
The Organ of Student Expression Since 1925


Morehouse College » Atlanta, GA______November io - 16, 2010 ______yoLUME^LX2^2l2£l!i£2, Morehouse Students Petition Obama for Commencement Kevin Mallory write a letter on behalf of to give a commencement ad­ Campus News Editor the student body, and Gerren dress at Hampton University kevincmallory @gmail .com Gaynor, Managing Editor of last May. Hampton was the The Maroon Tiger, will write first, and remains the only fter a couple of years of a letter representing More­ HBCU where Obama deliv­ unsuccessfully attempt­ house’s student organizations. ered a commencement ad­ Aing to have President Barack“ We want to take it to an­ dress. Obama speak at the More­ other level,” Ringgold said. Regardless of those facts, house College Commence­ “We are really trying to get Morehouse College and its ment Ceremony, Carl Ring- him.” student body is still push­ gold and other students are Aziz’s letter will feature ing hard to get the president taking a different approach signatures from the student here to deliver words to the toward bringing him here. body while Gaynor’s will class of 2011. Ringgold, a senior sociol­ have the signatures of the “Obama is the ideal candi­ ogy major, is spearheading leaders of the various More­ date to speak at Morehouse’s “The Obama Letter Cam­ house organizations. The commencement,” senior Eng­ paign” for Morehouse stu­ plan is to have the petitions lish major Rod Taggart said. dents to petition the president and letters delivered to the "He exemplifies what the col­ to come speak at graduation White House by Christmas. lege envisions in the Renais­ on May 15, 2011. The ini­ “Imagine waking up Christ­ sance Man. tiative has already been ap­ mas morning in the White “Obama has defied the proved by The Office of Stu­ House and under your tree you odds, garnered success, en­ dent Services. find a basket with hundreds of dured much scrutiny, and Seniors are encouraged to handwritten letters, all with made history, all while President gives the 2009 commencement address at Arizona State University. write letters addressed to the the famous Morehouse seal in keeping his composure. To president asking him to speak the comer,” Ringgold said. have Obama speak at our at Morehouse, which was one “You start reading those let­ “You read another letter will not be enough. over the past few years, in­ commencement would fur­ of the first colleges or univer­ ters and you hear how revered from the Managing Editor and “We need numbers more cluding this past summer ther inspire the next wave sities in the country to have you are by the senior class. you see more signatures with than we need titles,” Ring- when he was officially invit­ of progressive politicians an Obama support team dur­ You read a letter from the Ed- the SGA President or MBA gold said. ed by President Franklin. and legislators.” ing the president’s historic itor-in-Chief of our newspa­ President beside the name.” The Morehouse College Many students were an­ ‘ Senior Mario Stephens sees 2008 campaign. per and you see the thousands However, Ringgold and administration has asked gered by the fact that while a common thread between The Maroon Tiger Editor- of signatures from students in other students realize that or­ Obama multiple times to Obama has not spoken at in-Chief Nicolas Aziz will their respective classes ganizations and titles simply speak at commencement Morehouse, he did manage See OBAMA, page 2 ► Second Alternative Spring Break in Haiti to Be Available to Students for Continued Relief Service Carl Ringgold devastated by the effects of international organization up New Media Director the January earthquake. to that point. carlringgold'figniail.com Seniors Jacques Pape and As the demand for interna­ Ezekiel Phillips led the tional assistance remains at an fter Haiti was rocked on group that visited Haiti as all time high, seniors Jacques AJan. 12, 2010, many in­ American volunteers in the Pape, Ezekiel Phillips and ternational organizations andrelief efforts. For Pape, a Isaiah Scott have begun to non-profits alike have do­ Haitian native, this trip was mobilize students, faculty, nated supplies, humanitarian a chance for more people to and staff members across the assistance, and other valu­ witness firsthand what the AUC to take part in the 2011 able resources. Morehouse conditions were like in the alternative Spring break in College has also taken part in region Haiti. While these efforts are this relief effort by establish­ “When everything hap­ still in the initial planning ing the Morehouse College pened, 1 was the only stu­ phases, the organizers are ask­ Haitian Relief Effort, an ef­ dent in the AUC who went ing for the help and support of fort led by student coordina­ to Haiti.” Pape said. “Yet one the AUC community. In the tor Jacques E. Pape and fac­ voice was only so strong. By months and weeks leading up ulty advisor Gwen Wade, the bringing Morehouse students to the trip, supplies (i.e. medi­ Director of the Morehouse to Haiti, they serve as ambas­ cal, scholastic, and toiletries) College Study Abroad pro­ sadors for not just Morehouse will be collected and brought gram. and the AUC but the U.S. in to those in need by the par­ During spring break, many general because not many ticipants. Monetary donations students spend their time on Americans have been able to are still greatly appreciated beautiful beaches tanning, go down there." and can be submitted at any riding jet skis, and indulg­ For the first few days the time to the Morehouse Hai­ ing in other leisure activities. group provided food water and tian Relief Fund. A small group of Morehouse clothes for people throughout If you would like to learn students however, spent this the Port-Au-Prince region. In more about this initiative, Morehouse students are pictured in Haiti as part of the relief effort after the January earthquake in past spring break in Haiti one day they laid the founda­ feel free to contact any of the country. Jacques Pape (far left), a native of Haiti, has been involved with continuing trips to Haiti’s where they used most of their tion for 150 homes in a small the student organizers at Port-Au-Prince region. time giving out food, water, Port-Au-Prince province that mc.haitianreliefeffort@gmail. and clothing to people still hadn't been touched by any com. • inside track =—■------

News...... 1 World & Local...... 3 Business & Tech...... 4 Features...... 6 Opinions 7 A&E...... 10 Sports...... 11

Recycle The Maroon Tiger November IO - 16,2010 www.themaroontiger.com NEWS THE MAROON TIGER Iconic Poet Nikki Giovanni Speaks to Students Nimks B. Atii T2 petition for Editor-in-Chief [email protected] Morehouse Community About New Book OBAMA at

