I 'I ,I f "

' / I' , '. () i' ,I :1 -,- ~ -' I,

, ;, 'Business .Men's Club 10 Begin Its lOth ,fear of Op~ration 1uesday " The Petel'sburll' Bualnllllll Men'a ~-'---.;..'------Club 'flll meet next Tues<\ay even-. ' Ing a.t '1:30 D. tn, e,t ~Il'a Coffee Lights and Power Were Shop In Its regular monthly meet- Off A F ini. ew Hours This liI ' the beQ\\nn1t111' of Its tiven - Uebh yeM of opera.tlon ' !:I}lder the 'E. B,'lberry To present set up of 'prooeedure. In Wednesday Morning ' Mrs',J. 100kltJg back over th18 period Of Petersburg WIlB wlthouL Ilghlti " W dd' S d twenty years, the community and power lOr a lew houl'll Wed­ o en e lng un ay shOuld be proud of the accomplish Jlcsday mornIng due t.o a break In G ld menta a<;.hleved, the SouUlwestem Publlc service J .E. Bllberry wlll ______The Olub has worked In cdopera.- Co. feeder litles that lead mto Pet- gOlden weddIng an- L' tlon with our public schools at all ersburg. Aprllill 12N'0:"~~nu2t lfe Saver Ralon times, It, was instrumental ' In se- !-'li'hts and power went ott about 'II.. ".... ,curing the first lire flghLlng equip 8 :30 and were turned On lliain a- formal Invitations 'R 0 d I ment, It was successful In securing. bout l2,OO. In some manner a &hort , SHE SAVORS SABRES - Nf'w town and th" Is eCelVe n a. water workS and sewer BYstem. ooourred· on lihe -line weat ot toWIl York - With a confident grin , , for all their , It also was responsible for securlDi a few mile/! ltid burned out the top Estelline Pike, a sword Rival ­ t~ better telephone system that of a pole and breBklng the linc. Al lower at Huberl's Museum 1/1 eventually led to the present dial 50 east ot town ' aome-thing went , eyes four blaol's eters urg rea system 'Mhloh we now have. AU ot haywire and caused a shor~ circuit ehe plans to hav e as a midaflor­ P b A noon ' snack. This sayorer of A rain , that may prove to be a these unde.rta~ have develop- thll;t blew 1\ luse and otherwise ' sabres Is also a molher and liCe saver at crop plantIng time ed tor beyond' the original expect- damaged ~he Une. W'aS recelved atlons. Mr. Ructlalll, service man for arandmother. Her relish Cor cold These and many other Important PeterSburg, was on the Job prompt­ steel Ie apparently hereditary - problems tneed by a growing com- Iy but was handicapped In gettillg her sOn, U,S. Army Pvt. J atoI's munlty have been met and support help from !.he l11Jl.in oltlce on ac­ (Lucky) Bell, was a s word swal­ ed by your BuslneM Men's lub. count 01 his two-way radlo 011 his lower, too, In civilian lI!e. J\ tany other J,saues will have to be p.lck-up being out of COllunlsslOll, met ItJ the future and It Is the pur but finally did make connection ------­ pose of bhe Club to meet till such with the otrice by telephone 01' VoLe Was Very Light neaday morning as it tlll'IJed colder problems with deterlOln~tlon 80 lIOme ~thel ' meam and received WcdneSdQly nlglht and Is stIli I that our community rna.y be Oil a help, fJom an additional crew and In School T rusiee And dy tl1ls Thursda~ mornln a: o~- par wlbh all other cOmmunities and the damage was repaired. wrIte thJ,s g e towns 1n the surroundIng territory, ThJs was Lhe first Interruption Cily Elections 'IUle rah~ ~U1 be of Immense heJip The Club 18 wortby 'the SUpipQrt of service In qulteThe a few years ot to farmers that were waterItJg cot of every citizen in our midst with ~bll d~~on, c SouWlweatern The Petersburg SChool trusLee ton land, and 00 some that had not only your moral 8~rt but c ce 0" that serves Pet election did not create very much wabered earlier In January and your fltJandal support lIS well. ersburg and tills area has always ' excltement last Saturday when an of long standing Were afraid bhey might have to At the last monthly mee~b\g the rv~.n SPlel~dl! 8emce, and thls was election was held to elect three haS been a mem- water Ol'er Oll account of high fOlJowl1Jjf of!icel'll were elected: one 0 ...... ose things that could trustees, There was no opposition u~ l 1 ~ for 42 winds d'~tl8' ~.~ amla-ouI4 nc OJ!1I)at W~t. ~ 1denti • Or. '}or ~ . n~ ~ Ie V"", and the citizens of u.s only three ntlffies alVCared on -nc:tooilldren children. they have 8uftfclent moJ,sture to ulaDt ShefnelCl, Id~t., l!:4aw t ~ c ~uPi~ J1fii l~ t 1'\lce the ba.\lot, John AlfOI'd, Raymond 101 ana orie great come the montlh 01 ~y 'ootton L1nlJ, aeo~tary; Jeule OOId,sOOD, ~~ po. ent, { ng M 8ucll Wiese and Buzz Gregory were elect pl~tlng time In thill atell.', a.IiS1fjtant secretary; W. C. Foote, ~~ a.re 810 ng to hQRlen now l:d, Thirty-eight votes were cast Mrs. BllIlCrry were ma.r- This Is tihe tlrst rain ~ecelved 81-., treasurer. an en. , out Of a possible 375 01' 400 voLes. l!lII8ter SUnday and In here In several monl:h1l. It h64! been . Meet with. t.hl~ Club next Tuell- The clb}' WIU! also ca.ught with a. In the CI~y Eleotlon pnly one can tJJe

• ·1. I','


, .. I I , q I ' ; '\ 1,,1 I -'10 I .I,j'

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Journal,. J>etolf8llu'f, '!'eX«!. April 10, , L J~ .. ,. ..." 01' A _!! !!'!1J1

'II.nd Mr, .'B.lid Mrs. , !l~ , Garf Vlilltell ~~~~. . . ' ~~. , : , ~ETEH~BDR~ JODBNAt ; :::J:;::~~Sn~~:~~ 1 hONe I W~d') efldt\l' evc.nlna' 'With Mr, VI. ' •• . , #i:;c2c'S'it±~,,'-~' ~~ -- - ~-. ~ -Jh'- wt.qJ,,- ~'!Ufc..h!ll ~ ', ..-,...."!'---. "-:.:~;f;.,c;;:;-r." .. '!~~J',¥l~:lIa1ll:L~e---:'lle, _~.QJ!Lbb_Wl!!L!I.J:ll P,1IOP\ea b9lpl-.::.~ - - - - - . . _ - " -~" .' " TOM SUlTB " liI' rl v~d until IMy be!I1t1 ~.~jl~ .. save tal, F1oY\f~r, M suft'e'led ,lIj' ,&0. case I&.N,J) , would be a!J)JO$\ Il.S b~tllr WednClS- since Wedlleaday. vj ~ l t lilg In Denl ,Mr, o.11d ' Mrs. L. A. WU.l1ams. ,Am" J"RI)pl'Op!ilaw "" W'" ua.wJ1lf tJI. , son. ' 'fe:xas. ' iLrlllo , M.s. BeoI! IMherfo~d. F1oy- , I ....1. ,..".