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The Ledger and Times, April 4, 1964

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PRIL 3, 1984 • Selected As A Best All Round Kentucky community Newspapee

V.1.1•= ----= [ The Afternoon Largest Daily Newspaper Circulation For Murray and Both In City i r Calloway County • And In County iptht Church Murray Population 10,100 In Our 85th Year Saturday Afternoon, April 4, 1964 Vol. LXXXV No, 81 per. Pastor International Murray, Ky., 1000 a.m. United Press 1 11:00 a.m. men. 6:30 p.m. Calloway FFA Wins 7:30 p.m. Two Events In Killer Tornado Wreaks Havoc 7:00 p.m. Murrayans To • -n--- - April 3. 1964 Sub-Distriet Meet - iberland For Mr Jon Williams In Texas; Seven Are Killed t'hurch *Accompany Speaker pastor on, Ledger & Tunes The Calloway County Cnapter of Future Farmers of America enter- By KYLE THOMPSON from looting and sent Col. Jesse : anti third Sun. De- Tour Deparment Murriy Kentucky ed four events in PFA lay contests United Press International Ward, state director of Civil Band On WICHTTA FALLS, Tex. 110. - A fense, to the area. and rated "superior S in all, winning cry Sunday at Dear MI A'illiamg The chapter won killer tornado dipped down out of Civil Defense officials estimated The narden Department of the two of the events. practically all • clear sky Friday and churned a damage at more than $15 million, John Darnall, Roy Dunn, Eddie Thurs- Now that we know the parliamentary procedure and Murray Woman's Club met done to the Hargis, Dan Mc- the results of the Cancer Clinic held Impromptu speaking contests. This 15 nunute path of death and de- including the damage at Church Canaan. Joyce day. April 2 at 2:30 p. m. with Mrs. Stey- in at the Calloway Coun- the chapter to compete in struction through Sheppard Air nabase. Daniel Danny Steely, Jeanne James Byrn presiding, Mrs. E. C. November entitles Mur- Health Center the results of a a place in the Force Base and two residential At least 300 hundred homes were pie streets tier, and Jern Johnson. all of Jones opened the meeting with a ty district contests for with few re-checks are yet to be received) competition, areas. destroyed, most of them in the Lamer, pastor .ray. will tour the southeast patriotic creed. state of Murray and since we feel that with your The parlkamentary procedure team By the time it lifted back into Sunset Terrace addition. II the Symphonic Band lllu- 9:45 am. Mrs A M. Harrill gave an one the sky 15 minutes later, it had At the airbase, the funnel tore State College on April 5-11. generous publicity you made is made up of Billy Adams, Billy etratesi lecture on "Spring and Sum- 68 and up an old Air Force hospital and 1010 a.m. Professor of the major contributions to the Miller, Jimmy Jackson, Donald Win killed seven persons, injured Under the direction of Flowers for Murray" Begin- time, 6.00 p.m. mer Clinic's success, we would like lame. Richard Spann, Jimmy Guer- caused an estimated $1,5 'million a clinic, both empty at the Paul Shahan. the sixty-four piece earliest blooming 7:00 p.m. ning with the to make this Joe Hughes. Mi- In property damage_ and missed a new $5 million hos- present concerts in high through your column in, Wayne Turnei. band will plants adaptable to our soil and The dead were Albert Miller, 75: pital. eet each Third Tennessee, Hunts- expression of our thanks. chael Howard and Eddie MeCallon. schools at Mean, • climate. Mrs Harytire lecture pro- Flee To Cellar m Ocala, Without t h e wonderful publicity The impromptu speaker was Jim- Mrs Dawson Minna: Mrs. Carl E. ville. Alabama. and Perry. the season through gressed with well as that given Other "superior" ratings Hoeffger. 58: Ernest Ceswell, 55; H. T. Daniel, owner of a liquor West Palm Beach, and you gave us as my Hayes, Tampa. the late fall flowers. Many speci- store that .was totally destroyed told •eh of f'briat us by WNISS on the air, the 868 were: Glen Chaney for recitation of Mrs. Rena Caswell. Mrs. Hazel Rea Jackeorrnlle, Florida mens of shrubs and flowers now em- women who came for the cancer the FPA creed. and Donald Wil- Collins, 35, and a women identified how he and Gene Griffin, an Murray State College. founded In Potted azal- er, Minister bkoming were shown. about sub- as Mrs Hartay. ploye, took refuge in a storm cellar as first music edu- test would not have known liams, public speaking His 1923 graduated eas n• ma ny shades ot pink and moments before the twister tore Since then the Clinic It is difficult to adeq- ject was "Ilse Future of Parnung." Wichita Falls General Hospital 10 00 sin. cation majors in 1934 white were especially beautiful The • has uately express our gratitude to you Advisors of the chapter are Eu- treated 26 injured persons while into the area. 11 00 am. the Murray Music Department proper pianting and loctilie included so graciously Walston, and the Sheppard Air Force Base hoe- -There were 21 of us in the cellar." among the top ten music and all those who gave gene Chaney Milton 7:00 p.m. ranked care of new varieties and well- he said. "Gene and I' tried to hold States. Head- and unselfishly of themselves Drs. Cannon Parka. Weil treated 40 and Bethania Hos- achcsals in the United favorite shrubs and flowers, known the many nurses, pital two. the door on but the wind sucked it Price Doyle. the Murray Mu- Jones and Tuttle, sat Greve ed by Irktividual problems were discuss- 2041 Left right off." . 'tit became a member the technicians, the Murray Hospital Homeless sic Departtnent ed following the lecture. about. of the Houeton-MeDevitt Clinic Red Cross and Salvation Army A railroad boxcar was lifted ntertan Church of the National Association and Former Murrayan To During the business meeting, °f- so wonderfully. The workers set up emergency shelters 100 yards and dumped on top of rer, pastor Schools of Music In 1936 Professor all cooperated ewer* -for the canitag, year. - through' Hold Exhibit Here and many people opened their the ruins of a house. A car with two -ItichaixLitiltaiLMAMMdfitl D11111 te Health DePartment elected. They were Mrs. James Gar- Health De- houses to rnore than 300 families women in it was lifted up by the department head in 1057. our Calloway County 1100 sin rison. chairman; Mrs David Pin- turned over left homeless. Gov. John Connally twister and dropped a block and a Mode graduates of Murray State partment oornpletely 00 pm Vice-Chairman; Mrs. J. B. 100 to half away Neither of the women 6 professionally active in son, their facilities and their personnel. An exhibit by Leonard K. Mur- ordered National Guardsmen College are C. C. 7.00 pm countries. Wilson. Secretary; and Mrs. like. through Mr. Cooper protect wrecked and damaged homes was harmed. 44 states and three fonsign We would ray Mate College alumnus from Farmer. Treasurer. our debt to them. - — Among Its alums are deans of music to acknowledge Louisville and former Murray resi- Carl B. Kingins send delegates to Mrs. Joseph Witnesses schools, state supervisor of music, Plans were made to We are grateful dent will be on display in the foyer vo- meeting of the Gard- newcomer to Murray. for soilage professors. teachers of to the annual Barron. a of the college Library April 19 is. minister at Cumber- the women In mink in ele- en Club of Kentucky so capably registering through May 3. Breathitt's Participation cal and instrumental Fourth SL 22 and 73. The mentary and secondary achools, Carl Kingins, Civic Leader, land Palls on April who came each night Mr Kit will be present at the meetings of 3:00 p m professional performers. and 00131- tame for the department We of the Delta Department formal opening aria reception on hour earker for the Club which Sun. 4:06 p m pisers and arrangers. was set for one the Murray Wonsan's April 19 from 2 to 6 p. m, Election To Be Very Limited Funds were set aside work of the Cal- 8:00 pin The Murray Music Department. This Morning In Memphis corning year has sponsored the "Calligraphic Designs on Drift- Dies Commit- Society for cur- Hotental Grounds County Cancer Ian. 730 pm with eleven members, offers for the loway wood" is the title of the exhibit, Bsicheior during this spring and of years feel that this By CAROLE MARTIN filed and seek both parties' nomi- Imre. 830 pm riculums leading to the tet to use a number which is part of the sixth annual Bachelor of some time, Mr Kingins sought the summer. has been our major contribution Arta Festival, nations or Mune Mducation. oarl B Kingins 67. lenecutin Contemporary fUnited Press International music educaUon ma- the Peoples Bank office of Sheriff of Callos-ay County, Hostesses were: Mrs, C. C. 1041/M- to the Cancer Program Without all sepal Closets • Mask, and a Vice-president of final- won. Ferguson, Plans reportedly are being Master of Arts degree. Stu- and twice elected as • position which he twice er. chairman. Mrs E S. of the generous volunteers it could PISANKFORT. Ky. sae - Cion iln 1114. yor In a of Murray. ized by Mrs Breathitt to hold a mayor in no, voice, County passed Mrs Fred GIngles. Mrs, T. C. Em- not have been accomplished. Edward T Breathitt's participation dents may sheriff of Calloway married on December IS oomerts for young 1. 