1 Georgia. He 'j& a man of the people. In hia at the same time thev are gi atitied tlutt gressional business. penalizes efficiency, is carried in Council- above estimates on account of tho great race for solicitor general of the western cir- he will not be a candidate, as they foel that difficulty in securing reliable data. Had No one objects to any exchange so long man Knight's petition for two traffic officers cuit, which position he held with eminent the raer1 should be bftwpen. Hon. C. L Bart- THE INCOME TAX. these powers been included the' above total success for four years and then voluntarily lett, tho present congressman, and Colonel J. as it confines its operations to their legiti- on Forsyth street, between James' and By FITCH. present developed water powers would be in- retired, he made a wonderful canvass before W. Wise, of Fayettev ille, for the reason that, Luckie. Author of At Good Old Si wash.* mate sphere, which is conformance with the creased by possibly as much as ten thousand the people. His ability and experience as a despite the fact that the recount asked for by horse-power. Forsyth between these two streets is campaigner will tell in this race, and his Mr. Wise In the last election gave the nomi- laws of supply and demand and bona fide The income tax is an Imposition over This would give the present water-wheel extremely congested. Undoubtedly, it needs friends who have watched his career freely nation to Mr Bartlett, many of Mr. "Wise s "hedging." which very few of us are privileged to get capacity of all the plants now operated 191,- predict he will win. frifndft fjelfeve that he was not treated fairJj. traffic officers. angry. 774 horse-power. Comparing these figures Hedging is a legitimate part of the cotton and they rlairn that Judge Bartlett promised But—how is Chief Beavers to employ A man has to have an income of at least with unpublished data recently compiled by CONURKSSWAiV ADOISOX PRAISED not to run an\ more if elr-ctcd that time, as trade. Deprive the mills and the legitimate ?3,000 a > ear before ho can get mad at the Mr. B. M. Hall, formerly a member of the BY VOTERS OF HIb HOAltt COLNTY he just wished to round out his twenty years these men, how is he to employ two score income tax Kven then, he cannot really hydrographlc division of the United States dealers of the opportunity to hedge and CarroIHoji, Ga., March 11.—(Special )—At in congie'-s. or more additional men, needed for the de- complain except, of course, in order to enow Geological Survey, who estimates the total a mags meeting of the citizens of Carroll Hon. Ben F. Perry has received many let- their business really becomes a gamble. partment in its daily routine? that he is in the down-trodden upper class. wheel installation water powers of the state county held here, Judge James Bell was made ters from all parts* of .the state offering sup- A man has to have almost $10,000 a year be- at 1,323,600 horse-power, we find that our temporary chairman and Hon. W. J. Millican Put all the exchanges out of business, and Chief Beavers' embarrassment in this port should ho dfcide to enter the race for fore he can put up enough of a mournful present developed powers are only about 14 introduced the following resolution- state treasurer, and, while Mr. Perry has not respect is simply illustrative of Atlanta's you expose the farmer to the mercies of moan to make the common citizen look up per cent of our total water power. "Resolved, by the democrats, of the county made an> announcement as to what he will financial cramp in every other direction. at him admiringly. He has to pay about $60 oC Carroll, in mass meeting- assembled do, it is genei allv understood among- his foreign exchanges dominated by foreign and dues in the Scads society each year and if To this condition are due inadequate "]. That we recognize(in the person of our friends that he wi]l ruake formal announce- unsympathetic interests. Americans Raise Price of Beef. distinguished congressman a man of superior ment at the pt oper time health facilities, inadequate school facilities, But the producer, the consumer and the (From Review of Reviews.) inadequate street improvement funds, inade- At present It appears that the American trader have long enough tolerated the "short quate hospital facilities—all of them es- packers are operating independently and in change" game of certain exchanges. If sentially permanent in their nature. competition with the English and Argentine MEDDLERS. concerns. They are also doing more busi- DOGS VS. SHEEP. <;I;OK<;I: MATTHKW ADAMS. there is any guile in the matter of reform, The core of the trouble is— ness, as the other plants operate only about a third of the time, w hile the Americans the next demand for relief may have dyna- We are trying to make current income Editor Constitution: The dog, like tho A big percentage of the world's efficiency meet current needs and care also for per- are going at full capacity. The Americans mite behind it. pay more for beeves and have been selling line fence,^it seems, will never cease to be a is singed and seesawed through the ruf- manent improvements. So long as we per- their products for what they can get. This source of trouble. Your editorial Tuesday fianism of purposeless Meddlers. Such Med - petrate that economic idiocy, ^Atlanta will method may In the end force such a conlbi- morning relative to the amount of damage dlers are alwa> s posts. Their idea, in the natiou in Argentina as was brought about dogs are doing to the sheep of the Btate first place, is meiely to secure a certain PIRATICAL PATENT LAWS. burst at the seams, municipally speaking. in this country. The American packers have touched the situation, as it actually ib, only sort of sensation or notoriety through facfk- Until all Atlanta recognizes and applies been supplying Argentine beef to their cus- The United States court of appeals of in spots. While I maj be wiong in my con- ing1 to t urn good people or enterprises up- the principle of using the city's idle credit tomers in England. They operate a line of New York has just handed down a deci- meat markets in that country, and with the clusion, observation leads me to believe that side down or inside out. They are the fel- to pay for permanent improvement, we shall sion illustrating the cruel and absolute facilities they have at hand, and the control there are not sheep enough in Georgia to lows who rock the boat. be in danger of impairing the entire civic they have in the United States, it is possible make the dogs of the state one square meal There is only one kind of Meddling; that piracy of our antiquated patent laws. An establishment. for them to force the English and Argentine of mutton. The fact is, we have been so busy is laudable. That is where the Meddling is packers into an agreement as to the pro- inventor early in his career brought suit growing dogs—so loyal to the dog" industry— duction and sale of South American beef. done in ord ou Meddle. Successful about twenty-four times a day. been greatly increased. Steers weighing than sheep. While this, as I understand it, When >oii Meddle, construct!velv Meddle. \ oars. Addams, of Chicago, put forth in Atlanta The income tax has been loaded upon 820 pounds, which formerly sold for about id true, there is not a market on earth where Whenever there is wrong to right, you people with obese incomes in order that-the $45 a head, are now sold for about $75 a Thirteen years ago the inventor died, last night to recognize in her one of the one can ship a carload of dogs and get fifty should Jleddlf, and \v her ever conditions may tariff can be pried off of a few necessities. head. The prices before the Americans went cents for them. be improved, you should Meddle. a poor man. Today, the court upholds his very great women of the country. This will be a great help to the worried man to Argentina ranged from J25 to $44 a head. The dog as an assistant on the »farm is Old John Brown and Garrison and Phil- who is generally about two jumps ahead of The higher prices ha\e made the Americans claims, which mean millions to his heirs, if Her sociological relief and research work useful—not alone useful, but a companion to lips wore rabid Meddlers, but they Meddled the \v olf. It will reduce the price of the popular with the cattle-raisers, whose con- the .man who has to spend much of hJs time 1 ( until they had a whole nation for an au- lie lias any. in connection with famous "Hull House" necessities and the rich man will have to •fidence they have gained, and in spite of alone. But the dog in town is a nuisance "and dience, whose conscience became so aroused pony up the difference in national revenues. the apportionment agreement the Americans The case is not an isolated one. Our is well known. Her name everywhere is a a menace * to Uie- health of the community. that hunian slavery had to go, even though However, this will not make it any easier for have the pick of the stock and a constant Nor' is the danger of the dog in congested synonym tor gentlenessv and intelligence in it took a cruel war to do It. patent laws are a crazy jumble of contra- the rich man to run for office. supply for their plants. As they undersell urban centers the worst phase of dog owner- dealing with women and girls and their The income tax w.ll be a great hard- the dressed meat in the European markets* ship. The real corroding effect of the dog in dictions, full of loopholes for corporations they are far from popular with the English \ship, as it will always steal into the rich society—the mattress dpg, the poodle, the the do#. If we oould it mijrht be different, intricate problems. and Argentine packers. able to command legal talent to find them, man's bank account in time to take away the greyhound and the terrier—is the squander- and we might find that he would quit many full of pitfalls for the litigant whose sole She is a symbol of what the woman of $100 which he was saving for a pair of new ing of affections on such pets when babies of us cold for more congenial and punctual rare intelligence and intuition may be ex- automobile tires or a — fur-lined overcoat Cosmopoli*. are such a wholesome thin** to have about company, resource is generally the product of his However, all should be cheerful over th* fact the place. Tt occurs to m<> that what Georgia needs pected to do in public life, -or service of a (From The Troy Record.) brain. that the worst is "yet to come. There seems Of course the dog is easier cared for than is a dog tax law that w ill tax every doj? and quasi-public nature. In that respect she to be a general feeling in favor of an in- Those who have wondered whether New a baby, and that may be one reason for his collect the tax or kill the dog- Such a law, This single incident shows that the old has_ set an exalted standard. come tax which will get more severe as the York is an American city will be interested popularity, but no odds how carefully he be rationally enforced, would soon diminihh the cynical adage, the "battle is to the strong," wealth of its victim increases until, by the in the census figures just published.- They petted, he never makes as good a citizen as number of dos-s in the state and at the same She deserves the gratitude of every man time a man has become a multi-millionaire, show that the total population "there whose the baby that is brought to the adult ag-e in time lessen the menace to flocks of sheep tails in the long run. Here the weak man and woman in America for what. she has with vested interests all over the country, he mother tongue is English or Celtic ijs 'less a wholesome atmosphere. And I fear that This dopr tax law should be ho arranged thnt than one million, while Yiddish and German won, though it took him years and impov- done for applied sociology. She is broad, will have to pay about 75 per cent a year the atmosphere is never quite so wholesome it would form a sinking: fund to pay farmers claim 850,000 each and Italian above half a i^rishment to win, and death overtook him taxes toward the support of his beloved na- as it might b« where the dog takes the place for sheep killed and injured b* does. In- feminine, tolerant in a degree approached tion. 'This would seem to be about the easi- million. It may be,questioned whether even of the baby. That the dog, as you suggest, is diana and a number of states have such a Jaw before victory came his way. by few of the women propagandists of our est -way to remove the vests from the vested the eastern cities of Bangkok, Calcutta. a most loyal friend, is a fact; but this may and Georgia might profit by a enact- Tae system that permits this sort of day. interests—to say nothing of the coats and Shanghai and Hong Kong can claim such a grow largely out of the fact that we can't, ment. TOM M. MORGAN, pante, ^_ „ ^, „ / "* cosmopolitan citizenship. when pinched for ca&h, borrow fivo dollars oi Atlanta, Ga, 1001 Hurt


LAST NARROW GAUGE MAN WHO DEFAMED CHARGED WITH BREAKING REV. J. C. DAVIS DIES IN EIGHTY-NINTH YEAR RAILROAD IN STATE VIRTUOUS GIRL GETS MAYOR NOW CHAIRMAN GEORGIA'S FISH LAWS MERCHANTS WILL Athens, Ga., March 11.—(Special.)— VERDICT OF GUILTY Brunswick. Ga., March 11. — (Special.) SENTENCE OF 1 YEAR Charged with violating the Georgia The Rev J C. Davis. E>, D., aged 89 CEASES TO EXIST years, said to be the oldest Bpiseopa! fish laws by running a set net from minister In the state, died at the home Of THEPOLICE BOARD Saturday sunrise to' Monday sunset, of his only son, \V. C. Davis, here to- Mom oe, Ga., March ll.—(Special.)— , Athens, Ga., March 11.—(Special. >— SEEK FORT TRADE Lufher Terry, of Fulton county, waa three shad fishermen on the Altamaha night after an illness which had prac- J.STOE With the completion of the work of tically extended since his wife s death today convicted in G-winnett superior river have been arrested. Warrants broadening- the gauge of the Gaines- court before Ju-dge Brand of misde- Politicians Believe That Dead- have been issued in Glynn county for two years aso. ville Midland railviaj to Monroe, there He was rector of EmmanueJ chuixrh meanor for uttering a defamation lock Will Continue for Lonnie Knight, while William Odum here for sixteen years, later rector at jWill Be Sentenced by Judge will pass from existence the last nar- ,Chamber Committee on agrainst a virtuous female. and A. J. Coleman will be prosecuted This i>j the first case of the kind in Mclntosh county, they having been Concord, N. C., and three years ago re- row gauge railroad in Georgia. For ; a Long Time. tired, living here with his son. some years the gauge has been stan- Wholesale Trade Will under the act of 1909 on record. The caught violating the law in that county, v Newman Today — First dard between Gainesville and Belmont. i sentence "was the limit, twelve months. Under the fish law of Georgia,, drift the junction point of the Athens | A4.1.«.4.« /"*,«..»-. i The young woman is a niece of nets must come up from Tuesday''s Eastman Makes First Ice. Atlanta Com- ; Sheriff Garner and highly esteemed. It is wlttiln the ^ower of Mayor down to Monday sunrise, and set nets Woman in South Convict-! branch, which was built broad gauge, from Saturday sunrise to Monday sun- Eastman. Ga,, March 11.