~ \.. , !.IJlterN U ••Q oud clul malt.. al \101,,\ tJI,> olau,', [fO\\·.r ot Illinois, and Mrs, ;JIm 1.1;r. M: D. RtlnUHly w.denvent sur dada, Mr, and Mu Raymond WlI; ,0 mOci8rn UU'Uoor , ." lb. Pet... blU( PO&tottIce undo, III Borgrr gery Saturday night Mareb 28 In IIams Floydada. " • t.h. Act of COlllT.... .Iit&rell I Undr So'\J" doeslil belle"p' el,.r· FCdrated M"It,Odl.t JlOi!tP1" M hOU1~. nt'. lip­ learned that Mr, IAken 0" 'l'hur. day before, ~r . morning and nIght 'n.t the Ohapel, ' IUllna W. )JJ'O;ll'catlf.lg llunOlit 41000 mlUl(>1I dol Be.ttey w:nl move nameey was brou8'ht home Salur- tlhe Rev. Mel Mrs, Read were din· 1'1"6 ••• ". ,8t7BSCJUPTION IU.TIilS lars tor fo",111" counU1"", 1m! ~lot to Floydada In hhe , '!l"y April 5. and Is feeling some, ner .l\'Uetlt.s In the home ot Mr, l ~ty or Pl)IerobW'f. R t. I &lid J doing a tni.uJJng U,lng to help ~~' ,'1 , Battey hM bl. beLte-r. , - . , ~ , , and Mrs. Wesley Qarr, , market. Mrs, Wesley Cart visited Satul' I Chlom~ Wlillam8 , WO~ 1"": . G"AS LI GHTS out of. peteltlburll, Rt. .. J'lo14AcIa, O:I!1¥flQ I.~.I," ot. ~Urlugv.n • I 1M,... had the mla· 1118lhL In \\11$ ' Mrs, tesa eo birthday I Rt. 1 Plalnvlp, At. 'I. Jl b capable and "'!Jable 1I,Il, plal\Ung sfC blood I. of neal' Flol'd~. A,nd Leon W Il · cell lbat I. ".rklll" fll1ck or <-I ••" ~'n t~r. ,,,,d n polHlc!· lIam ., (01' COUDtI'1Rd.) &n'~ Mdt }"I- thH.'kt"r ,than lUll'· Mr, and Mrs. FloyO TrowbrldJ!e lxKi)"'s JACUZZI TURBINE and Mrs, Mather carr a nd Horacp n~llde d the speaking of MI8I! In 1111"1' troublt's witb thl' Comm~ TNlJ:lSp(lnatwu.s.so mpld now Helen Poe- at lhe First Methodist unists. Tlbeot 1.-,; 11'(,f'lvir.g S~1ilpMh.r (/lilt . i WMWt fan put on a u .."' w PUMPS Church In Floydada, from some ot.hcr lIfttklllS [out Iltlk h,t Lr. Nt.~" York "'",rd a Jet plall~ Mrs. Sr~er , moliher of Mrs. Mar il~Ij). In 1.h:is Tf'$]l('('{ S;JP 1.; ti!1for~ ;Hld at rl\e U1 lA.",'i AnB~Je-~ berore vln Smith, Mr, and Mrs, Buddy Smith and ooby all of Petersburg \~~~:nO~~i;nae:~ts .$l.:(I haslW o:l t.h" J):tt gtU's Q~~ M-ylr, TU RN JOBS were guests In !>he borne of Mr, Oa r!If' basts Of rompattltfvt tn- "nd Mrs. Marvin Smith, Women 0"'1'01), saft"''''!! f'hl1:'< :"lIlgrnl'r poo~h' !lct (ar dumber Mr, a nd Mrs, Everett Miller and Mrs. Ruth ' SMdgrass viBlted In To display thtlJr D:istt'r fr.n~_ U1IHl TJ1t' w-ralll'd dumb animnls ON do Lubbock SUndRY evenIng wIth Mr, JRR,CATION nn d Mrs, Harry Miller, Mr, a nd Mrs, Qeoll Btant.on and YOU KNOW AND Mrs, Allen Grass are III with colds. , Mr, and Mrs. Alex KIttrell of PR ESSURE SYSTEMS LOrenzo and Mrs. Mary Wrlton 01 THEY ARE WHEN Post were dinner (!