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Ancistrocladaceae Soltis et al—American Journal of Botany 98(4):704-730. 2011. – Data Supplement S2 – page 1 Soltis, Douglas E., Stephen A. Smith, Nico Cellinese, Kenneth J. Wurdack, David C. Tank, Samuel F. Brockington, Nancy F. Refulio-Rodriguez, Jay B. Walker, Michael J. Moore, Barbara S. Carlsward, Charles D. Bell, Maribeth Latvis, Sunny Crawley, Chelsea Black, Diaga Diouf, Zhenxiang Xi, Catherine A. Rushworth, Matthew A. Gitzendanner, Kenneth J. Sytsma, Yin-Long Qiu, Khidir W. Hilu, Charles C. Davis, Michael J. Sanderson, Reed S. Beaman, Richard G. Olmstead, Walter S. Judd, Michael J. Donoghue, and Pamela S. Soltis. Angiosperm phylogeny: 17 genes, 640 taxa. American Journal of Botany 98(4): 704-730. Appendix S2. The maximum likelihood majority-rule consensus from the 17-gene analysis shown as a phylogram with mtDNA included for Polyosma. Names of the orders and families follow APG III (2009); other names follow Cantino et al. (2007). Numbers above branches are bootstrap percentages. 67 Acalypha Spathiostemon 100 Ricinus 97 100 Dalechampia Lasiocroton 100 100 Conceveiba Homalanthus 96 Hura Euphorbia 88 Pimelodendron 100 Trigonostemon Euphorbiaceae Codiaeum (incl. Peraceae) 100 Croton Hevea Manihot 10083 Moultonianthus Suregada 98 81 Tetrorchidium Omphalea 100 Endospermum Neoscortechinia 100 98 Pera Clutia Pogonophora 99 Cespedesia Sauvagesia 99 Luxemburgia Ochna Ochnaceae 100 100 53 Quiina Touroulia Medusagyne Caryocar Caryocaraceae 100 Chrysobalanus 100 Atuna Chrysobalananaceae 100 100 Licania Hirtella 100 Euphronia Euphroniaceae 100 Dichapetalum 100 Dichapetalaceae 100 Tapura Trigonia Trigoniaceae Balanops Balanopaceae 98 Hugonia 91 Durandea 100 Linum Linaceae 100 Reinwardtia 100 Panda Galearia Pandaceae 81 Microdesmis Bhesa Centroplacaceae Centroplacus 79 Rhizophora 100 Bruguiera 100 100 Carallia Rhizophoraceae Paradrypetes Erythroxylum Erythroxylaceae Ctenolophon Ctenolophonaceae 100 Drypetes Putranjivaceae 100 Putranjiva Lophopyxis Lophopyxidaceae 66 Austrobuxus 100 Micrantheum 100 Dissiliaria 99 100 Petalostigma Picrodendraceae 100 Tetracoccus Androstachys 99 Podocalyx Malpighiales 96 Croizatia 72 Lachnostylis 100 Phyllanthus Phyllanthaceae Heywoodia 100 100 Aporusa Bischofia 100 Malpighia 100 Dicella 100 Malpighiaceae 100 Thryallis 100 Acridocarpus Byrsonima 100 Elatine Bergia Elatinaceae 100 Prockia 100 100 Abatia Dovyalis 85 100 100Flacourtia 100 Salix Populus Salicaceae 51 100 Idesia 100 Poliothyrsis 100 Scyphostegia 100 Lunania Casearia 100 Lozania Lacistemataceae Lacistema 95 Viola 100 Hymenanthera 97 Violaceae 71 100 Hybanthus Leonia Rinorea Goupia Goupiaceae 97 100 Passiflora 100 Paropsia 100 Turnera Passifloraceae 100 Malesherbia 97 Carpotroche 100 Caloncoba 57 Erythrospermum Hydnocarpus Achariaceae 100 98 Kiggelaria 100 Acharia