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.DOCUMENT RESUME ED 231 505 . PS 013 575 TITLE Integrated Nutrition Education: Senia High. INSTITUTION Illinois State Board of Education, Springfield: SPONS AGENCY Department of Agriculture, Washington, D.C. PUB DATE Jul 81 NOTE 171p. PUB TYPE Guides - Classroom Use Guides (For Teachers) (052) EDRS PRICE MF01/PC07 Plus Postage. DESCRIPTORS Drug Abuse; *Heilth; High Schools;/*High School Students; *Instructional Materials; Integrated ' Curriculum; *Learning Activities; *Nutrition Instruction; State Curriculum Guides - -IDENTIFIERS Illinois ABSTRACT. Designed for implementation across the school year.in existing curriculum areas, 18 nutrition activity units for high school students are provided. Each activity.unit consists of a list of coordinated curriculum areas, a statement of objectives, guidelines for teachers, a list_of learning activities, and bibliographic citations. Various supplements to each unit are included; these provide factual inforMation, nutrition charts, material's for students (such as tests and opinion surveys), and other materials. Among other objectives, it is intended that the student learn to (/) analyze his or her own diet and become able to make choices to improve it;(2) recognize the effects of alcohol, drugs, and too much sugar on health; and (3) become aware of the vital role of protein in the body and recognize several ways to obtain this nutrient. ACtivities focus on basic nutrition as well as health-related aspects of nutrition. Included in appendices are lists of nutritive values in common portions bf food; revised recommended dietary allowances; and free, low-cost nutrition education materials.' 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MEAT, SEAMS MILL OWE Funded by Public Law 95-166, the Nutrition Education and.Traiang Act, (NET) with a grant fromithe United States Department of Agriculture,, through the 'Illinois State Board of Educa1L tion. 1 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY PROGRAM - The Nutrition Education and Training Programi' of the.U.S. Department of Agriculture is available to all qndividpals regardless of race, color, national origin, age, sex, or handicap.Persons who believe they have been denied equal opportunity for participationsmay write thfi Secretary of Agriculture, Washington, D.C., 20250., I 4\; , FOREWORD' , The Illinois State Board of Educatitm to make available this publication of suggested curriculum 'activ ties on the topic of nytriti,on educatiom,i. ,. 4, , \k. This publication has been developed as 'a guide to assist educators in the planning and implementing of nutrition education activities into the existing curriculum areas. .It isnot exclusive of all6apil.able nutrition educatitm activities that could be implemented but is representative of many varied activities. .-. ' This publication was developed by the Colorado NET program'which extended 1 permision to reproduce the contents for oUr state's use. We are appreciative of their assist'ance. Donald G. S.tate Superintendent of Educati.on .. I-, 4 , . TABLE OF CONTENTS , Page I. _ September a THE BASIC_ EQUR -FOOD GROUPS 6 "BROWR SAGGIN" .17 .0ctober ; "DRUG-A:BLUES." /2, ,,SUGAR! SUGAR1 Noyember PROTEIN: MEAT °AND ALTERNATIVE' SOURCES 34 .. _ 1 / . ) MIM--hLIFELINE FORA LIFETIME ' . 40 .. \ December . TEEN COOKING As 4 # 47 FOOD. ADDITIVES .k,. 50 :January- , 1 . , PRE-NATAL NUTRITION a 54 -> PERSGNALIZED WEIGHT CONTROL, 69- ... : a , .4 February --- , ..-,.. " 75 - HAVE A GOOD HEART , v -;. , THE LABEL AND 'THE LAW 80 -- . I . March .,, '1'89 . VITAMINS - ANALPHABE:T FOR HEALTH. , THE WEARINI_OrTHE GREEp , 102 v n ' sC*0 Z.,0,. ,r 4ri1 . 4119 EATING ON THE RUN , : , ,, ., . 1?- . %WHICH CAME,FIRST. ': 116 .. 4 : May ., .vi . , BE HAZARDOUS ' "THE AMERICAN WAY OF EATINGMAY TO', YOUR HEALTH° , 118 . , ,. ,. MCDONALD'S MEETS MCGOVERN ' IA 131 #r 8 4 Appendix I * DIET WEEK 139 Appendix II NUTIPTIVE VALUES INCOMMON.PORTIONS OF FOOD 140 Appendix III THE REVISED RECOMMENDED DIETARY ALLOWANCES 145 Appendix-IV FREE AND LOW COST NUTRITION EDUCATION MATERIAES 146 Appendix V ' BASIC FOUR .. 0 150 ' .4tppendix VI it * 1 NUTRIENTS:ITHEIR SOURCES AND FUNCTIONS 153: * Appendix VI.I DIETARY GUIDELINES FOR-AMERICANSr. 156 .Appendix VIII NUTRITION'EDUOATION AND METRICS '157 mr. /- v.. 4. 3 , , INDEX BY SUBJECT MAfTER. Page Art , "BROWN BAGGIN" , September 17 SUGAR: SUGAR' October 30 TEEN COOKING December 47 PERSONALIZED WEIGHT CONTROL January 69 THE LABEL AND THE LAW February 10 ' 'WEARIN' OF THE GREEN" I March 102 WHICH CAME FIRST April. 