Albuquerque, NM
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University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository Albuquerque Evening Herald, 1914-1922 New Mexico Historical Newspapers 8-27-1920 The veE ning Herald (Albuquerque, N.M.), 08-27-1920 The veE ning Herald, Inc. Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation The vE ening Herald, Inc.. "The vE ening Herald (Albuquerque, N.M.), 08-27-1920." (1920). abq_eh_news/2040 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the New Mexico Historical Newspapers at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Albuquerque Evening Herald, 1914-1922 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Ml TM MAHHI71H. M I I II i hi i i NEW YOKK, Aug. 17. Tlnr ellver, CIIII'AIIH 'hj dunuwth utinluinKvil: foreign 91, receipta im'I antltminy, Iwu and Cupper, iron, If ANMAH IVTV- - lino unchanged. 14 Tin firm; euot and narby 4TjiSi oolitln 1,(.. fulurra I4S.00. lenvor S..".o At London apot popper IM, 7a d; electrolytic unchanged. " VOI.I-M- t TUB 2W8 TUB DAT, IT II ASSOCIATED PRKlia .W ALBUQUERQUE. NEW MEXICO, FRIDAY, AUGUST 27. 1920. BAPPtlH r n M'MllK'll lit rl fl IT TT.k"I1?Y i it b i r COX'S SCHEDULE OF REPUBLICAN FUND QUOTA mi ii Bear Chase In Women Vote In IRISH TIE UP HARDING ; FOR G. 0. P. TREASURER DECLARES lUtO KEEP Streets Enlivens Special Election Day In St. Louis In South St. Paul qnpirnfjr puvm BRITISH SHIPS S BOCTH 8T. PA!TU Minn.. Aug. i ORIENTALS FROM HT. Aug. IT. Two grit-sl- y (MlflS IOrifl. 27. Women on thla municipality n escaped muni- UUIIILU11L ILniLU iIE bears from the today claimed the distinction of cipal mo today nnd frightened being the first of their aea :o vote hundreds nf persona hy running !er the provisions of Ilia fed-,- through the residential section, suffrage amendment, HEW YORK d RAILWAY ACT whose Oil DEMDGRATIG BUYING LAND Id pursm hy mounted policemen and ratification waa proclaimed DOflEE a crowd of pcdestrlnna. by Hecretary of State Iloth lieara were raptured, hut Colby. not until one hud been wounded privilege be- hy riot run built tst. Vlflng for the of Sympathizers Get the Tells Erie Employes He ing tho first 4o vote, groups of Will Hays Also Brands Cox Charges False, But League of Southwest women gathered In front of the Longshoremen Approves the polling places long before the. polls Governor Declares He Will Make Further Goes On Record; In To opened at a. m.L In the special election on. a proposal to laaue Exposes Republican Campaign dorses Irrigation Plan. Quit Work. suffrage Measure. Ift&.ooo In bonds for Improvement of of the water supply. Methods. V TM atMCIATH - fmwt NKW YoitK, Aug. 2T. ilMingHhore- CIAI.ION. Ohio. Auk; I.KNVKR, Aug. J7. Iieeolutinn men stopped wm-- on rour big white given ovation v eaaee approbation of Cummlna-Ksc- h thi sseeciATao favoring development of the water star liners here tmlny In protest the railway reorganisation wns HEALTH SEEKER CMIOAdO, Aupr. 27. "(JnvcrnoT .Jame C, Cox'g gcliPtltilf nf Colorado river and opposing uvuiriMt the net ion of the Italtic cicW act of the to voiced by Renntnr Harding In fuiul in Til eitica ia ItM wltich I enlargement of agriculture! in allnwlng Hiitlsh authtirltles today Uotiia prineipul a "phony further take Archbishop Manuix, Dem- n ierch here to a group nf railway lipnril Fretl W. rpham, r!puli1itun niiliniuil holdings by t il limit of any oriental prelnte rritui the siitp uit Iter Inst New York Stages nivrr tf brfort.' wns I employes. rioclurcd ttuluy on lii rotum from NVw York. nn i Inn were adopted unanimously trip to Unglnnil. This report ENDSHIS LIFE by j onstration for Mrs. Haying h was aware that Home of closing of the telephoned to police headituarters "Honiphndy muHt hnve plnyett a joke 011 the governor," Mr. lp at the conference ofriclals of the line who anked that the employes went dissatisfied with , j Carrie Chapman Catt. Mnm declHretl. League of l he Southwest. reserves he rushed to the piers. the measure, the repuidlcan nominee1 fc of a per- Hue Irish sytn-- , committee Inmdlnle organtxatlon From the white star prophesied that In the near future the The republican national and liwdgct IHfler. be pathisers marched to the Cunard line) av In His Room With any quotas to tuota manent engineering commission to they had vtf AoetTis workers would reiilhw that It waa Found has never apportioned "flovimor Cox does not appreciate Comml-alo- n piers where they claimed NEW YOHK. Aug. 27. Several railed the Colorado nivr pulled nut other loiiRKhnremen, Then ("the greatest forward