—(Special ) i and the work of broadening the road James G. "Woodward to call a special rise. Recentlv information came to The Eastman ice plant turned out its ed of White Slavery. I from Belmont to Winder was finished,; plaints on Tuesday. meeting o-f the police boar*! to go into this city that shad fishermen were first block of ice during the past } several weeks ago. Since then ener- i I SERVICE IS STARTED the election, if possible, o*f a. ch.s3rman violating the law along the Altamaha? week and the sample was good, firm I getic efforts have been put forth to ' to succeed Carlos H. Mason, resigned. river and a special deputy was appoint- and clear. The plant is up-to-date in ' complete the link between "Winder and every way. The machinery, manufac- BY G., C. & P. RAILROAD Mayor Woodward la now chairman of ed to patrol this city. Sunday he caught the three men named above all tured and" installed by the Prick com- board -and also its secretary, and fishing with a set net, and returningpany, of Pittsburs. is the best, and it although politicians agree that he can , to Brunswick yesterday he reported the is arranged in good shape in a build- call a meeting1 whenever he so desires. cases to the local county wardens and ing erected for the purpose by the It Is not likely that he will take any prosecutions will follow at once. company. action until requested to do so by peti- tion of at least seven members. Mayor Woodward is likely to remain cTiaifrnmn of the board for many months to come. Tuesday nigtat the hoard was deadlocked over the question of selec- Marshal Brock to take charge of the prove-, a line of much benefit to the to m«et in the chamber quarters next o'clock. This was the inauguration of section it traverses. ew road ' ti'on of a chairman between Commis- prisoner, and within a half hour Mrs. Tuesday afternoon at 3:80 o'clock, *or i The corr Stoe was an inmate of the woman's I The improvement of this road and a double sioners "W. P.,Fa in, of the second'ward, , the completion of the Greene County the purpose of considering the com-dall y schedule between Brunswick" Tnd and Robert T. Pace, of the seventh -ward in- the Fulton county jail, within i railroad to this point mean a great of the At- , Col—.llinsl . plaints and the evidence ward. Commissioner Fain received siis speaking distance of her husband, Sam deal to Monroe and is awakening new By the opening of this road Bruns- lanta merchants. vo-tea, which is regarded as his high- Stoe, who was convicted of the same interest among our people. The Greene A number of Atlanta merchants will wick ia giving its fourth direct connec- ' Countv road will be running trains water mark. Even his most ardent offense in January last. at that time appear before the com-tion to and from Sa*vannah as a close Guilty on One Count. into Monroe from Apalachee by the connection will be made at Ludo ici j supporters do not believe that he will early sprinA -V movement is on foot mittee or send in the evidence upon both to and from that city. 'be able to muster the necessary seven The jury found Mrs. Stoe guilty on to ha\ e the three railroads entering which their complaints are based in which the rules of the police board only Lne fourth count of tne indict- combine in the erection of a mod- order thoroughly to acquaint the —the count charging her with e r n union depot. •decree Is the number to decide a ballot. chamber's committee with, the exact SOULE MADE DIRECTOR Friends of Commissioner W. A. Ver- taking Annie Bond to Biirmngharn in j facts in tbe case. February, 1913, for immoral purposes, | President Wilkinson and other mem- BY ALFALFA GROWERS noy, the third candidate In the field, the verdict being retained within i bers of the committee and the chamber went to work with renewed vigor twenty-five minutes after Judge New- of commerce will then take up the Athens, Ga., March 11.— (Special.) — Wednesday morning in an effort to man had completed nis charge. ^ T _a , , President Andrew M. Soule, president g-et tfae Pace vote. With his own vote MRS. f A. MOORE LYING matter of these complaints and an ad- jO f the State College Of Agriculture, has • When the case was resumed yester- justmeflt with Major George W. Mar- been^chosen a director of the National and the votes of Commissioners G-ar- da/y morning the defense began intro- ; tin, commandant at the fort, who has Alfalf"" "a Growers~ ' association, which ner, Johnson, Clarke, Mayor Woodward, ducmg evidence contradicting in every , been ordered by Secretary War Gar- has headquarters at Chicago. This'TThis is j Councilman. Colcord and Commissioner detail tae story told by Annie Bond *•«-, 'an nonor that came without a previous Pace, Vernoy would have the neces- and the hotel registers presented b> , AT THE POINT OF DEATH rison to make a thorough inv eotiga,- , knowledge of thi- .intention of the or- the piosecutlon. Mrs. Stoe came to the-i tion. ' ganization to clece the Georgia edu- sary seven to elect. It is believed that witness stand last, and in a statement- , Through the appeals of Gongie^ cator. His election js recognition of Commissioner Vernoy can be induced covering forty minutes denied tne |Mother of Wilmer L. Moore ra wide experience in the knowledge of to quit the race in the event the sup- man William Schley Howard, at Wash- I alfalfa culture, coveung twenty years Bond girl's story, while admitting the fngton, the war department has been porters o*f Commissioner Pace put two had traveled over the country to- Near ing End of Long and i in various southern states,. aaid as an some other candidate in the field. The gether frequently, .. , thoroughly aroused o\er the charges r evidence that he 13 a national authori-- Frank Haialson opened for the de- Useful Life. of the Atlanta merchants, and Secre- *y on alfalfa. Dr. Soule will likely be only objection to Commissioner Pace, fense and spoke for an hour and a at according to those who are oipposing half, hifa address being interrupted by ' i- « him, is hie inexperience as a member adjournment at 2 o'clock, and i e- of the board, euined whun court reconvened at ^..iu. Mrs W. A Moore, one of Atlanta's 1 He was followed by U H. Foster, tor oldest and best-known citizens, i? \GOVERNMENT TO STUDY Wednesday morning Commissioners The defense also, who talked for three- lyin ff at the point of death at her Clarke and Johnson were being dis- "Have it -again today, quarters of an hour. hoi: Peachtree street. Her bed- | DISEASES OF THE PECAN cussed as possible dank horses in the Miuke 'only Twenty Minutes. side is surrounded by her lovtngr chil- to prove that they are beingr discrimi- race. District Attoinej Alexander, lur tne I'nomasville, Ga., March 11.— (Spe- The three candidates—Paoe, Fain and please!" dren and physicians. nated against. i lal.)—S. C. McMurran, of the "United fi-overnment. said ail he had to t>a-> Vernoy—declare that they will remain •v, ithin L\verit\ minutes, and a lew mm- Mrs. Moore was 82 years of agre on ( The chamber of commerce committee States department of agriculture, will ulet, atte:- 3 o'clock the jurv retned, February A. She is the mother of one I on wholesale trade, which will take up be in Thomasvilie the latter part of In the race to the end. And she will very likely say the same alter hi-anng .Judge Newman's <-hat K«, of Atlanta's most public-spirited citi- the fight of the merchants, is as fol- this month to look after the establish- It Is an agreed fact that a chair- -which was covered within fifteen rum- ing- of a temporary station here tor man cannot be selec te-d as long as thing tomorrow. That shows the tempting zens—Wilmer L. if-core, former presi- lows: L.ynn Kort, chairman; W. H. C. the purpose of studying diseases af- Commissioner FaJn remains In the race. Mis Sto-e was calm when the jury | dent of the chamber of commerce. Be- I Rose, R. K. RaJmbo. J. L. Duncan, I. fecting the pecan trees m t.hi: "s section quality of Commissioner Fain can hold the board came in', and, « ithout showing tne . sides her son, there are two daughters,, W. J. Lowenstein, T. A. j of the country. ' least ner\ o us ness, heard tne reading Mrs. II L,. McKeo, of Atlanta, and Mrs. Mr. McZUurran will make his head- deadlocked Just as long: ae he can keejt •»• tne vet diet, her eyes Allied upon the Keaboi n W-ri^ht. of Rome, Ga., and, 1 ciu ' ~ Tils supporters with him. lace as lie was reading the B. Wey, W. J. Dabney, S. C. Dinkins, th pecan orchards all through this Campbell's Tomato Soup clei k's also, Mrs John M Moore, a daughter- W. B. Carlton, W. E, Mansfield, Me> er I Part " of soutlh Georgia and make a sentem c. in-law, of Atlanta. 1 r h x i Her c ii-tion :* the first >f a white Resenstein. I ;° °"S, _l . \mination into and study It just suits the natural unspoiled appetite tlie south undei Mann OrlgMnalb, Mrs. Moore is from I-tin- of anything that may affect the growth THOUSANDS ROBBED hite slav e act colnburi? county, Korth Carolina, but health fulness of the trees. of the healthy child; suits it again and again, her father. Dr. A. L. Barry, a physi- BY THE EXCHANGES cian, mo\ od to Ijafayette, Ga., when OAKLEY TAKES STAND FATHER OF FREE LUNCH day after day. You couldn't find a much WILBURN MUST HANG; she was hut a more sirl, and she waa Washington, March 11.—Hundreds of raised practically in this Georgia town. IN HIS OWN DEFENSE PASSES IN CHICAGO thousands of persons are being- lured harder test than that IS DENIED NEW TRIAL It \vas in I ^af ay cite that she met her After their marriage they Montgrornei>, Ala., March 11 —After into the New York stock exchange and 1 Chicago, March 11—Joseph C (Ches- And it is just as wholesome as it is tempt- ..nut t Wedm-stUy af- moved to Chattanooga, Tenn., and in consuming p-iactically the entite day terfield) Mackln, considered a poiveiful other commercial centers to be robbed, firmed the ..,. ..on uf tin; lower court in offering evidence to endeavor to factor in Illinois democratic* politics, the Common Council club was told to- \\iHnua case, rha'jrcd with ] SS^t. shoi U v after tho close of the ing—good for the whole In the Nick war between the states, they moved prove a conspiracy between James G. thirty years ago and who was cred- day by Senator Owen, of Oklahoma. <>f lames A. Kins, oochee Valley School for Moun- establish this alleged conspiracy or to years old. firmed the ronvictmii of tain Boys and Girls, which is situated show that Oakley had guilty knowl- tiiirn for the murtlet of James A. KmK. in the mountdins of northeast Georg-ia. ICE CREAM IS CLASSED Your money back if not sat- the Jones count-/ ular.ter. there is littfe edge of Lacy's em h elements. ONLY $10,000 DEEDED chaiH-e that the farm hand will hang The first witness offered by the de- isfied. fense \VILS Oakley, the defendant He FOR WESLEY FUND AS ARTICLE OF FOOD ^^Win^ut-if^ as s'.'cnt when tfild today (CAROLINA KAIL RATES was on the stand but a short time I of th<- artioii o: the supicme lotirt. 1 when court was ad join ned. On!> 5,10,000 inoi 'erkxl tu com- I state commerce oo in mission todaj' di- 21 kinds lOc a can liut his attorney. John It t ooncr, - WILL BE INVESTIGATED r>let<> clan-tl he v.'mil.l probablv can-> th.- S"i\"ii Lrao, Ins cluul <-lerI<. consider- he fund f eater Wesley rected express companies to classify case to the Unit»d Statc-s supierm- ,ii>le of his personal funds to keep for ice cream as an article of food. The < 'ol umhhi S ( . Match 1 1 — Fiist him, this 111 o n ey t LI be returned to total ol! SJ,15J.4.3 was announr d As effect will br to reduce th<' rates SouTt. Mr. Cooper rms,-d n tfileial s>oon as the needed $ question iluriiiK the tnal ol \\ilburu step ' rt->'" :| *>n t'c') iiR in\ esuuation into Oa.klev 'as he mmht need it. Oakley 10,000 Is nearlv 50 per cent. The companies A c.rav. ITI Jones counU, with :I,MO« i ailro.ul fi eiffht i . les itt Houth Carolina, bwore that he thought he was getting , iho S75,OOH (ifEm d bj Af-a O. Ca ha\ e" indicated their willingness to of bi niKin!^ the tietore the Lulled were taken tod.i;. \\hrn the state rail- back his own money \\hen hu was re- ' will be available. obey the order. States «upi>nie tourt in case tho state 10*1.1 derf-d cei\ Iny the funds frnm Lacv The 1 tourt of the complaint of the State hi.uo objected to thib line of testi- t couit arfhmeJ the superior i pril S 1 Band Organizd in Cordele. Jonrs <.ount\. ieiplit P.nt^ association upratnst the monv, mid Juris o firown adjourned His roiiteiHioii is tnat .luu- o I'ark tlinj,v-oiie lailroadb operating in South cc .i^t pendirji? his rlecision tomori o\\- ("oiclele. ,• law the terms are made uniform rectors of the Nations 1 Greeters' asso- rl^Jd- i? "o """M.fVa^li^ng and expire January 1, 1917. That there ciation, representing- the southeastern •Riifmrt" O I) < i W . T. W. Gibson, Hia- m i ST h t b" no question about this mat- states on that board. He is alao u v?as?e?; Division secretary, W R Stov- ter, how e\ PI . I havet asked Attorney Shjlner and a member of the Shrine pa- R f IfMiei a! !-'e!der about this, and his trol. Granrf M-astei- '!' M Hovnes uas pres- j oplv received today confirms this ent, -ind delivered an addret-s at this \ lew." afternoon't> session BURGLARS SHOOT TWO The Third National Bank WAR ON HOOKWORM FORMER 'KING OF CLIMAX' AND MAKE ESCAPE STARTS IN DECATUR CO. \ LECTURES IN AMERICUS OF ATLANTA, GA., Montreal, March. 11 —Pour burglars o AmencuF. <~5a.. March 11.— (.Special ) running to escape after robbing a St- B.u ibndcrc rja.'. Maich 11.— (Special 1 ' Laurent shop ealy today killed Con- A \v. Wood. M D.. in In a lei'erill^ assumed role of. platform ator. A i'. Oliver the etst\vlille fa table Bourdon and shot down an- elm i nc Thr w 01 k of extermination of "Kins of Olitiuix" and fma'H'ial ex- other officer who pi-obabl v- v, as fa-tall j at the close of business March 4th, 1914, as called for th*- liooKworm in Ueca.tur county be- ploit* r, addi es>!>eil a fonaidtjrable au- wounded. Kan this w eck. Or Wood will be dionco liei-i* tint, evening. lie recited TO mod Liter ou bv assistants, and wi 13 Ins expo i tenors at Climax, Ga., and by the Comptroller of the Currency establish stations in every district in likew, ise hi:a four years' servitude in Kaiser and King to Meet. the counts, spending one day each the CU-ofKia. pen itentiai-> upon a biga- v, cck fit cai-li station. i le s:i> s tnat my ohm KC since i-utirely disproven by Venice, Itiilj, Man-h 11- King Viu- flic wnrK o t" n.oo K \v o r in eradication is th*f fllfssissipfn courts. ffir lOmrjian i!fl and JCnip^ror William lirojtressiiis- fuu-iy 111 all parts oL" the Hn will ileli^ er ail dresses in numer- will meet liei e Mai cli -4, when tlio btatc. especiallv in south tieorsia emperor pahses tin ou^h Venice on the whore he flints* The people open-minded Georgia towns and proposes estab- Wishing a. 1baiik in Americus later, way to his \illa on the island of Corfu RESOURCES LIABILITIES and iead> to take the treatment. Its 1 If "limpross Augusta \ ictona accom- total eradication, he says, will not oc- claiming to post-ess an ample fortune. cur for many years, or until better panies Kmprror William on the ti ip Capital $1,000,000.00 sanitation and sewerage, methods are Queen Helena will uome to Venice tit Loans and Discounts $4,927,102.82 obtained on every farm. NEW STUTTERING CURE greet her. Overdrafts, secured and un- Surplus 800,000.00 FOUND BY PARIS DOCTOR secured 3,732.72 Net Profits 77,497.39 I P described to the Acad- I Bath Rooms | Premiums on U. S. ±% Bonds 36,250.00 ^i emv o£ Science today. l)i. Marage, i\ ho devised it, has found that stuttei - Stocks and Bonds 205,899.00 Bills Payable None ers can be rapidly cured if their mneot RiogsSent mouthing: of iv ords is ill own to them 1 Near § Banking House, Vaults and Deposits 5,527,525.50 ' on the film He takes a moving: pic- 1 ture of the stutterer and a normal per- ' Fixtures 337,648.80 'son sitting1 side by side, and pronounc- \ Ins the'same sentence. The film serves I Living Rooms 1 Eedemption Fund 20,000.00 as a model for a course of practice To those known to us, or which leads to a cure. i Cash on hand and in Banks 1,777,091.55 who will give the usual com- Every mother ££ should study first — mercial references, we are liand the eciuip- ^ KILLS SELF IN SCHOOL = ment that ^oes ST $7,782,724.89 $7,782,724.89 glad to send selections of into the bath" PLAYING WITH PISTOL = room of her new — diamonds for examination. home. Be sure, — All express charges are Baxley, ,Ga.. March 11,— (.Special.)— = before loatailled, — Deposits March 4th, 1914 $5,527,525.50 Pomeroy Tomberlin, 13 yeais old, while S that the= paidsby us on selection ship- stoopms underneath his desk in the S closet isE- ments, whether you purchase school room near Surrencv, this coun- ' » sa n i t a r y, — Deposits March 4th, 1913 . $4,614,661.69 ty, > estcrday to examine a revolver S perfect In™ or not. that had been sumegled in by a play- , S m e chanism ™ mate, accidentally shot and killed him- • S and d u r- S The stone selected may be self. He was the son of a f aimer near . ~ able. — Currency. , « Increase $912,863.81 paid for in cash at its invoice T o u r S p 1 u m -b e r — price, or you can arrange to will be &Iad E Increase Savings Deposits for PROGRESSIVE AMERICANS = to furnish S settle for it in convenient the ~~ 1 year ending March 4th, 1914 $216,190.26 monthly payments. ENTERTAIN AT LUNCHEON = c(tmbination which answers all Write for .a copy of our A delightful lunt-heoii and dance the requirements of refined were Driven by the Progressive Ameri- homes. booklet, "Facts About Dia- can olul* to thew i! tends at the Alliance monds" It illustrates all hall on TuobJu\ evcnins m honor of the See that your architect and OFFICERS newly elected ol, icerb, William Clciri, builder specify the sizes and lowest prices are presult-nt; J iS. Biml, vice president, quoted in all weights and and Iwouis Broadstem, secrctray. —but convince \ourself by first ~ FRANK HAWKINS . . President R. W. BYERS Ass't Cashier qualities. hand study at our show rooms. « •JOS. A. McCORD . Vice-President ; Call vritli jour plumber, archHert or call » A. M. BERGSTROM . . . Ass't Cashier See the world-fajiious = ;nnr»*lf l^t us show >on Bxe complctrty S J. N. GODDARD . . Vice-President '-'—' —Mi rooms using different style — W, B. SYMMERS Ass't Cashier Maief <&BsrkeIe, Sine. ZIEGFELD FOLLIES. ombinaUons ' ~ JNO. W. GRANT . . Vice-President DIAMOND MERCHANTS First time south. 100 in THOS. C. ERWIN Cashier A. J. HANSELL Ass't Cashier Established IS87 • - conipatiy. New York beauty | General Supply Co., I 31-33 Whitehall Street 3- , 51 Uost Mabama St., • S chorus. All-star cast. Plenty •£ ATI-.A>TA ™ , • scats. ^UIMUIIMUIIIIlfllllllllllllllllUMIIilliniri