Pangium 100 Hypericum 87 Triadenum Hypericaceae 100 Vismia 100 Cratoxylum 100 Marathrum Podostemaceae 83 Podostemum 100 96 Mammea Calophyllum Calophyllaceae 100 Mesua 100 Garcinia 70 100 Pentaphalangium Clusiaceae Clusia Bonnetia 61 100Archytaea Bonnetiaceae Fabidae 100 Klainedoxa Irvingia Irvingiaceae Ochthocosmus 81 Vantanea 100 Humiria Humiriaceae Sacoglottis 100 Eucryphia Geissois Cunoniaceae 99 100 Cephalotus Cephalotaceae Elaeocarpus 96 Crinodendron Elaeocarpaceae 100 Sloanea Brunellia Brunelliaceae 100 Dapania Oxalidales 78 98 100 Averrhoa Oxalidaceae 100 100 Oxalis Rourea Connarus Connaraceae 100 Afrostyrax Huaceae Hua 100 Celastrus 82 100 Tripterygium Paxistima 100 100 Euonymus 100 Elaeodendron 66 Brexia 100 Plagiopteron Celastraceae Maytenus 99 100 98 Denhamia Celastrales Stackhousia 100 Siphonodon Parnassia 100 Ruptiliocarpon Lepidobotrys Lepidobotryaceae 85 Juglans Juglandaceae 100 Myrica Myricaceae 64 94 Alnus Betulaceae 100 Casuarina Casuarinceae 100 100 Chrysolepis Fagales 100 Quercus Fagaceae Fagus 74 Nothofagus Nothofagaceae 100 Cucumis 79 Cucurbitaceae 67 Cucurbita Datisca Datiscaceae 55 Cucurbitales 100 Begonia Begoniaceae Coriaria Coriariaceae 93 Anisophyllea Anisophylleaceae 100 Urtica 97 Pilea Urticaceae 100 Morus Moraceae 100 100 Celtis 99 Cannabis Cannabaceae Zelkova 100 100 Ulmaceae Rosales 99 Rhamnus Rhamnaceae 100 Ceanothus Elaeagnus Elaeagnaceae 100 Spiraea Prunus Rosaceae 94 Medicago 100 Pisum 99 100 Cicer Fabaceae Lotus 100 Glycine Fabales 68 Albizia 100 Stylobasium Surianaceae Polygala Polygalaceae Quillaja Quillajaceae 100 Krameria Krameriaceae Zygophyllales Guaiacum Zygophyllaceae 100 Arabidopsis 100 Brassica Brassicaceae 100 Capparis Capparaceae 100 Reseda 100 Resedaceae Brassicales Batis Bataceae 78 100 Floerkea Limnanthaceae 100 Carica Caricaceae Tropaeolum Tropaeolaceae 88 100 100 Sterculia 56 Gossypium Malvaceae Thymelaea Thymelaeaceae Malvales 99 99 100 Helianthemum Cistaceae Anisoptera Dipterocarpaceae 86 Bixa Bixaceae Tapiscia Tapisciaceae 100 Dipentodon Dipentodontaceae Huerteales 82 Citrus Rutaceae 100 Ailanthus Simaroubaceae 70 Swietenia Meliaceae 99 100 96 Cupaniopsis Sapindaceae Sapindales 61 Schinus Anacardiaceae Bursera Burseraceae 98 Nitraria Nitrariaceae Malvidae 99 Picramnia Picramniaceae 85 100 Strasburgeria Strasburgeriaceae 99 Ixerba Ixerbaceae Aphloia Aphloiaceae Crossosomatales 98 Crossosoma Crossosomataceae 100 Stachyurus Stachyuraceae Staphylea Staphyleaceae 100 Eucalyptus 97 100 Myrtus Myrtaceae 100 Qualea Vochysiaceae 100 Olinia Penaeaceae 100 Crypteroniaceae 100 Crypteronia Myrtales 100 Clidemia Melastomataceae 79 Lythrum Lythraceae Oenothera Onagraceae 78 Terminalia Combretaceae 100 Viviania Vivianiaceae Melianthus Melianthaceae Geraniales Geranium Geraniaceae 100 100 Leea Vitis Vitaceae Vitales 100 Myriophyllum 100 Haloragis Haloragaceae 