A busy first Leadershipweek! Newsletter Issue Friday 14th September 2018


The new academic year has got off to a flying start, with no time wasted as the children have settled into their work and new routines. Our youngest children in Nursery are already showing such imagination and creativity in their play and interactions with one another in their new rooms. It is so lovely to see them so comfortable in these early days, happily playing and chatting to each other and their teachers. The Pre-Prep has a fresh feel this term, and all the refurbishment in the summer to reorganise teaching rooms and colour schemes has produced a really attractive, calm learning space. We have welcomed 52 new pupils into the Lower School this term, some of course from the Pre-Prep, but many also from other schools. Even if Feltonfleet may be totally new to them, I have been really impressed with how they are all settling in to school life. They have focused beautifully in assemblies and made some thoughtful contributions. For the Year 5s, the transition to Middle School brings with it lots of new routines, as well as greater independence and challenge, and it is good to see the pupils starting their next stage so positively. The Year 6 pupils have begun the first phase of the “Discover you” process. The aim of these workshops is to build pupils’ self-awareness and help them articulate their qualities. We feel sure that the Year 6s will find the sessions really valuable. In the Upper School, Year 7 have embraced the challenges of the new academic curriculum and enrichment programme. Our most senior pupils in Year 8 have responded so positively to the invitation to take on positions of responsibility. The Heads of School in particular spoke with such admirable confidence in Assembly about the roles they will fill and their ambitions for the coming year. This is the time in their Feltonfleet journey when we encourage all Year 8s to step up, lead others and act as fine role models for the younger pupils. Their conduct very much dictates the tone of our school, so it is a big responsibility, but one we feel they are more than ready to fill. There will be more about their roles in the Newsletters later on this term. Feltonfleet is a vibrant and diverse community, as this early issue of the Newsletter demonstrates. The buzz of purposeful activity across the campus is a great sign for the term ahead. Have a lovely weekend. Shelley Lance

INSIDE THIS ISSUE Leadership - Our Prefects 2 Upper School News 7 What’s coming up? 12

New Staff News 3 Upper School News 8 Notices 13

Pre-Prep News 4 Sports News 9 Weekly Bulletin 14

Lower School News 5 Achievement 10 Next week’s menu will be Middle School News 6 Headmistress Awards 11 available on the website 1 LEADERSHIP


When it was announced that I was going to be the new Head Girl I felt so many different emotions. I was overwhelmed, full of happiness and excited to be able to tell my family and I was wondering what they would be thinking. I was also excited and felt proud of myself and my achievement. I will definitely try my hardest to get people to understand each other and get along with each other. I want to help children as they move from one stage to another so that they are not worried or anxious. We sometimes forget it is a big step moving, for example, from Lower to Middle School and I want to be there for the pupils and share my experience with them. I want to make a difference. Charlie

When my name was announced I had mixed emotions. I was really, really happy and excited and also nervous because I wasn’t totally sure what it involved or what was expected of me. I was amazed I had been given the opportunity to be Head Boy. I don’t want to bring anything physical to the role, like a building or anything like that but I do want to contribute to the happiness of the pupils and make sure they are okay. I feel I have come a long way especially in public speaking and this year I really want to test my limits in different ways. In Year 7 I really enjoyed and felt inspired by my role as Peer Mentor, getting to know the younger pupils, and I want to continue with this in my role. Like Emily we have been through the different years and so can help them move from one stage to another.


Charlie B, Emily J, Sam A, Venetia S, Anna P, Harry T, Maya B, Henry M (Head of Boarding), Noah A, Libby C, Elizabeth H, Alex R, Sophie W, Charlotte S, Freddie D, Navik M, Joe S, Luke V, William W, Tabitha E (Head of LS Prefects) Amelia R-F (Head of Calvi Prefects) 2 NEW STAFF NEWS



James Thompson Head of PE and Boys Games I have had a great first week at Feltonfleet. There is a great enthusiasm for sport amongst the children here and they have worked with focus and commitment to make a great start to term. The staff body here have been hugely welcoming and have helped me feel part of the team.

