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e 20, 2010 THE [MNG CHURCH CATHOLIC EVANGELICAL ECUMENICAL . ....t•t. - . ' . ~_... .:-,· ..:; ,. ~.. ..t....'1-v. ' . :'~ ~-i:~~-=~ -:...,,...-~"' ':.,.~-- -~~ '";fy--.-< ' ............... Conversation on the Archbishop's Pentecost Letter □ HALF-YEAR print subscription - $26.00 (26 issues), a savings of 60% off the cover price. □ ONE-YEAR print subscription - $45.00 (52 issues), a savings of 65% off the cover price. □ ONE-YEAR online subscription - $25.00 (52 weeks), or 48 cents per issue. Parish Name __ _______ __ __ ___ _ Name __ _________ _ __ _ ___ _ Make checks payable to: Address _ ___ _______ __ ____ _ The Living Church Foundation City __ _ _ _____ __ _ __ _____ _ P.O. Box 514036 State _ ___ _ Zip___ Phone (_) __ _ __ _ Milwaukee, WI 53203-3436 Email_______ __ _________ _ _ □ Check □ MC/VISA NOTE: PLEASEFILL I N CREDITCARD BILLING INFORMATION BELOW Card # __ __ _ __ _ _ IF DIFFERENTFROM ADDRESSABOVE. Billing Name.___ _____ _ ______ _ _ Exp.Date _ _ 3-digit code _ Billing Address ___ _____ _ __ __ ___ _ Signature _ ___ ___ _ City, State, Zip____ _ ___ _ ______ _ I -l - - ...... ,J - l-,..,' i:!•:" • . ~":I - - ·-·~on ·the, cover Pent ecost, attribu ted to Giotto di Bondo n c (the Natio n al Ga llery, Lond on) THE / [ N ING CHURCH thi s week June 20, 2010 news 4 Archbishop's Letter Could Affect 30 Leaders catholic voices 6 Actions Now Have Consequences BY EPHRAIM RADNER 9 If BY N .J .A. HUMPHREY 10 Editorial: The Archbishop Invites Us to Grow Up guest column 11 New Diplomacy Calls for Sacrifice BY C. ANDREW DOYLE other departments 12 Sunday's Readings 13 People & Places Th e Nativity of St. John the Baptist June 24 Birth of St. John the Bapt is t, J ucopo Pontormo The Living Church is published by the Living Church Foundation. Our historic mission in the Episcopal Church and the Anglican Communion is to support and promote the Catholic and evangelical faith of the one Church, to the end of visibl e Christian unity throughout the world. JUNE 20. 2010 · TII E LIVI NG C H URCH 3 news Archbishop's Letter Could Affect 30 Leaders Now that the Archbishop of Can Canon Philip Hobson and Natasha byteral memb er, to succeed the Rt. terbury has release d his Pentecost Kluka.ch of the Anglican Church of Rev. Catherine S. Roskam as an epis letter and its propos ed steps of disci Canada and the Rev. Jos eph Wandera copal member. pline, a significant next step is inter of the Anglican Church of Kenya. The Anglican Chur ch of Canada: preting what the letter means . ENS described the Ven. Dapo Asaju The Rev. Stephen Andrews, the Rt. If all the Instrum ents of Commun of Nigeria, the Rev. Edison Muhindo Rev. Susan Elisabeth Moxley and ion were to exclude members based Kalengyo of Uganda and the Rt. Rev. Suzanne Lawson. on actions that disregard the morato Tito Zavala of the Diocese of Chile, The Anglican Church of Kenya: The ria of the Windsor Repo1t, 30 Anglican Anglican Chur ch of the Southern Rt. Rev. Samson Mwakitawa Mwaluda lead ers - from laity to priests to Cone, as "likely to be affected" by the and Amos Kirani Kiliro. archbishops - could be affected. archbishop 's proposal. The Chur ch of Nigeria (Anglican The Rt. Rev. Martyn Minns, found "I shall be inviting the views of all Communion): The Rt. Rev. Ikechi ing missionary bishop of the Nigeria members of the Primates' Meeting on Nwachukwu Nwosu, Abraham Yisa sponsored Convocation of Anglicans the handling of thes e matters with a and the Ven. Abraham Chibuik e in North America , said the arch view to the agenda of the next sched Okorie . bishop' s letter does not cause him uled meeting in January 2011," the The Anglican Church of Rwanda: concerns. archbishop wrote. The Rt. Rev. Josias Sendegeya and The primates, he told THE LIVlNG Six of38 prin1ates could be affected Jane Dinah Mutoni. CHURCH, "never agreed that there's a by such discussions: Presiding Bishop Southern Cone: The Rt. Rev. Bill moral equivalence between what they Jefferts Schori; the Most Rev. Freder Godfrey, Bishop of Peru. see as an attempt to change the Angli ick J. Hiltz, Anglican Chur ch of The Chur ch of Uganda: Jolly can Communion's teaching and a pro Canada; the Most Rev. Emmanu el M. Babirukamu and the Rt. Rev. Elia vision for temporary pastoral care ." Kolini, Episcopal Church of Rwanda; Paul Luzinda Kizito. The application of the arch the Most Rev. Nicholas D. Okoh, the On the Joint Standing Committee bishop' s letter, he said, depends on Chur ch of Nigeria ; the Most Rev. the consultations could affect Pre the interpretation of "past, present Henry Luke Orombi, the Church of siding Bishop Jefferts Schori, Bishop and futur e" actions. Uganda; and the Most Rev. Eliud Douglas and Jolly Babirukamu of "Is the [Anglican Church of North