100 Penthorum Penthoraceae 100 Tetracarpaea Tetracarpaeaceae 100 Aphanopetalum Aphanopetalaceae 100 Sedum Crassulaceae 100 99 Kalanchoe 100 Heuchera 100 Saxifraga Saxifragaceae 100 Ribes Grossulariaceae Itea 98 Iteaceae Saxifragales 100 Choristylis 95 Corylopsis 100 Hamamelis Hamamelidaceae 76 Exbucklandia 100 Rhodoleia 87 100 Cercidiphyllum Cercidiphyllaceae Daphniphyllum Daphniphyllaceae 60 100 Liquidambar Altingia Altingiaceae Paeonia Paeoniaceae Peridiscus 100 Peridiscaceae Soyauxia 99 Centranthus 100 100 Valeriana 99 Fedia 100 Valerianella Nardostachys Patrinia 100 Dipsacus 100 100 Pterocephalodes 82 Scabiosa 77 Triplostegia 100 Acanthocalyx 79 Morina 100 Cryptothladia Caprifoliaceae Zabelia 67 Dipelta 90 Dipsacales 100 Kolkwitzia 99 Abelia Linnaea 74 Leycesteria 100 Triosteum 61 100 Symphoricarpos Lonicera 100 Heptacodium Weigela 100 Diervilla 72 Adoxa 100 100 Tetradoxa 100 Sinadoxa Adoxaceae Sambucus 92 Viburnum Quintinia Paracryphiaceae 87 Polyosma Escalloniaceae 100 Paracryphia Paracryphiales Paracryphiaceae Sphenostemon 100 Apium 100100 Anethum 100 Angelica 100 Coriandrum Daucus 100 Apiaceae 100 Heteromorpha 100 Sanicula Arctopus 100 Azorella Mackinlaya 98 Platysace 100 Myodocarpus Delarbrea Myodocarpaceae 80 Schefflera Tetrapanax 99 Hedera Apiales 100 Pseudopanax Tetraplasandra 51 Araliaceae Polyscias 10094 Cussonia 100 98 Aralia Panax 86 Hydrocotyle 100 Pittosporum 100 Sollya Pittosporaceae 100 96 Griselinia Griseliniaceae 100 Melanophylla Torricellia Torricelliaceae Aralidium Pennantia Pennantiaceae 100 Desfontainia Columellia Columelliaceae 100 Berzelia Bruniales Brunia Bruniaceae 76 Guizotia 100 Helianthus Campanulidae 100100 Tagetes 100 Cichorium 97 Lactuca Asteraceae 100 Tragopogon 99 Echinops Gerbera 100 Barnadesia 100 Acicarpha Calyceraceae 100 Moschopsis Boopis 100 100 100 Scaevola 100 Goodenia Goodeniaceae Dampiera 100 100 Villarsia 100 Nymphoides 69 Fauria Menyanthaceae 100 Menyanthes 100 Forstera Stylidium Stylidiaceae Asterales 100 Donatia 100 Alseuosmia 97 Wittsteinia 100 Crispiloba Alseuosmiaceae 100 Platyspermation 100 Corokia Argophyllum Argophyllaceae Phelline Phellinaceae 100 Campanula Trachelium 100 100 100 Cyphia Campanulaceae 65 100 Lobelia 100 Dialypetalum 100 Pseudonemacladus 100 Cuttsia 65 100 Abrophyllum Carpodetus Rousseaceae 100 Roussea Pentaphragma Pentaphragmataceae 100 Valdivia 100 Forgesia 91 Escallonia Tribeles Escalloniaceae Escalloniales Anopterus Eremosyne 99 54 Cardiopteris Gonocaryum Cardiopteridace 100 Citronella 80 Gomphandra 100 100 Irvingbaileya Stemonuraceae Aquifoliales 100 Grisollea 97 Phyllonoma Phyllonomaceae Helwingia Helwingiaceae Ilex Aquifoliaceae 92 Pedicularis Orobanchaceae 100 Phryma Phrymaceae 71 Paulownia Paulowniaceae 80 Lamium Lamiaceae Verbena Verbenaceae 66 Thomandersia Thomandersiaceae Pinguicula Lentibulariaceae Acanthus