MANAGEMENT Sierra Stokes community. Geïren K. (iaynw T 1 graduation Associate Features Editor In keeping with the theme Managing Editor [email protected] sstokesWscmaiLspdmaiu of hip-hop, the award win­ cdu ning poet stated her belief ◄ continued from front page Chief Layout Editor that hip-hop is indeed po­ jefferydtaylo r@gm ail.com egendary poet Nikki etry. “While some people President Obama and the class Rêmingto» 12 Giovanni visited the may not think of hip-hop as of 2011, and he thinks that an Photography Editor L address from Obama would c. [email protected] Ray Charles Performancepoetry, it fits the definition Wtrewre Campfedl 11 Arts on Morehouse’s because it uses cadence and do wonders for the graduates’ Chief Copy Editor campus last Thursday to creativity to capture the hu­ psyche. [email protected] discuss her new book “100 man experience,” Giovanni “Obama should speak at Victoria Plummer SC ' 11 Best African-American Po­ said. graduation because his election Associate Copy Editor year was the first time that most vplummer@spelman. edu ems.” The book is an an­ Giovanni, a graduate of thology of over 200 poems and mother of the class of 2011 could vote,” by Black writers. of Thomas Watson Giovan­ Stephens said. “His election EDITORS During the event Giovan­ ni, a Morehouse alumnus, speaks to the power of young Kevin Malfery 11 ni, who currently serves as also spoke about President people, particularly Blacks, in Campus News Editor Paul Danfefc It 12 a professor of creative writ­ Barack Obama and her dis­ making a change. World & Local Editor ing at Uni­ appointment with his lack “I feel that a speech from Dannieka Wiggins SC 13 versity, broached the top­ of pro-activity. She felt that Obama would encourage More­ Associate World & Local Editor ics of hip-hop and politics. legislative bills should have house Men to achieve their Sescily Coney SC 11 Giovanni was very candid been passed while the gov­ Noted poet Nikki Giovanni visited Morehouse on November 4th to dreams despite racial barriers Business & Tech Editor Pqnnakl Williams 12 in her comments, but Spel- ernment was in his favor sign autographs and read excerpts of her work. and other obstacles.” Associate Bussiness & Tech Editor man sophomore Brianna and that the health care bill Ringgold, a native of Balti­ Elizabeth Sawyer SC T 1 Holland was appreciative of was not fair. more, hopes that all students, es­ Features Editor Giovanni’s candor. “If the health care bill is pecially juniors and seniors, par­ Sierra Stokes SC ‘ 13 “Nikki Giovanni has an going to allow Viagra for ticipate in the effort. He believes Associate Features Editor and then... they are just overall better outlook on tWretl Andemn 13 attitude that is about always men, then why does is not getting us for what we do to life. that there is power in numbers Opinions Editor keeping it real,” Holland allow abortions for women, them.” “Love is like a bicycle, it and that the Morehouse student Karen Bullock SC ’11 said. “She says however she which is what that Viagra Giovanni opened up about requires trust and balance.” must be united for this cam­ Associate Opinions Editor feels, no matter the audi­ is causing the need for?” the inspiration for some of Brandon Thomas, a soph­ paign to be successful. Spencer Greene ll ence and/or location and 1 Giovanni asked. “This is not something that I Arts & Entertainment Editor her books, including “Bi­ omore at Morehouse en­ Williams 12 admire that honesty.” Giovanni also critiqued cycles: Love Poems.” The joyed the event and felt that am trying to do on my own,” Associate A&E Editor One of the more provoca­ the ’ foreign book was written while her Giovanni’s presentation en­ Ringgold explained. “What is Üewàan Shepard 12 tive comments involved the policy, reminding the audi­ mother was dying. She did couraged him to think. really going to make it or break Sports Editor late rappers, ence of the country’s xeno­ not want her mother to see “Nikki Giovanni spoke it is if people get on board. An Charlie Williams IV12 and The Notorious B.I.G. phobic behaviors. idea is nothing if you do not Associate Sports Editor her sadness, so she decided true words during the In her statement, Giovanni “The Ku-Klux-Klan is to write love poems to lift event,” Thomas said. "I have people who believe in it PUBLIC RELATIONS claimed that the rappers what 1 call terrorist,” her spirit and better her feel her perception on some and want to see it through. Spencer Greene It were not killed in a feud, Giovanni explained. mood. It was after writing issues enlightened me and “The more people who coop­ Public Relations Director but rather, by the federal “America cannot be upset these poems that Giovanni made me really think about erate, the better chance we have. [email protected] government in an attempt to when a foreign country de­ began to exercise, updated the world I am living in.” I don't want President Obama to MULTIMEDIA create turmoil in the Black cides to bomb us every now her wardrobe, and gained an come just for me; I want him to GTwea Hwff Bcxme 12 come for Morehouse.” Webmaster [email protected] Carl Ringgold 11 New Media Director Has Chivers Lane Dining Hall Fallen carl, [email protected] Kenfev Hargett 12 Tiger TV Producer [email protected] Asunder? An Investigative Series ADVISER Spencer Greene student expressed Ron Thomas Public Relations Director some of the servers sgt'OctK'.sàwvT'gnvul .com are rude while serv­ ing. He believes the fter countless student complaints improvements in cus­ and concerns, Chivers Lane caf­ tomer service have Aeteria has been taking steps to improvbeen­ very slight. ing its customer service. But there are A Sodexo worker still concerns from students who feel shared her views, say­ immediate, yet simple measures could ing that the service be taken. toward students might “In addition to what Dr. Franklin change if the manage­ has proposed, we have monthly meet­ ment treated the work­ ings with our employees [where we] ers better. Early in the discuss everything from safety, cus­ semester, talks of a tomer service, [and] food handling; strike among Sodexo we take what Dr. Franklin is doing workers filled the air. and apply it to our staff.” Pierson is Students were un­ referring to Franklin bringing the aware of the strife be­ Ritz-Carlton hotel chain to help im­ tween the workers and prove customer service at Morehouse. management and how “I appreciate the strides the manage­ it affected the service ment is doing to be creative but some­ students received. times a simple, well-prepared classic The biggest con­ meal works better than something ex­ cern for students with perimental,” said junior Lance Dixon. the cafeteria is the Like most students, Dixon sees the system in which cards A Morehouse student is served by a worker in Chivers/Lane Dining Hall. The hall commonly known progress of the management, but feels are swiped. Numer­ as ‘The Caf has fallen under heavy scrutiny in recent times, but has made many new changes to better tools to creating a pleasant din­ ous students try to improve its ratings. ing experience are being looked over. sneak into Chivers Many students complain about the because they do not “It is Morehouse policy that stu­ take food out. inconsistencies of food stations. Ac­ have or can’t afford a meal plan. One dents are not allowed to transfer their “By taking food out, you're going cording to reports from students, some student explained how he gave his meal plans to another student,” said around the system because you have food services are consistently better card to a friend who hadn’t eaten all Pierson. “The meal plan, as it’s stated students who don't have a meal plan.” than others, while others struggle with day and had no money for a meal. The at Morehouse, and pretty much ev­ The Chivers Lane staff has made issues such as running out of food ear­ student wasn’t using his credit for that ery college in the country, your meal many additions to the structure of the lier than expected. day, but was shocked when he was plans are non-transferrable.” cafeteria, including suggestion boxes “The breakfast main food line is sent to student conduct for “theft.” He According to Pierson, the person that allow students to give their input usually consistent and I wish lunch explained that the worker at the front who is registered must be the only on what can be improved. Students and dinner could follow that trend,” entrance of the cafeteria was rude person eating from that meal plan. He are encouraged to voice their opinion said Dixon. and uncompassionate for his friend’s compares Chivers to restaurants such so that Chivers can correct its flaws Other students feel the main prob­ situation. He didn’t understand how it as Golden Corral, where you can en­ and give students a better overall din­ lem is the attitude of the workers. One was theft if the meal was pre-paid for. joy an all-you-can-eat meal, but can’t ing experience. Recycle The Maroon Tiger ■ - i November IO - 16,2010 www.themaroontiger.com WORLD & LOCAL 3

Recent Bomb Threat in Fulton Courthouse Amid Multiple Criminal Cases Causes Stir

Whitney Barr Days prior, a man had been shot in the bers pleaded not guilty to the murder. On a scene and getting the car repaired to mask Contributing Writer head at former member Jesus Cintron’s separate offense, one of the members, Derek evidence, she was charged with five counts wbarr@ scmail .spelman .edu home (which he shared with his girlfriend). “Montana” Davis, a former Morehouse stu­ of vehicular homicide, one count of serious They had been illegally selling alcohol, dent, pleaded guilty to reduce charges. injury by vehicle, six counts of hit and run, he Fulton County Courthouse was shak­ food, massages, and running a gambling Leader John Phillip “Jersey” Auletta was misdemeanor counts of tampering with evi­ en up on Nov. 1 - for about an hour. Of­ operation. Cintron obliged police efforts to given three life sentences plus 105 years. dence, reckless driving and failure to main­ Tficials were notified of a bomb threat aroundreport the crime. Others received sentences ranging from tain a lane. 11:40 a.m. and told everyone inside to re­ As a result, Cintron was beaten to death three life sentences plus 40 years to life plus Just four days before the accident on main in a “shelter in place,” Don Plummer, a and shot through his eye by Blood members. 55 years. The 14-year-old member and trig­ Camp Creek Parkway changed her life, Mi­ Fulton County Courthouse spokesman, said. His girlfriend grew suspicious of his ger-man was given the latter. Altogether, chael, a University of Pittsburgh graduate, People were instructed to stay in the build­ whereabouts in the midst of the beating. the gang received a 22-count indictment. had submitted an application to Wake For­ ing and away from windows. No one was She called one of the members and they The other trial that was going on concur­ est’s School of Business. allowed to leave. immediately came with a female member, rently involved Aimee Michael, 24, who Michael was allegedly steering to the right Immediately after the threat spread, ca­ Lady T, to kill her. was accused of killing five people in a crash. to avoid a car coming into her lane. Though nine officers sniffed for evidence and al­ As the killing team and the girlfriend en­ The fatal crash was on 1-285 during Easter other cars were involved, debate surrounds though nothing was found, two trials were gaged in a brawl, a female next-door neigh­ 2009. who initiated the series of crashes and mildly disrupted. Police reported to the bor grew concerned about the noise. A Michael was driving her parents’ deaths. Atlanta Journal- Constitution that this may gun was put to her head gold BMW during the She will be serving a 50-year sentence have been more than a coincidence. but there were no accident. As a and her mother, who helped in the cover up, One of the trials involved the Nine Trey bullets fired. result of will serve eight years. Her father, a Marine, Blood gang members. Blood members at­ Four fleeing was away in the Middle East and continues tacked one of the former member's girl­ mem­ the to remain silent. friend, killed her 17-year-old son, and dog, Collectively, these cases involved eight Princess. deaths and 37 counts of indictment.

Three of Lawsuit Atlanta’s Public Revived Over School Districts the Production Under Formal of Atlanta Review Projects

Nadaa-Latifah Robinson Addison DeMoss Contributing Writer Contributing Writer nrobin 12 @ scmail .spelman .edu [email protected]

tlanta school board members was given a proverbial divided Georgia Supreme Court revived a lawsuit on Aslap in the face on Nov. 1 when they were told by Mark Nov. 1 claiming that a range of luxury Atlanta devel­ Elgart, president and CEO of AdvancED, that their ability to govern opments received unconstitutional tax breaks, threatening millions of the school system was “in serious jeopardy.” Furthermore, a staff member from dollars in incentives that went to upscale projects across the city. The court’s the one of the nation’s top accreditation agencies, the Southern Association of Colleges four to three decision found that a Fulton County judge had prematurely dismissed a 2009 and Schools (SACS) and its parent, AdvancED, would be by for a formal review. lawsuit filed by the Fulton County Taxpayers Foundation before thoroughly reviewing Over 200.000 students in three school districts are affected by this impromptu ac­ the information. Presiding Justice George Carley wrote that the complaint was dismissed creditation claim. This is not the first time that SACS came after one of Metro Atlanta’s without first establishing whether it was “arbitrary and unreasonable.” “It’s a wonderful school boards. In 2008, SACS revoked Clayton County Schools’ accreditation, and ruling for the taxpayers,” said John Sherman, president of the Fulton County Taxpayers they are still on probation. Foundation. “Giving 50 percent tax abatements to projects in wealthy areas like Midtown The SACS, with its ability to revoke accreditation, has a lot of power in the commu­ and Buckhead is an abomination of state law.” nity because loss of accreditation can affect federal funding and scholarships given to Sherman filed suit against the Fulton County Board of Assessors, claiming the tax breaks students, such as the HOPE scholarship. It also affects college acceptances, and even granted by the board for large developments in both Buckhead and Midtown were uncon­ the property values in that area. stitutional. Among the projects under development were The St. Regis Buckhead, The Perceptibly, the members of the Atlanta School Board are angry. Many feel that El­ InterContinental Buckhead and The Mandarin Oriental Hotel Midtown. It centers on a gart is overstepping his bounds and compromising the integrity of his agency since his formula the Fulton County Board of Assessors used to decide what the fair market value of desire to investigate the school system was prompted by a lawsuit brought by angry the properties should be. The lawsuit says that the board agreed to value the property at 50 board members, who wanted to overturn last month’s appointment of a new chairman percent of its fair market value and then to gradually increase it by five percent a year over and vice chairwoman. the life of the lease. According to Sherman, his lawsuit says this valuation method is illegal Some parents also feel that this accreditation hiccup is unnecessary. One parent, because it allows the developers to pay a lesser amount than their fair share of property Anne McGlamry, feels that Elgart is, “playing around with accreditation.” taxes because the properties were initially appraised at less than fair market value, leaving “You can’t do that to these kids. The loss of accreditation is not something that you others to pay the remaining amount. take back in a week,” McGlamry said. Sherman said the tax abatements should be used to develop new industry, such as the Kia The team will be in Atlanta on Dec. 9-10, focusing on board interaction and decision­ car plant in West Point, or new development in areas that are suffering economically. In­ making related to governance. stead, the Board of Assessors used the incentives to illegally fund projects that were built decades ago and for further development in upscale areas such as Midtown and Buckhead. “I am sure once the case goes forward, the facts will bear us out,” Sherman said. He estimated that “multi, multi millions of tax dollars” are being lost because of the tax breaks. Justice Carley stated, “The biggest issue in the case is whether the valuation method used by the Board of Assessors fairly sets the appropriate market value for the properties and that the method being used was not arbitrary or unreasonable.” Carley noted that Sherman had already presented an affidavit from a qualified expert real estate appraiser who said the board’s method does not fairly nor accurately determine fair market value.

