Christmas Is Coming I
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CHARTER GASOLINE ENGINE Star Wind Mills. Place 1 Any If do not want a Gasoline what y ' you Engine, U ?y I sea Any do you think of a Windmill? am sure that you Purpose do than to STAR. Lots in use Slutlnnurira, Portables, En- can't better buy a gines and I'umps. around here, and all satisfactory. State Your Powor Needs or Your Customers" Needs. Bee. E. N SIPPERLEY, - - - Conn. Newtown E. N. West port, Ct. Wkstport, lie Sipperley, VOLUME XXIV. NEWTOWN, CONN., FRIDAY, DECEMBER 6, 1901. TEN PAGES. NUMBER 49. LOCAL AFFAIRS. for his sterling qualifications, his in- tegrity, and his conscientiousness at all times and in all places His elec- WHEN A GOOD ACT PLEASES YOU, tion would be a step in adfvance for the OVERCOATS SAY SO. WE ward, as he possesses far more quali- fications for the office 'than does his ARE for Men. A WOHD OF HEARTY PRAISE FOB THE republican opponent. The election of Young ACT OF C. MOR- mmagtmMBssssasmss: FIRST SELECTMAN L. Mr Booth to the Iioard of Aldermen Having new goods RIS IN NOT RENTING THE TOWN HALL that would mean that not only that the arriving almost daily, goods The the the that men FOR BOXING. ward would be we have used great care in buy- snap, dash, style young faithfully represented, We the would be Black $10. ing lor our Christmas trade. want all are in each of these styles: I liked the hearty way in which the but that city's interests Suits, bave spent a great deal of time The the Ryton, the Chesterfield, the editor of The Bee approved the action looked after all the time and that he and done a great deal of search- 'Varsity, of First Selectman L. C. Morris in not would assist in a careful administra Neither wear nor rveather affects our black clay ing this year to make our stock Box and the Yoke. No more shapely overcoats the best we have ever had. When allowing our town to become a dump- tion of the various perplexing problems worsted suits. The color is guaranteed absolutely were ever shown in by anybody. does do. long-wearin- g. you are in town step ia and Bee Bridgeport ing ground for what Danbury not with which that board has to fast. The cloth is strong and Every style-leader- s You the choice assortment we have They are the of the season. want. I liked the editor's positive Springfield (Mass.) Daily News. suit is well tailored all They are cut are w to offer you so that when you the backs of the best way of that he was on that side Booth is the brother-in-la- through. right to will know will see these coats on saying Attorney and fit ready buy you just dressed men in the too, and I want to make the next one of Mr and Mrs A. P. Smith, and has they right. what to get. young city. a $io is little enough for such satisfaction as you'll find in one of these suits. wide wide in the line. What discourages great frequently been their guest here. Others of better but of the same color and made the same All of these styles have shoulders, in of quality, last by many good people the doing good good tailors $i 5 to $24; in fine undressed Worsteds and Vicunas. skirts. The Box coats are made with and r -- roomy things is the impression that they are While in Waterigjj-j- Saturday without the Yoke, with regular and slashed pock- fighting the battle alone. If they last, the writer had a pleasant call on BRYANT, ets, with and without cuffs on sleeves. Prices : could only feel the touch of elbows, the J. E.CMadigan, the popular principal Our Prince Albert frock coats are swell gar- $15 and clasp of the hand, of those who gener- f the Webster school. This is a 12- - ments. fit are cut down Main St , Conn. $7.98, $10, 12.50, $18. They perfectly. They right 44 Danbury, The and Chesterfield coats ously sympathize with them, they room school recently built and fitted to date. In black Vicuna or Thibet, silk faced, $22 No Trouble 'Varsity, Ityton would go on to better and larger things. with the latest appliances. Principal It's the line like this : and for coat vest. For Us begin at $10 and run up A public official who tries honestly to Madigan has instituted a very pleasant $25 and To Show Goods. 16.50, 18.50, 20.00, be true to his as he sees has and custom in his school. Fine woistcd stripe trousers to go with them, tailor-mad- e and right in cut $12.50, 13.50, 15.00, duty it, helpful Just and fit, $3.90 to $6. 