PUBLIC 1.1 i- ' i'.Y 425 E. :n' • ADV. . I. r 7 •


SEVENTY-NINTH YEAR—No, 38 WESTFIELD, NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, APRIL 2471969 in Wf.--It'll III, M..I. 31) Pages—10 Cents Reelect Barrett «of E Needs Town to Amend Race for Town YMCA President iccL To?' Sidewalk Code An ordinance amending the town's 3) was named by Mnyor James C. (Picture on Page 4) At a recent organizational meet- sidewalk code, altered ifrom revi- Moran as Wrstiiritl's representative Council Looms ing of .the Wcstrieid Joint Civic Com- sions contemplated toy the 1968 Town to the reactivated Union County R. R. Barrett Jr. was re-elected Weslfield voters will be assured of a contest for four scats on tlie millce. Board of .Education Presi- Council, was initially approved in Atrti-Pnverty Council. Town Council with tlie filing ihi.s uei.-k by aspirants from both the Repub- to a third one-year lenm as preside it a brief session of the council Tues- Approved was the employment of s drat Charles H. Frankenbach Jr. lican and Democratic parties. of the Wesbfield YiMCA board of di- da nl ht Killan Associates Inc. for cngineer- ; addressed the group on the subject y S - •Petitions placing the names of two incumbent Republicans seeking re- rectors at a meeting of the board ) of the responsibilities of a member The now ordinance, on .which a ing studies of sanitary and storm •which followed the annual meeting election and two newcomers ID the local political scene on the GOP June of the Board of Education. Mr. public 'hearing is scheduled for May sewe. r connections between Moitn- 3 Primary Election ballot are being of the association last Tuesday eve- rtrankenbaeh was introduced Jjy 13> cltes specifically where side- tainsidc and Wesllield and of Rob- ning. Hobert J. Lincoln, past-presi- wa|j!s mvst filed today in Uie Town Clerk's of- Howard Lunin newly elected chair- *« installed, controls inson's Brook of the 'Kahway River fice. Petitions of three Democrats dent and chairman of Che nominat- man of the JCC. *lle materials which must be used for a total of $4,000 in fees. Cardell Savage Declines and s lis out .seeking seats on the Town Council ing committee, presided. In 'his remarks •Mr. Frankenbach ^ maintenance require- Inc. of Kcasby IN.J.I was awarded Also elected to other offices were charged the committee to seek out "rants. It is understood tot it elimi- a contract for the improvement of were filed yesterday, and ii write-In •the following: Vice-president, Dr. S. active people from the community nates some oF tne conditions of the North Scotch Plains Ave. on its low To Run Again campaign in the Third Ward in thc N. Ewan Jr. for a second term; at large as potential'board members. Previous year's sidewalks require- bid of $5j,7!JG. High bidder sought Juno election is expected to result James W. Gentles Jr., third term; He suggested that people involved ments wlli;cn mct wiUl opposition of $63,793 for the project, For Council in a full slate of candidates from Jay F. Rochlin, second term; and in civic affairs would ibe excellent Property owners in the business dis- The purchase or seven lots in the that parly in thc November General Election. Dr. Rich-ard B. Maxwell Jr., first candidates since they would bring trict. . Briglilwood Green Acres park site Robert E. Savage of 083 Shadow- term; re-elected secretary for his to the board tonsidorable feedback Also set for a public hearing May for $23,500 also was okayed by coun- lawn Dr., Republican councilman Republican candidates are Donn ^eighth term was Oharles T. Farrow 13 .is an ordinance vacating a pc-r- ell. The land ,is in the South Marl- ri-om the Fourth Ward, will not seek Snyder, Ward 1, a political nowcom- v •Crom the community which could er 5Hr. Peter A. iDughd was re-eleoted be related to the educational needs tion of Lenape Tir. to permit a new boro Ave., Nctherwood Ave. and Li •eeleefcion to tlu> Wcslfirid Town ' James Skinner, Ward 2 incum- treasurer,a post he has served since of the town's children. The board real estate development in the area, b&rty St. area, "ounoil, he announced today. Mr. bent: John Merkl, Ward 3, also an 1958. meets each Tuesday throughout the W"'10 the bi" does not' eliminate the Council also extended tlie sic ".ava'e cited business ncasuns for incumbent: and Forrest E. Allen, Mr. Barrett is a familiar figure in year and, in addition, there are s'feet, it does alter its location. leave of Bernard F. Murphy, a tow. lis decision. Ward 4 whose candidacy was an- the YMCA and the community ns a R. R. BARRETT JR. many supplemental meetings, some Councilman John Merkl (R-Ward (Continued on page 2) The councilman is completing his nounced today, Word 4. member of the board.of directors third year in thc post, and lias been Petitions were filed yesterday for of them requiring additional study. FORREST E. ALLEN since. 1961, past president of the Persons accepting board member- a member of the laws and rules, li- Democratic aspirants Donald J. board of trustees of the Westfield ship must 'be wilting to meet these cense, and public boards and agon- Fennelly, Ward 1; Harry Foskey, Teachers to Hear Ward and United Fund, and Civil Defense di- time demands, said Mr. Franken- Allen Candidate cies commitlces. He currently is *• Patrick Minogue, Ward rector. He is currently serving as a baoh. He added that a solid business Antiques Show Opens chairman of the administrative pol- **• vestryman for St. Paul's Episcopal Drug Authority 'background, paitscularly one relat- icy committee and the. pool coin- Bofh Mr. Fennelly and Mr. Mino- Church, and a trustee of the West- ing to decision-making responsibility, For Ward 4 mittce. He also serves as liaison to Rue were strong but unsuccessful Held HistoricSl Society. Mr. Barrett would be Iheipful. thc citizens advisory committee on candidates in last November's Gen- is president of Barrett and Crain, 22nd Year Tuesday Wednesday At the business portion of the Council Seat comnrunity relations. eral Election. Mr. Foskey, a profes- Westfield, and resides with its fam- meeting Mr. Lunin announced the Prior to serving as a Town Coun- sor at Newark State College, is new ily at 909 WyandoMe Tr. •All Westfield 'public school per- following committee chairman ap- The 22nd annual 'Westfield An- and her father's incised in gold on cilman, Mr. Savage had 'been a to Westfield politics. Wques 8htw opcns Tu sda v and COR the cover Forrest E. Allen of 112 Dickson Dr. Ewan serves the YMCA also somel win atod inservice training pointments- Membership Dr f red/Roberts, Q.C. with Gerald Can- '" healthlthh and physicab^l l educatiocati1n1 George Dyer of Annapolis, Md., na- of Mhiebigan. address, he must natttr Cohimbia tion'al department vice commander nership with John Mortimer under ger-cream chicken salad witli Dance Tomorrow tor as 'Leonard Vole, Barbara More- J" . the (km style of Stonr k Mortimer, to aspic.' Wednesday's choice twill '.',Mr. Allen is a Registered Pro- the County Board of EkctioM. Sand as Homtfne Helgar, Chuck V m versHy, Newark. of the Military Order of the. World The wine cooler is complete with be tuna divan with pineapple salad fessifejsl Engineer, a member of The youth of Holy Greek Court House, Elizabeth. Chaise Dr. Edwards has had extensive Wars. Pi Tau Sigma, mechanical engineer- Orthodox Church will sponsor a of address cards may be obtain- experience in liner and 'bears a full coat-of-anms or. turkey salad almondine with mol- Accompanyiitg General Magalhaes on one aide and .three horses in re- ded cranberry salad. Thursday will ing honorary, American Society of dance featuring The Troupe from 8 ed from the Town Clerk's Office. and the study of drug abuse. to 11:30 p.m. tomorrow at its com- be 'Dick Stelling, .Nancy Hebert, as his guests tomorrow will be Col. lief on the other side. •Engineers, American Institute of It is possible to register at Ike M W^ierSSaU VokelsorTS *>een an educational consultant for feature spring chicken casserole munity center on Gallows Hill Rd. office or any municipal clerk In , Mrs. Marion Botblert of the Lan with cherryapple salad or amb Mining, Metallurgical & 'Petroleum Ellsworth, Virginia Petrie, Nancy (Continued on page 2) (around Hie corner from Washing- Union County regarde* of 'Mrs. _K. G. Sohoel, Cmdr. and Mrs. tern House in Basking Ridge will with assorted tea sandwiches. (Continued on page i) ton School). where a person resides. OTfaire, George Johnston, Jr., Slier- K. R, Doremus, Mr. and Mrs. Eric bring a large portrait in a wide gold This year there will ibe an art ry Lilenfeld, Frank Stewart, Jack Kirehberger, Mr. and Mrs. H. J. \ea{ .frame of Margaret (Myers, wife show and a snack bar in the Ging- Wallace and Fred Porte-. WHS '29ers Plan Cahill and Mr. and Mrs. David Har- of Hunloke W. Palmer, iwho lived in ham Room. The paintings are all Buss Morrell returns as director 40th Reunion in May ris, most of whom are from West- E. Orange in 1875. Her father's will, works of well known local artists having previously 'guided last sea- *>eld. signed dn 1854 and another legal and many are for sale. The room Arbor Day Sees Opening son's' production of "Philadelphia, Westfield High School's Class of The new department commander, pape_ r (mn^ -m ^^ ^ ^__e _ frame will be decorated wit..._h . gingha=...=._m flow- Here I Come." 1929 will hold iU 40th reunion May General Magaliiaes, was originally will be available with the portrait" ers and gingham tablecloths. The Pat Suriani is play chairman, 24 at the Towers Steak House on commissioned in the U.S. Army SigSig.- Mrs. Boehlert also has Margaret's snack 'bar will be open daily from 1 Jatk Wallace designed the intricate Route 22. Classmates and their nal Corps Reserve upon graduation iarge leather Bible with her name 2:30 to 7:30 p.m. Of New Plaza Memorial Hill two-part set whiten includes a full- spouses from all parts of thc coun- from Cornell University as a me- . — '. '.—! scale reproduction of Old Bailey, try are planains t« attend. ohanical engineer in 1933. He was 'Westficld's Arbor Day activities dent, who will accept the presenta- of the garden department of tho and George Van Hecke was in Thee reunion committee 'has not assigned at the beginning of World wiil end tomorrow with several me- tion on behalf of the stale federa- club, will be in charge of introduc- charge of construction. been 'able to locate a few of thc class War 2 to the First Air Warning Corn- Public Invited to Bell Choir morial plantings scheduled in ob- tion. members. Information concerning tions. Thc presentation will be made (Continued on page 2) servance Of the national event. by .Mrs. Samuel J. Louise, club the whereabouts- cf June Altoway, Accepting for the Post Olfice will Dance Tomorrow Festival Sunday Afternoon In 10 a.m. ceremonies directed by president, who will assist in plant- Isabella Benson, Stanley Campbell, Mrs. J. H. Leeming, a hemlock will be Mrs. Elsie Shirhonis. acting post- master, and for the town, former ing I lie IR'C. The Mai'sayos Manx Design will Edgar Clark, Tom Gallagher and Short Night Coming Twenty-three- toell choirs from New wood, under the direction of William be planted in Clark Memorial Park This year n Memorial Hill has play for a dance from 8 to 11:30 George Ingram is sought by Mrs. Jersey, New York and PennSyl- Wrenn. Dr. Doris Watson is director in honor of the late Mrs. Jessie Gru- Mayor H. Emerson Thomas, chair- Residents arc reminded that man of the Mayor's Committee on hiTit iipciicd for the first time for p.m. tomorrow at St. Paul's Epis- Glenn Wilder (Marian Fiskel, «34 vania will ring and sing in the 16th of the entire festival, which will fea- ber, wife of Judge William M. the phnilings or Hovering trees. The copal Church. Tickets will -be avail- Tremont Ave. Daylight Saving Time begins at •annual Church Handbell Festival at ture more than 235 'performers. Beard. Culture and •Beautilication. Charles P. Bailey, co-chairman of the com- ;ii<;i. silc of thc Spanish memorial, able at the door for the -affair which The reunion coincides with thc 2 a.m. Sunday, Clocks should be 4 p.m. Sunday in the Presbyterian The theme of the festival is "Folk The tree is the gift of Her sister, mittee, and Mrs. Edward L. Cofley, is adjacent to llnlinc's on North is open to ninth through 12th grad- lOOt'h anniversary at Westfield High moved ahead before retiring Sat- Church in Westfield. The festival is Music in Uie Church-Contemporary Miss S. Margaret Grubcr, her son, coordinator of the Arbor Day cele- Ave. ers. School. urday night. open to tlie pubilc. iuul Traditional." Men and women, Robert G. Beard, and her daughter, bration for tlie town, also will at- Two fountain cherry trees were as wel1 a .Local groups performing will be s boys and girls from Mrs. David Henry and their fami- tend. phintuil on Memorial Hill Tuesday the Methodist Belles from the First graa student of Holy Trinity High Ran. Jayccc president. Dr. J. Da-i- Present from the federation will School. The Westfield Jjycees have lIil" iel Cox, scholarship chairman, Kali- be Mrs. Joseph Kenna. Sixth Dis- Alternate delegates are Coramae dertaken a scholarship program to 0,,t A Q.m] n^ J(|mL. Rjcha|.(1 trict vice-president; Mrs. Richard Zimmerman or WestfieUI Senior aid a needy Westfield male student gartlc|n Larry Shaffer and James, stale conservation and garden •High School and Patricia Nagle of entering or enrolled in a curriculum Michael. chairman: and Mrs. George F. Holy Trinity High School. of advanced education. Wcimheimer, northern viiee^pa'esi- The girls will join last year's dele- This scholarship will provide This financial assistance and mor- gates, Mary Hc'.y and Marpjitt ?].000 over a two year period to the al fitiidmec i* exprc'i'il I" help I his Neill. for jjiicsl spot.; on the 48th student, providing he obtains pass- local hi-h SCIK.OI student iir.K-iir--- Index birthday paiiy ol the local Legion ing grades without U'iny placed on hl'SlKT r!hlc:itii;n. •'KiiikNilip-t i- In" Auxiliary. probation. Judgment is aL the dis- key in I!ie fulun- niid any T:HI lh,.:l. Business Directory .. Sec. 3-4 Selection of Uic current delesatci cretion of tiie scholarship commit- the Wcslfii'kl Jaycet's crin i>i;iy in Church .\c\vs Sec. ;i—"> was announced by Airs. Growr Tra- ANNE STUHLER KATHLEEN LOOMIS tee. Tlie student .selected will re- this area will enhance mir conmuin- (•"ilcskins Sec. 2—7. 8 AIJVANCK I'l.A.WI.M. for the Kill < .nii|i.naii nr HIP I.'nilrft Fund are ily." a spokesman said. nor, chairman, and Mrs. Albert , ceivo tbe help in obtaining summer Editorials Sec. i—2 Mrs. !,a«ri-iu-|. shaflri- "I *'»• \iuh;iuk Ir. riiiiiriuau (if (ho IjiistneAii ( > state for thc 'annual session -June A Moeller and Mrs. Henry Barrett, co- local Lesion Auxiliary spokes- (,mpli)>lnen,u aid in pcrsonai budget- Any male student residing in UW- School Page Sec. 4—2, 4 divisifin. shnivn wnrkin:: "illi ln-r f n-ch;in-iiM-ii. Mrs. filinn Maggio, 22 to June 27 at Douglass College. rmin recalled that Westficld ha j cHairman of Hie Auxiliary's Girl's ing, assistance cbt-airans! a jot> at field- in:crf.'.s!ed in civplyin.^ t"f>r tliis Theatre Sec. I—,i cl-ntor, 01 lit Colliisi- I'l- ;""[ Mrs. .Ink lviau<' I) •the (,'ntai'imiih.s. Shualso lourctl .sito /IS elwilrnum of tin1 puivionnol nntl of Mm membership committee, nntl necticut, Now York land Penn.sylvan- church Unit is making nrr woi'k.'s'h'Up I'oi* office ctl JNovi'iiibcr in n hid for a of .'indent Home .such a the Human building ;nid t'ttiimilt'lcc. I races hl.-i Y connection lo Ihe early fn and Ohio with two Ubcrly Ships incuts, will he held in tin1 (Irani Ward M aval on tin? Town Council, Koriini, Colieum, Appian Way and is Hie lornicr supcrinlonflonl of '.'til's when ho was a mem bur of th«full of equipment lo various locutions School audiU.riuin al 2. p.m. was expiated lo I'ili' ;i pctilion sei'k- Piinihcnn and aitfcndcd a lodiirc on ; unii is piT.srnlly sorviii'g ns .stall'. Ik' was a member tf lliu olii- i'lKhl the Iron Curlulu in IMK llu» Democratic nomination fur "The I'laci's where Cicero Spoke" president of the board of ti'iislccs of flal hoard of I he JUi'lhodJM! Church West Gormuny, ' units were I hi1, but bii.-iiiii'.s.H n'y.son.s wcro hy :in Atncriean profe.s.siM1 of i'liu the Wti.vti'idd library. and i.s unsociali d with l'rovident commuted lo NATO forces soon uf- Teachers to Hear Allen Candidate cited for his dmslon not to run. A Ki'iuip. Ht'l'orc leaving t'lic liirls Mr. Gt'iritos Is s with Mutual LiJ'c I/isiH-iiiicL' Company, ter tne equipment was installed. writif-in aiiupjiiHti k expected in the threw coins in Ihu Trovl fountain Mr. Ouuhl Is a time resident The mission of the UUIKM'UJ'K unit thii'd ward in the .June t'lccllon in milking their wish "to return to t, Warwick, (Mitchell juul Co., (CnntimiiMl from 1) (Continued from \nigv 1) .•Hid .serves Iho V as dwiirmnn of (if WCK! field and has been a member mm to lake- tlm jet lighters under complete the Democrntie jslato for Home." IJI Hit1 V biiard of dirt'etors Kinuo vlo&is control from liheir bases in Engineers, Atiicfienn Society for I lie Jinmire rommUlee. 'HIM S a pnst- the Nassau County Drug Almse anil l!)">4. Ho U also a past member of France and direct Miem to the sup- Metals, aiui Hit; American JSngi- pn-sidcnl iif the Y'.s •; ,s c.'luh and NnrcoticH Commii.ssum, >a senfoi- ru- The elminnan of the WestfiuId the Y'A Men's Club. He is president port of Hie U.S. Seven Ui Army :il Ihe .served on l.lic official board of the. .search scienlisl I'or the* Now ^'nrk Town Krpub.'iuaii Committee, \*)t\- of Ihe Ptter A. Dtij-hi Insurance [run Curtain, au JiiimiU;s away wtii'd K. SchoM, announced Unit the Local Beautician Church. Slnlc Nurcotlc Control Coninii.s.sion, lie has resided in Wuslfield since MNDA KKOIVICKI, n slucicnl at c ipun lc aU s rml us a d i from (heir buses. Ho was mv a riled slati! at candidates j'or oouneli to be Dr. •Maxwell -also serves , 'and a researcher ret, a student at ftdison Junior High abiliity and qualiificatiwus of aspir- year terms. At the farewell review on July 12, every corner uf the globe. A pri- New .Jersey Hell Telephone Compa- in tlii» field of education relating to School. ants, Doun Snyder in the flirst ward Home from Italy ny. His Y activities include clrair- 1DC3 at Floyd (BenmHt Field in and Forre-st Allen in Ihe fourth mary interest is to see the new druy use and abiif.e. Mr. Allen has been active in com- ! mjinship of the program committee, Brooklyn, Brigadier General JVhigal- ward, continuance of good govern- Linda Krowicfcl of Holy Trinity products cf manufa clurers of 'beauty iind leader of Lhe ICarly Bird Ui:;iO haes was placed on Hie "retired list" •Related research and articles in- munity organizations, including Ihe salon items, competitions and dem- Council Race 1 ment in Westfield can bo assured,'\ Hiph School accompanied girls after 30 ears of reserve and active eludi : The FSccls of Drug Addic- United Fund campaign, has served from Benediietine Academy, Eliza- onstrations. commissioned service. The general's tion on the 'Motor Fitness of Adoles- on the Joint Civic Committee, and (Continued from Page 1) Loading cause of female cancer 'belh, on a trip to Italy Apr. 4-13,LEADER CLASSIFIED ADS active service included three re- cents, Programs Aimed at Pi-cvcnt- is a past, president of the College deaths i.s hroast cunicer says the which was sponsored S>y the N.J. employe for 18 years, to May 29calls, World War 2, the -Korean Em- ing Drug Abuse; A Plan for Analyz- Men's Club. American Cancer Society. Classical League. BRING RESULTS TRANSFERRED? while Mr, 'Murphy awaits ins dis-ergency and the Berlin Conlinigency- HOMERICA, INC. will help ability pension. operation Stair Step cf 1961. The CBuircil accepted a low bid Tha office of the Chief cf Governor you find your next home from 817 'Motors inc.. Linden, uf nockcfoller and Headquarters New for 15 abandoned vehicles and ap-York Air National Guard awarded anywhere in the United p.cved the renewal of licenses lo the General Magalhaes the New York St a tes WITHOUT Rialto Theatre! and three Good Hu- Slate Conspicuous Service Medal mor trucks. Refunds of pool mem- and the Conspicuous Service Cross CHARGE. berships were approved for six resi- for exceptionally meritorious and dents who are moving from West- distinguished service in position of great resjwnsiWlity while serving in OBJECTIVES: To help you find field. the military forces of the Stale of your next home with a mini New York land of the United States mum of effort, time and ex- of America. pense. If you plan to move to Public Invited General Magalhaes at present oc- an unfamiliar city, or just to (Continued from Page t) eupies an important post with New relocate neor your presen* York Con-Edison. home, HOMERICA, INC. will Iar e Mesdames William Burke JJ- help you find the right house, Floyd •Daugherty, Norman Morash, in the right neighborhood, in Kenneth Morris, Jack Peterson, the new area! Thomas Severinghaus, Edward Arbor Day SCOPE: Operation throughout Spa'ck and Clarence 'Winans. (Continued from page 1) the United States enables Members of the Presbyterian Homerica to furnish you with Chancel Ohoir are Mesdames Hen- morning in memory of Bernard L. Rciter. The occasion, first anniver- *. '• - detailed information on ry Anderson, Thomas Campbell, houses which fit your require- John Ho™becl<. Paul KoKerjahn, sary of his death, was marked by Leonard Schark, Reno Seiders, Leon ceremonies attended by Mrs. Cof- ments even before your first foy, Mr, Thomas, Mrs. Bailey, and visit to the new areal Seiscl, Howard Tomlinson. Robert Traxler and Donald Weidman. Mis. Reiter and her four children, • i -7 REMEMBER: Homerico works Members of the Presbyterian Can- Glen, Donald, Neal and Lauren. t only for YOU! All of their terbury Choir are Jill Anderson, The memorial trees were the gift v .-• efforts —research, reports and Melanie Anderson, Amy Caruth, of Mns, Arthur Minich, who also at- r • advice — ar? exclusively on Clai-k, Beth Downer, Cindy tended, Euth Richards, S. J. Spitz. Simon Askin and Mrs. Jeremy Ives THE behalf of the prospective I Kellogg. Susie Schanitz, Sally Staub, buyer. They have ro connec Barbara Stoudt, Betsy Pritchette and E. H. Rose, R. F. Cole, K. J, tlon with the seller. It is their and Betsy Vliet. Lister and Mantin Ray of the New- port division of Tenneco, wMi whom responsibility to guard YOUR Members of 'the Baptist Youth Bell Mr. Reiter was associated as trea- interests. Chcir are Linda 'Bleeke, Diana War- surer. ren, Jamie Hamraar, Susan Crispin, For further details, please call Susan Crane, Peggy Synder, Mark ,. A red doogwood also will >bc plant- You are what you wear. No doubt about it. Clothes-do make the man our Local representative, Bleeke, Robert Mclntosh, IMada ed in 'Memorial Hill (tomorrow in Pearsall and Frankenbach, . . . especially if chosen with a sense of your own individual personality. Wehrum a^nd Carol Miller. memory of >Dcra and Francis Plant Inc., 115 Elm St., Westfieid. by their daughter, Mrs. Jessie Plant 201-232-4700 or call us Brown, and 'grandaugtiter a TV ^ -•'»••- direct. her ihus'band, Mir. and Mrs. Anthony De Chellis. ' ' Resident to Head C Japanese cherry, hawthorns 'anr1 J (Continued from Page 1) dogwood trees will be added to the campus of the Pre.:d>terian Ohurch pany at Fort M'nmmouth in the new memmm this weekend to further en'hance the radar control function for the Army ICA beaiuty of the central city area. we Air Corpus, He volunteered for over- These trees are given by mem- seas duty prior to Pearl Harbor and h I 4 • t

- I •-1r1- was instrumente'l in establishing the bers of their families in memory cf .;• air dofense of Iceland and in plan- \th e late Hl""h Cooper Jr., : Pan-Am BIdg.-200 Park Ave. \\m% the i-ad ar contra-1 for the airCuddie E. Davidson Sr. arid L.*.v/- •>: 212-611-3111 cover of the Nomandy invasion. rence P. McCor^nack. Jn tile Berlin Con-tin-gency cJ' 1061 Following the 10:45 worship hour ^,-;i.j;;!;^; ^:^^^!fW:!^::=^

.-&•-•-*:.:. :s :• -•--.- • his 2000 rtservUts in the 152nd tac- Sunday Dr. F. E. OhrUtfan, senior •y.


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< •TIIK WE8TFIKLI* (NT.) LEADER, THUKNIMY, AI'RII, I!!, l!l(ii» .t New Fashion To INulionuI Group IIrl|»K i Boutique Opening Ohirk\s I«. Ilniriu^ton of tin? I«*iiM A SdiiMi I'lniiiificlil man, win we c(l(M'jil Hnvin^s rind lx*an As-VDub- car was t'ljuippiNi with both fi'lf- iMario SvviR could Slave (ion »!' WL^lfield \vi\s \wvn appointed phoiu' and 11 iv oKlinmiisluM-, put worked willi iNonnnm 'Jhu'lnoll, di;- to tiiL* ifKiil l>naii("Ii operations coni- iiolli ilcin.s to foiKl use tvjitui**l;iy NitiiitT for tliL! Qucun of Enjjlund. mlW«L* '>!' Ui, of 30t well as various Now York compan- the exchange of ideas and operating ScuLh Euclid Ave., and William A. ies. iMiss Swifit, a native of iBelfast, experience on branch office opera- KmsliL', 20, of 12SM KnoUwood Rd., •Nort;h Lreland, has just relumed tions. from a buying trip to London, Mounrt'ainsldo, liavo been suspended for three months under the slate's Widely traveled throughout Eur- natcd by the Downboat Hocord ope and much of the United States, point system, according to Miss Store, to the winners of tin; door .June Strelecki, diredor of the Now (Miss Swift was educated in 'London prizes. at Cardinal Manning Girls School Jersey Division of Motor Vehicles. and received further training in dressmaking at Regent St. Polytech- BAND CONTEST WINNERS — PliH Mngnntti, chairman, presents Rick Fisher,, manager of (he Eldikcs, nic. While her (family still lives in with the winner's check. Second row—Aaron BnrnuU, Kirk Smith and Bruce Braxton. Third row—Frank What's The Story On These London, iiwo at her three sisters, Cauturruci, Christ Smith, Jim Caulerruci, Jerry Mann and Bill Fracscl. also trained in the dressmaking 1 MUTUAL FUNDS? field, are joining her in the West- The Eldikes will compete in the field store. Eldikes Win Band Concert state contest on June 7 at the Tren- CAU OR WRITE FOR FREE BOOKLET & PROSPECTUSES Upon icoming to America five ton State Fair Grounds. MARTINO L. MANNINO LOOKING OVER 45TII ANNIVERSARY 'PROGRAM at Lions Club cel- years ago, IMiss Swift worked for A large turnout climaxed the sec- The Critical Mass and the second M Friday's corniest each of the TRUST SECURITIES CORP. ebration Friday night are Bryan Campbell, president, and Mayor 'Union Carbide Corp. and recently eight bands played for approximate- James C. Mornn, honored guest. Standing behind them are Henry resigned from the (reservations de- ond annual Battle of the Bands con- runner-up spot was won by Of The UNDEllWHITRHS FOR test Friday mght ait Westf ield High Body. Other participating bands ly 20 minutes to display fchedr unique ITOB & INDEX FUND Kohrs, master of ceremonies, Dr. George Bray, who gave a history of partment of iBOAO to prepare for tones and styles.

Lose Licenses SAVINGS June Strelecki, director of the Now Jersey Division of Motor Ve- hicles, (has announced the suspen- sion under the state's point system of ^ -licenses of (David E; GWttam, 20,131-Windsor PL, tyte moiiithiV- and George O. fNapack, 44, 68 Genesee Tr,. one month. B of E Needs (Continued from Page D the -College Womens Glvto; and pub- licity, Louis 'L. iRizzi of College IMen's Club. The lapplroadon of 'the WeStfield Chamber of Commerce for reinstitu- ting momibeirship in the Joint Civic CYO TO AID CDC—On Sunday, May 4, after masses, the CYO will Committee was read and, in accor- conduct a white elephant and hi\ke sale in the Holy Trinity H.S. Gym. dance with tihe by-laws, will tbe acted Proceeds will benefit the Community Development Corp. Shown pric- upon in tthe next imeeting. ing articles for sale are Mike DeWan and Marie Kerlin. "Your trash Mrs. Warren Vliet, vice chairman may Ue someone else's treasure!" according to the CYO,, who ask of the Joitiit Civic Committee rc- residents who wish to donate items or baked goods to call Skip Bishop, viavved the responsibilities of the 760 Norgatc; Ginny Gilbert, 746 Knollwood Terr; or Camilie Guiditta, screening committee reminding each 324 Mountain Avc. memiber of Ihis responsi'biliity io sub- BY INTERNATIONA! SILVER COMPANY mlt names of prospective candi- dates for the Board of Education prior to Oct. 1. Following the close of the business meeting Mr. Luitin 4 PC. PLACE SETTING reviewed the workings of (the Joint FOR BOYS Civic .Committee for newly assigned WITH EACH DEPOSIT OF $25 OR MORE members. IN A NEW OR EXISTING SAVINGS ACCOUNT LIMIT ONE PER FAMILY

COME JOIN THE GOLDENWARE CLUB FOR Complete your set at a fraction of regular cost with each additional deposit of $25 or more.

FOR GIRLS PER ANNUM PER ANNUM ANNUM Make an appointment with Bernie or Six Month Savings Current Dividend Account Certificates One Year Passbook Minimum $3,000 Warren at AD 3-1111 and one hour Account Certificates Savings Accounts Multiples of $1,000 Multiples of $1,000 Payable Quarterly of your time will solve your entire



WESTFIELD OFFICE Broad at Prospect SCOTCH PLAINS OFFICE 233 E, Broad St. Westfield Randal's By the Plaza 361 Park Avertwe AD 3-1111 WESTFIELD FEDERAL SAVINGS OHM H&WAi Hm lit V: UK ;VKNTFIEU> I\\J.) LEADEd. THURSDAY, APRIL :M, m\>* Five to Represent Local YWCA Dolls An* OBITUARIES Elected Officers of YMCA Al Mioiinlaiiisidc Library • £ MoitnlninKide Public Library Uovw jibiiul. 7(1-1(0 ycjir.s old. It'r a lii'ief illness, lie was Hie i 1,001) YW(JA iM'|)i'e.sLMitativi s from plan i..f national u-.sucialion support, ihtdud in Hie collcclion twe a Imnd nl Mrs. Unit'lami (iiut'dnno 1 12 slules ntk'iulinK I In. -Nntin-mil and assoL'iiilica review. ccrn drill, ;i woutlcn doll, an limunli, VWOA Cone'lVencc in Hie Ktistern 'WelcoiniiiH inn parlicipanls will 1 Air. Uriuoli wnsa JiTulony resident Indian willi iinpousn, a QuukLM and Region 'Lomcrrcw. Snlurdnv and '»" Mrs, Kivd .J. I'liLiich, «f South n Mom*. Some of the- l'ncc« nre made of \V;'.Htf'!uld. Sunday in Pliilmlelphia, Penn. Yarmouth. Mass., vice president of in Cliiim. Tliiire am ciiina dolls be- IIL1 ri'tirud four years iifjo from Those going from Wewtfiolcl in- the National VWCA and chairman Uvcen two mid lliruu indies tall and MIL1 Diamond KxpaiiMon Holt Co., clude -Mm Winifred JJlbble. execu- (if the Itugion. ii niiiikilure dull of less than an Gnrwond, now General Cahle Corp., tive director, and members of Ihe chairman in Mrs. Henry H. Leader, inch. •al'lur 4.'! years' service us a stock ibnnrd of directors, Mrs. Gaylord IVnn.sylvnnia. elerk. Thu doll (collodion will he on dis- B. Barnes, (public affairs dmimian; TliT o event in llu; Eastern Region pluy thru 'May 17. Mr. Uricuoli was a charier mem- .Mrs. -Russell Brown, bulletin co- as (those in each of the other Y'WOA ber of Ihe Third Ward Political Club cluiirman; iMrs. -Marge Miller, •Iron- regions is in preparation for ll" Wo-sHield and a past president of surer; und «Mrs. Thomas Marshall, ! 25th National YWCA triennial con- unit ol" Ilie Garden which is scheduled for 1970 Stale Pigeon Club, presldonl. Police "OuL of Conflict — Design for in Houston, Tex. Ho was o communicant of Holy Trinity II.C, Church. Change" is the •theme for this con- Court Surviving also are two daughters, ference, one of four which are toeing held across the United Stales this PETER A. DUG1II DR. S. IN. EWAN JR. Mrs. Patrick .1. Ferrovccchiu of Represent YMCA .TAY F. UOCHLIN The [following dispositions were spring wHh the total YWOA coHe was a member of Husband of Mrs. Janet P. Colby, i featured in "The 'Believers," an board executive committee. Jaimcs lachian Trail in New Jersey, The historic trails award was re- The evening will include a live Daniel P. Gigantlno, Colonia, St. Paul's Episcopal Church and Mr. CoLby also had lived in Martins- off-Broadway theater success. W. Taylor was elected to another ville and Bloomfield, Mich., prior to Adding a world dimension to the i at High Point and arriving cently earned''by the Scouts for par- band with music of the 40s as well •speeding. $2B. Atlas Lodge 125, F&AM, both of term as member of the international »l the Delaware Water Gap on Sun-ticipating in a 20-mile hike on theas dinner and dancing. Faculty Westfield. His wife, Mrs. Hilda Lutz moving to Florida. conference will toe the participation 'Fideiis W. Smith, 314 Washington committee. day. "fiatona Trail" .through the Newmembers from, the "fabulous for- St., speeding, $27. Mark, died in 19G7. He worked for the Aluminum Co. of 13 of the more than 40 members In addition to those above named, The boys include Dave Boston, Jersey pine barrens from Chats- ties" -have been invited to attend. James M. Caldwell, 1915 W. Broad Surviving are a son, James of America in Garwood and Edison of the National YWCA's 1969 Inter- the Westfield delegation included Chris Comegys, Jay Boy'an, Mark to Batisto. Further information and reser- St., ScO'Jcsh Plains, speeding, $34 and Clark Jr. of Westfield; u daughter, for 30 years, serving as personnel national Training Institute, empha- Richard W. Bryers, chairman of the Miller, Glen Griffon, Dieter Stru- Troop 72 is sponsored by the Men's vations may be obtained from Pete revocation of license for GO days. Mrs. Donald Rindello of Westfield; manager for 24 years prior to retir- sis on the arts. Cranford extension committee; Wil- zyna, Rick Zultner, Glenn Grambn, cr 'Nancy Sterling, 128 North Chest- •Kenneth Hunter, Basking Ridge, three sisters, Mrs. A. I. Walker of ing four years ago. 'Before the conference itself be- Triangle Bible Class of the West- liam K. Hawkins, assistant execu- Bob Jenks and Bill Greisser, Adult field Presbyterian Church, nut St. parking in loading zone, $10. ftoselle Park, Mrs. Lois Cadmus of He also was & member of the ftlar- gins, there will 'be special events tive director; Peter Schch'eld, Greg Branchville and Mrs. L. C. Walker tinsville United Methodist Church. for young adults, a 'workshop on Eldridge, Paul Elmendonf, Richard oF tjast Orange and three yrand- Surviving' also are a daughter, Shjae,. Joseph Krakora, Kerry- Keane 4 Vp SHOP ehilaron. Mrs. Richard B. Walsh of Bloom- LEGAL NOTICES att&fcChris' Davitfl, . / ^ In lieu of flowers, donations may field Hills, Mich.; a sister, 'Mrs. I. The council meeting gave major. be made to the memorial fund of B. Jchnstone cf Pompano Beach, SIIKIIIKK'S SALK — Superior Court attention to four action areas where! the church. Fla., and three grandchildren. ol' New JiTKey, Chnnevry Division, I'nifin Count;.', Docket # F-lfi^r.-OK, YMCA's can or could be effectively TNiON COUNTY HAVlNtJS HANK, n involved—the unban setting, the sub- hankitiK' corporation of the .Stnte nf NVw Jcrnuy, Plaintiff, VH. CIII2H- urban setting, family problems and THH F. KLVdHIHJKY tind HTIIJili U social issues. Presiding over the Y, lil« wife, IXlVmlants, Civil Action Writ oC Kxeuullon — council meeting was Bruce N. Ben- J The Bells Are Ringing For Sale of MurlfzaEQiX ] rt'miHe«. sily, president, from Morrisfccwn. He fty virtue uf tlie ahrivii-statntl writ r>T execution t min- monument. Its purchase warrants thought and guidance. utes Went 15U feet to a point; thence Stanley C. Anderson of 225 Golf (2) North 37 degrees 2 a minutes Edge has been named assistant See what you buy. Visit the monument dealer who has a Ra«t 100 foot tr> a point; tlionce (3) South 52 decrees 35 mlnuten Kant -treasurer and general controller of complete display, and who can design .a and parallel with the flr«t course Johnson & Johnson, it was anniounc- 150 fc?, in 1952 ami was appointed assistant t fifi? and ri'f'tjrrlrd Nriveinljijr 17, controller in 1956. MONUMENTS - MARKERS ISHI7 In I»Ofrnx]matPly he'ld important financial positions $2OrriR1.4fi with interest from ^Tareh wit'h Johnson & .Johnson InLermation- trousers. 1, m«l» and eoHtH. The Sheriff res<*rvps the rltfht to al. He was named assistant treasur- adjourn tliis snlf, er in October, 1959, vice president UAI.PH OH sn er IT and treasurer in January of 1961 and DEDICATED DIGNIFIED SERVICE w IJ.LT A'\[ IE. UOLZAl'TKU, Atty. vice presi'derit-finiance in January, Dt 1 & VV|j C\ -iirt-fl'l Plaids • Solids • Dungarees 4- 24-4t Foes ?i•>7.fiO 1967. 1 \ •ox corvi'v «( KIVI1 NO. accountant and a member of the In ilif imitter "f Ihi- iipppltffi nf JAMR K HOUDK.V Sf'fiTT, Inctlvld- American Institute of Certified Pub- Boys' sizes 8 to 14 Uii 11 v itn i] as mi rum I KUII rrii firi ttt lic Accountants. He is a member of IVVTH [''1A ANN HCOTT ;unl DAVID KI •^ Sf'OTT. Infiints, and J'A- the board of trustees and treasurer TI tiff A .IANK Kf'OTT. hln wife. Tor of Middlesex General Hospital and Regular & Slims 1 (_.IVI; ' [ 1> iissume tlie names tit JAMMS SfY>TT lIl'Tr-KM, PATKtriA a member of the board cf trustees ANN HtTliKir, HA Vril FRANVMH TI.KIt Hjid I'ATKIfUA .TANK and treasurer of t h e Francis E. I-U'Tf-MH, rHHpertivrly Civil Art inn Parker Memorial Home. Young Men's sizes 27 to 36 James lifinlnn Srntt, 1 TUltvlri u n 11 v Mrs. Anderson i.s the former Vir- l as natural ^"ii for i vi- ginia C. Ileeb of B-Ioomfiold. The Ann Scut uiif drtvlrt Kr;i iwls Scot X, IrifiinTs, rt ru 1'at.phMji J:me Andersoms are the parents of a mar- his wMo, havtnp; this ISth rl:iy ried daughter, Mrs. Susan A. John- A fir i I l in*!*, rniuio 3 fat ion t n from $4.00 fl***! cum- son of Colchester, Conn., and a san, Ir*int for :\ jiHl^m Wayne. Scott \\u\ l*-p, f':i icia. Ann JSnt I >a vid l('r;H)f*i tler :i fwl \*;t t n inn*- l!u l hir, 'M-t i y] y, HIHI it -\ inu1 \c I In* t #mi n Hi in t Ex (unlive X 'hni|ili«'f| u i j h all I h^ pro '.[" tin- NYw At-vwy St*i t n Joins Carihhcan Airline J A :r,H-1 t>\ ^»-f|-p ami Itfvi.m-il liu in;r Th'Tfi o, aii'l rh*1 * 'ourt William VV. Kazan of Westliald NEXT TO STORE nt; saMufiw) tiiat there ;i r*.w no r Hiris tr has been warned assistant general r* ri this 1 Sth *l;*y <'f April manager of British West Indian '^'l t hn t Jarn^H ISorfl^n PAftM/VG IN OUR OWN LOT I, I'Hlriria Ann Sr-ott, ])n v i <1 Airways, it was announced here to- NHM Sm 11 ;t Mil F*al ririfi ,Taru- t t hi* ;nul t h*-y hrrrhy ar<'- nuda- y by William J. Mftthell, manag- tr> n^^uriK- I lit* n;inu H ol"ing director of t.he airline. i^it Jlut U-r, Patrir*in Ann 11»M', [ JJ vhl P'raiifis (-Sutler anrl Mr Hogan, who lives at 722 Carle- 1 Jinn \\u 1 1*M ivr-lyt ton Rd. with his wife, Betty, and two find :i fu-r \\\\y Hi, 1 f NERAL DIRECTORS \t of their five children, mwes to m' This j BWTA affer having served a.s vice- jJt.1 1* (illi'i* ill l 138 CENTRAL AVE., OPP. POST OFFICE .vi \ )\ i n iw pre^idont-lrt'asurcr of New York IT*-11 ' nt ry nf i hr-y J n ml afl"win vi i ilf p:th- Airway.s since H)">2. His 20 years of fr r u\ rt *• n t- M » m'Mir with rh^ rnif*n experience in financial management TEL. 232-2700 - 01 m'1 ri r f^rtin*'r! /iopy BROAD SPRINGFIELD t with th^ followed his graduation turn liaudo u;i nf to f h#- from St. Bor.iaver/Lure University. OPEN MON. & FRI. EVENINGS UNTIL 9 Photis 4692 Me served vt/ilh the1 tfn-ifed States Atmjf dating Wof'id War it and fe rr\ t(\'<\}rit\ Of ttiFtftt ftf\4 coiotiei fr,t PhtHtftffft 5 WESTFIELP (N.J.) LEADER, TJnmfilMV, APRIL M, \%9 n Shirt* Wvd. ul ihr Strain!, Plain field iv to Appntr ;i nics I In* opportunity to coin- Cured of Cancer, Miss lute with others in Mm ;ire;i, ;iml ;i On TV WViliicsdnv rliiinrc to losl Ihcip .skills at the National 'Priml^e Shooting (Iwunpion- Addresses Residents at Dinner Alan M Au^usline, prcsidrnt of Hhip at Indianapolis in Jiinr. There LSlim* 'Mi.lors Inc. erf Wr.-tficltl, • they will «!i>iiipelL* lor a totnl itf iMiss Virginia "(iirl Tiilk" (Jrahnm, ;w.'\ insiiii Ticanl aiiKJiini In relation has IH!UII slati'H ID ;i|)|iear (tn Ihe$125,000 wnrlh of .selioliir.shjp.s, priz- Iflliil Nniluiuil Cancer l.'iusnrlc clwiir- to Hi" nalional \n\d.J,vl niul the evils .Jon Kranklin Show, over WOK \ii\-os, d'ophie.s, Uiol.s. piiu tit [• engines, man, 'was Ihu kcyiititc Kix^iker ;il ciMi-jrtl l»v I lie dreaded disease. dii;-, 7H) on I lie dial. Mi'. Augustine, transmissions, and autmnntive shop llu; nnnual K-i'Mc ULUWUV Sot'July bun- The dinner was attended by u who is I'i'esitleril ol the Ntw Vtirk (-•(|uipnient I'oi- ilu-ir schnnls. qut-'L in Noilli HniMswick wtiek. Region Clu-ysJur/Plynioulii Adver- dtrzen volunleers from •Weslfield, Mr, AuguMliie is a nuMiiher of ilie tising As.sociiitiou, will he heard on 'Miss Graluun •luM-.sclf is i\ cured Tliey intlutli'd Mr. and Mcs. Patrick KoUiry Club a[ WeMfield, Secrdiiry Wednesday evening at 9; 15 p.m. He Lorminnl cancel* vicliin vrus nnci! ia- 1). Minogue, municipal chairman, el llii' Lliiinn County Automobile will iie featured in connection with .''fjnmerl liluiL .'vlit1 h;ul no mow Ilinn •Mr. and Mrs, Rugur I), Love, Mr. Dealers Asscciatinn ar.J a member 1\\G annunl PlyiniwdJi Trouble Shool- Uireo mutiLlis to live. I lor iiulobio- and Mrs. Roderick Cowles, Mr. and n-f the Mor.leluir l.tuUe Nu. M-l, iiirf Contest, to he hold in Old Bridge gniphy "Tlicre Goes What's Her 'Mi'.i. Hichaid Travis, Mrs. Hazel F. and A.M. on May ;j, and in Patcr.son on May Name" is a testimonial to her life \i. Ward, Mrs. Ann M. Kane, Mrs. 10. with eani-er. Miss Graham's talk Juki A. Nelscn and 'Mrs. Edna M. Mentis revolved aroun'd tlio ideas of cum- These contests nrc .sponsored hy muni'ty service and love lor others. Tho iccal crusade for funds con- Uie -high schools and the Plymouth Joseph (J. KugW nf 1011 Muulovard I She staled Hi at there would he notinues through April. Residents are dealers of Now Jersey i'uv hoy.s whoserved as ehairnuiii of the awurd.s V1RGINIAL SKIDEL AND DAL- cancer research if it were not forurged to t;.ike and read the informa- cominil'tei! at the second annuiil LAS JOIIANN ur« (lit' jiivvniic art; studyin-g nulo inechanics. Tlie these motives showing forljh in thetive lisuflet nn cancel*, provided for luncheon ycvierday o f P i n g r lends in "Take Me Along" star- Llienie uf the cuntusl.s consists of ACADEMY AWARD Best Actor CHIT Robertson stars with Cinire towns and neighborhoods of America. each home in the envelopes being School alumni. ring Kny Miliund and Coley soverai niechanical difficulties pur- Bloom as l\w two tender lovers in "Charley." She spoke of a conversation she hadpa.ssed from dmir to door, regardless PATRFCK MINOQUE, WesUield Worth at lhi» Mcadowhmow ])in- posely placed under the hoods of last week with President Nixon in Cancer Crusade chairman, dials new I'JGOicars. All the cars arc given Ai Shore Convention IILT Tlicnlru, Cedar Grove run- of Iheir ability or willingness to which she pleaded wHh him to put ning Wednesday thrmitfh Sun- make a doiuttinn. Crusade workers with Miss Virginia Graham at identical malfunctions. A team of Drs. Murray Babbitt and Henry rn the Amoritan Canicer Society out of days until May 18. Muuiquo Van Troop 72 Scouls two t>oys .to a car race against tlie Turner of VVe.stfield :iro attending business by makinig the funds avail- may leave completed envelopes at: state Cancer Society meeting Vooren in Irina La Douce" op- Name Mrs. White 'dock to put these car.s hack in the 20th annual convention of Ihe able for cancer cure research, funds Bairi'eM & Grain, 43 film St.; or at ens Wednesday, May 21. Plant Trees last week. perfect running condition. The con-American Podiatry Association this •which would represent a fractional iMr. Mino.Ljue's home, 535 First St. tests are designed lo give young Boy Scouts from Troop 72 of West- weekend in Atlantic City. field planted 300 seedling trees in Research Member the area of "The Deserted Village" Named lo CPA Group at WatchunK Reservation on Satur- Mrs. Irene H. White, daughter of Edwin G. Reschly, CPA of 2352day. Mr. and Mrs. IS. K Miller of 10l(i CJianriinig Ave., bus 'been elected a Columbus Ave,; has been'appointed Tills conservation project was car- • ^H'Vq] researnh associate in tihe imember of the American Institute ried out as a service to the Un'ion of Certified Public Accountants. Department of • Cliniical PWantiacol- "* ^ County Ouldoor Education Center &£y oi McNeil Laboratories, Inc. '**. Mr. Reschly is associated with under tlie supervision of Arthur Ry- Prior to jcyinirug the ph'arjnaceuti- the Now York City office of thean, director, and Oscar Nor toff, staff in&Lructor. cal manufacturing firm, Mrs. White accounting firm of Peat, Warwick, was employed by tiie Sloan-Ketter- Mitchell & Co. Tile seedMngs, which consisted of Ing Institute for Oancer Research/ white and Austrian pine^ and Nor-and most recently as a research as- way spruce, were donated to Ihesistant at the research inHlitute and •:v. •'*. TOMORROW Outdoor Education Center by the radiopiaarmaceutlcal -division of DANCE (FRI. NITE) New Jersey Department of Conser- Union Carbide Corporation. •••.:• vation and Economic Development. Mrs. White received her B.A. de- •p.--. *:•:-; -\r HIGHTSTOWN The SecuLs who participated in the.gree from Elmina College, ELmira, COUNTRY CLUB project included Scott Cromarty, N.Y., and attended the University Tom Amslor, Craig Brumbaugh, of New Hampshire Graduate School Waft Manor's Band - Adm. Doug Kerr, Rich Zultner, Jay Boy-and the University of Southern Oal- lan and Chris SnoWber. The b'oys iFonnda. She is a member o"f the $1.55. Walt Mellor-Sat. Nite were assisted by Scout leaders Fred American Institute of Biological Sci- —Joe Mucha. Every Wed. for Amsler and Dr. Joseph Boylan. ences, the American Society for folks 25 & over, $1.35. Al- Troop 72 is sponsored by the Men's Microbiology, the Tissue Culture As- Triangle Bible Class of the WesWield sociation, and the Reticuloendothe- ways fun alone or couples. •* > Presbyterian Church. Lra'l Society. A native o! Westfiel-d, Mrs. Wlliite resides in Ambler, Pa. Garden State Arts Center at Telegraph Hill Park on the Garden State Parkway • Exit 116 232 WALTER READE THEATRES EAST BROAD STREET WlibTFIELD.N.J •>-. HELD OVER! 2nd GALA SEASON 1969 Academy Award Winner « — y, T, »t<>: 196H CUiSlCAL SUBSCRIPTION SERIES 6 EVENTS ACTOR, CUFF ROBERTSON Ntiliii'diiy — 5:45, H, 10 Season Opening June 12 SERIES 1 Nil nil in — ^[15. liltO. U;ir. (THURS.) JUNE 12 at 8:30 ACADEMY AWARD THE PHILADELPHIA ORCHESTRA, EUGENE ORMANOV, WINNER Diractor with THIKOMEBOS, Spain's First Family of Guitar. WAGHER- Overture to "Die Melslerslnger"'. DELLO JOlO-HonwRe to Haydn. BEST ACTOR ROORIGO-Concierto flndalui THE ROMEROS. BRAHMS-SympHonyN».3 "CLIFF ROBERTSON" In D Major. Op, 73. (MON.) JUNE 23 at 8:30 THE WASHINGTON NATIONAL SYMPHONY, MORTON GOULD, Conductor. DOROTHY KIRSTEH, Soprano. [PMIUMM TO BE ANNOUNCED) '•K (THURS.) JUNE 26 at 8:30 v;^H^f^ '^mw ';•;*;•>:•;• NEW YORK PHILHARMONIC, SHNISUW SKftOWACZEWSKr, Conducting VAN CLIBURN, Pianist. fl£RLIOZ-Overture to "Le Corsaire". wm A love story 1 LIS2T -Piano Concerto tio. 2 VftN CLIBUHN. TCHAIKOVSKY-Symphony Ho. 5. that begins with 1 (TVES.) JULY 29 *t B;3Q m- , ""-TONI UNDER and BRUCE MARKS. an incredible ;.»:•:•:•: (WED.) AUG. 13 at 8:30 experiment! •:<••*•: v=a NEW YORK PHILHARMONIC, KAREL ANCERL, coniucim^ If ROM JANIS, Pianist, DVORAK-Carnival Overture, BEeTHOVENr-Piana Concerto Ho, 3 IYHON JANIS, FRANCK-Symphony in P Minor. (Fmt.) AUG. 15 *t 9&O L-I-JO I" • MmnM_uwmMMMMMMW-*.mMtR&T^—-.,, NEW JERSEY SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA, HENRY LEWIS, Music Director. BERL SENOFSKY, Violinist AIL SIBUIUS PROGRAM: Finrandia; Concerto in 0 Minor for Violin and orchestra MHL SENOfSKY. symphony The Garden State Arts Center features a completely modern, exceptionally beautiful amphi- No. 2 in 0 Major- theater that embodies every recent development in showcase design. For its second year, we SERIES 2 A love story ... -. ^-'- :• -• ..... have assembled a series of programs that offer the finest entertainment talent in the world: (SAT.) JUNE 14 at 9:00 —the most accomplished classical performers; the most sought after popular stars. We hope THE PHILADELPHIA ORCHESTRA, EUGENE ORMANDYt Music*! Director, witft THE ROMEROS, Spain's first Family or Guitar WAGNER- that begins with to have your patronage, and urge you to use the coupon below to secure subscription tickets. Cvertureto "Die Miedersinger", DELLO JOIO^Homage to Haydn. RODRfGO-Concierto Andaluz THC ROMEROS. BRAHMS-Symphony No, 2 an incredible ••!*£/ h 0 Major. Op, 73. m r - i • • h I • - • F I ^ ^ H ' ' 1969 SUMMER SEASON SUBSCRIPTION PRICE AND SEATING GUIDE (SAt) JUNE SI Mi 9:00 experiment! NEW YORK PHILHARMONIC, AARON COPLAND, Conducting BENNY GOODMAN, Clarinetist. DCRNSTHN Caidide Overture. IVES— __i___- ' Decoration Day. SHOSTAKOVICH-Symphcny No, 9. CQPLAND-Clarinet Concerto BEWilY tQODMAM, Billy tie Kid Suite, SELMUR PICTURES in coUitoiiUM with ROBERTSON ASSOCIATES prnenlt (TUCSJ JUNE 24 at 8:30 CUFF ROBERfTSOM-CWaiV- CLAIRE BLOOM THE WASHINGTON NATIONAL SYMPHONY, MORTON GOULD, Conductor. OOROIHY KIRSIEN, Soprano. (PROGRAM TO BE AHHOUHCIP) SELMUR PICTURES in collaboration with PAR AMU Thursday, Friday 1:00, 7:20, 9:30 ROBERTSON ASSOCIATESprestnls RSON (FRI.) JUNE 27 Jt 9.00 NEW YORK PHILHARMONIC, STANISLAWSKBOWAMEWSKI, Mcnday, Tuesday 7:20, 9:30 Conductinr VAN CLIBURN, pianist, BERLIOZ- Overture to "LeCorsalre". CUFF ROBERTSON X-KA5IIV LISZT-Piano Concerto No, 2 VAN CLIBURM. TCHAJKOVSKY-Symphony No. 5, Saturday, Sunday 1:00, 3:05, 5:15, 7:25, 9:40 CLAIRE BLOOM (WED.) AMERICAN BALLET THEATRE, aoPPELIA —ERfK BRUHH >n« TECHNICOLOR' TECHKI3C0PE* NEXT ATTRACTION GARLA FRACCIr Guest Artists, Walt Disney's MOM 3 CINCH AM A RIIEASINQ (TUES.) AUG. 12 JktBiZQ 1 NEW JERSEY SYMPHONY, HENRY LEWIS Music Director, BERL "SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON' SENOfSKY, violinist, ALL SIBELIUS PROGRAM: FiniandiJi: concerto in D Minor for Violin and Ofcheslra BEfiL SEHOFSKY- Symphony "THE WOODBRIDGE" No. 2 in D Major. •SERIES 3* BOX OFFICE OPENS 6:3O KOI Tli: 1 A HT. (iKOlKJF, AVE, CRANFORD E t EC T Kit IN (AH MEATS KS lit Korvettf't* •J'topptnir Center A110 DEPOSIT FOR EACH SUBSCRIPTION RESERVES YOUR SEATI (THURS.) JUNE19 *t8:30 ii J.T3 i BALANCE PAYABLE BY JUNE 1. NEW YORK PHILHARMONIC, AARON COPLAND, coni,^^, CRANFORD 276-912Q Fcitimf » Horfh Ave. Omar Sharif BENNY GOODMAN, Clarinetist BERNSTEIN Candide Overture, IVES- MM rVtMHC: V¥t r$i Decorat^on Day. SHOSTAKOVICH Symphony No, 9. CGPELANO -Clarmel in "MAYERUNG" CLASSICAL SERIES SUBSCRIPTION ~ 6 EVENTS Concerto BENNY GOODMAN, Billy Hie Kid Suite. CLASSICAL SUBSCRIPTIONS AVAILABLE AS MNtES NO. 1; NO. 3; MO. 3 —IIBIJ) OVKH Ziifl BIG WKI3K— (WED) JUNE 25 at 3 30 ACADEMY AWAItlJ W1NSBH SINGLE EVENT • EVENT THE WASHINGTON NATIONAL SYMPHONY, MORTON GOULD, MBOYS BEAT LOCATIONS pmcf SUBSCRIPTION PRICE YOU SAVE 1IKST ACTOII DRIVE4N -7WS Section A (A thru Z) $7.00 538.00 S4.00 Conductor. DOROTHY KIRSTEN, Soprano (PROGRAM TO BE ANNOUNCED) CIJFK HOIIKIITHON SHHVIlU HE. 9 Section B (AA thru 00) $575 $31.00 53.50 IS AT,) JUNE 23 at 9:00 PA 1-3400 Sylvester C. Smith, Jr. i# Chairman Section C (AX thru RX) $4.50 $24.00 $3.00 NEW YORK PHILHARMONIC, STANISLAW SKHOWACZEWSKI, " C H A R L Y 11 €>BM Conduct^ VAN CLIBURN. rurmt BFRLIOZ O^rture to "LeCoraa'fe . John B. Townsend LISZT Piano Concerto Nr.. 2 VAN CLIBURN, TCHAIKOVSKV -Symphony No. 5 —PKATI'UK PHHSKJVTATIOJV Stfbath Vice Chairman POPULAR SERIES SUBSCRIPTION ~ 7 EVENTS (MON.) JULY 28 at 8:30 Dorothy Richard R- 0 Connor Monday thru Saturday Evenings. Popular Subscription avtllable In: Mort. 1 Secretary-Treasurer Series; Tues. Series; Wad. Serias; Thurs. Serlei; Fri. Seriei; Sal. Series AMERICAN BALLET THEATER, "' —ERIK BRUHM and *2 ;OOf WE iMERDOftfc CARLA fRACCi, G*-A M-MS _^_ SINGLE EVENT 7 EVENT . HIH! & Melvin J. Koftn SEAT LOCATIONS PRICE SUBSCRIPTION PRICE YOU SAVE fMON ) AUG. II ar S1O Acting Executive Director , UilJu ruftil* 7vl% nnrl **i" D7EJ5 Section A (A thru 2) $7.00 $44.00 NEW JERSEY SYMPHONY, HENRY LEWIS, M^K oif^ior, BERL #1 DRIVE-IN PA IS - coioa $5.00 Michael Section B (AA thru OO) SENOFSXY, Vioiintst ALL SlbdJfJS PROGRAM- FinUMd*d. C.puerto m STAHTIiU; WK11XMHIMY 2 ml. SOUTH JCT $5.75 $38.00 $4.25 ANI Section C (AX thru RX) 34,50 $28.00 $3.50 D Mmar \nt Violin ana Orctit^tr J BERL S£NOFS«r, Symphun/ m 351 K tit) JnD i^jjur ______JHK2LET "SUPPORT YOUR NO'E: AT THE PRESENT TIME TICKETS AVAILABLE ON A SUBSCRIPTION BASIS ONLY {THURS.) AUG. I* at 8:30 264-22OO1, Gai den State Arts Con in SINGLE PERFCRWANCE TICKETS WILL BE AVAILABLE AT A LATER OATE NEW YORK PHILHARMONIC, KAREL ANCERL cor TELEPHONE fR*.8;30-M-$&y$7.5O &o* - m s*t #/ friftt,, send cftecfo pt/abie Mitt WttatN, irtcfoie ietf PAPER MILL SEffiES to1. rtrerff taos tv 1'r* fatiiS Itoitetj WMSJ and 41 n THE WESTFIELD (N.J.) LEADER, THURSDAY, APRIL 24, 1069 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE

NANCY F. REYNOLDS PEARSALL EDWIN O EDWARDS BARRETT & CRAIN M. A. MERCNER C. B. SMITH, JR DANKER & DANKER, ATWOOD REALTY WILLIAM A. CLARK HICALTOlt Realtors Inc. nMAi/ron — iNNuiiin IM^AI/l'OIl— IJVNilHANGID Realtor U2H 1JSNOX AVI'I,, WiaSTFlT'lJ) 436 South Ave. West ASSOCIATES 112 Elm St. AND "TWO CUIAJNIAI* OVV AD 2-2500 Mulllnle Mntlnic Hy*trm »orn of Miilllplc Lin 111 < iiilinl Arc. MI3MI1ICHH REALTORS AD 3-5555 WosUreld Mountainside Mini-house ii-r ftiullliili' IrlNUiiff Hyut+m Nutnrj' 1'iilillc AD 2-1800 AD 3-1800 149 ELMER STREET **A ren iii*fir«*N**n*Jin SEE OUR UNIQUE »I«XE*.H!TI VI3 IH RENTAL I*H 11V 110IVS IN TIC IIN A T UlNAL (... and dozens In between) NEED NOT CALL! FIRST LISTING $26;700 Multiple HOMIfi FI IMMEDIATELY AVAILABLE WINDOW DISPLAY A vi» ry 11 vii hi i* nioilPHt.Iy pritini FOUR BEDROOM CAPE Wcatfleld Scotch liciniUj clnH^ lnt walk Lu all :; lircli'Mom, I % ImLh, I'LTT hill A MATTER OF Famwood Mountain aid* HrhuolK. dr/,y living riK)in, dln- TREES I TREES I A nimlerii Cti\w with front Hur- niuni, nil freshly rrdocn OF HOMES FOR SALE 1 M. A. MERCNER IIIK ntunt, lctU'licn with liruak- mer mi mvrMiil Hour. J^jtmily lui'K'*1 l"t, rifiir s»'hiMil nnil I'HBt bur. Kocnnrl Iluur han tliret1 hir^o woudcil lot In HISSL1 'V^Lt-in" klUht'M with tlln- SEMANTICS . . 11 otto urtln iKUH'llod, J<1( JUU iM'd- PROJECTED IN COLOR ru:\i roil — hcUrunniH (onu IK JL nurncry > n o IL r b y "Purkwood KHtat^H i iiiHl IIVIT WHNI Ih'lil line. Mi»mlit_»r multiple -Liiil hath. Uotiblt* K'nriiK'^* Well HtM*tion of SL-OU'II LMnhiHi »n rnniriH, v n v I n H e il hr*it*z« wnyr nptMi front pnruh. \linMi»fn fnut Words do not iilwuyfl moun the U Cnurt, cururl for, In move-In condition. which IH II HtrrumiHiouH 10 your 1 4iId, 4 hiulronm, 2% hath "Lovol" ilnruiur UHIMVH fur two IHIKI UJJ- Hiinu thliiK tii all rcudurH - - . typt1 liniiH*? with \\2' family rninn HtnlrK brilrouniH, I IJHUMI! Ls H t rt r h, iiiiiK'iittliieH, nml nientt Rnra^c. Many uneful ex- with larsc living room with nest ownf*i\ Nn1laii r on m . - -\-" have .seen. 2 baths, powder on 1st floor. Two bedroom** [one A STONE'S THROW There* Jirr live liflt'ruoniM nml room, Tn addition to the big $34,900. On a plot over 200' deep and panelled) and half bath on 2nd $23,900. living room and family dining nearly 100' wide, on a winding floor. On a 75x135 lot. Priced at Ilirae tlletl ImthN "" tilt" room, there is a bright music $37,900! MEMIIKRB ONE FLOOR LIVING rtfiimd floor . . • On the | chrerfu! "jilnk street, Living: room, dining TO Ihiril arc three Jiiorc Iieil- room and a private panelled room, modern kitchen with Weatfleld Multiple don. BiiHiiinent recreation room. drill from the dishwasher, table apace; Family Notary ii mom older hnriRulovv, includes rooniN mid hath . * . Two Ir^nt llnil>rs of thlH J 2 bodroonis, living room, dinlnK |M>u p . JmincMlhituly LLViiHtible. Tnstefully docoratnd house, H 4 junior country gentleman! $36t- DANKER & DANKER conveniently located you can .... A *ttr*it-tlme" Interior ItieluilvK m iiri-a In thin ntnnlily built ?5 $23,900—COTTAOK—Compact, neat, well kept. Five rooniN, bath, mal diniiiK room, kitchen with rI^vo ear tfttriijfis «f c (11)41) Oolonlnlp The tradi- g-laHHed anrl ae. porch. No expiumion but deep, deep lot for theo a t i n fr upaee and jalouHied JICUOHB SHACK AM AXON DRIVE « . . We Hii^KeMt nn early tional interior Include* four older couple wh1 o want easy to ltoute 22 nnd like to spend linrch. Very largo }>a8ement rec- cull. Ntaetihle iKMlrooniH—'2 hnthn Anything time K'arrtenlng reation room. 2-car ffiiraffc. w . . eoinfortaMe livlnfr room Property 140 x 200, Top Wuat- Meticulously maintained two- FDWIN O. EDWARDS with flrn>hit: laundry r t>o m , bedrooms (or dining room); well sized quite modern kitchen, Panelled den on the 1st floor, 112 Elm St. Ni'reened iMirL-h. Hlniv tlitH lour room second floor apartment with another ruinu on th« 4 twin size hertronms, 2V6 imthH. PRISTINE RANCH IH newly llMteil imtl hoinm Realtor third floor if neetlL-ch Quiet street yet near .station, stores, HL-IIUOIH. At II CONDITIONED! Prime *if IIIIM t~>pr »re riir<* In Westileld locution. ?fifl>300. AD 3-5555 Mi>untfiliiHlde we hope you'll You WILLIAM A. CLARK v 111 Central Ave. IN LOVELY nt>t delay! —SPLIT TJEVKTJOU winding Fjmwnnd stroot. St*von rnnms; Heultur Wntfleld 1% batliH; full barivment placed on u knullPd int. immaculately with natural woodwork for easy maintenance; aluminum PARKWOOD Biding- and brtak, 430 Smith A\ett Wc«tflel4 U.J 232-9300 Dorh M. AD 2-2500 $56,900 Winifred H. Ed wards. .232-0470 Mnliliile Ll«ilnc System S44ljlOO~ColnnIa] junt dnwn the* ruad from Tiutuuiuca School and 111 Oviitrnl Ave. Park, About % IKTO lot with aoO' dt'iith. A yood looking homo Ample pnrklna? la rea* STONELEIGH PARK with JalouHlod ])oicli; two car uurftge, and HO cunvt riiont to nil riii' Imcre lot on ivliluh flifa DELUXE RANCH" Brtningnt R Hide .scliool«. Aren nei>renentat1ve tow line hoiiu* IH MltiifitfMl |H re- Trim a -America liefcrral B h Barbara Murray S33-BOBT Truly spacious . , . center plete with |il( tiirc Mi|iie ivliite tlnlr* Barker 283-4M1 floor plan, 12 rooms, 3^> baths. Ipirt'lifM . . • It IIIIM til rep $65,000. J40.5OO—CAPE COD phiceil r>n Hlifthtly graded 1^5x200 lot nln 5 fireplaces, 3 oar garage, A bedroom** tun IPJIHIM (JIIIIM O. B. SMITH, JR 233-3403 away from the houwe. Sidn porch; patio ncvonn the roar. Phones IMMnlcr room > i « . It hiiH Ml'RKAY'llILL — Custom built TIIIN rfiinlilliiK rnneh with All greenhouse for your prize It* attractive Colonial over- eight rooms extremely spacious; four hedrnoms; two full b melias! A wonderful home a |M*t»t1y pmiHIetl (lieimied home, 4 bedrouniH, 2 Vj balhs, A lumo of superior coiiBtructton. Fanwood. Chnrlow \yt IlokoJiiiy. ,AD 2-1J t'HIiiift) family room with larffc living room with cathe- touen ninken a pretty plc- tlnek \V. Carpenter . . .An 2 #741 gracious entertaining* - - . the (ure lmJe«-d — framed Uy center hall it* 20x12 - - . the innntelt'il HrijHnr^ . . • f-rn- dral ceiling: and fireplace, din- ThmitiiA J. UP nicer t>t AD 3-1O4S living: room 31x18 . . . the din- I'louH dining room » Ing room, largo pine panelled one iwre of fnlrylaiuUUke . "JlltiH ON THE HIM-- In Se, Pl». near Mountninside, but Wllllnm A. Clnrk AD »*748fl N«*rtaeiuk4l porch , • recreiLtirm room. Porch, many MlirulpH. treeN, ilowi'PM, pntlo, ing room IS x 16! Weatfielil. Itool ifc fciirliiur, The itra- a relatively level lot of spnt'louH dlmonslonH and lovely plniit- $80,500. kftt'lift-n with liirjve extras. Close to school and train k ings, Thifi home i» an expanded ranch wltli six tirst Moor ruom»; nreii , . • Laundry oil" the station. PrinoipalH only. Upper ni|ihv\f Inr^e living room with iianelled HrepliU'e 1S3 Mount a la Ave., Wf>HtOel4 wflll. delude Zi}' kite-hen wltli RENTALS—Sometimes. - APARTMENT - hrenkfaHt area A liiillt-ln 232-6609 Inimdry, dining room wltli HUNTERDON COUNTY relaxing view of wooded * IDEA! FOR TWO! yard nml IHIOI. rotated in THE JOHNSON AGENCY, INC. WYCHWOOD J i »t!-l lnK. v h o I < e **Seoteh- INCOME PROPERTY $29,900. TEWKSBURY TOWNSHIP Yvood1' Neetloii. JSInee thlH in 26 Prospect Street 232-0300 Sparkling eletin . . . brand n NEWLY LISTED nn exrltliij? llMtln^, we hope Excellent South Side Location, rarpetlng. 4 rooms and bath. near Oldwick yuu*ll enll ! LOUISE B. JOHNSON L. DEAN .1OHN8OW, Jli, Conveniently located for stores convenient, to town and transportation. Two family, each apart- EMUnhvth A. Flynn Flnrence 8«hulti TWO BEDROOM 1 Bainnuc Bacon and station, in Weatlleld. 7 ment consists of living room, kitchen, three bedrooms and hath Audrey Denton per month. Covered Bridge Acres Call us for complete details. RANCH Member of Mnitlplf Umiinm 3 bedroom Colonial ranch, 2 nnd fireplaces, all year round porch, Nntlunwlde FINU-A-II0IHE3 Service Inc. LEADER $31,900 family room, guest oottasc FIVE BEDROOM COLONIAL $34,900. needs repair, New fclngiand Btylo horse shelter attached. Approx- "CHOICE LOCATION" North Side Franklin School Location Ferfeut a* n ttrnt home for imately 3 acrea fenced-in for WHEN BUSINESS newlyweilH, or for tlio re-> horsea, fl acrRH plus 2 streams, $85r000. Kpacicma rooms, modern kitchen, two full baths. Perfect homo tlret-M , , , Pretty Arcplnec 15 mliu to N. Y, train. ;{S2 ft. for growitiK family on a beautiful tree-lined street. In (he living roam . . « vp liome IH p CALLS YOU AWAY - Klet-trh: kUtrlien rtitli ent-» Adjacent 5 acres woortod lot, tiirp*i|ti4»]y 1 ruined liy nenr* liiKT Kpnre , • * Many e.vtrnit 4 82 ft. road frontage. Stream ly »n nrre of MliruliN4 ever- FOUR-BEDROOM DUTCH COLONIAL $32,900. CLASSIFIED included. Call promptly to front complete property It acrew iu&:reeim A niveepliiK- lawn In LEE K. WARING wee* minimum. Afikliitf ¥17,000. Call one of WcMtlietri'N mofit i\v- If you am transferred nut of 1 Nortii sldo oonvonlnnt tn Franklin anil "Roosevelt Jr. High. Tola] thiB territory, wo will be HIUII 201-^32-2042. nirtililc locations* 'I lie fiiH- (jf four burl rooms, living room with llreplacc, dining' room, dim It 10 A I. 'I1 O ft to help by miKKSHting areart fnr t»m Interior liiHudeH 4 l»ed- find modrirti kitchen, yuur unnsfdPrat ion, Wn hsi-vo rooiiiK — iV/j> hnih* (-j- Kiilte 15 K. I1HO A I) N'IHi;i;i' over 250 colleagues specialisei}£ for mil If I or tee In rewl t\*>n tial 'real estate in entrJiiK'e luill, . . more than 1,000 ultfe«, town* $15,000 oom wilh piuielJeil BETTY I. WIEGMAN and municipalities. Ho, if liuwi- wall, den with WE INVITE YOU TO USE THE SERVICES OF ncHs calls you elsewhere, do r n ii d ii in floor* A hook- Eves. R«. 233-3354 call us. THREE BEDROOM IM.A l\i-'Ii:iJ) — Beautiful HlielveM« 'IVuly a haven for OUR AGENCY . . . liwh Turtor, alate roof, l Henlor executive living A winrlows, perfect condition, COLONIAL J entortnlnliiH, Mure to tell, 2.12-BO7II btMlroumH, 3 /6 bathe. Low $4 may wet Mr. Albert II. C. Wlt^iua* , 233-3354 • To List Your Home For Sale Call 70O-4513. tinder • To Assist You in Finding the Right Home room . * - Kitchen To Purchase $34,900 walk t» town • . . Tivi^ vnr *tara«;e . Munt be wuld tu • For Custom Home Building nettle NnwJy lifted Ranch In Moun- CHOICK South Hide "\VentficM LAinglde. A dull hnuxa with 2 location, convenient to HCIIOOIH, • For hud rooms, large dining room .shopping Jin'l Parkway, 3 bod- ami eat-in kltcthcn. Tip-top con- roo1 m lSRIOJv TIANCH, panelled SUPPORT CANCER FUND ditlun. Pretty lot with trees, ret room, playroom, and laundry Ktmco and brirk count ruction room. All appliances, air con- PHONE 232-7402 make for easy maintenance. ditioners, rurpoMnft" Includerl. ITppfr $2n*s- Principals only. >ii:Mni;ii: westtioia .M mil pit Lifting service PEARSALL Call 2.1^- -ft BEST! NEED MORE ROOM? • ft AND If you are bur«tfner at thOHcamH, BARRETT & CRAIN let us HIIOW you tills novvly $55,900 FRANKENBACH IiHterl home In an attrattive net- "TWO COLONIAL OFFICES" ting ^vfth tail Kliarlc trees. F^o- Inc* WBSTFIKM)—Trsirlitional cen- rateri in the very desirable* ISoochwood Srlwiol section of ELSIE BETZ, INC., Realtor U r hnl! Colonial, Ii4' living 4S ELM STREET Flcautifully kept ranch not far room with fireplace, formal din- ATountairKsfrlf. It lian an entranre from L a w r *- n v n Avenue, in I»SS 1 ing' roam wjtli l>tiyt pan* II ml AD 2-1800 hall, loynly livinff rrjoni with bip; (Member of the Multiple Lifting Syttem) Wtstfield. :* bod room a, 2 Imth^i den, larKf kitchen witji SOJJJI- \uy\v window and lij-pplntre, full COST IS fjimily room with fireplace all ratu break f;ist room nvorlook- EVEWINGS rllnfn^ room ;md yoiril love tho KIl.\t;ST V. V. HALL, INSUROR 'in one floor. Anil its i;MitraIly infx p;i\rn the tir^t tloor, n Ii vinw room with ti llr^plac** siur) seprtrnte S NEW PltOVIDRNCE ROAD dining' room, I'pHtairn, two Ijcdrooin.s, liatli ami storage apace. luilI iw lnrltiflr*flf ulso W;U#T soTt- AD 3-1800 njrr, fra» heat. Thu lot \» hirj?ti Many extras including' aluminum comhinntion« 100 (imp H ASSOCIATES 115 Elm Street K \ fiinl HH.S jts own wooJert ;irea. ? u EVRSINGI hnm^rl iate j)o^rtOHsion, i'rice ii-nrt a HejmraW; littln hrjus*' for your Karthn tools. Do comti Realtor* \YrntVw\rt — tM-aut i I'ul ''nlrunal it soon. At $;U 5O0 it couldn't ho nkor! •split level home loratr/d h i^h Gny D. JWallorrt AD 2-7SM ( 201-232-4700 Her her* J. Irlon Art.t-14-lfl fjn f\ lovr-ly iif-iid-^ncl ^tr'K, '•!'- ferine an ideal \<>ru tp»n for 4. Ir*. Jonnfrtf Fedorocko , HOMESBARCH" Elsie Betz. „ „„ AD 3-0649 icoteh Plain* Mr>nnfnlnnlde I ftomi (Cftiiniry L Sy*tem tiit4 * tjHrtt t .• .• .• .• .• i rftis(Mr f £V Alf VAMPtitf iy. Call »3a Us itiiHiitt* 4444mmmnnm WESTFII-XD I^AISER, THURSDAY REAL ESTATE FOR SALE APARTMENTS-RENT ® HELP WANTED © LEGAL NOTICES LEGAL NOTICES • LEGAL NOTICES LEGAL NOTICES