daughter of the late Judge and Mrs. join Mrs. MacGowan, who Is spending? William H. Hulsey. the spring- montfcs there. Mrs. "William Garrett, whx> has been ASK BLOCK ON ALABAMA SOCIAL CLUB RESOLUTION Matinee Party. quite ill. Is much better. Miss Martha Lawsne was hostess at *** a matinee party yesterday afternoon Mr. John E- Murphv has returned at the Forsvth for Misses Florence and from Florida. M>s. Murphy and daugh- Bessie Dealt, of Newnan. Miss Eliza- ters and Miss Gat ins wlllN return to- TO USE AS CAR "LOOP" A WEEK beth Ramey, Miss Annie Mary Fuller day. and Miss Christine Melson completed *»*, the party. Colonel and Mrs. John Candler left yesterday for a visit to Florida.- Street Car Company Declares No Action Taken Wednesday *** To Celebrate Birthday. The Misses Phinlzy have returned, to This Will Improve East Night Because of Small An interesting: meeting of the Atlan- their home in Athens. ta chapter, United Daughters of the *** Point Service. Attendance. Confederacy, will be held this after- Mr. Arthur Brisbane has returned to noon at the "Woman's club at 3 o'clock. New York. The chapter will celebrate the eighty- i *•* The Georgia Rail-way and Power Action on the resolutions placed by fifth birthday of its loved honorary | Mrs. J. P. Logan and Miss Eugenia company has petitioned Atlanta's gen- Dr. C. W. Daniel, pastor, before the president, Mrs. Helen Plane, and a de- Clarke, of Atlanta, are spending the eral council for a franchise to use congregation of the First Baptist Expert lightful program has been prepared. I winter in Califorfnia. Social Side of Suffrage Meeting Mrs. McLauchlin. accompanied, by the Alabama street between Forsyth and church last Sunday morning- was de- Children of the Confederacy, will sing- *** Broad to maKe a "loop" for the Col- ferred to an adjourned meeting of the Mr. and Mrs. Oliver P. Chaffee are lege Park and East Point cars coming Operators Terrace, the lounge beautifully deco- confederate songs, also Mr. Wardlaw, making their home in Paris for some church L-onference which wild 'be held Mrs. Edward H. Inman entertained who was a feature of the fiddlers' con- into the city. sixteen ladies at luncheon yesterday in rated with palms for the occasion, and I months. Mrs. Chaffee is well remem- According1 to the plans of the com- next Wednesday night. Because of the 1 vention, will sing "When You and I bered in Atlanta as Miss May Qt)le and £ Atlanta ladies, were Robert K-dgar Smythe, Mrs. Edwa.rd their home in Ansley Park. dents of Oajkland City, East Point, Col- escorted to tho Gcoi^ Terrace hotel- Inman. Mrs. Hugh Richardson, Mrs. lege Park and Hapeville a better get the reforms, that the members of that whatever your Miss Adrtams graciously received Benjamin Hlsas. Mrs. Richard Johnson. schedule and service. Under the pres- clubs who are also church members many during the mo; rung hours, the Mrs. Frank E. Callaway, Mrs. Samuel ent system, the b-ig suburban cars are sever their club memberships. requirements the work 1 Weyman. Mrs. Robert Alston, Mrs. Birthday Party. run into the city througih Forsyth majority of her c.illM .-> thus*,- allied Miss Ellen Ramey will entertain at When an effort •was made to have the •with the cause of suffrage a"d desir- Ba r t o w BI o u n t. street to Alabama, where the line resolutions referred to the regular con- will be done well. ing thf inspiration of htr counsel in Assisting in receiving were Mrs. up-jinks Saturday afternoon at the IS STRUCK terminates. The cars are delayed sev- the matter of organ i'/.i nj; nio-i <• c fosely Mary L. McLendon, president of the home of her parents, Mr. arid Mrs. eral minutes because of the switching ference of the church, which will be f Dr. Griffin is himself the state forces There v. as ;i met t- Gt-orgia Woman's Kqual Suffrage as- George Ramey, on Myrtle street, in which must be made. Under the new held in April, Dr. Daniel arose in vig- Ing of thf executive romniittLe "f the sociation, a branch of the National celebration of her birthday. Her proposed arrangement, the cars will orous protest. an expert dentist of 23 .ests will be Misses Katherine Storey, "1 don't believe the question is so Eighth Ward league M.SH A-Idarns, \\"omaii's Equal Suffrage association; Ruubt y Chapman, Sarah Duncan, Vir- be delayed only loner enough to take and a subsequent r-unfLrcnct. :n the Mrs. Frances Smith Whlteside, presi- INJURED BY AUTO on and unload passengers. abstruse as to prolong discussion," he years' practical expe- inia Corum, Thelma Hollis, Thelma said. "I beliove that delay will be afternoon. dent of the Atlanta Woman's Suffrage ! Smith, Louise Dent, Elizabeth Dent. Alderman Job n K. Owens, chairman FVom 4 until r. o clock Mrs L.mton league, now organizing a state associa- 1 of the streft railway committee, has disastrous. However, I don't propObe rience, and you may- Mary Lane, Mary Ramey, Elizabeth to dictate to the church or to attempt Hopkins and Mi s K-nily Md.**I>ou^ald tion, and Mrs. Amelia Wood all. presi- I Ramey, Elizabeth Wyatt, Maude Baker, Rushed to Hospital in Machine called a meeting of the committee on introduced Mi^s \d-d.tmh and her party dent, of the Atlanta auxiliary of the Laure Binns, Lois Collins, Kvelyn Kel- Friday to take uip the railway com- to run the affaii's of the church." have the benefit of his to a large group <*f i epre.sontati ve State and National Equal Suffrage as- i ly, Evelyn Jordan, Margaret White, pany's petition. Sentiment was strongly in favor of women at a, reee-j>tiun ut the G-eorgian sociations. But Driver Fails to Give the conference adjourning until Sun- services -whenever you I Virginia Kelly, Christine McEachern, day morm»>p: and take the resolutions Fay Pitts, Dorothy Dup;gan. Genevieve His Name. before t1-*. entn e membership of the wish. Harper, Julia Green, Clara Waldrop Commission Hears church a. r the Sunday morning serv- Alfred Newell, Mr. and Mrs. Henry B. and Elizabeth Goldsmith. ices. Objt v'tion was raised because a Mrs. Shedden to Entertain. Kfott. Mr. and Mrs. T. T. Fragler, Dr. Nathan Respess, age 63, was knocked majority of the members of the con- .VIrs. Robert F. Sheddt'n will enter- K. C. Ballenger, Dr. Derry Osborne, Columbus Complaint ference were of the opinion that the Informal Dance. down by an unknown automobile at Dr. E. G. Griffin's tain at a luncheon toda\ a,t her home Mr. and Mrs. J. E. C. Pedder. Mrs. Mott faubjet-'t wa.!- nut a matter for indis- Kit ^simmons, Mr. and Mrs. Dudley the corner of Forsyth and Marietta On Telephone Rates criminate discussion. Gate City in compliment to Mrs. Frederick Little, O>wles. Judpre and Mrs. B. H. Hill, Mr. day evening at the home of Mr. and > By a \ote of 46 against 4 th*1 con- of New York, the guest of Mrf Kd- :iml Mrs. John D. Little, Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. R. B. Gardien on Juniper street ' streets Wednesday afternoon about 3 ference adjourned until next Wednes- ward Inman. There will be ten guests. \V. A. Speer, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Hunter. for Mr. Royer Gardien, who leaves o'clock, and his left arm broken, his day night. The pastor was authorized Saturday to make his home in Colum- The case of the city of Columbus Dental Rooms nose broken and his "forehead lacerated to speak on the subject in his- sermon bia, S. C. against the Southern Bell Telephone Sunday morning, in order that the 241/2 Whitehall St., tsSST" Mrs. Douglas Lectures. Saturday Afternoon Dances The automobile sto-pped and rushed and Teleg raph company occupied the entire membership be informed as to the old man to the Grady hospital for Lady Attendant Phone. M. 17O8 Mrs.- Hamilton Douglas brains her The regular Saturday afternoon Psi Omega Dance. entire day before the railroad co-mnus- the postponement. series of lectures this morning at 11 dances under the a,u spices of the treatment. While the doctors were en- sion Wednesday. George J. Yundt, o'clock, at the Atlanta Woman's club, An enjoyable occasion of last night Joseph. Habersh,am chapter, D. A. R., was the dance given by the members gaged in waiting on the injured, the chief engineer for the Southern Bell, Crown and the subject to be "The Constitution and will be held hereafter in the ball room driver of the automobile drove off in was on the stand practically the en- Negroes Are Indicted. the Republica-n Form of Government." of the Pai Omega fraternity. Bridge 'Work of thp Piedmont hotel. These dances his car without giving his name. Ke.s- tire day, explaining details of con- are from 5 to 7 o'clock and have be- The United States grand jury, Frank come very popular with not only the Luncheon Postponed. pess is still at the hospital and in a struction. Hawkins foreman, yesterday returned Dinner-Dance. younger members of society but the very painful condition. In 1908 the Southern Bell Telephone true bills against Sam Gibson and Cor- 1 The luncheon by the Ladies' union, of nelius Franklin, two negroes, charging There will b* - the regular dinner- married ones as well. the Central Congregational cTiurch, ad- and Telegraph company bought out the dance at the Piedmont Driving club vertised to be given on Frida>, March. Columbus Automatic Telephone com- Saturday night, the dinner to h* s^rvrfl 13, has been postponed. STOVALL NOW ON TRIAL pany, an independent concern. Under promptly at 8 o'clock, and dancing to Drama League Lecture. follow. ON CHARGE OF ROBBERY ail agreement with the city but one ' The Drama leagrue -will mec-t this aft-. For Mrs. Griffiss. telephone franchise was to be granted prnoon at 3 30 o'clock in Cable hall. and the Bell Telephone and Telegraph ] There's Something Mrs. John Clarke's bridge luncheon The trial of Thomas J. Stovall. man- The address of the afternoon will be •on Tuesday was a pretty compliment company was to be allowed to charge Tea-Dance at Driving Club. ager of the Southern Fixture and Cab- About the Taste EDUCATIONAL The inc lf-men<-\ oC the \veaihei made fc\ "Mr. Kenneth MacGowan, of The •to Mrs. Warren Griffiss, of Baltimore, $5 for business phones and ?J To for i no difference in the attendance at the Uobton Transcript, who will speaJt on •who is the guest of Mrs. L. G. I>or<-ey inet company, on a charge of robbery, residence phones when the number of! i of Velva that's simply irre- tea and dance at the Fic»lm»>ii t Oi i<-iri£ the lu« al theater as a corrective for After the game luncheon was served which began Wednesday morning in subscribers reached 2,500. A total of sistible. Describing it is a club yesterday afternoon when a hun- the e\ils of the American dramatic sit- in the dining room, where the guests the criminal division of the Fulton 2,802 stations was secured some ' dred guests enjo> ed the hospitality of uation. Mr. Macg-owan will contrast were seated at a table decorated with superior court. will be continued months ago and the company endeav- i failure. Just try it and you'll the club. Thebe occupied tablet- daint- tlu' costly and wasteful system which jonquils. A large basket of jonquil* Th ursday morning. ored to raise the rates according to know exactly -why ily adorned in the loggia, and ctuoj.erl (t nters all dramatic production in 'surrounded by smaller baskets of the > Tho prosecutor of Stovall is Dr. O. the agreement. The city of Columbus > the dancing. Miss Mary Howi \, of America in New York and a few other same flowers was the centerpiece of , ("". MclClroy, proprietor of a drug store objected and appealed to the lailroad! Washington. D. C. daughter nf Judge large cities, and then transpoits these the table, and all other rlr-tails were ' al. 196 Kast Georgia avenue, who al- commission. The commission permitted ' Corners. Plror «nd TIoMer St».. -XQmatm. O> and Mrs. liowrv, w as among the popu- productions at sreat cost throughout in yellow. The guests were ten mar- leges that Sto v all crime into his stoi e, the increase subject to a thorough In- ' lar visitors. She was tin- i enter nf a the country with the German system ried friends. October 12, 1912, and demanded pay- vestigation of conditions. ' MONTHLY FOR TOmOM congenial parti, of poopLo en tot tamed of lot et negro ^olon\ and then spread assurance of correct forms, skilled .Mi s. I,E-\ Spratl i tig, u-ho If av e soon tu tlve> other tenements. A Mja,rrh of workmanship, moderate prices, and stored to Health by Lydia fo t u o i cl c re d to join the A tlan tic meeting Saturday, March 14, at 3 I mois that lives had been lost. E. Pinkham's Vegetable squadron. o'clock, in the parlois of the Piedmont, ' The tire t-a used a property lo^s of We have the most completely equipped on the second floor. All membeis are ' AVIashmgton, March 11.— Wholhet tho about $200,0 DO. Tjow «ater pressure plant in Ihts part of the country Compound. Hcnu-te immigration committee w ill i e- and quantities of fui niture which ex- urgod to be present. Important busi- t.un the litoiaci lecture in the Bui - •n -\r n T* » C! BYRD BUILDING Cabaret Dance. ness. cited tenants had thrown in the street IS I 1C U a ATLANTA T!u- I (at mon\ Social club .wishes to nott i m migration biil will be rlf- hampered the firemen's \v ork. Eldon, Mo. — *' I was troubled with .innimm e thai on the evening of March toi mined tomorrow w hi-n it iia plan- The Jnmon Park Students' club will ned to complete consideration of the displacement, inflammation and female - 1. they will givo a cabaret dance at meet on tho 13th, at lO-'JQ o'clock, at the tiie Jo wish Educational Alliance on measure for siubmibfaion to the senate. Irome of Mrs. R. C. Little, 95 Cleburne Several membi-rs of the committee to- a weakness. For two Capitol a\ enue. avenue. years I,could not The Harmony girls are putting forth night predicte-d that the literacy test e\ 01 y effort to make this dance a would be retained despite d9ubt as tu sitand on my feet moat success. An interesting program t.he reception it might receive at tho long at a time and I has been arranged, many interesting white house. features to be introduced during the President Wilson has told senators could not walk two SOCIAL ITEMS that he does not favor the test as a evening and a good time is assured to means of restricting immigratkm. blocks without en- all who will attend. "*•* These senators, howo\ er, in dou>bt during cutting and Mrs. "W. G. Ranch, of Louisville, Ky., at. to wihether the president would drawing pains down Drama League Study Class. is the guest of Mrs. J. Epps Brown. veto a bill containing such a pro- * .