Kuwait - a hub for business WEBINAR VIA ZOOM 7 July - 7pm GMT+3 s a t r o P

o l u a P

Dr. Paulo Portas served as Portugal Minister of Foreign Affairs and Deputy Prime Minister, responsible for economic coordination, investment and exports. He served also as Minister of Defense (2002- 2005). He was leader of the center-right CDS-PP for 16 years, eight of them while in government. Paulo Portas is graduated in Law by Catholic University of and taught Geo-economics and International Relations and direct seminars on Economic Diplomacy for multinational corporations. In 2016 he withdraw from party politics and he is back to private sector. He became deputy Chairman of the Portuguese Chamber of Commerce and Industry re-elected in 2019. Founding partner of Vinciamo Consulting (strategic analysis and business intelligence), focused in advising business internationalization in Africa, Latin America, Asia and GCC. Paulo Portas is author and commentator of the leading TV program "Global", focused in international affairs. F a r i s

A l - O b a i d

Faris Al-Obaid has a Master of Arts in Global Communications from the American University of Paris. He is a consultant and entrepreneur with more than 14 years of experience contributing to strategic planning and management operations within some of the most prestigious institutions globally, including the British Parliament and the White House. Since 2012, he became the Advisor at the office of His Excellency the Secretary-General in the General Secretariat to the Supreme Council for Planning and Development, Faris Al-Obaid is focused and committed with His Highness the Amir’s Vision ‘New Kuwait 2035’. He works with many local, regional and international entities as part of joint collaborations such as United Nations Development Program, Arab Planning Institute, Korean Development Institute, Ecole National Administration and many more. Additionally, Faris is the founder of New Kuwait Summit, board member at the Youth Council, and supporting Kuwait’s Pavilion for Dubai expo 2021. a r i e r s o o M m

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His Excellency Joaquim Moreira de Lemos is the Ambassador of Portugal to the United Arab Emirates, Kuwait and Iraq since 2016. Bachelor in Law, he entered the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in 1986, where he became Diplomatic Advisor of the Secretary of State for Portuguese Communities and later as Director of the Middle East Department. In 1991 he was nominated Third Secretary in the Embassy of Portugal in Brasília and later Deputy Head of Mission in the Embassy of Portugal in Madrid. He was the Consul General in Lyon and Shanghai and Ambassador in Jakarta, Brunei and Philippines. During the Portuguese Presidency of the European Union he was the Special Representative for Counter- Terrorism. HE. Joaquim Moreira de Lemos was decorated in Portugal with the Grand Cross of the Order of Merit and Commander of the Order of Infante D. Henrique, in , Commander of the Order of Isabel the Catholic, in Brazil, Commander of the Order of Cruzeiro do Sul, and Commander of the National Order of Merit in France. Kuwait - Portugal a hub for business

TUESDAY, 7 july 7pm Kuwait - 5pm Portugal