Hugo Pratt | 140 pages | 08 Mar 2016 | Idea & Design Works | 9781631405075 | English | San Diego, United States Corto Maltese | The official website

Corto is an anti-hero who prefers freedom and imagination to wealth. The threat of is in the air when the catamaran of the pirate Rasputin rescues a castaway who has been bound hand and foot to a raft and shoved off to drift, until certain death, on the waves of the Pacific. This man has a name destined to become legend: Corto Maltese. They are set duringas the action moves from South America to Europe against the backdrop of the First World War. Criss Kenton, a 17 year old who fled from Virginia following the massacre of his family by Corto Maltese: Celtic Tales Indians, and Patrick Fitzgerald, an English aristocrat who has immigrated to America, get to know each other while participating in a series of organized raids on Indian tribes. In the second volume we find Criss and Mohena, the two heroes of the first story, making their way Corto Maltese: Celtic Tales to Wheeling. But the bloody War of Independence is still raging, and Criss will soon have to depart Corto Maltese: Celtic Tales more on a mission, leaving the girl Mohena alone again. The 5 titles in the series have been published in English in eBook format. Autumnthe border between Libya and Egypt. JanuaryAnglo-Egyptian Corto Maltese: Celtic Tales. The war, the desert, and the regular English and Italian armies set the scene for this story of three solitary men. This time the trip starts out in a jeep with the French lieutenant De La Motte. From all over the world, the latest events relating to Corto. NEWS: the portuguese catalogue is now available. Barcelona, del 5 de abril hasta el 21 de abril de People everywhere love Corto Maltese and . We have selected a number of articles dedicated to them, just for you. A Venice guide to discover hidden places and uncovered trails, in the footsteps of Hugo Pratt. Read More. Corto Maltese — Tango 11 February, Corto Maltese — Celtic Tales 29 January, The complete series of Wheeling Corto Maltese: Celtic Tales Hugo Pratt has been published in English for the first time: a series of 3 books released exclusively in eBook format. A series of 5 books Corto Maltese: Celtic Tales exclusively in eBook format. Reviews from all over the world. Corto Maltese, la Mostra. Il salone del fumetto mette al centro i migranti e il Mediterraneo. Corto Maltese: Celtic Tales | Wow Cool

Goodreads helps you keep track of books you want to read. Want to Read saving…. Want to Read Currently Reading Read. Other editions. Enlarge cover. Error rating book. Refresh and try again. Open Preview See a Problem? Details if other :. Thanks for telling us about the problem. Return to Book Page. Preview — Corto Maltese by Hugo Pratt. In this third volume in the definitive English language edition of Corto Maltese: Celtic Tales Pratt s masterpiece, the action moves from South America to Europe against the backdrop Corto Maltese: Celtic Tales the First World War. In these six stories Pratt further explores such complicated themes as patriotism and greed, revolution and opportunism, and betrayal and seduction. Events take Corto from a small island in In this third volume in the definitive English language edition of Hugo Pratt s masterpiece, the action moves from South America to Europe against the backdrop of the First World War. Events take Corto from a small island in the Venetian lagoon, where he comes face to face Corto Maltese: Celtic Tales a beautiful blonde spy, to Stonehenge and an adventure with Merlin, Morgana, and Puck. Along Corto Maltese: Celtic Tales way he meets and future billionaire Aristotle Onassis, Irish revolutionary Banshee O Danann, the legendary Red Baron, and an intense cast of characters who weave in and out of a series of labyrinthine Corto Maltese: Celtic Tales and counter-plots. Get A Copy. Paperbackpages. More Details Original Title. Corto Maltese 4. Corto Maltese. Other Editions Friend Corto Maltese: Celtic Tales. To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up. To ask other readers questions about Corto Malteseplease sign up. Lists with This Book. Community Reviews. Showing Average rating 4. Rating details. More filters. Sort order. Start your review of Corto Maltese: Celtic Tales. Corto travels through war-torn Europe at the end of WWI. Unforgettable graphics and dialogues in this adventure which also is a memoriam the horrors of war. View all 8 comments. One of the best in the series. Feb 28, Robert rated it it was amazing Shelves: xseasoncomics-graphics. The action moves from the Caribbean to the battlefields of WWI, but the style remains the same, mixing fantastical digressions with pseudo- historical events for a fine bit of entertainment that increasingly taunts me to learn French so that I can get the full flavor of the