** , \ ision, and apparently a majority of my right side which Study ClabS Xo. 1 of the Drama the committee proposes to vote for the league ' will meet today at Carnegie Miss Minnie Fry, of Columbia, Tenru, literacy test regaidless of the veto increased every is the guest of Miss Marie Ridley. libra: v at 1 0 :"0 o'clock. Much interest «... prospect. month. I have been ib being manifested in the class, which It was suggested toniprht that so at that time purple has now an enrollment of thirty or Mr. Claude M. Frederick has return-1 much opposition might develop in the lort> members, ed home, after a two months' stay in] sen.Ue that substitute restrictive fea- in the face and would Miss i 'U1 v eland Zahner, a brilliant Chicago. i Cleveland-Manning t uros mm lit be agreed on before the walk the floor. I could not lie down or Rartcliffe graduate, will read Haupt- *** I bill reaches Preyirient Wilson. m aim's play, "The Weavers." Mr. George Carlton, of Detroit, ar- j Senators Sh<-ppard of Texas and Gore sit still sometimes for a day and a night rived Tuesday, and, with Mrs. Carlton, of Okla-homa, mem bet s of tlio immi- | anandd vounvoungg sonson.. iiss ththe guest of Mr. gration committee, talked with the at a time. I was nervous, and had very • and Mrs. Robert Wood. Miss Ross' Pictures. *** president totiav about the bill. Senator little appetite, no ambition, melancholy, The studio of Miss L,ulu Koss has Shoppard later &aid he believed the bill Piano Company and often felt as though I had not a been a center of interest during the , Miss Robena Henry, of California, would be reported substantially in its past few days, when she lias exhibited i who has been the guest of Miss Nan present farm. Senator Gore said he friend in the world. After I bad tried her pictures, expressing her talents, duBignon. left this week to visit had heard of no poll of the commit- most every female'remedy without suc- which have been directed by the mas- Susanne Grantland in Griffin. tee, but he had not lea rned of any- ter teachers of Europe. Many of the *** thing to lead him to believe tho liter- cess, my mother-in-law advised me'to pictures have been sold to Atlanta art Misses Florence and Bessie Dent, of acy provision would be eliminated. take Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable lovers,. She will show today and to- Newnan. are the guests of Miss Eliza- Going to Move % morrow a number of water colors re- bear Ramey. Compound. I did so and gained in flecting the atmosphere of Mexican • *• strength every day. I have now no trou- life and scenery. Mrs. "W, S. Witham has returned MANY PAY LAST TRIBUTE from Florida. ble in any way and highly praise your **• TO GLASCOCK BARRETT medicine It advertises itself."—Mrs. Mothers' Congress. Mr. John Ashley .Tone* and Miss S. T. HURLEY, Eidon, Missouri. The annual convention of the Geor- Mary Algood Jones are at home with Augusta, Ga, (March 11.— (Special.1 — gia division. Mothers* Congress and Mrs. Thaddeus Horton on Eighth street. *** | At his late residence. 40.5 Reynolds Remember, the remedy which did Parent- Teachers' association, will take street, hundreds of his friends g-ather- 80 Pianos and Player Pianos this was Lydia E. Pinkham'a Vegetable plat e March 14 in the assembly room i Mrs. I. C. McCrory entertained the j fd at 4 o'oloc'k this afternoon to pa.y of the Piedmont hotel. Mrs. James R. i (Newnan club yesterday afternoon at their tribute of rospect to the mem- Compound. For sale everywhere. Tattle presiding. The executive board her home in College Park. ory of G la scor k Barrett and tender meets at 9:30 o'clock and the regular | »** their s> mpj-thies to his widow. Must Be Sold at Once It has helped thousands of women session will begin at 10 o'clock. Hon. J Mrs. Ernest Powel has returned to Mir. Barrett's sudden death from a •who have been troubled with displace- M. L. Enttain, commissioner of edu- Tier home in Newnan, after spending stroke of apoplexy was a shook to the cation, ;m* Glossy, Wavy and Beau- Fre«*h Shad Koe, in cam,, 9A*. Fresh Snapper, Ib I5c I rejtrular 30c *•«» Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Murchison, of You cant afford to miss this opportunity. Frehli Trout ... . I8c f Fresh Cod Roe, regular 2,"»e; VJ** New York, will be the guests of Mr. tiful at Once. I special . . &£X Spanish Mackerel *0c and Mrs. Frank Ellis during1 opera, Herring; Roe, j-mall 15i\ targe '->0c. season. And others. **• Immediate?—Yes! Certain?—that's Every minute's delay is your loss. Miss Bolser. of Albany, N. Y.. is the joy oC it. Your hair becomes light, s spending a few days with Mrs. Edward wav\, fluffy, abundant and a.ppears Dougherty, previous to visiting in Au- as &of t. lustrous and beautiful as a gusta. reg. 50c doz. for $1 **• JOU-IJK girl's after a Banderine hair cleanse. Just try this—moisten a Mr. and Mrs. Albert Keene have re- cloth with a little Uanderine and care- turned from a visit to Hampton Ter- fully draw it through your hair, tak- cst- race, Augusta. 5 »** ing one small btrand at a time. This [Snap Beans i'Kli.'TLrt. ' c 6c will cleanse the hair of dust, dirt or Colonel Robert J. Lowry is in New i excpssii e oil, and m just a few mo- York on a- business trip. I menta you "have doubled the beauty of Cleveland-Manning Piano Co. T/» V O C hard T p. f f •*•* /» p Good large heads. *** I your hair. A delightful surprise awaits The critical illness of Mr. Sidney i those whose hair b^is been neglected or 1 lv Ad.3 head LV I LUV^L first in Atlanta— Phelan, at Saranac Lake, N". Y., is a is SCT agrg\, faded, dry, brittle or thin. source of anxiety to many friends. i Besides beautifying- the hair, Dander- 80 NORTH PRYOR ST. *** i ine dissoli es every particle of dan- WE HAVE MANY OTHER SPECIALS TO SHOW YOU. Mr. and Mrs. Ricardo Martin will ' druff; cleanses, purifies and invigorates spend ten days in Atlanta during and the scalp, forever stopping itching and after the opera season. falling" hair, but what will please 3.ou !C J. KAMPER GROCERY CO. *** most will be after a few weeks* use, Mrs. Ashton Starke, of Richmond, when you see new hair—fine and 317-325 Peacbtrce St. passes through Atlanta Sunday en downy at first—yes—but really new route to Macon, where she will visit hair growing all over the scalp. If you her mother, Mrs. S. S. EHinlap. care for pretty, soft hair, and lots of ... ( it. surely get a 25 rent battle of Knowl- Mr. Kenneth MacGowan will return ton's D-anderine fro-m any drug store to Aaheville tomorrow, where he will or toilet counter and just try it.

,.~-f,,-~. .- v ' .i-.. THE CONSTITUTION, ATLANTA, GA., ^'HUliSDAY, MARCH 12, 1914. Page Sevefl.

friends with a new plan to solve the i is being used to help support the rebel I GEORGE IS EXONERATED BODY OF MRS. SIMPSON .Mexican problem was one of the chief army. developments today in the Mexican sit- The commission Is expected to avoid BY REPUBLIC DIRECTORS EXHUMED BY CORONER uation, ; ! such mista'kes as the one made when FEDERAL GRADES ASKED General Diaz and his friends here I the 3,000-acre ranch of General W. B. GIRL'S TIP JAILS said they were not yet prepared, to . Snyman. a British subject, "was seized, New Tork. March 11.—"William R. Lexington. Ky.t March 11.—It be- announce their definite purposes, but only to be turned 'back to the owner on George, founder of The George Junior came known here tonight that the would do so tomorrow. One of the investigation. It now is intended that Republic, was exonerated today* by the body, of Mrs. Laura Wilder Simpson, TO PROTECT partv was Pedro Del Villar, who before the investigation sihall be made first. board of directors of the National As- FOR COTTON AND GRAIN wife of Lawrence Simpson, of Lex.inj?- the senate foreign relations commit- sociation of Junior Republics of charges 'tpn, who died about two weeks ago tee last week was reported to have SCOTT BAR^LAWYERS ALLEGEDBURGLAR brought against him recently in con- under mysterious circumstances. \vas asked support for a counter revolu- nection with his treatment of certain Lever Claims His Measures exhumed privately yesterday and Rebel Leader Gives Satisfac- tionary movement. The Mexicans de- FROM REFUGEE CAMP youngr women members of the Free- viewed by Coroner IJeisrli H. Garden. nied today that they sought support Georgia and adjoining states. Will Protect the farmers Since Mrs. Simpson's sdeath -two coro- tory Reply to Note From or sanction for any revolutionary Fort Bliss, Texas, March 11. —Law - Will Knight, Alias Billie The action was taken by the board at ner's juries have passed on the case movement, saying their idea was a yers working to obtain the release a meeting here for the purpose'of con- From Heavy Loss. but in both instances the verdicts were Secretary Bryan. campaagn of information ab-oiat Mexico through habeas corpus of the five sidering the report of a special com- non-committal, it being stated that she and to acquaint Washington with the thousand Mexican prisoners held here Phillips, Under Arrest in mittee appointed to investigate the died under •'mysterious circumstances." personality of General Diaz so hi3 part were denied admittance to the prison charges. A board of judges, compris- Mr. Simpson hat, demanded that a Washington. March 11.—Identical Agua, Prieta, Mexico, March II.—A in subsequent events in Mexico might camp today by General Scott. Wilmington for Milledge- ing- Joseph H. Choate, Kamuel Keabury, grand jury be called to investigate the be judged from a study at close range. The lawyers Requested permission to and Miss Lillian D. Wald, to whom bills 'to authorize the secretary of ag- case and clear up any so-called m>;>- clear and probably satisfactory under- It \v ab learned they are seeking the obtain individual signatures necessary records of the case had been submitted, riculture to investigate the handling1, terv attached to It The secret ex- standing between the state department elimination uf General Huerta, and are before going into court, but General ville Safe-Cracking. found a week ago that George had been grading and transportation of cotton humation of the body is believed to and General Venustiano Carranza, su- not aljipd in any way with the eonsti- Scott declined to grant it. guilty of "wilful misconduct in his re- and grain and to establish standards foreshadow the calling" of a special preme chief of the Mexican constitu- tuti-onaliati=. Members of the party " lation to young women citizens of the of quality and condition of each grade grand jury. Sir. Simpson is sole execu- said Senator Root conferred with (gen- were introduced today by Representa- tor of the woman's estate, which, is tionalists, was foreshadowed here to- Through a "tip" given the police Preeville republic, but had not been eral Diaz in Washington last week, swayed by a desire to injure or abuse tive Lever, of South Carolina. They estimated at §30,000. •fay. in the belief of prominent consti- and that Diaz came to Washington at department by Miss Cochran, a pretty them." would prohibit interstate shipment of tutionalist advi.sers, after the consid- the invitation of Senator Fall. Wheth- an e prsoners are reea-se. girl of about eig-hteen, who lives at The report of the special committee grain or cotton unless its sale grade is eration of representations by Secretary er the senators have been made fully throw in several miles of. barbed w and the opinion of the board of Judges fixed by the secretary of agriculture 143 Forsyth street. Will Kniglit, alias and conforms to standards he pre- HINDUS ARE BARRED Bryan which were made thrnugh Fred- acquainted with the plans of the I>iaz •with the lot." were upheld by national directors, of group is not known. The wire surro-und-s the camp. Billie Phillips, has been put undor ar- whom eleven were present at the meet- scribes, but .variations from official erick Simpich, American consul at No- standards may be permitted under his FROM UNITED STATES Smallpox, which developed among the rest in Wilmington, Del, charged with ing. Seven other directors, including gales. prisoners shortly after they were in- Judge Ben Lindsay, of Denver, Colo., rules. terned, apparently has been stamped having1 had a hand in the $i5,000 gro- The bills would forbid shipment of San Francisco. March 11.—Thirty - The communication from the Ameri- LANDS DISTRIBUTED had sent communications to the effect grain or cotton under misleading de- five Hindus, detained on their arrUal can secretary of state was contained out and the quarantine will be raised cery store robbery in MillcdgeviUe on that the report and opinion exonerated 1 tomorrow. scriptions; would make subject to the here recently by immigration an tho 11- BY THE VILLA REGIME Mr. George and three or four others, agricultural department's inspection ties and who obtained their freedom in a long letter mailed to Consul Sim- February 15. being in Europe, could not be reached. pi c,h at Notralcs shortly after the re- Chihuahua, March 11.—The military Miss Cochran told Sergeant George any gram entering into interstate com- on $500 bonds each, must return to the ceipt of Carranza s noi'"1 in which he government today issued a decree of MORE TEXAS~RANGERS merce, which has been iepresented to Philippines, according to a decision by declined to furnibh the Washington distribution of public land& among sol- Bui lard, of the plain-clothes squad; his "SKINNED" COLE BLEASE, conform to a given standard, and would Judge Doolmg, of the Vnited States Koveinment information regarding the diers of the present revolution- dis- TO BE PUT ON BORDER paitner, T. D. rthaw. and Night Chief authorize the secretary to settle any district court. yesterdaj. .Turtle abled veterans ot" the Madero revolt disputes as to proper grading of ship- Dooling held that all Hindus landed in Ueatn of William S. Ren ton on the Jett that she had &epn a letter from BOASTS "HONEST" CROOK this country after procuring passports Rround that rt'qup^ts should have and widows and orphans of two rebel- Knight to a married woman in Atlanta, ments. Violations would be punisha- lions. ble by fines of from $200 to $1,000. at MiMiila were aliens and shun Id be come through the d iplornatic channels and that it was postmarked "Wilming- L. W. Berkstien, who admits that The bills, which carry appropriations deported on the ground that they were of tho- Knglish government. In advance of a surx'ey of engineers it is estimated that each beneficiary ton. he is a croak, but swears that he it- of $300,000 for the first year, have the liable to become public charges Pass- Tho Bryan lott'-r, it \\ as paid, did patrolling trie Mexican Dorcier "to pro- Knight was implicated in the rob- an honest crook, is being held at the approval of the department of agricul- ports obtained in the Philippines! HI e not t;Lkr- up specific- cases, but dealt will receive a farm of 62 acres. The tect citizens and property from raids decree safeguards the gifts with pro- bery by the confession of Jack L.UIIS- police station on the charge of *>u&- ture and repiesentatives of farmers' not legal in the United States, accord- gent-rally \v ith actual dealings be- visions that they shall not be subject from across the border." picion. Beitkstie-n is an Atlanta man, organizations, who attended the recent ing to the ruling. tween r*ai i an^a and Washington and ford, alias Jack Lynch, who was ai - living at 164 1-2 Peters street. He hearings on the investigation of grain anv European ur Asiatic country. to execution for debt nor can the rested by the Atlanta police here last 1 owner sell thf same within ten years. left this city on the "yd day of Jan- exchanges. no way of knowing: the value of prrad^p In an interview tonight, after hand- "While tho&e who have) suffered in Saturday. Knight's arrest, the police uary to pose as a deaf-and-dumb "Of course." said Chairman Lever, "The cotton grower, I know, is prac- ins; the answer) to Consul Sirnpich, of the v. ars will be" ft i veil first choice in state, winds up the prang that blew the chewing gum balesmaji. lie toured all "these bills are only tentative and are tically at the mercy of tho buyer, and ^"oKaies, the ( onstitutioiialist eorn- the distribution, civilians have a right Sxife in Alillecijreville. John Urauxley and the large cities of South Carolina, introduced more to provoke discus- some machinery must be created to en- rnand'-r declared both notes had been to apply. a nesro having 1-ieen ai ret,ted in Mil- Savannah and Augusta, and has per- sion than as representing a finalitv of able the farmer to gret the -value of th«* Tri'-nrll^ . The decree provides that no person led ere ville Tue-sday, mits he secured from the mayors of judgment. There is no doubt that exact grade offered upon the mm kot. The mstiipr. nt leader asserted he was with resources equals to one of these Will Knight i.s • only -2 years old. these towns to sell his gum. • I-T n n-f' 'rr;'i;i &iowert> are suffering I am fully convinced that the time has willing to assist in the protection "if farms shall participate in the benefits and on account of his old moth or and Wlhile in Columbia, he entered the losses in the value of their cotton and <-ome when the farmer should ho en- anv fore^nei m MOMCO. II" did not of the plan. Should' an owner of a his youth he -was recently pardoned by hall of the legislature of the stato, HI aiii t hu.L will run into the hundreds abled to have a voice m fixing the price mention his prp\ mus refusal of infoi- farm fall heir to another he must dis- BY DEMOCRATIC CLUB Governor Slaton of a five-year sen- and tells the story that he stopped the of millions of dollars because they have of his own property." mation. but said he would bf willing pose of it within one year. tence for cracking the Randall Bros, legislative proceedings \v hile he so'ld to rivfivp and ,u t on complaints which There also will be a distribution of safe at the corner of Marietta street his gum to the legislators. < =ime eithei dirprtls tt o-:n thp individ- town lots. and North H,VCTHH> about one year apro. After touching the legislature for ual or fro"! th" injured pei.ion through The decree excited great interest Several Friends of Tammany He married recently, but, after the $40, he then called on Govei nor Cole the rep [•*•& ion of tho consular here, as it is the first attempt to1 a-p- Afilleds-e\ file robbery, he desei ted his Blease, waiting three hours to see Hjyenfr of anv nation rppi CM en ted ply, the rebels' plan for solving the Boss Also Expelled—Mur- p-rettv > ouiJ'g wife and left the city. him. When 'he •was ushered into the in thf tlistrirt controlled by the con- land problem. His wife is livuiyr at their home, No. governor's office, through the com- •Stitiitionalist-a. Two commissioners from Gemeral phy Will Not Fight. S3 lett street, unaware of "his where- passion of his kind-hearted secretary, HOTEL Thf note f: om Washington today and Contreras, who is at the head of the abouts. he states that he wrote on his pad f'ari anxa's answer tonight, it was said, rebel forces at Pedricena. state of When arrested in Wilminsgton, that he liked the governor. He tells \\isre considered as Hnordinsr much <=n- Durango. conferred with General Villa New Tork, March, 11.