Acanthaceae 58 Byblis Byblidaceae 100 Catalpa 72 Bignoniaceae Martynia Martyniaceae 100 Sesamum Pedaliaceae Lamiidae Antirrhinum Plantaginaceae Lamiales 100 Scrophularia Scrophulariaceae 95 Halleria Stilbaceae 100 Saintpaulia Gesneriaceae Calceolaria Calceolariaceae 100 Peltanthera unplaced Polypremum 100 Tetrachondraceae 100 Jasminum Syringa Oleaceae 100 Plocosperma Plocospermataceae 86 Ehretia Hydrophyllum Boraginaceae Borago 100 Exacum 95 Gentiana Gentianaceae 73 Nerium Apocynaceae 100 100 Gelsemium Gelsemiaceae Gentianales 100 Strychnos Loganiaceae 98 Coffea Galium Rubiaceae 100 Luculia 100 93 Atropa 100 100 Solanum Solanaceae Nicotiana Cuscuta 99 100 Convolvulaceae 58 100 Ipomoea Solanales Sphenoclea Sphenocleaceae 100 Hydrolea Hydroleaceae Montinia 100 Montiniaceae Vahlia Vahliaceae 74 100 Oncotheca Oncothecaceae Garrya Garryaceae Eucommia Eucommiaceae Garryales Icacina Icacinaceae 100 Arbutus Ericaceae 100 Cyrilla Cyrillaceae 99 67 Clethra Clethaceae Sarracenia Sarraceniaceae Actinidia Actinidiaceae Galax Diapensiaceae 100 Styrax Styracaceae Camellia Theaceae Ternstroemia Pentaphylacaceae 100 Primula 100
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    bioRxiv preprint doi:; this version posted March 10, 2017. The copyright holder for this preprint (which was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder, who has granted bioRxiv a license to display the preprint in perpetuity. It is made available under aCC-BY-NC 4.0 International license. 1 2 Widespread paleopolyploidy, gene tree conflict, and recalcitrant relationships among the 3 carnivorous Caryophyllales1 4 5 Joseph F. Walker*,2, Ya Yang2,5, Michael J. Moore3, Jessica Mikenas3, Alfonso Timoneda4, Samuel F. 6 Brockington4 and Stephen A. Smith*,2 7 8 2Department of Ecology & Evolutionary Biology, University of Michigan, 830 North University Avenue, 9 Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1048, USA 10 3Department of Biology, Oberlin College, Science Center K111, 119 Woodland St., Oberlin, Ohio 44074- 11 1097 USA 12 4Department of Plant Sciences, University of Cambridge, Cambridge CB2 3EA, United Kingdom 13 5 Department of Plant Biology, University of Minnesota-Twin Cities. 1445 Gortner Avenue, St. Paul, MN 14 55108 15 CORRESPONDING AUTHORS: Joseph F. Walker; [email protected] and Stephen A. Smith; 16 [email protected] 17 18 1Manuscript received ____; revision accepted ______. bioRxiv preprint doi:; this version posted March 10, 2017. The copyright holder for this preprint (which was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder, who has granted bioRxiv a license to display the preprint in perpetuity. It is made available under aCC-BY-NC 4.0 International license. 19 ABSTRACT 20 • The carnivorous members of the large, hyperdiverse Caryophyllales (e.g.
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