(Bahamas) Cardiopus

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(Bahamas) Cardiopus Bijdragen tot de Dierkunde, 51 (2): 313-331 — 1981 Amsterdam Expeditions to the West Indian Islands, report 12. Some new hypogean cirolanid isopod crustaceans from Haiti and Mayaguana (Bahamas) by Jos Notenboom c/o Institute of Taxonomie Zoology, University of Amsterdam, P.O. Box 20125, 1000 HC Amsterdam, The Netherlands Abstract pus, est décrit d’une grotte de Mayaguana, île appartenant de B. aux Bahamas. Cette espèce est congénérique geracei A of new stygobiont genus Isopoda Cirolanidae, Haitilana, Carpenter, 1981, de l’île de San Salvador (Bahamas), dont with two new species, H. radicicola and H. acanthura, are des elle se les inermes pléopodes described from distingue par endopodites groundwaters in Haiti. These are the first à l’ornementation de l’endite du L’ar- 3 5 et par maxillipède. hypogean cirolanids recorded from the island of Hispaniola. d’accumulation, Bahalana chipel des Bahamas est une aire et The is characterized its new genus mainly by pleon segmen- dans des C’est la a été trouvée eaux meso- et polyhalines. tation, the clearly prehensile first pereiopods and weakly dispersion, à partir d’ancêtres marins, qui semble être l’expli- prehensile second and third pereiopods, and the 2- and 5- l’évolution des Bahalana. cation la plus plausible pour segmented pedunculus of antennae 1 and 2, respectively. Haitilana shows the greatest morphological resemblance to Antrolana lira Bowman, 1964, from the Appalachian Valley, U.S.A. The localities where Haitilana Virginia, was found, have been flooded INTRODUCTION by the sea during the Cenozoic. Regres- sion seems to be the most plausible explanation for the evolution of Haitilana. During the Amsterdam Expedition to the West Another new stygobiont cirolanid, Bahalana cardiopus is , Indian Islands of 1979, stygobiont isopods of the described from a cave on Mayaguana, an island of the Baha- Cirolanidae have found several mas. This species is congeneric with Bahalana geracei Car- family been on penter, 1981, from the island of San Salvador (Bahamas). islands. J. H. Stock and S. Weinberg found them distinctive of B. Clearly cardiopus are the unarmed endo- in two caves in the Bahamas, Lighthouse Cave podites of pleopods 3 to 5, and the armature of the maxilli- endite. Salvador and Mount Cave pedal The Bahama archipelago is an accumulation on San island, Misery Bahalana has been found in and area. meso- polyhaline waters. cirolanid of on Mayaguana. The Lighthouse Cave Dispersal (from marine ancestors) seems to be the most is described and has plausible explanation for the evolution of Bahalana. being by Carpenter (1981) been named Bahalana The cirolanid from geracei. Résumé Mount Misery Cave is a new species, likewise of Haitilana Un genre nouveau d’Isopodes Cirolanides, avec , the and will be genus Bahalana, described here as deux espèces nouvelles (H. radicicola et H. acanthura) sont B. décrits d’eaux souterraines de Haïti. Ce sont les premiers cardiopus. Cirolanides hypogés découverts à être à Hispaniola. Le nou- L. Botosaneanu and the present author found veau genre se caractérise surtout par la segmentation de son hypogean cirolanids at three different places on pléon, par ses premiers péréiopodes nettement préhensiles et Haiti: in karst used par des péréiopodes de la 2ème et 3ème paires faiblement a large spring as groundwater ainsi les antennes 1 et 2 des préhensiles, que par ayant flagel- catchment and in two shallow wells. These are the les de 2 et de 5 articles respectivement. Du point de vue first stygobiont cirolanids discovered in Hispan- morphologique, Haitilana ressemble le plus à Antrolana lira iola, the island of which Haiti forms the western Bowman, 1964, connue de l’Appalachian Valley, Virginia, U.S.A. localités Haitilana sub- Les où a été capturée ont été A new endemic is erected for part. genus them, la du c’est mergées par mer au cours Cénozoïque, et ce que with two new species: Haitilana radicicola and H. Stock appelle „Regression model” qui semble être l’explica- acanthura. tion la plus plausible pour l’évolution des Haitilana. Cirolanide Un autre stygobie Bahalana cardio- to cirolanids nouveau, Up now, stygobiont were known from Cuba, San Salvador island, Aruba, Mexico, *) 11 Report no. appeared in Bijdr. Dierk., 51 (1): 135-144 and the U.S.A. and (1981). (Texas Virginia) (see fig. 9). 