—Charles F. Knight stated that he was willing to the tale that before he left the gov- today about the Torreon campaign. -onratrern»nt to what had heon deemed Murphy, the Tammany leader, said this return to Georgia for trial "without ernor's office he had "skinned" his bore the most critical situation during They said the federal garrison of Tor- requisition papers. honor of a five-dollar bill. GOTHAM afternoon he would tnake no effort to the present i evolution. Whilr t'te con- reon numbers about 7.000 men and that ('rits of Cariaiixa's answer were kept the place is surrounded by rebel forces. flg-ht his way back into the National It has no communication with the out- Democratic club, from which he was GOVERNORS ARE WANTED ••><•< ret, tho impn-.s^ion was received by side world, they reported. ^omo persons that it had afforded a expelled last night. He intimated, JACK LETTON TO SPEAK Hotel ofrefineci foophofp- through which to oscape from moreover, that Tammany Hall was all AT DRAINAGE CONGRESS ft hat th« v c on si df 11-d a delicate posi- the democratic club he felt any need of. TO THE AD MEN TODAY Savannah, Ga., March 11.—Invitations tioii, due to '\ inisuridcr ytaiiclins of tho EQUAL SUFFRAGE LOSES to attend the national drainage con- C/elegance, located in impltoij meaning of the first rOmmimi- Mr. Murphy was put out of the club gress in Savannah, April 23-£r>, will be caffoM to th<- state department. IN THE OLD DOMINION on the ground that he had failed to The Ad Men's association will 'hold a sent out to the governors of all states. NewrYorlts social centre (ieneial < 'arranxa's position has been pay his dues. "I have been a member luncheon toda\ at 1^ o'clock at the the mayors of many of the large cities difm-ult. it was pointed out. because of for the past sixteen years," he said to- Ansley hotel, .rack T^etton, mfim,ger of the Ansley, wiII make an ndrlress on and to the county commissioners in Easily accessible to what constitutionalists considered im- Richmond, Va., ilarrh 11—By a vote day, "and this year is the first one that Georgia and adjonp: sttes. of 74 to 33, the house of delegates to- "The Inside of-Hotel l^ife." 11 r. 1/etton pt-opi-r activity of Ktigrlish capital to- I was not sent a notice that my dues This step was authorized at a meeting ward tho HurTta q-overnment. On the day defeated a joint resolution pro- has been in Atlanta less than a year, of the board of control, or committee theatre ana slioppincL other hand, constitutionalists said the^e viding for an amendment to the consti- were payable. As this is the age of but Is 'president of the 'board of di- on arrangements, today. Chairman nad bpon a il is t Spirt m i sunders tand in er tution which would give the women of economy and efficiency I will take that rectors of tho A tl.inta Cotarentf on Oliver A Bacon, of the Chatham count> at least on the part of U'nshinR-ton of- Virginia the i ight of suffrage. The $50 a year and, in time, buy a couple bureau, vice president of Atlanta Hotel Men's association, vice president of com mi as i oliers, authorized the use of districts ^ ficials, of L'.L-I ariz.i's stand in declining rejection of the measure by the lower of acres of ground at my country Jus name in extending invitations to to fuimsh moi-o. information regarding branch m^ans that it will not go to Ge>oreria Hotel Men's association and the county commissioners of Georgia. Single roojns(Aowcrtvi11ti-»250fo«3"2? the doath of thf Briton the senate- and the question cannot be home." vice president for Georgia of the TTotel Florida. Alabama, North and South Sitljjle roams wilK baths ~*35?ft>*5e? hrouprht up'again at this session. Under Tom F. Foley, one of Murphy's chief Men's Mutual He net it Association of Carolina. Douole rooms whh bolts -«*3-£°*D$8°° the Virginia law any bill to change the lieutenants, expressed his opinion more the United States. Governor John M. Slaton will be SPECIAL DISCOUNTS 25% c (institution must be approved by two foicibly. "It looks like graft to me," "What else is liy going to do besides asked to send the invitations to the MORE TROOPS SENT MiL-ressuve legislatures and then sub- •talk ?' i eads the invitation sent ou t MAY to OCTOBER. said Foley. He explained that in hia for the luncheon. "Well, we are from governors of the United States. mitted to the people for ratification. opinion the expulsion of Murphy and Mayor Davaiit •will personally write TO MEXICAN BORDER At the earliest, the people of Virginia Missouri and he 1s going to sh-ow us, to the mayors of most of the large Wetherbee could not vote on the woman's suf- his friends was a trick to secure con- as usual " The luncheon will be held cities of the country. frage amendment before the fall of trol of the club's property, worth a on Che eleventh floor Continued From Page One. 1918, and then oiilv in the event that million dollars. The ostensible reason the general assembly passes the bill given during the heated debate over the HILL IS CONSIDERED ihat he was .sornlniK photographs of the in 1916 and again in 1918. matter at tne club last night, was that CHORAL SOCIETY MEETS fifth Ave. & Fifty-fiffii St. I'ody of Vergara by mail arid be\ ond Murphy was behind in his dues. FOR RESERVE BOARD that there was no word from Judge Edward O'Dwyer, president of WITH MR. WOLFFUNGEN the border today. UNJUST CONFISCATION the club, who has been leading the fight Washing-ton. March 11.—Walker Hill, NEW YORK. CITY against Murphy, introduced a resolution president of the Mechanics-American Officials of the Seventeenth stated OPPOSED BY CARRANZA calling, for the elimination of the Tam- De Cortoz "Wolffungeii, famous ginger National bank, of St. Louis, is being- to ,t Constitution re-porter last night Kl 1'aso, Texas. March 77.—General many 'leader and the others, but that and promoter of s^rand opera, is in At- considered Tor a place on the fedeial at Kort iff I'he i son that they had not Oananssa's efforts to prevent unjust was not formally adopted, as the point lanta as director of study in operatic reserve board, -which -will administer i-twtv pd ufficial cornrnun[ration from i o unseat ion of property in Mexican was upheld that under the rules the music and choruses arranged for the new currency system. He is ac Washington. Thcv had prepared, how- rebel territory, particularly that of men were automatically dropped as women's voices. He is ,\-t present as- counted one of the leading bankers of '•ver. to onti.un \v itV.ii ;\ fc\\ hours foreigners, will take the form of a they had not paid dues for two months. sisting the Atlanta Choral society of the middle west. 1 after order-- h id been receiv ed to nro- commis&km to review evidence on Thomas F. Smith, secretary of Tam- thirty-fire members in a study of M>. Hill is a nativp Virginian anr . fi-ed to the border. which seizures already have been many Hall .ap-peaJed a-gainst the rul- Freischeutz. This society met "Wednes- was prominent in banking circles in 1 SPEED MANIA ( ".I list EI.X s-mii as thr i ail roads ran made, and to investigate before'future ing and tendered a check for the money day afternoon with Mr. Wolffurigen at that state prior to 1905, when he wonr f nr m*-h equipment," an offn-ial said sei ^uies are made. due. When that was refused he asked the Ansley hotel. to St. Louis to become president ot." the = Speed, with us, is a business, not a mania. = "we \\ill bo if-;idy to ilopart " The commission, it is said, will sit for a vote. Seventeen members of the Mr. "Wolffungen is proclaimed to be American Exchange National bank. Washington'-* orders, it is bc-Iieved. first at Juarez. Tt is believed by those board of governors were present and at his best as Faust, but the 'pre^s Later he became president of its suc- u ill t-oriie hv mail wlio ha\ e talked with Caj-ranza that they decided against the appeal. 10 over the c-ountry praises him for any cessor, the Mechanics-American Na- it will a-shui e the justice of confisca- to 7. In the course of the debate Smith role lie takes Ite has rendered his tional. He was born in 1855 and fhst tions based on enmity to the consti- said the men named would not submit operas in most of the leading music worked in a bank as a messenger. I E. G. WILLINGHAM'S SONS 1 DIAZ IN WASHINGTON tutionalist cause, ;ts in the Terrazas to such humiMatioh. halls of the eountrv and huw gained White house officials said no selec- estates, and of such seizures as the "The names were picked out for an high praise from critics on all sides tions had been made. = don't deliver lumber quickly for the sake of showing; thai =°—™""" TO ASK FOR HEARING gambling privileges at J uarez, ta.keii obvious purpose." he said, "and we will W.iMiiiiKton. -March 11.—The appear- over bv General Villa. Tihe income have them restored to the rolls." = we can do it. = am e hfi e of < lenerttl Felix t»iaz and from gambling, which is considerable, Judge O'Dwyer replied that he could give a very good reason for the club's = Our auto trucks deliver your house bills quickly because = action. Prescription "They were dropped," he said, "for the best interests of the club and the (tandard skin remedy — a liquid used S that is what you want. =j democratic party." externally — tattont relief bom itch. Besides Murphy, James E. Gaffney, Thomas F. Foley, Thomas H. Darling- GAOV* *• niildcst of cleansers— | BOTH PHONES | ton and. George W. Plunkitt were OUdJf keep, tender and delicate dropped. skins alwav* clean and healthy Forget Jacobs' Pharmacy. Tiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii? ; TERRY NELSON DOWNS D M'MAHON IN FOURTH

With a rig-ht clip to the ear, Terry Your Stomach Nelson. Atlanta's fighting Greek, won in the fourth round over Jack McMa- hon, of Chicago, at the Columbia the- ater, last night. The fight was fast Anyone in perfect health never "feels'* at the while it lasted and, although* it did not last long the fans were excited every stomach. It's forgotten like any other part of a per- minute of the milling. McMahon showed up well in four rounds. He used a left fect running machine. No jar, no shock, no sensa- ja.b with terrific effect on Nelson's nose before he was stopped. tions at all; just easy, pleasant, restful work—duty The Goldman-Brown affair was a fiasco, and when they refused to fight well done. after warned repeatedly by Referee Saul they were yanked out of the ring and York and Young Gold were substituted. The boys'milled four fast WHIG LEYS. rounds. The Way The preliminary between two raw newsboy aspirants proved interesting. SPEARM/NT lies in the proper selection of food and drink, getting down to Nature's principles—plenty of fresh air, ECLIPSE INVISIBLE good water, and particularly plenty of good food BECAUSE OF WEATHER is now electrically sealed with a that will easily digest, and nourish and rebuild— Atlanfang who had prepared to view '• the moon's eclipse, were disappointed not clog up. ) last night, as the eclipse was invisible "SEAL OF PURITY" so here, due to the cloudy •weather. The moon passed in the earth's shadow, and at 10-15 o'clock la&t night about nine- Understanding how the body works upon food tenths of its face was obscured by the absolute that it is shadow. This eclipse will laat until and what elements it requires to rebuild itself, this 1.1:A4 o'clock this morning1, when the moon will pass entirely out of the damp-proof, dust knowledge was used to produce the perfect food— shadow of the earth. BLIZZARD IS RAGING proof, impurity- IN NORTH CAROLINA proof— even Greensboro, X. C.. March 11.—Follow- Grape-Nt*ts in f? a sharp drop in temperature here air-proof! this evening-, hail began falling, which. later changed to snow, and at midnight a blizzard was raging with the ground covered to a depth o-f an inch and It contains the natural Phosphate of Potash which snow still falling. Give the life forces especially require for rebuilding bone, Join the Cavalry Farmers. regular aid muscle, brain and nerves. (From The Progressive Farmer.) Kverywhere the hustlins. riding, up- to teeth, breath, to-date cavalry farmers (like the one Then again, in Grape-Nuts a part of the starch shown in our Progressive Farmer head- ins on paero 1 e\ ery wrekl are fast appetite and diges- of the wheat and barley has been changed into sugar graining on the infantry farmers M\ "VV. Jackson, a Chowan county. by the baking at the factory. That is exactly the North Carolina, farmer, puts the whole tion. It's the safe matter in a nut'sJirll when he savw in condition which starchy food—bread, oatmeal, pota- his letter for The Independent Spe- cial: besides delicious and toes, etc., assumes in the act of natural digestion. So "I don't mind working1 in the sun- shine when there is any need of it, but when I can sit in the shade and ride beneficial confection! we find Grape-Nuts has passed through this process on a good seat, and drive a yoke of good-looking mulep. going over from outside the body, and is therefore partially predigested 12 to 15 acres per day and leaving the whole top of the land Cultivated fine, —a tremendous help for thos? who are a bit weak in it is some pleasure to look at it At digestive power. And so any rate. I had rather do it than to get down and follow one mule and a plow that is tearing1 "P all the feed roots and damaging my crop." BUY IT BY THE BOX If > on. are not in a position to join the "cavalry farmers" this year, work The Old Joy and plan so that you can join them next year. Moreover, it is well to keep for 85 cents—at most dealers. Each box contains twenty forever jn mind the saying1 of old Dr. of health, with its glow, vigor and energy, will come .lames H. Carlisle, of Wofford college, which T. B. Thackston quotes in his 5 cent packages. They stay fresh until used. back. The years are forgotten, and so is the stomach, interesting new booklet on agricultural co-operation: "We can do what I can- but you'll know not"—that is, "We as a collection of It's clean, pure, healthful individuals can do what I as a single individual cannot do.'" And by joining together with brother farmers fn the if it's WRIGLEY'S. use of teams, tools and machinery, you CHEW IT AFTER may become a cavalry farmer far quicker than you could ever do work- "There's a Reason" for Grape-Nuts ing wholly by youreslf. There is no better field for co-opera- Look for the spear tion than in the purchase and use of EVERY MEAL —sold by Grocers, everywhere. improved tools and machinery. Talk the subject over with your- neighbor* and see what you can do about it 'SPAPERf Pa^e THE COINSTITUTION, ATLANTA, GA., THURSDAY, MARCH 12, 1914.