11:11 a.m. orchestra. He was erson. Jr.. Mrs. Harold Dotigises, then though words of thanks are eon- series of spring man instrurnerit of the away this morning at the Baptist The In the Democratic primary 1930 to Miss Morella Boyd Mrs. H. B. of Murray Hospital peopie probalny on the Capitol mond Sundays performance is provided thro- Memphis, Tennessee Mrs A. A Doherty. and Inadequate, we feel that those gressional races will be limited this Music Hammel. couple had two children Hal K. and i grounds nformalion ocuilege band. orchestra, Healey. Jr. us who had a part in the Clinic siring. ugh the Bonnie Lee. — -- Cappello choir, Kingins entered the hospital ME derive • great sense of satis- Nursey --2 string ordhastra, A Mr U S Carl D. Perkins. D-Hyden, possibility that tromp knowing that of the MO Adult Beds 01 There is a gond sad Church :nixed chorus. and various early this we and underwent lung Mr Kingins is survived by his faction in who has opposition in tbe May 26 1 inspittnees begislatiit aide. Edward clam. Paster choral enaemblas. semen and on Thursday night he Far, prrA examined approximately 300 New clUeens the mental and wife whoho lives at 101 mer; prinia.ry race, Is onis'qrisambent L. Poesett, who weir. resign this be reprammeall dirge sinfereti- heart athieks ocin- 0171e Kingins of Oold- ' Wire refefred to thee family ill*. Patients admitted trim Mseday • Compares to • Mrs. Austin Congressman to have reclined Bres- month, may choose lus 36th oirth- Undone: College Band two apparently (lit-' Mittens for examination and obser- a, so, Mg the Murray State dined effects of the , his daughter Mrs John 8:1111 a, m, us 'Wednesday 0:011 t/lit-Vs open support. of his 10011 water • to a day--April 15-as the date April 5-11 include Clifton were too great to overcome and he Downers Grove. Illinois; one m vation and are now alerted Reps John C Watts. tour of fin of H Since U S. 10:01 A number of , Mrs. T J Garner, Rt, 1, Aim; departure • Williams. Mozart. Ftavel, Alexander passed away at 1:00 o clock this son Hal K of 1511 Johnson; two state of watchfulness D-Inleholasville. and William Nat- h olds eelin and Mrs Hunter Hancock. 1107 Elm Alf red performed 14 rotisne, Ranaky-Korsakov. morning sisters Mrs B J Wilson of Cold- biopsies have been cher. D-Bowling Green, already are 111:08 of cancer that St,; Mrs William Ray. Rt 2, Hazel; Reed Profeneff, Paul Mahan, water and Mrs Sherwood Potts of the two positive cases assured renomination, the ece ernor Snalignallp 0:18 W. Kinglet lived most of his life had surg- Mrs. Sarah Carr. Rt. 2: Mrs. Kelsey Manton Bright. Gordon Jacob, lov- Coldwater. one brother Claude The Austin School Parent-Teach- were found have already will flOt be needed to bolster sup- 7:110 Couray. and lived and By and Terig Twin, in Callowes four grandchil- met Wednesday at ery and are gratefully on the road I Rule, Rt. 1. Kirksen Mrs_ Man Gearheart. Detroit. er Association arid 6th District County ing snits Katona of port for the 2nd worked here Few people knew as Perhaps the Wilkerson Rt. 6, Benton. Mrs Eva dren. Kent and Vickie Kingins and 2 30 p in at the 'school with the to complete recovery congressmen before May. many citizens of the county as did in t he Lamb. 213 Irvan. Hakim Hood. 501 .thedist church David and Julia Ann Giffin. chairman. Mrs. Etnie Garland, pre- lireatest accomplishment It is undersrtood that lit flithltt Mr Kinsella. that the Mine; Joe Broach, Rt. 3, Pury-ear. siding whole Clinic is the fact will give his support to former state Passes Away whet. Paster He was a member of the Murray Baler women of Calloway County have Tenn.; Mrs. For Oakley and ba- High He was bom on • Stewart County, A panel discussion on "A Rep. Prances J. Mills. Gray. in her College of World L Mont- FeelLM. veteran Rt. I, Alm°. R Lodge 106 Murray" was by Chief of Police been made aware of the prevalence by boy. Democratic nun/nation tun/Jews: Tennemee farm on January 9. ler bid for the War I. member of the American ?brit of oancer of the cervix and of the gomery, New Conconi, Mrs Rob- - and he and his parents moved to Burznan Parker. Flre Chief in the heavily Republican 5th tits 0:45 Commissioner at ups ert Childreas. Rt 1. Akno. Mahlon On Thursday /Legion. Master Wil- fact that with regular check Calloway County and settled near Robertson. Attorney Joseph tract, though, 10:46 Honor Roll Calloway County. member of the of and an early discovery complete nil:zeal. 410 South Kb.; Thomas V. • years liams. and Macon Blankenship the 1st District, where there h Coldwater when he was ten - In 1110111sys: W.OW and a Methodist Mr King cures can be affected We feel that White, Rt. I, Aeno; Mrs. Warden died at old. the Tappan Company are no Republican candidates. in- Prentice Overlain age 50, 10:00 was emaciated with the Peoples on their Gilbert. 1.109 Sycamore; Mrs. Mar- Ins The devotion was presented by most of the 805 women will cumbent U. S. Rep. Frank A. Stub- his home on Morns roue t.n e 11:00 for sixteen years and at his check ups dian Brandon. Rt. I, Ahno; Mrs. Is Released He was the son of Carroll B and Bank the first, second, and third grades own accord have routine blefield. Murray, doss not have yesterday at 3:30 p ni Death en- death wee the Executive Vice-pres- and if title is Bel Etherton Rt 5; Dana Outs Effie Kingins under the direction of the teachers. from year to year Wong opposition for renomination. sued term a self inflicted gun shot ident. be assuren that 404 South 11th, William E. Monis. np Ground Mrs Mary Lou Lassiter. first, Mrs done, then we can and Breathstt probably will not be sound amending to Calloway Co- While living on the farm of his will have been made Sr. 407 Sooth eth Mrs. Robert church Murray College Hien Honor for the Bonnnie Crouch second. and Miss great strides too active on rits behalf unty Coroner Max H Churchill The parents. Mr Kangas attended the He was elected sheriff Rt 3, Master Michael weeks per- Skintier, third in the elimination of cancer In the Burkeen. holds true Mr Overbey a 'survived by his red lot e Pastor Roll for the third nine schools. years 1904-38 and again for the Marie The rime situation Daisy Glenn and Coldwater women of this county Vern shortly Duncan. Rt 3. Mrs Tyrus Leh- of 521 was released today, was a life long Mrs Clarkuld expressed her ap- for incumbent U S. Rep Prank L. mother Mrs. Bruce Overbey iod At the age of 21 he enlisted as • years 1042-46 He RFD. 2, Golden Pond. Mrs. making A's in all sub- preciation to all PTA ,nembers who we shall gladly advise by mall those man. 4th District, although South Sixth street, a daughter Mrs. 10:00 ism Studente baby Ober in the eignEn Tor lentrillatrilurtnyti-Travurrtnerr good Eimene Singletary. Jr. and more 412 North 8th, jects taken are Jr ?oilmen former member of the have assisted her 1' The wort his November race could be Donald Henry- of ed until the end of the war He is a boy. 401 College Court; Mrs Joe 10110 •m. Martha Jane Kemp and Kim was on the past nine months This is the fortune. difficidt if Clyde Middleton. Fort street two sons Donald and Cal- grade. Murray Ctin Council and Jennifer Sam- t; Ilene Clary, he the Austin PTA as We are very very grateful to you Ross. Rt 2; Mrse a good race vil Wells. • sister Mrs Clorden 11:00 a.m. Smith Eleventh grade. On returning to civilian life, the Murray Hospital board since hist meeting of Mitchell, who gave him Loyd Evans. and to all who have helped us It I 1110116. 1106 Elm should secure the Overbey of 535 South Sixth 'greet, Anne Gibbons, and returned to his home and farmed its beginning He was also formerly • group. two years ago, had A part Patients disseimed from 'Monday grade. KrIstle Kemper. next six year. His nest The attendance tanner was won has been a Joy to have nomination again. two brothers Bruce of Detroit and 10 00 am. Twelfth for the ruaociated with the Farmers Home 9:011 a. as GOP all A's and grade. in so large an undertaking so cheer- 9:110 a, in. to Wednesday nose express- Welk, of Murray. Students who made occupation was the mercantile buil- Administration by Mrs. (Iouche second Breathitt supportei s capably performed. Mrs Dorsey Hendon and baby 9 45 a m all subjects taken are as ness In Coldwater. which he entered fully and so ed critscr.m of ('hell s lack of act- He is also survived by five grand- Be in Mr Kingins was widely liked and Johnson, Rt. 1; boy. RI 3; Charles of the statewide ciuldren. 10 45 am follows with a partner J B Stone After bed friends literally over the entire Sincerely yours ivity on behalf Law- Mrs James Baker. 1300 Olive; and be held this aft- 700 pm !Seventh grade Steve Arant. three years in this business, he of a jovial nature. Democratic ticket last year, The funeral will county. Always PROCLAMATION Cancer Committee- Delta Dept Thomas Tayloe, 1157 College Stn.; ndaysi Anderson. Vicki Sears. Clau- milk plant as field mines that Breese-Ott busy ernoon at 3:30 p m in the J. If rence joined the local Mr Kingin.e spoke to those shorn MURRAY WOMAN'S CLUB some Noreworthy, Dix- Miss Suzette Beane. 