• Recycle The Maroon Tiger November IO - 16,2010 www.themaroontiger.com 4 BUSINESS & TECHNOLOGY Christmas Sneaking Around the College Degrees That Aren’t Corner Sooner Rather Than Later Worth The Money Paid for Them Kamille Shine Layaway!” it encourages con­ list of “Nice and the Price is Reginauld Williams least money are: culinary arts, est starting pay out of all the Contributing Writer sumers to select items shortly Right.” Assoc. Bus & Tech Editor education and horticulture. college degrees researched. [email protected] after Halloween and make Some retailers have taken rwilliamsbla@gmail .com On average, culinary arts de­ Even though vast majorities payments every two weeks to the traditional aspects of grees, from starting to mid of people have issues related olidays are saturated online or at any Kmart store. preparing early for the holi­ here was once a time in career, pay between $35,900 to or involving these topics, with love, relatives, gift Marketers feel this option day crowds. Well renowned society when a person to $50,600. Education earns the number of employees Hgiving, and shopping. Manyallows consumers to avoid businesses such as Barneys Tstood a good chance of makbetween­ $35,100 to $54,900 involved spreads the funds consumers have experienced debt issues, stay within their New York and Macy's will ing a career without complet­ and horticulture make be­ abroad. the last-minute shopping di­ household budgets, and stra­ be unveiling their "Christmas ing four years in college, let tween $35,000 to $50,800. What do these majors mean lemmas of purchasing an item tegically plan out their perfect life themed window displays” alone high school. With the The fields they focused on are for students graduating from just because the store is at a holiday for all of the wants very soon for all to see. In­ introduction of standardized not out of the ordinary for this HBCUs? The fields of study convenient location, or on the and joys of their families. stead of feeling overjoyed, testing to school systems, that generation to consider, but is open to students at these his­ contrary, not having enough Various clothing companies consumers may feel over­ dream, for some, is slipping the love of work enough to toric institutions may seem time to weigh their options; and electronic stores have whelmed and grow tired of all further and further away. For carry someone through this more narrowed or focused on so they make their selection also increased their awareness the lights, Santas, and candy those fortunate enough to at­ tough economic time? a particular subject area and at random. of consumer shopping trends. canes galore. tend college with prices rag­ The middle tier of degrees culture, but it’s to inform the Major businesses and Last year Best Buy started its On Nov. 21, Coca-Cola will ing higher than ever before, are religious studies, making students of the heritage they wholesale distributors have Christmas campaign on Nov. air its first commercial called the chance should not be tak­ between $34,700 to $54,400, come from and the legacy begun the Christmas season 11, but this year it introduced "Snow Globe” featuring its en for granted. Most schools interior design, which yields they carry with them upon earlier due to the high de­ its first holiday ads for 2010 new song "Shake Up Christ­ have a fantastic range of pro­ $34,000 to $56,600, and art matriculation. Majoring in mands of marketers and ad­ on Monday, Nov. 1st. With mas.” Coca-Cola is viewed grams for students, but there $33,500 to $54,800. How­ what is best for you is the key vertisers, who have analyzed the heightened demand for the as a pioneer in the “Christ­ are some degrees that won't ever, theologists, designers, to making the most expensive the discrepancies within the latest technology, the masses mas themed campaigning” make nearly as much money and artists all have successful piece of paper you will ever shopping patterns of consum­ flock to stores earlier to gain industry. Their studies have as it costs to attend the col­ careers and touch lives abroad buy, worth it. As students pre­ ers. Marketers have examined a head start with the increased indicated consumers gravitate lege for a year. in ways most people cannot pare to exit and enter the next the increased uncertainty of comparison in shopping. toward more themed settings Recently CNN released an imagine. phase of their lives, remem­ shoppers as the season adds From television ads to radio versus a variety of holiday article in collaboration with Recreation and leisure bering what type of wealth a great deal of time con­ segments the famous slogan glitz and glamour. Coca-Cola PayScale.com about the nine ($33,300 to $53,200), athletic you want (monetary, happi­ straint and various pressures of "there’s going to be more has been running campaigns degrees that make the least training ($32,800 to $45,700) ness, or both) can make all the on their final purchases. With ways to save and more offers” with holiday themes since the amount of yearly income. The and social work ($31,800 difference when choosing the an assortment of products to will be the highlight of the 1930s. Advertisers prefer for top three majors that make the to $44,900) have the low­ ventures ahead. choose from, businesses have season. Sears has introduced you to stock up on toys rather begun advertising earlier to "Black Friday,” JC Penny has than Advil for the headaches increase the demand of con­ introduced "JCP ca$h - on the that follow large crowds and ■ B GLACEAO ■ * sumers and decrease their spot 20% savings," and Aber­ last minute shopping. vitammwater last-minute worries. crombie & Fitch has engaged So when you hear those Current television ads have its customers early with sleigh bells ringing early, just been flooded by the promo­ emails saying, “We're feeling know that the pressure is on tions of Kmart and their new naughty and sneaking Christ­ for you to head out and be a layaway plan for the Christ­ mas in early!” The race has wise shopper. Get ready for mas season. Titled, "Plan for begun and the challenge is to the holidays! a great holiday with Kmart be top priority on customers explaining the facebook pics of you and a goat, hard. Video Gaming Is A getting your vitamins, easy.

Man’s World, or Is It? i- Sescily R. Coney who play video games have reach of games,” said Simon Business and Tech Editor tended to be more male,” Carless, publisher of Game [email protected] Kathy Vrabeck, an executive Developer magazine. “They at Electronic Arts, said in a should be a universal art ideo games have been 2008 interview with the LA form.” a key factor within the Times. "So it's not surprising Others believe that the Vrealm of masculinity. Fromthat these boys grow up and compensation and schedule the dawn of Atari to the hype aspire to work in the indus­ really don't add to the recruit­ of NBA 2K11. it is mostly a try.” ment and retention of women discussion among men and Despite its overly frater­ in the gaming industry. Many their colleagues. Yet when a nal atmosphere accompanied believe that these are predes­ woman enters the conversa­ with recruiting parties featur­ tined in elementary school. tion and acknowledges her ing strippers, the video gam­ “It goes back to school, intense passion for video ing industry blames its work­ during those early years when gaming, she is treated in one ing atmosphere for the low you had that teacher who ei­ of two ways; she is either hit amounts of women game de­ ther encouraged you in math on or teased. This treatment velopers. and science or didn't,” said isn't only exercised through "When you sign on to a Gabrielle Toledano, execu­ (vitamin e + choline) a consumer's viewpoint, but game,” says former EA exec tive vice president of human etry flavored -+-atfier natural flavors also within the video gaming Bing Gordon in his LA Times resources at EA. industry itself. interview, “that's a two to “It's the same reason why According to the Entertain­ three year commitment, with the statistics on women en­ ment Software Association, a crunch mode of about 12 to rolling in (college] com­ excellent source of c and b vitamins this year, 40 percent of all 26 weeks at the end of that. puter science programs have 100% vitamin c video and online gamers are It's hard to be one of the top been way down. So, by the 40% vitamins b3 b5 b6 b1Z female. This is a steady, but 10 leads on a team and not put time we go out and hire, the 55 mg choline slight increase from the 38 CE electrolytes in the time. I know mothers in pool of candidates is already per 8 fi oz serving. 25 serongs per bottle percent that was seen in 2006. key line positions, and they skewed." The video gaming world, in have pretty difficult choices Major video gaming com­ nutrient enhanced water beverage its totality, has begun to em­ to make every single day.” panies are beginning to hire 20FL0Z(1.25PT) 591 mL brace its female admirers, but The salaries of those wom­ more women as game devel­ within the walls of develop­ en who do remain within the opers because it is their belief Í. .? B ment, this embracing is ab­ industry regardless of the that more women developers sent. strenuous schedule fail to increase the amount of wom­ The quantity of women equate to their male counter­ en consumers. The increase of as game developers is much parts. Women at all levels of female consumption creates introducing... smaller than those who actu­ the field earned an average of an increase for marketing spe­ ally buy and play the games. $64,643 last year, while men cific for female gamers. With According to a 2005 survey earned $74,459, according to women steadily playing as connect spark conducted by the Internation­ a 2007 survey by Game De­ many, or more, video games (caffeine + 8 key nutrients) (vitamin e + choline) al Game Developers Associa­ veloper magazine. than males, it’s plausible that tion, only 11.5 percent of the “It's important for women the industry will mold into a ■ participants were women. to be involved creatively be­ different mindset and allot "Historically, the people cause we need to broaden the women better opportunities. * ¿ Recycle The Maroon Tiger 1 I THE JOURNALISM AND SPORTS PROGRAM PRESENTS.... Hawks Broadcaster & Ex-NBA Player