Danielle Molyneux

L-r: Yvonne Cheung, Amy Adams, Nicky Jordan English and Games Having just returned from a fantastic year of teaching in Yvonne Cheung Dubai, I am so excited to have already immersed myself into Nursery Teacher life at Feltonfleet. It has been My first week at Feltonfleet has been great! I am wonderful meeting so many of amazed at how fast I have settled and it is all the confident and determined down to the very supportive and amazing team in young people here and I am looking forward to the Pre-prep and of course my lovely nursery class. adventure ahead! One thing I love the most here at Feltonfleet is the atmosphere. All the teachers and children are so Robert kind and enthusiastic it really makes me feel relaxed and happy, which is very important as the Palmer-Leeraar day is so busy. Science and Games This first week has been Amy Adams amazing! My previous school Reception Teacher was a Catholic Primary School in Portsmouth, so the vast I have only been at Feltonfleet for a week and areas of green space are great already feel at home. The staff, pupils and to see! Teaching Science in Feltonfleet has been a parents have all been so welcoming and fantastic experience, with inquisitive and curious supportive. The Pre-Prep has such a warm, kind children who are ready to learn. I look forward to atmosphere and the children are full of character the coming weeks and the new experiences which and fun. will come my way! Nicky Jordan Marcus Buchanan Year 2 Teaching Assistant Gap Student I have received an amazing welcome from all the My first week at Feltonfleet staff, parents and children. Immediately I have has been phenomenal. I felt felt at ease with my new colleagues at Pre at home when I started Prep. As I am working at the Breakfast and Owls working as everyone is really Clubs, at either end of the day, this has enabled friendly and determined to me to be part of a positive community that make Feltonfleet a positive upholds our core values! I look forward to the and productive environment. forthcoming term ahead! 3 PRE - P R E P N E W S

The first seven days in the Pre-Prep have seen 29 new pupils joining us, with at least one new face in each classroom. In the Nursery every pupil had their first Feltonfleet day, although a fair proportion were already familiar as siblings to existing pupils and also the children of some our staff. Despite being only 3 years old, they very quickly settled into their newly styled Beach and Forest rooms, now located at the end of the corridor allowing them greater flexibility to flow between both rooms and the outdoor area.

Reception and Year 1 had the benefit of added familiarity by returning to the rooms they left in July which have been reinvented as River Room for Reception and Ocean Room for Year 1. Year 2 have now moved in the direction of the Main School into the Mountain Room. This has been totally remodelled to include a terrace to enhance flexibility of space and allow the outdoor area to be more fully utilised as a quieter place for Year 2 to extend their learning. We have re-organised our teaching rooms and colour schemes to provide a calmer learning environment, enabling more visual thinking space for pupils and staff.

In addition to our new pupils, our teaching team has grown with the arrival of Miss Cheung (Nursery Teacher), Miss Adams (Reception Teacher) and Mrs Jordan (Year 2 Teaching Assistant, also providing care and supervision in Breakfast and Owls).

On Monday, our newly extended clubs programme began. From this term clubs will run on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday for Year 1 and Year 2.

Our Values assemblies began with a game of ‘Pass the Parcel’ to unwrap a large gift that was for everyone to share, the content of which was Kindness. This is the value that has now replaced Happiness, which still exists, but as a product of the equation:

Honesty + Responsibility + Respect + Kindness = Happiness

We were delighted to see so many parents, both new and familiar with us on Wednesday at the Curriculum Evening to find out all the exciting learning opportunities ahead.

Amanda Burton Smith Head of Pre-Prep 4 LOWER SCHOOL NEWS

It has been a week of challenges and 'firsts' for the Lower School pupils. Personal hurdles (not least the fireman's pole from the tree house) have been overcome, routes to lessons have been learnt, new friends have been made, and the Lower School is buzzing with activity.

The Autumn Term has started positively and purposefully - IPC lessons are underway, with Year 3 and 4 pupils studying how we learn; Lower School choir numbers have increased yet further, with sixty-four of our pupils being successful in their auditions; Year 4 boys have played their first match of the season; and Chess Club has proved to be the most popular of our After-School activities.

Well done to all of our Lower School pupils for tackling the start of term with determination and enthusiasm. Their attitude will lead them to achieve great things this year.