MALE Pi m,f< i; ri' ii ruiy fii j-ufHtirtl, J't I\ n J c * "MM - J'-MJSt- Xnlir*' JM Mnibiltii^ i'j:. Kitnl Uri*sui »f ri In; t urn I Ji j ul U\ \v\\\\\\\\wx\i\\ l**n. * -all "J-1-- n n '*nliiii^ HI < nl" \\ I'IH) i *' Uir iiJi'iiHfiH i:i fiHrli { IJIH May >, I !MMJ nt 1* :iiii J'.AL HIM ''if JI| ;I;M i Mil \\ m u r uulvn l^ i\ *'*IJKV wait Ijj. vaiHn with r*-tui CHARLES G. MEliRDIERCK, JR, uiiti<*r any ul IHT iHiivini'in nf UHJ h hi ii, Vnu IN IJiiiijii f"?i*uiiI jr. KuIJ ur part time. i'lT ">l *J Ji#- T levi-1 *- J lrnt Hour: attractive living" Ctill i! n n n 1 rm room, lilfr nmtleru kitejtoii, throe :i-20-tf - Xf*w PrtivJUtinco ltd.. 1 i K" bnnliH'^n hnurn. Intelv in wrl i htw In .h*y 1 ( rantlon room, larye living and R'uuii btidrooms wnd modern tiled <;i:\I3IIAI, AAMl IIKIIIHT nn\y iriiin 'ipr.M wit I he f urFiinhftfi wIHi it iMit Town <'li-rli tif Wt^HlMfhl, dining- rcjimtf*; CXEM-HIMH Imlh, Second floor; living room, AN OJtl>t \ \ % man, on cnUclic^, iii-l IN! JI Hi JJJ t Ijr* muiinir dcHigujit*-!! mt^nt, nUauhori ga j-fif-c. Wido. ti*?w oil flr**il hut J in l 1 a ii vtmnx, with HUi)|K*r if \}*>H- mncll tniiy, )iy ur- , aiul rfqulr* *! lij' tht* -sp^i.-i- N**ar town ami in (Jut , must IH* fiiHntu-cl in H**iilf*rf un JlrHt llonr In vh*lnliy <*f of ruion * Wmnly, HIM! t:it IZOII IT niiiJAINKU by Un 1 jJL*H ln'Hri ng I in* IIEJIIH* uini ItouLe 1!!!. KiniMB-lI^itl. 3An\\ wurUw nt of r. H, Anijly l')itij« I'arU II iii tlur Town f l IH* birtdorp# :t ml ih^ cfornniiintty PlunibhiK Kupply* Knule Hi., nnity of l iiinn :is ToiU jt*i or J^MIHJ 1 Nili ic** -that Hi-ITunl 32, HprlngH^liJ, JJ1I*HHI* CJIII Mr, Sh.iw of thp material ctiv^n *! by fhf > A.At, h> 1 I*.M, TIUX i. TJJM I'udc ol' Ih. «pi*ritlr k to 1M* pi' on th« f.»ut*1*!*-!*?, :HJUj"'-H*(-fi fu Hit* :tnd l>or^(li\" I>. * >li CHARLES G. MEIERD1ERCK, JR. (tt DJi II-3M0 tK'Uvtnu y A.M. HIM! of 1 f HUi^id IH hrn>hy iini^n •Sm.'h ^liuii dir*-*t't Ih' HTHI OiMirn'f! uf th** Tuvrn nf its t ^p|iy K [«U|LiurH} have fi P.M. a-27-tf W 1 MAS for \Vontflv\il n* vising Arilfl** I fl, I division a( t Ml l to tHTVij notion ld aJiii muHt bf* fic n> p. Miiyoj unU t^iMiiir & ASSOCIATES, INC, tK» On I] IJ: R, on t (ivvtior i>r own^r.i of itH f' T*nvrj of Wt^Ui-'li! for r**)M to n:td i an f^lifju"K : iibut luttil whi*. )i notify ahull |jy n affidavit n **? Hi-fii iI I Mstrihut hjjj Ivh'fiiH** Realtors dont «f Wu«tfit-id, winiLs 2 loomn a n cupancy (Klnrfdu). Wrlto IV). Box yiot bv II^KH Jilt* l» J5O0.OO, uinl hi* r 210 I. BROAD ST. WESTMID anm wllli Un* Kiuudarri 1 1 641, WeBlllirld, for iiiH|)Oiiti«nt uf j dfllvorori ut thi* nlun on f*r iM-fin ^ i\miH on I1H* in tjM- •\viii dfi tin* wiirt ittid t ii f J. nnlli &tlvepUm*r* *-17-41 Town Himin^'i tMUitl "Town nT 11 J* • I I r jtja** hour named nhovi-. Thr stu O. AGNES.13. BARRY BLUEPRINT t liu own«*rfl. Kuril not IIM1 Mhuil bt* [jfopnuHl form und i\w ii'>ii-ro!i 1 232-8888 I fur PuvrimMit, H f!urh and f*irtmim OPERATOR Ktruvtt'd fir rru ul with Port- comply wilh Mir fiHiuir^nifnts of to the enKftHiT- Jand ri-njiMit ^uji W' nl1 nuturul Hu^h noting, #aU\ orrJh>aiKM* **iiy order of the M'jivor nnd Ooim- FOR SALE fulfsr in Hut'H and acI^s appruvpd urovl'tr that tho Town nhali cil of the Town of WpHtlteld, New Kyi's *1 I.SS 1 Jersey." by tl|f Tuwn i-ej' ami in the tii* requiri'd wurk t*; bn CIQMM and PETERSON-RINGLE AGENCY THIS iTInh snliool ^raduat^ to muniHT sind u thf* uoiMliflutiK pith! for out of moneys of joy r\ vKErcr^ArcD, 1*1 n celt or* — Iniiurera otH^rntn blueprint in ttiin ordi- Town a%^tilablo tuv that Town Cli-rk tin', i lit at t Mi:trlvH $'\ WORLD BOOK ENCYCLOPEDIA JMt«l reproduction UIHJ UIC * * II t in* vast thPrpnf as- antl John LjtTiTi'ii, 1/n f* AM 3 KsrjH'rli'Jicp *»**• y or alterations may Ki'ssod upon tlM* jM'opprty or tin- 3t t I'MSi'i Choice p£ Ijlndlnffs—budget terms. bn ^d of the same mn- NOTICE TO Kxe^llcnt bomsfitB aiul work- r al*ut t h?i;- owner or OWJU*I'H as pni- Inc., liiis ;L]j|>iii-il in I In* il TRANSFERRED EXECUTIVE For information cinll hi Un* *'xiHLint, N1U«- 1 vJiUd hy Inu . at PAIU^iiliOWN Sf tin* ^Jony **Ut**i fur'K nil URL^JI sit K4f) mil'ZD ON AN OVmiSl'/AZ LOT W/MANY BIUDia TItRBB. IN Town of WetitiieW, the Buildinp inH|MM.'ihitf - and miiinialnin^f tiny < Union, made on the 11th day of HAVE YOU a use lor these? Strong April A.D., li*G», upon tin? applica- K. So mil Ave.t \Vi'HtH**lil, X. J. Tirra DISKIRABTJS PATIKWOOD S NOTION OK SOUTH SCOTCH Cnll W. A. Warne Tiojiii] of AjJi>ealH m«y permit nuh- pEfli'witlktf itliuttiriK hlK property fojions, if iuiy, Hhdiili] IM* mnU« PLAINS. CKNTKIi HALL, FIRHT FLOOR DRN OPENING FROM paper fiber hollow tubes, 4" outside tititution nf I'tiMHtrucUon and re- tion of tlio uiKlerHl^ned, as Kxee- nor bf? oontttrtHMl as an «trix of Hie entatp of said deefrUBetl, liOy ifi u riling lu Jf*y C THR KITOHI5N AND JMNINO HOOM. 30' ORADB LRVKT-f FAM- diameter* 3" Inside diameter, come hy iho T^nii of any , Town i.'l^rk, ILY ROOM VT/HAISKD HICARTH FIRKPLAOE; FINISHKD 70", some 56" lonir. Could be used to Inspect jiqticfi !H hereby glv&n to the crudi- aa rollers, or as corns for rug rol- tors of said dficoaHf*d to exhibit to , Westfh'ld, X, J, 13A8BMUNT RUMPUS ROOM, PLUS-H13PAHATE UTILITY' ROOM, Nu Btdowalk Rliall be construct- a the miUscrllier under oath or affir^ i TWO AND ONTC-HAL-F BATHS. ALL WAtiL TO WAI.L CA tt- ling", ,or dream up your own use. e*l( tLlt**rod, rppair^d, replaced or BriI,DF\<;s OH BI'H You can have as many aa you want matiou tlwlr claims and demands dr PKTINU, CUSTOM MAD 13 DRAPES, DECORATOR FIXTURES remove*! except purHuant to a Oii K1M fgt the estato of said doeoaseO eoarpLi'iTE Tins NEWLY LISTED AIR CONDITIONED HOME. for only ?LQ0 each at the Weatfield permit issued by the Building Of- shnll be required on .Inhn I- Leador* B0 Elm St while they last. C F BRAUN ficial on application and payment 1 within six months from the date of PKRFICOT MOVR-IN CONDITION .— AFTKR SCHOOL POS- M any tot wiijjrft a builfJinE or struc- fl order, or th**y 'will be forover x/tx Chstrllti's Italian Glad to have you come look at of an ap|3lication fee of tl.00. ture is beiiij? installef] or erected teHHcu of AV<*slfield, Inc. them. 10-28-tf Such appellation shall contain alotiK Huuh portion of the lot as jarred from proHGcuting- or recov- 3 10. ^uuth AVH. the name and address of the ap- abuts the following*; i£ the same uealnrtt the sub- N, J. &GO. plicant and a plan showing the scriber. FIREPLACE WOOD location, width and construction a>—An Arlerlnl Street a s $11.SU "W«S©N-RINGL€ AGENCY Immediate Deliver? of Use fildcwalk. flnoo in Article lt Section Alice MpriP Searff, PMIMC \OTICR SCHMIEDE TREK CO. of thf Town Code. Executrix Notice in iier^by K!V*»JI that- Repairs of a minor mature? shall 1J)—A CuIhMitor Street ag dfi Call 322-StOO any tima Call 322-910© X Dug-hE* Attorney oi'fiiimmM* of irhi^h tite following 12-12-tf be exempt from tlie requirement fined in Article f, Section 25* 190 Elm Street n copy was introrltjrfri, r^atl and £ > Murray Hill, New Jersey lor the filinisr of a plan and from of Hie Town Code when an Westfield, N\ J. «H***^ i^ri tlrw rending hy tim the fe** requirement. istln^- sidewalk has ^y Mutfc C, T«te .,,...,..,..*.....,..,... .233-3689 CERAMICS—-Discount prices, Green- f-'onnoil of ttov Town of We.stfield at ware, fcilns, stains, glazes* slip, An Equal Opportunity Employer he^n installed on the same side, a mpetijifr held April 22, 1909, and Doris Dlmo ...... , .332-0S11 stilts, brushes, tools, Uisque-ware, CM/P) , within the same block and TO CREMTOBS Uiat the said (Council wIH further Call 382-1935, 2-27-tf PERSONALS uithin a distance In either dl- Estate of ELMI5R J. HICK* JR, ronskler for 1\m\l 330 PARK AVE. SCOTCH PLAINS rectian of %(13 feet, or also known as f l JACOB ft ijth day «f MRy, !J»Gy, at Member Wfrptfttl* B*«rd of Realtor. NUPI3RIN rr4KDBn' P — Maintenance J WOOD CHIPS for sale. Immediate c>—Xeithor of the above if, Rl'CP, -thirty o'clock l ,Mti In tho and eustotltal services, Westfield MRS. WAI/TEHS delivery. Schmtede Tree Expert Co., on application to the Planning: Pursuant to thp order of MARY C. uncll f?hnmbprt irtifik'Ipat Build- t PA 2-9103. 10-i-tf YiMCA, supervise t man staff, 5 d lioard for site plan or sub- KANANE, aurrogJitp of tiie County , 4 35 K. iJroad St., WsswtH^Id, New 40 hour week, hoapitallaatlon, W. Brand SI., division approval, the Board year tf OF RIDRWALK the subscriber under oath or afflr- Town Clerk Larnbertn Bltll Rd., Soot eh Plains. OK 1>KPOSIT OF COSTS 1VFTH guuraatee. lUduc^d to SS7*7I» or matlon thpfr claims and demands " " -..-._ - * $4,72 per 'month. Call warehouse pp, p VOWS AS OUI)l\A\tn TO VACATE J No rertiflrat*- of oroupancy for against the estate of naitl dfte^aped roHTiov or i,R.%Ari<: THAII, IN manager till » P.M. If toll call, call Mertiury outboard, electric tttarL within six months from the date collect 561-2000. REALTOR OFFICE Canvas and trailer. Ready for any bufldiiiR or structure Hhall be TUB TOWN OK WRBTPIRMh launching 5500. Call FU 8-5354 eve- S'rantod by the nulldiim- OflTk?lal of said order, or they Ur-111 be for- COIIVTV ORCN'ION, WPA^JS O|> INVESTMENT-WISE We have an immediate and urgent HIIII ever l>arre<2 from pr^BerMitinR or re- nings. until construction of KB*' JGKNRT. ONLY $29,900 need for a good salesman, one Inter- Kwalk, whero requircnl by the same against tlie sub- li!*: IT ORDATKBD by the Town ALTENBURG-EL1ZABETH, N. J.ested in, and capable of, eventually Section 24-2SK shall have bt*«*n scriber.. Sound 2 family home In Westfield; Nicely Itept Interior has 3 T—Penguin, No, 77UC. Ex- Betty union Rice, Council of the Tf>wn of bedroom apartment on the first iloor — 2 bedroom apartment Open Dally 'til 9, ait. 'til 6 becoming- a partner. Priority given aitrt approved by the In the County of Union as OFFICIAL cellent condition, $4SG, 477-3411. OfHuial or until cash or Executrix upstairs. Nice kitchens and baths. Call for appointment to see to a licensed man, but interested in a performance briml hi an amount Keamftn & Clark, Attorneys Scft'tlon I- That HO mueli of p for yourself. HAMMOND ORGAN anyone with the energy and deter- KAILIMIAI*. .IK'!' t4, excellent con- specified hy the Town iSu&ineer 214 Rmlih St. Trail ft-H hereinafter more particu- trivtler, tfiierrm Bails, IH>\V larly deflcrlbed be anrl Is hereby HEADQUARTERS FOR mination to be successful in as KUffirient to novpr thp W*Itr*S, REALTOR other temporary physical factors. KAKANI3, SurrosatP of the Countv i >^s > at the cast enil of a curve amid flowering treeB nnd shrubs. Charming living room, family A HaniHa—Kn*b*—Nolimer st. Any bond ahull he foiulttlotied on of Union, made on the 18th dav ofHiaving- a radius of 50 feet at the (lining room, handsome modern kitchen with adjoining lwwfler Everett — Steek — Knwal completion of the sidewalk within April, A.D., 19fi9, upon the appHea- north end and on the easterly B4fl GUITAR a period of six (f>) months and tion of the umUrslKned, as Exee- line of Lenape Trail, ftaid point also room ami launrtr*-: The 12x21 ftI»8He4- and screened "solarium" 351-2000 Prirntc LejMon« — Modern utqr of tlie BKlRte of saiil deceased, being 165.7fi feet ag measured al*me la a del [gilt ami'brings the outdoors, indoors! And the grounds any cash ahall be liclrt as a ^UJIT- AtTENBURO PIANO HOUSE £O ytnr* profeMftloMol nnd antee of peri'orraance within"wiieh notice Is - H«ret>y given to tlie t-refl- I the southerly wide line of Mun«eo are Just aa Inviting an this whole lovely -package. You really HELP WANTED - experience. Call AD 3-Z88O for pre- Itora of said deceased to exHlbtt to I Way Iti a westerly direction from w!SI have to move quickly ov this one. uno St period. If the tiitlewalX SH not liminary aptitude Interview. stalled within Huch ^ix (ft) in* *hp subRnrSber tinder .path or. affir-1 the mo»t northeauterly turner «j( mation their claims an« demands Uotll, RU HI shown on the Jiw- ]>Ot 111.H bed with wurinff nmi mat- MALE OR FEMALE poriurt the funds Nliall be used by iONOf LOW RANCH HOME thf1 Town far the completion of ae-'ifnKt the estate of italil thence, tr^ws, ?25; slivglo bi»rt" Hptthff, 115; ;" R. ||BB»HEn irr ^ ol piano, •wllliln' six months fnfti the dfite nouthefi»tprly alonmr the ensterly 1 l said wide walk, anil any unused 1 $5a,5oo ' ; and odds and endw. Call 232-1KS4, ^ TL ,/ S latestt t methodsthd . CClassical and pop- port km Hltall be rpturncil to tht» of nafd order, or th«v vrili 'IP for-1 side line of i^enap* TrnlJ mi a curv.n reproductions by Ben Oliver X Tpsinnn In vour horns ever hnrreel from prospeiitJriR: or| •'• *hv led, having- a ratlittw of r»tt Every .Inch of thin spactDua home upelU good looltB and com- ar ir ur liome depositor. f fort A sun-lit living room has a fireplace and romantic window WIIITR BMiiiPIIANT HAI#B at Coun- Woodcraft and earn $5 to $10 «*»• I « oHa- ^sorjK(i Wests icJd ^ CflU AD - rwnviTiiiff the wfime ag-afrist. tlie *^t, an arc distance of 7!'.OS f«H't neat In the bay Window; there tu a quiet enclosed (and screened) try Fnlr, Hartrld^e Hcbool, IMnhi- linur. Oar TIP- No inv^tmert,j° « " « ' ^fift '^)N* rr_ All ovfl I njincp.^ nr to a pofut; (2) Ihvnco, South I!!) porch Just off the formal dining room. There are 3 generous fleld(-Satuirilny, April 2Ht in A,M, to Call a3«-023fi of orctlnniK.'^H ineonftlHt^nt Thp National Slate liante. bettroonia and 2 tlted buths. Entire back yard is fenced. Lot 2:30 KAL AnthjufH, baby fnrnMurcs 5C1I31VTIFIO HY1WOSII — Stop with I his ordhiii nee Jire hrrcby rn- iiiH* of J^nopo Trad a !>!& 109xt»4 . . . nnd the outlook from the pm-uh nmltt-a you bll smoking:, control weight. FREE pealed to thf extent of Niuh lm_on- of KlJtabtih, N. -T. a diritanc*e of 172-512 feel to a paint; are In Uj« > • EMPLOY. WANTED BROCHURE;, 232-*JC4S, 10-3-tf T'3x erutor KKCTION IFL This side Hne of J-^jmj>e Traii# mi N'fpjjolfti, Thomwou ^ Peek, 1 lllltrii nmplo ull fake effect us pruv!i1^it by l> a curvi* ju Mir rl^iit hnvhi^ a radJuH washing, gutter* and Tf] OrHutri! St. ft.f nunipltte with u '^H, Hood WANTED of 1MX7I! iVvtt an arc dintanee ot H. CLAY FRIEDRICHS, Inc condition, Oil! bel vvoeu leaders cleaned, walla and wood- 4-17-4t 278.7fl feet to a iwint of rt*v<*r«e 1 1 P.M. 232-B370. work clenned, exterior painting , CREDITORS ourvi*; (4 > th*?iK**»f wsutherly along wanted. Stetnway or Estate of ALPHONSO D, - NOTIPR t lit? easterly nhie line of *•* Fully insured. AD 2-73S2, lD-10-tf other, grand or small size. Please Trail on a *uive in tlie If ft MWWOOD PHI(a call MArket 3-6595 1-S-tf BNGHL also known aa AX-PIIONSEJ Notice that , Inc. h(is 4 surface unltttt ileop \vollt while, 1 . MAKENGHI, pp to the Borough Council of a radium of 22R.48 fp^E, i\n are dis M> inches wld**- About 17 ymrs nkl r*ANlJSCAFIiVftfl H^Jht hauling and Pursuant to the order of MARY C. Ifto Borough of ItTountainsMlf* for tance uf 111.71 feet to a fjolnt; flean-up. Call 7G2-2232. 3-27-tf INTKRESTING collGCttons or hab- tl l AD 3-0065 FA 2-7700 but very fiervicetUUo, f5fl. Csill H«^- ^ bjes to display in Darrett & Grain, KANANE, Surrogate of the County renewal of Plenary Retail Distribu- tlu*tieet line twin the py , off Uniu£jUi , l on thhe 28th-da28hd yy of tion TJr! Jildftli /tine ,.,....-••*•* + ,••-••••**•*••* chent on client, doublo drc«^ert ni^ht , or they will he forever barre Immediately In writirier to Klrner c 1 aloni? tlie weuterly KHF B«»t'' «.**•»<•«• + *.•#* + *-•#.* tfibte. Call 232-561H. 4-24-tf WAITHESS—Full or part time days. from proseeuttnt s or recoveringi the HofTarth, Thorough Clerk of Moun- y Q lirte of, Apply Tarvls Tea Room, 54 Elm St., same against the subaej " talnsirle* X, J. T^enape Trail on a curve to the loft VAHI)-MA.\ hand lawn jnowor, MU- Westfield. 4-KMf EJward John having a radiUH of !077,7f* feet ani ior c*jiiditit>nt 5 positions. Call ar? distance of 2f>2,fi4 feet to a • •' • • " —- j— •"'" S.41 HWUIHV, want Ad t full time, 4 or Beard & McGalt, Attorneys Ppmbroolc Hoar! point; f») thence* alan^ the west- OFFICES FOR RENT days. Call 232-1072, 4-10-tf erly side line of f^enftpe TrsiJ North > REAL ESTATE-RENT • THW WRWFIKIU DAT UAHKCR.V- N. 4-24-2t Fees $11.88 2!} cleg-re**!? 01 mtnute« wt*wi n diB- TtiiL will hold 1U EinrutuI (.Uiraft'c- SECRETARY Feea EntHH- of 143,0 feet to a point; (9) fZWrrlM VICINITY—3 bf WESTFIELD. with secretarial serv- Hake Silicon May 17 frahi ilale XFay ice and private secretarial tele- MANAGER tln*nrt*f n?i a fiirvp to tlie vv-sat alon^ '•i batli lioma with recreation room. 24 )s a 4 il Sylvan la PL and would Take natirp thttt tJip southerly sldo lijio of l>nape phone answering available, Excel- apjjrf elate rlonallnnH f>f ho 3d SHERIFFS SALTS—Superior Court *ar school and lmrk—133«. Imme- lent tor sales rep, or small business, Purchasing IS THIS TFIft OFPOUTUNITY of New Jersey, Chancery Division. TAQUOTB, Tnc, ipa t<» th*> Trail liaviiiK' a ra<)iu« of TiO fept an ately available. W, A. Clark, 436 3 Ht-ms, br-ic-a-hrac, etc*, {no clnthosj, Mayor nnd C of tlie Town of nre of S!>.2S to a ppoint KU 3-3761, * ' S-6-tf Plrk-u'W. Call Mm H. Perry, ^;t;i- VOU H^VIS BEEN SKKKlNtt? TTnlon County, Docket #F-504 2-S7, mtti Ave. AD 2-250&. THE HEN HOXJSK WANTS TO MOHAWK SAVINGS AND LOAN TVi*stfleIrt for of the PIPH- in tht- HOHI iuanterly «hle llini o of 1U1; MM. H. Ley, 2:I2-^33<1; litrfl. ary Retail i ^ A. Hnyre, 2Ha«66(fB. 4-24-ilt TALK TO YOU IF YOU NOW ASSOCIATION, n enrporntinn ofNew M Way; (3 Of E hence north- 'MANACIR A SHOP OK AKR A Jorsey, Plaintiff, vs. EI^TON J. for pr^mfs at 1120 South tin1 southerly side WESTFiELD fid, X&w Jor» line of ^ W;iy lf»ii morn VACAf ION Like to work in a DRPAR.TWBNT BIANAfiER OR PRICK, et a1»f Defendant. CJvil Ae- Avenue, W WOOD wardrobe olosct, $2B; £!' x 12' HAVT3 "STRONG APPARKL thm ExecutJon—For Sale of Mort- '"' s to tlic point and of Corner f. Broad and Central natural straw riis\ $2!*; matching' of thin <'orp^ration MIHPH rent, Martha's Vineyard, ^d4i-rsooo ail. ft. *J'x9' $12; boy'w desk, %U\ knrohnlr beautiful country RRf^TNO KXPKRIENCK." CAbb i^niglied 2-bedroom cottage In r MU. TJGVIN fl TO 10 P.M.. vh-tup of the above-statett writ the offirea thfy hold res-p^etivplv HIJOVP rlptlnii hoirifc Jn- **(Jomelet* Mew desk, $22; olTlee dr^k, $25; olti fire: Albert ?*V PfUr.snii, Jr., 2D7 to (If n nnr\hr-rly por- Ineyard Haven, $500 a month. Call fUBhioned t*c*hool dcskH, $7: u\d chest- of exorutli>n tn m*> dir^oted I shall setting convenient exxpose f**r sale bv public vendue. T*vnn Now Ji*rH**yJry, , tion Trail IIM shown on a' 2-Clrcle tJ-8340 or after 6:30 P.M. nut corner cupboard, $H5; HOIUI 1 4-17-2t In room K-S, In I he C«urt House- aiul Vlr- M*«rtain mapp *'Mai» of Indian' I AD 2-4868, 4-10-St mahogany long pin no t»**nth, fine l Byron 31X-WU 2-21O0 to everything « . * with in the rity of MHsaUeth. N. J., on , 207 [/vim Lfl UP, Fureat, Se-tion A', . J/ quality JI ml emuljtlmi, $3!>; wash- r , NPW Jf*rs#*y Srrrotii ry. AIHK IS THIS PI.ACK for Burn- WUJUms Re«I Estate Co, SECflfCTAIIV — Administrative M ei1nesf1«yt the 14 th flav of MRV # ^tmuis, ?'J^; early (Crnnirc low Iiorsie- siHtaiu-e io i*rHnft*rd doctor, Ex Ohjp<*tions*, h' any. slioiihl ]if Knginc^r and L iui er vacations and UU( UWN is 1-16-tf Iia!r UiVf meat, KheJl carving in a private office besides? A,n., 1069, at two o'clock in the lent opportmuly far ri-Kiit ciir afternoon of said day. All the fol- v in writing tn Jov Novf*mhti> premispg herpinafter partlru- In Union ^t*?r*s Of- lank* B, na pots or pans. JuHt you i ofTices for rent, i> 'ill stove, ?S; inediniii pot Indited New Je id RI+&1 LAWM In your vacationrooms. Weal for dentist. Second :uifl talent Utr cifflfe mur lnrly Elesrriberi, situate, lyin^- a?id l un ti othfr administrative details. ^eintr In tlie Town of "Weatfieia tn tiuti II. Th iii mis. 2-a Bit eotiujceH and chalets floor. HMg-e of town. Available late con'w li(Mu h, $J*ri; rider hnrfols, $12; We're lonklnff IV)r n sharp, Prefer 2-4 ye^irn tserrL-tjiriiil cxpe- thf County of Union and State of Avfinu\ effort Jnnin-din fter illy equipped fnr lakeside family spring. Writ* Box 273, care of i v fihutters, $3 p«*r pair; c^niMnation esperieiH-ert H«*rt*lary with rit^nt'L*. LibcT'ii! benefits. Salnry ( nm- ]w»Kii(in aftt*r iinal leatlnnp". Swim, tsont, flnli, H^t, Westfield Deader, 50 Etm St., West- dron-front desk with rlaH-s door *>scf?llt-nt typhiir ability and vlf'od by law. 1 nienHiiraN* with ciualiflCHtJoifH, Sond HROTMNTNO Bt a point in the 4-24-2t K^VH $1 2. tie. Hates start 5115 per eottuso fleld, 4-3-4t with luM)keas*s nrnalt , $l>i>, some sieno. We offer all ma- t^k, ELM LAWN, Ijrtka Thompson, full dotails nf qualiflcatlnnH In con- northerly linf> of Windsor Avenue 4-24-U $2^ jor benefits ami excellent fiflence to lti>x 2^1, t*nre of Wf.stflelfl Avenue iw laid out arul xford Village, .Maine 01270, "Write worklrts? ^unflit:ir>ns In ynur if ir VOTICK »r fulrfer. Reserve now. He an M#*yernviile Hvmi ^r, 6ft Kim Ht. shown on man entitled. Plot Plan \«TICF, TO f Mrjrt-ravllli% IV- -I. own private office. To ar- Notice is [HTt-by S"'v**n that the Bird." 4-24-41 • STORI FOR RENT • -1-2-1-21 f*ir Pnr( if)n of Maunr Park Annex, ffiilnu'hig: artirin was taken nn ap- ati* or JIAHOAIIKT II. rniifre a rnuv^iiiont Inter vie w» Wentfi^lcl, Union County, N. J " Open IO to 5 call neals h^a^il hv the H*>nnl of Adjust- Pursuant to thp onl^r of MARY <~*. AVON whli^h mip was ffirfi In the tTnion ment on April 2!, TF YOU TJKB PKQPT,EF KNJOY Pountv ReRifiter's Office on January \p»ear"or"RVriuhlr Inc. for prr- KANANB, Surr«KJite of f h^ County > ROOMS FOR RENT • STOHKW (3>—One available 2090 sq. MOVIXQ—Contents of lavpte 12. 19K3 ^ man number 27S-O, which tflftion to orert n porcli nt 517 of Union, mjtrif r*n thf* ISlh day of making: friends and want to earn j ft. tu lease or option of sale. Ample Orand piano. Oriental rugs, furni- money, contact AVON Klmhnll Turn—T>pni<»tl. Apri! A,P., \\w>*it tfp^n Mv* niiplif a- H VON M SB id nolnt is distant 41fi,S7 f 'BSVMRMi—NortNorth side, large furfur-- parking. Owner—Carabao Inc., 231J ture, deep-freeze, etc. r>S9 RhatlQ-w- rait Mw Hivprs, from the Intorpertion of fnr ppr- tl >» of tlie \uuh rtltzhf'th an Hxccu-' ahetl room, walk-in closet, fof r Chestnut St., San Francisco, Calif, lawn Dr. (corner Hysllp Ave,), nnrtb^rly line of "Windsor to nxtonr! a cr at Ittfl t*irs nf thf ^statt* of siiiil *lf*pftaH^*1t- lalnessman. 233-3242. 4-24-tf l~l*-it W A Warne for Utah's1 itK-ker with tlie westerly Hue of m- Hill Hoail— not If1** i.s [HT«^>y u\vi*j% {t> the r\ n us* proncrtv known K UIUUT oaf h *-r nII"i i-- and Saturday, £K30 A.M. to 1 P.M. phone 233-5»sn. ft 7 tnlnufi*? west 10S.03R 11, If*. l«, IT, ]*», 20 ami 21 inn tIt»TI thorr TjOfi 3rd A ve.( (Jfirwoort. Kairk- tn n ^rminTii nn?nt; thence (2^ in k 77*;: T/its i, 2. 4, S, tt, 7F S, t th** ('Stntc of xniH Uniu-ks, hooks, lurnlturo, MATI'ltK wnin;iT fnr snack in nitfiln H!S mon ths f r--rn t nc-ous. ur^jju ratlin wtM' II AM. to tMnnt in the northerly line of Wind- hi Hock TTT^ fj«t 1 in s;i i d »>ri|f r. **r Owv ^ i 11 l I*.M. Also evening openings, sor AviMiiio nnri running ponth 4 7 Totp ,T ^a, 4. '.. fi, 7. ^. l*. 10, 11. fmm SERVICES U NEE - T Root l.?p+*r. Romp 22, ^f-frr^s f'-t mitutt^R w^st ^nh2S feet Itio'-te 77T-; rontrnry t** fho r^qul -f in*- n*;Ein mi-iilR of Art H-1P 1flt Rfc^ln M 3^ ami D P.M. arn! S:if- IJPOPM ".7 ^iinutes wopt 1O4-7f> fpft to Will inm 11 1 C F BRAUN PAHT TISIIC rJiTfc^l wnrkr-r \n n po^nt: th^nr** (i> tmrth 4fi flofrrr^^ Zoning' OriiiiKiru ^—Hra IH^MI, Marry f "M ' w;!)]. v * BLDG., CONTRACTING ^MISCELLANEOUS r.slli I i* i»iTUi t*J ruVtT Vili'ill U>H II nd °T mi miffs 1 f> PO£*nmt« f-nst .?fl,2^ iTl*Jt A, tuno *'f r**r r^^uhjr assiuniitps. Typ- fr^t ni^r^ or l^ss to t]ie terminal T^alm^r f^r p+*nn 'H^ifn (o +1 A hi^ Is * ^r-ut hil. WiU appeal tn n!:un -\ JOII\ CO1VIVER AUTOS FOR SALE 'lu'HH n?v nt ^1?^ Harrisuii A (Mi UP & MODERNIZING &CO. m ft Tun* wnnian \\hea»lmift full Umv work. }Moj\si- r^ply »>>• y half nf J^nt #Ifi as lairl out 4- 17- H CriiHlie PATCHES SPK-j FHEF. nfSF,I\ RHY Htl# k Khifl. flfoil apunnl town r;t rt nn AI^ TYPES MASONRY ] ilPr VTi*li fUH Hilhjf'C-t to i du'ellini;' *U !*r*0 Summit A Call 5«1-1-?H Tit] offirf* ^ nfij^f^nt tn thp oast, LKANOK K. HANKORf), ii lira n*. hi^ 2-9-tf woi'k, All IJIMU tits. AsK for AJiws i,«es ar^ ^nmni^nlv known a? nvy, Ho.ird of A dhist nit-nt nr :i iiif I'IMI flu- J lor*! 'if DRESSHIAKING — Alterations, Rea IFitU-y, Itfitr-hfurd IN>nti;u\ m Nortli iulrfur AVPPIUO, \Vr*stfipIrt, Now _ 24 - 11 $1 low mih-a^f, An Rrjuni Opportunity Employer f' ! Need new e^illiv^—new WSIIIH* sonable. Call 322-4280, I~16 rr tail nt pt i e me for quotation first. Work j xr/P re is flnp annrnximat^Iy \OTKK OP SKTTIKMR.^T fo u r*'>jjniiLsP-ln pprpini, ha\f I-:! > ** ^xxii^rir-tH't1, ah XftTFfE day, iluy 2:nh, rn^i at ? ^o A.M., ALLIED VAN LINES ING SRRVIfES—jnuk earn removed, prrvni) inn t imi1. ti rns chmm'od. battories hmtalloiL ^XiAlI^nt tHr-i*iKMtP vnjcf sun! P;O(M\ typing skills, Sieno helpful NORTH AVE. AD 2~44fH + hiils ^-\]] ho vf(•t-'ivf<1 hy the XFiynr i>atf:*l April 10, IO'-M. ^-fi-tf 2*1 hour service. Call 7"v7-0?OS or €fillf I AHI A pnp]M«^( 4 v.'fHk-J oM.j inn iif!t m *-f\s*^rv. (iQf><\ .starling salary, nujdorn office aru] r>xc-ei- Rtniaris ft 3 T nf an )**nt fringe iK-m*ft!^. nni Town ('nuncil fnr m;i iTI t^nanno Thnmis I'. Williams, Jr., 1 , 7*7-1 :U>7. 4-24-4t A f*?tfi£ilf-,s, 1 m&h'. I>ifff:rrlll rah mil r^vntr materials in the Town T Will s-H at low fost to K'>f.d hem ' - i MOVING FOR Pf4--i t ir-fj, striin'-fi, .'i rid L' fhiffy fif-VM-y ^r foniimmiiiy Con con it ho Atlantic this Hummer with a nwly International Airport in New lion of WesM'k'ld lias 1)0011 jjroup of to al.loiul clussoa York on July 24 for Madrid. Prior to :in itmumnci utt u campus in Spain, lo driving to Salamanca, they will liy Erskino B. Mayo, prescient of •Miss Jean Aim Asmus of r>in Trini- spend two days in the Spanish capi- tlw lonol concert group. ty I1!., has been appointed by the tal. Their si'glitswing will include Mr. M-Eiyo wciM on lo rtjiunt tin* American Institute for Foreign visits lo the Prado Art Gallery, the number of mu'wal iiK'mbi'r- istudy (AlKSi to ehuperonc! a group lloyal Palace, and the Plaza Mayor, ship.s and new Mub.vcri'pliuiv.s receiv- ed during Communily Concert of sUulonts on u six-wook Spanish Located in the northwest of Spain, .study tour beginning in the Jalter Bccuu'sc of the exceptional Salamanca is a medieval city three to iipiJCiu1 during iha eunv part of July. They will alt end hours by car from Madrid in the University of Salamanca. season, we want everyone to heart of the ibull-raisitig country. huve anv\y\G opportunity to subscribe Although Miss Asm us will do no The University is Hie oldest in ami hoar these fine concerts; lioncc leaching in Europe — all instruction Spain, and has for centuries bean the extension of the drive," Mr. will bu by European university regarded as one of the great cen- Mayo said. staffs — her role as AIFS chaperonc ters of European learning. Among Scheduled to penfonni in WOK Wield will 'be to net as combination guar- Salamanca's onetime professors, are during feho 1%9-197O concoil season A SCICNE FltOM THE PLAY "Witness For Thft Prosecution" to be dian, advisor and Mend. All stu-Christopher Columbus and Cervan- arc tho Prague Chamber Orchestra; dent life in Europe will revolve tes, of "Don Quixote" fame. The presented by Coniniunlty Plnyeis at Roosevelt Junior High School to- John Alexander, leading lenor of Uie day through Saturday evenings. From left to right: Charles A/en, Rich- around her, and she will help her summer session attracts students 'MotroixtHlun Opera; duo-iilani.sls students make tine necessary adjust- from all over the world. During ard Stalling, Gilbert Lane, William Quiiin, Barbara Morland, Gerald Goid and Fizdalu; and vhe Ohung Cantor. ment lo European life. Miss Asmus their four weeks there. Miss Asmus' Trio of Korea. 'has scheduled a number ol meetings (Story on Page 1.) •group will not only study the Span- Tlrose imterestcd in merwbenship prior to departure to prepare th^ ish language and civilization, but may contact Mr. ffvlayo at (i2(i 'Lenox students for the experience. H'on runtii will also try to got involved in the Ave., or Mrs. Don'a'td Way at 745 several thousand submitted by en- spirit of Spain by participating in GETTING JAYCEE SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAM underway are Vincent Washville, head of the Westfield Nature Slides The American Institute for For- igh School guitinnitt department; Robert A. O'Neil and Robert Jones, both members of the scholarship Highland Ave., iboMi in Westfield. trants from all over the world to eign Study is an association of teach- such activities as flamenco dancing Miss K. Elizabeth ilngalls an'd Mrs. the 13th. Wesfoohester Iivternalional —and, for the more daring, testing committee of the Westfield organization. Exhihil Wednesday ers and students, with national head- (Story on Page 1.) George W. Gross served sis meuii- Salon, an approved Photographk quarters in Greenwich, Conn. The their courage with baby bulls, 'berdhip co-chainrnen during the The Plainfield Camera Club is Society oJJ America exhibition. Institute was founded to meet the 'At the conclusion of the academic drive. sponsoring a special showing of lhe The program is free and open to growing demand for serious pro- Dr. Oil to Head Max Haider Given Norris Hilseberg session, they will embark on an accepted slides of the Westchester the public. grams combining study and travel eight-day grand tour of Spain. They Denial Society Degree in Scotland Becomes Commander Nature International Exhiibit at U in Europe 'at the lowest practical will go to Seville, where they will p.m. Wednesday, in the Terrill Rd. cost. Over the years, more than The Plainfield Dental Society hon- Max Tishler of &57 Of Power Squadron Camera Club visit the Giralda, Alcazar, and the 1 .Jr. High School, Scotch Plains. Aid College Fund 14,000 students and teachers from Caliph's Palace. They will then ored Dr. David L. Sehnur for hisTerr, was given an honorary degree ull over the U.S. have jetted across of doctor of science last week by the Watchung Power Squadron, a unit "The Best in Nature" is a dual- Class agents from Westffield for drive through the Andalusian coun- many years of service to the society of the' United States Power Squad- Slates Exhibit the Atlantic with AIFS to study at tryside to Torrcmolinos on the Medi-1 Saturday at the annual dinner dance University of Stnatbclyde, Glasgow, dissolve presentation combined with the 1968-69 Holy Cross'College alum- famous universities and schools rons, held its annual change of iftforniaitLve commentary by Harold ni fund include William G. Baielov terranean Coast. While at Torre held at Twin Brooks Country Club Scotland. Mr. Tishler is an execu- The 30th annual exhibit of the throughout Europe. For college stu- tive of Merck & Co. watch on Fniday evening at the Ma- Simmons, a noted naturalist. The of 400 Sailor Pi and G, G. Currall molinos, bhey will have an oppor-1 in Watohung. He was presented an nor, "West Orange. The highlights of PlninffieW Camera Club concludes dents, the Institute offers similar slides arc those selected ifrom the of 716 Forest Ave. itunity to participate in a weekend engraved plaque 'by the newly elec-1 The university paid tribute to Dr.the evening saw the installation of today at the new Plainfield Library. •Am summer study-tours, as well as full- excursion to Algiers. They will re- ted president, Dr. Robert J. Ott of T&foler as "a man whose greatest year academic programs abroad. Norris Hilselberg, G30 Lenox Ave., In the art gallery there is, by in- turn to the U.S. from Malaga on Westfield discovery was the realization that as commander of the Squadron for , a one-man showing of color (Among the students from this August 31. A graduate of Syracuse University, industrial research can be challeng- 1959-19570. The commander's new photography by Dennis L. Crow of who are planning to go with According to JVIiss Asmus, there Dr. Sehnur took his doctor of dental I W and exciting, of lasting benefit bridge installed with him were Rob- Mountainside. BLaok and white [Miss Asmus are Susan J. Brannian, are a few openings in her group and surgery degree at the University of to one's fellow man and still achieve ert H. Connolly, executive officer; prints are exhibited by Helen Beggs Virginia Ann Chlan, Linda R. Eich- Buffalo School of Denistty. He hascommercial success." Charles G. Ellis, administration of of Middle-town and George W. Bauer 'horn, Margery K. Gunza, Jeanne interested students or their parents / his practice in Plainfield. ficer; Neil F. Hoerner, secretary; of Westfield. H. Lessner 'and Elaine H. Scclcr- •are invited to contact her for fur- Luther H. 'Hafer, treasurer and Mil- lund. ther information. Dr. and'Mrs. Sehnur and their two The color slide shows scheduled : - Faces Drug Charge lard B. Ball, squadron educational i children live in Scotch Plains, for tonight are East African Game - ' officer, Other now officers of the Dental Richard IE. Oreter, 19, of Hunt by Leonard S. Bonuell and Society will .be: President-elect, Dr. I Outlook Dr., Mountainside, -was re- The outgoing commander, Mal- The Wonders of Nature by Conrad David Kunzman; vice-president, Dr. leased Saturday in $200 ibail for colm Wiltshire, iand his wife Alice J. KiliBfZ. t Ncrman Faulkner; treasurer, Dr. court action on-charges of possession were honored for their dedication and work for the squadron. I Lawrence Radtke; secretary, Dr. of marijuana. Completes Training Marvin Pinn. Wins Aft Award r. Scotch Plains—Army Pvt. Michael combination A'. Alice Stroehlc Mrs. George Skrba of 548 Trinity A. GeiUhausen, 23, son of Mr. and My Neighbors PI. received the third award in \va-Mrs. Albert H. Geilhausen, 544 Jeiu- Joins Elsie Betz tercolor for a collage entitled \'Gen- salem Rid., completed advanced Mrs. Alice Leland Stroehle of 500 esis" in the Crariford Creative Art training as a combat engineer Mar. Dorian Rd., a Wes-tifield resident for Group's member show now on dis-14 at Ft. Leonard Wood, Mo. several years, has recently joined play at the Cranford Library. During his eight-weeks of train the real estate office of Elsie Betz, ing, he received instruction in com Inc. Mrs. Stoehle has 'been am active B & E Attempted bat squad a tactics, itse of infantry WALK nELL member of the 'Westfield Board of weapons and engineer reewmats- •An attempted break and entry was samce. Realtors -for five years and previous' i ly sold real estate in Miami Beach, reported to police Tuesday at the He was also trained in the tech- Fla. home of Edward Boston, 751 Hyslip niques of road and bridge building, 169 E. BROAD ST., WESTFIELD A graduate of Elizabeth schools, camouOage and demolition. she also attended schools in Miami and Newark. 'She is a member of the local chapter of the D.A.R., be SOME OF THE AIFS STU0ENTS from Westfield who will spend six 1 ing a direct descendant of Cornel "I take it you didn't care weeks in Spain this summer art , loft to right, Jeanne Lessner, Linda ius Van Dc -Mark of Kingston, N.Y., for my offer?" Eitlilioni, Susiin Bmnnian, Lynn Lazar and Marge Gunza. and is married to John P. Stro&hle, formerly of Collrngswood. A daugh-, ter attends Edison J.r. High School. | Paone to Speak Held on Drug Counts License Suspended . __ Home Entered At WHS Wednesday George Mados, 21, of Montclair, mi The driver s license of Kevin R. Anthony Panne of Westfield, for was arrested Monday at the traffic Leist, 18, of 332 'Longview Dr., Mrs. William Burminghaim of 815 on charges of possession of mer director of the "William 'Miller Mountainside, has been suspended Standish Ave. reported to police Sperry Observatory at Union Col- [narcotics paraphanalia, prescription for 30 days under the 60-70 excessive I Monday that her home had been legend, dings and marijuana. He entered. lege, Crawford, will be the guest speed program, according to June speaker at an occupational informa- was held without bail for court Strelecki, director of the (New Jer- action. tion program at Westfield High sey Division of Motor Vehicles, Hubcaps Stolen School on 'Wednesday, sponsored by Lindeman Buick on (North Ave. 1 the Westfield Rotary Club, CLIP and SAVE •reported to police Monday that 12 Mr. Paone, a past president Ama- new hub caps, valued at $192, had teur Astronomers Inc., who oper been stolen from three Buicks on I ate the Sperry Observatory jointly their lot. with Union College, will discuss ac- DUKE'S Giant Submarines cupational opportunities In astron- omy and space sciences, including educational 'requirements and pro- 515 SOUTH AVE. (on Circle) 232-9781 spective salaries. •I In Our LADIES SHOP Mr. Paone is a retired engineer from American Telephone and Tele graph Co., New York City. ill OPEN 7 DAYS —9 A.M. TO 10 P.M. SUITS License Suspended Sizes 8 To 16 — Were From $45 To $125 2 Additional Parking Lots ... See Map The driver's license of Douglas Palermo, 24, of 23R0 Canterbury NOW $36.00 To $87.50 NORTH AVB. La., has been suspended for one R.R. month under tlic 60/70 excessive STATION speed program, according to Miss SOUTH AVE. Doni burn his house down. June Strelecki, director of the New CAPES and COATS DUKE Jersey Division of Motor Vehicles. Sites 8 To 16 — Were From $55 To $80 PARKING PAN NOW $39.50 To $56.00 MUNICIPAL

TRINITY HIGH SKIRTS Fresh Chicken Breasts Sizes 8 to 14 - Were $16 To $20 Fresh Chicken Leas ii NOW $7.00 To $10.00 w to e Lean

luri'< Tmiiitio ami DRESSES . Hi Thru;: Sizes 8 To 16 - Were $33 To $125

nut River Juice Oranq Hit. American »'!ii'«*s<* NOW 23.10 To $87.50 • "(111131 lO. or |liifl*-r Bancinas

Lettuce head Open Monday and Thursday DC KM—l'«irnol Swiss 'til 9 P.M. Tmmi

IIII- IM fllHS.s

The KIM;—< i i-jiini:i l!:im. i, ltil*ti:iii QUALITY \ |r»ini.i H--f m, s%% iss 5505 MOUNTAIN AVE 264 t. Broad St,, Westfield iWti SPRINGFIELD AD 2-2900 '•> . i .'. THE WESTFIEM) (N.J.) LEADER, THURSDAY, APRIL 21, Idliil See. 2, P«tfr t Social And Club News of the Week in the Westfield rea ,"«" Wildflowers Topic Marriage Unites Students Invited Violet Experts Bring Home Awards Kotir monvbors of tliu Union Coun- iri'imrr uf North Mrunswick were For Gardeners Patricia Loeffler, To Beaver Tea ty African Violet Sotrk'ly w o n first place winners for cuLrics in U»o awmrds at. Lho 2;ird unnual KOIIVCII- Mrs. E. L. Coffey, whose wild- John Slavinski The BOHVCM' CJolloge Alumnae Club lion of l-ho African Violot vSocioty of Mr.N. Michael K. Hu/fhes of Colonia 'flowor garden at 'her home on of Union County hn.s invited junior America wook in J'liiliidulphia. Oharles St, is open to the public by won blue ribbons in tho artistic IMIss Patricia Ann Loeffler, dough- and senior high school student who Mrs. Gluim D. Hudson of Wcsttjcld plaii'lings classes. Those qualified "appointment, will speak on wild- 'are interested in Beaver Oolle-gc, Iflowors at 12:30 today before the -tor oE Mr, and Mrs. Henry E. Loef- took tlie AVSA member .sweepstake •hur for two spoeial prizes, the Neva ifler of 1121 W. South Ave., became high school seniors who have been bowl for the seventh time? for hav-AMILM'.HUII award for the host entry 'garden department of the Woman's accepted by Beaver and these stu- Club of Westfield in (the clubhouse. the bride Saturday morning of John ing aecumula'ted MI 'blue ribbons in the* VIP class and the Union dents' mothers to & Ret-acquaintcd •this year in AVSA-sponsomd shows. County award for the second best Mrs. Coffey, a master judge land- J. Slavinski, son of Mr. and Mrs. John C. Skivinski of Fanwood. tea at 1:30 p.m. Saturday in the •Mrs. Waller Hunt of Statcn Island artistic planting, "Satellite Sym- scape appraiser, is on the Arbor Presbyterian Uliurch Parish House. The Rev, John Munpliy celebrated also rocoivcid a sweepstaUo bowl, phony." Day committee and is especially in- her fouiiih, feir (if) bine ribbons. terested in maintaining and beauti- the eleven o'clock nuptial mass at Miss ftfairjorie Darling, admissions Mrs. Hudson was re appointed as ifyi-nfi our town and (county parks. Holy Trinity Church. A reception director, will speak and show slides Both ladies and Mrs. J. Fred chairman of awards. She is a member and a past presi- was held at St. Cecelia's Lourdes of the campus and college activities. dent of The Garden Club'of West- Hall in Iselin, The students from the college Who field. Miss Anne^VIarie Loeffler was her will be present to answer questions about student life are Valenie Mark- The Symbol for Fine Portrait and Wedding Photography Mrs. Wallace Stifling is hostess of sister's honor attendant. Brides- maids were Miss Suzanne Buchbauer osian, Lois Donhauser, and Joan the day. Her assistants are Mrs. Stuart. 'Guy L. Quinn and Mrs. R. R. Mac- and Miss Susan Loeffler of Iselin, a cousin of the bride. Denise Loeffler, Any high school junior or senior another sister of the ibride was in the area who has not been con- ' .' *- • junior bridesmaid. tacted and would enjoy attending Her attendants wore gowns of ca- VICTORIA DIA'N'E GAIiRETSON Wayne Perrucci of Piscataway may contact Mrs. James H. Lough, nary petti dot linen with Venise lace 144 N. Euclid Ave. and tiered tulle veils with appliques served as best man. Ushers were Miss Garretson -'-•• - of matching lace. They carried bou- Donald Power of Fanwood and Ed- quets of yellow marguerites. 1 - - ••- ward iH. Loeffler. —John DeMaio Mrs. Slavinski ds a graduate of Is Fiancee MRS. RICHARD C. SCHMIDT Mrs. James E. Daley of Pisoat- away was matron of honor for her MRS. RJlCHAflRiD N. SIMLWTON Holy Trinity High School and Essex (Susan Elizabeth Jones) (Ohiisitine Banes) College of Business in Newark. She Mrs. Richard Field Garretson of ne sister. Bridesmaids were Miss Diane PROTECT / Thttrow of West Hartford, Mrs. Da- is employed by Public Service Elec- 638 Maple St. has announced the Susan E. Jones vid Slayton of Fremont, N.H., Mrs. Christine Banes, brie and Gas Co. at the Linden engagement of her daughter, Vic- •r--l-- Gordon Doriafroe of Frankfurt, N.Y. Generating Station. toria Diane, to Edwin Teal Cox Jr., YOUR and Miss Judy Schmidt, the bride- Mr. Slavinski is an- alumnus of son of -Mr. and Mrs. Cox of Roches- Becomes Bride R. N. Simington Scotch PlainsnFanwood High School ter, groom's sister. ;"••••• ^v .CAPTURE and has a B.S. degree from Rutgers Serving as best man was Vern FURS. ..-•A • • '••••'• •.••;•..;• University. He is now attending 'Miss Garretson, daughter also of : In Connecticut Robinson of Jackson, Mirih. Ushere Exchange Vows the late Mr. Ganretson, was gradu- Fromtfie first rai were Peter Wiicbx erf West Hartford, graduate school at Rutgers. : Thi'U Wedding vows were exchanged ated from Westfield High School This onc DonaiM Dycus of Deoateur, III., Don- Saturday afternoon by Mfes Susan the First Baptisit Church was the and, from The Principia College, Yoiishaidd ald Schmidt, brother of the bride- IT COSTS Elizabeth Jones and Richard Ohatfes setting Saturday afternoon for the i ' • in Elsah, 111. She studied art in •V^Y'.' * •' •• •--• Selrmidt, both of West Hantford, groom, and Robert J. Jones, the marriage of Miss Christine Banes, Europe and taught art at the For- Conn. bride's brother. daugihter of Dr. and Mrs. Fred W. man School, LitJchficld, Conn. Miss record of.y:^ After a trip to Bermuda, the cou-Banes of 341 W. Dudley Ave., to Gairretson is now a student at the set vices', of:-#- She is the daughter of Mr. andple will live in BloomfieM, Corai. Richard Norman Simington. Parsons School of Design in New Mrs. Robert P. Jones of 866 Knoll- Mrs. Schmidt received her associ- apher ai*e Tlie Rev. Wil'liiam K. U>ber oiffi- York City. Call: "iik wood Terr. Mr. Schmidt's parents, ate in science degree from Bay -w Mr. arid Mrs. Oscar Schmidt, live Path Junior College, Longmeadow, dated at the four o'clock ceremony Mr. Cox, an alumus of The Prin- in St. Josepih, Mo. Mass. She is a medical secretary to wihich was followed by a reception cipia College, earned a master's de- The Rev. Gur&on T. Scoville of- an ophthalmologist in HartJford. at the Banes's home. gree with high honors at Babson ficiated at the two o'clock ceremony Her husband is an alumnus of Escorted to Uhe altar by her fa- Institute of Business Administra- at Westminster Presbyterian Michigan State University wfoere he ttier, the bride wore a sleeveless tion, Wellesley Hills, Mass. Last Church, West Harflfbrd. A reception was a member of Delta {Sigma Pi Empire-style gown decorated at the year 'he was graduated from Syra- • MINIMUM RATES followed at the Haiffitord Hilton Ho- fraternity. He is NOW a candidate neckline with crystal bugles. She cuse -University College of Law and • FULLY INSURED tel. carried a bouquet of tea roses, ba- was admitted to the New York State i for a master's degree from Rens- by's hreabh, small carnation's, dai- Bar, A member of the American Remodeling - Repairing Escorted to the altar by her fa- selaer Polytechnic Institute and is -- .• • .'.-•-:•: .:--•.•• '.-'--.'.'•'•• -'••:•'--•••-:•.•• L .'•••-: - • •:'.•:'.--•• . ,.-.-^v,-\\:.-J---\--i and New York Bar Associations, . - ---•-•-•• ,-.'-'-' • - • •• -,"- -'•- -.-. ther, the bride wore a silk organza employed asa project development sies and ivy. Relining Mr. Cox is presently employed with gown trimmed with Venise lace engineer by Monsanto Chemical Co,, Attending the couple were Miss the International Business Machines ALSO CLOTH, FUR TRIM which featured a ohapel train. A BfoomfieHl Elizabeth L. Brown of Garwood Corp. AND FUR-LOOK COATS fooiiffiarit veil of imported silk illu- The rehearsal party was hosted whose costume of yellow polyester sion veil from a bow headpiece. She by the bridegroom's parents at the crepe was accented by a bouquet of Portraits By Pietro carried stephanotis with a cluster Corner House Restaurant, Fiarming- daisies, cornflowers and roses, and CUSTOM CLEANING of daffodils. ton, Conn. David N. P. Simington of Ybnkers, 228 EAST BROAD ST. WESTFIELD N.Y., brother of the bridegroom. BRIDAL HEAD PIECES The bride's brothers, Fred and Pat- Phone 233-4666 rick, were ushers. AND Mr. and Mrs. Simiiugton were VEILS graduated las: year from Lebanon Moderately RRO.'AD m:m-mmiMmMmi Valley College, Annwlle, Pa. wher PHt-eil • -I Sjhfi .vWflS;n member of Kappa J^amib Dyed to AD? * 14 7.3 L "Mateli Hats"• •' da Phi sorority. She is an" alumna Our 40 Yrs. 111111 MRS. JOHN J. SUAiVINSkki of experience- also of Wes*field High School. (•Paitrida Ann Loeffler will make your Wedding Day a DON'T RETIRE Her husband, son of Lt. Col. and dfl ! Mrs. Naibhamael P. Sinrrington of Val- wonderful one THAT TIRED OLD FUR- ley Stream, N.Y., is a member of Return from Europe BEVERLY the U.S. Army Reserves. He is em- IS7 KAS'l1 ployed by the New York Telephone Mr. and Mrs. Julian Couzens of FJIONT ST. SHOPPE REMODEL IT! Co. 800 Forest Ave. have returned from field fi-5289 Open Mon. Eve till 9 P.M. After a trip to WilHamsburg, the Euroipe. They visited in Amsterdam, wsssm couple will live in linden. London and Paris. mm Strawberry Time

Coming to Club ••.•:•¥•• S-S'Sf:. > 5 :-••;•:••.•:'KS-KMS' The annual Strawberry Festival of a Marcus Uhe art department of The Woman's P6RI00 Club of Westfield will be held diamond consultant Thursday, May 8, at the clubhouse. piece The art show begins at 12 noon will tell you and will include original paintings to by members in various media, also "Brilliance is only skin deep" distressed wood plaques and minia- .You see he knows diamonds. He'll tell you their Innermost secrets. ture oils shown on. easels. How they are cut. Where the color comes from. What makes a Bridge will follow the serving of diamond brilliant. And, most important, lie knows that glitter Is not old fashioned, home-made straw- all there is to a diamond. He'll be happy to tell you about diamonds and, show you our crowning glory.. .The Marcus Diamond Collection. berry shortcake, made by mem- bers. Priced from $275 to $1,500. Tapered baguettes shown $350. The proceeds will provide a de- serving high school senior with a Budget plus scholarship. In addition, this year • Free Ulft a scholarship will be given for a akeiti handicapped student to the Yard Free School of Fine Art in Montclair. JEWELERS Tickets may be obtained by call- OUR DIAMOND CONSULTANT IS WAITING FOB YOU! ing Mrs. J. R. Weiss evenings, or from Mrs. A. R. Winch -after 4 p.m. 206 E. BROAD ST., WESTFIELD Mrs. Guy L. Quinn is chairmen of the event.