Thursday Nnv. 1 1, 6 p.m. Kilgore Center 2nd Floor Seminar Room

• Longtime television analyst • 1C-YEAR NBA GUARD KNOWN AS “THE STINGER” FOR HIS LONG-RANGE SHOOTING • Expert on abolitionist Frederick Douglass • Collector of rare books and articles about BLACK HEROES, INCLUDING EARLY IBDD’S ATHLETES • Author of “Lessons From My Library”


• Recycle The Maroon Tiger November 10 - 16,2010 www.themaroontiger.com 6 FEATURES NBA Star Makes Presence Known at Morehouse Elizabeth Sawyer chapter of Kappa Alpha Psi ter, making it the first hos­ cal and sexual responsibility year,” Mutumbo said. "Dr. Robert Franklin, president of Features Editor Fraternity Inc. pital to be constructed in the within the Black community. Franklin is trying to get [you] Morehouse College, came to [email protected] Most remember Mutumbo Congo for decades. The hos­ He stressed the idea that the to understand that there is speak with the distinguished as one of the most dominant pital is named after Mutm- trends and changes affecting life after college and the Five guest. t was a cold and wet day centers to ever play in the bo's mother, who died from African-Americans will be­ Wells prepare you for that.” Soon after Franklin's ar­ under a sky of steel gray NBA. The four-time NBA health complications exac­ gin with us and that is why it Mutumbo also stressed rival, everyone who attended Ibut the awful weather did Player of the Year and eight­ erbated by a lack of medical is so important that we prac­ the importance of getting in­ the reception witnessed an not stop the crowds. Stu­ time NBA All-Star played resources. tice pragmatism and consci­ volved not only in our com­ amazing meeting of minds dent after student filed into college at George­ Mutumbo’s service-mind­ entiousness. It was very clear munity, but also in Africa. He that one should only be so the African-American Hall town University and was se­ ed mentality began many that Mutumbo was eager to spoke about the disconnect lucky to see. Andrew Young, of Fame in the Martin Lu­ lected fourth overall in the years ago. Growing up in hear from the students be­ that exists between African- esteemed Civil Rights lead­ ther King Jr. International 1991 NBA draft. Mutumbo the Democratic Republic of cause he spoke for only a few Americans and their ancestral er; former congressman; and Chapel. Soon the number of played the game for 18 years, Congo, Mutumbo witnessed minutes and then opened the home of Africa. “I don’t know former mayor of Atlanta, people began to outnumber spending five of those years some of the most painful floor for questions. why. Not a lot of minorities walked into the reception the chairs and students were right here in Atlanta. He re­ examples of the dangers of Students asked questions want to travel... [And there and gave his greetings to asked to add rows to accom­ tired in 2009 and returned to lacking vital resources. He mainly relating to Africa, is] not a lot of interest from both men. Digital cameras, modate the growing assem­ Atlanta, the city he now calls came to America in 1987 to particularly China’s current African-Americans about camera phones, and video bly. As the audience finally home. attend Georgetown Universi­ investment in the continent. finding out about the Black cameras were flashing left settled in, there was an obvi­ Mutumobo’s prominent ty with every intention of be­ Mutumbo ardently stated race,” Mutumbo said. “Either and right, trying to capture ous hum of excitement about basketball career was not the coming a doctor and bringing that he was in favor of the because they do not care, or this momentous and once- the room. purpose for his visit, though. his skills back to the Congo. Chinese and their actions in they just don't want to know.” in-a-lifetime occasion. The Amidst the buzz, the He was here to speak about Mutumbo’s towering height Africa, because he firmly He went on to beseech the men reposed in a conference source of all of the antici­ his interminable determina­ caught the attention of the believed that their relation­ audience to travel globally. room and after a time, select pation somehow managed tion to help others. Mutumbo basketball coach and natural­ ship was benefiting Africa. "My best advice,” Mutumbo students were allowed to en­ to sneak into the room. It is is a noted humanitarian and ly he requested that Mutum­ He called attention to the said, “Try to find a way to ter and converse with these difficult to imagine a man of a prime example of a global bo join the team; Mutumbo fact that Europeans stole explore the world a little bit. three great men and ask them seven feet two inches sneak­ citizen. While with the NBA, acquiesced. In addition to African resources for centu­ Maybe you can learn a lot and questions. ing anywhere, but he did. Dr. he did multiple service trips deciding to play basketball, ries. whether it were bodies open your eyes. It is good to Dikemebe Mutumbo’s visit Gregory Hall and then Dr. with organizations such as Mutumbo decided to change or minerals, and gave abso­ study in the books but it is was worth every ounce of the Laura Seay, both of the po­ Basketball Beyond Borders his major. Instead of remain­ lutely nothing to the conti­ also good to see.” excitement that came before litical science department, and was recently named the ing on a pre-med track, he nent in return. Mutumbo said Mutumbo spoke until the it. Mutumbo himself gave took the microphone to give NBA’s Global Ambassador. chose to double major in di­ that unlike Europe, China is very end of his allotted hour rousing speech and through thanks and express exultation In 1997, he started the Dike- plomacy and linguistics. Mu­ exchanging and allowing Af­ and expressed gratitude to his interaction with the stu­ about the events to come. mebe Mutumbo Founda­ tumbo’s naturally kind nature rica to grow. the audience and Morehouse dents, showed his kind heart Seay gave a sparkling intro­ tion Inc. The purpose of the combined with the training Mutumbo also expressed staff for allowing him to and sharp mind. There is no duction of the guest of honor: foundation is to improve the he received at Georgetown great appreciation for the work come. Mutumbo signed au­ doubt that Mutumbo intel­ Dikembe Mutumbo. health, quality of life, and and his prominent position in being done at Morehouse tographs and took pictures lectually stimulated his audi­ On Nov. 3, humanitarian educational opportunities for the world of sports combined College. When The Maroon for his adoring fans and then ence but by telling his story and former NBA star Dike- people in the Democratic Re­ to create a springboard for Tiger asked Mutumbo about made his way to a reception and perpetuating the call to mebe Mutumbo came to public of Congo, Mutumbo’s his great acts of service. his opinion on the Five Wells, in his honor in the Leader­ service and equality that men Morehouse College to speak native country. In 2007. the The idea of global respon­ he agreed that each of them ship Center. Students and such as Dr. Franklin and An­ to AUC students. The event Dikembe Mutumbo Founda­ sibility and citizenship was were essential. “I had to wear faculty swarmed around Mu­ drew Young have put forth, was hosted by the Morehouse tion finished construction on the pith of his talk. He spoke a suit to work as a basketball tumbo, asking questions and more than anything, he in­ College political science de­ the Biamba Marie Mutumbo on his admiration for More­ player everyday for 18 years. expressing gratitude for his spired everyone who heard partment and the “Grand” Pi Hospital and Research Cen­ house to the dire need for fis­ Multiply that by 82 games a visit. The crowd parted as Dr. his words. Mays Lecture Series CASA Hosts Annual Attempts to Define Disabilities Awareness Week Masculinity in Fraternalism Sierra Stokes Associate Features Editor Disabilities Awareness Forum Darrvl Hawkins slideshow, entitled “Disturbed with animals in his next point, [email protected]. Contributing Writer About Man: Visual Represen­ “Man as Animal." edu Thursday, Nov. 11 ♦ 7PM mr_hawkins [email protected] tations of Manhood Through In Kimbrough’s last two Sale Hal, Chape, Fraternalism," discussed five points "Man Loving Man" ook closely and you will orehouse College of Kimbrough’s observations. and “Man As Woman.” he Lnotice that a change has Mhosted its 19th Annual In his first point, "Man As raised a concent of homosex­ come over Morehouse’s cam­ “My vision for Disabilities contact with disabled individ­ Benjamin E. Mays lecture Savages,” Kimbrough pre­ ual men as it relates to mascu­ pus this week. A friend is now Awareness Week was to shed uals,” Hayes said. “They say series on Nov. 2. This year's sented his theory on how linity. He introduced his audi­ wearing vision-impaired gog­ light upon the issue,” Hayes you don't know about a man lecture, entitled “Defining the term "hazing” and its ence to fraternities that were gles; students have ear plugs said. “I think the issue of be­ until you walk a mile in his Manhood: A Visual Expecta­ ideas stemmed from intel­ created specifically for ho­ and headphones over their ing disabled in today’s so­ shoes, and I think this would tion of Masculinity Through lectual communities such as mosexual men such as Delta ears to out all sounds; ciety, let alone on a college be the perfect opportunity for Fraternalism,” gave its audi­ Ivy League schools. These Phi Upsilon and Greek orga­ suddenly a large number of campus, is something that students to get a glimpse of a ence a critical analysis of the institutions would take their nizations for men whose main students are now on crutches; very few people pay attention disabled individual's way of images that Greek organiza­ freshmen through a series goal is to imitate sororities. someone who was running to to. life.” tions. particularly fraternities, of tests to prove their worth. This particular point harped classes just yesterday is now “However, if we take a Students can expect activi­ portray in society. The audi­ Kimbrough also discussed on the issue of homosexual­ in a wheelchair. The source deeper look, we will see that ties and campus involvement ence consisted of students, the types of Greek chapters ity and homoeroticism in the of all of this change is the there are a number of students related to the issue during the Greek and non-Greek alike, where people pledge the hard­ Black community, an issue Campus Alliance for Student on Morehouse’s campus week. Flyers and signs will as well as influential figures est, which are called “death that has been a sore spot at Activities (CASA) and their alone that have disabilities. I be posted around campus such as President Robert chapters.” Along with the dis­ Morehouse College since the choice to host Disabilities think it is important for More­ through out the week provid­ Franklin, former president of cussion, he showed graphic release of the “Mean Girls of Awareness Week. house students to be aware of ing information about certain Morehouse Leroy Keith, and images that were used as pro­ Morehouse College" article Too often young adults pass those around us, and to keep disabilities and the struggles the current general president motion. such as pledges being in Vibe Magazine. by people with disabilities and in mind that it could happen those with disabilities face. of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity hanged. He also pointed out Kimbrough's presentation never think of what it would to us too.” At the beginning of the week, Inc., Henry “Skip” Mason. many of the Greek chapters’ was highly controversial and be like to be in their situation. Although having a disabil­ certain student leaders, mem­ The keynote speaker was hazing sessions that have re­ a source of heated debate dur­ Or even worse, some decide ity is not a personal matter for bers of administration and Dr. Walter M. Kimbrough, a sulted in negative outcomes. ing the question and answer to make fun of those who lack Hayes. He has worked with various other students, will be member of Alpha Phi Alpha One example he gave was the portion. It almost goes with­ the ability to complete tasks the event before and feels it selected to simulate a disabil­ Fraternity Inc. Kimbrough 2004 hazing incident that took out saying that students left with impaired issues. CASA is imperative that everyone be ity for the entire week. There is the president of Philander place at Emory University. the lecture with their minds noticed this problem and de­ informed about the topic. In will be a blind-maze activity Smith College and the author In part two of his slide show, full of new information, opin­ cided to dedicate a week to addition to ensuring that stu­ in the middle of the campus of the book “Black Greek “Man Is Sexist,” Kimbrough ions, and ideas. Having Dr. the issue. More specifically, dents are better informed, he on Wednesday afternoon. The 101: The Culture, Customs, discussed the levels of explo­ Kimbrough speak at the Mays Charles Hayes IV, recognized would also like others to have purpose of the maze is for and Challenges of Black ration as it relates to the re­ Lecture not only stirred con­ the issue and felt it was his more respect for the disabled. those students not selected to Fraternities and Sororities.” vealing photos of women be­ troversy, but also showed that duty to bring awareness to the “I hope that students will experience what it feels like Kimbrough gave a slide show ing displayed on Greek event after almost two decades, the ignorance of others without establish a sense of respect to be blind, even if it is only of statistics and extensive re­ flyers and party promotions. lecture series continues to be disabilities. for those students that are for a few minutes. There also search that he has collected Kimbrough also called atten­ an effective tool in teaching Hayes had a very clear vi­ disabled, as well as an un­ will be an Awareness Forum from observing his own fra­ tion to Black Greek organi­ the students of Morehouse to sion for Disabilities Aware­ derstanding of the etiquette on Thursday evening at 7 ternity as well as others. The zations’ tendency to affiliate be critical thinkers. ness Week. involved when we come in p.m. in Sale Hall Chapel. » ¿ Recycle The Maroon Tiger I 1 W 9| 1|j| ' w ■ 1 r | ,<^H| z


