THE ATLANTA CONSTITUTION Dad1* and Snnflav, carrier delivery. 12 cents weekly. Vol. XLVL—No. 270. ATLANTA, GA., THURSDAY MORNING, MARCH 12, 1914.—TWELVE PAGES. Sin Kir coplen on the utrrctm and at newMBtandji, S centa Boys Flying Kite ATLANTA'S SAME OLD MOVING PICTURE! SMITH TO PROTECT Make Atlanta Dark ATTENTOKISS SUFFRAGE CAUSE CONLEY FROM GRILL For Many Minutes COSTSBONEDEAR WAR ABLY PRESENTED Switches in Ashby Street Veteran Policeman Strip- IN TWO FACTIONS BY WILLIAM BURNS Station Burn Out When ped of His Arms and Also BY THE FKiHTAfiRAPH CO Big Flyer Pulls Down the Fined on Story Told by Under Certain Conditions, Atlanta Theater Is Filled Wires Near School. Little Girl. 2890 1891 1992. 1693 1894< However, Lawyer May Al- With Enthusiastic Audi- For trjing to kiss a prettv little lo low the Detective to Have Boys filing- a big cord kite with a ence to Hear Addresses by long- tail and cutters on the end of it, vear-old girl w horn he was escorting Talk With Prisoner in Cell. put Atlanta in darkness for more than to her home from the city s nighl fort} minutes >esterday afternoon and school last "v\ ednesday night Officer Visiting Suffragists. threatened to tie up traffic W H Bone of the police force was It was between 3 30 and 4 30 o clock WANTS TO KNOW FIRST when the lights Trent out Investiga stripped of his arms yesterday by Po [ tion by inspectors of the Georgia Rail lice Chief James L Beavers and sufs GREAT OVATION GIVEN DETECTIVE'S ATTITUDt wa> and Power company showed that pended from the foice until the nex< the switches at the \shby street sta monthly meeting: of the police com ]895 1896 1997 189S 1899 TO MISS JANE ADDAMS tion were burned out possibly because mission He was also fined $10 76 in of the extra heavv load thrown on them -when the kite pulled down wires police court bj Judge Broyles Says He Will Insist Upon in the neighborhood of the Davis Prettv little Mai McGinma appeared street school as a witness against the offending offi Tells of Reforms Brought Being Present at Any In- "With the switches of the Ashby cer She told the judgre that the offi street station in trouble the side bat cer as usual was escorting her from About in Chicago by Wom- teries at the Alabama street station terview — Barrett's Claim became overloaded and put the down the nig«ht school which is above Pat an's Vote—Mrs Laidlaw town section of the cit> in darkness terson s undertaking establishment on for Reward Denied. "Within fifteen minutes after the North Fors>th street to her home at trouble started linemen located the No 49 Garnctt street a distance of Predicts Success Here. break and within thirty minutes the six or seven blocks It Is decidedlv probable that I>e entire affected area Tias repaired At She stated that when she arrived on no time during the evening was car A en E>ix: \ ici tective William J Burns -will not be traffic impeded the front porch of her home the officer Such might be the tnumphant me* peimitted to qui?/ I m Conlev the proposed a 1 iss and that she pushed sage which Jane -Vddams. and her co conMcted accomplice in the I>o Frank him awtu and went in the house ^ arrioiettes for suffiage ma 5 car: ^ closing the dooi bhe told her mother case bacl w th them after then orslaught of the escapade and her mother took ihis was ev ident in an interview upoi the bulwarks of tune worn — if the mat tei up with the superintend not honored — .prejudice in Georgia las-t VIADUCTBUilNG 1 yiven out list night bi William M ont of th* night school The supetrin night smith tne negro s counsel Smith tendent in turn related the affair to The reil objection that the visiti ip stated positively to a reporter of The the chief of police w ho Wednesday suffi aglets seom to flnd to Atlanta s Constitution that he would not allow SOLD FOR called Bone befoie h m attit ide at the meeting last night the famous detective to put his client The offi er stated that he was tn ing wh CM filled the Atlanta thea-ter to it* undei a sweating interrogation to find out if the i; 11 was fast anc capacjt was not opposition bin \lso that Burns wot Id not be per st-ited in his defense that there v rathei the lack of it "Loaded to the muted to inteiview Conle> except in Emery-Steiner Structure Is 1 no immoral intent on his pti t in a muzzle thev came to do battle an 1 the presence of the prisoner s atto* ing for the kiss but that his attitude Purebred t*rom tiie^lynn arri\ m0 found none to flgrht ne Kesides th s t is said that the •w—"3 entirelv that of