been the custom, and on Tuesday they RANGE IN COTTON OPTIONS. •will draw their dividends so that Banee In >ew tork Cotton. Kanice In 3»ew Orleans Gotten. those w ho can earn a "dividend will 1 i i ATLANTA QUOTATIONS actually ha\e two pay da>js Laat | Prev 1 I {Last Prev L NEW CROP WHEAT lOpenlHlehi Lo-ft Sale Close 1 Close [Open HlEhl I"0wl Sale Close Close SUGAR STOCKS GO 12 36 37 Mch 1-6" Apr- 12 Oa 08 12 05 O'l Apr 12 48 50 12 46 48 VEGETABLES NEGRO GIVEN 20 YEARS May 1179 1183 1174 11 78 11 77 78 11 78 "9 ilay 12 36 12 40 1! '8 12 26 12 36 37 12 35 36 (Corrected bv Fidelity Fruit and Produce 11 71 73 11 71 -o June 1- 36 38 12 3t, 37 Company 67 South Broad St.) FOR ASSAULT ON ROSIER Julr 11 69 11 73 11 64 11 69 11 69 70 11 69 70 Julj 12 I., 1. 37 12 a 12 33 1" f 33 1" 33 34 BARREL APPLES— „ ... COTTON DECLINE CLOSED FIRMERAue! Fancy Baldwins >6 TK TO NEWLOW Tom Bow en a negro cab driver was Sept. 11 40 ,1 11 43 4f Sepl 11 SO 62 11 6 64 Ben Oavls J6 W sentenced to twenty sears, the extreme Oct 11 40 1140 BO\ APPLES — Dec TVInesap $3 00(g>3 25 pertlty tav J udge Ben Hill of the Jan ,.-. 11 36 88 11 48 45 Dec 11 51 a2 PINEAPPLES red Spanish $3 00@3 60 criminal division of the superior court Market Closed Steady, Un-! While the Old Crop Was J«" Jan 11 50 81 1151 52 Abaska $2 00 The Selling of American on "SV edne«-da>, after having been con FLORIDA ORANGES fancy $2 50©? 75 i- icted by a jurv of eleven men of changed to Six Points Weaker—Injury to Fall- Closed steady Closed steady FA>.Cr GRAPEFRUIT $2 7o©3 »0 Sugar and Eastern Rail- beating and robbing J H Rosier in a BEA^JS ereen drum J2 50 @ 3 00 dark alle>way off Decatur street on Wa_ . 51 50 the night of December 2" 1913 One Lower—Spot Cotton Was Sown Wheat Reported to ONIONS red, bar 54 -5 road Shares Checked the of the original twelve jur\ men was BONDS. STOCKS. White $4 25 excused from sen. ice on account of CABBAGE crate . $1 50 @1 "a sic* ness in his farmlj Quiet. Be Heavy. U S ref. 2s registered. 33% Prev CELERY dozen 75 c Advance. do coupon SS3! Hien Low Close Close Florida, crate |17t>@^-= U S 3s. registered. 10.. 1 POTATOES red. bushel SI 00 A ma I Copper 7 4 "a 73 - "3*ji 74%i "White bushel . *1 10 ASKS $20,000 DAMAGES 1 — Cotton was do coupon 10- , Am Agricultural Yor, k March __ - -lie-ago March II —Wneat f S 4s registered LEMONS box »S60Ql37a New "i ork Maron 11 —The strong less active today and after an open- divided todaj becoming firme foi the Am Beet fau^ar " 32 ^ tone of the preceding- session was lauk ipon I American Can 9&a 91,8 B?a -9% CC..G PLA^T crate ?1 00 FOR LOSS OF RIGHT FOOT 111^ advance eased off undei liquid i new crop but weaker for tne old pAnam^s" counon n j •?_ "» A 9 3* 9 2 ** TOMATOES fancy crate stock $£75 ©300 rng in the stock market toda\ and ation of a renewal ol beat pressure .Damage repotrts were numerous and American Agr cultural as do pfd _ ._ Choice il To ©2 2B fluctuations were in egnla'r -Ytte-mpts ATosf Cook formerly brakeman for ressi ve | Am Car &. Foundry 49 A 49*J- s •- 50^, fet,llmg was not a-S"o ' enough to export milling demand at zero Heav i American lei &. lei cv 4 1 Am Cotton Oil 44 CUCUMBERS $3 00 at the outset to extend the rise were the Southern iailw,a\ hat> filed ppt cause any sharp break howevet, and r ness prevailed at the close ^-a- American lei i, Tel c\ 4a 1 LET1LCE drum . .. $1 75@2 25 checked bv large selling of •Yraei ican tion in the <-)ur»erior court for $2000(1 J Am Ice securities 3* ** 31^ SQLASH yellow . . $2 50@3 00 the close was steady net unchanged t j-ied from 4 @% decline to ^3@^ ad- American Tobacco ba bid Am Linseed 10 sugar and the eastern railroad shares damages for the loss of his right foo to b points lower i-ance Cortt finished a sixteen h off AFn.'?ura- Co *^3 Arr Locomotive 34^ o4^ White .. »2 00 Sugar fell to the lowest point since w hlch he alleges he lost when he I3 I Am amelting and PEPPER 6 bushel crate .. $2 00® 2 26 slipped and fe I under a freight tiain Inere were some overnight bu>inS,to »s up and ^j^ wjth a sain of a ^" °" ^f" ,ilcni „,., OKRA crate tender $2 00 1907 Reading 'Siew Ha.\en and New ciders aiound the ring at t^e start ' shade to '4 In provisions tne out- 4« «v 4s UJOD> Did Ketlnlnt 68*«. 68 York Central developed heaviness The Moore & Branch ire his attorne\s . do prd 10 /a 10-- A/ 103 10 ^ SWLBT POTATOES bushel B5c® 51 00 while the caoles were relatively ^tead> come was a rise of D to 7*~@10 Atl intic Coast Line lat 4e 97 CAULIFLOWER, drum JS 00® 3 2a whole list softened I Arn Sug-ar Refining '^B'Ss 1^ and the market opened at an advance News o" injury to fall sown wheat £jaiiimore & Ohio 4s Am Tel A. lei ll^ll191-* 1-1 " 41% Pressure diminished in the latter of t> points to a decline of 1 point came ohiefl> from the light soil sec do 3 tee Am Tobac o _jJ -oO rOlLTKY AND EGGS, part of the da> and among- the indus \ctive months sold about - to o points tions of western Ivansas and Nebraska Brooklyn Transit cv 4s bid Anaconda iJin Co 36 T, 3a * Hens ll\ e pound 14o trials thei e were numerous points of net highei shortly aftei the call but Some of the harm referred to TV as Central of eoorgia 5s bid AtchHon 36 V 93 Friers pound 20c strength Railroad shares ho\ve\er the market soon turned easier on. said ""o be from freezing- but most of Central Leather do pCd 10014 100%, Ducks apiece 25c exhibited further weakness Rock A Ian ic coast L i 1 0% 1-fl 1-0 lealizing Ii\e ool was a moderate the damage was attr buted to high Chesapeake & Ohio 4 >*3 1 E 21c Island common at 4*4 the preferred at oilier of old ctop months on the de txmds blowing the wheat out of the chic«ie-^0*V A ii S.L_ K Balumore & Ohii SS - 8S a 83 7^4 and the collaterals at 40 to iched Bethlehem bteel 4 ~ 43% 4 K. Capital i line but was an sctive seller of new p round j vcellent authorises at | £;: *R i ctntnZ* / T new low i ecords Western Pacific C licj T ui 1 36 - HrookUi Rapid 3"*** 9 =S 9J^, ATLANTA JLI\fc STOCK ( up i osit-jont, v,hjch we c also oiici Omaha and Kansas City however tio gen £. * " -} J°im. 93 Canadian Pacific 207 °0t. * _0!.»4 fi\ es di opped four points to a low ed freely r>y recent outers and conse agreed that comp-laJnts were the least chic Mil JL St Pau c\ (By \\ H White Jr of "White Provision recoi d at «>9 100 Cential Leat er J4 •& 33 J -J* *3 Company ) ti jentl> l°d the decline w "iicn ca. ried imr ortant know n in a decade at this Chi P i i, Pac K. K rft, V. Jl34 5 H The improvement among t le indus * he jpeake i£ Ohio j-% 3 Ciood to choice steers 1 090 to "• QO pounds, the Oene al 1 st some foui to e Dlit time of tne season first purchases of Co o &. Southern ref &, ext <- hi C-redt "U eatern 1 is H -* $6 oO tj 5 00 trials was helped on b> t,ood reports Furnished r oints net ower Tiading became loss i ew crop wheat this \ear were made Delaware &. Hudson cv 4s hi M.I1 \aukee and Uood steerts 800 to 1 000 pounds $6 25 to from the iron and ^teel t ade active below vesteidaj s cloving fig hei-e Th^ amount boug-ht was 30000 £«"}«• <*- Rio urande ret St Paul 9914 $t> o ILow priced copper -=ha.i c« vt, ei e cs and m ja tatc Allies, oc I ushela p-art to arn\ e in Chicago b> Chi ^. North Webt Medium to good steers 700 to S»0 poundi bought on indications of in inc.reabea l^te in the -ifternoun attar i« -Jul> _0 the rest at an> time in JuU in-3 $u oO to $625 demand foi the metal c rred JColo fuel A. Iron 3 S «ood aoutheiu ^r ot demand Prices Agreed on were half under quo Good lo choice beef cows 800 to 900 Steel s annual report showed an in porii.» « ^ t t. 01 s,oh latcd IS''V and covering by some of the caz iy sell lations Cor the Julj option and weie t , Con Products 1 ' pour ''s, 55 50 to $6 00 crease of $""£ $38 000 in gross pi of its il odium to good COWB 700 to 800 Bounds ...... _.l5?.for^°J.«d.?r X°,t h^rd. w311 Hudsoi 14 and while several to increase the confidence of the bulls Missouri Pacific 4s 5g j (jreat Iviorth n pfd 1 ^ 1"6 dairy Ijpes selling lower eai mngs tnow n In the annual report of the \\all str'cet he/uses weie heavy It was go&s p that one conspicuous conv 5s ofd ,1 , c eiL Northern Ora The gross profits for 1913 were «•> J93 sellers pi esumablj. for pt otects oth supper co eied at much as a million National Ra ays of Mexic ,« bid 5 ' Ctfs wi^ 36"- 36 ^ Medium to common steers if fat 890 to 000 undei the preceding \ ear G}«sip working capital, with- i e s \ ere »ood e •= ne\v crop busheis while prices were on the ad lr\ew York central S i^ Illlnoib Central lOj. 4 108 1Q9 900 pounds ?5 5 to $6 '6 of a possible cut in "Sew \ ork Cent a-1 s months on the decln ta \ ance do deb 4s ofd «)0 Inteiuoroush Met 14>* 14 ?j 14 \ Mixed to common cows if fat, 700 to 800 dividend rp e at this time iias* end*.d O its reflected the strength in corn J* i. "N H. Ac Hn- t i do pfd o9-i o9 , pounds $4 oO to ?5 25 L \ private leport indicating an In bid 9 bv the declaration of the regular di\ j out requiring any de- | reafae n acreage ot about - per cent ineie n at, a good deal of u fluential Norfolk & We 94 aa 'Inter Harvester 104 103"ji 103 * Mixed common. ?S 5 to J4 3» dend on winch the «*tock rallied sha p atti acted some" attention but the Celling by commission houses though do c\ 4s 10-9-4. Inter M irliie pfd ^Vz Good butcher bulls $4 00 to $4 50 Iv after an earlj- sli inp Ahene^er the bulge seemed to assume Northern Pacific 4s bid 94 £ International Pa-per 10 3V 9'^* Deemed to be without any im do 3s bid 6- at International Pump 7 7 Prime horns 1«0 to 200 pounds JS 60 to London cables leported a cheer jl | posit balances. j ^.^.^ rnaike,„*, ~DLt .«*.-^..influenc^e I undue proportions Oregon Short Une rfdg 4a 91 £ Kansas City South u 2^^a 2»^; feeling In the English market Bonds New \oik March H—^pot cotton Backers buvmg* and shorts' covering- Pennsylvania (1915) 9s4l I Laclede Gas 926^ Good butcher hogs 144 to 160 pounds, were irrpgrular Total sales $2 200 000 I net middling uplands -"-- ffulf, were responsible for provisions taking- do con 4s bid 10i Lehigh Valley 14«H 1** 144% »7 7o to |8 50 Lmited States twos registered declm d, I 3-> No -'ales the up-grade It looks as if the manu Reading gen 4s JjoulavIileiL rfashv 135 Good butcher pig-3 100 to 140 pound; % on call tacturei s were trying to establish a St Louis &. San Fran * A Minn St P and S It SS ., to ?8 aO j ^##^ j better level on which to rea ize do gen 5s St Mai ie 132 ^ 1S2 131 131 1 ight pigs 80 to 100 pounds, $S 00 to St Louis b western co Mo Kan & Tetas 17 Mi 17^1 COTTON MARKETS. 7 Seaboard Air Line ad;} 5s Missouri Pacific ^4*^ 23\ 2 * ' 4 /s Heavy and rough hoffa 200 to ZOO pounds, M. RICH & BROS. CO. At j-nta Md-ich 11 —CoLLon btc^icii Grain, PftCifla col 4; National Bis ult 133^ 133 1 5 J to $8 60 « Wm. Hurd Hillyer I .tins 1- 4 1 C\ s- - INatioml Lead !.