403 South 12th.; rather Funeral Hume chapel. dia Matthai, Ricky . his hearty handshake himself with other things Churchill he met, and Mrs. W. J. Gibson - Chairman Mrs Harold Wysiet. Rt 1. Almo; Parisi. Kathy Evans. Jay Richey, holding this capacity for than work for Chelf's renomination Rev Lloyd Raines will officiate le After left an Impression on those who of our R,t I, Mrs. WHEREA.:'. the future Mrs. Myrtle J. Wall - Co-chairman Kanter Anthony Boone, and burial will be in the Old Salem and Sheila Stallone came into his company or re-election Billington, Community. State and Nation de- Lore Cottrell. Cumberland City, U S. 44 Eighth grade Wanda arrangements are not In the 3rd District. where cemetery. Funeral pends to a large extent upon the Tenn . Marion Young. Cherry St ; Ronnie Coleion. Patricia Parker, Rep. M. G, Gene Snyder. Jeffer- Pallbearers will be Bruce King, complete at this time Friends may and The and baby boy. Top Communists strength of our homes, Named Mrs. Voris Russell only token opposition John Parker, Otho Burton. Glenn Donna Rogers call at the J H Churchill Funeral Bob Carey nontown has Ftayburn, Calloway County Chapter of The Rt 6, Mrs Edwin Cain and tab)' situa- King. and Janice Ninth grade' Kathy p m tonight for the GOP no/nu-iota-in. the Jeffrey. Lowell Expelled From Party Home after 7 00 Association of Future Student Org Head 1711 Mateo Mrs Larry Trav- Hayes. James Gantt. Kenny Kentucky boy. is somewhat different, Swann. Friend:, may cell at the fu- Maze The J H Churchill Funeral Home or- Laura tion Homemakers af America is an is, Rt. 1. Lynn Grose. Mlar for home until the funeral hour Lynn and Andrea Kemper. the arrangements. Breathitt has greet respect neral 3 A Is in charge of ganization concerned with building 101 No 17th . Mrs Doro- Diana ()Leal. Rogers. Norbert L. Blume s Oahe The J, H. Churchill Funeral Home Tenth grade. Un- state Rep. - The Soviet • for future homes Mi- Judy Crouse. MOSCOW Vie strong foundaGores Bob Carey. junior from Louis- thy CProuse, 400 South respects the re- Is in thane of arrangements. e Eleventh grade tate, but he also paints ion has expelled three long-degrac- anti developing leaders for better ville. hims been elected president of chael Lae, College St n . Mrs Elna Larry Weans PIETA ON WAY gular Democratic organization in ed officials - Vyachesiav Molotov. homes. and. State College Student Johnson, Rt. 3, Mr R L Mont- 3080 Twelfth grade Eld Prank Jeffrey, the Murray the 3rd. which is supporter form- Oeorgi Malenkov and Lazar Kagan- - WHEREAS, the week. April 5-11 Organtaation. gomery. New Concord. Mrs Clyde P. Beards And'Bands Ed Thongs. Sore %Vatter, Linda er Louisville Mayor Charles ovioh from the Communist party VATICAN CITY Int - Mich- has been designated by the Nation- an Eastern High School Roberts. Rt. 3; Mrs Vigle Brit- Farley, Carey. Farneley for the nomination to At Benton Monday because of their opposition to Pre- criangeles "Pieta." bearing an insur- al Organization as Future Home- is the eon of Mr. and tam, Ftt. 6; Mrs. Ralph Mason and • graduate, oppose Snyder. mier Nikita S lehrushchey ance tag of $6 trillion. left the maker Week; Carey, Apt. 1515, 'Trinity girl. Rt. 2, Kirksey, Mn' Lucy III FilliAM TO MEET Mrs. Louis baby So the govei nor can be expected B&NTON. Ky. re Beards and Vatican for Naples today on the NOW THEREFORE. I County 'Meters. Carr, Rt. 2; Mrs Lawson Pennell. us This was Indicated today in the to keep his respentlul distance bands are the ismer of the day here MANI way to the New York World's Pair. Judire Robert 0 Miler of Callo- Other officers elected to the or- Rt. I, Dexter; Ed T. prince, 217 Murray Istsge No 105 Kremlin's 30.000-word Indictment of that prurrary. Mondiy, It's Tater Day in Marshall Mon- Carefully crated in wood, asbestos. way County, Kentucky, do hereby ganisation are Larry McIntosh. South 12th. 3 - 3924 will hold its regular meeting Communist China It wee the fast ----- County. Oman and steel. the 6.700 the week beginning April Joe Owen, admitted from Wednesday at 7:30 Cuba Lodge will of foam proclaim Mayfield. vioe-president; Patients P. Hill, a Prestonsburg marks the found- day night official statement on the fate in, Edward The celebration degree. pound statue showing the Virgin filth as FUTURE HOMEIVLAKER Kuttawa. treasurer. and Andrea 9:011 a. at. to Friday LOD a. confer work in the third three party leaders Democrat. will have the Breathitt ing of the county in 1842. 24 years Mary holding the dead Christ In, WEEK IN Calloway County and urge Sykes. Murray secretary. Mrs Ella ROW Rt. 1, Aloes Roy All Master Masons are invited. adminestration's support In the 7th „after Andrew Jackson traded with TION are former her arms is being trucked to Naples. all nitwits of our county to ac- Clam representatives include Wil- Irvin. 717 Sycamore; Mrs. Elbabeth Molotov andnMalonitov Appellate District. where incum- the Chickasaw Indians fur the list. Kanatererich is a Sunday. it sill be put on the liner quaint themselves with the activi- liam Murphy. Hbpicirerville. and Dick Domly, Route 6; Mrs Charles Mil- Soviet premiers bent Court of Appeals Judge Robert A day-ierat m^hcciale of parade's, Christlfore Coiombe for the trip to ties of the Future Homemaker Or- Halbermel, Jeffersonville. Ind., sen- ler. B.C. 3; Mrs. Autrey Miller. Col- 5 formes deputy premier. B. Bird, a London Repubtican. meals _oopcerts. beard and costume Jude- Weather Peking ac- the United States. ganisation. to show interest in It class: Bill Cunningham. Bent- Farm Road, Starks Scott. Rt, .The charges against ior lage re-eiectaon. All but one of the six events. horse pulling centeetn displaying sym- and to give help and encouragement and Ed Trotter. Owensboro, 5; Fred Stone, 1604 Harnriton; cused Red China of on, 4, hopefuls in that race hale. ova- and a horse stew is planned- sel ban- NURSE FOUND to the members who are working clam; and Mac Anderson, A. L. Borders. 103 West First loport pathy, for all three They were junior Mrs. redden* of Benton and the county "IP "anti-party" hard to achieve knowledge that will Trenton. Term and Steve Tits- Benton; Ronnie Joe Hanley, MOM Press hilarnalessi ished after an abortive St., turn out to celebnitc the 122-year- Khrushchev CADIZ. Ky rti Trigg County make them outstanding homemak- worth. Murray. sophomore class. 2. Ktrasey: Mrs. Lois McReyn- plot in 1967 against Rt. LE4VES FOR HAWAII old occasion. I has hired Its fourth re- and leaders in our community. 8th Mrs Joe am. 359'. down The Soviet charges again Peking Hospital ers olds. 207 South of the es-ap- Kentucky lake '7 Ken- One of the highlights 23'; Malenkov and Kam- quired registered nurse-- andavert- Done at Calloway County. Knight, 407 South Ilth . Willians below dam 2207', down referred to LICENSE day festival le the pulling contest, 06. cut in its state this second day of April in LOSES Hotel; Ceder. Mc- open novich and accused Molotov of rutin ed a threatened tucky. P. Siedd. Beale m For the first tune eight gates thousand Mrs Leroy Beluct and four mon- set for 11 a. leealy collaborating with Josef Stal- PUbil I" WOO RCP fonds the year of our Lord, one C"Flure, 114 North 7th as Barkley Dam: 322.9. dos-n 3 5'. for In the event's hisecry, trophies administrator A. T. Mc- nine hundred and sixty-four. dismissed from Wednesday ths old daughter are leaving 5 39, sunset 6.21. in in mending innocent wives of Hospital Driving while Intoxicated has Patienta ctiAh prizes will be awarded. esoonse Men- m. Hawaii Monday to join their hue- well as victims of the 1936-38 purges to Carley Friday announced the of the driver's 9:011 a. m. to Friday 9:00 a, a- caused the revocation Specialist Four with 'Kentucky Champion" ai' of the fourth nurse to a con- Cynthia Ezell. Chapter President Eddie RIcianan, 811 Vine; Mrs. band and father Kentucky - Consider- their deaths licenses of 25 persons as listed by wards to go to the best heavy- Western County FHA Fausslne Tuck- Leroy Beluet elm is stationed Orea010rIa4 rain Malerikov is now director of a tract. Calloway Department of Public Safety, Roy Bogard, Rt, 3: and lightweieht able cloudiness with the Mrs Beluet is the daughter weight, medium ., tonight. hydro-electric plant in Kaaakhetan The hospital, which had only er. Rt 3, Master Michael Duncan, there also likely this afternoon and Frankfort horse teams Mole teams will retir- nurses, is required Robert 0. Willer terizzell. 419 South of Luke Manton, 506 North First Loves tonight 36 to 40. Molotov and Kaganovich are three registered Among those listed Is Jerry Wayne Rt. 3; Mahlon for honors high 45 to 52 eta Street, Murray. compete warm- ed on comfortable pensions and to have four to receive the 9th sunday (goody and a little Calloway County Judge Manefla of Dexter. likely, living in the Moscow area. funds. er with showers