\lest Slmdll.y In the borne of Mr. nnd Mrs, W , W , EdWl\rds. YOU COOK Machine Shop Service Arizona CIJPress Repair On All Wndbreak Trees }fre Pumps - Bowls ~ Gear Heads From the nOlllatgic yeatll of the last Now Available century re·appear the ligh .. I· Roses Arizona' C,ypress ~l'ees tor fa rm· have the entire country talking steM wIndbreaks are now avail· ••• Gas Lighl8! Authentically tlecMcillj. BILL WOLF AND SONS a bl e and fOlLy be picked up at any­ styled. they add appeano time until a.bOuJ. the first of June, any home. regardl_ of ' IRRIGATION SUPPLY ' The He.le COWlty 800 had an cm:h1tectural design. ~:Gtm.:~tt~"; ~:~~; Practical. as well as = picturesque. Gas Lights DO Lawns to d1Btrlot eooperllltors at a special And Machine Shop Service prIce ot ' 25 cenLs per potted tree, NOT ATtRACT BUGS ••• 'l1l1is year there I. not MY specltlc provide no.glare illumination . Phone 60 Aberna thy pickup date set In order to be mor~ that ill inoHenaive to neighbors PUILlc'siiivlel convenient tor Iohe farmers. yet acts as a deterrent,to NOW IS THE lIME' ~ IJ M J •• N., TechniCia.ns with the SCS 8tate trespassers or burglars. On the patio. along driveways. sid_alb ~d Itepll. around are !lllVlOR' more lime than ever be------IWimmingpoole • , • To Fertilize Your Roses And fOoteWjlohtha, L Liley. know 1l'SS "'hat to J'l\(,hcr be IOn to a mOnkey Ullin to d !lOme rolle., I know. Gas Lights cast a 80ft. magic glow that ia graciously Lawns NOlhlng unpalrs Ule aVe . Mllny a 1)I)'.;on t.nJl<>rs hls' rcllg invlth'lg and relaxing. ' .o:m·. Bll\lg [or 1lOthJns, in your yard. -- ll ~~st t~. rs remember wil en tlle ...... Disrase and Insecls in Your Uwn. You Shoulcl be thankfuL that the ~"On came to uslng h?nl'MJ)py drtver dOOsn·t lllake a tnntty waa ILl say. "Go to lialJf~~~ b'8'Ilcr nUisance or' himself l'I Our could brQY evell lOUder. ' • Is Business - pe~cJll ca" hOve Wh en catIOn i4 t \1\ thlll , area and visiting Call UsFDr ... bI1e young tl'Ce!l from wlnd by ploc friends. , Ins shlnglell. boiLrdS. or' burlap 1\ - L , D, , Th .... ntJIam ot ,PlainView round elWh lndJvtdual troo, was here last Friday slJ.alung h lUlds STRETCH YOUR· FOOD DOLLARS . .We Want Your Re .. Filis Fa,me... Interested may make with fr iend's IUld clroulatmg 11 - Pick-Up and Delivery SertJice Il(pI)llcaUOIl for tree


, " ------':"':"------()I!Uooerry 'alld Mrs. O. S. Smllh v l7 • I 4· EVI W NEWS Mr. and'.l\IfS. Venit", Smith, Mr. ", 'l\.J r. "nd Mi«. nM"On TimllJs aud lIIr. , I, , ""d M,'l< ,. ,J:;: Il1 M~ BWy Fml~i', pastor. Bind ,the . FfIIlowSll1p Hall at the poon haUl' L1uSd GoidsLoII .. crtl'r~/I;' III or Rev. Joe ,MOl5enbocker, . 'I1!culII­ SIl"d.'I;Y: The wllIler and Ipfts eRnI!' • h,,,rt attark Ilf/er('{\ ,,11'1-11 2 al Tudor arrived CIIrl, N. ·M., o!f!cliltlIlg, 13urW Wft,ll us R. complet.