erudition and the republic of letters 5 (2020) 237-273 The Poetics of Nothing: Jean Passerat’s ‘De Nihilo’ and its Legacy Paul White Associate Professor of Classics, School of Languages, Cultures and Societies, University of Leeds, Leeds, UK
[email protected] Abstract On 1 January 1582 the poet and scholar Jean Passerat (1534–1602) sent a gift to his patron Henri de Mesmes: a poem in Latin hexameters about nothing (“De nihilo”). It became a literary sensation, prompting, over the next decades, a long and varied se- quence of poetic and prose responses in Latin and vernacular languages by various authors competing to out-do Passerat, and one another, in ingenuity. Why did this poem catch the imagination of so many as the sixteenth century turned into the seventeenth? This article offers the first complete account of the ‘Nothing’ phenome- non, as it passed between multiple languages, literary genres and cultural contexts. It traces its dissemination via networks linked to institutions of learning, to academies and salons, to patrons and to coteries of poets. Focusing on the French context in par- ticular, it then goes on to argue that the literary and political significance of these texts is greater than has hitherto been recognized. Keywords Jean Passerat – adoxography – paradoxical encomium – Neo-Latin – imitatio – satire – Negative Theology – Wars of Religion © Paul White, 2020 | doi:10.1163/24055069-00503001 This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the CC BY 4.0Downloaded license. from Brill.com02/08/2021 03:27:21PM via University of Leeds <UN> 238 White What seems beautiful to me, what I should like to write, is a book about nothing, a book dependent on nothing external, which would be held together by the internal strength of its style, just as the earth, suspended in the void, depends on noth- ing external for its support… Gustave Flaubert, letter to Louise Colet, 16 January 1852 (trans.