MOTHER'S DAY IS MAY 11th THRILL HER WITH A GIFT FROM Jeannette's Our skilled creative craftsmen have a talent for up-dating Serbin 's All- Weather Coat ^Love and kisses first — and then a treasured your lovely but out-moded Personalized gift of lasting beauty from our large selection. diamond jewelry. Feel free to consult us — at no obligation. With Your Initials All purchases beautifully Gift Wrapped and Wrapped for Mailing

Get the Best — for Mother's Day — Any Day — $30 In wash and wear Dacron poly- mm Get Hallmark Greeting Cards! ester and cotton fortified with Give Her a Box of Delicious Barricini Candy DuPont's Ze-Pel rain and stain CHARGE OR repelier. In a melange of fashion BUDGET PLANS shades for sizes 6 to 20, (Same style available in brief Golf windbreaker, $20.) Add $2»0O GIFT WRAPPING for 3-letter monogram, Jeannette's AND DELIVERY. Headquarters for Hallmark Cards and Barricini Candy aheuA JEWELERS 227 E. Broad Street WESTFIELD, N. J. Rear Entrance *o Municipal Parking Lot AD 2-1072 206 E. BROAD ST. 233-032$ jane smith

Hit fAHMUG ANY m LOT ott rnrc WIOTTTRTTI <\,,u r.rAnrin, TmmflTUY. APRIL f?i, men Noted Educator Chi Omega Speaker Jerry Richards Affiaueptl Children's Art Jr. Sewing Contest Wed 60 Years Mr. Anna L. Kosc lUnvkos w'll Oakland, (Vilif. For a number of K|>uiik on "KducMiioiml Values In yews siie was registrar und douu Becomes Engaged To Grace Park This Chiiimin^ World" Apr. U5 nlof women tit (ieorju1 Washington Winners Named I In- I'lk'Li.siiihin lunohuon of t'he The helroMiul of Miss .kicquelyn LJnlver.sily from which she received A. Daly lu .Jerry t'|*hi*r Rich- Norlhcrn M»vv .IiTsry Alumnae of her B.A. and M.A. dugi-ws. Her On Saturday Mrs, Dennis Donahue won first (.'hi (hiiL'^u at Ili! noon nl Onnuc ards, son of Mr, iind Mr.s. Donald Ph.D. degree was earned nt Colum- II. ItichartU oi 430 Oiisco Dr., was toe in the annual sewing corniest Hiook. Country Club, Summit. bia University. In IDfiti she wus ap- S.iUirdny nfleninon on IIio oul- of the American home department Or. ILiwkos, a Clii Oinoga, has annoimtvtl hy her )jara;Ls Mr. and point oil lo U.S. Advisory Commis- irlH of MiMluwaskin Park HIILTII t)f the Junior Woimin'H Club of West- hf.T professional llfu in llio ud- Mrs. .John C. Daly of Sdwneeliacly, sion on Eduoa-Uoiwil Exchange by N.V. at a parly in their home. will )m ;I cliildrcn'fi art show from field. Ilor entry was n brt>wn and J'iL'Id, particularly in I ho .>d- the late Prt'isidLMtl Eisenhower. The future bride, a graduate of ]-i p.m. .-spoibuml by the .Tiuvinr black plaid linen lectured dross. ucution ol women. Must ret'tmtly sht> 1 Dr. Hnu-kcs has published many .VTolnaiuiscn Hfch School in Scihncc- Woman's Club -ol West-field. The Mrs. Donald Caoncc took the sec- Kcrved as acting dean of studiMi'.-s "works of art" were drawn by a I. (.'oltoy College, Nevada, Mo. in books and articles. With her hiw-rady, is an office manager for the ond award with a lime green wool buml, (he late Dr. Herbert E. Herbert M. Pollur Insurance Agen- youngsters in thu 4l of tho WesLlueld clwmenlary of tilt-* American Association of Uni- Hawkos, dean of Clumbia Collet, cy in her home town. Mrs. Gary Bedt for a gray bonded vi-T.siiy Women, a push ion .she lu.'ld .she co-authored "Throng ii the Her fiance, an aliunnus of West* wool knit dress. Dean's Open Door." for "\u\\t years. ileld High School, attended the Uni- ;iyor Thomas Mornn of West- There wore 14 Junior entries and Prior to accepting the presidency Rosci'vn!ions may be m ade versity ol Mi'ami (Fla.i. He is now flold has declared Saitwday as Cliil- seven Sub-Junior entries. Miss ICatie of AAUW, Dr. Hiiwkos Iwil hoon lihrouj?h Mrs. Gordon A. Duncan, 780 at Central Connecticut Slate Col- ikciVs Ait Day in Wwtfiold. Mrs. Byers received-first place for the dean of students nt Mills College, Xonuan PI. lege, New Britain, Conn. Where he Haohel M. Sullivan, art director of Sub-Juniors for her brawn corduroy is majoring in history. elementary sohoals, has chosen over 1 .suit. Alias Kafchy Filltpaldi waa sec- The couple plans to be married in ;iOO drawings to Ix exhibited. ond will a red print suit and Miss a September lt)70. — WliH..' Studio A Pundh an'd Judy show by theSue Carrigon ttliird with a pink for. JACQUELYN A. DALY c'uh's drama department will l>egin mal gown. PTA Fashion Show tit the bmrdsband at 2 p.m. Mrs. Deemed Great Success amaxon Country Club, it Followed Wi!'iiam Nooman is in cltarge of this Tllie program was narrated by an hors d'oeuvres buffet. firstivity. Mrs. Albert Mantatoff wiMi Mrs. According to all reports the Wash- John Fox, at Che piano, Judges were DIO 'Mrs. Harry It, Finne o>f Elizabeth Mrs. Theodore Meltin is overall ington Suhool PTA's fashion show- Mrs. Albert Danker, Mrs. Steven last week was a groat success. Tick- was the w'innptr of a three weeks, cliainiuin ol this event asstetod by Geruth and Mrs. Ben Hyrnkiewlcz. ets were sold out weeks in advance. all expense [rip to Holland 'for twoMrs. Kenni'lh, Remine. Tlie three iBeautiful and daring designer people. She and her husband plan piece's of art receiving hon'ora'ble Prizes to the winners were do- SALE fashions were paraded at the "Flight to 'lake the trip in October. Travel menjinn will be dispHayod in the vvan- nated by Westfield Sewing Outer, In'to Fashion" show sponsored by arrangements were made 'by Diners dow of BarroU & Crain Realtors the The Fashion BoutiqU'G, Grill's and Transistors Lufthansa German Airline at Shack- •Fugasy Travel, 112 E. Broad St. week, the Singer Sewing Center.

MR. AND MRS. ROSARIO .MANNINO ManninosMark 60th Anniversary

A 60th anniversary wedding mass ever since, He retired from his was celebrated, Sunday in Holy lawn maintenance business several THnity Church for Mr. and Mrsyear. s ago. BOND PHARMACY Specialists in Razor Cutting . . . Personalized Permanents with Rosario Mannino of 564 Downer St. iFour sons, Martino, Charles, Vin- IMr. Maimino came to this conn- cent and Thomas live in Westfield 200 E. BROAD ST. Razor Cut Foundation . . . Wigs . . . Wig lets and try from Italy in 1905, He returned and theiir daughters, Mrs. Frank WtSTFIELD their proper care ... to Linguaglossa, Sicily and was mar-Aibbruscato lives in Fanwood and ried there on April 19, 1909 return- Mrs. Philip Ferrara lives in Scotah AD 2-5600 FREE OFF-STREET PARKING CALL FOR APPOINTMENT ing immediately with his ibride. Mr. Plains. There are 22 grandchildren and Mrs. Mannino -have lived here an-d 13 great grandchildren. NOTARY PUBLIC Hours: 9 to 6 - Fridays 'til 9 — Closed Mondays 100 ELMER STREET, WESTFIELD 232-0700 Sistenh'ood which also sponsors two State PEO etlu'cation'al philanthropies, tihe In- tcrnaiional Peiace Soholarsh'ip Fund Marks 27th Year for graduate v/oman students from foreign lands, and the Educational Loan Fund. PEO is marking its 27th annual New Jersey State Chapter Conven- Speakers at the convention will tion at the Hotel Suburban, East be Dr. Ted McCarrel, president of Orange, today and tavonrow. Oottey College, and Miss Doris Krebs of Chile, an IJP.S. scholarship . lThe lOWh anniversary of the girl. founding of tliis philanthropic1 and educational organization is being Members attending from WeSKfield jane stnUk celebrated this year. Founded as a include from Chapter N., Mrs. G. soroiiily at Iowa Wesleyian College, R. Dawctson, Mrs. M. H. Leonard Central Avenue, Westfield Phone: 2324800 M'ourat Pleasant, Iowa, it later and Mrs. J. M. Freeman; Chapter F I dhanged to a community group and E, Mrs. Norman Morash, Mrs. B. FREE PARKING IN OUR LOT ON 132 ELMER STREET is now an internattonal organiza- Hinds, Mrs, G. L. Hunt and Mrs. J. tion. W. Hutdhinson; Chapter U, Mrs. W. 1 Cottey Junior College in Nevada, H. Price, Mrs. J. C. Werner and Mo., is owned and supported" by the Mrs. A. M. MioEwen.


.- . .r-.'. .••••,;- V fanciful

feminine \ •&:

Wonderful ways to pamper baby..

Jane Smith presents daisy-fresh fashions (a) One-piece terry stretch crawlers, $3.98 (b) Infant boys two-piece linen suit, $11.00 for the playpen and crib set. All designed (c) Embroidered sheer christening dress, $20.00 .'•''.-. .

f f (d) Infant girls dress and panty set, $9.00 ': ' ? ' '" ^ ? ~ * ' -' Very 1966 is our unrque collecllon of pierced (e) Girls Fortrel/cotton playsuit, $3.50 for baby's comfort and freedom .. . and earrings in arresting new designs for daytime and ••• '-'••'• -,'•. .+.;>:->-;• ?'.^:'.- (f-g) Brother and sister matching dress and evening wear. Exquisite, delicate, wirh the cusfom- suit with animal appliques, $12.00 each crafted look. Come in and choose from our newest* ironing is required only if mother's [h) Infant boys two-piece diaper sef> $5.00 selections . . . just arrived and just for you. (i) Infant girls ribbed cotton playsuit and blouse set with daisy applique, $6.00 the most finicky perfectionist. 1 CHARGE OR BUDGET PLAN fhfofnt boys one-piece boucle suify $4.00 fMaficaA FREE Till': WK.HTKIKM* (N..I.) KKADKlt, THURSDAY, Al'Kll, 2-1, 11)111} Rummage Sale Slated Vassar Club to Meet Single Parents to Meet X Roclnl 'iiour with \\ A .spring I'unmvn.fU' snlu is slnlod will follow. for May 4. 5 and (i hy The ttislur- rnI'lni * iiiiniifil sprin;; 'ineclin^ of HIM The \\ iiHMiiliers from WnslXlold, is open in ornlir Kriihiy'^ inccl.iiiu' of l.ho Single Umple, Ilonr.s will ho ii a.m. to r> at 10:30 a,m. May I) n\. Mr.s, 1 iKTrtuius hinu'lo, wldmvwl tn p.m. v.n (', Hlaiichai-d'.s in Nf\v IVif'Mil l'Vltow.sli1|j ;i1 li p.m. In tin First Pre.shyk'rinn Church, Mfi I).II is S|K)iisotvil by the Unittul who hnve rimim;i:;e lor this Vcrnun. Tilt! iu'DMi'niii will locus on To ttv Marru'd Betrothal Told Raclimer-Ryan Ml., nro nrml to c;ill Mivs, (i Hi:' V:w-;;!r s-lnilcul today. odisl t'hurtli, i TIILTO will be ni>f>rl.-; including — Mr. and Mr.s. will include new and (A:V. on tho Match .s.niinar ol w'lioli Of Miss McSweeney Mrs, ,l;me|, K, IvnnwlT was Wost- J. Rjidimer of LiUlu Falls used clothing, 'books, tuy.s, lulchen- liuvi; iiurmuiic-'L'd Uiu unyti^wnont of wiuo ami many other i\uma. Pro- fitilil clinirnmn. \AWI\\ rosidtMils sur- Mr. and Mrs. William J'. Mi-Swoc- •Iheir tiniiglitcr, NiiiU'y, Lu .Inlm P. STEP INTO SPRING ceeds boaofiL tho many projects vintf on lihu ululi's board include Mrs. noy ol' (i(H) ilort St. annoimw; llio cn- 1 Ryan, son of 'Mr. and Mrs. Dmucl Hans Knn.rtl, Mrs. William J. O'lle-r- ol thoir d'auglitur, M';ir- Sli-Lcuhood maintains, •Ryan of !)24 Mountain Ave. ron, and Mi-.s. Kkiphfm M. C'Hirkt;. Aiin, to Brian Joseph Rodding- ton, -son of Mr. and Mr.s. Martin J. A June: wedding is planned. •Miss Radimcr attended Upsala CUSTOM MADE Garden Club Grants Heddiinglnn of Fun wood. Let us help you find The future brick; is ;i grndii<;itc of Colloge and i.s a laboi'alory tedini- BRIDAL HEADPIECES To Be Bestowed Holy Trinity High Sctol and The cian in the ohcMnicul research do- the new radiant Locui y.ii dem clubs which arc Berkeley S c h o o I ol' Seci'etariul >l»irtniunt of IIoffman-La Itoclie Inc. Made to Fit l'ombtTK of The Garden Club of •Her fiance has a 13.S, dogroe iu you. Miss Bemiee, Your Means 1 Training, lilasl Orango. She in a .sec- N'c.v Jersey and which have won retary with the N'a-tionuj Newark business administration from Soton a Trained Beauti- -{rarU <;[ funds for civic improve- and Essex Bunk in Newark. 'Hall University and attended grad- uate school. He recently relumed GERMAINE nuMiL projects from The S^ars, Foe- Mr. Rttddinglon is an alumnus of cian, wiil give you huek Foundation, "will receive their •from Vietnam, where he served Tints nuiih? to urili»r. Roselle CaUiolic Iliffh Sdiool. He is I3xi?ltiHlv4- nillllnrry IVr awards Tuesday at Lilies Soars, "Roe- with .the International Voluntary JACQUKF.YN DVAC HIKSS a complimentary iUv luvHj' MiHium. attending Seton Mall University Service and later was employed by buck Stare auditorium, 101 Albany where lit; isa physical education ma- 105 PROSPECT ST., WESTRELD Street, Now Brunswick. Coffee will Pacific Architects & Engineering beauty analysis. jor and a member of Sigma Phi Ep- 'Inc. Jacquelyn Riess, 232-8730 be served at 9:30 (a.m. and the silon fraiernity. awards will be bestowed at 10. The wedding is planned for Au- —Baldwin Studio H. T. Stotler BARBARA JEAN BOLAN gust 23. Ruth M. Packer To Be Married Bride Elect SAVINGS CAMP BLAISDELL Barbara Bolan Plans to Wed The engagement of Miss Jacque- Bradford, N. H. 60 Girls 6-16 Mr, and Mrs. Robert E. Packer lyn Dee Riess to Harold Thomas Dartmouth-Lake Sunapee Region To Wed in Fall of '1923 'Boulevard have announced Stotler was announced Sunday by the engagement of their daughter, her parents Mr. and Mrs. Fred Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Bolan of Loiiis Riess at a party in their home. All camp activities. Superior waterfront. Daily Water Skiing, 226 Roger Ave. announce the en- Ruth Margaret, to Mark Allan Noll, Sailing, Canoeing, Swimming emphasized. Canoe and moun- son of iMr. and Mrs. Francis A. Noll The couple plans to be married at LEARN THE ART OF EYE MAKE-UP gagement of their daughter, Barbara noon August 16 at St. Paul's Church. tain trips. Riding and golf optional. Mature staff. R.rM. Jean to William T. Sherman, son of of Cedar Rapids, Iowa. AND ITS MAGIC REWARDS Cabins 8 weeks $675. July 24-August 20, $375. 24th season. Miss Packer, an alumna of West- Miss Kiess and her fiance arc Mr. and Mrs Albert A. Sherman of graduates of Westfield High School For interview call or write Miss Lillis A. Hull or Miss Charlotte 645 Boulevard. A November wedding field High School, will graduate in June from Wheaton College, where She is a cum laude graduate of Fenstermaker, 312 N. Chestnut St., Westfield, N. J. 232-1282 is planned. Harciim Junior College and will rc- Miss Bolan was graduated from she has majored in literature. False Eyelashes Mr, Noll, a Wilson designee, grad- caive a degree in June from Newark Holy Trinity High School and St. Sba'te College. Vincent's School of Practical Nurs- uated from Wheaton last year. He is now doing 'graduate work in com- Mrs. Stotler, son of Mr. and Mrs. We fit them to you and give ing, Montclair. She will be gradu- Harold HollLs Stotler of 771 Oak ated from Southeastern Community parative literature at the University of Iowa. Ave., attended Wittenberg Univer- you an eye make-up lesson College, School of Nursing, in North sity and Ups'ala College. He is em- 1737 Carolina with an (associate degree A December wedding is planned. ployed in Tinton Falls by Charlie nursing. Future Bride Brown, Inc. Mr. Sennan, an alumnus of West- All now only $3.00 field High School, received a B.S. 'degree in pharmacy from Philadel- phia College Of Pharmaicy and Sci- Machine and Semi Handmade Wigs enice and a master's degree in phar- —Classic Studio to macology from Temple University, MARGARET ANN McSWiEENEY NEW JERSEY'S HISTORICAL INN •He is currently working on a doC- toraite in pharmacology at Temple Mini Falls . 940.00 Continental Cuisine University. Mr. Sherman is a mem- NOW $28.00 ber of Kappa Psi fraternity and Rho Reviews Scheduled Itegr, Private Party Facilities Ohl Honor Society. Italian Falls (lovely) NOW $49.00 For Department Rt-K. «14.!)» tu $18.US Luncheon • Dinner NCJW to Install Wig lets NOW$7.98-$14.98 • And Cocktails (Reviews are on the agenda for Monday's meeting of the literature Italian Wiglets NOW $25.00 For Reservations Call 322-4224 Board in May andxlraima department of the Wom- A Dinner an's Club of Westifield 1:30 p.m. in the ALL CREDIT CARDS HONORED The Greater Westfield Section of family the National Council of Jewish Wo- the clubhouse. Miss (Mary Rogers Wigs Cut, Set and Shaped To Your Head CLOSED SUNDAYS Children's Menu men will hold an insfeatetta lunch- will review the book, *Ouir Crowd" • •by Stephen Birmingham and 'Mrs. Executive Men's eon Tuesday, May 13, at the Tow- Luncheon 366 Park Ave. Scotch Plains ens, Mountainside. A fashion, show David Hill will discuss "The Man Who Came To Dinner" by George Private Party will be presented by Alice's Bou- Facilities tique of Westfield with accessories Kaufifman and Max Hart.

in- RUTH MARGARET PACKER Cocktails Daily mERLE flORIHAf] furnilsihed by Mr. Jay of MiiWburn. Mrs. Albert D. Larkin, chairman, Including* Sunday COSMETICS i . Mrs. Howard Guss, luncheon will preside at the business meeting Mnln St., Chuttiam HANDI-CHARGE chairman, is assisted by Mrs. Mi-preceding the program when the Meeting Hour Changed IIe*f»rvntlonii m 10 Elm St., Westfield • 232-8732 chael Bernstein, decoration's; Mrs. slate of officers for next year will The Sisterhood of Temple Emanu- LAST CALL Mlotol Guitldn, tfoor prizes; Mrs. be voted upon. The slates includes Open Daily 10 A.M. to 5;30 P.M.; Mon. 10 A.M. lo 8:30 P.M El will meet Wednesday. The time Michael E'imbund, invitations and Mrs. Henry Stuhler as secretary and has been 'Changed to 11 a.m. 'and a STERLING programs. Mrs. George W. Frasor as treasurer. brunch rather than luncheon will 'be Mrs. Peter Grodsky and Mrs. Mrs. Larkin and Mrs. William Hun- served. Richard Siegel are coordinating the ter, program chairman, have one TRADE-IN! program wilih Mrs. David Rhutm as year left of their offices.





•^—•—•—*-^ — - — . . . MAKE RANDAL'S A FAMILY AFFAIR"


At? 24ft 0 $iiof0 How* Mort, 9 ia 9) ikfii 4 i i TIIK WKSTFIKT.O (W.T.) LKAt)KH, THimfiDAV, APRIL 24, TJCfl To Enter Tusculum ;il, Tiiscirlum Tomi. She is Ihr dautflilcr of Mr. Mountainside PTA Bandoneon Soloist Miss K;nrn ThoiiT]>s»n will iind Mrs. Alln'i'1 Thompson of l/YA the frpshmiin elns.s this KeplrmbiT Stiiuniil Avt1. Plans Fair at To Perform Sunday WEDDING BELLS RINGING? Deerfield School jo Mjirlofln will be oneim soloist Smithy ;il I In.1 spring PRICE L'om-cri dl' the Phiiivlichl Symirhony Sucirly at :i::i() ill rininl'iold JMtfli is bill two weeks ;m;i,v. This is Ihe 1 >••• of lihi' Mminliiin.sidi 1'TA's The I),'UU1OIUM)II is ;in ncoortlian- WE HAVE ("nir slulcd I'll- S;iliir p.m. icLi i'or iiioii1 fh;in a L-cntury, for A COMPLETE T/i Deerfiukl School. simple cliinee ;uul folk mii.sic. Bur- Activities of intereM to every : k'Lia'.s rnmai'ktiblu luchniquc on this an}, planned. Tlie very Instrument luis buun accluimcd as SELECTION OF ridu on a circus-like ;i rL'veltUioi) 'hy Hnblo Casals and Famous-maker Intimate Apparel ponies, and a lire engine. Cames Paul Ilmdemilh. In Barlella's hands. INVITATIONS j will bu rewarded with a variety of I he 'baiulonoan has the I'easonwnce j prizes incliuliiiy goldfish. of a ohamber organ, He will play •Middle School girls must onier TWIG OKFICEKS Mrs. Frederick S. llaslach, left, M'lvly-c.k'clfcl town Handol's Orgnn Concerto No. 5. ANNOUNCEMENTS 'their cakes by 1 i>.m. for the con- c'liiiirinnn »r the Wostficld-MoinUuiiisiih* Twiifs »f Overlook Ilojtpital, is Ticla'ls will hi? avaiUvblt1 ai the •lesl nl 2 p.m. All youngsters who shown with Mrs. Alliori B. Welly, outgoing clinlrmun, and Mrs. Ilrnjn- door. INFORMAL NOTES are in sixth grade oi* older are in- niin V. Cuko, right, new vice-chairman. vited

Get a medical checkup, une Union Sheila M. Swift, formerly of London, England Ooimty Heart Association urges, be- fore taking on heavy Spring labors. This advice also can serve women planning any extended house-clean- ing. with a fine selection of fashions inspired from Europe, with a touch of American simplicity.

and including imports from London, a line of custom made and designer's clothes.

for our custom made, you may choose from our selection of English fabrics or supply your own. Put

a little Come have refreshments with us CliC It's Risque's square-toed, kicfc-up-your-litile-heels Thursday — Friday — Saturday -r r/^v-f if* spectator. Perfect to wear with that long-jacketed suit, y vJLll e pleated skirt or the nev/e^ in pants fohicn. May 1-2-3 walk at Complete Line of Orthopedic Shoes DOCTOR'S PRESCRIPTIONS ACCURATELY FM.UED FROM 208 North Ave. W., Westfield

Whatever Amount of TIME, SKILL and PATIENCE is required we give it gladly and courteously s AOLUGrS US E, BROAD ST. AD 2-5168 W HM Sf, OPttt TEL AD 2-240O !AM!n, TmrnsiMY, APIia .% Welcome Wagon Tour Tho rluli's knilHng mul Abortion Law Reform to Be Subject Kathleen Willard Kn»ii|) -will meet ;it I p.m. Tui'sdny Engagements Are Announced Tlic WHcninc \V;n;nn ;il Mrs. I.nil UdtttM'Miifs, 1*211 IV For Church Women's Organization Plights Troth will lour Sniithnllr Villjij'e Munday Ion liii

n DisfriH. Women's So- district, .society will serve as mod- Mr .and Mrs. Hubert S. Williii'fl of ciety of Clir.isifcm SiM-viai will hnvo erator. Rvlrothvd Gerald Infantino To Wed ;{1T) Washinulon St. iiiinimiirr 11ir> Its first, annual moullny undi'r \\w. -Women from BB United Methodist f (MitiaMt'iiiejil, ol" iJicii- diui/ihjf.T, K;ith- newly oa ani/x>d United Mol'liodisJ Ohm-eta located In Union, Middle- Is Engaged Ict'ii lij rliark's AnifiM.son, .son «f Church on April ;imh from 10, riunlerdon, Somerset and War- Mv. wml Mi'fi. iJhilij> Anderson, of It) 2:30 p.m. at llu; Wesley United ren L'ounLlcs are expected «to attend. JJiiii'bury, Conn. MethodisL Ohui'di, SouHi Plaiiil'ield. A grand total of mission pludyuB The bdrotiml of Mins Ann Mnrie Jtilinn to CJenild InJianiin-o of .123 Miss Will;u'd w;i.s tfruchiaU'd from John V, P. LUKSOC Jr., will speak from the \unm\ .societies will J)e North Scol,dli Pluiiis Avo. h'as been West Mold lliyli School iiml :it U'iuitd on Abontion Law Reform, lie is el von. Lake* Clair Coiumunily Collogt1 in presidenl of the Nndinnal Aibortion ElcL-tion of officers and a service announced by Iier parent, Mr. and 1 Mrs, Edward Julian of Newark. Michi^un, Kin joined the Women's 'Reform Association, executive vice- of installation will Lake place during Air Korco and is now a sdrtfwnil. ichalnman of Organiziuliuns for Abor- the afternoon session. Serving as Miss Julian \& i\ graduate of Bar- .slalioncd at ilickmun Field. 'Hawaii. organist will ibe Mrs. Edward Paul rln^cr ifigh Sc'hool, Newark. She tion Law Itofunm in New York Stale tind i.s enrolled in the University c*l" with Murphy Paints Dnd .executive director of Christian of Fnnwnod. AVtorkis in thai oily for thu New Jer- ILawuii. Social Relations, Episcopal Diocese sey Bdl TuIc-iJlrone Co, Her fiance, son of the late Mr. Her fiance was graduated from of N.Y. Sale Will Benefit Dunbury (ConnJ Iliuli School, lie 1 Tho afternoon session will feature and Mrs. Charles J. Infantino, wont It's that time again! N. J. Garden Club Fund to Weslfield Higli School. Ho is self- enlisted in the Air Force and is a a panel of prominent, persons giving sergeant wieh the Air Police tit Mick- the professional view. Panelists in- cmipJoyed here in the disposal busi- As a benefit for its headquarters ness. am Field. No problem to find just what clude Dr. E. J. Mischel of Summit, Fund, The Garden Olub of New Jer- Ob'stetnleian, Rev. Charles Slnaut, sey is holding a "OaSino Days" sale you want here. pastor of ihe lUnited Methodist May 19 and 20 on Uhe groun'ds of the Affianced son Eleineiiitary School, Church in East Hulhepford, vice 'homo of Mr, and Mrs. Clarence W. •Mr. Herman is also a graduate president of tho Northern N..T. Con-Slocum, 75 North Martine Avc, Fan- of The Defiance College where hi1 Flocks Scenics Foils Vinyls ference Christian Social (Relations wood. There will be aWic treasures was a metrtber of Theta XI frater- Board and a memJbor the Abortion ANNE MATH'E LOEFFLER —Mitrkey SI inlio of all kinds, atlratiUvc flower con- KATHLEEN KN-EESHAW nity, lie is completing studies at Hand Prints Grass Cloths (Law Reform committee of N.J., Mr. tainers, books, toys and many unus- Bowling Green State University and Stephen J. Foley of Asbnry Park, ual thing's to be discovered. Anne Loeffler in September he plans to teach high The industry constantly makes lawyer, and Mrs. E. L. Krasnoff, Oommi'titce members for the event school in New Jersey. paints easier to use and we chapman of the Abortion Law Re- beautiful new paints include Mesdames Alan Beerbower, August Bridal Set An August 2 wedding is planned. roi/sff always keep the latest. form Committee of N.J. Mrs. Hamp- Emery B. Gebert and Frank J. Du- Is Future Bride ton Freeman, vice president of ilio gan of WcstfleM. Mr. and Mrs. Henry E, Loelfler For Miss Kneeshaw We stock all the recent colors and of course of 1131 South Ave. have announced WEDDING RECEPTIONS the engagement of foheir daughter, SOCIAL FUNCTIONS will mix any one that suits your fancy. Anne Marie, to Sgt. James J. Jones, •Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Keeshaw son of Mr. and (Mrs. Harry C. Jones of River Vale announce the engage- PIANO RECITALS Jr. of.iMetuchen. ment of thdir daughter, Kathleen, to MEETINGS Thomas P. Herman, son of Mr. and w The 'bride-elect is a graduate of •Mrs. Kenneth Herman off Fodtoria, Pints - Quarts - Fountain Good Holy Trinity High and Automation Ohio. •Institute of Newark. She is present- Woman's Club Sodas - Banana Splits - Milk Shakes Miss KnecsHiaw Is a graduate of ly employed by the accounting di- OF vision of New Jersey Bell Telephone Westfield High School and The De- PAINT AND WALLPAPER CO. 318 S. EUCLID AVE. Co. in Cranlfond. fiance College, Defdanee, Ohio, "Where Qunllty PIPTJIIIN" APRIL SPECIALS Sgt. Jones, a graduate of Metirchen where she was a member df A'lplia 233-7160 232-8389 156 E. FRONT ST., PLAINFIELD Baseball Nut and Blueberry Cheesecake High School, was employed by 'M&T Xi Delta' sarority. She is now teach- Oiit'n Dull}- 7:1-7 A.31, to (I lMl.t TliunstJny Chemicals before entering the serv- ANN MARIE JULIAN ing kindergarten at Thomas JeJfer- ice. He is a medic in tne U.S. Air (Force now serving a tour of duty in 130 E. Broad St., Westfield Turkey. Folk Mass Friday Open 7 Days a Week 11 A.M. to 10 P.M. Duplicate Tournament For Alumnae Group Winners Are Named (lames McCtoskey of Westfieltf Members of the 'Union County and partner Miss Jean Strahan of Chapter of the Chestnut Hill College Roselle, were first place winners in Alumnae Association with husbands the duplicate tournament Friday and friends will gather at 7:30 p.m LAST CALL tomorrow in the home of Mrs. L evening at the Woman's Club. (Runners up were: Jack Neuss with Prank Edeiblut, 466 Charming Ave. Xr«ing Linkov of Westfield; Mr. andfor a folk mass to be offered by the Mrs, Robert Tullock of Dunellen Rev. Salvaiore J. Tagliaireni Of Holy and Jack Rees of Chatham with Trinity Ohuroh, Roy Mourer of Eliazbeth. (Mrs. Richard Canning of Somer- 'In the novice game, held simul- villc and Mrs. A. Roy 'Grover of IS HAVING A taneously, Mrs. John Browning of MJartinsville will aocompaivy fche Wesbfield with Mrs. Charles Gates 'group sin'ging of hymns on the &i of Panwood were first in the north- toharp. The spiritual service will be STERLING 'south position, Noel Dupre of iColonia followed by a buffet supper, *,. and partner Mrs. Paul Scarff of The nominating com'mittee will in TRABE- Westfield were second. In tJhe East- troduce the following officers who West position winners were Mrs. will serve a two-year term begim- SAVE 50% OFF M-atoel Catlin and Mrs. Maldred Wag- ning in June: Mrs. Kdelblut, ner of Cranlford. iRunners^up were president; Mrs. Jerome MlcDevitt of 'Mr. and Mrs. Ike Daniel of West- flcotlch Plains, seioretary; Mrs. Law- Regular Open Stock Prices 'field. rence SeaVer of Scotch Plains, trea- The next game, May 16, will be a surer; Mrs. Geonge E. Kinney of Don't you wish you could special club tournament. Westfield, publicity. trade your present sterling pattern for your favorite Gorliam original design? YOU CAN! If you've fallen out of love with the sterling pattern you now have, we'll replace it piece for piece with a famous Gorham Sterling Original, and you pay • only one half of the regular open stock HEATING " ~ "AIK CONDITIONING price. FUEL OIL 474 NORTH AVE. E., WESTFIELD Just bring in the Sterling you now own, A Da ins 3-3213 regardless of brand, age, weight, or Business Established by F. B. McDowell —1928 monogramming, and select your favorite - from 21 Gorham Sterling designs. Remember, for a limited time, you can buy the world's finest iterling for only 50% of regular open stock price* when you trad* in your present iterling.

Choose from 21 Spring has sprung , . . the grass has rit Gorham Original . . . / wonder where the birdie's is? Designs


\l '\

n m. • / J i . ^ • r ' ' ' r i \ i ' Caressa weaves a cool spell

Yes, Spring is here and Margie's knows when the Let your feet play it cool! In whisper weight woven sfyoes fey Caressa. most scrumptious cakes "iV . . . you'll find thrm too, Some are woven patent and leather . • . others all leather. Heels are Sterlin, here, at Margie's. higher, shapelier. Top to bottom, Flavorette, tvhite or black, An unuJUinT light CM! I FFO.V r A KR DISCOVER WHY ADLER SELLS MORE SILVER nuuii- with rf'iil Krutfi] i-arp-is Cora with buckle trim, black and white, 18*05; Erin Lo sling in l'»])|)cd with our special cream t chi-<•.«!> iciii.u", loudi'il wit h nut^. i^iim^, iin In- jipijrt'r'iiiLi.'i]. \J$i Large Cake .... 1.49 Shoe Salon, Tepper's Street Floort Small Cake 1.10 €<< Plain j ield and Short Hills Mall You'll wont to try all of our unique cakes at . . . mar 3 caike U4» WUiH CAU H 21* H*tih Avc W, 2JMM0 THE WI3STF1ELD (N.J.) LEADER, THURSDAY, APIIIL 24, lflflfl Power Squadron Bridge ploasuro boatmrm, TJte education al- so cuvors piloting, naviKullon, suH- HT Library Guild To Appear In Opera Theatre's "Manon" Swim Club Sets Date Feted by Commander ing, wonlhcr, OUKIIH! nuiinU'ivnnco SPRING ami other InipurUinL s Has Active Aides; For Minnie Dance 'M. Nonris IIIlsdwrR, newly elcc- (KjiiimiimliT of Urn Wntchiini! Notes Library Week The Minnie Dunce, the annual !)• Squadron, and hi.s wife IMI- Pi Beta Phi diimor dunco of thu Miiulnwnskin lertaiiU'il Ihc officers of their Hrid^o Swim (Mill), will hv. held this ynnr at, a cticktniJ party and ImlTH. sun- The An>ii Alumni Club Mrs, William Brown and Airs. on Friday, June 27, al. Wnlly's P«r Sunday in their home, 1130 Kenneth Liylilliipi:, prt'sitk-iH and oi Pi Botii Phi will mwl aL 8:15 Tavorn on the Hill. Following a ELM STREET FIELD, HEART OF WESTFIELD Lenox Ave. p.m. Wednesday nt Mrs. John Mc- vaas-pivsidenl of the Holy 'IVinily School's Grammar Scluiol Library social hour and buffot dinner, Joe Wntchuim I'own- Siinadroii is a AulilVs. 10f> Golf I5d«u. Mrs. D. II. SATURDAY, MAY 10, 1969 - 10 A.M. to 6 P.M. Guild, a Monde d the NorLlumi N«>w unit oi l.ho U.S. Power Sqii.-idrnns, a of Mountniiisidc and Mrs. Pcli-i'llo and his orchestra will play SPONSORED BY national urbanization di'du-nlod lo Catholic Library Association for dantinfi. the Iciicliiii^ of sali- Im.iliii;' to Ihc I assist Mm hostess. [ Sunday at Paul VI High Sdiool, Clifton. 'Mrs. William G. CUmeey, chakr- IS C The meeting (brought to the aUen- man, is bdug assisted by Mrs. TO BENEFIT ITS COLLEGE SCHOLARSHIP FUND Lion that .this is National Library John Batzold. Mrs. William Cant REFRESHMENTS SOLD Week ami should be commemorated and Mrs. Robc-rt Roff liwad Lhe dec- Admission $1 with this Adv. 90c Rain Date May 17 in school programs, Also discussed orainlMt»M. Griffin, T. R. Hawco, James Jewell ny and has appeared as soprano so- be sung by Antfliur Lloyd; Ga^vaomi Telephone: FL 1-3141 OUR NEW FURS HAVE BEEN REDUCED and Robert Ott. loist with the Richmond Choral So- Scionbino will sing the duillot. Phillip Those who have fulfilled require- ciety. Mrs. Tongue has also per- Alderman, Brian Hodge, Theodore TO OUR LOW SUMMER PRICES ments for certification in basic li- formed in concert with the Staten Kyak, Gegina Matysek, and James A Kiiiiill (]4*I»OMH will fiolil your piirolijtKt* till full, brary techniques are Mcsdames Island Symphony under the direc- Peery complete the oast. John €lyne, Edward Xtemarais, tion of Myron Levitt in Debussy's Alfredo Si'lipigni, artistic darector PLAINFIELD FUR SHOP Charles Foley, Walter Gardiner, "La Demoiselle Elue." of Opena Theatre, will conduct. 213 PARK AVE. 754-7999 PLAINFIELD Joseph Grausam, Vincent Hoffman Mrs. Hall has appeared in many Franco Gratale win stage the pro- G. GUAmiYO, Pr«n. Ol'RX Tlil'HS, I'll, tt and J. J. League. roles with Opera Theatre, perform- duction, with costumes by Stivanel- ACROSS FUOM PLAINFIEL-D TUUST The Guild is active in adding new ing last season as Flora in "La Tra- lo. materials to its ever expanding col- iata." She has sung widely thrbugh- For ticket informaition, write or lection as well as giving Che chil- •ait the country, and appeared as so- call Mrs. E. P. Hjorth, 13 Sandy HIM . .u professionally trained volunteer .jrano so'loist with bhe New Orleans Rd. A limited number of student .ervice. .Symphony aiid was one of tihe six tickets are available for the May 9. iilnafetis in the Southern Regional performance and blocks of tickets Auditions of themay be ordered from Mrs. R. Allen • V Tim Crain Wins Air. Claxton, 157 Lincoln Rd. rja AIIE Award Horticulture School lips" and a point-scoring demon- stration. To Be Given at Rutgers Tim Grain, a senior in industrial Mrs. Emery B. Gebert is a mem- engineering at San Jose State Col- By State Garden Club ber of the school committee. Regis- ege in California, placed first in the tmr is Mrs. Robert G. Weyker, 110 The Garden Club of New Jersey Mead'owbrook. Rd., N. Piainfield. innual American Institute of Indus- has planned a horticulture sohwol, (^ rial Engineers' (AlIE) Western course I of its second series, May 5 o:iference. winning $100. and c for memibers and t!he puibldc in

IL'J Son of Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Crain cooperation with bhe College of Ag- Car to Be Grand Prize jf 785 Norgate, he wrote bis award riculture and Enviroranewtal Sci- At Jr. Symphony Ball winning paper on manufacturing ence, Rutgers, on the campus in processes, specifically the geometry New Brunswick. A 1969 Mercedes Benz automobile of latihe tools. The project was one r ^ Topics to be covered May 5 ire:has been donated as the grand prize of three picked to be presented "How Plants Grow," "Know Your at the Spring Song Ball' May 10 from the many submitted in the Soil," "Growing and Grooming for sponsored by the Junior Committee SUPERB SELECTION Western Region. Flower Shows," and "Botanical of the New Jersey Symphony Or- As a national finalist, his paper Terms Useful for Horticulture Ex- chestra at the Governor Morris'Inn, will be judged with papers from the hibitors and Judges." Morristown. winners of 10 AIIE Conferences. The winner receives an all expense paid Subjects i'or May 6 are: "Culture Other incentives for the bal3-goors trip to the national conference in and Classification of Hank Bulbs," include entertainment by The Ger- Houston, . "Drafting o-f Horticultural Sched- ry Romig Society Orchestra, "The ules for Flower Shows," "Exhibition tfirst Amendment" and "The Triol- and Judging of Daifltodils and Tu-ogy," from Montreal.

PRIVATE BUS SERVICE «—*• WES rFI ELtWJRANFORD The selection and sale of each diamond, regardless of fh cost, rs AND VICINITY TO equally important at Adlers — Diamonds enlarged to show detarf KATHARINE GIBBS -•- ^ / • MONTCLAI

WIITFIILD: 219 North Aye., W ilNDEH: 25 Knopf St Writ* or telephone MORRISTOWHt 60 South It for foil Information FINE JtWEURS ANO SILVERSMITHS it, mmuw, nj. i7O4i m-iwm Alw ichooli [n Boston, Provldtno* BIRTHDAY PARTIES Stop in or send for your Tree copy of "Let's Talk Diamond*. mi MO Park A«., N«w York 10017 Student loans Hvullttltle PROFESSIONAL MAGIC IN YOUR HOME I BOB JEPSON • 754-1985

Limited Edition Commemorative Decanters Collectors


L ; i : WHEN IT IS NICELY SERVED IN PLEASANT ip for which FLEMINGTOH has becw^ famous, is as broad in ;" " . "••'"•^•^ i.>" :'.".V"" •

SURROUNDINGS IT IS EVEN MORE SO! •V DINNER WITH THE FAMILY ANY EVENING - \m BUSINESSMEN'S LUNCHEON SERVED DAILY CIFT10XE9 « toe most wanted furs for year-round fasfiion are at very DURING THE WEEK, COFFEE BREAK, A SNACK special (ow prkes. So cmrer yourself with softrmss nowJt's^^tt^ ^ ,. l-r'-'r-. AFTER THE SHOW OR PERHAPS EVEN SUNDAY " to "'" ' BREAKFAST. PRESIDENTIAL SERIES: Lincoln, Eisenhov/.r & >: :•••:•:•;.-••. :^::.-::-:^-:.V': Roosevelt At FLEHINGTON'S Twn & Country Fasfiion Center, your entire Spring and Summer wardrobe iravr YOU COME IS SEE US SOON? GREAT AMERICAN SERIES: Martin Luthor King & awaits yw v.. daiff «wiiiig afid ^ortswear iff the ntbst exejtirig varfety of color and ; Robert F. Kennedy design/every styfe in tour size... choose from gabardines, silks, flannels, cottons, knits,

cashmere, Shetland, and other fine wools, ; ••••••••[%•••$ All Baking Is Done On The Premises NOW AVAILABLE At... At spetital **affef Eas^r" safe prices from $3& to $288 Storekeepers: JOHN and

284 K VrwH ?,(ttti RT, 22 AT MILL 1AN£ 2320774 MOUNTAINSIDE Tim WlOTFTtfT,n (N.J.) LEADER. TTTUKSnAY, APRTT, 24, 19(10 7 Bicrknell, director of music i\i Students nt the University of Dct- Oratorio Society Names Soloists claii' Academy and organ i Collegians avvaro ivcfiivlnu dean's list renij'- master i\\. MmiLclnir's First, nitlon include Aririnne J. Monlc, a Virginia Harms, contralto, will New Jersey at 8:30 p.m. April 2fi •gational Church, will JTIL-UHIO Vin- .senior majoring in nrt; Tlumms It. Ms liho featured soloist In the fiprJngat MoiiLelnir High School, cent PorslditiLtl's "Muss for Mixed Jones, a sophomore mul civil IMI- Frances G'arponUT, class of 1970, 1 nircorl of the Oratorio Society or The program, contluekd by Nixon Chorus," Aaron Copland's "In TIIG wi\s among HIUSL1 cited at Beloil. Col- Khicering mnjoi ; Jeffrey SVhmiW. Resinning," ivml .lotujnucs Bratuus' lege's uiirmnl 11 on Mrs \k\y progrnm, t\ RO|>honinrc Knylish n«nj«r, iind "Liebcslieder Waltzes." The daughter of Mrs. Virginia Al. Carol A. Wt'ikerl, n lroshm;tn inu- Mr. Harms will sing iIIL? .solo role Mowiy of 711 Wmifllmid Ave, shf isji)i'-iiiK in iniiinul seit; !n Cuptond's "In TIIL* Hi^inniiiM." n m-emtour of Morlnr Htwinl, nnlionul FUGMANN 0i( C ompmy Tim Brahms work will fsnture pia- ALWAYS READY TO SERVE YOU I • * nists Bcrnico Silk and lMly Itn.son- women's honorary. 'A nn ncxl pntio) NIflW OTFIOI'IH • GAItAUiaS «ft HULK OIL bluni, both of Montclair. NTOItACF. I'IJAJVT Reserved seals may hi1 obtained • WATCHDOG in itMJit Ni;itvi€ia by writing the Oratorio Society, Box SPRING FURS • I3ASY nUDOHT 152, Montclair. I'AYMIUN'l1 I'l.AIV Our little furs love to go everywhere, looking luxurious. No wonder they're • TltlTCKS t'HlIIIlMPF. Ray Milland Stars WITH I.OCKUICR1) olways where the fun is! A superla- COMI'llTICIl KtfUH At Meadowbrook STORKCORNER tive collection. FUEL OIL 25 Years of Experience We Are Interested In Your Hcntlng Problem Dinner Theatre Cuplain and Mrs. Peter E, Rraun IT'S NOW FUR STORAGE TIME Sl11 "YOUR LOCAL AUTHORIZED INDEPENDENT ™ * of 520 Mountain Ave. announce UIL* Pf-All_._ _...„,. .'101 SOUTH AVB., A (thoroughly entertaining per- birth Apr. 14 at Overlook Hospital REMODELING • MONOGRAMMING • CLEANING ESSOHEAT DEALER" WISSTFIDLP formance of "Take 'Me Along" is of their first child, Christina, ('apt. 'boiwg presented Wednesday through Bruun. .son o!' the Jorlin K. Braun's, Sunday nights at the Meadowbrook lias not yet seen his baby as he is Settles Custom Furrier Dinner Theatre, Cedar Grove. serving in Vielnnm. His wife is the formerly Vogels Ray Milland as Nat "Miller, the former Martha O'Ncil wJiose par- sophisticated father, anchors t Hi c ents arc Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Opposite Strand Theatre story set in a small New England O'Neil of JO West Ct. 206 E. Front Street Plainfield 'town in 1910. He brings out the wis- * * * 7S4-0067 dom, the wit and the understanding Mr. and Mrs. Eric Hassetman of

of the too evident plot, and his skill- 30 Sandra Cii\ became parents of a •-•• . r'^'r-'"-' 1 1 F + • • • 4 cWto.' - • .•••• •:•.• •-:•• ::•--:•:, :• . /- ful stagemanship cultivates |./-::: it the highlight of the perform- special emphasis on fche coordinated the key to the total concept of our John William (Michalski joined his NQ ance. The choreography by James look, making use of the identical now department," explains Sidney parents, Mr. and (Mrs. John J. Mi- Smok in this numiber is worth the -patterns and colors £or the bedMeyer- , Executive Director of Drap- ch'alski of Garrett Rd., Mountain- ''r''rV'm'i ."' For the woman whose home reflects a warm, whole evening! spread, draperies, sheer panels, eries and Fabrics at Koos for over side, and two sisters, Susian and romantic tradition, a new sterling pattern (even the wall covering), all dis-20 years, "Today's homemaker is Karen, when he was born Apr. 11 at graceful of form, full of joy. Fellclana, The Meadowtorook has a delight- played in 10 stylish vignettes and definitely just as fashion conscious the happy land, revisited today. ful show. When you go, "Take Me Rahway Hospital. F Along!" settings. Visitors to the new depart- and knowledgeable in the selection * * * Because you cherish-family ties and ment will came away with scares of the draperies for iher home as Their first daughter and second she is in selecting what sfoe'll wear ohitd, Maria Josephine, was born :<•.:>•: Intimate gatherings.. .because femininity Is of new ideas as well as color and IV-.'IV m your instinctive style. Fe!ician& is especially Annual Meeting Slated pattern inspirations to the home. when entertaining in lit," added Miss Apr. 17 at Muhlenberg Hospital to mm mm ';•:<-:••;• - mm for you, for life. For Tri-County Planned 'With the introduction o£ the newKit Scully, the Department's Dec- Mr. snd Mrs, Frank Cintorrino of mm • 2-SPEED HOOVER UPRIGHT easy-Bare fabrics and permanent orator. 521 Central Ave. Mrs. Cintorrino is wm Parenthood League the former Rose Bon'accors'o, daugh- VACUUM WITH BEATER BAR ter of Mr. and Mrs. Arogelo Bonac- 11 With purchase of eight 4-plece place settings, The annual meeting of the Plan- The 1969 'Book and Author Tea Planning Well Ahead corso of 515 First St. Paternal :-:-:o:or.: at no additional charge you will receive four ned Parenthood Tri-County league will be held Nov. 24 in the Presby- mi selected serving pieces and a cherry wood chest grandparents are 'Mr. and Mrs. Car- Sale 54.50 has been, scnekhited for May 12 at For Book-Author Tea terian Church Parish House, Mrs. men Cintorrino of 330 Pine St. —total savings of $139.25. With purchase of ibhehome of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Regularly $59.95 I •. • * • • J. F. Zimmerman will cater. Retails twelve4-pl9Off*etiinfl^.w©-add threa more •- -• : popular serving pieces to your gifts— benjamin, 267 Woodland Ave. 'Dr. iMlrs, Albert D. Larkin, chairman of other arrangements will be made Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Vastano of It beats as* it sweeps for deep-down clean- total savings of $221,50. Offer ends Jane Spnagg will be the speaker. of the literature and drama depart- later. 313 Vernon 'Pi. became parents- of mm ing. Slim-line design gets under furniture. June 30,1969. (Comparable savings with Dr. Spnagig, one of the physicians ment of the Woman's Club of West- their third boy Apr. 15 at jMuhlen- :•»:<'.-> m Service for Two or Four.) at the League's clinic at 234 Park field, called a meeting Tuesday of berg Hospital. He hias been named Genuine Hoover bags 4 for $1 in Ave.. PliainJield, is participating this the newly-appointed planning com- Robert Henry. Grandparent are m I r . i - *. r-l '-•:••:•••;:- week in a seminar for pliysicians at mittee for the 19th annual Book And Mr. and (Mrs. A. G. Vastano of 647L COMING EVEISTS -i pj' - J- mm the annual spring workshop of theAuthor Tea. Members of the com- Piers on St. t-:::>::::;3 THE EARDLY T. PETERSEN CO. Mid-Atlantic Region of Planned Par- mittee iniclude Mesdames John H. VACUUM CLEANERS SEWING MACHINES :•:£•'•# ck\d {o/t aSftiiil enbhood-JWorld Population in Read- Leeiming, J. 'Russell Freeman, Rich- New and Rebuilt ing, Pa. ard G. Lake and George W. Fraser. APRIL 1969 Persistent hoarseness or swallow- ing ddtffflcuJbies could prove to be 244 NORTH AVENUE, WESTFIELD, N. J. SPECIAL SAVINGS ON s M T w T F s ^ F r H h 'V 14 POPULAR PATTERNS cancer of the larynx. The American mm PHONE 232-5723 - i - - 1 2 3 4 5 Cancer Society says this form of ::j::S:-::S 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 cancer is largely curable. -mm PLACE SETTINGS SHOP AT HOME 13 14 15 16 17 18 19

- .OF L 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 -1- _. with our interior decorator m 27 28 29 30 1• Until April 30, save when you buy 4,8 or 12 basic 4»pl*ot settings (place knife and fork, salad fork, teaspoonV CALL PL 6-8870 • SAVE $30 When you purchase 4 place setHnflt • 24—Garden department, Wonfcm's Milady's Shop And our decorator will come to your home Club, 12:30 p.m. SAVE $65 When you purchaw 8 rface settings with the latest line of fabrics and assist you 24—Community Flayems "Witness SAVE $100 When you purchase 12 place settings with your selection of draperies, slipcovers, For The Prosecution'* sponsored by St, Helen's Parish, Christo- Special Savings from January 1 - April 30,1969. reupholstery, and bedspreads, in the actual setting. pher Academy, Roosevelt Junior Annual Sale of Cotton Offer applies t«; Dawn Mist, Evening Mist, Grand Colonial, Meadow High School, 8:30 Rose, Mlchele, Row Point, Royal Rose, Royal Satin, Romance of the 28-^ChiMren's Art Day, Mind'owos- Sea, Sir Christopher, Spanish - Laca, Stradivari, Shenandoah and Grande Baroque. Ask ibout savings on Serving Pise* Ensembles too! No kin Park. 28—^Literature and drama depart- Obligation ment, Woman's Club, 1:30 p.m.