-- Chicago Mar 11—Cash sraln Wheat y t , IS t-t 1 Pl.1 Of Ale ICO Above quotations apply to corn fed hogs Southern Pacific R 1st : mast and peanut fattened 1% to 2c under TO SHARE PROFITS Macon—Stead* middling 13 I No red S»'* (*9t» «. No hard 9 V® Southen Ftallway 5i 10«ia£ 2nd Pfd m4 U VL 11 t Trust Co. ol Ga. Building I t3 ^o - rorther:n 94^@9j -a "Vo 2 spring- 4 Vi -New lork Central 89 4 8S Vi do gen 4a 89% Cattle receipts llgrht market strong and WITH EMPLOYEES 4. hen —Sbteadj. middling Lnion Pacific 4s 97" i N \ Ont and ^Ve^t f€ 27 higher Better grades have sold thia week [05* -standard 40@ 9s5lNorfolk & WCB ern 101% 101% at extreme prices M Rloh & SroB company hav e re Fort Movement 7 r h A J Evans of Fort \alley was in with biea j middling 1 1 S 1 0 -« %ort^ l pj-American , 71, centlv inai g-urated a profit sha-rvjig- Pye No * I S **] d 5s 10 ^ « Pacific n i % 111 A lodd of Tennessee fod steers averaging :•= b 13S Kio b 1J -*ale ^ * I at Ifl Md.ii about 1000 pounds i ulch topped the mar system by wliicih all emplo\ eet, of the exports to France Barle^ 49 3. i \ rfeir . Carolina Chen ! fi How to Become T inioth S ^ j Pe nsylvania 111 no ^ lf-t Ihese were fair quality and in good store ar* to sbare in the pi of its oC the i lie 400 1st and ext 4s company ( I \er SI OOS A\ extern Md, 4~i Hci,h beveral nuxed loads of fair butcher St I oul Ma.t 1 - Ca=l W hpat No 14 tufC met with zeady demand at prevailing The experts havp figured f(g&94 | V iscon^ n central 4B what it costs the compan to s^ll S10) 11 10 01 »a es worth of g-oods in each o9W PROVISIOV MARJiJET SJ exports coa&t I et w err- quiet today yarn M r h 11 — C«J.t>h \Vhe ar s ere In light rtemar d alter 90 Va (Coirected. by \VIiiLe Provision Co > centage of thp amount the\ sell ov pa\ins them th line the\ arc h afi >at Futures T*>nnet,nee Copper Corni eld P raiikforta 10 lb cartons worth and at the same time guarantee 1521 Candler Building not higher May Chicago Match U — HOSTS T" Mpt R Coinfleld Bolofaiia ^5 lb boxes September 94% To\as t Paciflt, Corn I eld .Luncheon Ham ^5 lb boxea Ing then «L minim im ea.rningr capa it 000 s Pidy bulk of sales $8fiOfi7> 8 h ligiit Union Pacific No J vellow "0^ c I * $8 4(>@8 70 mixed SS 40@S u hea\y 38 SO Cornneld smoked link sausage 26 lb. This must iebult in re iting: a perso rilve lo pfd interest on the pirt of th" clerks @8 o ouRh. $8 30(&)8 45 pigs $7 00<8»8 4 TJ S Pealtv box spot firm < aLtle — Receipts 1^ 000 ^icady bee\ F-S Cornneld Frankforts in pickle kits that cubtoniei s will be assured o-f t! Baltimore March H —Whea t quiet and TJ s Rubber Cornneld pure lard tierce basis ASHLEY & CO. 1 •J7 15©9 0 Texas steetP 1" 10©B 15 stock T7 S Steel most efficient ser\ Ice sy spot contract SJ OO ! "pot *vo red Corntry atyle lard 60 lb tins ; Profit sharing- is ineieU tal en on a I>VESTMENT SBCUR1TICH stern $100'* March No 2 red $1 00 * ers $5 60^ 3 10 cons and heifers $B 70(31 d pfd Country style lard tterce basle s 0 caKe« $7 00@10 00 "Ll-ili Copper a new phase of business hazard th •i ork—Quiet C-oin firmer spot contract 8 t^ March 5-1U D S extra ribs ; 1 bird "Vatlonal Bank Bids, Atlnnt-t Sheep — Receipt*- 3 000 steady natives ^ n Carolina Ch<*ml D S Bell lets medium average L : theories being thTt at, established firm-, $4 S0<3>fo 30 yearlings $5 SOJ57 00 lambs na 21% L) b bellies, medium average . : become more suie of a certain m ni %ew York Boston Ifaltimurt t portfa coast vise 4 J13 1 ve $6 80(9)7 80 Wnl ach mum the> can afford to acreage the r Kansas Citv March 11 —Hogs — Receipts i isle In striving: for the maxim irn The Specialists in i Qdiet midfllingr 13 10 ft 000 lower bullc SB 30@8 hea\> $8 61 OKOCfiKLEK . employees will con tin ie to dra/w tht Kftltwwy and I*ow«r Co. StocK* Movement of Grain. ©"» 0 packers an I biucJieis 55 40@8 80 0 salaries each Saturday mgrht a"= h \s •xport-i coast vi e 101 llSht $8 @3 ^0 plffs ?8 2»@8 00 (Corrected by OgJeaby orooery Comuany ) St 1 o i t. Mtrch 11 — Receipts Flour 13 e — Receipt^ 4 000 including 200 Un(- ^ T E Axle Otrea&e — Diamond, $176 Jso 1 Mic „ elphia—Steady middl ng 13 35 000 «li«-rit 1o 000 corn 29000 oats o4 000 southerns- steady prim fed steers $8 60ig) Copper 42 $5 ..o No t Mica $4 J6 bhipments t lour 19000 wheat 85 000. corn "J K , recelp 879 $10 Bed Rock ayrup $1 50 per grail on helf IH $t> D — Stick 6^4 mixed 6 $4 chocolates - .-.t vi c Sheep — Receipts 6 00ft steady la-mba Liverpool Grain. r 1..C The American Audit Company 57 2T'» " S yearlings ?c "^^7 00 ethers *^alt — 100 lb baes 43c io« cream, KOc Porto— \et rtcc p . S " « o Sj 0^6 00 cues 55 2 @a » har«- r b 31 —W heat •* ulet AmRl-a Granocrysta «0c Ivo 1 barrels $S 26 S t>S6 e-tportB to ;ontlnent 1- tern x\ inter 7s nd No 1 St Loul*= March 11 — >lr>&B Receipts Arm and Hammer Soda, $2 05 keg soda Home Office, 100 Broadway, New York City. I Manitoba ~a No "> s l^d Futures firm 9 AOO lower pigs and 1 Kht° $7 -5® 8 96 2c Royal Bakins Powder 1 lb *4 80 •Ta =« d Tuty "s 2%d milled and butchers $S 6n@8 80 grood heavj &-Ib Jo 00 iiortolord fa $450 Good Lack at i I norl" F. W. LAFEENTZ, C. P. A., President. ;t -A nerican mixed 6a S^d 58 i*J /5 Success $1 80 Rough Rider $1 SO -A. 4. •^•tc- i 1 Ji ly 4s "d :—Receipts IS 000 including 100 Bea.ns> — Lima, 7c uavy $2 66 lJHJb.l> JR., V l*re» ^nt *ec v.- it all ports net Pexans stead1. i at \c >eef ste* $ ^Otfi) Ink — Per crate *i 20 BB-USCHES 95 c i\vs a.nd Ji fer 54 5@S oO ->to k Jelly — 30 lb pails $1 36 3 oz. ?S 70 NFW YORK—Waldorf Asto-la. AIJ^ANTA—JTourth Nat. Bank Bldg at all port" net Coffee. era aji feeders *j 0 lexaa and In bpaghetti — $1 90 BOSTON—I xchj.nge JJuMc ng CHICAGO—Marquetto Building eere $o "5 oo is and h^if is Leather — Diamond oak 48c. WASHINGTON—Colorado Building PHILADELPHIA—Bellevue Stratford i i nitc 1 . ports S93 90»> 00 niti e 56 00@10 50 Chicago Qtmtnt Popper — Gralu 16c ground. l»c \\eclnei,da — To France 10 l NEW ORLEANS—Maison Blanche faAN FRANCISCO—Western Metropolis Prev Flour — Elegant $7 00 Diamond 9fi 15 BALTIMORE—Keyser Building Bfnk Bulldlngr apa, 4.8 Oper Hlijh Best Self Rising S5 76 MytyCyne Belf RJa ii s *5 36 Monogram ?B 60, Carnation, RICHMOND—American National Bank LONDON ENGLAND—F C. GO Greaham low re ords for the eeaion J^asler cost . »•> Building ^ Street Bank and Iie.Eht offera and weakness In the Louisville March 11 —cattle—Receipts **"%? 1134. j 5^ SB Golden Uraln |5 00 Pancake per European markets attributed to Brazilian f 60 nr"i „. .r 50 to S 00 8S'M SSIK j ss-*i cate $3 00 ATLANTA BRAKCB, 1OI5-1T Fonrtk national Ba»k Bolldlnx -Receipts 1 100 ateadj at 34 50 to S7S1 SI ? Lard and Compound — Cottol«ne |7 76 liquidation or stop loba B»lllng seemed to I Hogs CORN inspire pressure R-v lies followed m the SS SO Snowdrift cases 56 C5 Flak* Whit* S^i -Rrceipt-s 25 stead j lambs 7c M-iv Leaf 12 %c basia C B. BIDWELL, C. P. A., Resident Vice President late trading on Covering: and scattered trade lulj v middlinff 13 a r bui ing Th» close i\ as steady H to 19 Rice — 6*£c to 8c 5216 tlcphonc Main ST2. Cable Addrena, Amdlt, Nevr York USO shipment's oOO points n^t o\ver Saleh 94 000 fi 5^ Sour Gherkin Per crate $1 ft* ke»a 512 , stock 70 .1 &p t unsettled Rio JSo 7 8 \ Santos >o ©1 sweet ml- kcga, $13 69 ollvea ~ to $4 »0 per dozen \T* —blradi franc lover Hvinburg ' Country Produce. !• xtracta — lOc Souders. Soe per dozen 25c " 1G hipincnts Solders $^ per do*.en. ipt; ' ^n\ pfennig It «or Klo unchang-ed Rto f hicago M Li —Butter lovver itcH - -^6 stock exchange 1 S4d Ic wer a ISd 21 fi2 Sugar — Granulated $4 60 light brown fu?v 4 "fee dark brown 4 Via domino 8%c Rr i^Iltai recen s "•* 000 Santos cable re ' :celpta S 859 cases at ma.rfc "1 50 Louis —Dul iid 11 nfr 1 ** I ported 4s 0 Ion e Sao Paulo receipts 16 St§> % ordinary firsts a^i ihlp ntnt t 000 luturc*; |J n in*,e t to "5 higher Miv 10 SO »r*j ^JC-CB-I. f "-aS -3-J* J 10 7" > i lures In Isew \ork ranged as fo lows lar d.a!-3ieB lS s ©IS^ to s 10 97 10 90 FI Ol K GRAIN AND FEED Opel i lo1- \merlcaa 13"i4®18^i iong RTBS II u Sacked Per Bai re]—\ictorv (in Members Ncxv York Cotton Exchange from its orgaaizatio 1 )4'S>'> 05 8 1"'S@9 00 Mi 11 45 Tuly In ve! bag;*O $6 2i> Victory (our finest pat Members New York Coffee Exchange ^ OS d 9 03@<» On a,ngcd ecei] IT 45 flit $fi 10 Quahts (our finest patent) S 4> 1 d Jhoiilti i all lo ver spring $b 10 t. orla (self rlsine) $5 90 White Members Chicago Board of Trade ; 50 ! 41 5 Receipts in Chicajro 1 ilv (self rislnp) So «0 Swans Down fhiffh 1 tie Pr l i i 4R N % t ork Mtrrh 11 —Butter est patent) Sa o P ritan (hiffhest patent) We solicit orders in Cotton. Coffee Grain and Provisions 31ptS ICa . S t>0n« stock t>3 SS9 H bid f I re e fli in ui 1.1 AI f;ed Ho ne Quaen (highest patent) $5 60 Whtte S SOias 8* 1- Ki- firm (loud (hig-h pate t) $535 White I>ain> grc>T= t f« hid L rei-s Total" Nc- Ip • R 1 10 Southern star (patent) ?6 50 Sun •> 15 hid Pise (patent) So 10 Bun Beam, (patent) o 0 -T9 03 Ta cl 11 —FoulLry unchanged Primary Movemmt S 10 Klnpr Cot on fpatent) 3490 Tulip JAY, BOND & COMPANY New Orleans Cotton. neal Reoft pis. Bnt 000 a in (straight) S4 40 ono i.«t1 COTTON MERCHANTS Rice. t ESS3 «l ipmentP 44"» Otvo 45^ noo iR,t ,PV,, Me a Sacked per Bushe)—Meal plain >r e*i ^ % ar h T h" t us < t> M-irch 11 —Butter cream *rn—— R*> el pi s 1 OR? 88c 48 pound sacks 90c ^j pr o lo toda m r g r tf il fir ts S t-e 01 ds S packing 17 -, 17(100 la,t [ar<-h 11 si Ipment" 741 0 0 5S1 000 lapt jear pou i 1 Members Aetv 3 ork C-otton Exchange. JVew Orleans Cotton Exchange li-nit« Th* 1 ^ . I fi nf tir*=ts Sacked P r Bushel—Corn Choice Associate Member* Liverpool Cotton Association ntat cl, 11 —Potatoes peanuts j Red Cob 94c No 2 -white 92c yellow 30c Oats fant a d Hav Etc—No 1 alfalfa hay Jl So i llli TV the hours ot , Provisions. I pr.^en held arour d parltv T n otl^ choice large bale-? ?1 30 Timothj •Mlfnpr In the t Iso 1 small bales SI "5 large light clover atio 11 Chi ago arch 11 —Perk ' Petroleum, Hides, Leather. HE- v the list declined <*l[i MARION ft. MILES, President ice oT bul «•! res^rdins the d undo I Jed mixed 1 a> S>1 0 No 1 light clover mixed I rl ruarv fig re an L _>T bump-tio i I 1.11 1 \q-\ / M^rcli 11 —Petroleuir hay $1 t heavs clover mired hay SI 35 \ cathe Rib-. H I Illdfl Bogota 31V- @*"~>& str-vw hoc tot on <-et.d meal Harper J"9 00 209-210 Empire Building Atlanta, .d u i 1 n£f 1 n ddllm; Ainoncdi 1 r tton seed mea! Cre 110 feed ?27 00 cot 1 ol 1 9^ t< ri obi Leathe fiim Mining Stocks. ton b cd hulls sack^ I $1" GO 16 ui t E j I rdh Comparative Port Receipts. < Icken feed PerCvt—Aunt Patsy mash rf I 11 1 let rr-rp[pts of Naval Stores. 100 lb tacks $' -5 Purina pigeon feed 100 „ nd ' thr r »rt =da\ March 11 11 ^jxl s S" -.0 Purina chowder I*, pkg nins n 3 i» , o i 7) corrc pondlnff tavanna Cd "\ a-rt-1 II —T bale1! $ jd I urina chowder 100 Ib sackb tl m a* 4 J 30 lurina baby chick leed $«, 20 Purtna >nts 630 scratch 1 pkg bale-s $ 30 Purii a scratch 60 1 S91 -,to Treasury Statement. 