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Recycle The Maroon Tiger November IO - 16,2010 www.themaroontiger.com 8 OPINIONS Talking A Lot, But Not Saying Much: A Lack of True AUC Unity Dionne Hopkins sentative kings and queens of been rubbed the wrong way; to see a man of Morehouse Contributing Writer each school, answer a series otherwise, there is no need participate in a Clark Atlan­ dionne.hopkins@hotmail. of questions. Only a handful for a discussion of the con­ ta pageant. All these things com of questions are given to the flicts among each school. are little steps that show big questions panelists. Those few are not What irritates me more so progress in each school’s at­ ne of the most irritating typically controversial ones, than the lack of AUC unity tempt at unity. Mr. Taeky-if-youTe-Nastv feelings in the world oc­ such that actually adhere to is the synthetic, pretentious To say the least, I'm a little Ocurs when people start tellingthe problems in the AUC. A mask that tries to hide the put off by some of the piti­ Two-Faced Deceiver [email protected] a story or their opinion and lot of times the host and pan­ prejudice we all feel toward ful attempts towards AUC before they even complete elists blame time restraint for other institutions. It’s a cal­ unity. I guess there aren’t their thought, they say, “Nev­ the lack of pinpointing the is­ lous front to hide that, on the many people who make a 1. Why were some people so hurt by last week's er mind." A inside of these weak panel conscious effort. I purpose­ person remaining sues. questions? silent on an issue that needs If, in fact, the administra­ discussions, no one truly fully chose to write for The 2. Was there too much TRUTH? to be addressed can be just tion over such panel discus­ wants AUC unity. Maroon Tiger to show that 3. Does your "girLfriend" know you're Parading around as bothersome. What’s even sions were so passionate If AUC unity was the goal, I want to be more involved Morehouse as an undercover church queen? worse is when someone only about getting these issues all three institutions, not just in other institutions, not just 4. Or does she think you're a good ol"'RENAISSANCE discusses a topic as much as resolved, don’t you think CAU, would make a greater my own. What better way to ''G it'..’’ MAN"? to not offend others even if that an hour and a half isn’t effort. get an understanding of the 5. Speaking of church, is he one of the boys that the the truth must be told. For nearly as much time as we This is not to say that I atmosphere and ideas from some strange reason these need to discuss the problems don’t appreciate the efforts another school than to get in­ bishop took on one of those LONG trips? annoying instances continue among Morehouse, CAU, of Morehouse and Spelman. volved in their newspaper. 6. Was he trying to deliver him to a "New Birth", or was to happen when discussing and Spelman. However, I’d like to see the Well, people make time for he just being a MISSIONARY? AUC unity or the lack there­ This is not to bash the pan­ AUC court consist of more what they feel strongly about, 7. What aBout his Weird friend? of. elists or host. If I were hold­ Spelmanites and Morehouse and AUC unity is one of the 8. Does anybody know why he talks like that? 1 suppose that the leader­ ing a major title at my school, students, seeing as though things that I feel deserves my 9. Isn't his speech a lot more PROPER than his attire ship within each school feels I doubt I'd speak the truth as the sole purpose of the court time. most of the time? compelled to unite each insti­ bluntly as I’d like, in hopes is AUC unity. Currently, all Dionne Hopkins is a soph­ 10. Isn't it ironic that both of them get dressed in the tution, yet the way they are respect to my school and my of the members of the AUC omore at Clark Atlanta Uni­ DARK? going about doing so is less title. No one wants to lose a court are CAU students. versity from Baltimore, Md. 11. Wouldn't it be beneficial for them to install some than satisfactory. The wa­ good thing over a little panel In contrast, I think we’d all Majoring in political sci­ lights while they're IN the CLOSET? tered down forums and panel discussion that affects every­ be shocked if the next Miss ence, she was the Freshman 12. Speaking of closets, why are you always KarryinG discussions are a waste of all one, not just I, right? Maroon and White was actu­ Class representative for the your iPad to EVERY Morehouse function? students’ time. The topics that ought to be ally a woman from Clark At­ CAU Political Science Asso­ 13. Did you notice that cruella de vil changed her hair Every year the “Date 'em discussed to get to the root of lanta University. ciation and aims to become back to normal? at Clark and Marry 'em at the issues are always mulled Some people would prob­ a political science professor 14. Does (s)he think tucking her pants into her socks is Spelman" debate is held and over and lightly touched on, ably assume the world is upon graduation. Hopkins FASHIONABLE? every year the same issues in fear of rubbing people the coming to an end due to this currently serves as CAU’s 15. Did (s)he realize that her CANKLES were showmg? are brought up. The panel­ wrong way. extraordinary phenomenon. Miss Political Science. 16. Did the PRETTY GIRLS not pick you because you ists, who tend to be the repre- News flash - everyone has I'd also be more than happy gained too much weight over the summer? 17. Maybe girls your siZe are better suited Phor the Blue and white76 ' What Does It Mean To Be ‘Black?’ 18. Was your weekend a little COLD? 19. Will their return be a PHROZEN nightmare for the Anthony Galloway Jr with skin tones that covered a Black version. competition? Staff Writer a wide range of the color Unfortunately these 20. Or will they fall viQtim to the other Kampus [email protected] spectrum. Black people were Black alternatives organizations? ■Ij no longer just Black; they are not constructive 6 4 Tam not Black, nor do I were brown, light brown, to the Black culture. ’ Got questions? Send them to [email protected] Xconsider myself to be dark brown, tan, yellow, etc. The stereotype of Black.” However, there seemed to Black parenting often These are the words of the be a universal understanding involves a great deal o,\ famous Boondocks cartoon that Black would continue of verbal and physi­ character. Uncle Ruckus. to describe all people of Af­ cal discipline that noi obtcK. Uncle Ruckus is what ap­ rican ancestry. Due to an in­ borders on the line of pears to be a Black male, yet crease in racial tolerance and abuse. Talking Black he honestly and completely interracial love, one could means speaking in hates Black people. Ruckus easily be of multi-continental slang and not using Join us for our General despises Black culture so descent but it seems to be un­ proper grammar. Act­ much that even after being derstood that even if you are ing Black involves a Body Meeting on tested for his genetic ethnic­ a little bit Black, that would belligerent and sup­ ity, he denies the 100 percent be your dominant racial de­ posed 'hood persona. Thursday, Nov. I Ith, African American results and scription. Almost always, does everything he can to However, the Black identi­ when the word Black 2010, at 6 p.m. in Kilgore serve and please “the white ty does not stop at a lopsided is used to describe man.” From his many cha­ description of your ancestral alternative behavior, and not If this is the attitude and Hall 2nd Floor Seminar rades, the term “Uncle Ruck­ origin or an incorrect depic­ just something heavily popu­ expectancy of Black people, us mentality” was coined. tion of your skin color. Be­ lated with Black people, it then you can count me out. Room! The Uncle Ruckus mental­ ing Black describes an entire usually refers to something So many negative and embar­ ity describes a growing num­ way of life. that is sub-par. rassing things are attached to ber of people in the United There are several well- As stated before, the la­ the Black identity, and too States. They are Black people known stereotypes that Black bel of Black doesn't apply often Black people embrace who hate or strongly dislike people are lazy, always late, only to those Black in skin these awful images and wear other Black people and Black love fried chicken, are the best or those of African descent. them like a crown. culture. To pinpoint why one dancers, make great athletes, Now, even a white guy can I think that some Black The Maroon Tiger is published weekly during the academic year at Morehouse would discriminate against are hypersexual, and are igno­ be Black if he sags his pants, people need to either change College. Our goal is to maintain an their own race, I think it’s rant in speech and behavior. or uses Ebonics. White girls their title or change their independent editorial policy. Opinions important to attempt to ex­ This short and incomplete list can be black if they learn character, because I don’t expressed in 77ie Maroon Tiger are solely plain exactly what it means is only a few of the charac­ how to "twerk.” want to be associated with the views of its staff and do not necessarily to be Black and what Black teristics and behaviors com­ Taking this understand­ a culture that endorses fool­ reflect the opinion of Morehouse College, its administration, or The Maroon Tiger culture is. monly associated with being ing back to the concept of ishness. If those changes are advisors. Commentaries solely represent the Long ago, the American Black. There is also a list of the Uncle Ruckus mentality, not made, I’ll start filling in views of the author and are not necessarily economy was fueled by slave social elements that fall into one can see that it's not up­ “other” on surveys and tests, the opinion of The Maroon Tiger. We believe labor. Those slaves were Black culture that can be de­ pity Black people looking or maybe I’ll write in Light all advertising to be correct but cannot imported from West Africa, scribed and understood simply down on others. It's those Brown American. guarantee its accuracy or be responsible for its outcome. where the indigenous people by being described as Black. who refuse to sink down to Anthony Galloway Jr. is The Maroon Tiger welcomes your views on had Black skin. Thus an un­ There’s talking black, acting the lower standards African a sophomore at Morehouse any public issue. We routinely edit letters derstandable nickname was black, black dancing, black Americans are setting for College. Majoring in stu­ for space and correct errors in spelling and applied - Blacks. Over hun­ music, black fashion, black themselves. Not only do we dio art, Galloway aspires to punctuation. Letters as well as commentaries dreds of years. Blacks began parenting, the black man’s behave in a less than digni­ become an architect after must be 300 words or less, typed, signed and should include a full address and telephone to lose their color saturation. struggle, and many more. fied manner, but we label this graduate school. He currently number. People of different ethnicities But all of these imply that behavior Black - altering the serves as the Freshmen Class and colors began to blend. there is a normal method for identity and redefining the Coordinator for the Bonner This resulted in an America doing things and then there’s culture with elements of ig- Office of Community Service. Recycle The Maroon Tiger