314 J. NOTENBOOM - WEST INDIAN HYPOGEAN CIROLANIDS from and Haitilana radicicola Presently, they are known Mayaguana n. sp. Figs. 1, 2, 3 a-e. found around Haiti as well. Furthermore, they are Material. — Amsterdam Expeditions to the West Indian in eastern Africa the Mediterranean, (Somalia) Islands, Sta. 79/633, 1 S (holotype), 7 $ $ and 16 9 9 Haiti: Source Débarasse and in Madagascar. (paratypes). near Jérémie (approx- imate position 18°39'08"N 74°11'30"W), 1 Dec. 1979. Zoölogisch Museum Amsterdam coll. no. Is. 105.164 a-b, 105.167 a-b. TAXONOMIC PART Haitilana n. gen. — Males to maximum Description. range a — Cirolanidae. Blind, unpig- of 6.3 females to 6.5 mm. rather Diagnosis. length mm, Body sclerotized blade, mented (except for masticatory wide, 2.8 times as long as wide (fig. la). of maxilla 1 and the the spines on the exopodite tips All pereionites, except for first, with coxal of the cannot coxal of the dactyls pereiopods). Body plates; posterior corners of plates 2 and 3 flat. roll into a ball; rather wide, Posterolateral rounded, those of 4 to 7 posteroventrally pointed margins of head partly surrounded by pereionite 1. (figs, la, lm); lateral margin of pleonite 1 cover- 4 with Pleonites 1 to 5 distinct, pleonites 2 to ed by coxal plate of pereionite 7; pereionite 1 lateral angularly produced posterolateral margins; slightly longer than the others, pereionites 2 to 4 covered those of the size. Pleo- margins of pleonite 1 by pereio- and 5 to 7 mutually of about same nite B of nites wide 7 (type Bowman, 1975). 1 to 3 almost as as pereionite 7 ; epimera the anterior Antennae implanted near margin 2 to 4 posteroventrally pointed, elongately trian- head. than the of the First antenna longer pe- gular (fig. lm). Dorsal surface of pleonite 1 duncle of the second; peduncle of the first antenna parly covered by pereionite 7. Lateral margins of 2-segmented, of the second antenna 5-segmented; pleonite 5 covered by epimera of pleonite 4. first and second with human flagellum of the antennae Telson shaped like a tongue, its lateral table numerous segments (see I). margins rounded, posterior margin with several Mandibles and maxillae clearly cirolanid. Max- short setae and 4 small spines (fig. lb). illipedal endopodite 5-segmented; endite with 2 Antenna 1 longer than the peduncle of antenna and coupling spines several plumose setae. 2, reaching to the middle of pereionite 1 (fig. la). Pereiopods increasing in length in posterior Peduncle 2-segmented, both segments long and in with into direction; pereiopod 1 clearly, pereiopods 2 and 3 equal size; segment 1 a depression weakly prehensile; remaining pereiopods ambula- which fits peduncle segment 1 of antenna 2. tory, slender. Flagellum 10- to 12-segmented, first segment twice Rami of pleopods 1 and 2 undivided; exopodites as long as the others; flagellum segments with 1 of pleopods 3 to 5 2-segmented; exopodites of or 2 aesthetes on ventral surface (figs, lc, Id). pleopods 1 to 5 and endopodites of pleopods 1 and Antenna 2 reaching to the middle of pereionite armed with 4 4 2 numerous plumose setae. Appendix (fig. la). Peduncle 5-segmented, segments masculina median and others. basal, implanted on the margin 5 about twice as long as the Flagellum of the its medial with about twice the 22- to 27- endopodite, margin pre- as long as peduncle, apical serrations. segmented, without aesthetes (fig. le). Uropodal protopodite wedge-shaped, exopodite Frontal lamina (fig. Il) well developed, lateral and