28-May 1—Annual parties of Chil- ri h 306 E. FRONT ST. dren's Specialized Hospital Aux- £* PLAINFIELD iliary, Far Hills Inn. 29, 30, Mayl—Annual Westfield An- NNE JEWELERS AND SILVERSMITHS tiques Show, Congregational Diagonally WHTFIUDi 219 North Avf., W,, 233-6900 INC. Church, Elmer St., 11 a.m.-lO 26 thru May 3 Opp. BamlHTgcr's UNDENi 25 Knopf St., 484-I9H p.m. except May 1 when hours are 11 a.m.-9 p.m. Luncheon MdRRISTOWNt «0 South St., 24T-41W from 11:30-1:30, tea 2:30-4:30. Lollipop by Modern Globe

White only, sizes 4 to 7 p BIKINIS Of Course Not.... > - Reg. 89c pr. SALE 75tf Put It in G. 0. Keller's m BRIEFS Band or Elastic leg, white and colors. Scientifically-Controlled Vaults Sizes 4 to 7, Reg. 89c SALE 75<

Whether it's fox • , - or chinchilla, you don't want it hanging around the closet all summer, taking valuable wardrobe space and looking hot and heavy! Stored in G. O. Keller's spacious vaults, your furs are sealed TRUNKS— White only. safe from insect life and protected from mold and mildew by carefully controlled humidity levels. Call 756-0100 for complete convenience Sizes 5 to 7, Reg. $1.15 SALE 97?! today. Sizes 8 to 10, Reg. $1.35 SALE $1.12 G.O.KELLER'S

i better dru cleanina dnce t894 <" '•i~,~'j , N. J. • 11 K. TirtOATI ST. MILADY'S A

t . LI ' f PAMK t, BROAD ST, AD 3-2758 Open Mon, Til 9:00 Pilgl! 8 THE WESTFIELT) (N.J.) LEADER, THURSDAY, APRIL 21, 10G9 IIOTC of Parks College of the St. Named us Welleslcy College Scho- Honor students al the University •Sloven Bleeico, son of Mr. nnd of Science dosroo In June in busi- Collegians Louis University from January lars arc Martha It, Long well, a sen-of MassaehusuLLs in Aniiherst include Mrs. Donald E. Bloeke of 833 Carle- ness economics. He is a member of through April, lie is the son of Mr. ior and daughter of Mr. and Mrs.Donna L Ncutler, class of '

1 Come on. Get Rich."

' •.


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1 . . ' ' . . ' / ' ', . _'• *«&'• * - . • I . • £ L -- " • s


AWARD WINNING PLANT! A panel of nationally known drycleaner management experts spon- sored by the American Drycleaner, the industry's leading trade maga- zine, has chosen Blue Ribbon Cleaners as one of the most modern and efficient drycleaning and laundering operations in the nation. FREE BOX STORAGE FREE STORE AIL YOUR WINTER WOOLENS this economical way! Skirts, Jackets, Snow Suits, Sweaters, Household Items . . . ANYTHING except fur, fur trimmed coats and heavy coats. STORED IN OUR VAULTS - CRAM IT FULL! OP VALUATION PLUS CLEANING CHARGES

Any Men's or Ladies'


PRESENT THIS COUPON WITH INCOMING STORAGE 50 ORDER AND WE WILL passbook accounts FUR COAT K- DEDUCT THIS DISCOUNT CLEANED & GLAZED FROM TOTAL REG. PRICE Ribbon off iNi; rrilTHN* i'KIl CKSTOMEIl Now, with the convenience of this special "passbook" account, you can earn the full 5% with quarterly interest payments and still add to your account at any time. GARMENTS Minimum Initial BROUGHT As you know, we have been Westfield's bank for IN BEFORE Deposit $3/ 12 NOON almost 60 years. Frankly, we need deposits to meet the continued need for local mortgages. Your SATURDAY Investment Savings Account is also an investment You may make additional SERVICE ,TH in Westfield. deposits of $500 at any on DRY CLEANING & SHIRT LAUNDERING time NO EXT R A C HARGE AT REGULAR PRICES ONLY, u Interest paid quarterly — NAT NATIONAL BANK beginning March 1, 1969 DRIVE - IN I GARWOOD WESTFIELD MOUNTAINSIDE A'FULL STORE 'A fsx-fii Hank SERV1CF OH ROUTE STORE HOURS 7 tO AM fr, f 'ornmi/rnt / BANK THE WESTFIEtU (N..I.) LEADEN, THURSDAY, APRIL 24, MM five. 3, Pago t school grounds, whk'li are gifts of orations, Mayor Proclaims Arbor Day Uio members of Ilio various Garden 'NOW, TIHOREFOKE, I, JAMES Clubs of Westfield; ami, C. MORAN, MAYOR, DO hereby "WHEREAS, the legislature or tin* of native plant material; "W-MEItKAS, through Die coopt-M-a- proclaim FRIDAY, APR. 25, I'M), State of New Jersey has adopted mi • u fostor 4'lie education of our young ! ion of 'all Uio ire&idoiit.s of this AS ARBOR DAY in the Town of New Store Hours act designating AiftBOR DAY nnd 'loojile In the ways of bemilifira- Town of Wostfield with tlio Mayor's Wostfiekl, and urge everyone to ob- •by that act 'has desigrtnlecl Hie last 'inn and coiLsorvntion; and, Advisory Committee on Culture and serve this day by the planting of Friday in April as AHiBOtt DAY; "W II IS II E A S, 1 h e elementary Uefmtii'iealion, the bencliuinl effects one oi* more trees and by partici- open WED. and FRI. and, grades of ilio Public School System of tret; plantings will enrich our pating in the programs that the "WHUREAS. it is the purpose of of WivsUMtl cooperate in having ex- ARBOR DAY COMMITTEE may the designation of Uiis day through- ercises pertaining to ARBOR town, and wo can pass on an en- provide. 9:30 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. out tlie Nation to encourage teon- and planting trees on the during 'heritage to succeeding gen-

other days—9:30 to 5:30

• • '' ) .' i ' >•";--. .•

MRS. RUTH HENKEL Named Home Service Adviser The Home Service Department of Public Service Electric and Gas Company has announced the appoint- ment of a Westfield resident as a now home service adviser. She is Mrs. 'Ruth Marion Henkel of 22 Sunny wood Dr., who has been as- signed to the company's (Plainfield Commercial Office. Mrs. Ilenkel is available to clubs, civic organizations, church igroups, schools 'and youth groups for lecture •demonstrations in all phases of ihomeirraking, including home light- ing. She is

15 Questions For Taxpayers What are the major fiscal prob- lems in New Jersey government? Of interest to bhe general public, as well as to legislators nearing the mid-point of their 1969 session at Trenton, is a poll being conducted by the New Jersey Taxpayers As- sociation. This lists 15 such prob- lems in government and invites readers to rank them in order of descending importance. "Hie list fol- lows : Modernization and reorganization flf local government structure and functions. Consolidation of school atknistra- Ifcive units. Property tax administrative im- provements. Welfare admiinistnaibion and bene-

• Improving-- legislative - procedures .e* ft and facilities. Financing future Stale-local gov- ernmental costs. Long range State physical and fiscal planning. Public Employee-Employer

RCC Subject K • James J. Kilpatrick, author of the nationally syndicated column, "A Conservative View," will be the fea- tured speaker at the fourth annual dinner of the Republican Citiscns' crepe., .sprinkled with star-dust Committee of Union County on Fri- day evening, May 2. Mrs. Jackie Patterson of Roselle, general chair- , \ man of the dinner, announced that Mr. Kilpatrick's subject will be "Nixon: The First 100 Days." Appearing on the evening scene .. . R & K's quiet drifts of Mr. Kilpatrick's column appears in over 140 newspapers across the United States, lie Is the author of three books and the editc«r of two Color in luscious crepe . . . dresses with soft, fluid lines and a others. As editor of the Richmond O(.l .songs, illowi'vei*. for evwy future." one good santf, 1 had lo sil, J. Sterling Mor-trm, newspaper publisher and Secretary of Stole duri LOVE thro'iKh u half hour- of loud •fjrover Clevf-kitKl's mhnini.slrafion, nuide tills flbworvollcm mure tlnon KETCfiU KETCHUP mi Lisle. Surely you must i yours atfo. that the* "purforniurs or id WANT FOR of today don't compare with llu* Orij'-iimior of Mio first Arbor Day observance in Nebraska In 1872, ]\ SOME BREAKFAST nrtista of the Forties and tlu> Morion tiwh'i! Uiioirjiluml the United SKikvs LiPtfhvg oliior Slates to foil fienond Cliiflfl pnflfflpre paid at 'Weiitttnlri, N, J, LUNCH 'Fifties. That it;, 1 think itiio JHM1- Nebm-ston's example. PulUlHhed ThurwrlayH nt WeHtfMfl, ti*i\v .lerney, by the West- His NTorls were suoeensAil. Tudny Ai1>or Day is observed in ev< Hold Courier Printing ant] Publlulling Company, An Independent iformur.s today scruam L h a i r 1 N pap fioiigfj in-stcud of singini! thorn stalt . Trei\s aiv ptaiilnl, nnil llu- risixuns for protouting trees stressed. Orrtulal Paper for the Town of Wefltilold and Borough of PPER like the vocalists of tlin Fif- Twenlty-i.wo skiles and Ihe District of Columbia celebrate Aritor D Subacriptlnn: J4.00 per year In adynncD, $5,00 out of county, ties. Surely you can't disagree tiiio ki»l Friday in April. The othi'r.s eonimom'onate It at various times, a TCfltubllBhed 1890 Office: 50 Rim Struct, WfiHtllolri, N, J, O709O with that? Micro is Interest among tfowrnment officials and private citizens to IIK Tel. 232-4 407 — 232-4408 Answer: Arbor Day ;i uniform, mitionnl lioliihiy. Member In West-field, e-lemen'liary school children celdbiviLed tihe event a wt Quality Wo*>klloH of New Jersey Tli;iiik you for your tlilrd letter. New Jersey Prons ARwoolatlon early because of spring vtie-nliim I his week. Bui Otac slu'dcnts who nei National Editorial Aseuclutlon I don't know wlint T would do without your letters. I promise 'before have had Mic opportunity to SL»C the town observance tomorrow ni Publisher observe the planting ceremunies nt 10 a.m. in Clurk Memorial Park a GAIL W, TRIMBLE . Editor to uuswer your questions in next week's column. nt 1:30 p.m. ;it the Wi'sl'fiold Vosl Office. This annual Arbor Day observance has been coord!n'aletl ai&ln t1 year by Mrs. Edward L. CoFfey of Charles St., a ineirtber D'f Wie Mayo Capl. Gleason Now Advisory Committee on Culture and Bemttifieution. THURSDAY, APRIL 24, 1969 Mrs. Oof fey, as always, has done a commendable job in effflotts On Philippines Duty iboautiify Wostli'ield. So, pray For a lovely warm sunny day tomorrow i join your friends at the brief but impressive Arbor Day programs. Salute to YWCA Oapt Robert B. G-leason, son of Mr. and Mrs. L. 'L. Gleason of 8G3 Future historians may well record that our era could Shadowlawn Dr., li a s arrived for John Frazee Entertains birthdays of eight members and best be described by one word "bigness." duty at Clark AB, Philippines. salute was given to those prcsc Captain Gleason, assigned to a At Old Guard Meeting Raymond E. Hall, Ilhonuas Ours is a day of big everything, it seems. All the way unit of the Pacific Air Forces, pre- Young, Dodd C, Ttate and Char from big business, to bombs; big government, production, viously served at Reese AKB, Tex. Director Wallace Colby of the Old V. Drake. machines, expansion, income and taxes, to name a few. LETTERS TO THE The captain, a 1954 graduate of Guard surprised' the group attend- ing the meeting Thursday by intro- The film shown was "Guilt TAKE Hung Up?? Westfield Senior High School, re- Brotherhood" produced f or t I And of course, biggest of all — problems. EDITOR ceived his B.S. 'degree in 195!) from dlcing an unannounced entertainer Not the least of these problems is the sense of futility, for the day. It was John Henry YMOA. and illustrated the " FIVE Lehigh University, Bethlehem, Pa., World Service in action. frustration and defiance engendered in the individual in A special Westfield Leader fca- and was commissioned there Frazee, iWestfield's well known 95- today's society of bigness. lie often feels that ho, alone, is All letters to the editor must By FRED W. KOKE iure prepared by Milton Faith, through the Air Force Reserve Of- year-old and 'his pet harmonica. At 'Bowlers on the .honor roll for bear a signature and a street ficers Training Corps program. the conclusion of his renditions he week were Talbot Malcolm, Ger< diminished in the present scale of things; that he is power- MOTHER KNOWS BEST executive director of the Youth address. and Family Counseling Service, His wife, Dorothea, is the daugh- was given a standing ovation iby theStorch, ' (Herman IPfau, Edvw less to do anything about it; to make himself count. No anonymous or unsigned "Hey, Ma, may I go out to picket?" 230 Prospect St. ter of Mrs. George C. Krauser of 140 members present. James, William dray and Hi The results are often confusion, indifference of hope- letters will be published. "Why I guess so, darling daugh- Cheltenham, Pa. Joheph D. Connolly announced the Gold. ter, Readers with questions may ad- lessness and a feeling of loss of identity, or self. Letters must be written only But mind, no tangling with the fuz, dress them to Hung Up, c/o In this connection, the theme of National YWCA Week, on one side of paper and prefer- Or doing things you shouldn't The Westfield Leader, or direct- which is this week April 20-27, is especially appropriate: ably typewritten. daughter." ly to Mr. Faith. All letters must be in the * * + "Be Yourself — You Do Count. Join Your YWCA." "Leader" office by Friday if According to the little five-year There is an old saying that there The Westfield Young Women's Christian Association they are to appear in the follow- old tooy next door, the generation are iwo sides to every story. Two for 38 years has provided our community a vital and effec- ing issue. gap lias started at his house. Today specific letters from readers would •bear this out. tive program designed to help individuals help themselves The "Leader" reserves the is his father's birthday, and his Dad, (and T quote) "has reached — and thereby help to enrich our community. The West- right to reject or edit any letter A Young reader writes: the grand old age of thirty." Aren't nippies disgusting? field YWCA has 4894 members with 2531 adults and 2363 to conform to "Leader" usage. * * * Say, fellow, got Union County Jaw en'forcr1- find hope and reason. I agree Only the newspaper leaves a permanent record of com- mcnl officials who have been award- with some of your sentiments, I FEDERA munity life. Only the newspaper is free to express Its edi- ed certificates for cam pi cling a bas- disagree with others. The use tor's personal convictions, and only the newspaper—unli- ic fingerprinting course sponsored of drugs is u problem. Free love SAVING! by the Union County Police Chief.-! is a rationalization for imme- censed and unregulated—fulfills the obligation of a free diate gr.-Hi lien linn of one's feel- Association at Union Collie, Crnu- press in accordance with the historical meaning of the term. ford. ings. I hope that you find the peace of mind within yourself m A free press is the bastion of a self-governing people It can .y •',••• The course was taught by offi- and within the world — the be supplemented, but never supplanted. cial of llit« Federal Bureau r>( In- pence oi mind for which you WESTRELD MOUNTAINSIDE \ i-'-stifiition. The students were from are searching so meaningfully. *** the Berkeley Ffcijsftts,- Cran-fonl, 150 Elm Street d A fcfi'tMiil reader writes: 865 Mountain u WlSC., H$£S: "Tfoefe are" sotfiff Office who sit&ke font hmd beiwe m eiediwi md yottf etmfo Oirfy ym can is /fry rhird letter Iv yoa.- f pmvni forest fne$. due dettce &itef/ corny ta the sfrtigs yod UM tm Ui THE UTSTFirrn (SJ.) j.rwtr.rt. TrtimsnAY, APIMT, M, mr:«» 3 r "LEAGUE LINES" Roro Begins Second Phase RCC Io Hear By Of Storm Drainage Tmprovcmenl: Candida Ies' Views LEAGUE OF WOMEN VOTERS a dumping wile ycnnly cquivnlpnl lit —Tho Horoiifjh Coun- !T. llrnndt, rhnirnwm of cil week uwimtrri n rmrtrai'l Io '10 iirrcs anil 2() 1'wi drop. SPECIAL SERVICES IN SSO.S, provides Us'irning n>a1cM'ki1.s Mi. WcsUictd Itt'jJlllllit';!!! ('lli/.CMN' Union Pavintf .'tutl Cons!ruction Co, The council passed a ivsolnlimi 1 LOCAL SCHOOLS fin* londitTs, nols im rrnirsuHnirt. and i , aimoiini'i'il Dial the tic..!. of Union, whmli Kuhm-ith-d Mic low iiiK to mandatory niuiiici|>:il diivrlly helps children wilh louni- rex. Wil'hclms ((xphiim'c H'l'liiu: of I lie j;roiip wtmlit is a Iviind'ionppccl cliikl? jiu; problems \VUo rlo iifil. [junlil'y bid of ¥HiH,«ao, for improwment of ) h i- I it t o n i t\ Ii t <;i t 1 Ii o Tiiere is no genortil utfroomeirl on (lie wtnmi sewer system in Mir No- IIml i'very year -llio atoite h i lor slate jiid under Hie Handiest on ; bills trying Io room oi' Tcdily'.s Hi st:iu- the dt-riniiLiuii of IJ1H» word "handi- IAWV. ltf Brook aro-ti. \u\ UoiMV 22, MminUilusitlt1. Tlu» capped." The usual tlclinilion is "a Tho project >\s tin: Rocond ph.' of ranges for public The Special SfM'vices DepariJiiwnl parlieularly 'teachers, [However, \\v. will ha (li'vuk'il Io ;i "Can- Oliild unduly preoccupied with a he -boroiiKli-wide siovm dminutfe ini- 1 im-ludu.s lite following personnel; said, tho state doo.s not provide1 tlic u.s NiK'ht." Jtej>res(Mil»tiveii of problem, real or fun tied, which In- provemcnL pro^r-nni. Vho first live announced (1OP gubi'ina- terferes wiUi normal growth and 3 iwyeh'oluyisl.s (one is Director of conrpnisinK the Darby l/nnc- funds. "If they pass such laws, -they should come For tin with the funds, ' luriul prhnury entrants — Culiill, or requires special at- tlie Sumtnit Jload area, was completed 2 .social workers. •Hie niuyor .said. He fifiid Unit e-ich McDornioli, Ozzard, Sandman ami tention." A'bouL 10 per cent of the about a year a^o. lor J attondanco officer, j municipality has a different fijlna- Sears — will present, m'KiiniLMii.s U.S. seitool population is said to Work on (.hu IK*W projocl is to lx - tion and the state shouldn't mundnle I heir ivspectivu favorites ;uul will need the help oi' special services. 4 learning dwaWlity spe-cin lists in fihorlly. 2 KjM>odi UK'rapisfs uniformity in exiponditunvs. answer tgui'.sLinn.s, hutli» iVotn Beadlcston Hills. Since 1954, as a A contract also was awarded to fi classroom toaoiiers for the men- FA\vm-i\ L. Caribou of 222 fiummiit a prepared list already ,siihnul(<'d result largely of parent pressure, a Halm's Fire Apparatus Co. of Ham- tally retarded 1 and from die aiulicnco. series of bills known as the "Brad- burg, Pa., I'm ii now triple combina- Road was approved as a leston Bills," after ('lie Sfial-e Sena- teacher tion fire piunp (ruck at a cost of of Hie volunteer fire The meelinjj, which will st-arl at tor, have been passed in Now Jer- 30-(in' supplemental 'teachers. $46,910. JJ:3U p.m., is open Io I he public, Mr. sey, each one extending the obliga- J part-lime psychiatrist The council awarded a contract to liishop on Duty Brandt noted that i\ representative tions of the local sclnool systems to 2 secretaries Peters iConstruch'on Co. for road At Phu Cat AB for Senator McDmnott Jrad been the handicapped child, State finan- Professional association standards •maintenance at a cost of $28,046. promised, tout that it was as yet suggest 1 psychologist for 1,500-2,000 unclear if -he wore to be State Sen- ci'Qt aid to the extent of 50 per cent An ordinance was introduced, with Second Lieut. Donald M. Bishop, added po- SeoLch Plains-Fiinwood IligJi School. for legal categories of disabilities principal, a doctor or a parent. In In diagnosing, classifying and bus schools for the past few years. llce surveillance and active commu- covered). usually iCsed in a one-to-tone tutor- Scotch Plains, received his B.A. de- order to evaluate and oorreotly placing a child, the primary con- The child stuciy Learn lias attended nity response to the considerable gree in history from Trinity College, ing situation. kindergarten round-up in these Clothing Stolen The 1965 law provides that each classify a handicapped dhild, the cern is the individual child; next, increase in suoh crimes during the Hartford, Conn., in 1!»G7 and was In the 1987-68 school year children State Board of Education requires a other children; finally, the comimu- schools in order to determine wihich first :two monilihs of this year. He local school district is to have its w'h'o were aided by Special Services commissioned there through the Ait- dcrfald Babbit of 435 East Broad medioai examination, a psychologi- nity-lait-la vge. Testi ng for proper children would benefit from totis said the police had received 10 re- Force Keserve Officers Training own, or the use of, a child study were assigned as follows: St. reported to police Thursday the cal evaluation and an educational placement is constantly going on. program. ports Ct-om citizen's regarding sus- Corps program. He has also studied team vMtifo is to include a school 33 in educable classes (2 at Ta- theft of various articles of clothing psychologist, a psydhlobrist, a so- assessment-by the legally approved Retarded children are tested every Legal categories of handicaps or picious people in their neighbor- maques, 1 at Edison, 1 at learning disabilities. There are three at Georgetown University, Washing- and a table radio from his car while cial worker, and a learning disabil- child study team functioning in a two years. Frequent testing, as hoods amd also reports on suspicious ton, D.C. it was parked in 'his driveway. Senior High) joint manner wilih the local sdhool union as five times a year, is given classifications for the mentally re- cars. ity specialist. This team works to- 10 in trai liable classes (1 sX Ta- • gether to diagnose, cliassafy and involved. After evaluation by the if the individual case requires it. tarded child: (l) Educate. This in- maquos; 1 ait Franklin) Underachievers ave reported to the cludes those ' expected io succeed Mayor 'Frederick Wilhelms Jr. recommend placement of Children WeStfield child study team infornia- complimented y$O90 .to the members oF the Westfield Women's Republican Club at its Save $1.00 Apr. 29 meeting. iGuc&ts are welcome 'at the meet- ing which wil Lbe held at the home •B of Mrs. James P. Mitchell, 325 Woodland Ave. at 1 p.m. m ^ .:-

SECRET PROTECTION *<• ,v* Against Fire, Theft, Loss! *

AGRICO Chemical Co. Division of CONTINENTAL OIL COMPANY Yours To Enjoy With A It's reassuring to know that the temperature in baby's room can be exactly what you want. Modern, Cabinet-Concealed reliable Electric Heat gives you this kind of pin-point comfort control because you have a separate ther- SENTRY SAFE LAWN THAT SPEAKS FOR ITSELF mostat in every room. Dad might want it cooler in his workshop, Mom likes it warm in the sewing room, Here's first class seenriry hidden by * Benuinc mihofany, walnut or blonde wood cabinet rhat makes £ handrome and Grandma likes it even warmer in her room. Only Electric Heat always gives you this kind of flexi- telephone rafale, night stand, or TV base. Safe carries Underwriters' "C" Libel, features Vermiculite insulation, bility. And only Electric Heat is so clean, quiet and trouble-free. So if you're building or buying a new bank viulc type lock bar, and twp drawers inside [one with lock). Di- mensions: Cabinet, outside—25U* x home, make the smart choice. Insist on modern Electric Heat. Call your local Public Service office for 20" x 20'; Safe, inside—15" x 12* x 13*, Weight; 260 lbs. An outstanding combination that com Ie*s than any detafb about the special low rate for heating your entire home Electrically. other comparable safe alont. L. BARTELL FARM .... Model S-C Only $146.95 BOULEVARD GARDEN CENTER KRAUTTER'S, INC. GARDEN SUPPLY HKfil SJ—Safe ilFustraW above but without cabinet. All welded conduction. 140 Central Ave. 604 Boulevard 265 South A^e. Only $99.95 Clark Kenilworth Fanwood Mirffl M—Has basic features and construc- tion of 5-3. Fm, c*pta5f0iiF and drop tested; Makesuntoby'smomhasexactlytherighttempe tit mi manufacltjrer'j warranty label. Di- fliensfons: Outside-?4»/i' * W;" x \Yt In- side-16' x 12'x9V<'. #eiHht: 175 lbs. Only $83.80 Midtf M-Samefeafuiei as Model 5-3 STEUERNACEL'S NURSERY traFed) — but has grealer cspacily. C MEEKER'S GARDEN CENTER MOUNTAINSIDE Underwriter^1 "C" Labeh Dimensions: PAINT & HARDWARE 5ide-2IW K VVt' i 23'; Inside-IS' i \2' I1O0 South Ave. West 240 Spnii'jfi^'J A^e. m 33 lbs 860 Mountain Ave. * '- ° Only $139.95 Westfield Mountainside NATIONAL TYPEWRITER CO. 276-9600 20 EASTMAN STREET BUY FROM TUDOR HARDWARE BUY FROM CRANFORD THESE tif Uotih Ave. 405 Soufh Ave.

MSWWMtt NOW At A SriCfAL LOW MATE t ii ft V;\)\v 4 THR YVRSTF1EM) (N..T.) LEADER, TIIHRKDAV, AWUL 21. Iflfi'l Entertains • APPLIANCES AUTO DEALERS Sr. Citizens

Mi>. (Iriiriuk? Jiaitly.s WJI.S tJus WESTFIELD JUS* APHOH1CJUI CAUVOW .sjx'iilifjr sit iho Apr. 1,~> FORD HNH PMMPf lOIVKI H of Iho VVasUiold Senior Citi- STATION RADIO TV A HANDY REFERENCE LIST OF RELIABLE LOCAL FIRMS zens, jirt'.senliirg "HoniiiiiMcentus of Ford Ownan for .'i l'm\sonujsis UmitfliliT," auiobLosra- AND APPLIANCES Ovar 85 Years • BOWLING ® LAUNDRIES PAINTING Authorized HEARING AIDS phiual rocolloctioius of youUJii'ul days LATKHT IN COLOR TV SPORTING GOODS in ;i MfMiodiirt pm'>, inter- ON IHHPL.AY AT OUIt STORMS i= O R D GOOD HEARING spurscd with comments on music WIfl HKKVICH WHAT WIO SIDIX Sales Service SAMOSET LAUNDRY INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR STARTS AT THE COLONIAL and baseball. THUNDBRBIRD SERVICE, INC PAINTING Mrs, 'lieuLLys is a former presi- COLOR TELEVISION TAJULANK 1ALCON SPORTS CENTER AD 2-3673 CLARK LANES LOUNDRT -- DRY EXCELLENT "WORKMANSHIP dent of tbu Lincoln School P.T.A. Headquarter* "Drive-In fcjorvlue" NO JOB TOO SMAJJL, "Everything for the Sportsman" Canh a»d Carry uud Kurved two term* on the Wocst- 232-4660 319 North Ave. E. Westfield INSURED Comploto Equipment For: fiekl Board of Iikluculion, Sho altio is §•3 Nortk ATC. LOUIS J.PINOLA • a off a past president of the Woman's Central Ave. (Opp. Qulmby St.) 1 241-3858 • I 'lnh ing Club of the First Methodist Church BOWLING CENTER 1-23-U • Arahery LAWN SERVICE • Tennis •an'd currently is chairman of its his- ELM RADIO & TV, INC LINDEMAN BUICK CO. Snack Rur • Cocktail Loung-e Sound torical committee. She was introduc- GO Brunswick Automatic • Skiing Headquarters for INC. U AHKlflNS • All other Gporta ed by Mrs. Nelson Atkins, co-chair- Whirlpool — KltchOM Aid — Free Sitting {Service For Bowlinff M- TOTTldN SKI RENTALS Hamilton 1 Certllieil lieartug" Aiil LAWN-A-MAT man of the program committee. WanherH & Dryora Free Daytime Bowline Instructlom INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR Badminton & Tennis Racquets BUICK Authorized by Qualified InBtructora \E In Iteatrung; Mrs. Eleanor Lundgren, vice-pres- Hoover Vacuum Cleaners 110 Central Aro Wcjitfltild PAINTING Guns, Ammunition and License* ident, presided over the meeting, RCA Color TV, Radios, Iflto. BUICK and OPEL Annual "Greenskeeper Care" 234-0-100 381-4700 233-0939 Program EXCELLENT 'WORKMANSHIP Dial 233-8420 whioli was hold ai its usual meeting tO Kim St. Wfitieli 1118 Turk Avt>. I'lnlafleld Sales and Service Wn Provldo Your Lawn with NO JOB TOO SMALL. 520 Sourh Ave. W. place, the First Baptist Church. A 140 Central Ave. Clark I 755-3327 INSURED (On the Circle) Parts — Repairs t Lawn-A-Matrlc Fertilizer period of group singing following SNOWDEN APPLIANCES Grub Control CAR WASHING Seeds LOUIS J. PINOLA the refreshment hour was accompa- Sales & Service QUALITY USED CARS Crab GrasB and HEATING r 241-3358 nied by Mrs. Earl Belcher at (Jie • Waahern & Dryera Other ^\ eeci Controls S-20-U SPORTS CENTER, INC • DiahvvaHherg & Disposal* AD 2-8434 piano. TOWNE CONTRACTORS Call 232-7080 • Vacuum Cleaners -130 North Ave. D. Wcrtffeld G. W. Hall R. TV. Hftl The group took & trip by chartered • Refrigerators & Freezers Any time, any day, Inch Sunday* bus to New York City on Apr. 14 to CAR WASH For Free Estimate "Faithful and Satisfac- Genuine Factory Parta PAINTS tory Service In W«Btfl«ld see ifche Radio City 'Music Hall East- 2:12-0410 Iftl North ATC. W. WettfteU In Westfield LAWN-A-MAT for Over SO Year*" er Show. On Mar. 8 another excur- One of Uniom Clements Bros. sion was held Lo the United Nations REILLY County's Most Cranford-Westfield TUDOR HARDWARE CO., INC.• Ski Rentals • Sea & Ski Clothlag Buildings and on May 5 the society VAN'S Modera Inc. • Spaldlng Footwear will sponsor a trip to Sterling For- OldsmobileCo Car Washeft • Brunewtck-Balko Bowling Equip- APPLIANCE CO. Healing Equipment LIMOUSINE SERVICE DAVIS ment est Gardens. These outings are un- Authorised WAXING ft • Complete Needa for Golf ft Tennl* der lihe direction of Ernest Johnson, IKUV1CU — INSTALLATION Oldsmoblk POLISHING Installed "Beet by Test" • Racquets Heetrung; on Premises IALESI co-chairman of the program com- Bal«» Jk BtrvJo* Call 233-4050 LA SALLE- CADILLAC • Fishing & Hunting Licenses Issue! mittee. • KITCHEN AID FUEL OIL and SATINTONB • Ice Skates Sharpened • Pool Tabl* it*rtk ATC B. AD s-rasi Next to Uniom County Road Sept, A special opportunity was present- • HAMILTON WMtAeli« JUw Jimr LIVERY SERVICE PAINTi Dial 233-2442 • WHIRLPOOL ed the Senior Citizens to purchase • N0R.GE 1216 South Ave., W. Weslfield BURNER SERVICE 47 Elm St. Weitfiel* - LIMOUSINES - HARDWARE! tickets at a reduced price for the A«d Mair Others Call 232-2200 Westfield Glee Club concert on Sat- Serving Westfleld & Vicinity •WALLPAPER PROMPT SERVICH 450 North Ave. E. Westfield with Uniformed Chauffeurs • GLASS TIRES urday, Apr. 19 and the Choral Art DELICATESSENS Cadillac LlmouHlneB • KEYS AUGUSTINE For All Occasions Anywhere •TOOLS RUNTED Society's presentation of "Elijah" on Call 232-3726 Open Mon. & Frl. 'til » P.M. Friday, May 16. In or Out of the State 117 E. Broad Sf. Weitfield MOTORS TOWNE INSULATION Preauent and Direct Service 233-0250 HORTON'S to all •uthorlMd DELICATESSEN Airports — Piers — Terminals 405 South Ave. W, Westfleld 1 INSULATION PROBLEMS? » ARTISTS SUPPLIES CHRYSLER "The Open Door to Hospitality" Dial 232-1100 Devlin Exhibit • IMPERIAL Call • PLYMOUTH • Choice Cold Cuts North & Central Aves., Westfield STORE • VALIANT • Home made Salad* ONE OF THE BES1 At Union College Westfield • Frozen Foods u&lea aid Servtc* • Fancy Groceries TIRE DEALS Headquarters for "JEEP" LUMBER JAMES RICCARDl.i, IN TOWN Some 30 book illustrations by Har- "Sandwiches Put Up to Tak« Out ry Devlin of 433 Hillside Ave., Moun- BRAKES Dial 233-1098 PAINTS amd WALLPAPER* FRONT HND ALIGNMENT tainside, artist, writer and art lec- Open Dally Including Sundaya SHOCK ABSORBERS 576 North Av, E. Wwrfleld J. S* IRVING COMPANY EXHAUST SYSTEMS turer at Union College, are now on Weatherproofers Since 1928 INTERIOR LtKCORATlWO WHEEL AtlGMMKNT Call 232-8012 LUMBER & MILLWORK exhibit in the Judge Nicholas A. 1122 South Ave. W. Westfield Insulation & Siding Work Of Every Deecriptlom SERVICE) AVAILABLE! 232-1300 Tomasulo Gallery at Union College. A Specialty Art Supply Complete 343 South Ave. E., We»tfi«!d The illustrations ore from "The FUEL OIL — OIL BURNER* WALLPAPEH DSPARTMBNT (Near Inspection Statlom) Grumbacher Artiste' Materials DRUG STORES Call 276-3474 HARDWARE — PAINTS Walloping Window Blind," a chil- Brushes • Oils WESTFIELD DODGE, inc. Mailing- Address: dren's book written by Mr. Devlin 333 W. Broad St. Westfitld Canvas TIFFANY DRUGS 251 E. 1st Ave., Roselle and published last October. The wa- «M flnntb Avn. W. Dial 232-1600 BOB MILLER TIRE CO, ter color and pen and ink drawings Dial 233-3462 AUTHORIZED Op« 7 Days a W««K 431 Central Ave. AV cat field Dodge Open Frl. eves 'til 9 P.M. For describe the "topsy-turviest ship Sales and Servlc* From 9 a.m. to 10 p.m. INSURANCE USROYAl AMERICAN that never was." The book is based Sundays a*d Holidays AAASONRY Tims and on an old children's song, popular • AUTO BODY REPAIRS Wv Pick-Up a ad D«llY*ry FOREIGN DODGE • DART AI> 1-33M CARS among Mr. Devlin's clas&mates in PATIOS - SIDEWALKS COMMUNITY School No. 10, Elizabeth. DODGE "Jo»-Rated» TRUCK! 111* Bontk. AT*. W. WMtetld DAVIDSON & MARTIN PIZZA SEVELLS INSURORS BRICK STEPS CCP "The Walloping Window Blind" is CHARGE PLAN Mr. Devlin's fifth book. His other Dial 232-0075 DARBY'S DRUG STORE KepresenLa- WHEEL BALANCING AUTO BODY CO. tlves for OTHER CONCRETE JOBS Don't Cook Tonite, Coll books include: "To Grandfather's BEAA WHEEL ALIGN MEAT Body and Paint Shop 405 South Ave. W. Weslfield • Auto Plan CALL 561-0340 ANY TIME DRAKE) SERVICE 'House We Go," and in collaboration Phonei ADamt 2-H98 • Glens Falls SHOOK ABSOHBERi with hiss wife, Wende, "Aunt Aga- *AA • ALA • M.C.A. Road Aid Ina. Co. 4-24-4t ALFONSO'S PIZZERIA 1 d-lanover 232-4080 tiia,. There's a Lion Under the 24-Hour Towing 339 Av.. W Ins, Co, 322-480B Couch 1" VThe Knobby Boys to the Fender Repairs — Painting1 >Ins. Co, of MEATS Featuring Delicious Rescue,"' and "Old Black Witch." Truck Painting: and Repair* ROTCHFORD PONTIAC North Am. 420 South Ave. W., Westffeld INC. FENCES Maryland Casualty Ina. Co, "Old Black Witch" is currently Foreign Car Servlca Authorized PONTIAC-TBMPBST PIZZA and HERO SANDWICHES being filmed and stars Hermione Ohio Casualty Ins, Co. J&M Salea & Service We3t American Ins. Co. Fles Delivered To Tour Boor Gingold. Call 232-8887 Good Will Used Cars BARTELL'S Mr. Devlin, formerly a political FARM & GARDEN SUPPLIES, INC SUPER MARKET Piping- Hot 120 Windsor Ave. Westfield 433 North AT©. Call 232-7550 cartoonist with. "Colliers" magazine Weattleld Serving- the 'Westfleld Area. WHALEN'S GARAGE S54 E. Broad St. Wcatfleld Complete Quality and 'the New York Daily News, has 232-3700 516 Park Ave. Scotch Plaint ulso illustrated text books for adults • AUTO RADIATORS PAINT A BODY SHOP PEARSALL & Food Market and children. 74 North Ave., Garwood 788-1880 A past president of the National FRANKENBACH, INC. • Prime Meat—Custom Cut Berries Cartoonist Society, Mr. Devlin for- LIBERTY GLASS CO. • Home Made Food Specialties SHOES-ORTHOPEDIC OF WESTFIELD 1BSI • Freeh Krults and Vegetable* Authorised Dealer merly drew -the nationally syndicat- Hound • Cedar • Freeaer Orders Claims ft National Account* Auto Radiators Split Bail • Stockade ed comic strip, "Ragmopp." Pie is AWNINGS, SHADES Scott'a Lawn Care Products •.^__ Handled Repaired • Recored • Replaced ~-^-^~•"• FORM8 232-0402 COBBLER SHOP WHEEL ALIGNMENT a former member of the board of Water-Softening Salt . aatf BALANCING SERVICS Mie Artists and Writers Association, Dial 233-8407 Dial 388-1581-2 OF INSURANCE 856 Mountain Ave. Specializing In a member of the Society of Illustra- MM flontfc Ave. B. Wevtfl«U Westfield Window Shop 277 Central Ave. Clark Dial AD 3-0393 tors and the Dutch Treat Club, and Bat 198* •HI»I>/TOV (t\ Mountainside AD 3-0394 vice president of the Board of Trus- MAKERS OF Orthopedic Shoes tees of the Mountainside Public Li- FLOOR COVERINGS 232-4700 For Your Child 600 North Av*. East W«»tff«U AUTO DEALERS • MOVING & STORAGE 23 Years Experience brary. CHATTIN AWNINGS ui St. The exhibit will be open to the BRUNT & WERTH, Inc. "If la Doubt, Ask Tour Phyilclaa" public Monday through Friday Currai A Aluminum — Btoraff* HENRY P. TOWNSEND Pete Vigilant!, Prop. Tak* Down A Re-haar Servlc* t/a W. R. Dolbier & Co. LAMPS & REPAIRS through May 2 from 1 to 3 p.m. by Canopies Rented Dial 232-9030 appointment. Custom-Made MNOL&iTJM — FORMICA STORAGE Venetian Blinds, Window BhadM SINK ft COUNTER TOPS Aluminum Comb. CATALINA LIGHTING MOVING & PACKING 329 South Ave. W. W«itfkld Eitlmatei A 8ampl#« SHADES « VENETIAN BLINDB of Westfleld (Opp. Railroad Station) »— All Famoui Makes — HOUSE OF FIVF, LAMPS Ml Norik AT*., W, Name Shapiro 232-3831 AND LIGHTING FIXTVRKf TRIUMPH If no *»iwer, 711-1171 Dial 232-5958 AD MIM AD 2 6500 206 North Av«. W. Wufflrid Fine Bohemlam AN 741 Central Ave. Westfield Imported To Deerfield Post Crystal OPTICIANS Dally from S to I Chandelier* amd others Mountainside — Allan J. Shapiro HOB. A Frl. Eye« 'til I P.M. Lampi of h;is been appointed vice principal of Distinction for ROBERT F. DAY LINCOLN MERCURY BOOKS every purpose the Deerfield Middle School and Large Selectiom Prescription Optician 301 SOUTH AVE . WESTFIELD NJ of Shades •Mrs. Gwendolyn McCarthy has lx.'en HYDE & ELLIS, Inc. call "AD" n'umed school psychologist and di- Lamp MouMtlng • COMPLBTH INSTAU*ATION S Kim St. W«a«fleld recior of special services for the GOODWIN MOTOR THE TOWN BOOK STORE public school system, the Board of BOOKS WOK AX1* Dial 232-4223 FOR Krkeation announced today. CORP. Paperbacks COMPETENT MECHANIC* • Orcetlav Carte ALJi NAME BRANDS 106 Central Av«* Weatfleld Shapiro, wlio holds degrees from MERCEDES*BENZ •'SUNBEAM' RAYMOND E. WHEELER New York and Seton Hall universi- • mesial Library LINOLEUM • TINTL • TILHt AD t-wam IN THIS SPACE ties, has been associated with the AUTHORIZED • FORMICA OPTICIANS Newark public schools since 3942. Bales and Servlc* D. Broad ft. • Glaaacs Fltte* 7M-370O • AluinlKtim Btorna Saak WILLIAMS LAMPS In explaining the creation of the (R«ar E«tra«c« from Tova Rfl-Qlaied — Re-Sore*n«d Ave* <»e»F • Prescriptions JPUU4 GOOD 130 W. «(h S*. 754-3700 Parking; Lot) position of vice principal at Deer- (at Arlington Ave.) Dial 232-6700 Westfield 232-2158 fieid Middle School, Dr. Levin B. 1006 South Ave. W. Weitfield CtrSTOIHEIl BNTRATTCH AND Hanigan, superintendent of schools, PARKING IN REAB Plata or R» WILL KEEP explained that such a position is NORRIS CHEVROLET Tour one-stop lamp headquarter* Houri: Monday 9:00 A.M. tfl * P.I recommended when the enrollment Rennlshing:p rewiring and repair Dally: 9:30 A.M. to 6.80 P.* exceeds 400. Enrollment is current- of any lamp Dial 233-5512 REEL-STRONG FUEL CO. Old lamps restored RESULTS ly 505. CHEVROLET Victorian glDbea palmted to match 110 Central Av«. Wettfiel* In addition, Hanigan .said, many "Dependable, Friendly B*rvlc* your base FOR QUICK Since 1926" Lamp shades repaired or recov- pmhk'in.s associated with the mod- MOBIL.HEAT ered Authorized Alao caa duplicate any other flhad* YOUR Coal HEATXNG OILS 1 ern middle school make it necessary BALES & SERVICE! Coke Lighting Fixtures — WUllamaburar 'hat more than one person bear the BRidge 6-0900 bronze and swag lights Major and Minor Repair* • Nort* Ave, E. We alao install WE REPLACE liliTiinistrativc burdens of curricu- Large stock of replacement Iiarffe Selection of Do-it-Yourself lamp part* BROKEN FRAMES ADVERTISE lum development, student: counsel- Ufied Cars and Truck* RESULTS LEHIGH OIL CO., INC Opem evenings 6-9 ing, supervision of bus KfudVnts, ca- XtlTlslOB of Joy Oil Co. !Wona periods and after school ac- Dial 233-0220 FUEL OIL Central AT*, nnd North aad livities. student discipline, schcdul- BtTRNEB LAUNDRIES NAME BEFORE WeHtfleld '"';• and summer school planning. PI, 4-O4MS Mrs. McCarthy holds degrees from ADVERTISE Montclair State College and is a FUGMANN IVORY LAUNDRY IN THIS rmdid'atc for a Ph.D. at Cornell UNION COUNTY OIL COMPANY & DRY CLEANERS 1.•jsiversity. Since 1fl&2, sho has been CompleU Laundering' for Family VOLKSWAGEN, • We Specialize WHILE YOU THE READERS a >chool psychologist in Union Town- Always Ready to Serve You In fln& 11B6A4 Inc. & cotton ruga IN • S?.m& Day WAIT! In addition to her work as a psy- Authorised Service We replace all types of lease** to|. • holotfist, she "will be responsible VOLKSWAGEN CENTER Ssso ott RequtBt Just bring In the pieqe* of SPACE :<••<: coordinating and directing the on 15% broken glasses. Balei — Sertlca — Parti Cfluh /k Carry .' i>rk of the reading teachers, learn- Ss Service _ Discount for ROBT. E. BRUNNER 'j disability specialist, speech cor- JTaw amd died Car* — Truck* Burner Scrvlcd OF THIS PAPER THIS SPACE by the • ciiotfist atfd social -vOorkw1 &fid W«ffo«f* — K&rw&m t 'Payment v ii ako eeffrtf as si ewfeli'tfantf &t cat 261 Av*, L WmtfkUi U TIIK WKRiTirm IN.J.) tKAiwn. rnrnsDAV, Avnu,