Elizabeth Cherry Head of Lower School


The new Year 5 pupils have been finding their feet and experiencing all that the Middle School has to offer. They have been making new friends, re-establishing existing ones and getting to know their new teachers. I can confidently say they are now familiar with their timetable and are getting to grips with their classwork, prep and extra curricular activities. They have had the opportunity to try out for Middle School choir.

The Year 6 pupils have returned fully engaged and ready to learn. This week they began the first phase of the “Discover you” process. These sessions take pupils on a journey of personal discovery, looking at their own strengths and talents, learning new vocabulary and having the opportunity to reflect, question and pick apart what makes them who they are .

Games forms a key part of the Middle School timetable and this term the boys start the year with football. This prominent sport is extremely popular. Lots of boys made good use of the football goals during break and lunchtime. Fixtures provide the perfect opportunity for pupils to demonstrate their skills, gain experience in hosting and represent Feltonfleet with real pride. I was very impressed with the feedback I received from colleagues regarding the U10 and U11 boys fixtures against Hawthorns and Aldro. It was clear the boys had taken on board what they had learnt during games sessions and put it into action during their matches.

Netball is the focus for girls this term, they have been developing their skills, learning new ones and applying their knowledge to game situations. This was clear to see at the section netball competition on Wednesday. Seeing the girls, some of whom have not played netball before, learn how to work together as a team and build new friendships was very encouraging.

Year 6 began the “Discover You” programme this week.

Amanda Wright Head of Middle School



Every year we challenge the students to hit the ground running, embrace the opportunities ahead of them and throw themselves wholeheartedly into everything the Feltonfleet community has to offer. It amazes me how quickly and seamlessly they are able to do this...with one Year trip down, numerous sporting fixtures, an array of Performing Arts rehearsals, countless pages in exercise books and folders being filled up already - this year has been no exception. Furthermore, on Thursday afternoon Year 8 embarked on a Leadership Training Course that centred around communication, teamwork, motivation and planning as part of the core skills needed to become successful leaders. Each and every student excelled in their participation and gained huge amounts of confidence and knowledge during the sessions...... even if the Staff Team were pipped to the post in the final challenge (where's VAR when you need it?).

All of the above is of course incredibly impressive, but if there has been one thing that has stood out above all else it has been their kindness. As we reflected on the four core values of school; Honesty, Responsibility, Respect and Kindness, all students (and not just in the Upper School) applauded the successes of others, as the new roles of responsibility were read out. Feltonfleet is a special community and this will undoubtedly be yet another special year. Neil Kumar Head of Upper School

On Thursday, Year 8 had a visit from the WiseUp Bonding team. We first went into the Ashbee Theatre where we were briefed on different personality types and how to work with them on a team. They split us into different groups, in which we would be in for the rest of the afternoon. There was a wide selection of various tasks that were designed to test our team working skills. My favourite task was ‘The Bomb,’ in which there was a square perimeter containing, in the middle, a cylinder canister (the bomb) on a platform. We were told that we had to take out the bomb with ropes and place it carefully on a platform outside the perimeter. We achieved this by wrapping the rope around the bomb and applying tension from all sides allowing us to carry the bomb. I liked it most because it tested our co-ordination and our teamwork. The Year 8s had also got their first glimpse of the Common Room, where we ate lunch and practised our table football skills. Charlie B - Head Boy

“WiseUp represented our personalities as shapes and, once we realised what shapes we were, it helped us focus on our strengths and weaknesses and how to deal with others in a team. “ - Sam A, Deputy Head Boy

“The team building was amazing! We all had so much fun and I especially thought it was wonderful to collaborate and enjoy something altogether where everyone is involved (even the teachers!). A big thanks to WISEUP (the company who managed all of this)! It is something I will never forget from Year 8 and was a funny and great time!” - Venetia S, Deputy Head Girl 7 UPPER SCHOOL NEWS


On Tuesday 11th September Year 8 pupils travelled to Juniper Hall and the River Tillingbourne to collect data for their Common Entrance Coursework.