100 Ib sd.cks 5" 10 "Victory scratch 100 Ib Liverpool Cotton. ^4i . „ „ B $1 85 < D $3 90 sacks S- 10 Victory scratch 50 lo sacks Ua hi gton March It—The ond tton of L \crpool "v pot SB C HI $-. 00 K $4 Oo M 54 SO N $„ ., f la oy<=ter shell 100 Ib sacks 70c Is,o 1 1^1" TV ludon el«- s S 9 «ater \ h te 56 CD the bulled Stales ti eas^ry at the 1 ej?u nfng chicken TV heat per tau 51 So IMO 2 chicken cood m d i I s: o idd of u ine<=!, toda> wns S 00 I 1' \\ ilmington >, » Mai 11 —Sp rits wheat per hu $1 a beef scraps 100 lb dl(n0 h 61 -> U "0° turpentine teadv at 44 receipts " cdslfj Net balance In ffer^ial fund $11 64810 port iOO R«"- iptj 14 OLD 1 utuiea quiet Edckb $J 5 beef scraps ISO Ib sacks, $3 SO Prev li94|R0fn sleadv at SS-0 recelpu ' ' Total receipts yo^terdaj $•> 00^ G 2 charcoal =50 lb sacks per owt_ J2 00 Open rip; ' lo P l lo e I'M I I-^r ttnn efpt« Total prf.\menL yesterday $"TJlf91 Ground Feed Per Cwt—JiraT> horse feed turpentine S3 o The deflrft this fiscal year is S 6 095 3«0 SI To King torn hor-se feed 51 So \ Ictorj iftfl airrtlrst urplua of £S C3 709 ast jear ex Success Is a Magnet horse feed $1 65 ABC feed 31 60 Fat 4 0! m i e or Panama can \] and public debt maker horse and mule feed $1 30 Milko N- 1 ork dairy feed $1 60 Sucrene dairy feed J3 60 bi- 10Vi". :i ,!-< *« r»v«i^ < it> DEWITT KNIGHT HELD alfalfa meal 100 lb socks, $160 beet pnlp T attracts because it inspires con- h 4 •-, h "4 ' I UNDER $2,500 BOND Money and Exchange. Shorts Bran and Mill Feed—Shorts, white fidence. In business you prefer 6 I " 645 t Oct \ u. ^ ork M^rch 11 —ca t in p\ si 100 lb ^acUi SI 80 Rhorts Red Doff 100 Ib No\ 1 t, t l j •u fi rui i K rate tacks SI 35 short* fancy 75 lb sacks to deal with the successful bus- In'erior Movement i n ^\ ill fvni^ht who !•- Hccii'-Bd b\ Dec f I I* I It 1 30 dajs $1 st) 1 ort« P W 3& ib sacks SI 70 c 1 ^ ( 1)3" 191-t 1 s \\itc of tl rowma a boa at id i shoi tM bro\vn 100 Ib sack0 $170 Georgia •S u^lon 2 901 1 i la " to ruin he neaut--. w is I iness man because you believe in t. 11 b "9 A ercan Ie japer 4 @ • feed "6 (b saok^ SI 60 Germ meat Homco , \uguita ISO T aig-n^il ?etore idgc Bic^-les \\ ed fa erlini, pvchance fir 100 lb ">acks ¥1 60 Germ meal 76 lb, cot f Men pi H &S i esdav tr u n ng- and his bond a^sess^d { him. As one of the most successful fir >emai d 4 S6 ton sacks, *1 70 bran 100 lb sacks, 51 55 Hubbard Bros. Co. it $2 oOO i" minercial bllla 4 S3 bran . o lb backs $155 bran and shorts Xer. \ ork "Mar I II —ctltes hi morn I ( mcinns.t Knig-ht s moLlier and «ister came up Bar siKer 58 3 mixed $1 80 banking institutions in the South, ins. ere bet er thai due our ^rke .id Little Ro'-K from Macon Tuesda-v light to help Ji u | SUt—Salt brick •auffic'ont real! i K to brlns aboat a ^ ial pks^ "Be salt 100 Ib sacks o2c, salt BO lb reaction The un iertone via f nn however GiU i 6 00 against 6 691 last is being: held foi ti lal sacks 30c salt "5 Ib sacks ISc while progressive, is conservative. The doctois at the Gradv hocr'til Foreign Finances. aid there continued a goo i den and from 1 Ihete prices are fob Atlanta, subject to Curope on arbitr igo transaction the old I SOO to 4 oOO agam^t 3 611 state that Mr * Knight ^ ill not lo^^ London March 11 —Consols for monej mar et changes Special prices on mixed The same cautious judgment will be croo months clo ins aro ind la t nlgb •? last jei.r the "ight of eithei one of her eve- as "S 1 1G for account "5 3 16 Bar siUt_r and solid cars ]r- el The cen^ufe bureau lia.d announced T. •uas at first thought It is expecred i>teadj at ">6 !„ 16 Money 2 -Short bills applied to your affairs, regardless of o ianee i i the method of stating- the final Cotton Seed Oil. that she will be able to ap-pc u in *B three months ° o 16 jr iininK figure in that the hntei s mil i ot LO irt to tell ti i judgre hcj <= 01, Par = March 11 —Rentes 8S frarcs, 1 'A bf included in he total but ulll be an NQTV \ orl Mart-h 11 —t otton -*ec< centime SAYS HUSBAND RAN HER the extent of your business. nounced as. a ej ira e ite i to be added li-r-i and higher pirlicula-K ti e BerJ n "March 11—Exchange on London to the. t nil f-, irf to comrare with pre po ition o^inK to VPT-\ lall ten "0 . 44 p AND CHILD FROM HOME vious >ears T*> A Elrod yes- JACK. J. SPALDiNG JAS S. FLOYD Boca i *-e he couldu t keep his w. jfe bpeller quiot at S5 "! > 30 London terda\ filed suit in the Fulton superior F. E. BLOCK at horn and because when he nsisted court for divorce from her husband E H. INMAIN that she ^ta\ at home and attend tj olvtic ?14 "->% •14 37 Qtis O Clrod Mrs Eliod, in hei pe- th housekeeping she threatened to lake nominal

NLWSPAPLR! THE CONSTITUTION, ATLANTA, GA., THUESDAY, MARCH 12, 1914. Page I>iue. BILL SWEENEY RITCHIE COMPLETES - TOJMAGQCUBS TRAINING FOR BOUT Purdue Stays With the Braves. i Champion Is One Pound Over Final Settlement of the Weight—Wolgast Down Evers Case. to the Limit. ;

" Chicago, March 11.—Wl J. Sweeney • Chicago, March 11.—Willie Ritchie. CHECK FOR 25,000 HI will come to the Chicago Nationals and the lightweight champion, who will HARD-HITTING OUTFIELDER FEDS TO ORGANIZE Hub Perdue will remain with Boston. MARIST LEADING ineet Ad Wolgast in a 10-round bout at This solution of the controversy over* the players involved in the sale of John Milwaukee tomorrow night, completed "STEAMER" FLANAGAN. Evers- formerly manager of the Chi- his training hore today. Ritchie weigh- The big outfielder from the Decatu-r HANDED JOHNNY EVERS cago team, to Boston, ed-in today at 136 pounds, one pound club of the Three I league, who IB try- was telephoned today fay C. P. Taft, , E ing-, for a berth on the 1914 Crackers. owner of the Cubs, to C. W. Murphy above the figure he has agreed to make With Decatur last season. Flanagan Owner Gaffney, of Boston Na- here, former president of -the Cubs.,; at 5 o'clock tomorrow afternoon. Re- led the ba,tsmen of thait league with a •who still is acting for the club. : ports from Milwaukee say Wolgast's grand average of .852 tor the season. tionals, Settles With Former Murphy had a representative at Ma- i weight ftftd been announced at 13o He made 180 hits during* the season, For Farming Players Not con, Ga., where the Boston Nationals j pou nds. Prep School Title Play-Off seventeen of them being two-baggerB, Cub Star in Macon. are training1, and Sweeney today signed 1 sixteen tBree-ba«grexfi and four home a three-year contract to play second , Postponed Until Today. runs. He fielded .967 and swiped. 24 Used—Plan Raid of Ma- base for the Cubs. [ WILSON NAMES MALBURN bases. As will be seen by this photo, •KT „ „ r-r, **•„,.„*. 11 Tam»Q P" Gaff-t Taft did not state on what author- t which was snapped by The Constitu- jors—After Ty Cobb and Macon,, Ga.., March ll—JamesE.Ya«'ity fae based his announcement, but TO TREASURY OFFICE Score, First Half, Was 19 tion's staff • pfho-togra-pher during prac- ney, owner of I?rived he?e at Tfo simply declared, that the controversy! tice this week. Flanagan Is a big, Tight to spend a week with over the players had been officially rangy fellow. He appear3 to be a good Other Stars. , tle«- 'Washington. March 11.—William Pea- to 13. fielder, has ;a good arm and at the the team. At the hotel he handed John- body Malburn of Denver. Colo., was •plate stands up well and takes a good. ny leverEverss a checcnecKk folor ->^»,uvu$25,000, thnitse. uu*Lt*abonus . 'Sweeney Goes to Cob Camp. , ' ! nominated by President "Wilson today York, March 11. — Confirmation Evers was to receive for Joining the! AJacon, Ga., March 11.—Owner Gaff- ! to be assistant; secretarv of the treas- W5th the score standing 19 to 13. Boston team. . \ ney, of the Boston Nationals, who is * ury. He will be assigned to the cus- of reports that the of- •It has been reported that Evers was | e toms division, succeeding Assistant with Alarist colleg-e in the lead, rain ficials were working on a scheme to to JeceWe'MO.OOoT-'iSd-SffMfras-hel^^S «J glut's' ^""^ S*™* ! Secrtary Hamlin, who took charge of broke up the Boys' High-Marist game organize two minor leagues to provide called .the newspaper men over to the l^k^ °L to the ChiSg, team.^aW • the financial divisin when. Job a Skel- at the end of the flrst hajf. This was great ball player. g ton "Williams became con^ptollvsr of the the first of the aeries of. games to berths for players cast o£E by the par- "But here is the check. Evers may. that -the entire proposition was left ; treasury, uocide the winner of the pennant in ent organization was made here yester- If he wishes, tell the amount." 'up -to Sweeney himself—to go where ; the college league, and will in all day by John M. "Ward, business man- Evers smiled, blushed and handed the he could get the- best offer. | Mr. Malburn, who is a native of Illi- Probability be played off today, either ager of the Brooklyn Federal league check to some of his friends. The fig- Sweeney had a -good offer from Phil- i nois, a lawyer and formerly a banker, at Marist college, the Atlanta Athletic Cl adel'phia and from Chicago. He chose j was selected by Secretary McAdoo as a club or at the Crystal Palace at Tech. The establishment of recruiting farms ures were for'$25,000. the latter. We did not Interfere nor i result of conferences at the department The winner will play Macon for the is President James QUmore's latest maJte any recommendations to him in i when the currency bill was pending. state championship, according to a ilan in his fight against organized the- m-a/tter, said Gaffney. , 1 telegram received last night from the uasSball. Mr. Ward said he approved it. WAYCROSS MANAGER Neither Getffney nor Sweeney would j central city. . i While In the south President Silmore, .state tonlgtrt th-e price Sweeney re- COACH GRAVES STICKS Marist played great ball in the first it is said, will keep in touch with train- SENDS FOR PLAYERS ceived for Ins signature to a Chicago half, and in the first tevf minutes of ins quarters of National and American WITH TUSCALOOSANS play played rings around Boys' Hiffh, league clubs and will bid for young Waycross, Ga., March 11.—(Special.) Sweeney fcfi tonight for Tampa, but. as the half neared an end, Boys' players who are dropped at the close where the Chicago Cubs are training. High came to life, and they were BO- of the training season. The best of By the end of the week practically all Tuscaloosa, Ala., March 11.—(Spe- ins strong at the end. these men it Is planned to use In fllllng of the players who have been signed cial.)—Coach P. V. Graves, of the Uni- The passing and team-work of Marist gaps in Federal league clubs, while the for the 1914 sett-son will be In Way- versity oi" Alabama, has decide