22.50, 25.00, 27.00, 30.00 aud 32.00. not chosen for himself a bed of roses, before Thanksgiving all the pupils onancraora ccssacnacu if he tries to do will sav- were to llogers-Pee- t overcoats cost from $18.50 to right, people invited bring in clothing, veg exclusi veness agely criticise him and sometimes etables, groceries, money, etc., which For Hands. i3? and have a style and .peculiar see one - your of Cele- curse him; and I not bit of were used in making glad Thanksgiv- Sae the Great Display the all of the clothes made tliis famous concern. - brated to by harm, when he deserves commendation, ng times in the homes of the deserv- Style and sense go hand in hand this Winter in in patting him on the shoulder and ng poor. Through Rev Father Crow-- knit gloves for men, women and children. telling him plainly that we believe in ley.the Catholic priest having a church Ours are made of cotton, finished to look like s JOHN F. IEANE & Co. his methods. Of course I shall be at n that section, and the Methodist silk and so. once of this because stay suspicioned saying pastor, the names of deserving people red Half a Dougla in tAe PuAc llArary 3ucfn at of the cordial friendship which exists were selected. This year they pro Black, white, and pearl. dollar. & oAn between Mr Morris and myself. We vided generously for 13 families. Mr Gloves for every use : Shoes the corner ofMain streets have met enough difficult questions to- this custom Madigan inaugurated warm work and $1. to cement ties of friend when he was of Good, gloves, 15c, 50c, 75c In Foster's Window. The new Amer- gether strong principal the Bishop Smart walking gloves, $1 to $2.50. ican last, one of the BHIDGEPO RfT. ship; but in his official position he is street school. Dent's incomparable glove, unlined, $1.83; Hied with camel's hair or accountable to me as one who had the lamb's wool. $3. honor of him into office, and I Mr and Mrs William E. Duncomb of Genuine reindeer gloves, squirrel lined, $4.50; Havana tan, lined with Span 38 Different Styles helping ish lamb's wool, $3. have the right, 'as a citizen, to criticise Redding took advantage of the fine shown In our windows. This is the or condemn his acts. A minister thor- weather on Monday to drive over to largest display of any one make of and manli Newtown, passing the day with their ever shown in Sold oughly appreciates honesty shoes this city. Not Your Furs ness in life; it is a strong force son, Postmaster George F. Duncombe. only by Why Buy public counts for The 5 that righteousness. m w v v of FURRIERS who have years of experience and know people may forget all the sermons Mr and Mrs Allison P. Smith and INCORPORATED R. F. Foster & Co., Miss Hazel Smith were in are. You are sure of what not but if the only gets Springfield, Head-to-Fo- Three Stores what FURS getting you buy, preached; pulpit ot imitation. right principles into the heart and the Mass., over Sunday, guests of Attorney Main Street, cor. Bank, 240 Main some cheap H. A. 927 "S0 St., Danbury. Best Best and people try to live these principles out Booth. Clothiers QUALITY, WORKMANSHIP in the of Bridgeport, Conn. Union Stamp Shoes for all the family. is what we settlement every question PRICES that are RIGHT always give you. that comes before them, the work of Owen Meehan, a freight conductor the pulpit is secure. I have not gone on the Highland division, who former Seal and Coast Seal Jackets. deeply into this boxing case; but, on ly resided at Hawleyviile, has just Persian six-roo- A IN the face of it, it strikes me asa strange completed an attractive m WORD We always have a large assortment to select from or we will make to in the Ben Mohr section in order from the finest selected skins. proceeding that these professional cottage ! sluggers should want to come over here Waterbury, which is on the hill west An TOUR EAR DON'T FORGET we have a fine line of WALKING SKIRTS, RAIN of "the and a beauti CLOTH JACKETS. into Newtown, where they are not city commanding Leonard's Insur- COATS, to an entertain- ful view of the town. You're going to buy a known, simply give Introduction ment for our people. looks too ance Watch; you're undecided, perhaps, where It a of Hook Agency. to or whit kind of Watch to get. much like down into Texas or Quite company Sandy To the busi- go, going are now ob- Stick a pin right here.