'Business .Men's Club 10 Begin Its Loth ,Fear of Op~Ration 1 Uesday
I 'I ,I f " ' / I' , '. () i' ,I :1 -,- ~ -' I, , ;, 'Business .Men's Club 10 Begin Its lOth ,fear of Op~ration 1uesday " The Petel'sburll' Bualnllllll Men'a ~-'---.;..'------- Club 'flll meet next Tues<\ay even-. ' Ing a.t '1:30 D. tn, e,t ~Il'a Coffee Lights and Power Were Shop In Its regular monthly meet- Off A F ini. ew Hours This liI ' the beQ\\nn1t111' of Its tiven - Uebh yeM of opera.tlon ' !:I}lder the 'E. B,'lberry To present set up of 'prooeedure. In Wednesday Morning ' Mrs',J. 100kltJg back over th18 period Of Petersburg WIlB wlthouL Ilghlti " W dd' S d twenty years, the community and power lOr a lew houl'll Wed o en e lng un ay shOuld be proud of the accomplish Jlcsday mornIng due t.o a break In G ld menta a<;.hleved, the SouUlwestem Publlc service J .E. Bllberry wlll ____________ The Olub has worked In cdopera.- Co. feeder litles that lead mto Pet- gOlden weddIng an- L' tlon with our public schools at all ersburg. Aprllill 12N'0:"~~nu2t lfe Saver Ralon times, It, was instrumental ' In se- !-'li'hts and power went ott about 'II.. ".... ,curing the first lire flghLlng equip 8 :30 and were turned On lliain a- formal Invitations 'R 0 d I ment, It was successful In securing. bout l2,OO. In some manner a &hort , SHE SAVORS SABRES - Nf'w town and th" Is eCelVe n a. water workS and sewer BYstem. ooourred· on lihe -line weat ot toWIl York - With a confident grin , , for all their , It also was responsible for securlDi a few mile/! ltid burned out the top Estelline Pike, a sword Rival t~ better telephone system that of a pole and breBklng the linc.
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