I November IO - 16,2010 www.themaroontiger.com OPINIONS 9 The Big Black Elephant in a Room Full of (White) Joes

Karen Bullock Associate Opinions Editor karenalisebullock<&gmail. com

ver spiked apple cider and Halloween-themed Ocookies, 1 made social with white people where I am, as usual and to my great de­ light, the token Black, the ra­ cial guru, the splash of color on an all-white palette. Not since high school, excluding a handful of informal class reunions, have I been the one sole Black figure in a setting. The general swing of the eve­ ning made rne wonder about race relations in America. Are America’s modern liber­ als post-racial or contentedly racist? Political correctness was dulled by warm whiskey in the course of the evening and and level of education. They taboo subjects. I noticed that what this equality, to discount the ex­ racism as soon as the jokes my host and his friends found weren’t all Black people, but However, I also find that in group found humorous was periences and struggles of start flying or do I listen in si­ it appropriate to take turns they were mostly Black, and pushing the racial envelope, not only Black, but all that non-white and non-American lence, taking account of their sharing funny videos from while Joe’s friends didn't there is a subtle reassertion of was non-white, non-middle women, because they are so racial misunderstandings? YouTube. The videos were seem to be racist, Blackness white supremacy. There is an class and uneducated. unlike their own. These are yet questions unan­ universally funny, at first - seemed to be a target of ridi­ interest in cultural differenc­ Despite my discomfort, I There in Joe’s living room swered as 1 continue to try to Antoine Dodson, leprechauns cule in itself. es, but then those differences wanted to understand the per­ was a group of white Ameri­ understand how to turn casual in Alabama, an autistic kid at The irreverent middle class are made ridiculous in com­ spective of my new friends. cans who were so accus­ conversation into a ground­ a book signing. has managed to ridicule ev­ parison to their own cultural They didn't seem to be mo­ tomed to measuring normalcy breaking communicative ac­ But soon enough 1 got to erything from religion, to normality. While watching tivated by hate, so much as against their own experienc­ tivity. feeling like a big Black el­ death, to race and racism. one video, one house guest a misguided desire to tackle es. I’d like to assume that they Karen Bullock is a gradu­ ephant in the room. They seem to believe that all found it appropriate to laugh the taboo. With that, I began were unwittingly perpetuat­ ating senior of Spelman Col­ Joe (not his actual name) is fair game for comedy. I find at the boxer-basketball shorts- to wonder what was so wrong ing white supremacist views lege. Majoring in English. and his friends were being en­ it somewhat relieving to be sweatpants combination of with their laughter and why - especially since they were Bullock hopes to further her tertained in a way that made able to discuss everything so some YouTube character. 1 was so uncomfortable. In so decidedly against the Tea literary accomplishments by me feel racially offended. openly: to engage their inter­ For me to chime in would her article “Pedagogies of Party. becoming a full-time writer They found it appropriate to est in racial issues and then be to laugh at every brother, Crossing,” Jacqui Alexan­ What, then, is the respon­ after graduation. ridicule these YouTube stars dismiss our differences with boy cousin, and Black man der discusses the tendency of sibility of the token Negro for their cultural differenc­ humor. I find that it allows us under the age of 40 that I’ve post-modern White feminists, friend? I’ve been grappling es: choice of dress, dialect, to open dialogue and discuss ever met. ~ despite a desire for gender with the question. Do I cry

In Memory of Paul Martin...

Remembering Paul

It seems as though it was just yesterday that we brought our son, Paul was an outgoing, fun-loving young man with a bright Paul Martin, to begin his college years at Morehouse. We were future that was ended by a cruel act. As his mother 1 want to filled with a sense of pride and hope not only at NSO but each time cherish his memory and hope to establish an ongoing fund in his we visited the campus. Now since the senseless, cruel tragedy of name in the near future. I would also like to ask any of his friends Paul's death, we are filled with pain and hopelessness. Despite our or instructors at Morehouse to write memories of Paul and forward grief, we are appreciative to Morehouse for the support and them to me at my e-mail address Djrmdl (ftzaol.com . These shared organization of Paul’s memorial service that was held Nov.20, memories mean a lot to me. I have written a poem about losing 2008. We have had an outpouring of support and kindness from Paul that is printed below. Please continue to keep us in your our friends in Michigan, with many friends and family making prayers. donations to Morehouse in Paul’s memory. We matched the donations and were able to send $3500.00 to Morehouse in Paul’s Diane and George Richards memory.

WTJ îPOfy’rcDWVÇiTtE Eve stored adyour memories in my heart hut despite that there's stiff an empty part

dChat I wouldn't give to... see your smite There's no question Jd give my [ife. for yours hiss your cheeff what 1 wouldn'tgive to have let you hve or even hear you speaff

Tidy oh why have you gone so soon... we didn't do ad the things we meant to do id- . fLcnU'ld dMf

'What I woufdn't give to... have it the way it used to he me there for you and you there for me

