To Propose Master Recreation Plan
Governor, Legislature read Spartan fans the riot act However MSU nybrook" at Michigan State 2,500 teet of a "tatl' 10ilege or knows a girl who noted after L,m"mg pohce reported few , Umver"lty, Gov John Engler umver"lty Peoplp convicted MSU's laos last year m the an eots after thiS week'" bao- kpthal1l1amp students celebrdte "'I;;"'\.-': :,,&,~:~~,v;, ;:.:: ., ::::!::::: f:,~n h..,,,, ..h,,,,,,,,,t f..,."",.,11 ~tqt<' 1\!C'AA hA"kpthllll tournament • banish noters from Lampus campuoco for up to two year., ~She'o an IdIOt," oald Wilde Scott Taubltz, a St Clalf responsIbly The law could havE' been Opponents of the law Cite ThiS year, campus celebratIOns Shores .ophomore, fears the B Brad U dber used had notmg occurred fol. First Amendment nghts to have cooled LOnsequenGeb should MSU S~ff Writer" 9 lowmg ,Stat",'s victory m freedom of a'lSOClatlOn "People are stili hangmg become known as a breedmg Monday. natIOnal champl' "First Amendment? RlOtmg out," .ald Wilde "They're hav. ground for drunken anarchists Local college students sup' onshlp basketball game IS Illegal," countered Mehosa mg 'beerbeques,' but I haven't "I'm WOl fled aboutjeopardlz- port state efforts to dropkick The meabure target!> anyone Wilde, an MSU ..ophomore heard any rumors about not- mg my future," said Taubltz, campus hoohgans rlOtmg, IllGltmg a not or journahom student from mg, knock on wood " Prompted by laot year's don. assembhng unlawfully Within Grob"e Pomte Park Wilde Wilde's Wish came true East See SPARTANS, page SA Parcells N'hood Club to stage to propose master WEEK AHEAD 'Joseph' Thursday, April 6 Tickets are now on sale recreation plan for the AprU 13 Uld 14 The Grosse Pomte News & By Bonnie Caprara tnct's lugh schools had 2,520 performUlCft of Parcen.
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