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Davince Tools Generated PDF File SALE It' I Special IN, A USED 28 PASSENGER BUS THE ··DAILY NI:WS r) t~ ,. r J ,. Nova Motors Ltd. , ~ (PrICe: 7 Cents) Vol. 66, No. 171 ST. JOHN'S, NEWFOUNDLAND MONDAY, AUGUST 10, 1959 .. r~ , .. ~\ riI~ For N BE wd Eisenhower Will Meet With I Ike Ready ONCE" i isses ,West Germany's Chancellor l Summit Talks I , '1 ..... een ," GI,:TT\·SBURt;. PH. 'API- I Jamc.; Hngerl), annou11ced Ihal i1r()bk'm~ of inlcr~;lllIlhc l:;liled 3 Ill! in Paris Scpt. 2 10 meet with The addition of the WC3l Ger_i By LEWIS GULICK llisit here -. and before Iis~n- Presidcnt Eiscnhowcr Sundn), Eisenhower will leo\'e Washill~'! Siales alld Ihe FcllcrJI HCJlllu,' Presidcnt de Gaulle. man capital a5 a slopping point W,\SHlXGTON (AP) - presi-I hower pa)'.s hiS return \'151\ to tne , , ad\'anced his departlll'c for Ell ton Allg. 26 and will spend Ihc I lic." I The ,cries of Allied confercllces was interprcled here a, a move dent Eisenhowcr i, keepin~ his So\'iel l~ion. \L ),r,,,,,·.d 'l'P'-' rope by o:le duy in order to con. following day in Bo~~ With Ade.: Plan< all'c;l(ly 1\11\ c ill'l'lI In.: \\'~, arranged as pl'elm1l:\ary to to placate Adenauer. Thc chan· schedule flcxible from Octobcr to This may happen if hi; !alk~ (\;cr',II.: 11l'r .third fer lI'ith Chancellor Ko~rad ,\de. nallcr. !nounced :01' E"c.lhoIICI· to or 1:1 E,sc.lllOwcr's Washington meel· cell or has expressed fear thaI January so he can allend 3:1)' with Khrushchey here work oul. "\' I'l'):'. \lw,illilped nnuer in \\'esl Gcrman), ,\ug. 2i. ~~ngeI'IY ~~id Ihe presidcnt \l'illl London Allg ~a for lO:lbrnccs: ing S~pl. IS Illth Russian Pre· conces,ions to RUS.lia b ·trying East-Wc.st summit meeting thal Khrushchey arrives Sept. 15. Blit "i;;j3) ;11 Ha:l11ural White House prpss diSCUs.> with Adenallcr "cUl'rent with Pllme I m'er Khrllshchel'. to sol\'e the German problem. may be arranged. the odds are greatly against such ~rcretar.I' ~llni.,ler ~locmlil.1n,_____ .__ _ 1 particularly as it relates to Ber- Thcre is an outside chancc, he a~ early summlt meeting, the cr"d :1,:,: ~::cl .e~. ' .lin. might be o~e result of the belicves, that the long - debeted president believcs. I . " _ forthcoming cxchange of visiLs' confcrence 0 ea; 0 s ~ WI Ilen oo'e "I I "Q::ll': ;". 1 rat'l.,e ' f h d f tat '!I E' h" r ""11 not demand , : ,., :~.1n h.'!: a mile belween Ei~cnhower and Khrush' \ come quickly alter SOl'iet Pre· grcat conccssions from RlJ.Isia I "', .,. di,ap. chev.· - mier Khrushchev's S cpt ember for agrceing to a summit confcr' ence-Iong a goal of Khrushchev. I I He is willing (0 let Khrushchev I;, use ;ome face-saving d€vice to I; ; \~. :~ll',.\~, ,~.l:d n I gel to the summit, but conti~ues <'J: .. 