“ YOUNG ISRAEL OF HOLLYWOOD-FT. LAUDERDALE TISHREI 5777 Volume 9, Issue 2, October 2016 Edward Davis, Rabbi Yosef Weinstock, Associate Rabbi Maish Staiman, President OCTOBER 2016 (up-side down address and NEW bulk mail inditia)3329 No. Permit FT LAUD FL LAUD FT U.S. POSTAGE PAID POSTAGE U.S. Organization Nonprofit www.SelasPlace.com www.facebook.com/SelasPlace Hollywood’s Kosher NEWEST Adult Day Care Services Assisted Living and Day Care Facility. One Block From Young Israel! Call to visit this newly renovated home! Sela Amrani - Administrator 5850 SW 32nd Ter, Hollywood, FL 33321 OfÞce: 954.613.4519 Cell: 954-496-1007 Fax: 888.834.8673 Email:
[email protected] License: AL 12237 www.SelaALF.com ¥ Beautiful Home Environment ¥ 3 Home-cooked Kosher Meals ¥ Private & Semi-Private Rooms ¥ Stimulating Indoor & Outdoor Activities ¥ Housekeeping & Laundry Services Call to schedule a tour! 954.496.1007 OfÞce: 754.263.3535 Cell: 954-496-1007 4080 N 35th Ave Fax: 888.834.8673 Email:
[email protected] Hollywood, FL 33021 YOUNG ISRAEL OF HOLLYWOOD-FT. LAUDERDALE OCTOBER 2016 PAGE 3 RABBI’S MESSAGE REMEMBERING 9-11 Recently my wife and I visited the 9-11 Memorial Fifteen years have passed since 9-11, but it is still with Monument in Jerusalem. It is located in Eimek Arazim, us. Big time. on a long, windy, narrow road off of Golda Meir Highway near the Begin Expressway. The most amazing thing RABBI EDWARD DAVIS about it is that it is in Israel, the only country outside of America who has built one. Besides the monument, there is a cenotaph (that is an SAT word for a monument erected in memory of a deceased person or persons who are buried elsewhere) which bears the names of the near 3,000 victims, even victims from countries that do not recognize Israel.