Recycle The Maroon Tiger November IO - 16.2010 www.themaroontiger.com 10 ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT N.E.R.D. Nothing’ Review Fabulations, a Taylor Williams Associate A&E Editor [email protected] Spelman Drama fter a two-year hiatus, the rock/psychedelic rap group AN.E.R.D. is back with their new album “Nothing.” Fans have anticipated the release of this album after the success of Production “,” which is viewed by many as their best work. It is safe to say that “Nothing” channels a different sound than Spencer Greene As Undine struggles with their previous . A&E Editor acknowledging the home she The album begins with the fast-paced party record, cleverly [email protected] left behind, she must deal titled “Party People.” The track features Atlanta rapper T.I., with social services and attend who changes up his usual southern relaxed flow to keep up ossibly their most pub­ meetings for recovering drug with the fast pace of the track. The following is a track-by­ licized production of addicts. Every once in awhile track review of the rest of the album: Pthe semester, Spelman Colshe­ flashes back to images of lege’s department of drama her Latin lover who stole her • "Hypnotize U” - With a more tranquil feel, the track’s hyp­ and dance presented the play, money. The dialogue between notic beat fits Pharrell's whispered falsetto perfectly. 'Tabulation: the Re-educa­ her and Herve is comical; • “Help Me” - One of the more experimental songs on the tion of Undine,” directed by they engage in a tango scene, album. This could be a hit or miss depending on the lis­ Marion Wright. It's the story which is well choreographed. tener. The song is similar to “Sooner or Later" from the of a successful Black woman After some small, unneces­ “Seeing Sounds” album, with its transitions from the mel­ who forgets where she comes sary scenes and monologues. low verses to the explosive hook. from and her struggles as she Undine meets a guy in the • “Victory"- is the next track and it has a heavy sound N.E.R .D. song. This can be viewed as another inspirational must return to her home. The recovering drug addicts meet­ that drives the pace of the track. The sound and lyrical con­ track, written to send a positive message to the younger theme and script was a bit ing who is interested in her. tent of this song is a bit different from what N.E.R.D. has generation. outdated, but was performed Although their connection done in the past. It is inspirational in some ways; reminis­ • “Life as a Fish" - A very mellow track with heavy, crash­ by a stellar cast and commit­ isn’t focused on much, he cent of a speech a coach would give his team before they ing instrumentation on the song’s hook. The song appears ted production team. seems to play a major role in perform in a championship game. to be a song about war from the mind of a fish. The play begins with the the end of the play. Their con­ • “Perfect Defect” - Homs are often the accompanying • "Nothing on You" - The pace of the album picks back up main character. Undine nection could have been ex­ sound throughout the album but they are perhaps most with this song. The song is simply an ode to the "it" girl Barnes, sitting at her desk plored more. prominent on this track. The song features a rattling drum who has everything going for her and no other girl comes in her luxurious office, ram­ Toward the end of the play. beat and melodic keys that conform to Pharrell’s smooth close to. bling. Played by Adrianna Undine is confronted by fam­ voice. • “Hot N Fun" - This is the first hit single from the album Mitchell, Undine is the epito­ ily and begins to understand • “I've Seen the Light/Inside the Clouds" - This song is defi­ and features Nelly Furtado. This is another party song me of a stuck-up woman; she their animosity toward her. In nitely the highlight of "Nothing.” The sound of the lone which is just as its title says: hot and fun. flaunts her success, bosses her her last addicts meeting, she tenor sax stands out on this track, giving it a jazz/hip-hop incompetent assistant around, has a conversation with her fusion feel. This track just simply works; all the compo­ For N.E.R.D. fans "Nothing" is exactly what you would ex­ and speaks down to everyone newfound love interest and nents of this track mesh well together. The second half of pect from the group. But it is far from the sound that was pres­ in her presence. Through her decides to vent everything the song "Inside the Clouds” has a more relaxed and sooth­ ent on their first album "In Search of..." It is an experimental soliloquy, the audience is in­ she’s learned from her situ­ ing feel, a perfect ending to the song. sound that has pushed the group in a different direction. The troduced to her conflict, well, ation. Shortly after her vent, • “God Bless Us AH” - Another horn-heavy song. The track album takes you on a ride that you don't w ant to get off of. It one of many, and her forgot­ she goes into labor. The set starts with what sounds like a leftover beat from one of is definitely worth the listen for anyone who wants to take a ten past. is changed to a delivery room the albums but then shifts to a typical sounding break from typical hip-hop. As cliché as possible, she’s and she gives birth - that con­ head of a high-profile fashion cludes the play. More empha­ public relations company and sis could've been placed on becomes bankrupt after her developing a stronger ending Latin lover, Herve, empties instead of pointless scenes in 's Man On The Moon II: out her bank account. At the the middle. same time, she finds out she is Overall, the play was pregnant—not to mention her entertaining and success­ ex-boyfriend was a rapper. ful. Although it was rather The Legend of Mr. Rager It’s not quite clear how that long, the audience was en­ information was relevant to gaged throughout the two the plot, but it was stressed in hours. However, the dia­ Joshua Moore derstand what you’re hear­ music, the album wouldn’t things that still trouble him. the play. Twenty minutes into logue seemed a bit outdated; Staff Writer ing.” be complete without a The final song on the album, the two-hour long play and so with the use of terms such as j_moore20 @ yahoo .com While the first album took Kanye feature, which comes "Trapped In My Mind" is a much is already happening. “chicken head” and “I'm dig­ us into Cudi’s dreams, this in during the song, "Erase full acceptance of his reality. With no money. Undine is ging you.” cott "Kid Cudi" Mescudi album brings us into his re­ Me." discussing a love gone Cudi raps “Now it's a gift forced to return home to the Additionally, the light invites listeners into his ality that is represented by awry. However, possibly and a curse since my birth I family she abandoned. Each cues were a bit late at times. Spersonal therapy sessionshis dual personalities. Scott overshadowing Kanye’s fea­ I'm in prison I oh I'm happy member in her family was Though the character of Un­ as he navigates through the Mescudi possesses one side ture is the other G.O.O.D. right where I'm at / You see a security guard, except her dine seemed to be cliché at highs and lows of life on his of it, as the socially con­ music family assisted track, I'm trapped in my mind I grandmother who was a her­ moments, Mitchell did a great beautifully crafted sopho­ scious son of a teacher deal­ “The End,” featuring Chip and I know it’s crazy I hey oin addict whom everyone job of bringing her to life. Ac­ more release, “Man On The ing with issues of loneli­ tha Ripper, and it's not that bad at all.” thinks has diabetes. How one tors Leland Fowler and Victo­ Moon II: The Legend of Mr. ness, depression, drugs, and G.O.O.D. music member Once the last song fin­ can mistake a heroin addic­ ria Burwell and other charac­ Rager.” women. These problems GLC. The track finds Cudi ishes, the listener may very tion for diabetes doesn't quite ters did great work as well. As the follow-up to last provide much of the motive addressing his drug addic­ well realize that this is one of make sense, but the actors do Eric Mosley provided com­ year’s Complex Magazine for the actions of the char­ tion. He narrates. "I see that the most musically ground­ a good job of portraying it on ic relief as Herve, until his Best Album of the Year, acters in "Act II: A Stronger I’m caught...it's something breaking and emotionally stage. Undine goes to the cor­ serious monologue toward “Man on the Moon II” Trip,” which narrates the like a spiritual healer that riveting albums released in ner to buy drugs for her addict the end when confronted proves to be just as good if character's experiences with could end me I I think that's a while. The listener sees grandmother and gets caught by Undine. Mosley delivers not better than it’s prede­ drugs with stand out tracks, the part I find intriguing / I'm Cudi at his lowest points, his by the police. Now that she greatly, but the words seem cessor. Gone from this al­ "Marijuana” and “Mojo so fiending." And perhaps over­ drug-induced highest points has lost her husband, career to lack substance. The set de­ bum are the pop singles that Dope.” “Act III: Party On" shadowing both G.O.O.D. and in the end, he comes full and money, she also adds con­ sign was well done. It’s ob­ jumpstarted his career like can be summed up perfectly artist features, are not one, circle to an acceptance of victed felon to her resume. vious the drama department "Day ‘n’ Nite” and “Make by the track, “Wild’n Cuz but two features from Mary. life on his own terms. There At the end of the first act, an worked hard to put on a great Her Say.” Instead, listeners I'm Young.” J Blige, who assists Cudi on is no gimmick, there is only hour had passed and a major­ production; their work paid are treated to 17 tracks bro­ On the other side, there the tracks “Don't Play This Kid Cudi. While many mu­ ity of the crowd was anxious off. The actual play itself was ken up into five acts, which is Mr. Rager who serves al­ Song" and “These Worries.” sic critics and listeners are to begin the second act; anx­ takes us through the mind- most as an anti-hero that al­ In the final act of the al­ still making up their mind a bit scattered and the script ious to see what other drama frame of Mr. Rager, Cudi's lows Kid Cudi to escape all bum, “Act V: You Live and on their feelings toward wasn't cohesive. All in all, awaited Undine and perhaps alter-ego of sorts who, since his perils. In “Act IV: The you Learn,” Cudi comes to Cudi and his music, Cudi Fabulations was a success for how much longer the play his last album, has dove into Transformation,” the alter- terms with his actual reality. understands. Toward the end the drama department. would be. acting on HBO’s “How to ego track, “Mr. Rager,” sees On “All Along” he comes of the album he raps, “Hope Make It In America,” got­ Scott begging Mr. Rager to to terms with his lack of they understand, that I really ten into altercations with tell him of his stories and friends. On “GHOST!” the understand, that they don't Join us for our General fans, and been arrested for travels. “Mr. Rager,” Scott rapper has a self-realization understand.” If you are a drug possessions and crimi­ calls, “tell me where you that his drug habits were music lover or just appreci­ Body Meeting on Thursday, nal mischief. In his first act, going, tell me where you hazardous. This particular ate , this is not an “Act I: The World I Am Rul­ headed.” Mr. Rager replies, track shows Cudi in a better album to sleep on. Nov. I I th, 2010, at 6 p.m. ing” begins with the Cee-Lo "I'm off on an adventure.” place than on much of the al­ Kid Cudi’s “Man on The assisted first track, “Scott To this, Scott cries out, “Mr. bum. He realizes that things Moon II: The Legend of Mr. in Kilgore Hall 2nd Floor Mescudi vs. The World.” In Rager, can we tag along? seem to make sense even­ Rager" will be released Nov. Seminar Room! the song, he states his wish­ Can we take that journey?” tually, but he also reveals 9, 2010, and can be pre-or­ es, bluntly: “I hope you un­ As a member of G.O.O.D. his vulnerability about the dered on or iTunes. Recycle The Maroon Tiger www.themaroontiger.com November IO - 16,2010 SPORTS______XI The World Series: How It All Happened NBA Power Rankings (As of Nov. 6,2010) Dante’ Miles as he gave up seven runs, six the Rangers 9-0. rookie Madison Bumgarner Dante’ Miles Contributing Writer earned, in only 4-2/3 innings. The series’ momentum matched Cain’s performance Nate Nesbit [email protected] The Giants never trailed again soon switched to Arlington’s with eight shutout innings of Contributing Writers and won the game 11-7. team, thanks to a less than three-hit baseball to beat the he San Francisco Gi­ San Francisco’s pitching superb pitching performance Rangers 4-0, extending the 1. Lakers (8-0) ants provided a shocking staff, led by power pitcher from Giants starter Jonathan Giants’ series lead to 3-1. T There exists no conceivable argument for why the two- finish to an already unpreMatt­ Cain re­ Sanchez. Throughout the series the time defending champs shouldn't be in this position atop dictable MLB playoffs last Giants pitching staff continu­ the rankings.They’re dominating their opponents despite Monday, beating the Texas ally proved to be too much for pacing themselves. Kobe Bryant has become more efficient, Rangers 3-1 and winning the the Rangers. Lincecum did and it also helps to have the deepest bench in the NBA. World Series 4-1. not want to make it easier for 2. New Orleans Hornets (7-0) The win was historic for the Texas, either, as he hoped to As one of only two teams in the NBA to boast an unbeat­ Giants, clinching the team’s end the series in Game 5. In en record.the Hornets are proving so far it is not a fluke. first World the potentially se­ They've defeated playoff-caliber teams in the Spurs, the Series ti­ ries-clinch­ Nuggets, the Bucks, and the Heat. A healthy Chris tle since ing game, Paul (CP3) and the addition ofTrevor Ariza have sparked a moving fans fi­ revival in New Orleans. to Cali­ nally re- 3. Boston Celtics (6-2) fornia in c e i v e d With a win over both the Heat and Bulls, the Celtics have 1957. Veter­ t h e been powered by Rajon Rondo and his 93 assists in six an shortstop pitch- games to once again establish themselves as the best in the Edgar Renteria ing duel East. Nonetheless, a loss to a Lebron-less Cavaliers team was named se­ expected is simply inexcusable, especially since J.J. Hickson was the ries MVP after Game 1. leading scorer he batted .412 (7- Lincecum and Lee 4. Atlanta Hawks (6-2) for-17) and had seven each threw six shut­ Yes, this happens every year; the Hawks shoot out the gate RBIs. out innings, but the » and establish themselves in the East, but will the outcome The series began magic ended in the be any different? Still we’ll try to remain optimistic about with what was expect­ bottom of the sev­ Atlanta with their new potent and efficient offense com­ ed to be a duel between enth. Renteria, who pared to prior years.The fact remains though that the best Giants right-hander Tim appeared in two previous team they’ve beaten is the Cavaliers. (Beginning to wonder Lincecum and Rangers south World Series, hit a three-run who makes their schedule)' paw Cliff Lee. However, each homer to give the Giants the 5. Miami Heat (5-3) teams' offense came out look­ lead.5-1. Last, but certainly not least, is Miami.The new"BigThree" ing to make a statement. Giants closer, MLB saves (LeBron James, Dwyane Wade, Chris Bosh) weren’t sup­ Lincecum started out shaky, leader and jet-black beard posed to beat Boston after only 2 minutes and 47 seconds an earned run in ­ allowing bound Texas' owner Brian Wilson struck on the court together prior to the game. Since then, Wade each of the first two innings. ed in Game 2. Cain Mitch Moreland out two of the final three bat­ remains the primary scorer; going for 23 points per game, Despite the early deficit, the dominated batters by al­ battled Sanchez in the ters to put the finishing touch­ while James has added 20 points and 7 assists a night. Look Giants would battle back to lowing no earned runs while second-inning for nine es on what was a historic sea­ for Miami to challenge for the top spot soon. tie the game at 2-2 in the third scattering four hits over 7-2/3 pitches before hitting a three- son in the Bay Area. inning. innings. The Giants led 2-0 home run. Texas won the Outside looking in: Lee looked nothing like the when Cain left the game and game decisively, 4-2, after (5-3), Golden State Warriors Cy Young candidate we had poured on seven runs in the Josh Hamilton added a solo (4-2), Orlando Magic (3-1), (6-3), seen throughout the playoffs, bottom of the eight to defeat home run in the fifth. Giants' Mavericks (4-2) MAROON ^ Curtis D. Jackson III Staff Writer [email protected]