Pupils were investigating changes made to a river from the source to the mouth. As a result the boys and girls visited three sites along the River Tillingbourne which were Crossways Farm, Hammer and . At each site the boys and girls collected data regarding the width, depth, flow velocity and wetted perimeter of the river bed.

A few pupils got a little wet and one pupil even discovered a pretty good sized crayfish. A good day was had by all. Special mention goes to Mr Smith, Mr Cheeseman and Mrs Robinson who gave up their days to support this trip.

Matt Rochford Head of Geography



The boys have settled well into the football season and have played two rounds of fixtures in the first week. On the first Saturday of term there were matches against King's House and The Hawthorns for all the boys between Year 5 to Year 8. Each team showed a great attitude to the fixtures, working hard for each other and showing a great deal of skill. This was followed on Wednesday by fixtures for those same teams against Aldro and on Thursday by a quadrangular for the U9 boys hosted by Hall Grove. This was a fantastic opportunity for them to get lots of playing time and there was impressive progress made across the afternoon. The U8 boys have been working hard on the training pitch, developing their ball skills and their understanding of finding space on the pitch. We look forward to seeing them in their first fixture next Thursday.

James Thompson Head of PE and Boys Games SECTION NETBALL AND HOCKEY

On Wednesday we saw the netball and hockey seasons in with the school Section Matches. It always provides a great start to the school year and all the girls competed with passion and determination for their section. Otters won the trophy in the netball competition. Badgers and Otters played out a tense penalty shoot-out in the Year 7 & 8 Hockey with Badgers emerging as the overall winners.

Year 5 Netball Year 6 Netball Year 7/8 Hockey

1st Foxes Otters Badgers

2nd Badgers & Otters Foxes Otters

3rd Tigers Badgers & Tigers Foxes

4th Tigers




Congratulations to our six boys who were selected for this event. Proud parent Karen Prottey sent us this write-up of their amazing achievement.

Over the summer, six Feltonfleet pupils travelled to Gothenburg in Sweden to compete in the Gothia World Youth Cup. Jack P, Zac R, Johnny W, Charlie R, Lorcan M and Sam L were selected for the U12, U13 and U14 South of Representative Football Teams, known as the Prep Schools’ Lions. 1,731 teams from 78 countries took part in the tournament, making the Gothia World Youth Cup the world’s biggest youth event (larger than the Commonwealth Games). The week started with a colourful and spectacular Opening Ceremony, with 56,000 people packed into the famous Ullevi Stadium. The highlight for the boys was representing England; parading around the pitch behind the St George’s flag. The football itself was of a very high standard and extremely competitive, with many of the teams coming from professional academies. Each of the Prep Schools teams was managed by an experienced coach and a physiotherapist, who the boys had first worked with at a three-day residential training camp they attended during the Easter break. U12s - Jack P and Zac R

Jack and Zac played for the U12 Yellows, with Zac captaining the team. The boys played two Swedish teams and a Mexican side in their group before progressing to the knockout stage. Comfortable winners against another Swedish team, the team progressed to the last 16 to face Brazilian opposition. The match was of a very high standard finishing 2-2 after full time and then onto penalties… Sadly Gareth Southgate’s changing penalty fortunes didn’t extend to the U12 Yellows - it was a tough way to exit the tournament but the boys did themselves proud.

Both Jack and Zac have been invited to return to Sweden next summer and play for the U13 Prep Schools’ Lions.

U13s - Johnny W Johnny played for the U13 Greens. The Greens won all their group games convincingly with Johnny voted man of the match in two of them. Into the knockout stage and after a tough first round win they were now into the last 16. Sadly their run was ended by another Prep Schools side in a 7 goal thriller. However the Greens did pick up the U13 fair play award.

U14s – Charlie R, Lorcan M and Sam L

Charlie played for the U14 Greens. The Greens played two Swedish teams and a Portugese team in the group before progressing to the knockout stage. A 1-0 victory in Round 1 was followed by their best performance of the tournament against a very strong Swedish team. The team defended feverishly and a penalty shoot out looked on the cards until the Swedes scored with only 3 minutes to go!

Lorcan M and Sam L were in the U14 Blue team. They were unbeaten in the group stage, the highlight being a gritty 4-1 victory against a physically superior Lebanese team, whose striker was sporting a beard! Despite a tremendous push in the knockout stage against a very strong Swedish team, the Blues exited in a closely contested match.