^ PAGE TWO THE L.DGER & TIMES — MURRAY. KENTUCKY SATURDAY — APRIL 4, 1964 THE LEDGER & TIMES Gobbler Orioles Wait In Line For PUBLISHED by LEDGER & TIMES PUBLISHING COMPANY. Ines Hunts Ten New York Mets By Cruel ConsoLdaudi of the Murray Ledger, The Calloway Times, and The Tunes-Herald, Octutiet 20, 1928, and the West Kentuckian, January 1, 1942. Will Open Years; Bauer Says This Is It Blow As A Is Lost JAMES C. WILLIAMS, PUBLISHER (Eprnaati Nuns: mai is the at third. Robinson, We reserve the right to reject any Advertising. Letters to the Editor, who usually By FEED DOWN Mathews and Jun Hughes lioniered This Month 14t11 of :20 dispatches on the 1966 wields • big bat, tailed or Public Voice Items yeiecei, in our opuside are not for the best in- off in 1969, United Preen Inteenationid for the Athletics. terest 4 prospects of the raked' I hathei oney 151. of our readers. league The team that can least afford Pirates Clobber Cards FRANKFORT. oasetaii teams, "Naturally," a ;id Bauer, "hell NATIONAL Ky. — Two wild It has been ha with the cruelest Bob Bailey and Julio Ciday REPRESENTATIVES' WALLACE WITMER CO., 1509 —-- have to get back In the Madden Ave., Memphis, turkey gobbler hunting seasons, in hitting blow of the spring trail-Mug season. homers as the Tenn.; Tulle & Lad Bldg., New York, N.Y.; By LEO H. PETERSEN grove or we're lost." Stepbenson Bldg., Detroit, Mich. different parts of the state, are to ! The New York !Acts, who need whipped the St. Louis Queluials, be , yr.; Sports FAWN' I That's because ha Otttlleicl. Shia% opened later this month. Minor every good tweak they mu get, got 12-6. The Pirates conked Lew Bur- Entered at the Post Office, Murray, MIAMI. Fla — The Baltimore is expected to provide most Kentucky, for transmission ea Mark. commissioner of the Depart- of a a really bad one Friday when star dette tor eight rum and 11 hid in Second Class Matter. ment Orioles have been welting in line club, batting power, may not coin- of Fish and Wildlife ItesOttr- pitcher Carlton Willey suffered a three innings. Bob Veale went seven for ten pears anti their new man: Mutely measure up. The SUBSCRIPTION RATES: By Carrier in cos. reported today Orioles broken sew aisd eas isnt to mumgs fur the Pinata. allowing Murray, per %seek 20f, Per ages, Hoak Bauer, thinks the time *tided Willie Kirkland from the asonte 85g. In CaLoway and adjoirung oeseees, per year, $4.50, else- A three-day season. April a 25 the team indefinitely. two runs and eight. of St. Lotus' 13 and has come when they nught step out in the hope he where, as.uo. 27. will be permitted on certain Willey, who tied pitched 72 con- tuts. ui trout would augment their power. designated sections of Kentucky But secutive scoreless innings this spr- lhe moored "The Outstanding Civic Asset of a Community He says his club "has a good shot" Kirkland hit only MO with is the Woodlands National Wildlife Re- the ing, was hit by a line drive off the seven rum in the fourth Inning ledegrdy its Newspaper fuge from 5 a tn. at the 1964 pea- Indians and leo 15 home runs and cd until 11 am. with bat of rookie Claim Brown in the &Mt CIOn nod the Cuseinnati Rees, only one turkey gobbler to nate provided. 47 runs batted in left a lot to be be taken sixth inning of the Med 9-1 vic- 12-2, to hand the 1961 league cfbAtil-'. SATURDAY — APRIL 4, 1964 per 'Our players live up to expecta- desired. hunter during the entire season. tory over the Detroit Tigers. lie pious their ninth straigra loss in Hunters must check tions. I don't mean that any of them Counting on Powell in and out of was taken to St. Anthony's Hospital games ALLA Nauotial League noses CARL B. KINGINS the hunting area at a doe to have outstanding years, just check station The Orioles tag outfield hope is In St. Petersburg, iris., where Dr. frank klowaro, making b/.• first • arid may use the good ones they are capable of only stioertras not John .Boogi Powell. Powell hit only PACS OP Fred C. Nichols wired the jaw shut start us rigta held for the Dodgem, larger than 12 having." DRAT—Goy. MAI- IT is difficult to realize that Carl Kingins will no longer be gauge. Slugs are 265 iast season but rapped out 25 M RockedfLer's diseppoint- Seal said he will be sidelined in- And two singles in five at bate. prohibited. best the Orioles have been The total stetson kill is Isomers and had 82 runs driven in. valet over lb defeat by the definitely lionie runs by Vic tenter &nil Dun seen at his post at the Peoples Bank. He passed away early limited to She to do since they dune into the 25 birds. With Powell in night and Kirkland trollo$ *pis. blancher pac,eu an 16-ha attack this morning in a Memphis, Tennessee, hospital. The other seaose, for gobblers, Magee in 1964 is a second plaoe in left, that leaves Jackie Giants Whip Indians Brandt mber=n, snows on that cameo the bleinesoui 'ISLAS with visible beards. will be held in finish in 1060. Last year, with Billy fur center. His glove is good, his Carl Kingins led the kind of life bat ha,bee aa ha talk* to a win over which many could be Hauhr.ock as menager and Bang re- The Sun Francisco Giants beat to 12-3 the Milwaukee the following counties or portions mediocre. porters at aid of the eseston, Brevets who desirous of, because he proved that a farm boy, born on a as a Metal, they the Cleveland Indians for the ninth had won 15 of 18 prey- of counties- That portion of Pul- finished foiarte. Bauer likes his catehing with John Which wound up by turning consecutive time this spring, 5-3, Wee games. Stewart County farm, is capable of many things during his aski and McCreary. east of U.S. mines behind the New York Orono, who came last year, and dews his liquor law reform. as Bob Bolin went seven ninings The Waabrnigton Senators shaded lifetime. Route 27. north of Kentucky Route Yankees. . Dick Brown sharing the duties. Is called a special session and yielded three runs and four the Chicago White Sox, 4-3, despite 90 and south of Kentucky Route 110 That firash oast Hitchcock his He likes his pacbtos. se • wit fee April 16. Carl was active in county and state political life and suc- hits while striking four hoe by Jim Landis and the (excepting the Beaver Creek Wild- job and gave Bauer, the former he should. Is left -h nes I out five. Orlando Cepeda led the Giants' Baltimore Orioles shut out the New cessfully sought the office of Sheriff twice. After a lull life- hfe Management !Vest. Clay and Yankee outfield star, his second Barber .20-13. ts . attack with his fourth and fifth York Yankees 8-0, eetund time and when many persons would Leslie .including Ford Wildlife chance to menage. He didn't in one of the be ... game. To homers of the the two- consider retiring, he training hit pitching of Management Area.. that portion of well in his first one, with the Kan- start along %%oh him they have:Tebhetts season. Willie MoCovey also Dive McNealy. Dick launched a completely new, and to him an unfamiliar career. Is hornereti Jackson Cotuay lying west of US. Sas City Athletics. but expiains, right headers Robin Roberta .14- for the Giants. Hall and Wes Stock. Rookie He entered the banking business and was again a success Route 421. Wolfe. Powell and that didn't have the horses then. I do 13., Mat Pappas .16-9) and south- Tony Conigllare singled home here. portion of Menifee County lying paws Dave McNally (7-10 and Mike Doing Well the winning in the 12th south of US. Route 460. SlighUy Optimistic bleCormick Inning to give the Boston Red Sox Carl Kingins liked people and he possibly knew more • 3-2 win Dates for this season are April Bauer's appraisal may oe a little For spot starting assignments and over the Loa Angeles Angels. people in Calloway County than anyone else. He spoke to 24. Z. 26, 27 and 21 or until such overly optinustic He seems to have hohg relief there is Dick Hall .5-5s tionTucsoof manamti, Ana. TesGeor— gThe e(acoirtmetidt; Lee Thomas knocked in (11,41SkE-vsAYs both Los Angeles rims, everyone and just about time as 50 gobblers are harvested. the horses so far as pitching ii St. Millet 15-81 is the including /1) knew everyone. the tying The area to be hunted is clearly concerned but could pull up short spesonst and West Stock (7-01 will Tebbetts of the Cleveland Indians run in the ninth with He was always ready with a cheerful hello which made outlined and continued satisfactory today a single off Dick Radatz. shotguns only, no larg- in the power department Lie 111 there with him. Harvey Had- at St. Lrusl) a person feel better for having met him. er than 12 gauge or smaller than Mary's Hospital where he is under It's been the lack of batting pow- dn. the Piteiburgh Pirates' castoff, Wes covineton's two-run 20 gauge. may be used. Slugs are treatment for a heart attack. fifth- smokes , In this life on earth, man seeks two things. He seeks favor er that lios kept the Orioles from would make it as the left-handed inning homer paced the Philadel- prohibited in this area also Use winning in the past. '. The 54-year old manager has in the aight of God and favor in the sight of man. We feel phia Phillies to a 5-4 triumph over of dogs in both hunts is barred and Norm Siebern will be at first base been kept under sedation so that '4\ dead!-- he will the Kansas City Athletics. Nelson that Carl Kingins achieved both of these endeavors. hunters neat have a valid Ken- in the 1964 Oriole scheme of things. NOW YOU /CNOW remain as quiet as possible hisuntdreombe erypaises. a He was a faithful church member and respected by all tucky hunting license. After • hunt- Jerry Adair will be at second and apoktheenuocifirst saidstages in er has bagged his bird he voll not then come the other who knew him. He worked hard and rose in the estimation two infielders By United Press International be permitted to a partner in whom Bauer rnaintains -form the Bruzilia, the ceplial city of Bra- Mewls:id publicity man Nate of his mends and neighbors. He was one who could be trust- quest of his mole. best 'left side of the infield in the ille, was inaugurated April 21. 