I 'I ,I f " ' / I' , '. () i' ,I :1 -,- ~ -' I, , ;, 'Business .Men's Club 10 Begin Its lOth ,fear of Op~ration 1uesday " The Petel'sburll' Bualnllllll Men'a ~-'---.;..'------- Club 'flll meet next Tues<\ay even-. ' Ing a.t '1:30 D. tn, e,t ~Il'a Coffee Lights and Power Were Shop In Its regular monthly meet- Off A F ini. ew Hours This liI ' the beQ\\nn1t111' of Its tiven - Uebh yeM of opera.tlon ' !:I}lder the 'E. B,'lberry To present set up of 'prooeedure. In Wednesday Morning ' Mrs',J. 100kltJg back over th18 period Of Petersburg WIlB wlthouL Ilghlti " W dd' S d twenty years, the community and power lOr a lew houl'll Wed­ o en e lng un ay shOuld be proud of the accomplish Jlcsday mornIng due t.o a break In G ld menta a<;.hleved, the SouUlwestem Publlc service J .E. Bllberry wlll ____________ The Olub has worked In cdopera.- Co. feeder litles that lead mto Pet- gOlden weddIng an- L' tlon with our public schools at all ersburg. Aprllill 12N'0:"~~nu2t lfe Saver Ralon times, It, was instrumental ' In se- !-'li'hts and power went ott about 'II.. ".... ,curing the first lire flghLlng equip 8 :30 and were turned On lliain a- formal Invitations 'R 0 d I ment, It was successful In securing. bout l2,OO. In some manner a &hort , SHE SAVORS SABRES - Nf'w town and th" Is eCelVe n a. water workS and sewer BYstem. ooourred· on lihe -line weat ot toWIl York - With a confident grin , , for all their , It also was responsible for securlDi a few mile/! ltid burned out the top Estelline Pike, a sword Rival ­ t~ better telephone system that of a pole and breBklng the linc. Al lower at Huberl's Museum 1/1 eventually led to the present dial 50 east ot town ' aome-thing went New York City, eyes four blaol's eters urg rea system 'Mhloh we now have. AU ot haywire and caused a shor~ circuit ehe plans to hav e as a midaflor­ P b A noon ' snack. This sayorer of A rain , that may prove to be a these unde.rta~ have develop- thll;t blew 1\ luse and otherwise ' sabres Is also a molher and liCe saver at crop plantIng time ed tor beyond' the original expect- damaged ~he Une. W'aS recelved atlons. Mr. Ructlalll, service man for arandmother. Her relish Cor cold These and many other Important PeterSburg, was on the Job prompt­ steel Ie apparently hereditary - problems tneed by a growing com- Iy but was handicapped In gettillg her sOn, U,S. Army Pvt. J atoI's munlty have been met and support help from !.he l11Jl.in oltlce on ac­ (Lucky) Bell, was a s word swal­ ed by your BuslneM Men's lub. count 01 his two-way radlo 011 his lower, too, In civilian lI!e. J\ tany other J,saues will have to be p.lck-up being out of COllunlsslOll, met ItJ the future and It Is the pur but finally did make connection -----------­ pose of bhe Club to meet till such with the otrice by telephone 01' VoLe Was Very Light neaday morning as it tlll'IJed colder problems with deterlOln~tlon 80 lIOme ~thel ' meam and received WcdneSdQly nlglht and Is stIli I that our community rna.y be Oil a help, fJom an additional crew and In School T rusiee And dy tl1ls Thursda~ mornln a: o~- par wlbh all other cOmmunities and the damage was repaired. wrIte thJ,s g e towns 1n the surroundIng territory, ThJs was Lhe first Interruption Cily Elections 'IUle rah~ ~U1 be of Immense heJip The Club 18 wortby 'the SUpipQrt of service In qulteThe a few years ot to farmers that were waterItJg cot of every citizen in our midst with ~bll d~~on, c SouWlweatern The Petersburg SChool trusLee ton land, and 00 some that had not only your moral 8~rt but c ce 0" that serves Pet election did not create very much wabered earlier In January and your fltJandal support lIS well. ersburg and tills area has always ' excltement last Saturday when an of long standing Were afraid bhey might have to At the last monthly mee~b\g the rv~.n SPlel~dl! 8emce, and thls was election was held to elect three haS been a mem- water Ol'er Oll account of high fOlJowl1Jjf of!icel'll were elected: one 0 ...... ose things that could trustees, There was no opposition u~ l 1 ~ for 42 winds d'~tl8' ~.~ amla-ouI4 nc OJ!1I)at W~t. ~ 1denti • Or. '}or ~ . n~ ~ Ie V"", and the citizens of u.s only three ntlffies alVCared on -nc:tooilldren children. they have 8uftfclent moJ,sture to ulaDt ShefnelCl, Id~t., l!:4aw t ~ c ~uPi~ J1fii l~ t 1'\lce the ba.