endopodite subequal; exopodite oblong and margins concave, anterior end wider than poste- narrow, endopodite triangular. rior end. Telson shaped like a human tongue, margins Clypeus and labrum (fig. ll) forming together rounded, caudal end an structure with armed. oval a slight, rounded concavity on its posterior margin. — Haitilana Mandibles Type species. radicicola n. sp. asymmetrical (fig. 3 a & b); left mandible overlapping the right one. Palp slender, — Haitilana 2 with distal of slender Etymology. (gender feminine), segment a group 11 to 16 from Haiti + which (Ciro)lana. spines (4 of are longer), segment 3 with BIJDRAGEN TOT DE DIERKUNDE, 51 (2) - 1981 315 1. Haitilana radicicola entire dorsal left and A2 Fig. n. sp., a-k, holotype: a, animal, (scale A, A1 right only partially dorsal first d, first distal second represented); b, telson, (B); c, antenna (C); antenna, part (D); e, antenna (C); f, first pereiopod (C); g, second pereiopod (C); h, third pereiopod (C); i, fourth pereiopod (C); j, fifth pereiopod (C); k, sixth pereiopod (C). ventral and l-m, paratype: 1, head, (B); m, pereion pleon, lateral (B). 316 J. NOTENBOOM - WEST INDIAN HYPOGEAN CIROLANIDS and 11 or 12 small marginal spines and 3 longer ter- Endopodite with 5 slender spines 3 or 4 minal spines. Incisor right with 9 or 10, left with plumose setae. 11 small spines. Lacinia mobilis elongated, armed Maxilliped (fig. 3d) with 5-segmented endo- with with 13 to 17 small spines and with fine podite; segment 1 squarish, armed 1 setiform with cilia. element; segment 2 trapezoidal, armed 6 or Maxilla Distal of 7 medial and lateral setiform 1 (fig. 3c). armature exopo- 1 element; segment 3 dite consisting of 1 minute spinule and 10 strongly the largest, squarish, armed with 15 to 17 medial sclerotized spines; three innermost spines with 1 and 4 to 5 lateral setiform elements; segment 4 with den- with medial lateral setiform medial denticle, other spines 2 or more 10 to 13 and 2 to 3 with ticles.
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    TERM OF USE This pdf is provided by Magnolia Press for private/research use. Commercial sale or deposition in a public library or website site is prohibited. Zootaxa 1823: 51–64 (2008) ISSN 1175-5326 (print edition) www.mapress.com/zootaxa/ ZOOTAXA Copyright © 2008 · Magnolia Press ISSN 1175-5334 (online edition) New species and a new genus of Cirolanidae (Isopoda: Cymothoida: Crustacea) from groundwater in calcretes in the Pilbarra, northern Western Australia NIEL L. BRUCE1 1Museum of Tropical Queensland, Queensland Museum and School of Marine and Tropical Biology, James Cook University; 70–102 Flinders Street, Townsville, Australia 4810; email: [email protected] Abstract Kagalana tonde gen. nov., sp. nov. and Haptolana yarraloola sp. nov. are described from subterranean water in cal- cretes in the Pilbarra region, Western Australia. Kagalana is characterised by haptorial dactylus on pereopod 1, short antennule and antenna peduncles, and pleonites 4 and 5 narrow, laterally overlapped by margins of pleonite 3 and pleo- nite 5 narrower than the pleotelson anterior margin. Haptolana yarraloola is the second record of the genus from Austra- lia, both species of which are from Western Australia. Key words: Cirolanidae, Isopoda, Haptolana, Kagalana, Australia; cave fauna; phreatic fauna; Western Australia; Pil- barra Introduction The indigenous subterranean aquatic fauna of Western Australia is rich and diverse (Humphreys 1999, 2001) and continues to receive considerable scientific attention (see Pain, 2005 for an overview). The crustacean fauna from this region is correspondingly diverse (e.g. Bruce & Humphreys 1993; Cho et al. 2005; Finston & Johnston 2004; Keable & Wilson 2006; Karanovic 2006; Knott & Halse 1999; Poore & Humphreys 1992, 1998, 2003; Wilson & Ponder 1992; Wilson 2003; Wilson & Keable; 1999, 2002; Yager & Humphreys 1996).
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