1960, Wallack said Tebbetts had been in Murray some pain for Lumber Co., Inc. ed. lie was fnendly, courteous and kind. He was a gentleman. league" n has fleet Luis Aparicio superseding Rio de Janeiro, &cooed- the first two days after suffering the attack at shortstop and Brooke Robinson ire to the World Almanac. shortly OLDEST AND LARGEST LUMBER CO. IN Our deepest sympatny is extended to his family and to before nudnight Wednesday. MURRAY his many friends Who mourn his pasaing. Attending physicians said Tebbetts 104 East Maple St. Tel. 753-3161 ROT probably will be heepitalized for shout sin weeks and EVERY FOOT Answer to Yesterday's Puzzle they said it A SQUARE DEAL icua CROSSWORD PUZZLE would take at least two months before he can return to his man- Quotes From The News ACROSS i.Th'ood of V1401121 pheasants fit.1 ager a post By UNITED •10111111Y 1-A fter -dinner - In cane oGialam PRESS INTERNATIONAL randy 111•Irreach for 'ari MINORS ffE3 SAN JOSE. Calif. — Joe Doutre. 50-year Old gunshop own- 6- SlaaW "fatlsor" ta,10, 130131Mi nickname ii.Helps er. who felled a thief with a bullet in the leg after the thief 5.Resort IS-Spaslai for ArlE4Li MCI QOM 17- knows WARD had hit him twice on the head with a hammer, stabbed him "lee TERMITE CO. It-Fleet of •btps 111- Forest 2E12 91r30 in the back and kicked him in the rilas-and then bound and 14-H agrarian 24- Reluctant ingrwm wreath U.Alkeeraaco Located at Five Points Phone 753-6019 gagged him: IS - wow nel tor waat• WISP &AA 17.1.,iiroction 23 -(Srry on 403 UMMEG1 EAU "When I yelled at rum to stop, he looked at me as if he toward ss-wersim ulna oa 7,:omozgm 20 Murray, Kentucky were seeing a ghost." whirl' wind - Lo deep blow. cot 21X03M 11100VOM If -e-lo thee. 1111-Uosed SIVAd =BM — LICENSELI and INSURED — utak., &Monti/ WASHINGTON. — President Johnson, in a speech mark- Si-Units is-lanses Sperial During Month of April . . . ing the 15th anniversary of the 22-Ridicule Illktieraldryt NATO alliance: 74- Prevosttl on grafted 44-Proffer sot ANY SIZE HOME (Work Guaranteed) $70.00 75- Vessel 41 -Rent -Our guard is up but our hand is out.- 54- •Diodead 48-liriontal 47- Snake 30 Years Experience Free Estimates Se.Lan obo}red nate* 40- ki•fote • t-M et Si-Slake 42-Rack of neck 14-1Alr difficulty 5.105,5 44-Sicillan 63-Earth - SEABROOK. Tex — Astronaut John H Glenn. Jr. philo- breathing volcano god ,es. If-Pr.rwren 11.-A412 sophically viewing his unfortunate fall that forced him to Si-Ore, es quit the race for a U.S. Senate seat from Ohio: Si- N rot iiiiiramiray ar, lo li -It's an incongruity for a man to go Demean through two wars 34.PrvhIblt and orbit the earth and then spin out in his bathtub.- se-S•mbel tee IuIMIN ell 11%1111 tellurium 14-T o••tre ill liPt7 uuIIIil WASHINGTON — Sen Russell B. Long )D.-La.), attends n to arguing 34- WU mai noted 3z 19 20 IIMa against the civil rights bill in the Senate debate on the meas- - ft...1,1u* 4O-Cmnpsee ure: point illri WiganMiial ifa "If you want 41-Tardy don't .intermarriages, don't encourage them a-Cirri name WWI (Negroes and whites) to go out and date together." 44- t‘ birlom•la al 0a Milli F /1,1 31 45- I:. ted V.QOM ti-s.',).. nil Igil ,tny a afcaiii •wea i ton•li BLe0D • NI- iv ,thered Ten Years Ago Today II- Rea Itch ZEN MU 1iii Ii.Pool LEINA.11 a tows nu KEEPING IN SNAPfr-Areerhell 67- Paradise J4 13 WI Chabot. • former "Miss U. DOWN a 490 atelt./* At David Ailed CaIdWell. tiwo day old son of Mr and Mrs. S. A..' Is playing a beach 1 Crowd al Mill pAteeoea... called Scoop tn Holly. 11-vciew bee" •we:se Charles Caldwell. died today at the Murray Hospital game 31-14nar1og Y X.:. iliAli • stood while waiting for the 4 11 a wile ill Swann E Parks was listed as making all A's by the Dean nett shooting meson of 6- S)rnbol for a aaa •:•:•:LA • of Mechanical Engineers at the A & M State College. New tat vow. "Muscle Beach Party " She Distr. by LId F.stam Syndicate. mc, Mexico. He is the son of Mr and Mrs. Marvin Parks of Mur- claims It belps her keep in T-floclaro ray Route Four shape Well. something does Miss Billie Huie. da_ukhter of Mr and Mrs Porter Huie. won first place in the Datignters of the American Revolution GIFT essay contest on the subject. "Freedom" Army Plc Dan V White. 21. son of T V White. Hazel. recently spent a set en day rest and recuperation leave in Kobe, Japan. - rotat. • 20 Years Ago This Week LEDGER & T160:11 TILL S/Sgt. Jame' B Buchanan is a prIstinel in Germany, ac- a/edfo-roaii- cording to a telegram to the liarento. Mr. and Mrs John Bin- chanan Last month tie was reported Messing In action. Buie Lee Camp of Lynn Grove died at a hospitill here Monday after contracting pneumonia two weeks ago. • Rev. Samuel McKee was the spealcc..r at a joint meeting of the Methodist ilLolhatis-Society of_Chriatiail Service and the Woman's Association of the-Presbyterian Church held Tuesday afternoon at the Methodist Church S/Sgt. Allen F. McCuistori has re..rned from active serv- ice in the Aleutian Islands where he was with an engineer division and ha.s been there since April. 1942. He WAS injured and has been in a hospital there for five months • - 30 Years Ago This Week LEDGER & TIMES FILE Georgia Official Observes Group. Therapy for Chil- M 0. Wrather was unanimously re-elected superintend- THOM/LS M. PARHAM (center, rear), director of the Georgia Division Kentucky Vil- ent of Calloway County Bchool- for ri:.(,'1.,•r four year term dren and Youth, sat in a group therapy session with boys from debbquents. He was among at a meeting of the county board of rrf ,cation in the super- lage while visiting the State institution for juvenile Federal Government intendent's office Monday. .. group of child welfare officials from other states and the a rehabilitation of young W. S. I3wann of Murfa;.: and B I. Trevathan of Benton who came to Kentucky to study the State's program for comment across the nation. were named by Governor L.,ffoon a ;T.4-miaers of the Board delinquents, a program which is attracting favorable Village who is leading the of Regents of Murray State (-.)11eve f.,1 a- At left is Mervyn Cooper, a social worker at Kentucky 0/1/0 {wit' year term. wow/ observ- . the other visitors spent three days The rha.rriage of Miss Ola 5. Jr -on and Foreman H. group therapy session. Parham and ideas to use in similar institutions in Graham,was solemnized Mond r. itt the study of Rev. ing the Kentucky Village program to gain E. H. Motley at the First Christian Church. 1,yther parts of the country.

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a •



a. -41

419We akas‘ereirsaaCerwicerecwiew.reree.

- APRIL 4, 196a RATURDAY - THE at TLIHEE r • APRIL 4, 1964 LEDGE* IVIII4RAY, RENTLTCELT PAGE TTIREE ways, sohools and housing for this - Puzzle r Cruel FOR RENT country R is being sated wile PUZZLE afelliet I. Yesterday's Frenchmen should pay out aid funds CROSSWORD W Latin America when millions AD310416 I- Csnrpass mum ROO • THREE PRIVATE ROOMS FOR mai are without proper homing in 'Aol 1-Hits lightly 5. offs 003 BOOM MOO )St college boys with kitchen privileges. Fiance itself. 6-Army meal 9-feral digits MO21U030 MOOR Located 109 S. lath. Phone 763-3814. 9- Handles 10-K lled MOO UCIRO De Gaulle is well aware ad the 11-Calm 11- Transac[WW1 MEMN9 PRMEMI30 tic mounting storm of criticiem. He 1S- Faro* it Consumes on Hughes !watered Islands 16- Alcoholic, MOO Wugagi OP tried to bead it oft In part in his whirlwind beverage ORM 4114M0 ODE Jan. 31 news conference by ern- 14-University In 11-Playing the MM WORM@ WREO _Jo• bber Carib York bor. more of New WOUOMOO IIMMON Julio Clotay phaeizing the importance State and more • • pinites dre Gaulle Is Prance's foreign aid effort. bylonian 20-1, iscoloratloll 2MMO BOOM Pit r deity caumed by MS1MM MIIMME00 it. Lows Ceadwale, 17-Recede fungi pl.) ORD OMOVO @OR He plans a counterattack against 19-Buckets 12-Chemical MR MUM MR m waked Lew Bur- critics of his foreign aid program 30-Encountered compound runs and 11 hits in Under 31-P111mIlke 24-Blaze PHA for minimum down west of Murray. Owner is sacrificing Fire; In a series of speeches during a fruit 26-I ,In• kb Veale went beven NOTICE of $400. For further infor- at $3300. 22-S utriz: Ilk. 23-Cloth EFOR SALE = meet-the-people tour of of goat 24-Ev ergreea measure IT-Collection of 46 Cry • Patbteb. mation about these homes call 756- em France in April. 31-Crown facts -- ALL THURMAN INS. ar tree, 46 Hurried len of St. Louis 13 L TYPES POWER TOOL 3906. a4c PURDOM & Foreign Aid 13-City In 32-Squander SI-Precipitation repeal-, such ea electric mws, dilly., RESTOCKING MOBILE HOMES Real Beate. 755-4461, Freak Ryan, Gees To Former Colonies Germany 33- Encomium 41-Fruit cake le Earth 24 - Reimbursed 43-Nerve goddess 28' $895.00, 27-Trades for ' eles Dodgers soared asuiders. buffers, grinders etc. See arriving doily. 52 model 100 ACRE FARM LOCATED 2 miles Pete Purtioni, Bill Thurtnan Real- money network Id Note of seals- - Dill 56 model 36' $1,460.00, 57 model 36' leue of Dexter. All under good tors. France currently LS spending 111-41 Lisle, as the fourth inning Electric, New Ooncord Rd_, 753- By JOSEPH W. GRIGG 2e30. $1.596.00, 42', 46, 48', 41atIO', 44'x10' fence. Average house and Improve- more than $1 2 billion annually on written le Cincinnati Rens, 'United Press International 30-Young boy bornes as well. These are selling east ment/a All Lendable. $10,800. foreign aid, Although the United 31-Food am le 1961 league 1966 4 DOOR alaillaguadmir theme" • V-11 /IPRDOMATIC, PARIS De - President Ctarles Ar WE Mates spend, nearly three tames programs 12 OOMPLETELY REBUILD elec- so come early. Matthew Mobile 107 ACRE FARM 2a idILES East 23-Mass name 9 MillIUII an sentient loss in station wagon, body and motor are de Gstille of France is coming under in fact. make tric motors. See Dill Electric, New Homes hwy. 46 N„ al7P of Dexter. a mile off of blacktop. that amount, it does, U.Row RIEU° Otieal League media In good °audition. good tine. rea- heavy fire for trying to play "uncle -Crony 13 14 1.5. III16 Oonoord Dr., 753-2930. tie Average improvement* Mostly fenc- Prance per head cif population and 11 , making tits tont sonable. 