SPECIAL ISSUE 1 Special Edition Special Issue 1 - English version of AIPCMagazine N° 7 – 2007 The Drosera petiolaris complex Publication reserved to AIPC members. by Maurizio Saroldi Edited byAIPC - Associazione Italiana Piante Carnivore www.aipcnet.it Special Issue N°1 English version of AIPCMagazine N° 7 – 2007 Editorial Index Graziano Fiocca AIPCMagazine is edited by AIPC (Italian Carnivorous Plant Association) 1 Special Edition Reg.Tribunale Venezia n.08 del 5 Maggio 2006 Editor in Chief: Cristina De Rossi The Drosera petiolaris complex Dear readers, by Maurizio Saroldi every year, the AIPC offers to its members 4 issues of its maga- zine, dedicated to several topics on the wonderful world of carni- 6 Introduction vorous plants. 8 Habitat and growth cycle In 2007 we begun an experiment: to devote an entire issue to President one single topic. We asked Maurizio Saroldi, the winner of the Graziella Antonello 16 The Species
[email protected] 2006 Italian Carnivorous Olympics, for a personal account of his 50 Cultivation experiences with growing the fascinating petiolaris-complex sun- Secretary 56 Growers, a comparison dews. As a result, in November 2007, the first monograph came Andrea Scaccabarozzi
[email protected] to light: AIPCMagazine 7, a double issue comprising 64 pages 59 Where to buy of incredible beauty. The foreign growers who received this work Treasurer 60 Aknowledgements voiced their appreciation, but also their regret at not being able to Luigi Tartaglia read the text, which of course, was in Italian.
[email protected] 62 Bibliography Editor For this reason we have now decided to prepare an English Editorial Group version of the monograph.