'In,: \ I\:~ , c;ln'l ! 10 insist he wll not meet under I, : .... ; l ~11',:,:"\ II :111 spot pro'i' Can I, . us the shadow of a Sol'iet threat. I · "(J:lrro' .,1 .1 till ail He would wa:1t an assuran~e · ! from thc communists that th,'y .'1 ;~: ~il"~ 1",:~',11l' 1h~ I would a~ree to .iomething tn· !, ,. ~~I~rd(ld Soviet Bases . wards ppace-perhaps exchan~l'.1 .~-·Ii.:"'l"\ .\~~('d the , of half-hour television program~, I'-I :~~( :,1 .: ~() n~\·. Ry ELTO:-l r. FA\'I which ca:1 spot Ihe rockel hla,l \ relaxing tral'cl curbs and r€· I ND'S '·"1'1 I" r .!)\'\t'filln i' · LJ,'" '. I \\',\S!IlNGTO:'\ lAP I-Defcllce of a ml.isile almo,t as ~oon as III speclin~ copyri~l\ls. 1'1. ". ~. '" " I '\\l'llt~\'cd ' \lIe ""'SHING "fflel.1ls \l'erc .;llent on tile pUIn\, leaves ground. .' ' Or he wouln like agreeme~1 to )1.: ' ~,:c~ ':<'l' , i~:l'l\lO~nl.: but the J.OIIDmile ,."n~e c~al111ed Dr. William ,J. Thaler .._c:rntl.it the West's propo;al for 8 fi\'e­ _: : I~":' "1(' con·' ,.. for Ih~ Unllcr! Slalrs :J:lI')' s nc·.I'. of Ihe office of naval research, \'ear Irllce in Berlin-a plan fill" . , 'I "\ I\'C lo~' , . mis,ile'ae:ecling rudar Ilc\'iee .00-' 111"en:,rd the high frequency ra· ~ia rejected at Genc\'a's forcign .. p::~,,~ r,,"'i~l. (Iud! :I! ., "IDIISI), w 0 11 I d brlllg HII;;la~ dur w:l1ch sol\'e~ the problem of ministers' meeti:1g. , r'o 'I' (·hjlrJl'~. 1"lIn~hing iites within its scopc. delecting somelh,ng below the, If Berlin were tD be the subject . Bolh the nal'y and Ihe Penta· curve of the earth's 3urface. He' of the summil meeting, Eisen· gon maintained official ,ecrecy in wa, asked at a prcss con~~':~lIc: hower want3 participants limited thc fnce of speculation that al Friday ~i~hl if So\'iet te.,~s, like to the occ'.lpying powers - the least some So\'iet tesl firings U.S. experiments, had ? e e n United Stalcs, Britain France deep in Russia ha\'e been mon·· spotted by the radilr monnorll1~ I and Russia-D~ thc ground that itored by the experimental radnr: system located 10 thc contlllenla, Dnlv they would have a right to i l'~,il~d Stal.es." . all~r po~t.war agreements. :-<0 commcnt. he replied. The president does nDtbelie\'e OffiCial spokesmen fo~ the na\')' thc~e will bc hostilities o\'er Ber· Pig Is and the defence department reo lin. If thc worst comcs he ex­ ill'I';!led Thaler' 3 anwer when' peel., Ihc' \)I\ited Nalio!l5 will asi.;~,1 agai:1 Saturday. Tiley con· : mDVC 10 p~ose[le Ihe stailis Moons Revived lellded tllat IIlfOl'lnatlon. rdalII'c i quo. Bllt he Ihillks Ihis mi~ht not • 10 thiS aspecl of Ihe pro;ect was: IJe "00" for the \\'est. :"'0 BI·:\SO\, \.C. '.\1' ,-F:Jr· cla;sifird. " mer ,l:I~k \! c L ;1 m b may PICKED l'P TESTS Planet 1ll!