1906 6 cyi. straight that, 4 sugar" too much and too often, (Colloq,) CO COMPLETE APARTMENT. IDEAL ed. 80 acres Lendable sown in fescue. in reiatton to her national income IS-Pitcher g wet aid for Ule door car, body and motor 17 3 Dodgere, for lake site. Will 133[0/0 by arrange- Chevrolet He has been getting a lot of Po- the world's largest dispenser of 40-Organ of eff. W°II MODERN 2-BAY SERVICE &tattoo. 4 ponds and spring fed creek A steal hearing in five .6 Menet Dill Wiereng, 768-Na0. tic good mexiition, good Urea reason- litical mileage by showing that fed. 21 23 a24 Excellent looetioiL at $10,000. foreign 4I-Singing voieg Vic Power lied Don Phone 753-5566 able Den be seen luxi driven after France. in proportion to its popu- 43-Resort III for detail or write 270 ACRE FARM 5 MILES North- 44-Paid noUce 26 1127 an 18-ha attack Box 682, Pa- 1963 MAYTAG GAS DRYER, eke-- 5 p.m. at 719 Sycamore Street. ate lation. hands out more foreign aid Nearly al of it goes at the mo- west of KUtaey Two good dwellings 46- DI rector lail 28UIIa C Minnesota Imus ducah, Ky. the tropic Donna/led. Used e mos. Re- than any other oountry-lauding ment to France's former African 41-Tares-toed (one new). 80 acres in bottom. 60 USED R. C. AL.LIDI EiERVICII 'te- sloth over the Milwaukee balled .089.00. Will sell for $150.00. the United States. cotonieti. giu 411- Estsem nail 4mIlgil acree in gran. 2.62 acre au cured non malt register. Oood condition. 34 I won 15 of 18 prey- DUE TO SEVERAL REQUEEr113 we Phone 753-6850 after 4:00 p.m. inic Now, as De Gaulle sets out to 44-Star la is 31 tobacco base. This hum is priced to See at Railroad Salvage Store. a69 By far the greatest proportion of Draconla 6 are more kaliIIIIII continuing our Wastes* Special. win friends and influence 63-Flesh 4 ONE SIX ROOM HOUSE AND sell meek. $33,500 this--more than $200 unlace an- u- at36 II an Senators shaded Get 12 billfold or post card photo- more people with additional largesse wife of yaw aaa ill bath. About one etre lot re miles 60 ACRE FARM UNDEFt excellent nually-is given to Algeria under Geraint illIII IJII ute Sox, 4-3, despite graphs, 1 8110 and the dame of 2 SMALL AIR-CONDITIONED home. to Latin America, Frenchmen are east of Murray. Price $3600. fence with good improvements lo- the 19E2 Wien agreement, which Mil proofs for may $4.96. Love's Studio. Living-dining room. kitchen. Malty beginning to kick at Picking up the DOWN a Mil int Landis and the 2 FIVE ROOM HOUSES cated Iles miles west of Murray on gave the former North African pos- so a 47 / HAVE room, den, two bedrooms. On new tab. A hefty debate has been laun- is Pqpiihr ES- a4c 1-Threefold shut out the New on South 101th St. Price $4100 each. milk scluxe anti bus route. A bargain sion independence. - Diet thong nu Street and sewer Mail box, TV an- ched in the French press over as- 1-0, betund the 3- NI Or Milli :WO two- JONES REAL TATE, Office ph. at MOO. tenna and and drapes HAS all curtains sertions that De Gauee's program But it is being asked now why 4 - Cease aIIIilil *X IUII111 Dave McNally, Dick RA/LROAD SALVAGE JUST 7634973. home ph. 7634486. a4p five 3-New York 00 ACRE FARM LOCATED included. $2,000 down, PHA pay- of economic handouts is bleeding nearly 30,000 school Mock recedvee a have shiptnent of grille. ----- France has sent baseball ' IN 44'59 miles east, on blacktop No house. ments of $73. Bakuice is $7,598.53 at France dry. team JIII III rubber hose, electric fans, outside POOL TAIRA SIZE WITH teachers to Afrits--14,860 of them UM'S eseue Syaiacate, Well fenced add Is ideal for a build- 4's%. Call PL 3-5534 alter 5 p.m. Money Squandered Charge 6- Belurs Jai Dies. paint, "Master Cuanons" made by G. C. to Algena-at the Trench taxpayer's white $2.50 per gallon- Ade ing ate and cattle farm. All sown in Eiteepleten Cu. leers needs felt Itc It is being charged that France expense when Prencil schools and Imoue. is squandering money on palaces otherthae lit good cogitation. tueversatee are despeautely under- • IF YOU NM YOUR YARD mow- omit and armies for African rulers that Rack, wall rack ineleded. $125.00. 3 BEDROOM BRICK NEAR college. FORMAL GOWN, SIZE 10. PALM manned, SAS s: ed °all 753-5666. We guarantee 'a could well be put to use on high- Phone 753-3060 after 5_00. David All city utilities. 1700 square feet. 2 blue. With hoops. Only worn twioe. doclt% h4c Maier. a4p full ceramic baths. Lange lot. Plenty QUI Faye Wells, day 753-5626, after PEANUTSt by Des blierwasel sb - - - - - of built-Ws. A bargain at $16,500. 5.00 p.m. 753-3333. a7c BOAT OWNERS: WE HAVE Wet- Fetal( FOR SALE. 96 ACRES level VERY NICE TWO Bedroom frame II for the umdes of your ter paint land, 20 acres in woods. la story on large lot ii arms east on high- okes boats All colon. D & W Auto Parts, KELP WANTED frame home. boosted on *647 way 94. Walk in closets Hardwood a4c ! 7th OIL Celine Road. By owner, Mrs. W. R.. floors. Built-in range Electric heat. Allen. Route 3. Poets, Tenn. sAc $7500. SALESMAN WANTED 26 - 36 years PORTRAIT SPECIAL 11x14 BUST red Bleb school educaeon or better, II 11 BEDROOM FRAME NEAR col- 97c at .11m Adaux, lUA, Wednesday FOR SALE BY OWNER NEW three 3 to sell auto and home supplies. Oar lege with all city utilities. This home and Thursday, April 8 and 9 Hours bedroom brick with one and one- necessary. Expenses raid. Citiod fu- • • many extras and MUbt be seen 11 1.0 II p.m. All Ages photographed. half baths. Large faintly root& Oth has ture, good benefits. $360 Per month. )., Inc. Soc to be appreciated. $7500. plus Incentive pay. See or all be buten for only $460 down_ Also new three bedroom red brick home 3 BEDROOM BRICK ON Melee James Lowry at S. P. Goodrich, IN MURRAY Ave Ilus is a very nice home in an Mayneid, lee. sac WANTED: RESPONSIBLE PARTY with den-kitchen conibination. Pric- Yett newt see this excellent location. Owner will con- 3-3161 to take over low monthly payments ed at only $12,800. MAN TO CLEAN YARD. Ptione house on sider any reasonable offer. on a aptnet piano. Oan be mean house. Also three bedroom 753-3304. a7p DAN FLAGG by Charles M. Schub ONE 00013 4 ROOM E DEAL locally. Write Oredet Manager, P0. South dixteenth Street on lot 90' x WE HAVE a4p Zen This house can be bought frame home located on good road Box 215, ahelbyrIlle. Indiana I WANT YOU TO I'LL BE ABLE TO AS I WAS THE BEST MAN WANTED TO RENT I COME HOME AT SOON AS SONE PEOPLE AT MIKE .AGES 1111111111111111r r NIGHT LIKE OTHER DECIDE WE CAN GET WEDDING, WU:VER. HUSBANDS, MIKE.., ALONG WITHOUT WARS! I KNOW HIM BETTER WOULD LIKE TO RENT A SMALL W'THOUT YOUR THAN I KNOW MYSELF. 6 herniated apertment or would share NERVE ENOS O. a home with a widow. Write Ann ON FIRE! Childers. % Ledger & Timm. sic "8 N 753-6019 ett By THE GORDOW Arteritial .tt, tot FEMALE HELP WANTED

RURAL WOMEN - EXCELLENT awning opportunity for !Una wOC31- "Please, Si., don't. What could fun of buckshot Those were CHAPTER 22 en nailing to tibetr farm neighbors. IDATT1 RANDALL was press- Der Kelso do if he hid sta)ed your exact words. TOW Said-- friend tell you Choose own seeing time. Alm. coil- $70.00 1 Mg a dress in the kitchen s,ruundt It D gone"-she "Did your bray - was prowling around in my ared route available. Vinte Puller when Zeke Kelso Canis Usroultil liesitate& almost breaking he tima tee and Brush Ct., Me W. Central Avenue, the back door. He was too dis- "he's gone.- She turned to Zeke. back yard like a burglar, going to Maytiehd, Ky. Phone 347-0013. al0c combobulated, as her Oacis Hob I "I'm glad you're back. Itiiregbt CirgIr a VIM and wag Mood?" He would say, to knock have been your body over in al me in cold to any Ernie Bushnilliee "Hello," he said, and brushed Greg s back yard instead of Weed MS voice. "Tell him settle this by her on hie wee to her bed- DC'.." crone on out and we'll about Patti. man-to-coan." - room. Sbe put an arm Zsces,sfAce4.4.410. to cry. WHY DON'T -I OILED She plveted in surprise. "Just "It wasn't Ore; who tired the "Greg!" She started ( could hello? Nothing Isere?" Inerld shot. I icnow It araaret." "Greg, hew you suggest, YOU TURN IT TODAY and Mike wandered out ot the Mike cleared his UiroaL "Hoer haw dare you' ..." IT ON THE spot the guy "Dont tell me he didn't run living room where they had been come you didn't LS FAN ? • watching one of television's' One?" back Is here?" FE E most famous surgeons operate. eats ran a hand through his "Greg 1" WARM I,. plaee like e Zak% never paused, Trailed unruly lair and sena poaderieg "Idr slot out of my IN through the dining MOM an answer when a loud, de- a rocket' -eel" believe Mrs. down the hallway by an three. mandtag knock reverberated you choose to HERE . ." he said, -Somebody opened Sr. through the house. They froze Macdougall "That old busybody." Quick- on us With a shotgun. Over in bate an eld-fashional porting legal