
The Not Eaten (a parody of Robert ’s "The Road Not Taken") By Elizabeth Arnold

Two ice I knew would taste so good And sorry I could not eat both And be one shopper, long I stood And looked down at one as hard as I could To where it sat clear on the shelf

Then took the other just as far And having perhaps the better choice Because it was creamy and chilled; Though as for that, the employee there Recommended them really about the same,

And both that afternoon equally untouched, Chilled on the freezer rack, Oh I kept the for another day Yet knowing how ice cream puts on weight I doubted if I should care

I shall be eating this with a smile Somewhere warm and bright Two ice creams sat on a shelf, and I- I took the one less desirable And that has made all the difference

Stopping by Woods on a Christmas Evening By Carley Reynolds

These woods I stopped in filled with , A small house under my boots, I know. I hope they don't hear me up here, I let out a hefty ho ho ho.

My reindeer know why we are here, To drop some presents very near. The and cookies I will take. The merriest evening of the year.

I give my sack of toys a shake, To make sure all is in its place. I hope that all the children sleep. I keep quiet so that none wake.

Naughty children get coal and weep. Nice children don't make a peep. Many a house, before I sleep, Many a house before I sleep.

Monsters by Anna Kiep

Monsters hid in my room, To take me to my doom. Lurking beneath my bed, Never properly fed. They had sharp teeth, And piercing eyes, Surely no one would hear my cries. But monsters weren’t under my bed. Instead they were in my head. I look around for a monster, But there is not any I see. This is because the monster is me.

The Alpha Tortilla by Shane Overberg

Some say tortillas of flour Some say of corn From what I've tasted of tortillas I stand with those who prefer flour But if I had to choose twice I think I know enough of tortillas To say that the taste of corn tortillas Is awful And would not suffice

First Breath

by Shelby Moore A baby's first breath is life Her hardest journey to fight Her early lessons are tears But only for a few years

Fries by Jared Berger Whose fries are these I think I know I think He is in the bathroom though He will not know if I take just one Maybe they'll go well with ketchup once I'm done

Cake and By Dr. O Some say my world will end in pie Some say in cake If you asked me to tell a lie I hold with those who favor pie For pumpkin, coconut or apple Taste even better with a Snapple! But if one day is all I had, A chocolate cake would not be bad— Lemon or Angel food I’d savor— Heck, I’d eat a cake of any flavor!