IT*-1 -" —" T ir"v T ^ Tp -r ^•^•^y^^ .-fc -* *. Jk. .*-,*. -^ **--*•*• TIHO I'ltHKUYTKItlAN ( Author lo S l.ra^ur IMHIIH IN WKSTKIKM) Sermon of the Week CHURCH SERVICES MO MULIIIIMlit Avi Al IVmnlr Brunei] Formal Haiu]uti jMllilHlcl'H 1 1 ii Iliinineliiipb will apeak on Tin MnrhiMi Liiiitfiu* (rf ody, not simply tliu t school; i) iiiul 10:45 tun., for rdni'dcd dhlldrcn (cuoli grugaiion; 2 -p.m.-7 p.m., Senior ,l(ui>h Vwir Bouk." Ik' is also a anil Mrs. William Cox und Mr. nnt>ic "Wunittfd—^Hwil Reb- inry" and "The Hi'li^iinis Situation." Saturelay, IhaO p,ni., V(nui^er Coii- iy, 11 a.'in.-lO p.m., 22nd els"; 4 ]),m., iliiiuibi-'ll 1'V.sliiv;)!. dinner sptvinl tMitt'rtiiiiinH'nt will Iw Kocuri'ly, or in (ilie .security Uhat is demiatulwl in labor niaiVaacmeiill rela- ploa progressive dinnor. lie lins been a visiting proiessor provided by Knssclt lkuilcy, a well tionships, or in nil of Uie Jiituiy oliliur ways that we seek to establish some Antiques Show; 7:45 p.m., Al Sumluy, H:4r> and 11 a.m., morn- ui ihi* .Jewish Theological St-miiuiry known folk singer, way of soiling an anchor to life. I Uliiiik that Itae aims are ceiidtily uu- Alecn, Henry Ncill Homn; u p.m., GRACE ORTHODOX ing worship. Sermon by tlio piislor, ami IIUH IoolurL'd al a number of dorsptarttlaWk', There is no ivaaon tihat 1 kitow of why wo should foci Hint Al Anon, Henry Noill lloom; \) p.m., PUESBYTEHIAN CHUKCII •Mr. Ifi.rtlloy att(»mJod SIIJVQIW In- tlie Kov. William K. Cobor, on the OIIUM" universities and colleges. we ai'ti sol a'drift or bival we have to be viotims of every new discovery of Al Anon Family Group, Henry Neill 1100 ItuuR'vard slitule of Tcchnoiofiy and was unxd- .subject, "G o od n o s sand Good Ik' was co-eililor r;f "The .I^wirih dMlmotiion. I don't believe Uia-t wo wore barn into illie world just to be ap- Room. Kolicri Alwoll. Minister ualccl from Drew Un-ivomily. He is Health." Music under Uio direction People: Pusl and Pivsenl," a cn- proilionsive about the future, a.sfliamed of t'lio past, ov panicky al)oul the Wednesday, 11 a.m.-JO p.m., an- Church .services at 11 a.m. and 7 now nthmdinff Trinity Suinin-aiy in of Mrs. Donald E. BIceko, director. nual Antiques Show. uuihor of "Ilolfgion in America," present. p.m.; Sunday school al Ui.'tt) a.m. A ".Jews in the Postwar World." "Fed- Doorfieid, 111. Ho has appeared on 9:15,, church school classes for nursery is provided on Sunday mom radio ;ind lelevi.siun in (his country 'However, in seakimg the security that Should be ours, I believe we fall children through Grade 6; 10 a.m., Thursday, 11 a.m.-9 p.m., annual eral Aid and Caliholic Schools" and anto lan age old iialliaey thai is almost our cons'tanit companion—we can do Antiques Show. ing. "Tlie Condition of Jewish 'Helief." and In South AnuM'ioa :ind has made church school classes for youtto and spvoral recordings. Mr. Hadloy is at ourselves; it is by my power, it is by my mind, it is by the use of myadults; 0 p.m., Junior High Fellow- Prayer meeting at 7:30 p.m. Wed and a conlrilmtor to "Tho Jews: .talents that I will obtain the tilings as well as the state of mind that OUK LADY OP LOORDES nesday. Their History, Culture and '.Relig- nvarriod lo the foi'mcr Carol Dix of ship; G p.m.. Senior High Fellow- Wostfipld. will ntakc me secure, We try lvart to do this but it certainly does seem to ship; tf p.m., Sunday night group at B. C. CHURCH Adult Bible study in II Timothy is ion." 'be elusive. II seems Bomethnes IWat the security we seek is almost within tlhe home of Mr. and Mrs. Arden SOI Central Ave., Mountainside held on Wednesday and Thursday Mr. Himmolfarb was educated in The alt ire For Ihe evening is form- our grasp and suddenly It is gone, but we continue to try, we continue to Brown, Jtlfl Pairacres Ave. Rev. Gerard J. McGanr, Paste* evenings at 8 in private homes. Lo the City College of New York, the al. An escort is not necessary and all strive and after eadh failure we try again wtlth less enengy anti indeed Tuesday, 3 p.'m., Afternoon Dun- Assistants cations may be obtained by phoning Jewish Theological Seminary's Col- interested Juniors and Seniors are Rev. Gerard Wlielan even wiltih lass Hope. Tlher-eflore, anxieity grows and this anxiety k due to geon; 8 p.m., Choral Art Society; a 233-4344. lege of Jewish Studios, Ihc Univer- cordially invited lo attend. For fur- the spread between the promise of (man's increase of knowledge and the p.m., adult committee, Rev. Raymond Aumack sity of Paris, and Columbia Univer- ther information call the Maehcn. Kectory—12^1 Wyoming Dr. League president, Bill Cox, 626 Boll- powder to achieve tHie actal result of this promise, Ybu see, we know so Wednesday, 9:30 a.m., calling JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES sily. niudti and ye are Icfarrilng more constantly. Tfae body of knowledge is committee, Sunday Masse&-7» 6, fl:15, 10:30 1170 Old Raritan Road, Clark leva id. and 12. Everyone is welcome to attend. multiplying so rapidly and yet wo arc still so hopelees. Westficld Congregation Baby silting will be available. Weekday Masses—fl:30. 7 and B. John Scedorf, Presiding Minister Actually, security, I believe, is a spitfitilal matter, security is some- ST. PAUL'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH Holyday Masses—fl, 7, B, 10 and tMnjg th'at is freely given by God when m'an is willing to freely accept it. Friday, 7:25 p.m., ministry To Confirm 41 414 E. Broad SI. 8 p.m. CONFIRMING CLAIMS God tells us ttoat we can attain la seMing for our lives in wIKidi our experi- The Rev. Canon Richard J. Hardman school; 8:30 p.m.', service meeting, To Show Gospel A service Of eortfirnrvalton for 41 1st Friday Masses~«:30r 7:15. thai many of Italy's ancient ences will iriake sense, in which we aan have a conifidenJt and abiding sense The Rev, John C. W. Innsley Novena—Our Ijady of Miraculous Sunday, 3 p.m., public talk entit- Film May 3, 4 young people who have successfully of purpose, and in wtoich we mlay also be sure that we do really matter The Re?. Joseph S. Harrison led, "Knowledge of the Promised monuments and buildings completed two years of study will • Medal, Monday, 8 p.m. are being lost to humanity and tftiat what really irtatitens is really what is at tlhe very heart of things. The Rev. Huch Ltvengood Penedlction—Fridays 2:30 p.m. band IHdmiiiates the Bible Record' On the evenings of May 3 and 4 at be held this Sunday afternoon at Now tdils, I think, te the (privilege of a Christian to be able to accept this Thursday, 7 a.m., holy commun- Confessions—Saturdays, eve of 1st given by C. H. Chain; 4:05 p.m., is this car wash and service 7 o'clock in tlie parish house, the 3:30. The Rev. Gordon L. Huff wiU offer by G'od of iihe security that we so desperately want and, indeed, I ion ; 8 p.m., 'adult confirmation Baptisms—Sunday at 2 p.m. by ap- Watchtowcr study—(the title of the station in a 10th-century adult commiutee and Uie Senior High preach; the Rev. Arnold J. Oahl- think that we deserve. cJass. pointment. article to be considered by means of church in Ferrara. Fellowship of the Presbyterian quist will serve as ltturgist, Rela- The Chrlistkm is .able bo counit on the God who loves htm, the Gttd who Friday, St. Mark the Ewmgelist, Marriages — Arrangements to be question and answer participation Church will present tlie film "The tives and friends are cordially invit- 'has promised to hold him up, an'd the God wilio Has ato said that he will 1 an'd 9;3O a;m.; h'oly comanunion; made at redory two months in ad*is, "Why Is Your Ministry Success- Gospel According to St. Matthew." ed (o the ceremonies at the Calvary- make him secure* But, how do we receive this gfilflt, h!ow do we freely ac- 8 p.m., dance for ninlth through vance. ful?" The film is a version of tlhe life of Lutheran Church. cept it? il find fctoait accepting gilts that are offered is often the most dif- twelfth grades. Tuesday, 8 p.m., the Bible study FANVVOOD PRESBYTERIAN Jesus, produced and directed by an ficult matter to deal with and certainly, in man's relationship to God, be- Sunday, TMvd Sunday After Eaat- •aid to be used during a question and CHURCH Italian atheist and Marxist, Pier THE CATHOLIC CHUECH OF 74 Marti ne Ave., South cause God is constantly pouring out all that he desires us to have and we er, 7:45 a.m., holy commM'i'oti; 8:45 THE HOLY TRINITY answer discussion will be, "Baby- Paolo Pasolini. To Speak Sunday get bogged down with our ability to accept what he has given. So I think and 10 a.m., h'oly communion and lon bhe Great Has Fallen! God's George L. Hunt Joun P, Millar The English version will be shwvn. Rt. Rev. Msgr. Charles B. Murphy Ministers Morristown Minister that the process of accepting bhe security that God aflfefls dtems finst of sermon; 11:30 a.m., morning prayer BX.S., Pastor Kingdom Rules!" The running time is two hours 15 all by seeking forgiveness. I think fcltot there is not any other one single and sermon; 12:45 p.m., holy bap- Sunday, 9; 30 smud 11 o'clock wor- minutes. The Rev. Cl'ark Olsen,, minister of 1 Assistants ship services: Dr. George L. Hunt thing rtjhait aflfadte oua sense of seciM% as mudii as our reelings of guilt. tism; 10 a.m., men's church school; ,, Rev. Thomas E. Daly AIX SAINTS' EPISCOPAL CHURCH All are welcome, There is no ad-the Unitarian Fellowship of Morris- The things that we Have done in the past somehow or antotflici* seem to 7 p.m., Ninth Grade Feltowstvip and 559 Park Avenue will preach on (lie tonic "Second- mission charge but an offering will town will speak at the Unitarian Rer, Saivatore J. Tagllarenl Guessing God," the sacrament of come back and to pflague us arid isio we b^gin to live Eve's tihat are warped Senior Episcopal Young Church- Rev. John E. Murphy Scotch Plains, New Jersey be taken. Fellowship of W find relief wtofen we are un'der tills bur- Wednesday, 9:30 a.m., h'oly com-High School — 233-0481 ntst; 10:15 a.m., morning prayer, 19f( Sarifan Road be provided. The Unitarian Fellow- den of guilt, or we try to Uongeft, we try to push it out of our mincfa as if munion; 10:30 a.m., theology for sermon; 9 ia.m,, church school, 11 a.m., church school for nursery ship of WestField meets at 10:30 a.m. CCD Office — 233-7455 (3 years) through 10th grade; adult Scotch Plains it did not exist. But, it keeps recurring whan we are mlost relaxed. Some- parents and teadiers; 8 p.m., Cos- sixitr- up anil suddenly trigger this feeling of old guilt and we can- school, nursery lJfHfth. Bable study — lounge, 9:30; senior coffee hour follows the morning ser- mopolitan club. FIRST METHODIST CHURCH Friday, 8 p.m., Young Couples' not push it out of our minds. We try to nationalize it, try to work out a •high study groups, 11 a.m. 7 p.m., vice. At The Plau •Monday through Saturday, morn- Club. process Whereby we can say thait this is an orderly kind of thing and wow FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST, ing prayer, 9 a.m. the Voutih Fellowship will view and Ministers: discuss the film "A Time for Burn- Saturday. 9:30 a.m., Youth "Work- we have Game to tlhc place wlhere we really undenstlaind it. We try to be SCIENTIST Wednesday, 9:15 a.m., healing In." free but someituhies, even after years, we fiimd tflnat we are not. Even Rev. Clark W. Hunt ing." 7:30 p.m.,, Junior High Fellow- 422 E. Broad St. service; 9:25 a.m., the holy eucha- Sunday, 9:30 and 11 a.m., worship Aids College Fund though we s'ay 'to outiselves, Who could possibly kruow atooult wihat has hap- Rev. James C. Whitaker ship — game night, Westfield, New Jersey rist; 10:30 a.m., Bibb class. service. The Rev, Julian Alexander pened in my past, I have things worked out so that I have covered my Rev. Roger W. Plantikow Charles R. .Tones, general reve- Sunday Services—11 A.M. Thursday, St. Phillip and St. Monday, 9:30 a.m., Women's As- Jr. will speak. Church school tracks and that is ovfcr and done witih. Yet, somehow, inevitably tihes« Rev. Philip R. Dictterick nues analyst for New York Tele-, Sunday School—11 A.M. Rev. Dale Forsman James, apostles, 7 a.m., bhe holy eu- sociation executive hoard — Foun- through 12th grades at 9:30, and in- things recur and nag away at us. Churlst; 9 a.m, morning prayer; phone Company, will assist in the Nursery—11 A.M. Sunday, 9:15 and 1-1 a.m., all de- t ders Room; 3:30 a.m., mothers* dis- fants through 3rd grades at 11; 6:30Union College capital fund cam- Now tthe eradication: erf such guilt is only possible through Uhe forgive- Wednesday Evening Testimony partments Of «the ahurdh school 9:45 a.m., the holy eucharist; 6:45 cussion group — lounge; 8 p.m.,p.m., Junior, Middler and Senior :15 P.M. p.m., acolyte training. paign among Union alumni in Met- metss q^God, and Qod will granlt A. Heyartts'to'f^ftpfe © of u!s to meet; 9:30 end 1-1-tun., . worship parish life committee — loungo. Fellowships. ' - ropolitan New York City as a gen- *he fullness of life and I we are in ©aVnest about being sorry; if we will After Death" is the services in the sanctuary. Dr. Clark .Friday, 7 p.m., Couples Olub^j rq; .- Tuesday, 8 p.m., first session of Monday, 8 p.m., "WHnt Js Chris- subject of Sunday's Christian Sci- greSsdve dinner. oral gifls area vice chairman, Dr. do Wtoat we can to make resltLtu'tioa Wherever thiat is possible, anid then we W. Hunt, senior minister, will teacher training course, "The Pro- tianity?"—A discussion series cf the Harold C. Martin, president of tho'. •ask Qod to forgive, he will do it and we will know because we will be ence Bible Lesson-Semron which preach; 2 p.m., Youth Council, ed- cess of Teaching and Learning,'' Christian faith and life; 10 a.m. to will be heard at First Churdi of CALVARY LUTHERAN Scfoenectady, N.Y., college, an- iflooded wiitih a tremenditms feeling of relief and fchde wBl course ttaugfa our ucation office; 3 p.m., The Yale Founders' Room. 2 p.m., Women's Assoc, Service Day nounced today. Wh/cyle lives, it will flo'od OUT veans, we will have a feeling of warmth and Christ, Scientist, 422 East Bread Russian Ohorus, sponsored by the CHURCH then I think fahiat tlhe second thing is to be a secure person wfflch Tuesday, 9:30 'a.m., elementary WOODS1DE CHAPEL comes by living as a parson of i'aitih; not just fs/itih in one's1 self, not Paith denomjniation'a'l textbook states: "If sendees of worship and Sunday planning conference, at Central Morse Av«. Fan wood bind us fortver to a sickly man is never to overcome death, third and fourth grade teaefhors' t in tihe country, or faith in the system; but faith in G-od. You see wo arc church school; 9 a.m., adult class; Presbyterian Church, Summit. Tonight and Friday, 7-8:15, special body. Christ J«us showed Why d'O the Scriptures ©ay, 'The last meeting, third floor. people who live in great fear and tihe fear Is cau&eid by wtat the Umlta of 10:45 a.m., children under three children's meetings continue with enemy tot shall be destroyed is men how to bt fre». "Wilt our urtderstandinig are, by W\ml tlhe limi'ts af our vision are, and these Wednesday, 8 p.m., worship cam- years are cared for in Wie babysit- TEMPLE ISRAEL OF SCOTCH •Mr. BarnicutJt and Mr. Nesbitt from death'? The tenor ol the Word stows thou be mad* whole?" he •things, our limit of umlersiianding and our limit of vision, Ibriit our feelings mission, Room 209. ting nursery; 3:30 p.m., service of PLAINS-FANWOOD Canada. All are invited. of security. We fear the future because wo can't see Jit. We don't kn'ow that we shall obtain the victory over confirmation for 41 young people 19Z0 CHffwood St., Scotch Plains asked. Listen Sunday, April death in proportion as we overcame REDEEMER LUTHERAN who have siiccessifully completed Saturday, 7:45 p.m., monthly wtot it has in store for us. We fear law when we pint OUT hope in things. 1920 Cltffwood Street Christian Fellowship rally will be 27, to We fear sickness. We fear failure. But, God has shown in the world by thesin" ("Science and HeaStth with Key CHURCH two years of instruction. Scotch Plains to line Scriptures by Mary Baker held this month at the Woodisade sravirag aobion of hi» son, ail through history, tihat he has saved people from 229 Cowperthwaite Pi. Tuesday, 9 am, LOW workshop; Phone: 899-1830 Chapel. Eddy). 7:30 p.m., Boy Scout Troop No. 84, "Are We Wilting destruction and by tlhta assurance he offers us greater sfalv&iti'on to come, Rev. Eugene A. Kchwinke] 'Rabbi Simon Potok will conduct Sunday, 11 a.m, Reg Barnicutt of Eagle Scout award ceremonies in f i// ami ortly God aan give us bhe assurance that we will have strength to Friday, 7:30 p.m., L.L.L. Zone services at 8:30 p.m. tomorrow at Canada will be the speaker at the to be Well? FIRST CONC1WSRATI0NAL fellowship hall. meet whatever comes. Rally at Messiia'h Lutheran Clmirch, Temple Israel of Scotch Plains Fan- Family Bible Hour. The Sunday CHURCH Plainfield. I have said to you before, Christ came into the world not t)o make life 125 Elmer St. wood. Sabbath morning services be- school will be in session at Uie same SUNDAY MORNING Sunday, 8:30 a.m., Matin service; MOUNTAINSIDE CHAPEL gin at 9:30. The Oneg Shabbat and easy but to make men great amd the greatness of man nadraltes through a Ministers: time. 7:30 p.m., Mr. Barnicutt also WNEW-1130 Kc. - 6:45 A.M. security tftiat he has because he has a sure and certain faitih tihat God will 9:45 a.m., membership el'ass; 11 Highway 22 Saturday Kiddish will ibe 'hosted by will bring the message at the eve- h, R. Stanford a.m., holy communion will be cele- Robert B. Mignard. Pastor WERA-1590 Kc-8:15 A.M. supply Whatever fa necessary for him to cope with Uhe vici'ssitudes of life. F Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Arnold in ning service. Just as he save Ohnist the Strength to go forward and to meet hfe death M. E. McCullough brated at this service. The sermon Sunday, 9:45 a.m., Sunday school honor oC ith-eir daughter Elise's WVNJ - 620 Kc. - 9:45 A.M. will be delivered by The Rev. Eu- for everyone (nursery); 11 a.m., Tuesday, 8 p.m., prayer and Bible on the cross, so he will give us strength in all that wo do if we have trust Sunday, 9:30 and 11 a.m., morn- 'birthday. study time at the Chapel. in him. He loves us Witlh the love from whiiah we can never depart, same- ing worship in the Sanctuary. The gene A. Retowinkel on "The Miracle morning worship (nursery); 6 p.m., ttog tihat we can never drift away from, indeed, the only way tihat we can of Reconci'Mation." youth groups; 7 p.m., evening wor- Tuesday, 3:30 p.m., conflrm'ati'on ship. lose that which he offers, is simiply to decide to turn our back's on him, A BIBLICAL VIEWPOINT person? of faMh has no fear for he Mves in the complete reliance upon God. class grade 7; 7:30-9:45 p.m., Lu- Monday, 1:30 p.m., cottage prayer The unrei'iability of man and tthe question of the dependability of the world theran School of Religion. group; 7 p.m., Pioneer Girls. The test word of ihe Old Testament Wednesday, 11 a.m.. Day School Tuesday, 7 p.m., Hi-B. A. ir,- ,' ,-.. y. .- to fade away because he has another and ntore sure answer. These is G'od's promise of o-ne Wlw> "shall become replaced by tfe convidion that God is a JtoUher who cares Chapel; 8 p.m., voter's assembly; Wednesday, 8 p.m., prayer and turn 'the heart of iihe iCauhcns to the8 p.m., elders. '$l:-'-';s.\' • • •-:•:••• ••'•••••••^•'.'^••'. •••/• '.• ••••' •...-•: ••;••• :.;:V:-:;:i ?*:.:••• •^^•^'.^^^^-••••V.:-<^Tr^:'/1F^^|i3 Bible study. :i 1 1 >; ll 1 and Wien we are moved to act with assurance and the fears that we have :•'•••'"• • •'. ••-'•••• •' • •• • ••'• ••' •>•'-••• ••:>.'• -•• ••••• H-'I J ••',''( • •';':•'• •.•>:.•,•>:•; •.ii:. .;y*.-* .:'.:i::^::-::iil .&S;.!:.i L:i-.-- =. • • ' .;•- • • i .'*:•."• :.v ••'¥£••:& .si . M S#: children, amd the Ji&ari of the chil- '-,-•'•- •••^•-yy are set aside and we become more secure people. •*• .'"•>:• .-••: $> ?'.^b|;:^:.^.^. 'mt

K ". .'-- r-f. dren to their fathers, 'lest I come &'•-. -**-•.- :- I guess the last of fihese things to be secured is the most difficult; and VjViJi xs

r >\", « hH' + .qi fan ^x; &s. (Chat is to accept the cross, The cross has always been central in the lives and smite the earth with a curse." •-tf?- * ., .: -- - • J.I • • V 'Sss. • &:<: of Gforislfctaiiis buit ilt is possible that it is so familiar tihat it has begun to The generation ®ap ts mot only Che *: lose ite sliignijillioan'ce. It is always on tlhe clwrch, it is always on Uhe top of Z#: current disease of our society. It is Iff' foui'Idings, it's in ceraefteries, we make necklaces and bracelets out of !=-»: i"-« :--&. the dee-pt'st disease that can afflict :'••-•--- them and crosses are even on the covers of some of our books. We see it lr> >:-.- so much that we fail to remember tihat it is a sign of victory over dc&th any society. All er of tills ©tern and the symbol of a now relationship between G'od and man. TlTat's what from it—despair, (alienation, confus- it mearJs to accept this cross. It means that you're accepting a victory ion, revolution, anarchy, dtetruetion even if it cause's a c&i^bain amount of suffering und dfiiscom'ilort. It is tlie •:->> of present structures with no •basis of frope. To many it is still death but that was only true before the Treat your 'ft* resurrection. Tlie resurrection meant that Uiifist had pub'Iidly laxen sides tlraught of replacement. Un'!t?^s this f r s^s; es with tihe crucified an d it si'gnifies the victory over the powers hostile to genenal'ion gap i s 'healed it is bound f|^*> ¥ F m \m God and it teaches us how to suffer and it gives us the assurance of tri- to be fatal, both to individuals and linens to umph. to the nation. The one euro is the

our tender Vh.j. Tlwre is no motivation in life that is easier to under'sta'd than the Gospel of Jesus Christ. •i&W *"3Sfi .*:?* :-'.: tm w&A-i.*..-.:'&m: .... •-•., J<, m--",••-:<.• drive Chat we have to security but it is sad when it h pursued where it m \ f-l can never be found. It, al'ong with ail that is good for man, comes from loving care! r 4 •» 'W

God and it comes to all who seek forgiveness, who strive to be men of -iv-- faitih, and who accept Hie cross. Then it is that we are open to accept cer- -y-'-^-r tainty and protection, t&ie guarantee that life will n'ot fail but will be -»•"-' strong and stable and we will be able to stand firm for the Lord, the strength of our lives. Robert Atwell Take the work out of washday by bringing soiled Pastor garments here for expert laundering. Sost is low. DOOLEY COLONIAL HOME COMMUNITY Grace Church PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Sunday, 3:30 a.m., church school: 556 Westfield Ave. • AD 3-0255 Meeting House Lane Adult class, grades 5-8: 11 a.m., 1100 Boulevard IVORY DRY CLEANERS A Funeral Home of homelike atmosphere, corrplstely modern air conditioned, Mountainside, New Jersey morning worship, William CiMon off-streel Parking Facilities Minister: prca ch ing. Chu roh school: Grades The Rev. Elmer A. Talcott Jr. 14, kindergarten, nursery, cmdle Licensed Staff .. LAUNDERERS Also Minister to Yfrath: rolJ; 2 p.rn., softbaJl with sen'ior Charles E. Doorey Wftteiti Ctfiitrii ; 7 p.Mw Senior mi tfHtik I OttoUrf DOOiSY FUNERAl HOME t(t a.m., ChfSsfcfnas U t 1 pMsf dtetogtte PM Jowph f< , 7 pAt*., Jtit&w itigH mfihets,

1 n Till; WKKTKil'IlJ) nidii;il(» of Nurlli- b Resident to Direct Russian ames Alan Grant .VCSIITII University"* Institute (if l!M4 to liMii, ho saw ai'liv.' To Bridge Gap Chorus in Westfield Concert Tin* of Akin .), (Inuil of service wilh the U.S. Navy ami ho 1i;i lijirrliosU'i* VVJI.V, formerly JHT.H "An oppoiMuulty for families to it; MoUiotliHt Church Youth 'lili tfrariLui'lc or WtwlWeld remained in the Naval Iti'.servo unlil 1 ol Die Kli'Hrojiies 1:1K goiicrci'lfmi Kf'p," is Uiu will present tho V'iile School mid n musk student at Ytile, wjiy WillUmi it. Hawkins, Uiih'iT.sily lliis.sinn Cilrnrus in n Idle chorus i.s a cfiixifuHy tnu-incd le with a unirjtie musical ex- AimnR Corporntion, i\s a Kroup council of i.he Institute of NavLtui- scl'ibL's the Parent Adolescent Com- nufciic at ;i p.m. Sunday, in the . It is n selitolarly group wiHi of Kairdiild L'zi tion ami is a mcniher of the Aimed Pro^nun bL'iiij; .sunsorud church tti iilonls antl tfoals whioli LKSU and instruiiH-nl ('nrporiilioN, Forties Comniimicnlion.s and hy liif Westifiuhl ^^MCA. The pro- ran.sceud the diverse iioademic nnnotineed by I he boiii'tl of Ironies Association and the Air The chorus was formed over :i will boy in May 2. ngo hy i\ Liilvhiii-born music ciultiwi represented. directors. Force Association. studunl and u ULIIIIIXT of yradn'ate Tickets arc available in Gregory's I Jr. t\ Luster llognn, president He also Is a member of tin1 Sigma "Many high .school sluUoitLs have and underyrn dilute eUidciitH who Music Store, Plain-field, Hond'o Mu- t'hiof executive officer, sukl that Xi Tau IIelta Pi, Kla Kappa Nu, a difficult time talking wilh their .shared u lively inlercbt in Huaaiati sic, Union; The Town Book Store, Mr. (JianL will bo in clwirgc! of tlio Rho Epsilan, and Pi Delta Epsilon rThis is not un unusual nor culture. They wished to conununi- Down Bout Record Shop and Tlie o))oi'£iliiMis of the corporation's east honor societies, COMiltATULATEl) ON AWARD—Nurniiin Blnney, right, president of abnormal situation. However, many families with food 'relationships caLe interest and |>ai-tici])ote direct- Music Workshop, all in Westfield; t'oasL divisions -plus the instrumenta- <.;invi-nt of view. The com- cil for the Social Studies at a dinner tion to one of international signi- G. A Taylor — Art On Stamps. Robert D. Sullivan of HI7 Pros-1 in Bucharest, It lias ovoked standing Tuesday night at Casino in the Park, ficance, was also vice president of Dr. George J, Deyo, Convention Repeats Stamp Spctinl awards, Best in show, II. munication program being sponsored pect St. has been appointed general ovations, and silent tears, vocifer- 'by the Y is designed 'to assist fami- Jersey City. liie parent company, Lockheed Air- publicity chairman for Union Coun- Windfeld-Hansen, Denmark, the transmission engineer at New Jer- 0Us argument and mutual education, ty, stated that the scientific pro- lies in tihis process," says Hawkins. •Dr. liggitt, dean of instruction, craft Corporation. Show Win Skilling issues; presidents award sey Bell's headquanters in Newark, and s(jand.s today as a community of was honored for his outstanding ser- He joined Lockheed in 1905, com-gram will be supplemented by a and A.P.S. (best single frame exhi- "The program "is not designed as a effective- May 1. He succeeds Wil- singers dedicated to coiruniuiication display of 72 technical exhibits pre- vices to social sciences education. ing from Litton Industries, where bit), A. L. Brinkman, semiprecious counseling or therapeutic program Ham S, Dean of Summit, who is re- 011 stage and off. senting the most recently developed Tlio recont Wostfleld Stamp Club's (Dr. Liggit resides at 703 St. Marks lie was president of their worldwide •gema; Apfelbaum award (best ex- for families with severe relationship tinng. types of instruments, plrarmaceuti- annual exhibit, WESEX '69, was Directed by Bruce Iie-berman, a Ave. guidance and control systems divi- hibit on printed album pages), Mar- problems; it is designed for the Mr. Sullivan is currently a busi- eals, physical medical modalities v'owcd ^ ™1^ tha» .f° ° Pcraons- sion. ( vin Glaser, Italian panorama and •family who have basically good re- ness systems consultant with Bell and other types of equipment used !vho ™ ™ «« f hib.t they en- From 1949 to 1964, lie was with A. L. 'B r 1 nk m an, use d blocks of lationships and want ito improve Telephone Laboratories in Holmdel. in the offices and laboratories Df Joyed the most and tried their hand V.S, Airmails; their ability to work as >a family and A 1943 graduate of Stevens Insti- the autonetics division of Norbh Am- podiatrists in the treatment of hu- N ldentify]ng tho on6inof2D erican Aviation. Starting as a re- stamps. American topical Award, E. At.o disoluss •common concerns openly tute of Technology, Hobuken, and man foot ailments. and honestly." holder of a master's degree in man- TERMITES search engineer, Mr. Grant was The most popular exliibit was Cieckiewicz, balloon and glider successively named to various key HT Sister Visits R. J. Houston's Postal Influence of posts; popularity award, R. J. "Programs similar to this 'have agement from that institution, he IF YOU SEE management positions in engineer- the 3rd Reich. Houston, Postal Influence of the 3rd been offered 'by other YMCAs and joined New Jersey Bell in 1946 as a ing and marketing. USAF Academy Identification of the 25 mystery Reich; novice, Steven Powers, Am- community agencies and the YMCA student engineer. lie holds engineering assignments SWARMS OF INSECTS THAT SHED THEIR He was assistant general mana- stamps proved most difficult as no erican Indian on U.S. Stamps. in Westfield is pleased to have group of educators nmi New I , ( in Oamden and Trenton1 and was dis- ger of the navigation systems di- could i(Jontif u 25> H(WflVer( been a ble to recruit leadership to Jesrser y recently visited the United \ , , _ fiiv1 iiiict engineer in Paterson before go- WINGS, LOOSE WINGS BETWEEN WIN- vision prior to his appointment as thihne nmpersocnnn whwlmo correctlnrpnptlvy MffnHidentified Five Win Awards offer this program opportunity to States Air Force Academy near the a year's sub- families in Westfield. The coopera- ing to the business systems depart- DOWS AND STORM WINDOWS, DAMAGED vice president and general manager Colorado Springs Colorado. With , ^ zme cour- ment at New Jersey Bell headquar- of the computer and data systems to Maga At Pack 373 Derby tion of several clergymen, plus the he group was Sister KaUileon Iimo- charI ko d ^ Youth and Family Counseling Serv- tersi n 1961. BASEBOARDS, FLOORING, DOOR FRAMES, division. A Plnewood Derby was featured thy, guidance counselor of Holy COnted, ice, have made it possible. This in- In 1965, Mr. Sullivan transferred Mr. Grant began his career at WALLPAPER BEING EATEN, Trinity High School here. at the Apr. 17 meeting of Pack 373 itial program is being underwritten to the engineering economics group (Illinois Institute of Technology as Division winners were: of Holy Trinity. 'Derby winners The Academy educator tour is United States,!, A. L. Brinkman, by the Y. Participating families are at the American Telephone and Tel- CALL A SPECIALIST FOR A an instructor in electrical engineer- part of anU1J orientation program to were: 1, George Pierce, Den 2; 2, egraph Company in New York City. F«.t ^ „„ ( • ^^.«». - Scmi-precious gems; 2, G. E. Foster, being asked to pay & fee equal only ing. acquaint educator personnel with L . , . n .m , „.;,:„„.., Michael Del Mon'aco, Den 1; 3, Don- He assumed his present post Jiast Confederate postmaster provisionals, to the cost of i*oom and board for FREE WRITTEN ESTIMATE He attended the Illinois Institute ald MacPherson, Webelo, and November, the mission, facilities and curricu- 3, G. L. Peakes, electric eye posi- the weekend which will be spent at of Technology, where he received a lum offered at tfoc newest service James Hellender, Den 2. Michael Frost Valley, N.Y. Mr. Sullivan and his wime have bachelor of science and a master of academy. tions on the 1945 postal note stamps. Brennan of Den 3 won the award Postal History, 1, E. E. Weaver, sons, Robert D. Jr., Kenneth ALLSECT TERMITE CONTROL for the best looking car. Participants will attend a week- and Lawrence. Harden-The Original Expressman end program at iCamp Wawayanda 101 FIFTH ST., PLAINFIELD 561-5525 and Hales Express; 2, R. J. Hous- Other awards were presented Den DRIVEWAYS AND PARKING AREAS PAVED 1 's Andrew Lelwioa, gold arrow; at Frost Valley, N.Y., and five Mon- Anyone with heart disease, or a ton, Germany's military admission day evening sessions in May andsuspected condition, staid see his FOR EMERGENCY SERVICE USE OUR TOLL-FREE NUMBER stamps and Postal Influence of theMark F,rankariglia, three silver ar- PRESERVE OLD DRIVES and rows; Michael Del Monaco, one sil- June. physician before undertaking pro- FROM ANY POINT IN NEW JERSEY: 3rd 'Reich; E. E. Weaver, How the longed or strenuous exercise, such AREAS WITH COSMICOAT Mails Were Carried. ver arrow; Jonathan Chewey, one Parents and students Interested 800-392-6808 In more information should -contact as a Spring clean-up, the Union Foreign, 1, Thomas J. Cullen, se- silver arrow; and Thomas Rotella, Mr. Hawkins at the Westfield YMCA. County Heart Association cautions. ASPHALT SEALER lected album pages of Iceland; 2, wolf badge. H. C. Meier, Berlin private posis; 3, C. J. Sayko, airport varieties and WM. A. PARKHURST errors, CONTRACTOR British area, 1, D. Stapp, Leeward Phone ADams 3-1738 Res. Mill Lane Island cancellations; 2, A. V. Sam- P. O. Box 334, Westfield Mountainside, N. J. uelson, Elizabeth IT and British Africa.