brief in nis Greg 13a/tees back yard. Every. sitting. Path recovered era. ly he drew a IOW • man In was going accord( to "III get It You stay Isere." SIM mind "Bid then thing ed schedule. The cat was digging indicated Ingrid and Mika my yard, and yen knew and all of a sudden It all Meer Me paced slowly to the front taken a shot . ." prowlers, call up." door, taking all the Urn* she -te you have come roaring Entering the bedroom, he went could to collect herself. She the pones. Don't switched on the porch light and over here ever again." to the closet where he had 1m I OW 04-1d1 olg•• fiu- could C., 19646, 11•••• moved the technical equipment drew the door open a few She was an kois Me • nit "Where la D.C.I" Patti was Inches,. -Oh, It's you," Me mum- hays ticked Ulm the shine, she controlled herself ad- beside hermit "Is be dead?" bled. but She said, by Ithebarn Van Buren Zeke said Into the mike, Greg charged In. bearing a mirably, she thought ASB1111 AN' SLATS something and "Operations Center, Operations bedraggled tuberous begonia, "III get Into a. Center. Zit here. rm Melt at which be proceeded to shake in come over." ' calmed suddenly, shaking base. Believe shot tired by un- her face "Clara Peabody-fin- He I did it again, known party Mending Inside est specimen obtainshis. And tee bead "Well. service porch of Greg Salter look It it. Watered end cared dldn t I? I'm always doing It wine. Probably unknown party for with my own hen& for ele with you." pub- need to kill either myself or in- months and In six seconds de- "You'd better do a little yourself, og both." stroyed by your cat!' lic renUons work on formant • • • ' Patti shouted. *What about Greg, instead of Meng people • then to do It tor you." D.C. 7" peATTI ',Rood staring, Zeke continued into the mike, • shook her bead to try to He stood like a boy caught deep freeze. She "Will remain here until neigh- make sense out of his wild on- robbing the up borhood quiets down. Will ad- Naught of verbiage. He mon- walked to the hutch, picked (As five-dollar bill, arid handed vise if further developments." th:wed rapidly, "Sad to say, my dol- Signing off, he turned to Pat- begosia's dead but he's still it to him. "Here's your five wane to see you ti. 'I don't know, Mae FtandalL alive, and walltne tins • ban- lars. I don't your money away. No- The lest I We of your cat he shee. So it you don't mind leo throw about was suspended In mid-air. I muck Miss Randall-that Is, If body can do anything don t know erbether he Cants Ws not Interfering with your your image." if tt down or not" He took an enor- personal attain"-he looked Greg took the bill as might map at him. "I do care, mous handkerchief from his around the room for evidence of don't pocket and wiped the sweat • man -"would you come and Patti, don't you see? Why down like sensible people from hei face. get the little monster?" we se "He's dead," Patti said quiet- Re added, "He's up a tree and calmly and quistly-" ly, and Ingrid added, "Oh, no." right over my bedroom' "Okay-whenever you think Al Capp fits you." by "I doubt it. I don't think be -You Look a shot at him," she the description LIL' ABNER II 01 tied can be killed by anything lees said angrily. "-You deliberately '11 you'd keep year cat then an atom bomb." tried ti? kill D.C. I never thought C BR I NG ME NW "You're the FBI," Patti said you'd go that tar. But you set "And have him turn Into COAT, HAT AND Wordy, resisting the tears, '1 out wine-with-" frustrated, neurotic old man?" a CANE!! I'M thought you'd protect him. I "Premeditation?" "You'd rather have frus- thought the FBI always did. "That's It, that's what it was, trated, neurotic old neighbor GOING But you walked away and left premeditated murder." maybe?" OUT!! him." II. stared at bet with calcu- She repeated, get Into "Miss RandalL .. . I did not lating eyes as a thought took something and come over." right, leave him. lie left Me." Re shape. Ha asked slowly, "How As he left, be said, "All fire added, "I couldn't wait around. did you know I took • shot at and be sure to bring the I couldn't explain this to the anything? Who told you T" department with you, because. neighbors. I couldn't tee them "No-nobody. I heard the man, It that cat had had gortIll-, he'd have been was an agent running a sur- shot" thing to hold to vein/mos on a cat It would have "You beard a shot, and you the first one on the moon." hit the newspapers, and the knew it was my shotgun. You fugitiVes wohid have read about recognized It froirn its tonal 'The two men finished their by it and put two and two to- quality.* dieensaine around 2 am, gether." "I knew," she insisted stub- setting Reim Jenkins' stran- ' -You walked away and left bornly. "You threatened him gulation murder for the next • bim." once. Remember? You said you evening. . .." The story ma- tinees bore tomorrow, Ingrid choked back • sob. were going to give him a pants Cilv.C•aria.•



gte .467

di• 4111,

1964 SATURDAY — APRIL 4, KENTETCIT •mnamssiseemer LEDGER & TIMES — MURRAY. •77••••••••11m.MINMANY THE ,A0.1111111 111111111011i have had to PAGE FOUR MRESSZSZEZIZZYITs men who claim they footwork in employ a lot of fancy those love- order to May clear of Abby . . . meet them illik 1)ear starved housewives who lure them on the porch and try to mail for a Haute'Couture Inside. I have delivered if a women Italian- long time, Abby, and Corner! door clad in only a 1 l to her —7 44. a'C1ig. Non-Smokers' comes it towel tend 90/111e have) bath see, I doesn't bother the a bit. You a lady mailman! Abigail Van Buren am OHIO

• • •

For a per- it off your chest. oyNyo Get write to unpublished reply DEAR ABBY: My beds aren't just suns], CYNIC: Maybe be Hills. Calif. made yet and my dishes are Sill in DEAR ABBY. Box 3365, Beverly sit down and wanted to meet her. self-addressed the sink, but I must • • • Enclose a stamped, get this off my chest. All this ba- ABBY: I have noted with envelope. loney about lung cancer has fallen MAR amusement the letters from =lit- flat People will go right on smoking • on the chance that it might not hit them. But I know something who smokes that is true of everyone FINE FINISHES that should convince people to quit. Bucys FOR to college and Now I've been OVERHEAD realize this doesn't sound very po- • LOW lite, but I am going to say it in Building EXPENSES • OPERATING plain language SMOKERS STINK! Their clothes, their hair, their skin Supply • CAREFUL BUYING and their breath just plain smen CASH bad. All the money spent on per- YOU 10% and deodoranta is v ost,, 7 623 S. 4th Street - fume ON ALL Most smokers don't notice it on DISCOUNT but it bothers everyonel - - Phone 753-5712 themselves, STOCK ITEMS!! within two feet of them. If you are a heavy smoker. the next time you go to tom your child, or grandchild. , ask him how he likes It. He will tell you the truth. Sincerely. DRUG EX-SMOKER ; WALLIS • • • DEAR ABBY After reading the mailman's COIMpluillt that the wom- This Sunday 1 en on his route wouldn't leave hse Will Be Open alone, arid then the young meter Needs Prescription and Sundry reader who said that most of the i be poor Dews had designs on him. I housewives from began to wonder what mailmen and WI WILL DI OLORED have that carpenters Ohuroli Hew meter readers e-nt. to 1 100 p.m. for don't have. I have worked inside' 11 40 and outside of houses for 30 years, of form the and I have dealt with the lady GREEN AND WHITE petals designed this green. ForqueL the house, directly, and I never RENATO BALESTRA and sleeves of a shift by matching capenct. neat once had this problem. Should I be gold print dress with insulted? CARPENTER CLM"NYING OFFER of SPECIAL BMW and waists were higher—some DEAR CARPENTER: No. Maybe 6, Through I! SW tense blues. Navy, black in Good Monday, April made news for the the latter were fitted else has bad It, either. Offer rsOLOR were also viewed in dra- nobody April 9 Couture this white were full or gath- Thursday, N--• Italian Haute front and • • pictured matic contrast. back. season. The styles 'silhouette in most ered in DEAR MIRY Maybe times have most im- The new remained short for TROUSERS from three of Italy's was soft, Skirts changed since I sees • meter reader SWEATERS - idly of the collections dresses SKIRTS - designers are via feminine. daytime and cocktail ago. but I was told that if portant slim and strictly long 25 years 2 for '1.00 but evening gowns were reach the meter (plain) 3 for '1.25 interesting. Emphasis was placed on I could not safely shades in feather- formal occasions. The by Pino Lancetti features for One-Hour Service Brilltant shoulders and rounded for A LONG YELLOW evening gown to read It vicious dogs or half-clad Never An Extra ('harge and gossamer arched were breezy by day and skirt paneL weight wools fashions a shiny crystal embroidered bodice insert women) I should report it to the ALL WORK GUARANTEED hot pinks, sun sleeves. after dark. silks included were lower and but very may company, and they woukl send an greens and in- Necklines yellows, crisp estimated bill 01.13-TIME METER READER Hour • • • ne Now One PERSONALS good Future Homemakers Mrkvicha DEAR ABBY: What was the ng Mr and Mrs. Anthony Mart i niz young meter reader, who minMitior Will Observe Week Jr . 