step In all the cities, Mr. I'pham aaid. The only the difference between a quota nnJ n hundred women prominent In Throat ' Cut Came quo- to atudy the Colorado river they Slni'led for the piers of the the history of railway legislation." quotas assigned, he addint, were given budget," said Mr. I'pham. "The line. New York suffrage movement Joined ta is assessed on the busts of what wn basin and prepare a comprehensive Anchor Htmilor Harding did not mention di- From Pennsylvania. to states, the money to be used for enrly When the llaltlc docked here today In a demonstration here today In campaign pur- estimate would be a fnlr share for plun for immediate action and on arrival from Knvland, her rectly the e provision that both state and national each r ate, and placed high mioukIl her honor of Mrs, Carrie Chapman Catt, poses. ap- development wa approved. Thla crew lound women at the piers carry- - i was In the rnl.wny hill ns it passed 11 health and belief that ho would Each state cammlttee then to allow for a large shrinkage in tha president of ronamisslon will be organlacd by the Ing lam tiers denouncing Knglnnd's at- - the National American the senate, but asserted that he stood be unable to get well caused Eur I F. portioned Ita quota aa It thought best, amount actually obtained. engineers and officers having tltude toward Ireland and taunting Woman Huff rag association, who for a policy that would make con Klnsey of Keesport, I'a.. to commit Mr. I'pham said. "The plan of the financial cam- lute the Mrltli'h sailors (or allowing a pus-- 1 ili.uity of service a government guar- - paign was laid on llnea designed to arrived here from Nashville, the a- -e a Denying rhargea voat amounts authority over the Initiation of water sengcr to lie decks, j I piy," and auld he also wanted to suicide by cutting his throat with that large taken from their scene secure. K't uwiiy from collections from In the seven state Included In Mnnnlk as Protest of her recent effort to railway men gel the best treatment rnxor at the Casa Ie (ra, 3 had been contributed or were being the principal centers of tho count) y. tliu Colorado river baidn, together The women, nlm clntmed fo ' ratification of the Siith state. hy the government and hy the Amer- West Oold avenue early this morning. contributed, the republican trensurer In every previous cam pa imt of both ican people. 7& with the director and thief engineer memlwrs of the "American women'a Governor Alfred K. Kmlth of New Klnsey admitted Just before he died exhibited a statement showing col- - parties not lees than per cent of ('railed HIaten pickets" called on crewa or the ship KsMtka IMciim. raised came Nc of the reclamation York spoke an official welcome while af he It loos up to thla morning totals all funds from as well as longshoremen to quit work Hpenklng a plenlo that physicians had told him that it York. service. at and athletic New York Aak Aid of HtaU-s- In protest agHlnst the action of the a conmilltee of the suffragists, some tournament of employes of the Krle could not get well and for that reas- tl.0li.SftS.S3. of which '"1 he plan alto this year take Into The resolution ak tha govornora Krltish authorities In the Jinn nix wear in as aowna of the stiffrave colors railroad, Ihe nominee began his on he did not want to live. Me waa stale Including the city of New York consideration the fact that buMintNS I case. ho- - benefits men dislike to be bothered hy several of thu hi? vera stu.c authorlie and walled to eacor Mm. Cat to her speech by eulogy to lhe of 20 years old and had lived here hut gave mti.m. with. A demonstration wns staged by nhvslcal "nlav". he said, solicitors. We combined the needs direct alula engineer to proceed longshoremen, esti- tel where a reception awaited her. ulh,l a short time, coming to Albuquerque He reiterated the atatement of both cam puis n orironlMitlon of a commie- whose number 'l urn ttt mull fntmifilirn for national and state the such mated at several hundred, when they rviiowmg uie governora greeimg he wild for his health. Chairman Will Hay, that the budget and solicited the entire amount at nlttn. MPff.rh ahoiit play." ivmaey a stopped the work o( limiting and un procession headed by detail of I am making no appeal In thla sent telegram to ni planned for the national campaign one time, A portion of the resolution reuda: a IIMMIirr. .iliK. MIVD (IMIwy. rv rrm- - loading the whiie star liners, which police a brass band waa formed campaian that 1 will not he willing nt Totalled 9S.901), "In many states.