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.F 1 - 'I


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J^P SCOTCH PLAINS MAIN OFFICE 336 PARK AVENUE WESTFIELD FANWOOD OFFICE 2222 SOUTH AVENUE HOI/»S MOT BANKFR; HOURS 5/ HOUR? A WFfK IMCl UDJNO "Af c r t, '//r >! It 0*2--I5O0' tmmt% of nmmt MPOM WKSTFIRLD (N.T.) LEADER, THUUSnAY, APRIL 24, 8VQ, 4, Indiana University Singers real-time computer systems within Esso Promotes •the information systems division of N.J. Military OHIIT 1 • - . Ihi. company. In Install Maualliiiw 'Mr. Cuslidollui1 received Ills bnch- Perform Here Saturday Night \ B. II. Cashdollar clw's degree in petroleum engi- itf. On. Willnrd S. tf 1 neering rrom Puwn State in l!r>7, and of \Vi'st.l'j(M(| will \w inwhiHud UK ilo- iDi , Don V, Moses will eumlud. tin* the Hrmd SI;UKI, I.'ill IC. Broad Si., 1 Ramm \\ Onshrlnllnr nl" <«() Knl- Ilia mnsler's in the same discipline furlmunt eomimimk'r ul' Now ,Jmu»y flndianfl Universlly OhiMnbei Sinm>i\s or Llit! Was'llic-liI VMCA. Tickets 1 1 ter Pi., hjiN been promoted to -sec- in l!lMi. From J053 Lhrouuh I«,J5, .tl Uu. im.M'iin.i Luiniirrim of Ihe Now Saturday a<[ ft:,Wp.m . in Hie West- IIIMO mny be purchased at the door. . r1 tion 'head in the information sys- ffiuld IIi«li School MUdilorimn, 'ho was in 'the U.S. Army Signal I iv,'y IJepm-lini'iit ol' lliu Military Tlu> benefit performance will bo tems division of 'the operations re- Corps, stationed in Korea. ;.!-'r of tliu World \V';u\s, an oi^an- Advance tickets :ii'i! nt K]K)i»M>rH by the Y'.s Men's Club of ; .search and sytems department of i/.:u!iin wli'osi! mohvlwaliLj) cam- 1 Mr. Cashdnllar is 'married and 1 Wostfit'ld and Iho Indiana Univarsity K.sso Mathematics & System Ira. ., has -two sons and one daughter, lie i.-i: the iictivt! and rt*tin»r1 oWiivrs Alumni Club of New Jersey. Mem- ol New York. is active in the community, in the World VVar.s 1 and 2, Konw and bers of tlie Y Teens will act as ush- •formed a little over two years '/iut! •iim. 'Hit) etTcmoiiies will he erettes, Wcstfield Jayceea, as a church us-her u'Ao, Ksso Mathematics & Systems and church school teuohcr, aad ii'-'iti i\[ Hit* Mciid'dwin-ook, Ci«lnr drove. The Chamber Singers will open Ine, is ti subsidiary of Standard Oil Indian Guides. His leisure time is the concert with Uvo pieces by t'he Company (New JereyJ. The com- 1 ! consumed by sports, home improve- French compost!! , Clonient Jane- pany is responsible for applied ment, photography and travel. quin, and a sacred motet by the mathematics, operations research, Jorvis will Italian, Clauclio 'Monteverdi. •management information, and ac- Edward Rnth will be on the harp- counting SLM'vices for Jersey Stan- Walter J. Young COPY sichord tor Bach's "Dnr Gcist hilft dard. unser ScliwachhoiL auf." The pro- Mr. Cashdollar joined Humble Oil Joins Marketing Firm ANY ORIGINAL and Refining Company's Produc- gram also includes madrigals by , Walter J. "Bud" Young, former- Orrego-Salfls, a folk song by Bar- tion Department as an engineer in ly of Westfield, has joined Schechtor Books, Charts, Letters, tok, early Italian love poems by l!!3i». In 19S2 he transferred Lo Slan- & Luth inc., Uiti design and markcL- Wilhehn KHhnayer and love walt- ; dard Oil Company (New Jersey), Inu firm, u.s vice president — com- Forms, etc., on our new zes by Brahms. •the parent company, where lie work- muniealims design. Ht> will direct On Sunday evening, the Chamber j ed as an analyst. In 1964 he became corporate identification, packaging CORONSTAT COPIER Singers will go to New York for a a senior project analyst in the sys- design, and brand name develop- return performance at Carnegie tems icoordination division, where he ment studies. FOR 25c DR. DON V. MOSKS Hall. remained until 1967, when ho trans- Mr. Young formerly was associat- ferred to the computer sciences and ed with LippinccU & Marqul'ies, Inc. that most women wish for a gift of services department of ESSQ (Mathe- I as vice president and director of the Free Mink mink on Mother's IDay . . . "We just matics & Systems Inc. design group, He and his i'amiiy re- want to make it a happier day in Mr. Cashdollar's present duties side in Grandin, having lived for the way we know best," stated the SENATE PRESIDENT FRANK X. McDEKMOTT (center), who is seeking the G.O.P. nomination for Gov- include supervising the develop- several years in Maple-wood and 54 Elm St. For Mother president of one of the largest fasfh- ernor, has announced his campaign co-ordinators in Westficld. Shown with them (left to right) are newly ment and implementation of two Westfield. ion houses specializing in. frne fur elected Westflcld Republican Chairman Edward Schott and co-ordinators Mrs. Marjorie Marr, the Senator, The ^leming'ton Fur Company of Any lady who becomes a mother Mrs. Jean Sawtclle and Robert Evans. Flemingtton. will award an extra on May 11 may qualify for these "blessed event" to two lucky ladies gifts by writing the FlemingrtJon Fur Who become anotliers on Mother's Company, 8 Spiling St., Flemington Miss Lois McCarthy as chairman Pfc. Siff Crew Chief Day. with .verification,of date of birth of Plan Drug Abuse and members the Rev. William K. A $500 Natural Autumn (Haze mink child, hospital, doctor and date of Caber, Mns. Thomas Riohey, and" In Cu Chi, Vietnam stole from the Flemington Fur Com- birth of mother. All entries must be Mr. 'Faith. Army Ffc. John C. Sifif, 19, son of pany will be given to both the postmarked no later than aflay 19. Parents' Pamphlet Miss Pat Snriver introduced two youngest and the oldest (i'l she'll ad- Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Siff, 842 Winners will foe notified by mail guest speakers from the Union Boulevard, was assigned March 2 mit It) mothers wfao have .their new A pamphlet containing informa- County Narcotics Clinic. babies on May 11, and will receive itiheir prizes at the to the 1st Cavalry Division (Airmo- tion on drug abuse will be mailed to The next meeting will 'be held at bile) in Vietnam. S. Rodgers Benjamin, president of Flemdftgiton War Company soon af- parents upon its completion, accord- 9 a.m. May 7. Committee members Pvt. Siff is a crew chiet in Com- the Flerningiton Fur Company, noted ter. ing to Mns. Nortnian Heim, chair- present were Miss McCarthy, chair- man of the parent's information pany C, istih 'Transportation Battal- man, Mrs. Stone, co-chaipmian, Mrs. ion of the 1st Cavllry Division (Air- i -i 1—i-i—inn 1 ^qrniri^'v [sectlion of the Westfield Steering J. Paul' Weiss, Mrs. Norrroan Heim, Committee on Drug Abuse. mobile) neait' Cu Chi. He entered the Detective Biettelli, Mrs. WiilMiam Army in September 1068, completed The group met recently at the Hawkins, Miss Shriver, Mrs. Milton 'basic training at Ft, Bragg, N.C., YWCA to review work in several Howell, the Rev. Cober, (Mrs. Sey- an'd was last stationed at Pt. Eustis, WHEN areas of the drug abuse problem. mour Barnett, Mrs. Riohey, Mrs. Va. Mrs. Jane Stone, cihammfan of Uhe Allen, Mr. Faith and Mrs. Irving The private attended Westfield testing .committee, reported that she Apgar. 'High School. TIMETO MOVE was still waiting to receive a legal interpretation regarding a specific testing procedure. FUST ONLY Milton -Faith, chairman of the Most long TOWNSEND treatment center committee, report- ed that the inquiries concerning distance rates YOUR housing and personnel to supervise Broken packages — or such a proposed center are still are cheaper ONE ONLY broken furniture—mean under investigation. after 7 RM, on Mrs. Gordon, Allen discussed Urn trouble ahead. Your proposed letters bo be sent various weekdays and precious belongings de- carranunity agencies imploring their all day on MOTHER DAY serve careful crating financial assiieliance in this project. Detective Sgt Nicholas Bettelli re- Saturdays and and moving. That's our ported on the police and -school, co- •-L operative venture concerning the Sundays. Call specialty — and our slides wbidi are being prepared for rates are low. adult and student education. when it's cheaper. A newly formed public relations New Jersey Bell committee was established with


1. Iff A BIO HI A VY-DUTY WAfHIR house.. Takes a big 16-Ib. family wash! Automatic soak cycle, 4-ipeedcontrol, Permanent Press program. Automatic bleach dispenser, water level control. X IT'S A LITTLE-LOAD WASHIK Adjust small tub en agitator to do a small load. Savos watsr, detergent, rinse agents. So easy! Get a!9 the HOT WATER Iff A a-LOADS-AT-THE-SAMI-TIMI WASHIR Do light and dark clothes, delicate and heavy- you need with an Oil-Powered duty fabrics, heavily tolled and lightly sailed... In 2 different tubs at the same lime! Three wash Hot Water Generator and 2 rinse temperatures tor each load. LW3X1 $259

•;•.;. y.-.- • ,• ;.•'.; •'•.• •••'••'•-.-' • y :'.1J::":'; : •. .•: •" •' -.;•'-•. :• '• ".'',;::;:;:;";':'..':' '•'•'.'•'. - r- • '• :••.•••• ••• '• .•'_./'•. \ / ',,-'•. ":3

*-'.'•*'- '-'•''-' • L •' -' '.'<' '< •'•'< i •'•'•' •'' ".'.'•'.'.•• • • •.-. - v,'"i'"' '""/•• "•"•'•• '• '»•>••! -.•' - • . •,'•-'. . - • ',• . • ." • • ' •! 1 1 tv . ,-..''.•.•• .•/-'.•,. •• .•'-' ... . • • L ••...••-. ••..•. . h... • . • • • • -. • ii -.:••..,•-. . J • J It's easy for you to add real value to your home . . . with a new Non-Stick Coated : : ^ J ^ l 1 l l L ^ iV iVj Kj^^-i^^aivi^f^rv -'•' • '"' ' '•• •';J••^'J^^•;;^v-w:^i•; ^^'^--v^ *'' -v-'- '*''•-^^-••^v^•»v» ^ ''•''' '•"- ''•"•'• •'• •' '''••• * • •' •' i \ EJVOLKSWAGLH OF *MLH+-Si IMC, Automatic $1,799* Oil Powered Hot Water Generator! If you've suffered from a Buffet Skillet CAN OPENER 'What's the catch? lack of enough hot water ... if you've been unable to enjoy There isn't any. 80 $1,799* is the suggested retail price at the your bath while the washing machine is operating because 24 porr or enrry for the VW sedan. High dome takes roasts to Opsns all size cans The price includes the Federal excise tax and 5". Automatic heat control Magnetic lid lifter. Import duty. of a lack of hot water . . « now's the time to get the facts It also includes the built-in heater/defroster, windshield washer, electric windshield wipers, about the new Oil Powered Hot Water Generators! Get all the UNIVERSAL outside rearview mirror, padded dash, front seat .J headrests, and seat belts front and back. hot water you need — at just pennies a day per person — and 7-Speed Pushbutton Not to mention the new electric rear-window defoggerand the new ignition/steering lock. improve the value of your home . . - with an Oil Powered BLENDER It's the price of the real thing, not a stripped- 80 down economy model. Hot Water Generator. C: !l today! UBL-2 What else do you have to pay? 26 Transportation from the port of entry. Dealer Chrome base, 48-oz delivery charge, local sales tax. Powerful motor glass container, One optional extra that makes a lot of sense, Beater ejector. putomaficstick shift, (it eliminates the clutch pedal.) Another is leatherette upholstery. And that's it. IWC. A MEMBER •SiipirefttrrI r- tnil nrlro K:iHt Coast P.O.K., tncal t;i*f>s anil otht>r OF dealer delivery chitrsets, it any, additional. Whllowalls optional at extra coat. 450 NORTH AVE. EAST • WESTFIELD,N.J.07091 • 232-2200 FUEL OIL and BURNER SERVICE

HtATtNQ tNSfAUMB ,J 1124-1134 South Avenue, PJurnfi«ld TV & APPLIANCl ±7400 123 Cenifai Ave, (opp, Qv'tmby St.) Wssifisld • 232-4660 w\v. urmnnm <\\j.> i.riAPrn, THURSDAY, Armr JM, . Me hiif! previously prodtici-d lion, and fo excM'mi*, :is ownr-r of si(l<'nfs HIIHIMIIHI RCC to Quiz Realtors Read nny sucli (properly, nil rights, pow- Sylvester Named Hie Ihi^hly sumsirful TV sci"ii»s y ers, and pri\ ilc^i's, inchuliiiij;, bul Now in Vietnam '"JJ'li' e MonkcL's," wliioh ivin for two not l>y way of ILmilJitiim, 1 lit? ri^hl to ir.s on NBC. Sylvester, 211, is a l'iiff SMI. .John It. Phihvon, whose dunto of Princeton University New Foundation vole im nny .sinrk wliiHi tiny milu- 1 Executive 3,000 on Issues 1 wii'c, Pali'icia, is MIL dntitfliLur of rcil ptM'Hdii.s, bi'intf flu ownci-.s MILM'O- and earned his M.'B.A. from the miss Nancy F. Hcynolrls of Wcst- »i", n>iKlil, could or vvouUi exorcise." Mr, and Mrs, C. H. Hatisch, (US Harvard Bti«inPss School. I'Aviwd Avcv, is on duty tit Nliu Wiird SylvcMcr of Wosliicid has Week Ono of Hit1 Inrgost dinx.1! mull flcld, n iruslep of M»» J-Iduciitionnl "'Mm I^cfiilivf Convinilleu of the ilVTr. Syl veslcr mil work directly Ti'aiiK AB, VINnam. L'II nnincrl executive ussi.slanl to opinion pol'l-s OVLT lo he undurluken Foundnlion of tlu» Nfw Jei'.scy A.sso-'y A'.ssot'iatii)!! of lU'iiilor wilh Mr. Po'lk In ull areas of the Siil. rhlJsnii, nn nircrnfl mechan- M(^M President Jjouis F. Polk .Jr., cuinpany's opcnalion. By Year Ratger* Garden Itep«rt In llm liislury of Union Cuunly was ciolion of Realtor Bonrtls, iiiniitimc- ardH has vnlcd iipprov:*! of u $-10,- it was announced by MGM. r ic, is in a unit of the- Fadfic Air mailud out today lo uv or 3,000 per- L'd last Week MIL' liuuuhttinn's plan 000 eoiitrlbLit'inii lo the Associations ThT e J'lfnvci'in.LC Irccs in Ihr remise il stages a sueee-ssion of Korci's, Ilul'ore his arrival in SouMi- Priur U) his now tippoinlinciU, Mr. i > .sons by I ju; Republican CitiziMis' will soon he nulivatiul and will pro- Kducalioixil Koumlatlon," Miss Hoy- collt'cltoii ;it thi' lingers t'lll- (ji n;mit i?kil displays. It has abund- OHSI Asia, he \v;us iissi'jiirfd to theSylvester WHS director of program The Amenlcun Cuncor Sooiely Comtmittee of Union Oounty. vide for coumitruled WTort anti sub- nuhl.s s;uil, "JUKI tin* NJAMB's ad ion vA amf Knvinin- ant JiDucr dikslers in early spring, 777th Tactical Air Support Squadron projects at Screen Gwns, wliei'c lie urges all adult women to practice Lea Krone, av.lar of this monthly slanlial iiCTcnupIishnienl in tlit? pro- liui-L' i.s ;m important ^U'p ionvviird Ijreust selif-examiniation for lite-sav- lu^hmin^ lu-i and .shiniinering leaves throughout i nl Pope ARB, N.C. was responsible. J'or specials nnd the nn*nt.:il Science art' Newsletter "The Pachyderm," siaid motion of "interest, studies uiul rt - in llio conMiuiiny omplmsis on rwi Hie .summer which turn many A gividiiutc of Middlcpoi^L (Ohio) pi'oductiim of foature films for tele- ing protection. annual .show. every elected county, slwtc republi- .search" in (In? renl cstat« fioitl. ("st«Lt? nduenLian hy Ihc Ntitional As shade.*) of red in fall. IHgh School, tlio siMigeant aUended If you're .shopping for trees in can office holder, all county com- Activities will he financed in thesociation of Real 'RstuLo Boards." 1 the Ohio Slate University, Mont rent your homo lnnd.scupL it may pay The L'allery pear bears little or mittee men and women, plus mem- foiindfilioii tlirnir^h voluaUiry conlri- j (N.C.J Andei'SJoa Oollogo, and Ohio visit tihe collet!hm f-h>:l lo gel ano I'ruii und is virtually trouble- bers of the organisation, will receive l)iUion.s of liL-nltdi's nnd OIIUTS with Flower Unive-itfily. .ler idea of how your .soled hms free. the questionnaire. several donations and bequests hav- The dandelions are coming! will look fully grown. Next best to seeing the trees in The subjects span county, state, ing already been made. Exliil>iled at Bank The small trees are the principal the Hutgers collection Is to study national and purely party issues. [Miss Reynolds reported the stated The dandelions are coming! atlractioiui at this season in the Paintings of flowers are featured fehi? Rutgers Leaflet BG, "FUty Small People receiving Lhu questionnaire purposes of the Educational Founda- ni the Kanwoad Branch of blio PUiin- Library Receives Rutgers Display Gardens at Route 1 Trues," which lists trees by size, wiil havi a choice of either maitiug tion as specifiod in the certificate of fleld Trust SUUe National iBank for Memorial Gifts I and Rytlers Lane, Now Bruns-tijue of blo^omin-g, and color of their replies to the KCC of Union incorporation: wick. Visitors are welcome. the month of April. The cxlhibit is There may not be a dandelion In sight right blossoms. County, P.O. Box 073, Wostaeld, or "To foster education; to promote sponsored by the Scotch Plains-Fan- Two ha I'd wood tables have been U the warm spoil didn't finish brin-g tlu'lr biillol-quttstiwm'aire with knowledge of, conduct .research in, •wood Arts Association. By invita- prosented to the Mouiutialnkide Pub- now. But one day soon, when if warms Up, the bloom you may stall see, for Get a copy from your county Ex- tension Service office or send a card tlhcm to the fotuitih nmuual dinner of and assist in fhu education of per-tion, exhibitors are Eileen Fisher, lic Library in memory of Vict'onine example, Magnolia stelluta, This is Linck Diamond. The tables wh'ich they'll be all over the lawn. to Garden Reporler, College of Ag-tihe organization which will be held sons in the field of real estate; to Vivian Davis, Hilda fiiemon, Loraine a raither bushy magnolia tlwat grows arc in the reading aroa are a trfb- riculture, Rutgers, New unswick Friday, Mny 2 at We Hands Steak provide scholarships in schools, col- Docrr, Jane JDIii>pplc Green, Doro- to about is feet. lioiLsc, Route 22, Mountainside. LI te from her pa re rtLs and fiends. OB903. leges, universities, graduate schools they Woodward. Morion Hansen, Also, there are two of the earliest Mr. Krone said the executive com- or special courses, for worthy stu- Ilali iSliealiun, Lorraine Goldstein, Mrs. Diamond was tihe daughter ol That's where Scotts TURF BUILDER PLUS 2 flowing Japanese cherrieis. Spring is the season, by the way, dents who may, but need not neces- Mr. and MRS. Bruce F. Linck of mittee of the organization felt lihis Louise Aj'nolci and 'Barbara Adams. comes in. PLUS-2 clears out dandelions and a Next to see, depending on theto plant the tender-barked Irees opinion poll would be an asset to sarily, show an interest, aptitude, Chapel H'Ml, Mounitoin'sld'e. weat'her, will he tihe Gallery pear. such as magnolia, dogwood, Japa- all elected Republican Assembly, promising 'future or probable con- The Mends and neighbors of Mr. couple dozen other weeds easily and surely. It's called "tihe tree for all seas'ons" nese maple, becah. and birch. Freeholders, looal candidates as centration, in the field of real es- Aids Fund Drive •and Mrs. iMidiael Atldotta, 12G1 well as the gubernatorial candidates tate; to promote sound land ethical Keith C. McOandless, an Interior Popl-ar Ave., Mountainsido, have Full-fertilizes your lawn at the same time, so this year. business practices and training and designer, will assist in the Union presented funds to the Hbrairy for grass grows greener and sturdier — filling in Freeholders Rename Battin Alumnae The tabulated results will be giv-education in the same, in the field Callage Capital Fund campaign the purchase of boolcs in memory of en all interested Republican candi- of real estate; to receive gifts and •among Union alumni in Metropoli- their son Michael. ( those places where the weeds were. Runnells Hospital Slate Reunion dates and elected officials early in to solicit and raise funds from per- tan New York City as a special gifts The Mountainside Music Associa- sons interested in the aims of theworker, Dr. Harold C. Martin, pres- tion has placed books in the library The Union County-operated hospi- Way. The 25th Anniversary Reunion of corporation; to 'hold, acquire, pur- ident of the college, announced to- in memory of Urban Rickard. Mr. tal in Berkeley Heights received a The press and general public will Battin High School's Class of 1944 chase, lease, improve, alter, man- day. Ricfcard was the faUher Of Mrs. Ste- new name and a new direction in also receive the results after final will be held on Sunday, May 18, 2 age, control, mortgage, pledge, as- phen Bumball of 323 Briar Patch, future patient care recently. •to 5 p.m., at the Elizabeth Carteret tabulations have been conducted. McCondless lives at 735 Kimball sign, sell, ti'aiifer, exchange and Ave. Mountainside. April Sale The Board of Freeholders voted -Hotel. convey, in and outside of the State to rename t;he institution, foun'ded The reunion committee, headed of New Jersey, such real estate or Save $2 — 10,000 sq ft bag in 1912 and now known as the John by Mrs. Olga Pawlyk Farozic, mail- personal property as may come into reg. 14.95 12.95 E. Runnells Hospital of Union Coun- ed invitations recently, and more Cherry Blossoms the ihands of the corporation and as ty. tickets are available for 'class mem- may aid in or he convenient in pro- O_ In what Freeholder Walter E. Ul-bers whose addrese are unknown, moting the purposes of the corpora- Save $1 - 5,000 sq ft bag ridi termed a "historic action," the They are urged to contart Mr. Far- Now in Bloom reg. 7.95 6.95 board decided that in the future, ozic at 435 Brooks-ide PI., Cranford, the hospital will provide acute The single-flowering Japanese chronic care and rehabilitation or Mrs. Eleanor €ubick Tevnan, • cherry blossoms around the lake in services. 443 Jersey Avc., Elizabeth. Warinanco Park, Elizabeth artd Ro- SCHMIEDE sellye, are now in bioam it was re- lt\ only « fen minutrs to ported by Robert A. Roller, chief STREE EXPERT CD. BARTELL'S FARM and forester for the Union County Park Commission. The Beni-Hnigan and Yoslhino 322^103 GARDEN SUPPLY, Inc. species, which have white blossoms, :c EST. 1933 and the "pink Sh'idare-higan variety OPEN DAILY 8-6, SAT. 8-5, SUN. 9-1 > FANWOOD fc are the finst to bloom and will hold 277 CENTRAL AVE. CLARK, N. J their color for about five days. The The gtirtien shop with thr Ihttth ni ml in HI Complete Insured TPBB Ssrvics Corner of Marline and South Avenues ^£St-** Yoshino species are the same spe- 3B8-1581 cies planted 'at Ohe tidal basin in Washington/'D.C. Nine varieties of doubledlowering Better Lawns and Gardens blossoms Will follow the single-flow- Begin ot KRAUTTER'S ering display, according to Mr. Roller. . Open Daily and Sundays • FA 2-4545 The majority of double-lowering .trees, are a deep pink color, lihey 234P0UINI include the Rwanaan, named for a Japanese fruounlbain a ad have straight spreading1 brandies with .J" '•arge flowers. The Kwanzan hold INFINITELY VARIABLE WITH ;]teir vivid-pink coloring for nearly a week longer than other species. Among tihe whites are the Shii-Mae, EXTINGUISH a|so called Snow White or Mount Chips Fuji, which have thick blossoms that glow in the aai-ty morning and HYDROSTATIC TRANSMISSION in the moonlight. The flower even lias bri-glhtneste in rain. Other spec- PRECISELY ADJUSTABLE ies are the Tafcasayo, the Fugenzo, EVEN the'Shirouu-gcn, the Sen-ulata, the WHILE IN MOTION! Naden, tihe Kutugen, and the Seki- zan. For use on The Warinanco Park display of Japanese cherry blossoms, over 100 trees, were ptahted in 1931 as a gift flaming mm the 1-ate Union County Park OIL Commissioner Caxton Brown and Sold by ds brotto in memory of their fa- GREASE ther. Additional trees were planted -,i 1M2. Several landscape-size Jap- J. S. IRVING COMPANY GASOLINE anese cherry trees were recently (1OO .Smitli Avc, \V, Wefltflelii, X. .J. ELECTRICAL WIRING ptafrted EH replacements. Phone AD 3-1492 Other displays of cherry btosskwns "Building Headquarters" OR FIXTURES may be found around t;he lakes in I IMIH:H • llll.l.W OltK • MASON'S JVomahegan and 'Rahway River MATEItlAI^S • IIAILIJWARH Parks. FIKLS FEATURES 1. Squeeze trip operation 10 HP FORD 100 Twice the cutting 2. Positive on-off operation action 3. Brass valve 4. All internal and external parti LAWN & GARDEN TRACTOR Jacobsen exclusive 4-blade Rotary Mowers give you twice made from noncorrosive material NEW 1969 the cutting action with 4 reversi- 5. Heavy duty steel cylinder Shiftless operation luxury available with Ford 100 Hydro- ble blades—twice the cutting life. 6. Large waterproof gauge static transmission, gets top speed of 6 MPH Six models with these Jacobsen 7. Heavy duty mounting bracket Blade quality features: 8. Slliconized, nontoxic dry chemical Rugged 10 HP engine gives you enough raw strength for FROM 9. Lightweight toughest lawn and maintenance chores, even the wide 48-inch mower attachment

Get quick snow removal action with this one — clears 36 2 and 4 cycle models WITH YOUR inches with engine-powered blower, a big 42 inches with IB" and 21 "cutting widths Up'n away starting front mounted blade also available Automatic choke on 4 SUBURBAN TRUST COMPANY cycle models Compact dimensions give you storage convenience. With Instant Stop-Go control standard tires, Ford 1 00, like all its other Lawn and Garden on power propelled ;:^v^vw;^^^^ Tractors, slips through 36-inch shed doors easily models : : ; Fold down handle , : ,'.-;;"'••,•:• ':';*..•,•;•,•, • "-•- - - -'- •' - '. ^ .'-'•:'•:••• :'' '-.•":•'•: ..'.• ' • ; .7,,, .-.. •••" _- . r. -.!- ~,r •_• . .:"-•-• ;'.• mr.-;; ... ". •


FORD TRACTOR UAHLHAHUI 1100 SOUTH AVE., WESTFIELD TRUST COMPANY LOADS OF ROOM TO PARK FREE -^ f-r-n CRANFORD - GARWOOD • PLAINFIELO CO. AD 2-8717 SCOTCH PLAINS - WESTFIELD 469 SOUTH AVC, E, WESTHeUD Open Daily 9-6 — Sundays- 9-2 232*7800 WE DELIVER THE WESTFIJau (N.J.I M3ADI3K. THURSDAY. APRIL 24, lilli!) hoping that with more individual language labs and of lh<> libra 17. Edison to Break Tradition preparation they will .slop baking ad- J-'or ;i yi):w ami ;i half, Kd.taon'.s (.•(jinmii.lcc-s IIUVL* IK'OD visit.- Westfi ews "At Uie beglnn'iivg of the year, ov- v.'irifui.s KtliiKfLs Lo observe Lhcil' WHS NIMVH Ilurraii With New Modular System tryone will have free time. If you ar sy'.sicms. Aftor tiiorou^li i*c;- Eilltnr—Nimt-y Griffin Lake aitvianita'gc of the system, you j , Lhe Utachors na.sscd Wws j)ro- posal for one cxporimciiiUiI year un- Ity KHIMI Lowis ;IIHI in of Kd'i.son Jr. I lie free time. But ii you losu it, der tins sysk-m by n three to one .Joyco |i tuiKj^t-'rVs cinii'inJltue on you get a olrance to got it back," lie Sttid. Mr. Berardo agrees. "In thevatu. At i,hc? end of bhc experimental ini)tUii':ir .«;ehGdU'!iin«{t tills wit! year, there wil'l be a rcevuimition of Students Plan Study Of Novels Editor's note: The imululiir tiic Iclichens mare limu to do thebeginning tliey will ybuse the free ing system wliiuli U-IH to he institut- time, Eventually they wiH discover tllie sy.slem. "If sULce^ful, the re h ed at Kilison Junior Hit'll School Llvat bhc time they're abusing is a posiibiliity that it wiil be con.sid- next fall has h«un postponed bu- r(.ir.f'.if!r aides wlij a'so help by Llioir own," he stated. Uitimately fot* otfier WesbCicld scfiiooLs," In English IV Classroom cnuso of tlii! reci.1 nt budget cut. iwltv' Hie teachers of cafeteria any s-tudcniL who h unable bo use his Mr, Paynu. and E^udy duty. This will give leath- 'free time correctly will be sched- Now tlic research is dono and the Sully CIUII])1M'11 giving Hie shick'nls a greater sense Next yrcir sUiilmrls nt Ecfcon Jun- ers more free time to spend with ior VAzh Sahmil will find a differ- uled in'LO o more rigid schedule. program being set, up into motion. of rjwpor.iS'ibiOity by having Uiom dis- students during the day, WHS ficnror Kngilsh classes of un ca i 11 [he wny tlicy spend t.1ieir The mest often asked question is eipHnc ihonbielvus, the week also Uvan 'having iho sludents Some parents are also worried Frank X. Strut!, recently participat- &ay, The crliarvge is the result of the "Will it suecx'L'dV" ]n answer to helped Hie overall sensitivity of Hie in bufore and after school. that the students will not be able to SCIIGU] .switchin-; from the tradflion- this, Mr. Berardo chuckled and said, ed in a new program ni* eiimt'ulum cipjvses. "Wu g-avu each other a inuv During Ihcir Linucliedulcd time, stu- readjust to the traditional schedul- ;il rit{']it period day to the flexible planning for tihree no veils t-huy were kind cl resppt'L," lie said, "iuadier- dents will l>t> able to visit tcacher.i ing system when they reach Uio "You try it where you think it's go- studying. io-sludcnl iia well as studenL-Lo- Tor aid. If tliu S'tudeuLs prcifer, how- school. Concerning this prob- ing to succeed." Tlie sI urt-unts were divldcd \mLo tc;i C'IHT, " A n urinal sdi.;>r)'l day under modu- ever, tln?y 'may spend their time in lem, Mr. Bobal cited the Afoinglou 1 gran;) : of H or !) and yiven about one "1 just v/nnl down tlie rollbook lar scheduling is divided into uigh- liiie student lounge, study hall, or Pownsliip, Pa. experime-nt in educa- week to develop a plan i;o teach and n^i:!iied Ihe groups arbilnar- 'Iccn 2Q minute units of time krtown research center d'o-ing independent tion. He stated that in that case stu- Tamaques PTO Slales JUST FOIl FUN, this hair style, looking like a chain o£ Graham Grcunu'.s "Power and Hie ily," Mr. Seol.t said. "I believe tiial as innrluk's. modules enable i', dents returned to a trcrdiuonal May 22 Election doughnuts, was an amusing sidelight to Jacques Glory," Arthur Koe&Ller's "D'tirk- variations in tihe normal length and A'lthoutrh the exact nature of the schedule system after being on mod- ncss at N'oon," or Richard Kim's % Lhu kids togeMicr in new 1 irkir scheduling. "The students be- Eslcrel's presentation of spring-summer fashions. it pi of classes. Classes may vary lounge Iras not yet been de- The nominating committee of the "Mcutyred." roups was important." ciimc more self-disciplined under from one to six modules, depend-ing :1, the toncthtirs at Edison Tamaquos School P.T.O. has pre- In keeping with innovative pro- Lhc modular system; they had learn- Involved dcY-o:op!iiw a study upon the type of teaching technique Have vcled for sibling aside a cer- sented tiiio fulluwing slate of ofificera graming, Mi\ Scott's advanced ed how to accept responsibility." guide, a testing situation, a long- used. lor tihe J9ii!)-70 school year: Presi- pliacemciU ciiass eiutercd the ye'arly tain area in Uie building where stu- Mr. Berardo stated, "We want Lo range writing assignment and Uhecontest sponsored by the A'Ll'antic Team teaching, a technique rela- demts can relax away from the dent, Mrs. Patrick Diaasi; first vice prepare s-tudenils for the way they president, Mrs. Lawrence Puck; sec- •day-to-day classroom plan. Monthly magazine. tively uncommon to the East Coast, classroom atmosphere. will be treated in college." The students hiid to explore The will be used during large group lec- .s0'i'as and oliairs could be provided, ond vice president, Roger Guthric; Seven .studan'ts submitted work In possibilities of securing films, tapes, tures. Lectures will encompass two along with lamps and carpetis. Mr. A stabilizing force throughout the recording secretary, Mrs. John Har- one of three categories: fiction, jroa- -pictures, records, and other audio- to three mods and will be addressed Gary Payne, assistant principal of aysLem will be the maintenance of rison; corresponding secretary, Mrs. j fiction and poetry. visual material, as well as compile at one time to all students asking Jr. High School, staled, departmental exams antl the pres- Chester Mount; treasurer, Dr. T. Y. ! a bibliography of reflated l>aoks, The ed/itjorial board ol the maga- •thai course. All teachers of that sub- "Just like the teachers need their ent marking system. However, re- Shen. magazines, and pamphlets. zine judges the works and then ject will be.involved in either the or- lounge, they realize that a student sti'ictions such as blue slips and li- Voting will take place at the an- ; For Ulie classroom plan, the stu-awards a $100 gramt (for college ganization or presentation of the lee- cannot be expected to work steadily brary passes will not be necessary. niral meeting to be held at the school dents were responsible for varying study for the winning manuscript in lure. A teacher will not be required from 8:30 in the morning to 2:45 inSince students are allowed the free- on May 22, according to Mrs. S. .J. periods of discussion with guest lec- each category. to repeat the same lecture five bhe afternoon. He noeds some time dam of choice in where iliey want Clark, chairman of the nominating turers, driairmtizaitiiions and other A,$500 grant Tor coMege study is times a day. He instead will be able to himself." to go, it will be expected that once committee. Assisting Mrs. Clark on group activities. made to tihe one student Who shows to use the time for small groups Independent study Will be in proc- they have made that choice they the committee were Edmund C. Al- Mr. Scott feels tibat this week of the most promise in blie field of Eng- Which discuss material related to ess constantly Uircug'hioul the entire will spend their full module there. len, principal of Tamaques School, are flying again!! curriculum planning is a vital part lish. the lectures. year. Mast of the legwork will take This eliminates unnecessary passage Mrs. Puck, Mrs. R. Miller and Mrs. of his students' education. The conitest is limited to students These seminar groups of about 15 place in resource eentoi's, separate through the halls. A. L. Meentemeier. To Stop Damage By These Insects "lit wais really an attempt to in-who use tiho Atlantic Monthly as students will meet a specified num- designated areas for English, math "Mockiftar scheduling is not going crease the deptih and range of tra-classroom material, ber of tim-es during the week. Ac- and science, and social studies. •to solve all the ills of education, but ditional assignments in the senior Mr. Scobt said that he did notcording to Mr. Albert Bobal, prin- Each center will contain film strips, it's a step in the right direction," High School Seniors Emgld'Sih course and to meet more of kmow whether the magazine will re- cipal at Edison Jr. High, smaller records, books, and tapes of the stated Mr. Berardo. "We are trying Visit Tech Institute TERMITE itihe students' needs," he said. **i turn the work with a critique of it, classes will enable more pupil in- large group lectures pertaining to to dfrange from a 'Mime' curriculum flhink everyone got tilie feeling tihiat but he felt that the experience of volvement. "It will help both slow that subject. These tiapes will be to a 'practical' curriculum. Time Thirty four seniors and their gui- we weren't just doing busywork, but wrd'tung for was valuable and fast kids; in large classes a miade avaijabte tliroush the use ofshould be an asset not a liability." dance counselors from Westfield •were doing sametMng meaningful." in itselif cv-en if no critique of the few flast .students monopolize the a modified dia^acces-s system, in These changes however will place High visited Union County Techni- CONTROL He explained that in addition to works submitted is returned. class and the sbwer kids are afraid Which students can choose to listen more demands on the teachers. They cal Institute's new campus

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FOR EVERYONE! BOYS-GIRLS-MEN-WOMEN •*• -.•f.-.- - }•>? Now talk long, often9 JOIN THE ' CROWD where the action is!!! Miles of Wooded Cross-Country Trails and happily 79 Acres of Instructional Area C Huge Indoor Hall for All-Weather Riding (Day-Night) LIMITED NUMBER OF APPLICATIONS ACCEPTED FOR YOUNG PEOPLE'S without paying MK and 15 // // SUMMER HORSEMANSHIP VACATION Live-in facilities . . . Daily indoor & outdoor PIANS Riding . . . Schooling . . . Stable Management • also • toll charges. IIVE-AT-HOME" PLAN . . . DAILY PICK-UP AND DELIVERY ALL-WEATHER RIDING INSTRUCTION, ETC. CALL FOR COMPLETE INFORMATION

Here's a way to eliminate lOtf and 15j! toll charges as you wish to those exchanges at no extra cost. at different rates to customers with business phones. eaSoqs on calls to New Jersey telephone numbers. It's a The monthly rate for the first exchange you select For more information, please call your Telephone new service called Selective Calling, and it's available ranges from $1.25 to S2.5O. Additional exchanges Business Office. right now.* cost only 25^ to $1.50. SELECTIVE CALLING: another new service r* Here's how it works for individual-line residence Wouldn't you like to talk long and often to fciends from New Jersey Bell that can save you money. customers. You select the 10- or 15-cent New Jersey or family living in these 10- or 15-cent exchange * Selective Catlins is a vailable in most areas of New Jersey exchange areas served1 by New iersey Belt that yoii areas? Ahrf isik happily without toll charges? H so; cdfr o¥ would lite to ea^ ItcqucMl?, Voti pay Sefecffte Csttiittjt rmkts it ve/y easy afld! ec&fiotn'icai small fixed tri&Mhty tk&tge fot eaeft W d& just that, Mev/Jersey Be« ROAD • READIWG7OH NEW JERSEY selected^ iheti Wti cati mkti 4s trtitiy A siffatat Sckzlke Catting plan k arise (201) 534-4000 New Jersey's Fines* SJabling Facilities TUR WRSTFlKMi r\..I.) LEADER, THURSDAY, APRIL ?A, 3Dfi9

scheduled n sintflo Ris-ww.'k session Academic Artists of ml cilussos to hoKin .Inly 7. In- sintelniis, nil ijiuili'fied profwttwomil anlisls, iuuludo: Siopheii Cluuhmi Pans Bar Exainw Schoo 1 ews 1 Plan Activities of Morris I'hiinx, Mrs. Infill lloful Nealo K. Ifooloy, I-awrnu'i S. I.e. of Berkeley Height's, Mrs. J. G. viiVsnu niKl Akin .1. I'enrhnnii, L\\\ of Alcoholics Anonymous Af nn executive board mc-eling of Johnson of Sumniil, Slcpihpn Polas- Wostfit'Ul, were nmmifi \\\c V2\ who Academic Artists Inc., reeenlly held Ity of Cnmfwd, S. Allyn Schiuficr lhe SliUo llJir J'lxainimiiian Drinking Problem? al |ln* homo of Mi's. Laurence (.!, of Fnnwnod ami Miss Mary JSllon in .January, ucTordintf lo nn Holland of Cnini'ord, lhe fullowintf iJ'lcli i)i' Pisi'.'iknviiy. t'kissos ni'G -uniLM;'! mntlp ibis wok hy Write officfM'w ami hourd mi'inhers wore nvaikiblt* in bnlh uclullji and juniors lhe Nfw .Jersey Supreme C'nui'l. announced for the coining .summiM' cs II-Mi at nmninnl foes, and arc P.O. Box 121, Westflald season: open to non-munihnrs ns vv t> 1 I w A lntal of ^Jt2 cantlitKitt'H look tlie Or Telephone 242-1515 . President, Mrs, Holland; vice- mbers of Acntlfniic AHixls, Inc. exaniiiKition, ^mmmss: esfdtMi't and educational director, Oilier programs Fur meiiiluTtf will Miss Mary Ellen Silkotcli of Piscal- include un nrt clinic, .sominiars, and away; treasurer. Mrs. Harry Conay free oxhihils. All activities are enn- of Rtilmwy; recording , .secretary, ducled at the Pavilion Building in Miss Ruth Ventura of New Porvi- Kclio Uike Furk, Momitainsido, and donee*; corresponding secretary— are held from May 1 lo Od. 1 each For a Complete Dinner Mrs. ,1. G, Johnson of Summit, Al- year. bert Bross of Summit, Carl B. Og- Infornialion roffardinjf classes or ilvic of Westfimld, Mm. Morion Itat menibiM'slvip may be oblaincd by Or a Snack... poppoii and Perry Zimmerman of cnliiny Mrs. iloKnntl or MI'.H. Scar* * • Ci'anifnrd, Mrs. Alfred Soarpn and pa. S, A'llyn ScliaeiTor of FVmwood, and .Julius Shukys of Chatham, board

• •*;V -^1 members. 1 No Waiting List FAMILY DINING IS ; : . ;..'.&a^..=..r. ^-Vs.-»fl- . •- •'•, ;••••••••„•;.- . • • ;;- •-5A;^;.i.:i.-^f?.lJ Chairmen of commlMocs are ns follows; Awards, Miss Silkotcli, Mr, A PLEASURE HERE FUN AND GAMES? Aloyijp a liitlf of Hint Inn, but the CJIIUMTS huvc u Bross and Mr. Zimmerman; exhib- purpose during a scR'iiw trip held cai-h yi'jir fi»r students ai Ktlison For Navy Enlistee BIOLOGY STUDENTS front Edison Junior High hunt for specimens its, Mrs. Holland, Alt'. Ogilvie and Junior High School. This shot WHS iakcii on last year's trip to Camp of animal and planl life during annual two-dny field trip. This year al* 'Mr. Shukys; house, Harry Conay of Navy Recruiter, Petty Officer Bring the children here and see Bcrnic, where Earth Sci^nrr slndiMits iire taKinfi depth and tempera- most (lie entire freshman class will be included on the excursion iRahway; membership, Mrs. Soarpa; lure reailln^s lor a thmmiclimt' :in:il,vsis. Thursday and Friday, May 1 and 2. Charles H. Gray, has atinamiced newsletter, Mrs. Holland; posters that mo longer will young men have how pleasant- family dining can and signs, Mrs. Johnson; printing, to wait lo enlist in the Navy. Petty Mr. Sdraeffer; publicity, Mrs. Rap be. We've all their favorites. the program's inception has there This trip also will permit students Officer Gray .said that lie is now been such a substantial number of to learn through active involvement poport; reception, Mrs. Richard Edison Students Plan Austin of Cranford. Registrar fot accopling applications (for Immedi- participants, in a project and at the same time ate processing for active duty. provide a setting for work in other summer classes will be Mrs. IM 'Members of the Edison science kind. Young 'men who are desirous of Two-Day Field Study department's staff including Thomas fields, such as mathematics, health, completing their military obligation A. Bavolar, Stanley Daitch, Patricia and conservation. Tiiis will be tlhe fourth season for oarly can do so. Hinson, Doris Ilockstcin, Paul In- The activities will cover suicii On Thursday and Friday, May 1; will bo one ci.^tli grade honors Academic Artiste Inc., a nonprofit The Navy recruiter is located et •fuso, Michael Karnish and Michael areas as a thercnacline — the study and 2, almost .the entire freshman science class. The 415 students in- organization which oflfers education 336 East (Front St., Plainfield. TJie Mulvihill will assist as instructors of temperature variation in water class of Edison Jr. High School will ivolvocl are enrolled in biology, earth al art activities through the coopera- office hours are from 8:30 a.m. to and chaperones along with six facul- bodies, plant identifica'tion, 'contour be participating in the annual science, physical science or health, tion of the Undon County Park Com 5 p.m., Monday through Friday, and ty members and oLlier interested mapping, erosion control, and first science field trip. Also attending Nvvw before in the six years since •mission. This summer the group Has 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Saturday. adults. All chaperones .will be orien- aid. Alt students will be furnished tated prior to the excursion. with workbooks which are designed Earth Science students will foe at- by teachers during the preliminary Lending Camp Spears in Dingham's work in the school. The assignments Ferry, Fenn., while* all others will will be evaluated on the basis of ac- ROBBINS & ALLISON INC. rough it at Camp Bernie, Port Mur- curacy as well as quality of con- clusions. The entire experience is ray. Both Camps are liighly recom- Established 1912 mended. The average cost of the considered invaluable to all those trjp is $10.50 per person, but Albert participating. Bobal, school principal, promises Faculty and parent tliaperones * LOCAL AND that no child will be denied partici- •are meeting at the Edison School LONG DISTANCE pation due to lack of funds. at 8 p.m. Tuesday to finalize plans Complete Bear Wheel and Frame Straightening Nothing provides a better labora- ' for the trip. Adults who wish to at- MOVING LWM • WHEEL ALIGNMENT • WHEEL BALANCING tory than the natural surroundings tend may volunteer their services by GENERAL AUTOMOBILE REPAIRING of the great outdoors. The bus ride calling the school at 2324365. * STORAGE '] — CAHHt'HRTOIl * IGNITION will not be wasted, as it will he used to examine the state's physio- * PACKING graphy. Once Lhe pupils have ar- A program of regular physical ac- WHALEN'S GARAGE rived at camp, skills taught in class tivity reconnTKinded by your physi- Tel. 276-0898 will be readily put to tiso in their cian may be enough to got you in Authorized "Bear" Siation t SERVfCB native environment, The various sihape for Spring, and keep you hi 213 South Ave., E. 600 NORTH AVE., E. TEL. AD 3-0395 activities are geared to apply the better health for the days beyond, Cranford Cat! For and Delivery knowledge which the students have the Union County Heart Association gained throughout the school year. says. SERVICE RENTALS STEREO AIR-COND.



•!->.• .-n COLOR T.V. Good Food •• *v "-• '.-1

•.« :-:• Most long distance rates Guardian T. V. Service are cheaper after 7 P.M. on weekdays and all day on 127 CENTRAL AVE., WESTFIELD Saturdays and Sundays. CHOICE BONELESS Call when it's cheapen 232-6064 Niw Jemy 8*1 Sirloin S 89c 1b Pork Roast . 88c Ib. Grours . . 3 lbs. $1.99 London Broil .... $1.59 Ib. BONELESS CHUCK JAVELIN, AMX RALLY SALE Knockwurst . . . . . 89c Ib. Pot Roast. . . 89c Ib. April 27th will find the first Javelin, AMX Rally to be sponsored by the South Avenue Javelin, AMX Rally Club. 69c Ib. Baby Beef Liver . 59c Ib. Come on down. Everyone's invited to attend this fun-filled, Ass' uts . . 99c Ib. Brisket Corned Beef . 89c Ib exciting rally.

ON HAND AT ALL TIMES WE NOW HAVE HOME MADE PRICES ON ALL CARS r Ham Loaf eef Fillets » Turkeys FOR YOUR PLEASURE IN STOCK SLASHED THE FOLLOWING 10 CARS IN INVENTORY ARE TO BE SOLD AT DEALER'S r!< Tenderloins COST ON A FIRST COME, FIRST SERVE BASIS. Special $1.19 Ib. 5TOCK NO. 9-144 STOCK NO. 9-8 Rambler basic 2 dr. sed. factory equipped $1849.00 Ambassador, DPL hardtop, V-8 eng,, air cond., W/W emade Potato Salad tires, reclining seats, power steering & brakes, solex Ready to Eat Smoked Hams STOCK NO, 9-19 glass, radio, etc. $3160,00 BUTT END SHANK END Javelin, V-8 engine, 4 speed frans., wheel discs, VIS STOCK NO, 9-23 an Slaw 49c Ib. 39c Ib. group, light group, radio, etc. $2659.00 Ambassador, SST hardtop, 31 5 engine, air cond., W/W tires, vinyl top, bucket seats, dual exhausts, power STOCK NO. 9-31 steering & brakes, solex glass, wire wheels, AM/FM Dulany Cut Beans 2for49c VEGETABLES - No. 303 CANS Javelin SST, 390 cu. engine & go pack. Black vinyl radio, rear speaker, bumper guards, etc. A prestige car. $3762.00 Dulany French Beans 2for49c S, S. Pierce Green Beans, top, dual exhausts, power steering, disc brakes, solex glass, wire wheels, AAA/FM radio, hood scoops, etc. STOCK NO. 9-10 Dulany Cut Corn 19c French or Cut . . 4for98c $3367.00 Rebel SST, station wagon, V-8 eng., W/W tires, re- 4 clining seats, power steering, solex glass, wheel discs, Howard Johnson Macaroni and Cheese . . .31c White Rose Peas . . . * • * * . ,5 for $1.00 STOCK NO. 9-99 radio, etc., $3142.00 Downyflake French Toast 29c ..5for$1.00 Ambassador V-8 eng. 4 door, air cond., W/W tires, White Rose Succotash STOCK NO. 9-16 power steering & brakes, solex glass, wheel discs. Rich's Coffee Rich, Pts 13c Rebel SST, 4 dr. sedan, V-8 engine, W/W tires, power radio, etc. $2974.00 Mrs. Paul's Fish Sticks 39c Pride of Farm Peas 6 No' *" $1.00 steering, wheel discs, radio, etc. $2714.00 Diamond Label Niblets . .5 Ko> ** $1.00 STOCK NO. 9-24 STOCK NO. 9-7 Mrs. Paul's Fish Fillets 39c Ambassador, SST, 4 dr. air cond., V-8 eng., W/W tires, Rebel SST, 2 dr. hardtop, V-8 engine, W/W tires, Sara Lee Raisin Pound Cake 63c Ritter Tomato Juice 2for69c power steering & brakes, solex glass, radio, luxury reclining seats, power steering & brakes, solex wind- velour interior, etc, $3334.00 shield, wheel discs, radio, etc. $2938.00 Fleischmann Oleo 45c Nucoa Savarin Coffee lb.79c See the fabulous Rebel Raider. Auto show car. Limited production car, only 2 in stock. Land o' Lakes Buffer - 85c Savarin Coffee 2 lbs. $1.45 Terrific value, on a terrific car at only $2699. Kraft American Cheese, 16 slices 59c Savarin Tear box 48 59c South Avenue Motors 369 South Ave., Westfield, N. J. UPERMARKET AMERICAN MOTORS 232-2456 Pfatxty 856 MOUNTAIN AVi. Qpp* MtitUmtti 4CHIUMMAMM, tm, Tim WESTFTHXD (N.J.) I-EADKU, TnUUBDAV, AmiL 21, 1M1)

of the Unilrd Nn1ir>n\s 23rd Russian Chorus Sings Here (iemMui Assemhly. They have re- corded two records on Mie Europtvvn Phillip.s label. Currently a third rec- Sunday Under Youth Sponsorship ord is planned. •Crilieal aceUiim lias been accord- Of OHIO Tho First MplhodiKl Church Film ment, of each of those men as they ed the Chorus wherever It lias ROHO: val Commitlo« will i>i'i?sc?iii the convey the loiuil and emotionnl "Tho conceit hi the sold-out hall of OLD Yalu Russian Chorus in a concert readies of Slavic music. The Chorus the iioclisulmle flir Musik became of Slavic religious tuid folk music has sung from San FYaneisto fo :i triumph of youtlvrul vitality. •nl 3 p.m. Sunday in ilie church Moscow, I mm n ghetto cluircJli in smvcliiary. The enmluclnr i.s BruiM1 New Hiivm to tin; ciilliudral in The ehnius offered an accom- Llobermiw of Wcstfiold. BuclwH'est. It hns evoked standing plishment which wa.s lechnically or;]|ion.s ant! .silent (cars, vociferous and musically of (mtslunding quality. I i Tho Yale Kussinn Chorus was niiKimicnt find mutual education. As for it hi* .security of iiilunutinn and founded in 11(54 by Denis Mickiew- VHciil culture of the sound of the APE.23-APn.30 1 icz, n Lu-tvlnn rclu^oo then ilie IIWKI DurinH itiho course of six summer ensemble, oni* should prefer the If you long for foods oi' simplo nnd ens/ going rlnys, you'll find thnm in tho nld of the Yalo music department, The tours tho Chorus lias Hun-g in almost Vnlt! Kusskm Chonis r Old High German and apecials and invite you to visit us! this dedication is irepresentcd in situations. Recently it sang at the .slill be one of the finest male Hickory Karms of Ohio the concentration and deep involve- annual 'Ambassador's Dinner at the •choruses in the world'" ('San Fran- cisco Chronicle). 11 No less on-international figure than Averell irarriman has said of line A long limn favorite .., group, "I think the Yale Russian a snack food with a Chorus i's one cf the moat imagina- delightful Srsami flavor. Canned Foods & Etc. tive and penetrating programs of G QZ. PliJJ. cultural exchange that has been im- Regular dartaken 'by the government or by Hickory Farms a£ Ohio private initiative. Everywhere I went RUSSIANS in the round. Men work in the center of a ALL BRANDS reactor as they assemble the second unit at the throughout (Russia, T iheard about Hickory Farms of Ohio the Chorus, and everyone was very Novovoronczh Atomic Power Station. It is expected to RSERADI impressed. Its performance is so have a 365,000-kilowatt capacity. fcensonal and spontaneous. In addi- SAUCE PIZZA HALF PRICE tion, the members talked to the 8 oz -490 Value Russian ipeople in a way that few the State Symphony Orchestra, the Music Workshop in Wesfcfietd. 'U.S.S.'R.1, "May they resound in alt With the Purch oE Americans have had the opportunity 1 Donations are encouraged, al- One Pound o More FONDUE (Approx.) our hearts forever and forever!' -- of doing. In short, the Chorus is a though not a pre-requisite for admis- A cheese dish with a tasty wonderful expression of America." Tickets are available at .Gregory's •sion. TJiore will bu an. opportunity U/ORld flavor. Fully prepared. From the other side of the Iron iMusiie 'Store, in Plainfielcl; (Rondo •for free-will gifts. Just heat and serve. OPEN 10 A.M.-8 P.M. Curtain comes itfae simple but elo-Music in .Union; -The Town Book FAMOUS quent statement of the director ot Store, 'Down Beat-Record Shop, and Regular $1 &.Q $1.79 *•*« Every Fri. Sat & Sun. f HOTOSTATS Hickory Farms of Ohio START APRIL 25fh OLE PANTRYLM. SAME DAY SERVICE T.M. CHEESE An all-beef, hickory smoked summer You'll like the exciting LANZA CONTRACTING CO Wastfield Studios sausage. May be served.many ways, taste of this new cheese. Sample before huying. Portrait and Commercial Photographer* Regular A1 1 Q 251 North Ave., Garwood T ADAM* 1-0239 $1.39 ib. 121 CENTRAL AVENUE ECONOMICAL With tir More* FREE j WEEKEND SPECIALS at Mountainside Paint & Hardware OIL HEAT FREE ESTIMATE CONVENIENT TERMS OF OHIO 30" Parker Sweeper, reg. $49.95. . $39.95 MELNOR TRAVELING JOIN US SPRINKLER Phone AD 3-1492 J.SJRVIN& COMPANY, IN A CUP 215 SOUTH AVE. W. American LaFrance 2% Ib. Waters up to 16,000 sq. ft. Winds • 0O SOUTH WI..WCIT 4fn*av OF COFFEE up to 275 ft. of hose. 3 position //nBuildin • g Headquarters" control for fast, siow or sta- Fire Extinguisher for Boats, Homes LUMIIBH • MILLWOltK • MASOV'S AMERICA'S LEADING CHEESE STORE tionery sprinkling. Adjustable tlATHIUALS • HARDWARE and Cars. Underwriter and Coast nozzles for controlled coverage *uplo 54 fti diam. - — —-* ••••-*••* - *->• Guard Approved, Reg. $14,95. .. . ?8.95 I * : Reg. $44.99 $25.99 Cyclone Spreader, Reg. $25.95. .. . $19,88

Peat Moss Hyper Humus Pine Bark Redwood Bark •7 For Cement Work — Grouse Mix — Sand Mix in All Sizes Black Top Patch for Driveways White Marble Chips All Types of Salt for Water Softeners Do 3 Lawn Jobs At Once With...