(" s-l1rvnse to MJ'8. Aa ltl,s hvUlt" Ut PJ.a.lmjf'w ' Ht.. ·I ~, {'('~ n vlalt Il' Otili In Idlllou cemetery ul1der the dh'. " . dersan, Aixl,u t 6:i il"''liOll.j attended' cPII'lnll LN ... llll~llt III Medlen) ('~1l1 hJa' brother eetlop or IUx Fullam! Home, the dinnel', el lJl PJaUl"Jf>\\ " oUbel-t , Pt.ltl)tjI!'CI'~ wero PrCSWn Lydu, N, MatW1~w8 l'uf(el'i:-'d fAn Rrull"JI lutd l\tu D ,\ Ml'\J1QlI g.aJ were nco Marvin Floyd, RJbb. , 1\1)d Jo e D, SlatOn., Oreer. ubout noon a.nd Wa.t:: fu.coh('({ br am l~L ui)I'k \ 1 Prot~ction bll l ~IC. to M~lJlOd iSL Hos,pitlll HI$ )ICl1l~N, 01' rile Bu.ldel'> ehl...., t't · 01 PeWr$iurg, Mr. Webb bullt the original, w. s.u conditlou iA l't'po.rtM us slightly ow' Mt't,h{)d~o;t Sundav ~hooJ "1\'" Oln IIIl8.to.lned a "UOuntry Store ,ut fleckv111e" and .PEl'!lR6BtJRO:. 'I'J!:x.A8 '" shart tell on operated It several yea.rs. :jle la\er Improvt>d. ' Jured 1\ J.4Ir1.y JU lilt' huwe' nf Nr , I _'fr, and Mrs. R.t ., I Njl!\lr, wor~ ~~~:~ Q!:~~r ~::l~';;~::~)t if:,~ I <>I, R1Verside, Oaill .. are ""ulmg Ill' ""thy Salllrd.y . severnl yenfll. .also Ol>Orated the grandl""""!._, Mr. ~"'d Mrs, S' P 'Ow \\' S C S fIl~t ~10nd.y at 2 He HeclevWe cafe fa" ~ while. Then he moved to Idalou RJ1d PUt In a Oro WJ,Ue this weather makes me thJJ,k of picniC!;, and !tIol'lners 'CAPE IIAl.l£TT BrAnoN. went ba.ck to eery store t.hcre, tor a oheek- SurVIvors htclucte the wife. Mr•. thJnklng 01 cotton planting, (henr down Booton Q.ltd Reckv1lle wayS PRE-SEASON ANTARC'l'ICA - OblhlOUI to S'OO'l'lOJl1 I ' 001010011& surgery recent- Alma D. WObb: a 80n R. D. Webb Calltn.. eno1O, nro' AdeU. pen- IlIII'd in llI.Is Ordl~ , the In tile hospital. Jr.; Il.nd four dIIuglUcr, Mrs, Jewell some I.s being planted). When I dropped by Kelly-Suits A8'Cr>cy for a I1I1ne superm, the ·Olt-loedln, ""nl/Ulln" or the word " Ml~'! slowly. ~ Owen~, Idalou;- Mrs. Ora L,yde. lIn- oC V.S. NaYT - !lhall Irl()Jude hOfl$. coWl, llQras, they were about torono.do Insw'SJ'lc ~nn, ' toll; Mrs, O~raldln. Floyd, Shallow Chat bblokinll' ------Illult$, rabbl~,a"d "U OU\eI' MIl- al.er; aud Mrs. Essie SmJtJl. 88.11(" '. mala 01 OJ,), Ulld and d ~rl ptlQll RoS.'1., tJuIH.; Ten gmndchUdren; While it's scarcely news to anyone thnt bulJdin C06It; IllIv. been :>. In In the LakeVIew BN)IOIl Pnr Wllh the p~,I (>n or dop aDd d W clneada}' !;wo brobber, ~n loll1i1s L- Webb An- Air Condirioner OOn!lge ~1 (;Il t.fr., R. fI Knlf(ht ••, ellis. Th. word. "anlmalt" ... ulf!Cl were ren e I ton ; nnd CllItrlie Webb, Tusoolli; !ijliralh'l1 U[l'Wa.rd and UPWllrd during the PIIoSL 20 YEm!'S, Kelly-SulUl host e." , Elpct.iolls oJ ortlern (o r h rein dQt I"du d~ roWls ~ueh b Lhe romlllS I'Mr wtre H., folion.... 1 chlck.~ll$ • R. Dr we:r , :~de~L nnd two Sisters, Mrs. Nettie 'l'ldwell Agency says It'. [tightening to reaUze" l1o\v underinslire(': Mr; ful tor nl1J' pel1lQIIS who I. Ihe own at 2 p. m. following vices, N Mlltth"w, Spll1Wal Ufe Vlldrr. er ~f any Mht1llJ (n. !lle'WOrd "ani Pc'Opje have a. Wndency to keep theil' hl$u''Ilnce at ' the ' Mme ~{," , Merle F.:ng r 30<1.1 R<'lntlo", mIll 15 dpl bll'd lU 8 Em'ION T Mr. 