friendship "When lane \ddams stcrod up befo o detective wil have to agree to other However he admitted to the judge Heirs by the Flynn Realty f the j?reat sea of faces last night and conditions beCoi e he will even be ad Chat the b orj told b\ tne little girl called for those who were in fa^\ 01 of roitted to the ngro STveepers cell was true women ha\ ins the rig-ht to the ballot Company, Inc. 1 \*nRtK to KBOTT \tfltude. Officer Bone has >ieen in the service ^radically to a man — literally and nV Before I -?e m t Bui ns to see Con of the p-olicc depai tanei * for twent 1910 ratn el-\— the audience i ose to tip 1 Mr <3mith «*aid last night I will Bv far the largest and most impor fiv e > ears and is r ne of the oldest leet and the few who d d not rise de have to ^atibfjr myself that he is sin tant transaction in realtv circles in men in point of sei \ ice on the 01 ce THE. POLICE BO\RD FIGHT FOR Ttt ENTY FI\ E \E\RS «: lined to i esipond w hen Miss Addam^ c*-i<=U seeking to unearth the truth— \tlanta in a numb**i of v ears was the IIo s the father of a fam ly of cli 3 (\ot passed bv an> board of censorship ) ailed foi an opposing \ote and nothing b t t I w 11 have to de sale Wcdnesdav of the Emerv Stelner dien and has a little girl who is li He Wouldn't Take a Dare t m ne wh*>tnei or not ht. i3 working- building on Peachtree street at the \eus old lie is gray haired and ao \\ h< n the oppos ng \ ote was calli d to a d > ra.nk alone \lso whether or viaduct b% the helis to the propertv i jt he will art in absolute good faith i ears, of age foi w oman on the ft ont row wa*- \srted point blank whether or not he through an administratrix sale to the 1 u thei mi estimation of his offense LIVER DISAPPEARS heard to sav to her husband I dai F"lvnn Realtv compam incorporated wo ilu allow Hums to see the negro will l e made t>j the board of police o to get up 1 for a consideration of $600 000 I* rom all outw ar< indications he *- < -»n l i s<iid he coula not sai one commissioner's FROM ALL TABLES ^ rt 01 the othci at present It would ANGRY DEPOSITORS still sittiiip Immediatelv after the sale was con I illo^ethei according to circum summated the directors of the puichas IN SAN FRANCISCO Mrs Harriet Buiton I aidlaw of Ne * "i 01 k seemed moie than <in \i<~ us ' fa ance< lit declared „ companv held a meeting and voted COLD, DISAGREEABLE If circumbtances ai e fa\ arable he a sum of mone> for the pui pose of stir up a fight but no fight wa*. forth t« i J the i ti oi tei whv Burns will be having plans and specifications drawn San Franqisco March 11 —Ljiver diS coming Time and again she n alkr- i DAY, SAD FORECAST HUNTEDFORSIEGEL to the front of the stage and tr ed u j e *n ttea o queit on C.onlej for a new building upon the property appeared from the tables of all house cajole the audience into some expre l s said although not verified that The sale of the propertv was nego holds and restaurants of San Fran t c iifgios attoin v will request that tiated b> th e Otis & Kollidav real FOR ATLANTA TODAY sion of opposition which would gn <? Cisco todaj after a stormy executi\ e i e detective subml to bmith the pro estate ag-encv in the Fourth National While Hunt Was On Siegel Seventeenth at her an opening upon which to direct j ^st,d ouestions to be put to Conley Bank building and R J? Otis of that session of the Retail Grocers asaocia t ».-r * J ner &uns of argument and orator TniL wo rid jiot sa> positively wh-ether firm -will in the future be the agent Following Is the weather foiecaat for tio-n Liver the butchers say used to , anaJNintht Be it southern otvivalri moral cow Atlanta Thursda-y and Partner Were Plead- ot not this was his> pla.ii tif the property be given awa\ Then the --wholesalers I ardlce or bonest belief m the cause A disagreeable day is indicated for to this good moment there has been If t find that Bu ns ia working- in This propertv is located at the ing to Indictments—Riot- asked 2» cents a liver and got it Now Infantry Ordered in Readi- tn<* sole nterest of Frank the attor northwest corner of Peachtree street Thursday The wind will be from no dissenting voice the wholesalers are asking 15 cents ne> detlajcd he won t have a chance and the viaduct and hai> frontages on the north to northwest, becoming: rath nyte Question-s there were—world it see my client Throughout this case Peachtree and Broad streets and Via er high and gusty in character, and ous Bankruptcy Hearing.
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