116 "THE AMERICAN WAY OF, EATING M BE . HAZARDOUS TO youR HEALTH May 118 11 Business . I , "DRUG-A-BLUES" October - 20 McDONALD'S MEETS McGOVERN' May 131 ) sb :- Consumerism . TEEN COOKING Decemiler / 0 FOOD ADDITIVES , ''-December VITAMINS-AN ALPHABET FOR'HEALTH March . 89 113 EATING ON THE RUN April , Drama "DRUG-A-BLUES" 4 Octbber 20 SUGAR: SUGAR' ' October . 31) EATING ON THE RUN. April 113 - . .' ,English, . N. "BROWN BAGGIN" September 17 "DRUG-A-BLUES" Octaber SUGAR:, SUGAR' 1 October 30 PRE-NATAL NUTRITION January 54 PERSONALI1D WEIGHT COVTROL January 59 HAVE A GOb HEART . February - 75 VITAMINS:AN,ALPHABET FOR HEALTH: March sq. THE WEAqIN',OF THE GREEN March / 102 . .> WHICH CAME FIRST. - April Foreign Language February ..... 80' . THE LABEL,AND THE LAW \ Page -Geography 34 . PROTEIN: MEAT AND ALTERNATIVE SOURCES November Health THE BASIC FOUR FOOD GROUPS September.... 6 "BROWN VAGGIN". September 17 "CIAUG-AIBLUES".. October 20 , 7 SUGAR: SUGAR: . October .. 30. MILK - A LIFELINE FOR A LIFETIME Novemp0 40 PRE-NATAL NUTRITION' Januar'y 54 VITAMINSAN.ALPHABET FOR HEALTH MaIrch THE WEARIN'.OF THE GREEN March........ 102 WHICH CAME FIRST 116 McDONALD'S MEETS McGOVERN May 131 History THE BASIC FOUR FOOD GROUPS September....'' 6' PROTEIN: MEAT-AND ALTERNATIVg November 34 N.. MILK-ALITAllgFOR A LIFETIME Novemger 40 EATING 00-, HE RUN ,April 113 . Horrie Economics . THE BASIC FOUR EgoGROUPS ,, September..:. 6 "BROWN BAGGIN" September.... 17 PROTEIN:-MEAT AND ALTERNATIVE SOURCES, November ' 34 MILK-A LIFELINE FOR A LIFETIME , Noveinber 40 TEEN COOKING December...., 47 no ADDITIVES / Tecember 50 PRE-NATAL NUTRITION January 54 THE LABEL AND THg LAW February 80 1 VITAMINS-AN ALPHABET FOR HEALTH March. 89 THE WEARIN' OF THE GREEN March 102 EATING ON THE RUN April 113 , 116 WHICH CAME FIRST 4. Aprtl. "THE AMERICAN WAY OF EATING MAY BE so, HAZARDOUS TO YOUR HEALTH" rty '118 McDONALD'S MEETS McGOVERN May 131 I . Home Room . ".BROWN 6AGGIN" September.... 17 Page Industrial Arts imb ADDITIVES December 50 , . THE WEARIN' of THE GREEN ,..March ioa 'I Journalism McDONALD'S MEETS McGOVEW Max. 131 7 lath SUGAR: SUGAR' October 30 MILK-A LIFELINE FOR A LIFETIME November 40 , PERSONALIZED WErGHT CONTROL January 69 HAVE A GOOD HEART February. , ... ,... 75 THE LABEL AND THE LAW t February 80 ,. THE WEARLN' OF THE GREEN March , 102 .. "THE AMERICAN WAY OF EATING MAY BE 118' HAZARDOUS TO YOUR HEALTH° . May . McDONALD'S MEETS McGOVERN t May 131 Music 4 McDONALb'S MEETS McGOVERN May 131 Science SUGAR': SUGAR' October , 36 PRE-NATAL NUTRITION January 54 ,HAVE A GOOD HEART... 4 February 75 "THE AMERICAN WAY'OF EATING MAY BE HAZARDOUS TO YOUR HEALTH May 118 Social Studies ' THE BASIC FOUR FOOD GROUPS September 6 "DRUG-A-BLUES" October 20 PROTEIN: MEAT AND hTERNATIVE SOURCES... November 34 MILK-XLIFELINE FOR A LIFETIME November 40 'TEEN COOKING , Deceffber 47 FOOD ADDITIVES JP , December 50 PRE-NATAL NUTR TION J?nuary 54 PERSONALIZED WEIGHT CONTR January. , 69 THE LABEL AND THE LAW. February 80 WHICH CAME FIRST April 116 THE AMERICAN WAY OF EATING MAY BE. HAZARDOUS TO YOUR HEALTH, May , 118 McDONALD'S MEETS-McGOVERN May 131 , 9, INTRODUCTION The White Hodse Conference on Food, Nutrition,and Health,held in 1969, emphasized the need of a nutrition education _program that begins in early childhood andcontinuesthroughthesecondary sdhool,:to helpchildreh acquire positive attitudes toward food andto help older children assume responsibility for-their diet and io prepare them for adulthood and iheir.t future role as parents. 4 Health problems which are affected by nutrition are common throughoat,our country. These include obesity, heart diseasd,dental caties', high blood pressure, kidney disease, and diabetes.' 'There ,isstill much to be 3earned about.the speciftc role of nUtrition both in the development and treatment of these diseases. However, we do'know that sound nutritioaal practices can prevent many of these health problems. Changing socio-economic conditions and new.food technology both affect the diet of our country. Poverty limits the possibility'of obtaining a balanced diet. Changes in life-style cause changes in food'consumption patterns as more mealsare eaten away from home. The increasing amount of- new food products on the market,- many ofthem"convenience" 'foods -- leads to uncertainties about their nutrient content. These conditions