Mattapan Loses a Civic
Dorchester Reporter “The News and Values Around the Neighborhood” Volume 30 Issue 46 Thursday, November 14, 2013 50¢ Reporter One-on-One ‘Building As the hurrahs die down, Pathways’ Walsh looks back, ahead By GinTauTaS dumciuS opens door neWS ediTor Marty Walsh arrived at the Park Plaza Hotel around 6 p.m. on election to union jobs night and headed up to the 15th floor. For the But observers say more first time that day, he was nervous. West Rox- slots, funds sorely needed bury, Beacon Hill, and the Back Bay, friendly By GinTauTaS dumciuS guys and girls. It doesn’t turf for his opponent, neWS ediTor get any faster than that. John Connolly, had seen Tom Olson holds up a That’s transmission a high number of voters pale blue cord in front through glass.” turn out. of the class. Outlets and Olson, a 46-year-old Inside the hotel wires hang from the ceil- Medford resident, has room, he was joined ing over the heads of 15 spent 28 years in the by his mother Mary, men and women, many telecommunications his brother John, his of whom are wearing business, working with longtime partner, Lorrie green hard-hats. “FiOS,” fiber optics, copper, and Higgins, and her daugh- Olson says, holding the security systems. And ter Lauren, and his blue cord a little higher. on this chilly Thurs- campaign manager Meg “Anybody know what day in October, he is Costello. The candidate that stands for?” inside a training center kept in touch with his The answer comes in Dorchester across campaign workers, who cautiously, in unison, from the International were crunching num- from the class: “Fiber Brotherhood of Electri- bers inside the “boiler integrated optical solu- cal Workers (IBEW) room” and keeping him tions.” Says Olson, “Now, Local 103 Hall talking updated.
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