Wabukala, Anglican Church of Kenya Uganda. Archbishop Orombi, a.mem America] seen as a cross-border The archbishop also has written ber of the committ ee, has not action?" he asked. "Am I consider ed that "there will have to be fulther con attended any of its meetings since the a cross-border action? Is everything I sultation" regarding representation primate s met in February 2007. say and do a cross-bor der action?" on the Anglican Consultative Council Doug!,asLeBT,anc Episcopal News Service rep01ted and the Anglican Communion 's Joint that the archbishop's proposals would Standing Committee. Excerpts from the Archbishop affect two of the Episcopal Church's Depending on those consultations, of Canterbury's Pente cost letter representatives on the Anglican-Ortho membership on the Anglican Consul dox Theological Dialogue (the Rev. tative Council could be the most . .. It is clear that the official bodies Thomas Ferguson, the Episcopal widely affected among the Instruments of The Episcopal Church have felt in Church's interim deputy for ecumeni of Communion. The consultations conscience that they cannot go along cal and interreligious relations , and could affect these ACC members: with what has been asked of them by the Rt. Rev. William0. Gregg, assistant The Episcopal Church: The Rt. Rev. others, and the consecration of bishop of North Carolina) and one Ian T. Douglas and Josephin e Hicks Canon Maiy Glasspool on May 15 has member of the Inter-Anglican Standing and anoth er representative still to be been a clear sign of this. And despite Commission on Unity, Faith and Order electe d. The Episcopal Chur ch has attempts to clarify the situation, activ (the Rev. Katherine G1ieb of Virginia three repr esentatives on the ACC. ity across provincial boundruies still Theological Seminary). Executive Council is weighing continues - equally dictated by what On the same body, the archbishop' s whether to elect Bishop Douglas, people have felt they must in con proposal also could affect the Rev. who was elected to the ACC as a pres- science do. Some provinces have living Visit livingchurch. org for daily reports of news about the Episcopal Church Ichurch.org and th e Anglican Communion. 4 T IIE LIVIN G C II URCI-I · JUNE 20. 20 10 within them dioceses that are com ing Committee . The latter two are to the agenda of the next scheduled mitted to policies that neither the governed by constitutional provisions meeting in January 20 11. provinc e as a who le nor the Com which cannot be overturned by any ... Some complain that we are con munion has sanctioned. In several one person' s decision alon e, and demned to endless meetings that places, not only in North America, there will have to be further consul achieve notl1ing. I believe that in fact Anglicans have not hesitated to tation as to how they are affected. I we have too few meetings that allow involve the law courts in settling dis shall be inviting the views of all mem prop er mutual exploration. It may putes, often at great expense and at bers of the Prin1ates' Meeting on the well be that such encounte rs need to the cost of the Chmch's good name. handling of these matters with a view (Continu ed on page 14) ... To maintain outward unity at a fom1al level while we are convinced that the divisions are not only deep but dan1aging to om local mission is not a good thing. Neither is it a good thing to break away from each other '{1nJ;e. Ask for a clergy moving sfJecialist and discover w!ty so dramatically that we no longer see thousand s of c!turc!tes, clergy and seminarians have Christ in each other and risk trying to relied on us for nearly two decades. create a church of the "perfect" - people like us. It is significant that Clergy& SeminarianDiscounts • AllMajor Van Lines Available there are still very many in The Epis DirectBilling to Diocese& Churches copal Church, bishops, clergy and GuaranteedDates Backed by a DelayPenalty faithful, who want to be aligned with Upto ThreeEstimates Provided with one Survey the Communion 's genera l commit ments and directions, such as those www.clergy relocation.com • [email protected] who identify as "Communion Part ners," who disagree stro ngly with recent decisions, yet want to remain in visible fellowship within TEC so far as they can . I an1 therefore proposing that, while these tens ions remain unre solved, members of such provinces - provin ces that have formaUy , through their Synod or House of Bish ops, adopted policies that breach any of the moratoria requeste d by the Instruments of Communi on and recently reaffirmed by the Standing Committee and the Inter-Anglican Standing Commission on Unity, Faitl1 and Order (IASCUFO) - should not be participants in the ecumenical dia logues in which the Communion is formally engaged.