'Hld Mrs, MlJlnrd HannCSl! of Sale Mrs Jock JA.e"'",,,, rcurlng 8ftr. her,'oll or any l'Cr:;oll "'ho hu hnv Lookney visited Mr, and Mrs, Loll total WI when they moved III while their ""Juabl. possession. and rum'lwD TIll.nlday. .sl'r\'ing two .\'(\'llf.s M Pr(>lrrS('''t~d " htll1d mnde IrtOlldJlh!J1 l11elll or ronlrol, to kCf'p the !MIlne, Mrs. ,So H , RolIson has been ' III qUill Or wallow Ih. IlAAlP fa ".malo in WltJl tho flu tJhls week, Molor, . with pump, r~berized, Walerf:,fOO/ !In­ ~Il'" R. g ,\ndrI'1lOn and Mrli T lUll' IXln Or In lI.hr oth~t 11lRJ:t! with 'l'he best guide of tillis Is wMt hawcned In Cameron, Ln., M .... MUt..n Gartin Club UOtIte .. IV Drlv.r I'<'CelvPd blrlMal' "lIl.& III ~I lr corpo"'t(> iJtIll!.. of th l! ('Ill' a fter HUrriCAne Audrey-. The lnsu.rnnee 011 lhe 84(l loo.s ... In OIlm­ . dercoaling throughou{- trotH .'J.(,·cret Pnl!li., tilt hostl"K't, Sl'f'V of I rtp"!burg Mrs. Milton Gartin was hostess oll ice er('J\m And CIlke 10 12 men,- I'l.l':CflON m: Ally P!'!'$(\n whO Wednesday afternoon when B~t.o n lll'OJ\ came 1.0 only 57 per cent 01 the value.!> Involved. bel. "ttell d h.~ ol1all .10lote or f,,1t to COnU>ly with Home Demonstration Club n let fO" .Speciql Price $99.95 Mr and ~ It .,. Vernon Smith al- tlw P"""s/Ol1S Qf Lhi, OQd lnpl1ce II pl'Ogram on "Know Your RllI'ht8", tr"dr~ r"neml 111e.s ror • ,,'Iallv. ,.holl b. doemed Il\llll)' of a mll!de- Blmking llOCOunlll at varied t)fPes, 111 J" l llI~Ol1 Clly ThurM.,· . tIl('llno. sl1 d lIhol1. UpOn oonvtettOl\. wills, inhe.1ta.nccs and things or Terms Can Be Arran ged Mr find Mr. IV W AdHIHR 1'1011 .". PUnI.hed b,' n fine 01 llot l~~. tills nature was discussed, LOCY NI I'CIRIlYOS III OklA ., 1011 wepk Iha" $1 00 fl(> 1 more Ihan $200.00, Mr, anel Mr. 010)'(011 F:ll~er . Mr P.JWh alld eve,,' dill' IhM thLs Ord-­ Mr. alla Mrs, Morris, W"ters and We also Service Your Old Air-Conditioners "nd Mrs LeWis Lotnck. ~' r and InRnce 13 "tolllloo .hl\ll b. l' Ilt Grahnm5 cafp tInct OflenCf ha.s been exceptlOl,ally good there Tllo.day nigh t. " r.~SS"::O Lh is t.hp '7 dllY of A.p rll. lIltd soon the J)CIlk or the crappie I D, 19.... 9 . season will be fit ha.nd It the wea­ We have all Air Condition!!r Needs in Stock. CARO OF 'rfIANKS ther coopemtc<;, They [Ish at, the WlrlSton O. W.tki n~ Flippen areek sIde oC the lake. We wish tQ tllanJ< all OUr ",1I.lY Mayor Mr. and Mrs, HCI'b Harris ,Sea!) and frlen~s ,nnd loved ones l Or thel~ .....___ --.3 chl)drcn of ,Idlilou bave moved this LACY - WATKINS HARDWARE many . ·orl!.. Of (;ympaU.y, P~rs. .1T1'EST: and lood durUlj! the re.:enl 10M Of JOE M.AYO week ioto un a.ttr&ctlve new home must show the contents of text ll - tag saying 100 per cent cotton out­ Our dl~h~r. !i'f".ulway es so you'll knOw bhe amount of Hold the untlll!Ved .13 times 1.0 one, grn)l, Olll.kln~ "lIcxJble hoe tha t Phone MO-7-2171 nmybe new ways o( handling cot­ works all the grolOld WHlh "" skl\ltl, Olv. u~ A RInr toll arc needed, maybe nothing CIt" be dont, bllt It should be tl1ed. Wheelll of r.bo 14. Serlos ROtary lioe .U't! -20 1-2 inCHes act'O&S, No Crew Cut With 16 till" wltJch project 4 7-8 hlOhes bej'Ond the rIng. 