It was such a wonderful experience for the boys - gaining an insight into professional sport and the global popularity of football and importantly making lots of new friends. 10 PROGRESS & ACHIEVEMENT


Each week four pupils are nominated by their teachers for a Headmistress Award for outstanding examples of Positive Learning, Living or Leading. We are pleased to announce this week’s award winners, who will receive their certificates in assembly on Monday.

Year 2 Year 3

Zac Shirley

For making a highly positive For her determination and hard start to life in Year 2, returning

with a sense of responsibility. work in the first week of term.

Year 5 Year 7

Lucy and Annabel Daniel

For showing kindness towards the For being incredibly supportive to new pupils in Year 5. his peers during their bleep test PE




TUESDAY 18TH SEPTEMBER 3.00 - 5.00PM Everything £5! See page 13 for further details


WEDNESDAY 19TH SEPTEMBER 8.30 - 9.10AM Refreshments and pastries available from 8.15am All Year 3 - 8 Parents are welcome



Our opportunity to show prospective parents our amazing school. Our pupils are always fantastic ambassadors. All pupils from Years 5-8 are required to be in school for this event.




Presented by Dr Aric Sigman



Irish Seven Summits climber Paul Devaney was on Everest in April 2015 when a 7.8 magnitude earthquake struck Nepal. Paul recounts his dramatic experience. Parents are invited to join us.


Notices from the Headmistress

A gentle reminder that we are a dog friendly site but dogs must be on a short leash and not enter the main buildings.

Please do observe the 20 miles an hour limit outside and for important safeguarding reasons please do refrain from driving while using your mobile phone. We have had a number of reported incidents this week which does and can have an impact on road safety.

Thank you for your support.


3- 5PM


Including BRAND NEW, old style : Calvi hoodies, joggers, blouses and fleeces; girls striped skirts and dresses, boys taupe shorts, navy polos, fleeces and grey jumpers; PE and Games kit.

Payment by cash or cheque 13

Weekly Bulletin

Week 3 - Sept 17 - 23 2018

Monday 17 All Day British Values Week 08:15 – 08:45 Year 7 Parents Firefly Drop In DL Suite

Tuesday 18 07:00 - 07:45 Upper Swim Squad (Years 7 & 8) Pool 08:15 – 08:45 Year 6 Parents Firefly Drop In DL Suite 15:00 - 17:00 Nearly New Sale Sports Hall Gallery

Wednesday 19 08:25 - 09:10 Sports Communication Talk for parents Ashbee Theatre 14:15 Boys Football U10A, U10B XI v Hoe Bridge Away 14:15 Boys Football U11A, U11B XI v Hoe Bridge Home 14:30 Girls Netball U11A - C VII v Cranleigh Prep Away 14:30 Girls Netball U10A - C VII v Cranleigh Prep Home 14:30 Boys Football 3rd, 4th XI v Cranmore Away 14:30 Boys Football 1st, 2nd XI v Cranmore Home 14:30 Girls Hockey Sevens 3rd, 4th v Lambrook Away 14:30 Girls Hockey Sevens 1st, 2nd v Lambrook Home 15:00 Boys Football U10C, U10D XI v Hoe Bridge Away 15:00 Boys Football U11C, U11D XI v Hoe Bridge Home 15:20 Boys Football U10E XI v Hoe Bridge Away

Thursday 20 07:00 - 07:45 Middle Swim Squad (Years 5 & 6) Pool 08:45 - 16:00 Year 5 Art Trip to 14:30 Boys Football U9A - D XI v The Hawthorns Away 14:30 Boys Football U8A – D XI v The Hawthorns Home

Friday 21 08:15 – 08:45 Year 8 Parents Firefly Drop In DL Suite 16:30 Mixed Swimming U11A - U9A v Downsend Home

Saturday 22 09:30 Girls Netball U11A VII v Cranleigh Prep Away 09:30 - 11:30 Open Morning (Last tour at 11.00am) Years 5 - 8 10:00 Boys Football 1st XI v Downsend Home