\'t.:1' hare brcl1 a lilc:~ua:'d, Howe\'er. Thalcr did di,do,{': Ir -\\',:h Iile Id he 1I.".'d all lilc approl'cd that the nell' rJdar had pi{'~crl IIp : Gives Out mrlhods in :;;a\'i~l~ a lire, V.S. Jtom:c mis.-ile :C~t firin~s i:' , SC(lill~ t\\'O ,.tllhby 1c;:: ..: llie south .\ilantic and al ;~I'"', I , ~I ickin~ Ollt of a huc~rt of , Ion bland in Ihe cc~lral l'ac·;li:. I IlliLlerll1ilk. \lcLamil inl'c,li­ Jackpot " : Either of Ihese ran~rs \\'Jlld he' ;:.i· CAPE C:\:"IAVERAL, Florida-A Thor-Able 111 rockrt t;lrr;·in;.: n "1':Hldlr"l1t'el" ~atcllite lI'al 1:1l1l1ched from 0 " ;;ated a:ld f n (I ~ half· '"qllil'alenl in (11,lanl'~ frun Ihl' .., . droll'lIed :lo.pollnd ri~. CRpe CRnRvcrnL .4. tcst solar pnd(lIc is filled to tltl' final (bi~l1, folll' ~1Il'It paddles "'kllll frolll the equlItor of the S:;,les 10 in !',-:<a '. I' fie pulled Ille animal nul. I'~ited poil~IS Halnbllrger til :11:r:3 }'oldcd birdlike henrnth the satellite c1l11'ing of tlte SP"l'l' I)roill' the p;lddb \lill np"nrl from Illnch Ille Ftll''''''',.- ",.~, i , I . ~ntcllitc, lii~ht ro~hl. ~al" il artificial resplral ion ;;, ~.nn~ . kllOlI"l to conduct 'OinP n: '.I'ci,. I , \ inlo plal~ through the forl'e of sprin,;.1 11110 ~l'lltril\l~;" force ;" tlte I"tellite \l'IJaratel fn";1 the rocket amI is and rel'i"cd it. 1l1i.silr les!,;. LIl~ .\:\l;ELLS '.\1' '-C~r· 1\,1' ';" \( ht"rt hop Carol~':! Trd_.C)· dldn't , · I spun inlo orbit, Energy of .II1nlight, ,ilil'!JlI ,,,lar eelk tlll'l'rint: till' p:lcldk i.1 converted to 11iIrnes~ed In' S,ooo I'c(ilizc slle \\ i.!~ .:i\·in~ hrr pllwer III opeTRte the ~atcllitr. illStrum~ntl,-til'l Tell' pl"'tn. clI;to111er all Ihal lettuce with I I .---------------------- hl~ lialTIbllr~er Salurday. Extend Beatnik \\',Ihin 10 minutes the man \'a, back. dcmanriing' "YOII dO:l't wanl me In pat Fishing Poetry Is this. uo YOII'" 111Ci"ease Carolvn "I III 0 s t fainted Propose whcn ;ho. itlok"d inside tlie July 26, !i',·:ime of one , Limits Indecent I ~al'k he handed her a:ld saw , . 11 " expected Sl.OOO in bii',. 1\ 1 ' GODTlIA:\Il. Grecnlaml 'Rent DI"fl\OI'I'. 'C'PI - t \ n U\'~ l'· iI ! She had ;na:!I'erle:ltly in' i , 17 "r Ihis year. I cr31-The Grcenland Council. the' ~ . I' . -I d' . t I "P l' t' ze~.o'.IS beall1lk poet wa_; c larged cluded in his I "ke·o'.lt order · "I 1 · .' · ,an s merna ar wmen .. d' b a paper sack containin~ Fri­ '. Chemical W ar Spending . "d I'" D" h " . ' \1'llh IIldece:lt con .I:ct 111 a pu ., I.3S t ur da) urhe Le a.llS ~Ol-'I' I F'j fl h day's receir ts . " I . B,' JOHS II. AVERILL CBR 11 they lind it :0 tht'ir "n'l rei"liatol')' 1'01\'l'\' in 111C ,allle' n1l'Ihod of conqucst. ' ernme:lt to ex lend fishing limits I le.~ ace m;)), a er .. 3 po~m e.
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