'It>.a Boll weevils Jlke ootton with cre ~ makes a lleal\Y-duty, =y-rolllng wheel WIth "1'l1o.1.ng of about cut.. - at least bh e weevils don t t . ey -Open your checking occ-ountherectour be k . WOClI bell er Traclor NOW -. Hel'? orer, _ a.ud ~they "wear ,in" all the bade. side wJtl1. a 5elt-l!ba=.- ar~~ paying the monor back wilh Inter."I. ~~~: )11> .. Munh? 11\8' etfecll. .. ,_, Y. ou '" save time cnd steps mailing yo ~ . sle0on: the droughl Ihe payme"" were .olllol,m.. , b'lI . ur C'lee 5 to Tires Ar ' Built On tI,. qu ..tlon of cotlon prOduc , ~y your I .,5 ••• and Your check stubs will Also Custom Yard FerUlizing 10. make but they never mined a 0;0, When y~~~~ tlon 'costs, do you know how much . Fi&k: wilt bUild thelll .. We ha\te '. Whit -Iron Bearings give you a complete record of your exp" d-t old enough 10 hove . yOu~ 0:W" ~rm , :e: or ... It rClilly coo~~ l"'11 to. grow a POIl~d n u Qood beerlnQil are Important 111 ·1\ rotary hoc. JOhll Deere ~n I vres, I slu fOr YOUI' trnctor. the electricol .yde", .... 0." t g.ve 0 ~Q • wonder­ or cotu",?? - we'll beL YOu , clan t, paying . your own way wilh In! ••• ,t. It s a make It's one oi the big problem~ In re­ uses fllitt -I!ard white-Iron bearing,., with rOj~Ji.Ceil.bJe INert.s. , lui 'lory of r\irQI people ;"'ork!"Q I~gelhor 10 . ~r .rch rl~ht now, Ilndlt11!' 9ul. how , 'l'lmlst· !la.njeii a~ 00ci. el)lI I>tI1.VCllt, end ~pl ...l' , 11 10 not lleol<;$­ We~prllY , A_ ~yth;ng " 1II".h money 0 larmer ,spends 00 , , Q bllller lif .. with Rur,,1 flectrdICl'j,o n,. .lI!lFY ,tp ,Iubrtcale WOlle lliil'd I;)eru'1I1jfII ;0 j)iI'iiV01jt weo.r ; however~ . . ' only <:o tl.

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D &I n ' llor~ B)'t'rly; ' Sbl~.lds Non ] ale, Count~ 4 ~ H Club , BroWIl;, SwaIn Bi aver8 lI,rld Ule hos S "lima/ion Canresl 7 0 Be It' " _...:.-._--:.-"-;--:-_-:-__:-.:- I i Heta-A jSi7! lith.' ~l J tr 'Worth and Il ve~ genl ' II' The 'F:r:U1' COUIlt} ~-H C•• IHII I F.l- , D nd JlllluatllJll (;Oll,test Will br 2"ld S.lI- 1'11.\),. Aprtl Il,h, bt'1l11111l1~ lit Me. ling- at marillo' ' 10:00 n. Ill. III (,he- Ji.hUllt' Roofll or Mr IIJld, ~!rs WR.Htr ' f~,)Onty M­ '( ,1<' rhoneer NI~tlll"ltJ )Q' CNI'lmIlY, t nd\'d Ul(\ 113 We,:t 11th trrN. PIIIIIlVI~I\ . "-ys GPlta B rat' .