8:25x15 Solid State, Power brakes for Three-speed Vinyl roof cover in Power steering Whitewall tires, and pushbutton AM radio faster, safer stopping TorqueFiite automatic your choice of black, Deluxe wheel covers transmission white, green, bronze STOP KILL FERTILIZE or mock turtle CRABGRASSI INSECTS! TOO I "Wi Our best selling options

•jw. Ask your AGRICO Dealer to figure what you'd have to pay, on our most popular Plymouth. buying each treatment separately. This will prove a big saving NOW 2 BAGS —besides the convenience of just one trip around the lawn, in- 90 stead of two or three! AGRICO 1-2-3 stops crabgraM before it FOR *15 starts. At the same time it kills root-eating insect grubfl. AND 'REGULARLY $§.85 Kit IAQ it provides your lawn with a generous supply of famous Two B«0« of 1-24 TrMt and AGR|C0 Grasa Food-the best lawn fertilizer you can buy! 6,000 squaro flit— SAVE $4.00 LAWNS GET HUNGRY, TOO PAA Fury III 2-Door Format Hardtop Just like people! That's because the soil that nourishes them is often low in LIMITED TIME OFFER essential plant foods. 2 BAGS Every living thing needs a balanced diet to thrive and dis- (Or Double Sizs) play its true beauty. Your lawn is no exception. AGRICO GRASS F i Covers 10,000 square feet AGRICO Grass Food contains all the essential ingredients, !»•».. At combined in tiny pellets that bring quick, new health, vigor and rich deep-green color to a run-down, "tired bladed" lawn! Don't settle for less than AGRICO! Save' $1.00 Plymouth Unbeatables put on the big stuff

AGRICO TONIC FOR ROSES and FLOWERS anrJtft,? down. Contains Di-Syston 8.8.8 Plant Food with

,'/•' -- •- -• Built-in Systemic Insect Control


The Warriors of flunstivt'It Junior 1 Ily Curt W:iy WI-1ST Sohuol Iti'p'l llii'ir rword un- Aim ir |>y (l^fwiliir^ Liio Despite n out* hi! -pilchinH piM'for- l-'ltiltiMi. S'r-|. I il i1 -iiiiirit, i-r-iih 0 () >usy Schedule Faces Blue Devil fn*s'lnnpn 2-1 • ITUIUCG by Sktu»U»r'y, -lihe •M.-I'iihr, IT 0 1 John Hnv;is rocoi^d'Gd the win, run-WestTield Ili^h •hn.siiliall 'luum could 1! ll'i'lolu, r !' r h' I 'In nla"ii, ^ili II 1 ning Ills ptbohing retard Lo Lwo wins M-lltlillllfiT, .Tll-HH 0 (I only li« Sni'iintifiold l-l last week. 0 1 and no losses. 1 TMcl. Hi Track Team After Split Openers In the other tfaim nf the wcrk. Hit* Mini 'lnMki'y, )i-rl', I) 1 T J1111 ••• II ROSBUO O:it'ht> 'ic LlirR-ateni'd lo 1 Devils absorbed tlu'ii si»caiul de'f'L'jil. •2f> it G Ky Jot' Sullivan lir., WYMflt'lil Ul Mctw'e in the «pooling inning. Howcv- of the 5Wi.son losing U> Union ill. I un riie, <': tl \V. Itr o.r, airier (he I'ir.'-il lwo hiltcrs hnd The Scotch Plains enme adu'riuled sriti\nii;i,o Tin? Wo.stjfiulfl Senior Iliy'h truck W. it i r W. Kellyy, smglL'd, IJcivns hurc down to slriko for April 1!) was popstponud due to team dropped its diuil meet of l^ll • -ri . Sl'l] Ill-It, W; '•!. Mi-iiriiH C l-ir. ;i=fr)mni'r. I' Tim.'—M.S. out Hit' nt'xl llirco men, Wai ur 1-3 v 0 I) D the yuur to Craniford 65-lil, last woi'k •1 10—.|. Sflilit'll, \V; li. Han, ittyosuvft'l scniTd bnlli their runs ll I) I) Hub W. Tl IIH'-~^:i.•! .fil !llll((>Wf'*K, HS a ul hinnc, but got a 77-4!) victory over IIG diamundinon h:ivo two crucial I) 0 VVII—i, 'Hvnio, \V: 1!. Mi •gninl.', in the tw»l inii'lmg. Stove Tobbn-lls , S.-'iltofl", I'Mf Q 0 0 Somcrvllle. This afternoon at 3:45, W •A. Mnrriy, \V. Thin>— 'Ii :'i 1.1! ll conference ^amt'.s ;\t home Lhia i ^llniinu'Lii, :ih ;; l'i- .1. Cjilvi-rt, W; H. lliiii«l/.i, .singled. Alt or Tom PfeiJifcii fi saeii- UIIIIU, Ih it 1 1. WL'sUit'lcl will visit Rnh-vwiy. Next W !(. Willliuiis, W. Time —1:11:!. !icc, Hiiviis doubled Lo k'tt, scoring WL'pk. Today MIR Devils face Ornii- SKU, ir •2 0 0 Two nitl.'1—1. l\ Urnwii, W; '2. ford, while Saturday they inocl riill- I'1 ili'nno. rf 1 0 « week, the Devils will have two home Hnrhf, C; I! Cuitt?, \V. Thin—'10:11.5 TehhdLs. Havas then scored Mic woirr, v. S 0 (I moots ot 3:-)5 with Scotch plains IL'il h\Kh IHMMIII-S—.1. JJIrfiiftt, t1; i1. eventual deciding run whan Mi\n- O'Andi-L'ii, p. !! I) (I Pliu-ce, (.'; H. (Sarn.-U<-, \V. Tinu — 0 II Tuesday and Springfield Thursday. Ki.-I. "CH's Hinnsli dawn the t'hird base j 'Against Springfield, Tony FiUipal- £<5 1 1 Tomorrow and Saturday, tihe two I Si) low ImnllL-.s—1. 1ilr('lifil« . C; lint; was miispbyed. 1!. TlmniLjiHdii, \V; ;\. Plm-rn, ('. Tiini' di led off the wame with a line single mile and one mile relay teams will —rjn.7 The Joso'i's soured Mu-ir lone run in to left field, and came all the way go to the Pcnn Relays in Phitadel I.IMIK Jiim|i—-1. J'lit'Usun, "VV; L'. the 3rd inning and lotidcd Hie bases AVllif.ntuH, i"; :t. TlmmiMiii, w. .Dls- around to score on the pkiy as the phra. ttiin-i>—ii'O.fiVa. wifih none nuL. Once ni?nin H;iv:is hail rnlkul Ih'-mrjli left fielder Phil Cranford possesses great strength I1 Iffh Juiup—.I. IIolliuul, "W; 2. '•roved t.'qitnl UJ Vim task by .striking I'olc vault—'1 Olson, <'; 2. Hooh'O, Stokes' k'Ms fur n tlifoc base error. in the weight events, which hurt Hie O; :t. Ro-tilMfin, \V. MWffht—ll-o. ut tiliroc consecutive ba.I'Lcris. Al- Devils in previous meets. Westifield irthot ]iut—'1. Norilstniin; C; 2. Wch- g HoseJie Catholic scored an unearned eClmuer, C: 3. Bayuk, C. Dltttance— run in the fourth. Dave Minhnan led 61-56 with only the discus re- MD.l ON TIIEIK WAY TO YMCA national swimming championships in Little Rock,, Ark., where they took a third in tihe fiityl inning, they could not maining, but the Cougars swept the Jiivclin—il. O. RJi'Heinor, AV; 2. dent the rriale witili Uio tyiwg run. had Springfield's lone hit, a long Nnnlsiniiii, C; It. Kins, C. Dislauii; pluci', are (left to right) Greg Cierher, Gordon Clark. Kill Orloff, Hani Riddle, John Ackcrson. Mike Brook- triple to center field. With two men event to clinch the win. Murk Nord- —(KSU-lOVj er, Eric Van Lciivcn, Jay Hoffacker, Dick Ifauoy and Mike Kccnan. Not shown, but also scoring in the 'Roosevelt next faces Union Kawa- tt *' out, Miniman scored on an error. strom had a winning throw of 143'1 event, arc Peter Meyers, Steve SchmiLt and Jon Perkoivski. medh at home tomorrow at 3:45. Nordstrom also won the shot and After 17 2/3 innings of pitching, Mac- took second in the javelin. HS Courtmen Closkey had not allowed an earned Carol Taylor With run. Pat iMcCabo extended liis hit- The Devils had Fallen behind ear- ting streak lo five games. ly, with Cfanford picking up points Westfield Third In National YMCA Swim Meet Split Matches College Swim Club The conference ruled tihe tie game in the high hurdles and the 100. Mike 22; 200 yd. Butterfly, Greg Gcrber, 'Murray, Paul Byrne, Don McQuade The Westfield YMCA swim tram would have to bo replayed. It was By Roger Bell finished in third place in the 42nd 8lh, 2:12.14; 200 yd. Freestyle, Steve Miss Carol Taylor is a member of and Dave Brown were not .scheduled the Ohio Stale University's Swan scheduled for April 18, but was National YMCA Swimming and Div-Schmitt, 2nd, 1:51.5; Dick Haney, postponed due to wet grounds. to run in this meet, but with Cran- T Ii e Westfield Hi g h netsters ing Championships held in Conway, (it'll, 2:15.!>9; 100 yd. Breastetnokc, Dolphins Score Club, the synchronized swimming group which will present its annual Tlio average poi^onp especially the ford leading, the Devils needed their brought their record to 2-2 as they Arkansas, over the weekend. In aJohn Ackcrson, 5th, 1:06.51; 100 yd. The Devils scored a run hi the l water pageant today, Friday and raffo sporla fanf may find it diffi- best. Byrne, McQuade, and Murray downed Scotch Plains 3V*--l/:>, andclosely fought contest which saw six Backstroke, Jay Iloffacker, 54.95 first inning against Union. Witih two cult to think of iithloteu who titlco all ran in the 880 which they swept lost to a powerful Summit squad 4-1 In State Meet Saturday. She is a member of the part in fnoLball, hoclccyp hoxin^t national records set, and where a (new National "Y" Meet record). outs and the bases loaded, Mac- and wrcHtlini;- a« boinfi: Hermit Wo to put Westfield back in the scor- last week. The first doubles team of strong team from Huntington, Ind., competitive team which recen% re- Oloskcy singled the lone run home people* IJut they are! Actually tho •Miwe Kecnan 3rd, 5B.59; Jon •Perk- The West'Eield Dolphins failed to turned from Central Michigan Uni- capacity oT a Uuninu boiiiK: to brlnK ing. Pete Galligan and John McMa-nigal led throughout, the Wcsitfie-ld team off pitcher Neil Galdin, who hadhlf> maxim inn uchfcvemnnt to ful- dwski, 5th, 59.52; 800 Free Relay, score in either solo or duet competi- versity where she placed t)hii*d in In the 220 which followed, Wcst- made a strong showing in the first succumbed to Cedar liapids, Iowa Westfield second, 7:33.31; 100 yd. just relieved Union starter Len Dirop- (113ment rlnpemls on h\s decree of four matches losing only one to a tion in the New Jersey Senior State •situne competition and fifth in duet. Hensltirlty, The mciHt prorulnunL ex- ' field needed another first. Cran- by 11 points for the mnnerup posi- Freestyle, Steve Schmitt, 2nd, 50.33; Synchronized Swimming champion- kin. The Devils managed only two ample of an athlete's KPntiltivencHH doubles team which is undefeated tion. The WesUfieiders turned in a She is a freshman and a pledge oF iH Hiion in IUP way ho hnrullos vic- 1 ford's Henry Hearns, previous win- Gordon Clark, 5th, 50.84; Jon Perk- ships last weekend, but Dolphin Kappa Alpha Theto sorority. •more hits off Galdin, while Union tory or ilofoat. Tic re ills

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Btekwrti TwMmWMuw* on the line Ml lain* Complete BURNER SERVICE 920.OO • 14.00 131.7B •15.B7 with every 29.7G 14.87 33.75 16.B7 1.H ?iI-U 30.75 IS.37 35.00 17.80 lot jag Call. 233-4141 7.7I-I7.7S-I*I 32.50 18.25 37.25 18.62 nut 35.75 17.87 40.75 20.37 3.40 39.25 19.62 22.37 BULK PLANT & OFFICE 2285 SOUTH AVEt/ WESTFIELD nut 44.75 fl.BM4 43.75 21.87 49.75 24.87 a ea Sse your Firestone high perform- i.asts How come we firmly back ance tire specialist for this 45.25 22.62 51.50 25.75 i.o\ every used car we sell? sensational deal on "America's •wrtwmm ~r Simply because we see K w« should run out of your siza, a "rain check'* 800' every sale as our chance most-asked-for-by-name" tire! will ba Issued to assure delivery at these prices. to make a friend for "1969 Membership" years to come. NO MONEY DOWN...MONTHS TO PAY...DRIVE IN TODAY! Pimtom $tor*i. Compflkilivtl/ prictd ot FirasIorM Ocalwi ond ot oil *»rvic* ilatiom dispta/Jn9 \\\m Fir«ton* iiyn*

WATCHUNG LAKE CLUB OPEN MON., THUR5. 8 A.M. lo 9 P.M. TUES., WED., FRI. 8 A.M. to 6 P.M. WATCHUNG, N. J. Ford SATURDAY 8 A.M. to 5 P.M. A Private Family Swim Club Dealers' Open Till Labor Day Used Car Husband and Wife $65.00 BANKAMEfllCARD FDAf Husband, Wife and One Child . $100.00 JAl Each Additional Child .... $10.00 Initiation Fee, First Year . , . $10.00 of Westfield, Inc. WESTFIELD FORD YOUR AUTHORIZED FIRESTONE DEALER 319 NORTH AVENUE WESTFIELD, N. J, U&dt AD %mm ®4i%) 343 South AV0, W^lfidd 232-1300 TIIR WFlflTFIFXD fN..T.) I.KADKK, Tinm.SDAV, AT'RIT, Vaue H OI'F AND I(TT]VIVIi\» byJohnl.Day Ihe season with .shtllout.s over Minor League Games Open w.lif.'H and Sharlis rcs|i rinitv ildges 1 J •i Williani.s aiHi Keitili ( prmidrd tin' Murlins with slitlKMit St. Patrick's \. Boys Baseball Loop Season pi I ching in fhrir (ill \Hn aver the 1 ».v Oajvhi'fi. Pmil JfU'k.sini and Keith t. i>- lltchio hit Ixmieruns fnr the winuern. VThe Holy Ti'iivlly Uliif Unives np- JIJKDH Coifs. Armmit] I'usino, John Mkl- 1 W F. Tkill, Jim JMIwtdcr and Kevin Sul- IVtL'i MtrOurlhy unci Je-ff ped their record In 4-0 Friday hy sluirod Hit* |)ltehing for 1 lu* Rl no jays ] 0 0 ingiT lielprd tlio I'nnlln'i' clTort. d<)fe;itiii(£ SI. J'iilrick'.s of KlizabuUi willi IVIor Sehmitz helvind I he plate. PIKIPIUIUHI llawk.s 1 0 (I Other framoR \K-OVQ cvineellcfcl duct :i-2 in n rnln fivo innitti; Cruig Alien hit a douhli* mid spark- TJIIUIK|U(!S Itohitis 1 0 0 lo rain nnd will bi» rcpkiyed jit a {fame ut. Piirk. led Jn the field. SI. Patrick's upi'iiccl Mie (farms Falcons 0 0 0 later d;tte. 1 Tho Juts Wi'ivt cig'lil innings lo div with back lo back similes «ff Mm. Gulls 0 0 0 CATS Brave hurler Jim Miami. Tin; tfi'ii'd Owls 0 0 0 WIT fent Uiu Sharks 4-0, behind t:lie score- batter Miun yrnuiuled iii'lu a /ioklor*»s 0 1 0 Boboaffl 10 0 less pitching of Ji-IT Fjiv^ircs, Kovln Kerwin and Todd Kellogg. Hits hy choice nml BJuunt struck out the Four games were played in theCougars 0 0 0 *•- Kellogg, liynn Biwscy find Kerwiti cleanup hitter. Mount .seemed to bu Senior Division of (he Minor League Jaguars 0 0 0 out of the jmn when IK: gnt (her mint sparked the aigiil-h inning rally. last wpf'la'nrl. Went her permlt-tintf. a Tigci'.s 0 0 0 The Sharks received oxcellent bailor to hit u ground ball but the full slitii of Humus is scheduled J'or Leopards 0 1 0 ball went off shorLsUvp Nopi-hins'ky'.s pitching from Robert Ifcaron and tliis Saturday. Lions 0 1 0 Steven Weil with Robert Holl nnd glove into CUIIUT field allowing two The Hawks besied the Lions !) toPanthers 0 1 0 David Gigan heliind the pinto. r Vic, n Thnrouphbi-od in runs wore Vinco Cauterucci and Moore and Kevin Cunicclki with sin- WANT THE BEST Indiana Alumni To Honor Perkowski the Braves started ('heir same win- that W.IR ponsiHtrntly bcatvn by Miko Toohcy. For the Lioas, Doug gles, Huns were scored by Joe Iii:<- FOR THEIR SONS . . . ning rally. Mike Grausam was hit 1(! lengths or inore in races fur well bo snow l)ouiul." However ler, ilim Hohlitzell, AToorc ;ind Cur- 4-ynur-old mnidons, had no McISwen and Nicl Simonson weix* Conuider NEW YORK MILITARY iDavid Perkowski, former Wcst- Also present will be Charles Hick- wit'h a pilch to start the inning, John she gave tiu; horse care us well defensive standouts. Ben Oxnard ios Ciomcz. ACADEMY in tho scenic Hudson takers whim offered for aale for as the liamn Snowbound and Highlands awny from urban prcs- Ijeld High School swimming great, cox, li)(I8 "Swimmer of the Year," Goski moved Grausam to second on r and Bill Cicsack pitched well with Tho Eagle's were holpod in a los- will be honored by the Indiana Uni- ?.j{), and cventimlly was "Ifift not long after had the last uurost Boys: Grades 5 12, Excellent also an (Indiana student. He anda ground out. Rocky 'Nepchlhslty on the doorstep" of the well- laugh when she told his former Bill Cieslik collecting 2 hits. ing cause by the hilling of Jim program in sJudios, sports, ph/sical versity Alumni Club of New Jersey iMrs. Hickox were married last walked and Mike Grausam advanc- known horsewoman Barbara Gducation, Cavalry, Band, Hillary, 1 owner, Earl Kunz, that she had Tho Robins, behind the no-hit shut- Rowinan, Ralj»h IIuLuliLson and Tom Swimming, Band & Mprlt Scholar- Saturday at 6 -p.m. in the Stage December. ed to third on a pass ball. Nepchin- Worth. Oakford, was inducted turned down an offoi' of $3,500 Biggs and a good fielding play by ship!. House Inn, Scotch Plains. sky stole second and witHi one out into the California Racing Hall for him. out pitching of Pete De&tell and Bill While at Westifield High School, of Fame at the California Ex- Snowbound eventually be- Clarke beat the Leopards 4-0, Three Tim Olvilty. FOR A SUMMER iperkowsi is a senior at Indiana Perkowski set breastroke records in the Braves had runners at second SEA and third. Mike Dewnti struck out, position in Sacramento. How- came the property of John Gal- walks followed by an infield hit by 'University, where this year lie co-state and eastern scholastic compe- ever, Gay Vic will be honored vhi, -whose daughter loaned him Dave Molowa produced three runs. W L T WITH A PURPOSE leaptained the Hoosier swimming but then Mark Dewan singled driv- tition and in the National YMCA under another name and forto thq United Stafo : Equestrian With (the pitching of John Fjoring, Marlins 10 0 Boys agos 9-15. team which captured the national meet, Most of his records still stand, ing in two runs to tie Uhe score. an accomplishment other than team for the lltGS Olympic Barracudas 0 0 0 ALL AMERICA CAMP: alt sports, icollegiate title for -the second Mike -Spirko doubled in the winning racing. Gflmes. In Mexico, under rider the Leopards igave up no runs in the professional coaching, lop facilities. including the Westfield High stan- When Mrs. Oakford first saw Bill Steinkraus, Snowbound first three innings. Supporting this Dolphins 0 0 0 Approved study available. 4 and 3 straight year. During his (collegiate dard of 1:01.4 in the 100 yard. run and Tom Beiigle ended the in- 1 woek sessions, Evety boy a player. ning by striking out. tho foundling that had been left provided Iho United States with effort was the infield which man- Seals 0 0 0 'career he has been one of the coun- in one of her stalls {she hadits first individual Gold Medal Stingrays 0 0 0 NYMA CAVALRY CAMP: expert The son of Mr. and Mrs. S. S. Per- ever won in the Olympic's aged a double (play in the third by riding program wlih lumping, drills, try's ranking 'breast stroke swim- St.-Patrick's wias un'able to score previously turned Gay Vic down the coordination of Joe Sexton at Sharks 0 10 moan led trips on miles of woodland mers. kowski of 961 Cherokee Ct., he comes in the fifth off Blount, who after a as a gift) she said, "Anything Grand Prix Jumping Cham- trails, A horao for every boy. from a swimming family. His with two bowed legs might as pionship, short and Bryon Brynildsen at sec- SPACE iHe will Share the spotlight Satur shaky first inning, had settled down ond. WLT ACADEMIC SUMMER SESSION: day with another I.U. brother, Jon, currently swims for and allowed only two hits the re- Resident boys. Grades 5-12, Ac- WHS and the Westfield YMCA while Excellent pitching by Jim McKeon Jets 1 0 0 credited courses for make-up. Rern from New Jersey, Lesley /Bush Hick- mainder of the game. The Blue Leaps 0 0 0 Heading, Malh and Lang, skills. Su- cox of Princeton, At 'Mexico City a sister, June, is a freshman at Braves were also unable to score in •and Jon Amsler led the Blue Jays perior Faculty. Rccronlion. Indiana. to a 13-6 win over the Panthers. Missiles 0 0 0 last October, Perkowski represented the fifth and going into fche sixth Junior Nine Rockets 0 0 0 WRITE OR CALL FOR CATALOGS the U.S. in the HOO meter breastroke the Bnavcs led. Then the rain came More Sports 'Richard Voss of the Jays drove in NYMA ADMISSIONS DEPT. Guest speaker will be Frank B. 2 runs with a single wftiite Lee Di-Dashes 0 10 and Lesley in tlie women's plaitlfortm Jones, I.U. Alumni Secretary and a and the game ended, the Braves 44 Campus DrivOj Doriato led all hit/tens with two sin- In limited action in the Jr. Divis- CornwaM-On-Hudsony N. Y. 12520 diving event, Which she won in 1964. former resident of Westfield. picking up the win 3-2. Jim Blount Wins, Loses was the winning pitcher and he is Next Page gles and a double. ion of the Minor League over the (914) 534-3710 now 2-0. By David Hitter Strong hitting by Reid Jaiko, Mike weekend, the Marlins and Jets op- 30. ST. PATRICK'S The Westfield JV 'baseball team Residents Score A;B R IT In the nine hole group, Mrs. A.Krcssonis, 2b 3 0 1 split its games last week, beating 1 n iinuiiCi, frf 3 1 n Well At Ash Brook Garafalo of Scotch Plains took first Nitvai-ro, 3>b 3 1 u2 Springfield 10-1 and losing to Union in Class A on a net 33, followed by Mvuira'skt, lfo 3 0 0 3-1, Westfield now has a record of Biirku, It' 2 0 n Mrs. John Hance of Mountainside Mns. G. T. Davis of the Plains with Gatto ,rf ?S 0 0 54 as Union stopped (the local's scored a net 77 in a thrwout three 35 and Mrs. G, Dickson of Fanwood Ken-am, rf tt 0 0 five game winning streak. Today worst holes event at Ash Brook Golf Critltt'i-res!, o >2 I) 0 •the Devils ententaln Cramfor-d at 3:45 and Mrs. 0. OsfJberg of Plains, both RlvaruK, as ft 0 LARSEN'S LIQUORS Chiib last week, to win in Class A. with 36/ ForU, p, 1 0 0 and Hillside will be in town Satur- Mrs. Vincent Fisher of Westfield Mrs. Larry Williams of Westifield Totals 212 £ 4 day at 2:00. formerly Berenson's Was in a tie for second place at 78. ICOLY TRIPflTV and Mrs. Gifford Griffin of Scotch IAIB R H David Scott started for Westfield SJifrko, r-f 3 0 1 in the Springfield game. He was In Class

•^ -• ' , 'V M -*. two RBI's in Mie game to raise his total to seven in six games. Kevin Banner got his first hit of the year, SAVE 20% TO 4 a double in the sixth, Bonner has BRICK CORNER compiled an amazing .818 on base One of the largest selections of PIPE SHOP percentage itihis season, despite the traditional shirts in the East. PARK AVE. fact he has oftly one hit. Cor. NOItTII AVE. 14-17 Neck At Union, lead oSf hitter Scott Reg, 5.95 to 7.95 each reached (first for WCsUfield and stole 32-36 Sleeve For the Heist and pepp 3 second and third and then scored , Pipe on a sacrifice by Jim Wheaton. This was the only real threat that the know Devils posed to Union. (Pinney, the FIELDCLUB Union pitcher, was simply over- 307 SOUTH AVE., WESTFIELD AD 3-0248 powering as he allowed only otne hit and struck out seven. Ken Rider, (2-0) scareed for West- field and was tagged for one run and (three hits in three innings. Rich Anderson relieved him and received little support from his teammMes in the field. The Devils committed six errors, four of them while Ander- First 4-wheel drive son was pitching. The only really • - - \ • . . solid positions were at first, where Jim Dello Russo has yet to commit truck specially built an error this year and second, where Ed Carter handled six chances, com- mitting one error. Carter has an ex-

•*•'> cellent .944 fielding percentage this for campers. se>ason.

AiBR H Johnson, ]f 4 1 0 Hull, rf 1 0 ,1 DHlo .Rusrsm, lb 5 1 1 FHHn-rcl, 1b 0 0 0 Wihpiriton, 3 b 3 0 0 '1 Stftwart, ss *-t 1 1 Thorn*1, vt 3 1 1 I">or-ne, If 0 o 0 Osirter, 2b 2 1 0 a • 'Bcinner, rf -2 s 1 KenskY, cf 0 Hi 9 3 .1 3 1 0 0 S:ott, p 3 -1 1 Preston, p 1 0 0 Totals 3il 10 s SlttllNGFIELD o n TT Ai. Wn&serman, of 0 H ^Tnrinnlno, of o 01 o Slilndler, If 2 0 1 fl'VVd, IT 0 0 flollantlor, p 2 0 n N>sa, rf 3 0 0 2 0 0 Mpet'lor, 2b *> 0 0 i Rh'Ul-niant ]b 0 0 Kraun, t* 1 1 0 KVpun-tillch, 3b n 0 0 I>uv;if P 0 0 0 Totn1« 2rti 1 1 Westfield 0 n i» o 0 4 i—no Sorln^fiHd 0 0 0 0 0 0 Ir— 1 Brrr>i\s—Frpunniich C4), Mi. yl I>oubl<^—TKmner, CfilenrlMr,' Scott RBI—Jahnson, Wheaton, Tllorne <2) Bonnpr Calondnr, K^ott ( *>! In ii fie r. "S t l\RSTPFKI*n .A ITin IT Srotr If 2 i 1 ?, 0 0 \Vheatf>n( llh E 0 0 HI ft wart, ss I SCOTLAND v 0 0 Thtirne* t f ?, 0 86.8PP00F SCOTCH WHISKY THE FLEISCHMA-JN [ \-' t. S r u r;>r_ ryr R^nsk >'i rf 0 o J f*:irtrrf 2h ?, 0 0 lUmut-v, rf 1 o 0 tTnhnso'M, rf 0 ft 0 fVLllencLir, c e o 0 RIii or, f» l 0 0 A iKliTSOIl, p 10 0 New 'Jeep' Gladiator takes campers, even big TV't;ilH ai 1 1 cab-over rigs up to 2,500 lbs. almost anywhere. The 2-Car TI No strain on the highway with a standard 350 cube ?, 0 o ers FriMhi. 3h ] 0 V-8 engine. Then flip into 4-wheel drive, and the back Ilnrh.irlol, rf 3 1 0 country's yours! New, longer wheefbase (132"). Cars. I 1 nch-irlf1!. vf 3 0 ] ^rru'h^^•4«kat lb 3 0 •1 f Full floating axles front and rear. Options include Krp.arri t rf a 0 ff VISIT OUR WINE CELLAR automatic transmission, air conditioning, power i rf Kl ilv>, If , 2 1. ff brakes and steering. 'Jeep' 4-whee! drive. 1 K&tt#n*'no'kt ?• 3 i FOR THE FiNEST fm/Ve got to dfive it to believe it. % n AND DOMESTIC 1 ,fiiiu? in a pro.4nun "One to OIK?: * 1 • * 4 The Weslficld YWCA still >hu.s ckiss Laic Show Merchants Handicap HiM)tt h ru Hap, - ... li'i »S Patrick .1. Kemtrdy of Ki !!i,;h Srhnol Counisi'lor Meets I'lio w openings for till ayus in its IHII Avii. is nlU'iulini! ilie fiilh iiiuiunl •Hut * i • i • i • • • lli'ii Ili'iiiKy Ntilim . 5S .'Ifi !M nthndlsL \r\ 7il AdJiiiissi'ons Dirt'ctor." His u t T'liiilhi I i 1 f education iprourn > * • • i ]i |:n tt Aliirliui AH I nit I IIU 1^1 «ii**ibij« M' of Mil? A.s.'iDL'hitJon of ('i)l- ji will bo thu rovicw of Y*MI-VmiH fill 'Hi HIIVIIM I'.H fiO!A I- We. I'l Ut'LhiHllrtt . , Ml may he matle by plionv or ail the Y Wray Mundy limn IHIHM IH is Jully TruHry •1*1 tojLS'i.vlnil's h A(hn'i.sH'ions 01-Mich n sUite-wide prosrum in-sUluted |l ll Tll I oll'leo. HlpM rn l-s -lf» Krnornl Count, t'u. li Vi NATIONAL TnUCK DRIVER OF TUG YEAB ficers in Dalin.s, 'IVx., Mtis wi'ck. by Kiilon Hall in 11)04. I Hit (HullMllh H . • . . 17 H> Smart Set MuLhtM's may ivylslcr tlu'ir four ( I il 1 Mr. Kt'imody Ls director of ] .... SMIIHI rtn l':irls . . , .•1M.4 a 1 { « * • • r. Air I'm* ! or five yum- old diild in Uiu ToLs 2 I'ln ^r" 3714 adniiBsions nl Scion Jliill Unlvor*ily "ni'! IHHIH unii; liiii^ Jim'* . , , . S 63 -I I and Tots :i classes in Tips lor M'ois. in Sonl.h OriiiiKc. More; Hum MOO IM^li Si'iin-s H. linHMjit linn 2'iii- Corrcclion p MIMI Mmt uty Nuhm won t lu> Openings lor school age; tfirls in- iin i' .... lit* 07 cludo boginning niul intermediulo letjas ;ind uii'ivtM\si!ilu*s in Lho ivntion The name cf a Weslfield resident, Hl(!ln— fi(i;i; KlfiiiiiM* Kiirilli'i- 177- I'H: C Mmtln i'»r»—-r.:io, 1 .IIH.I swimming, water built L, t'l-alUs, tuij)- i\nUi Kobin Brody, daughter of Mr. 4M\. 1 4 MylHTiil-SKi; '.Murk :MM ; ItiOi J. t.. will he in uUond.'inc^. •blin^J, baton iind trampoline. Ahiriiin iliHi-yuiS: ,1, l>luz iMKS; i •Mr. Kennedy l.s a mLMiifjar of tliu imi\ Mrs. Herbert Brody, was inad- Jill; AyruH lilii; MHIMOHUUY 2(H; Stagiss and Drags SporlBinen's Teon-tiifers still have an opportun- nnlionul cojnniiWee on liifSli scliool- vertently omitted from a listing of ity to take the special toen-age class- coHeue relations ond ia clvairmim of Ken! JVaci: School i'inst honor roll W I. r oil \t:\ iMMlHttl fif. es and fitness in the gym. students in the Apr. 3 Leader. "1 I .liilm I<'IV a coiTfcrencc session entitled "Col- Earl) Birds For Uie adult woman there are * * • ' • ' * illeii i:\w-n lege Hecniitmciit Via TV": a pro- ltnnnyno 'II^ *iO classes available in sliinnasties HfMli 14 -IH TiiTany gram concerned wiih the prcacmtu- Deaths from uterine cancer have iMulruany fl 1 (10 Auto G:t swimastics, Irim gym, exercise and Ah-rrlt 4\\% Mi tion of admission infoniTation on abeen cut in liaiX in 30 ye^ans with E*. WLT |i 1* I 'J AT I Clnrk ... - I • I volleyball, iiiodL'iri dunce, swim- »i r»rn.i , , , t't . • i > • »t "I tt I | Ilclulnu-fU tu-wi'dc basis to high schonl, l>ar- the help of t'!»e Pap test, says the .liiiiii-M •!!)_ 51) ming and diving. . . tut* Weekend Golf Results S and graduating seniors by theAmerican Cancer Society. Ifrljinl ;{r» GB » • « • ui lllKkli SIMMVUH: .Karl llolbor 2M HnUi n?i,f. 0(» v !Uruiim»r u7>v> tisi/i At Echo Lake Kupult, G.lti Churls BlvMi 50!*- Jjuir.lUeii riRi^ 'tiS U Trinity Students Vie ,1-llBli «i;oif: M, UiiHL-h Stilt. Saturday—-Sweepstakes, Class A; Washday Ev Poarsall, 70-8—71; Bernie R'hae- In Chess Tournament w Is Neighborhood sa, 85-13—72. Class B: Frcnk Du- Five students from Holy Trinity VACUUM CLEANERS Kn nit row Its* 1\ •ta w i« fiflti, 90-16—74; R. L. Waring, 92-13— .Leiiimx ,, 7-1•HJ High School met St Mary'is, Eliza- K nliiauk (IS JVwell -is 74. Class C: Ed Coffey, 94-19—75; beth, in a chess loniMament Apr. 8, Askew 64 (i. Amu to is & Uoeeh (JH r.7 y John Marsh, 96-20—76. Class D: R-Contestants included Handy Au- imVlncontta 59 (IB. Xeison C. Davis, 102-31—71; Neil Pierce, HDM10N! brech, Mike Stankiewicz, Bill GuUi- on C5 106-31—75. Prize Fund Event, stroke lein, Bob Aubrecht and Riek Stark- 71 % Srharf US play: Same winners as sweepstakes. SEWING MACHINES Duukar ... -15 74% Corbett IIS. •Hi weather. Sr. Sunday—Sweepstakes, Class A: Ev !••• Altihough St. Mary's team was SALES • SERVICE • PARTS Pearsall, 82-8—74; Jack DePIanquo, well informed. Rick Starkweather Pin Up Girls 86-10—76. Class B: Prank Keogh, 87- w Fabettes managed a stalemate and Bob Au- Jayson Pool Service 14—73: John Brcnnan, 89-15—74. "Wrlfflit 7S 4B XV 1* breclit afforded stiff opposition for 232-5723 .Tolly Trolley 7»i Class C: Frank Maddox, SO-20—70; the best member 6f the St. Mary's Sylvan authorized Dealer -McKenilrlck (iK Idoul Murkot 7>r> Dr. William Paterson, 95-21—74. Jarvis Urupr Store UG^ % team. Howlett 64 •yirBmHiin Oil Co. .. (14 to the two 'highly Chemicals & Accessories Bucknell Letter successful performances of "H.M.S. Pina/fore" last weekend, itihe Holy Sheldon Hirschbcrg of Westfield, Trinity CVA presented an abbrevia- Weekly maintenance & cleaning SUBSCRIBE NOW TO senior manager of the varsity swim- ted vemion to the elderly at Ash- 4 H ming team at Bucknell University, brook Nursing Home, Sceich Plains has been awarded a letter. on Tuesday evening and on Wednes- 763-5550 day afternoon entertained the youth- SHOP BARON ful patients at Children's' Special- Division Jayson Oil Co. Griswold Playing ized Hospital, Mountainside. On Drew Nine FOR WESTFIELD LEADER Alan Griswold of 847 Shadow- town Dr., is on the varsity baseball 50 ELM ST. team at the College of Liberia] Arts at Drew University as a pitcher. SAVINGS! Send to: U.S. GOV'T. BULLETIN

Address ifi'iittai ^l*! t l"wfl|||*l||(tll| H.H.F.A. BULLETIN =14. Get your FREE COPY of this In- City ,. State... Zip.... formative Bulletin outlining Reg. $1.00 the Results of Improper Drain- age — Poor Masonry — Im- Begin Subscription • •••>•>>« a»B>ipi*fl • 19 proper or Imperfect Water- DUSTING POWDER proofing Methods, Check Enclosed FIRST TIME c Get complete information on AT THESE • Bill Me how to do-it-YOURSELF! Send coupon and we will PAIR mat! you FREE the most com- Reg. $1.98 prehensive and practical guide SALE to fix it yourself! TRAVEL SYRINGE VULCAN BASEMENT PRICES! WATERPROOFING CO. 69 TYLER STREET I ONE YEAR PATF.R5ON, N.J. I I OENTLIMIN: PlttH unri mi FREC. "Do-lt.»jur»»lt Immint lirprtsflni Guldi." I Reg. 69c I FOR COMPACT CAM just $4.00 | NAME „ SQUIBB ADDHESS I in Union County 'CITY STATI I TOOTH BRUSH PHONS

ONE TIRE •32 plus $1.79 Fed. Ex, Tax* each, sTzA SPRING SALE £.50 X 13 tube less whitewall Reg. $1.25 Portable Typewriters MUNUM CARS MEN'S TRAVEL KIT and Adding Machines C ONE TIRE LAST 4 DAYS - THURS., FRI., SAT., MON. •38 plus $2.20, $2.21, $2,07, $2.08 Reg. $2.98 Fed. Ex. Tax* each, sizes 7.75 x 14, 7.75 x 15. 7.35 x 14, 7.35 x 15, iirr tube less whitewall ZESTAB VITAMINS -V.-:--.-••ft •,'',L'J.','.> tin BIO CARS '•-"*' .'VJ

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•J- »: ^Vvi ^•.^ Reg. 98c r*r ONE TIRE :<••: •-.•:.-v-1 >/.• BOUFFANT plus $?.36, $245 Fed Ex. Tax* each, sizes 8.25 x 14, 8,25 x 15, tubeless wfiitewall SHOWER CAP Deduct $3 each tire for blackballs The best tire we ever have adver- tire features our famous dual tread Priced fla shown at General Tire SAVE $20 tised at these low prices. If youdesign built from Duragen* rubber Competitively priced at General Tiro dealer* c enjoy buylngquafltyproductsat re- for safe traction and long mileage. displaying the Go re rat sign. ON THIS BRAND NEW duced prices you'll love this sale. Four Nygen' cordt plies for pro- REMINGTON 666 DELUXE NEW LOW PRICES General's Jet-Air II N>gen» cordf tection against blowouts. 'Plus state and/or local taws Full Size Portable with ON OLYMPIA PORTABLES Key-Set Tabulator L Reg. Price 79.50 "Buy Now or Lay-a-way for Graduation" OLYMPIA SM-9 $-|1 A .50 ATTENTION ALL CAR OWNERS! Open Sundays 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. DELUXE 11TC1 New Jersey state law prohibits the use of studded snow tires Formerly 129.50 after April 15th. Let our experts help protect you from costly NEW ELECTRIC Formerly NOW fines. ADDING MACHINES Olympia Socialite 59.50 49,50 JATO SUPER-100 All Weather VICTOR TAILYMA5TER GOLF BALLS With Ofympia SF Deluxe... 79.50 59.50 • Duralon cover for SPORTS JACKET Subtraction 69.95 7" . long, cut-free lite Special Olympia SM-8 109.50 99e50 • Energized "PB" price! VICTOR IMPERIAL center gives great ,051 Olympia SM-9, 99* DRUG STORE.INC with Credit Balance '$1 distance Perfect jacket for 13" Carriage 149,50 Formerly • Ultra-high-tension sports fans, students, hunters, outdoorsmen SCM 110 Electric 181.00 139.50 ••"«o 159.50 Rainproof, windproof USE OUR REAR ENTRANCE FROM TOWN PARKING LOT . winding vinyl ITC CITIZEN, 7 Col. Totcil 3 SCM 120 Electric 1 doz. for $5.25 In yellow safety color Prices Effective Thurs., Fri., Sat. Only with Subtraction & Credit Bctl. 99.50 with 12" Carriage 184.50 IOV-DU Until 1 Doz. 10950 NO CHARGES OR DELIVERIES ON SALE ITEMS OLIVETTI QUANTA Facit 1620 Deluxe 7 Col. Total 8 Col. 79.50 We reserve the right to limit quantities. Ofrvetti-Underwood Formerly 119.50 ... 109.50 WESTFIELD GENERAL TIRE SERVICE Stud o 21 99.50 OVER 1 MILLION PRESCRIPTIONS FILLED at SOUTH AVE. & CROSSWAY PL., WESTFIELD 243 E. BROAD ST. TRADE-INS ACC£PT£D TERMS ARRANGtr: (Next to Towne Car Wash) 233-7710 OFFICE SUPPLIES AND Open Daily 8 to 6; Won, & Thurs. 8 to 9 p.m.; Sat. 8 to 5 OPPOSITE RIALTO THEATRE OFFICE MACHINES 107 QUJM&Y £TR£Et PRESCRIPTION CHEMISTS 233^ PM, two mm** s&mv Phone 2*6680