\lot, John AlfOI'd, Raymond 101 ana orie great come the montlh 01 ~y 'ootton L1nlJ, aeo~tary; Jeule OOId,sOOD, ~~ po. ent, { ng M 8ucll Wiese and Buzz Gregory were elect pl~tlng time In thill atell.', a.IiS1fjtant secretary; W. C. Foote, ~~ a.re 810 ng to hQRlen now l:d, Thirty-eight votes were cast Mrs. BllIlCrry were ma.r- This Is tihe tlrst rain ~ecelved 81-., treasurer. an en. , out Of a possible 375 01' 400 voLes. l!lII8ter SUnday and In here In several monl:h1l. It h64! been . Meet with. t.hl~ Club next Tuell- The clb}' WIU! also ca.ught with a. In the CI~y Eleotlon pnly one can tJJe <late hll!! not re- a dry winter and a 'lot of water day evening and lend your support loW, supply of water In the over- dldate Wll.tl to be voted upon, tJmt EQlIter Sunday. has been pumped the pnst three -to the welfare or II. henlthy and head. tllnk 8J.ld wjl.ter had to be of OOmriJi.s.siol1 H. L. Porter, Sr., o! Abilene' and monthS gl'owlng community and city. shut off e. tew hours In order to who was up for l'e-eJectlon a.s City or Lubbock, . co~rve the W'9J,er for fire flght- CommIssioner, Seven votes were ",,111 serve the 3 tler- R I I mil' pUrpose should one ooour. cast. cake and golden punch Dr. Sheffield Mov.es eviva n Progress Ai o~~l ~d c':';~~ ~~~~ T oNew Office Baptist Church Here Plainview Man Takes "Joy Ride" At ot 50 golden Rap- 01'. Sheffield moved the first of The Revival at the First Baptist ItJ front of a the week to his new office one­ Church Is In progress thlll week wedding rlng. Gold can half block west of the postotflce with good attendance. Rev, Douglas Expense Of Petersburg Citizens Carver, pastor ot the Baptist be used in the left of the where he is comfortably located Churoh at Pampa tor the past 18 J . B. Talley, ot Plainview, took --..,---------- gilded grapes and stre.nds and better prepared to handle his years Is doing llhe preaching. Sam II, " Joy Ride" at the eXlpe118e of Pet B'll L ' ' DdS with white tea napkins lnl'ge practice: OJ', Shetcleld states Allen Is director of ,the choir and ersbul'i citizens early Sunday mom I , me ie aturday gold wlll complete the thnt on "Open House" will be held iiI the veryriea.r futuJ'e when the t>rlngs a special song ea.ch nlll'h.t. Ing. He 8tarted by ,pIcking up the Fro .... ' Heart Attack SeI'Vices are held twice d 11.11 y, at pick-up truck of a farmer a' few " public wUl be Invited to come and 10 :00 a. Ill, and 8 :00 p. 11\. 'l1le pub nilles' wel!t of Petersburl, lhen ab- , Inspect. hJ,s new quarLers, Watch lie Is Invited to attend these aer- anded It at the Petersburg Butane Al thur Simpson (Bill) Line, Hap for this announcement, vices, the meeting will c106e Sun- Compa.ny where he picked up their r ~nlon i ~lIUp6~ Saturday oJ a ~ E night tra.nsport truck and took It l\ 1el\I' attac wh e doing repnlr do. tor y . whirl. rail It In a ditch southwest wOJ'k on one qf hiS rent houses. of town a tew mllel!. Then picked The 51-yellr old {a.rmer died a­ up the pick-up of Joe Barlow at his bout 6 :30 p. m. He had been In 111 Co-Operation On Part :Of <I Pre-School Round.up" butane station north of town Just health for about a year. outliide of t.he .cIty llmlts ,and drove Line, an active famJer unlll III Of New Students it to PlaltJvlew where he was ap- health Iorced him to slow doWIl. inLeon Double Atcll1ey re- Parking The "pre-school roundup'" Is prehended, ~ut a year ago, was long nctive there I;\as been a mlQ'hty now underway In the Petersburg' In his rounds he also is report- to cOlnmlmity aftalrs and woll of 'COooperntlon by the Peter~burg Band Enter SChool. C'hild,ren llre being called cd to have antered the hOme of known throughout the art.'ll. btl ls community In thr. C in niphebetictllly, Kenneth Roberson west of toWtl ,SerVices were conducted 1n the problem on Main League ompetilion 'rile parents of these children ' on Ute Plainview highway and wa~ First BapWst Church at Planllvcll' very few tickets have w;ho will ~n schcol In Septemb- flushed out and Mr. Robel'son gll-ve with Dr.
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