text, which plainly suffers in translation. Apr 18, Alex Sarll added it. The maps behind Corto's face on the covers normally suggest exotic adventure; somewhat less so when the first place-name to catch your eye is Croydon. But yes, after a stop in Venice, this volume largely finds the wry, roguish sailor in Europe's north-west, whether that be the trenches of France or the British Isles. Still, what seems at first like a horribly black-and-white take on the Irish Question turns out to have a suitably bittersweet sting concealed; Corto and his creator may both have a natural inclination towards anything which can be painted as a struggle for liberation, but they also know that even the noblest cause makes for deceit and ignoble death along the way. It's the closest Corto Maltese: Celtic Tales seen the series come to outright fantasy, yet somehow it fits in this world of adventure and nautical tall tales; if lost Corto Maltese: Celtic Tales and strange tribal rites, then why not lost kings and little folk? This also Corto Maltese: Celtic Tales been one of the dark places of the Earth. View 1 comment. May 05, Joseph rated it it was amazing Shelves: comics-graphic-novels. These stories are masterful works of comics fiction, and one story draws up the ancient Arthurian legends to help keep the Germans out of Cornwall. Very inventive! It was nice to see Pratt's fictionalized Ernest Hemingway and Aristotle Onassis, although Onassis was still pretty young in real life, compared to the character here. Still, lots of fun to read, and Pratt's art is magnificent as always. View 2 comments. First of all, you should know before hunting this down that it doesn't have any new material that wasn't already in previous volumes, notably "A Midwinter Morning's Dream. For those who don't know Hugo Pratt's Corto Maltese, it was a seminal Italian comic strip from the '60s and '70s chronicling the adventures of the eponymous anti-hero, a romantic soldier of fortune with a First of all, you should know before hunting this down that it doesn't have any new material that wasn't already in previous volumes, notably "A Midwinter Morning's Dream. For those who don't know Hugo Pratt's Corto Maltese, it was a seminal Italian comic strip from the '60s and '70s chronicling the adventures of the eponymous anti-hero, a romantic soldier of fortune with a sympathy for the underdog. The stories take place during, before, and after World War I. The artwork and storytelling are spellbinding, and the story blends real historical events and characters with fantastical elements in one story here, Corto helps Merlin and Oberon Corto Maltese: Celtic Tales Britain from the Germans. Pratt's own adventurous life ends an air Corto Maltese: Celtic Tales authenticity to these tales. Corto has a wide following in Italy and France, but the English-speaking world never caught onto this series as much, so finding this book in English is extremely difficult to do. Good luck. It's worth it, if you can get it. Hugo Pratt has long been my favorite creator in the world, and his Corto Maltese work is my favorite of all his works English publishers over how little of his work has seen print in the only language I speak or read. The Corto Maltese material, for me, Corto Maltese: Celtic Tales evocative of just the type of dreamy adventure that I wish my life had been filled with. I wish I could live in a world of Pratt's women. It would be worth the occasio Hugo Pratt has long been my favorite creator in the world, and his Corto Maltese work is my favorite of all his works It would be worth the occasional bullet wound. And Corto himself is one of the great characters in fiction: deeply rich without being overly complex. Determined to fight to his last breath, but, if he loses, it's only life, eh? I love this stuff so much that I can even explain my attraction to the material. The best I can say is that it feels right. And it feels like Corto Maltese: Celtic Tales work of a man who would have produced the exact same material even if he'd never had a single reader. Ho scoperto questo autore attraverso la mia guida spirituale anobiiana, Occhi di Velluto. Il destino vuole che si ritrovino insieme nella Corto Maltese: Celtic Tales en Ho scoperto questo autore attraverso la mia guida spirituale anobiiana, Occhi di Velluto. Il destino vuole che si ritrovino insieme nella stessa enorme casa mono-famigliareal numero 1 di Cloudstreet, i Lamb e i Pickles. Il racconto combina bizzarri elementi di realismo e fantasia con un tocco di tragedia. I personaggi agiscono in un contesto costruito attraverso un efficace linguaggio simbolico, sempre mutevole e colorito, surreale, alcune volte ironico altre tragico, che si contrappone ai fatti banali ed insignificanti delle loro vite. Per chi invece non ne avesse mai sentito parlare spero che possa essere di sprono per … una bella corsa in libreria!!! Apr 30, Sugarpunksattack Mick rated it it was amazing. Hugo Pratt's 'Corto Maltese: Celtic Tales' is an absolutely amazing collection of historically based action-adventure stories that occur during WWI and throughout Europe. Corto Maltese: Celtic Tales is known for doing extensive research Corto Maltese: Celtic Tales writing the more historically based stories and those details add a lot of depth to the stories. I particularly like the Corto Maltese: Celtic Tales with the Red Baron that was able to depict the class character of fighter pilots without citing a political manifesto. Pratt also blends in some st Hugo Pratt's 'Corto Maltese: Celtic Tales' is an absolutely Corto Maltese: Celtic Tales collection of historically based action-adventure stories that occur during WWI and throughout Europe. Pratt also blends in some stranger elements along the lines of occult-like creatures or fairy tales of sorts. Corto Maltese is a very unique character and the overall feel is hard to pin down; the historical parts reminded me of Indiana Jones and the stranger Corto Maltese: Celtic Tales parts reminded me of Hellblazer but not too much. If you are looking for strange action stories, maybe skip this, but if you like action adventure stories that have no problem getting weird, yet sentimental with some subtle political consciousness then check this out. Note: edition says its Vol. Jan 12, J rated it really liked it Shelves: comics. Another tight collection of short pieces but the red, yellow, blue, and green motif from the previous volume makes its slow, subtle reappearance. Le Baron Rouge contre les troupes australiennes. Ici, Corto Maltese est plus spectateur. Mar 03, Celtic rated it really liked it Shelves: own. As ever, there's a mixture; from the bullets and bombs of the Western Front and post Easter Rising Ireland to the mysticism and myth of Stonehenge and Tintagel. Corto Maltese: Celtic Tales role is varied - often much less central to the storyline than in the stories in previous col Great titles for the stories that make up this collection, including "The Angel in the Window to the Orient", "A Mid-Winter Morning's Dream" and Corto Maltese: Celtic Tales de Nuits and Piccardy Roses" which capture some of the romance of Corto's adventures. Corto's role is varied - often much less central to the storyline than Corto Maltese: Celtic Tales the stories in previous collections - though his motivation as a freedom fighter is more explicit in this volume than previously. Also more obvious than before is the extent to which stories are not self contained but have references back to previous stories or foreshadowing of those to come. Multiple stories here have references to the legendary figure of Merlin and there are reappearances in the opening story and the two closing stories of characters who featured in previous volumes including the Ballad of the Salty Sea. Celtic Tales (Corto Maltese) - Wikipedia

Hugo Pratt created his Corto Maltese stories in the s and s. The reason may simply be that true genius cannot be effectively copied. Thinly disguised versions of real people have cameos, such as a future Greek shipping magnate and an American writer, while others such as the Red Baron are named. What we know of Corto is generally via the love, trust and affection others have for him, and their disclosures in passing, a stay in a Perth jail referenced, suggesting he was also in Australia at one point. However, Pratt prefers to maintain mystique, so deliberately chose a place name also found in Scotland. Smoky Shakespearean half-worlds, Irish cemeteries, Somme battlefields and Corto Maltese: Celtic Tales eccentricity of Stonehenge are all vividly recreated, the personalities are richly presented and easily distinguished, and a shadow puppet show is brought to beautiful life in delicate silhouette. The tragic Irish story mulls on heroism and myth, but otherwise a quirkiness infuses the content, never more so than in the penultimate tale. It features an arch Red Baron, literary criticism, pontification on wine, an impossible shot and a glimpse into the future. Everything that makes Corto Maltese such a beguiling series is present in Corto Maltese: Celtic Tales over these pages. It was previously available in English in as The Celts from Harvill Press, but Corto Maltese: Celtic Tales translation is better. Alternative editions:. Volume No. Release date: English language release date: Format: Black and white. UPC: Contains adult content? Does this pass the Bechdel test? Positive minority portrayal? Original publication language: Italian. Categories: AdventureEuropeanPeriod drama. Corto Maltese: Celtic Tales Creators:. Corto Maltese: Celtic Tales Pratt. Other books in this series. Corto Maltese: The Ethiopian. Corto Maltese in Siberia. Corto Maltese: Fable of Venice.