1124 Main Street. are the par- looking Mrs. J. B. Burkeen so much trouble besting' Off thie mast' MY ammo East Side et the Square ents of a daughter. Tammy Sue, had In April love-stareed housewife. doing In 1 Early weighing six pounds one ounce, born the 753-1916 or 753-4947 the home anyway? The meter is on in 253 rnnsils on Monday. March 9. at the Murray The 17.000 members ses and of Houpoja eseandpasenta are tai oursiDE ters in the Kentucky Melodist— 7111 Mrs. Marks Purcell of Mew Mont. , Future Homeenakers of Arnerhe. militin ?Ware 111.. and Mr. and Mrs. Anthony join over one-half Mrs. nation in oh- Wks-mile Sr. of Elmhurst. Ill vacation in Homemakers in the Have a wonderful of Chicago. 111. is • greet serving Not ional FHA Week April gamine 7ate grindennther Mr Mrkvicha is a 5 to 11. soteduff, of America, student at Murray State College Future Homemakers ettalents in, has are home economns who t Brownie Troop schools. Mr and Mrs Toy Garrison Calendar junair and sensor high Sosial at own and operate the grocery .1leeting Thursday Members of this national youth i on Hazel Route Two have orris:nation. now ::1 its lioth year. Midway a-ill meet with Mrs home after a visit At Scout Cabin Saturday. Aprn 4lk Church CWF work toward helping jun returned dire : 'heir and family. Mr. KENTUCKY'S Troop 171. A B 'e'.r. °minty Country ndpiuguid at 9 30 a rn personal. fans- with their daughter Brownie Th e °allows, • • • mdi iduals improve Apr_. 2 at dance at Mrs Robb Williams and dough- &hod met Thursday Club will have a teenage snd community living and Department of the ily, of °elands>, pia They also the scout cabin the club from 7 30 to 11 30 pm. The Delta program guides the te.n. meet at A national Mr and officers were elected to serve school and college age Murray Woman's Club will members and visited their son and family. New few high acts-ales of individual of are as follows dance with the club horse at 7 30 pm Hostess year's Mn- Nenion (lemson and sons for four seek They This sill be a dress up chapters Projects on this per will be Miss SAP Fairless Mes- North (arlene. President Jane Rosse: vice President the admumon being fifty cents lies are' 41) you and your Raleigh. A D Butter- program Kirk secretary. Debbie Hu:e couple Each member may Invite dames E B Howson. on family friend- Pato* 31 rallies. 120 focus BEAUTIFUL F E Crawford. Harry I treasurer Beverly Parker, me non member guest. mirth ship. i3i marriage calla for prepara- • • • Sparks. and Joe McNella_ action Rhonda Garland tion: se) Way in school, .5 served re- HewKarenKirk for Mu:end-lip inns:new meet- Monday. April •th • Wednesday. Aprn sib freshments after the • Fieseaure of problems resulting The Lottie Moon Circle of the Wesleyan Circle of the First ing 'The from early marriage and the 'school Cathy Mit- First liaptist Church Wi.tS Methodist Church wscie will meet two Two birthday Queens drop-outs, activities with the with Mrs Henry Warren at hall at '7 30 pm with chell and Debbie Landoll were meet at the uncial and state projects. "Stay PARKS Sexton national RESORT by 'Caren King '7.30 pm Minim Ruth and Prances "Marriage Calbi for crowned • • • In School" and closed with the good- as hostesses great appeal to Our meettng • • • Preparation." have night circle The Annie Arrnstrong Circle of member, at this time Rhonda Garland The New Concord Homemakers in Kentucky. are the First Baptist Church WNLS Loman Most chapters Troop Reporter Club will meet a l'h Mrs activinee relat- meet with Mrs Vern9n Nar.ce at carrying out special Rules at one pm projects. Sharon Hat- • • • 7 30 pm • • • ed to these or • • • field national 2nd vice president The Arts and Crafts Club will Jones Circle of the Revlon. end • membe'r of ." The Kathleen meet at the home of Mrs L c`ntrn1 Home Economics sill Belfry High Chapter. is AL..) earn- First Baptist Church WILS Poplar. at 230 p.m. Horn. 612 out special work on this project. Scholarships meet with Mrs. J. I Hauck at 7 15 , Mg ! officers of the Kentucky Associa- pm Are Available • • • Iron of FHA are: president - GRINS 2 County High. 1st graduate Nell Hardy Circle of UCHANAN NEWS cart. Meade If you are coruedeeng The Ruby Harrison the WMS.will B president - Patricia Earle. wort in home economies check the Fine Baptist Church - at 'County High: 2nd vice-president Pebriary JOVRN AL OF HOME meet with Mrs Robert Hillinseon Robinson and connie Langford. Shopsi 1 le High FX1ONCARCIS This untie lists 67 7:30 p.m. Mr a nd Mrs R.Pv • • • spent Wed- secretary - Jan Porter. Mt Waah- toilettes and unirernses offerIng sons of Evansville Ind op. and Mrs. moon High. treasurer - Mary financially subsid:relajrraduarn The W9C13 of the Bethel. Brooks. neerlay night with Mr Frances Walker, Boyle County men: fee home Toonormsts for Chapel and Independence ch.rrhes Brooks Summons and daughters. port:moose - Susan Bays. Morehead the parsonage at 7 p.m. were called here by the death hasorian 1964-e6 and 1965-66 sin meet a: they - Marjorie • • • stepmother.. Mrs. High. parliamentarian The number of towdustre oppor- Mrs Robinson'sof - U.S. SENATE AIM — EllY Eason. Firemen Hitch. reporter national tunitiee available per institution Norene Bury Peterson, assistant Aril 7th and Barbara Ann Slipley. Austin Tracy from one to over M Value Tuesday, Mr and Mrs Gamic Wilson Republican chairman, mulles ranges Circle of Col- leader - Myrtle and The Jewle Ludwick of Ronal Oak Michigan. High, recreation in Lansing as she of asseetantehips.• wholarthips rienan chum*, 9g,,maa4I distert5ter and at desk imp preab wang arid Turley. Bourbon Courity High, will seek to' fellowareps ranges from t71) to over Mr. and Mrs Bertram announces she with Mrs Rex Ilskinel and song lea/lent- Pamela Conrad. Pen.. A. r here at home at one of for a rune-month program will 'meet Mr . arid Mrs Eugene Chutney Unseat Democrat Philip your next vacation right g3 000 Mrs B P. Scherf- Memorial High Plan varies at! 30 pm wail were Sin-day afternoon via- dleton Hart In the U.S. Senate. find magnifi- for applications the progetzn and children • • • beautiful state parks. You'll fius in charge of Mrs Max Wallace Mich. Kentucky's arroror the whoele but generally itors of Mr. and She Is from Charlotte, Mrs Guy Battle the devotion with the finest accommodations ardr extends from Februerv until April a nd Mrs Gladys Sanders James Elliott of cent modern lodges • • • on the Mr add.. mr'L Work is progressing nicety are slatting relatives ... or private; comfortable 15 First Mensodist Detroit. Mich.. glamorous dining rooms are on The WEICS of the School morns that are bring Marsh- ... 00P4Ps of the JOURNAL Surulay arid frteride in Calloway and fun. Church will meet In the little .hapel Church The cottages. You'll enjoy real outdoor file at Murray State College Library added to the Mt Sinai all counties This is their first Visa YARD bousekeepin-g al 10 arm with the executive board Sunday. in the Home asonorruce De- aabadai Spring. Revivel will begin in two years- Mrs Elliott is I. S('OTTS GRASS SEED fishing, golf, tennis and horseback and .. nipetaig 9 15 anT.--ganp ' here boating, It Sykes i .Bwimming, pertrnInt 117115Terl the former .11elen Breuer from to all luscheon sill be held .in honor of April 12 with Br°. at 7 30 each plus group activities planned entertain Asrmited ampamply of single desk general' rl..ansrehat and services Marshall County 2. PEAT MOSS riding.., 4 the new members and the -end - time ropes of the eradiate opportunities spend precious vacation - or week of Leen a ho will give their annual evening Brown and 3, LAWN FERTILIZER ages. Why as printed in the JOURNAL is Mr and Mrs ilOvis You can have your best vaca- charve from Amer- reports were Sunday afternoon vis- traveling long distances? as-enable free of • • • children 4. SHOYEL111- RAKES Mrs Edward Dowdy FOR ican Home Foonorrucs Amornation. itors of Mr and CORRECT tion ever in Kentucky. 1600 Twentieth St-es• NW Wnsh- AprIl 7th and children 5. WHEEL BARROW Tuesday. Simmons TIME aid IS Order of Mr. and Mrs Bmoks ington 9. D.C. Murray Assembly No' 19 BROOMS Travel Division, Public Information Department at daughters spent the weekend 6. YARD tne Rainbow for Cern will meet and TEMPERATUR! Capitol Annex Building, Frankfort, Kentucky, Dept. ROB and Mrs Roy Robins°, Hall at 7 pm_ with Mr DAY OR NIGHT 7. AZEALA FERTILIZER the Masonic me on Kentucky Resort Parks. I am 1110e- • • • and sons of Evansville. Ind Please send informabon PERSONALS Herbert Alton ' DIAL in Mr and Mrs R. CRAB GRASS KILLER cimliy interested Group I of the. First Chnsnan 753-6363 (risme Of park) Mrs. L. D Furgereon and daughters were Sunday afterno cisuttttY 'no and Church CAT will meet with Mrs. AND DUST and Sharon of Mr and Mrs Jtnarny 9. ROSE FOOD Auame daughters. wails bail Clopton at 2 30 pm stators weekend guests Gatlin ckiughters Kay were the Planter • • • Alton and le. LONG HANDLE PRUNERS Address nettle Lynn was able to go his mother Mrs First Christian Steve McClure P[OPIIS BANK Cote Stibt• on Street Group II of the being 507 South Mirth to school Tuesday after MIL Purgers-in Church CWF will meet with Mrs. back Cf the registrar at throat and ear infection Mr Furgenson Is at 2 30 pm. out with HARDWARE 0 were Sc- Rupert Singleton was sick Monday Murray, Kentuekir STARKS State 00ilekr Miss They Pamela Walker mother. Mrs Sal- absent from school, companied by her the First Christian and was C. I Cirv141 IV of ly Ceara of weshingtun. D