~le, A l1~(ra­ (,ms WIll bp.'llI'ld til t·lIr 1J10rlllll' Hld'lh~ pouJuy u ;111. ;\11011 •. eltoclrtc Id Sltetl' dl'mon trnuOlU; pitts Ih!' }J IblJc s~lOg lind SI'lnr,'-t./)t'-.F'uli contests \\'ill b(> lll'ld 111M nftl'l'lI{l()1l ~rl&l Brn:ll'ale sfltt". Ihlll 4-H MARILl'N Bf embt'l·s. bo 11 . bOys amI wrl~ ,\Ie FRENCII - New York - Actress Marilyn Monroe holds the "Sest kcd to ftltrr I1Il v nC thl' :lbol' Actress the Year" award she lIltests, tlwl1' will 'be dl\'i~l()n" In' ot recelre1 Ill!' 1936 Siudl' Club ~;~~;~O:~:~ ;~;;:~nndn:~~p w~~~d ;~~:: ltlll8 ,krdwlU'e. • fl-UC Ib nt (\Strop ill The bel) Ill!'! 11 l!1I' hom!' 01 MTil. .1 linn . \llgll~t rlrl'll (ur It coup)!' of wc!'ks WANT TO BOY- traed OUver C»t /ld girls !ll't) ll.skrd to h,lI\, Ih",r I), IHI." \\'rrlm'sdny nflt'rnoon o( 'cords ill the EXIl'llSI(l/l ulCk" hy ( " '.\i'I'k - ADS tOI\ s,rlppenl. Wrtt-e p. 0 , BQ,c; if. ,lOll Sllturday. Apnl ::!!i. .\ 'PI' ;\ length) ll.l.... fllf' ~ 5slOn, OIlW4vllle, 1't!xu, or e&lJ collect, - \1:, Tlr'ldy I~d thr group III n 1'1:11) WA NT Phone ~I, 06t~v1Ht' . Tcltu. 38-fk :FA Box ~(1/JP .. r t' Ii . "''':rlll, 01' "lIo\\, lind What 'OPPORTUNITY A1J\N OR. WO­ ~ ll' 'I~ do f" pntl'l t~fn If'rn-a!l'f'l'li" F'OR SAl.E Extra larHe tllO btd- ~I.\N TIllS A.R..EA Ie rvlee and Ih"",1 'I01lI I (II!;t', \\all to wu ll ClIJ1>et In oollret from cl 'retw ll1.&Ch1net. ' ~he . FF.~ Oha).>lt-r II JI lal,' n rr'll to hel) 11111 1 thr. f>()th AII- Lll'lllg r Ill. doubl!' smrage, new ttl $62860 t2tI85 r );1; S"P~)N lonfghl. Fr:da)', ,\))1' " ", s,l \ of r ~f'tt'r~bll ," whnt l""lt' r!' t(, t(Jrlll C('lfnr. Prl~ed for <:a.o;h rl~v ~e{;t reqUII'tld~ Pull or 111h lit ,30 p. 111 n 'h,' Sf!]"", 1 tI(' hk,' to chan'!' III I Kel) UnderwOOd. part UOle, We tJnance t!'xp&nslon, '\.(dltOI'IUlIJ, EI"I)'OIi/) ..' l'l It'U I 'J', ,d.,.) "\\'h~t "~lJ! I~tltlh~ k~ l~t' (~ llIck fll~ ~"'(' 38-tfc Tho~e It'itlllt)' ~~t~u Lake 1'J' B.' nt'!,," rh" rn;~rum WIt, ( h~- ;'on SAU:-Irrjp~j-;;;;;;;: :::; ~~~I ::~~=I1!~v~;~ne~ ~ loS II p~k froIll Pt'I,'r.urg are: CI .'ls!'olky. $15,00000 dollars prot«t- B le trade f.na, See Us tlrat.- LaC)'. dll1e, Clllifomla !\.lId ~fr n.nd \1r.; 11:11118: \ L, Wy/ip; Roy {cDnnlel; Jon for ench member of the tllmily WaUc.!ne kn.rd reo 34- lIc ,,,~ """ or ",",... No. M",,,. "00' .'"" 0; "'",," ",,_do W ", _ ., "'.00 ,..,. ... "" b ;;; llItB Aien )' 4I>-l(c . RUbber Banda.- JW:

Domestic TOWELS Reg. 29c Val, ONE 1'.\.Bl.F.

5 yds. for ... $1.00 Solid Color Towels FRIDA Y- SATURDA Y- MONDAY Spring Materials BERK HIRE "Beau-Claire" Spring Colors Cotton Pall ties Sport Shirts 4:; Inches \ ...·ide. VERy PRE':r"rY For Women Val. 10 $2.98 R eg. $1.49 yd fo! PtCJ.u...... 'pee. 99c R.eg, $1.00 2 For ...... pee. 50c pro

Gilbrae Cottons Boy's Sport Shirts

Pur/eUe I:.olid . ('o lor Suil- Sprillg Dresses Values 10 $1 .98 pedal inI!St icc A , or/;;'cnl Special C!oseou//o mak, room for ...... 2 For

tV C'.Ll -Spring C%rs NEW UMMER DRE SES Jte~lIlt 98(" II .ILF SlzEs AND EVF.:N srZ'E13 BLOUSES 79c R eg. $5.98 " ...... pee. $4.44 One Group Ladie4 .B louses , . , PEC/~L - 1-2-Price Peferaturg, Tell. "