1999 annual report annual report laporan tahunan 1999 l a p o r a n t a h u nBerhad aHoldings nNiaga Puncak a water resource for the 21st century 416087-U Malaysia’s Water Specialist • Pakar Air Malaysia Puncak Niaga Holdings Berhad Puncak Niaga Holdings Berhad Suite 2601-2606, 26th Floor, Plaza See Hoy Chan, Jalan Raja Chulan, 50200 Kuala Lumpur Tel: 03-201 8648 Fax: 03-201 8658 e-mail:
[email protected] 416087-U The cover conveys Puncak Niaga’s firm commitment to provide for the present and future water needs of our community. At the same time, it also highlights the i m p o rtance of water consumption and its re l a t e d environmental issues; to bring these further into the public realm for debate and discussion; and thus for Puncak Niaga to play a leadership role in formulating a p roactive, dynamic and integrated water re s o u rc e management strategy, a blueprint for the 21st century. Hiasan kulit menggambarkan kejituan komitmen Puncak Niaga menyediakan air untuk keperluan rakyat hari ini What final lesson can we derive from our blueprint for dan masa depan, sekali gus menonjolkan betapa water management in the 21st century? Education, pentingnya penggunaan air dan isu-isu yang berkaitan technology, environmental preservation, and co-operation dengan alam sekitar untuk diketengahkan sebagai bahan between the public and private sector, will all contribute debat dan diskusi masyarakat, lantas mendorong Puncak significantly toward achieving our goals. Niaga menampilkan kepimpinannya merumus strategi p e n g u rusan sumber air yang proaktif, dinamik dan Perhaps the final consideration is not a call to action, but bersepadu, satu rangka tindakan bagi abad ke 21.