Borrower: TXA Call#: QH75.A1 Internet Lending Strin{1: *COD,OKU,IWA,UND,CUI Location: Internet Access (Jan. 01, ~ 1997)- ~ Patron: Bandel, Micaela ;..... 0960-3115 -11) Journal Title: Biodiversity and conservation. ........'"O ;::::s Volume: 12 l~;sue: 3 0 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ~ MonthNear: :W03Pages: 441~ c.oi ~ ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ~ 1rj - Article Author: 0 - ODYSSEY ENABLED '"O - crj = Article Title: DC Culver, MC Christman, WR ;..... - 0 Elliot, WR Hobbs et al.; The North American Charge ........ - Obligate Cave 1=auna; regional patterns 0 -;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Maxcost: $501FM u -;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; <.,....; - Shipping Address: 0 - Imprint: London ; Chapman & Hall, c1992- Texas A&M University >-. ..... Sterling C. Evans Library, ILL ~ M r/'J N ILL Number: 85855887 5000 TAMUS ·-;..... N 11) LC) College Station, TX 77843-5000 ~ oq- Illllll lllll lllll lllll lllll lllll lllll lllll llll llll FEDEX/GWLA ·-~ z ~ I- Fax: 979-458-2032 "C cu Ariel: :J ...J Email:
[email protected] Odyssey Address: B'odiversity and Conservation 12: 441-468, 2003. <£ 2003 Kluwer Academic Publishers. Printed in the Netherlands. The North American obligate cave fauna: regional patterns 1 2 3 DAVID C. CULVER ·*, MARY C. CHRISTMAN , WILLIAM R. ELLIOTT , HORTON H. HOBBS IIl4 and JAMES R. REDDELL5 1 Department of Biology, American University, 4400 Massachusetts Ave., NW, Washington, DC 20016, USA; 2 £epartment of Animal and Avian Sciences, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, USA; 3M issouri Department of Conservation, Natural History Section, P.O. Box 180, Jefferson City, MO 65/02-0.'80, USA; 'Department of Biology, Wittenberg University, P.O. Box 720, Springfield, OH 45501-0:'20, USA; 5 Texas Memorial Museum, The University of Texas, 2400 Trinity, Austin, TX 78705, USA; *Author for correspondence (e-mail:
[email protected]; fax: + 1-202-885-2182) Received 7 August 200 I; accepted in revised form 24 February 2002 Key wm ds: Caves, Rank order statistics, Species richness, Stygobites, Troglobites Abstrac1.