i r. #32 David Carter: #85 Derrick Hector #54 Brandon Houston: Height: 5’ 10 Height: 6’5 Height: 5’ 10 Weight: 225 Weight: 215 Weight: 225 Class: Sophomore Class: Junior Class: Sophomore Hometown: Marietta, Hometown: Mobile, Ala. Hometown: Atlanta, Ga Ga 2010 Stats (as of I 1/5/10) 2010 Stats (as of 2010 Season Stats (as 33 Catches I 1/5/10) of I 1/5/10) 52.8 Receiving Yards per game 71 Total Tackles I 16.3 Rushing Yards 6 Receiving Touchdowns 4 Sacks per game IB|?T 3 Forced Fumbles 5.2 Yards per Carry 7 Total Touchdowns “Track and field, because my freshman year in college I felt that I had a bright future in “Ray Lewis, because he plays linebacker and it. So when I tried it I quickly excelled.” it’s also an inside joke between the rest of "My dad, he used to play running back for the linebackers.” Georgia Tech and I’m trying to follow in his footsteps. He has been inspiring all my life.” "To graduate with a degree in finance, and hopefully make it to the next level in foot­ "Attend graduate school, and eventually get ball.” my masters in psychology and get a PhD.” "To be successful in the business world. I would like to try and make it to the next level in football, but school comes first. So I’m go­ ing to get my degree from Morehouse.” “The day coach Freeman called me to “Last year against Fort Valley, it was my first check up on me, that’s what led me to game. Coach just threw me in the game.” come to Morehouse.” "My freshman year, when I got my first start. We had a lot of injuries that game, and coach (Richard Freeman) gave me the start. I scored the winning touchdown and also had over 150 yards rushing.That game gave me a chance to showcase my talents.” J Recycle The Maroon Tiger I I November IO - 16,2010 www.themaroontiger.com 12 SPORTS The 2010 Race for the Heisman

Kadeem Wells Staff Writer kadeem_wells@ yahoo rom

he last men standing in Lance Dixon the prestigious race to Staff Writer Tbe named the 2010 Heisman Award winner are quarter­ back Cameron Newton of Au­ burn University, running back 8:00 p.m. Boston Celtics at Miami Heat LaMichael James of the Uni­ TNT American Airlines Arena versity of Oregon, and Boise State University quarterback Kellen Moore. 10:30 p.m. Los Angeles Lakers at Newton, a junior college TNT Pepsi Center transfer from Blinn College in Texas, has emerged as a lusive James. The Ducks (9- on national J Baltimore Ravens at Atlanta Falcons star and a godsend this season 8:20 p.m. 0) would be remiss to not ac­ television « NFL Network Georgia Dome for the Tigers. Last season. knowledge James as part of weekly, but Auburn finished 8-5 overall their success this season. He Moore lays and below .500 within SEC has totaled 1,331 yards on the low in the 7:00 p.m. Utah Jazz at Atlanta Hawks play at 3-5. However, the ad­ ground in eight games despite shadows of ESPN Phillips Arena dition of Newton, which has being suspended for the first Idaho. Boi­ A V) iBHBb recently sparked an NCAA game. James has overcome se State’s 11 «ft investigation regarding his F— r 9:30 p.m. Portland Trail Blazers at OKC Thunder his past mistake, pleading 8-0 record A eligibility, has the Tigers sit­ ESPN Ford Center guilty to a misdemeanor ha­ may not be ting comfortably at 10-0 (6-0) Jl rassment charge, to emulate standing before they face the Georgia his freshman year in when he if not for Bulldogs (5-5, 3-4). 3:30 p.m. Penn St Nittany Lions at Ohio State Buckeyes rushed for 1.546 yards. Moore’s ABC Ohio Stadium The College Park native has James has been the poster 2,372 pass­ thrown for 1,890 yards, earned child for a Ducks’ offense ing yards a 182.77 quarterback ranking, Clockwise from top left: Cameron Newton, Kellen that has been described with and 21 8:00 p.m. USC Trojans at Arizona Wildcats and amassed 19 touchdown many positive adjectives and touchdown Moore, LaMichael James ABC Arizona Stadium passes after this past Satur­ phrases. James torched 13th- passes. In the season open­ Broncos to a 35-1 record and day's 62-24 crushing of Chat­ ranked Stanford for 257 yards ing matchup against No. 10 a 2010 Tostitos Fiesta Bowl tanooga. Newton has even and made USC's defense Virginia Tech, Moore threw win. proven his ability as a prolific 1:00 p.m. Houston Texans at Jacksonville Jaguars have their hands on their hips for 215 yards and three touch­ As the 2010 regular season rusher by leading his team in FOX EverBank Stadium for the majority of the game downs, including the game winds down it seems that yards (1,269) and touchdowns by accumulating 239 rushing winner to Austin Pettis. these three players will seem­ (15). If the stats are not eye­ yards. James, like Newton, is With the departure of Tim ingly keep blazing on. Miss­ catching. then it's imperative 8:20 p.m. New England Patriots at Pittsburgh Steelers a must-see as he can electrify Tebow to the NFL, Moore ing any of their televised NBC Heinz Field to watch the 6-6, 250-pound any play, making him a high­ holds the crown as college games would be more than man-child however one can. light machine. football's ultimate leader. a mistake, so pick up the re­ Trailing behind Newton in The first two candidates are Since 2008 Moore has led the mote, relax and enjoy. 8:30 p.m. Philadelphia Eagles at Washington Redskins the race is the speedy and il­ ESPN FedEx Field Caliber of NBA Players Lessens Answer the Question

Nate Nesbitt fast break or a properly exe­ Arshon Howard icisms for his decision. Contributing Writer cuted half-court set have been Staff Writer “Should I admit I made mis­ nate.nesbitt @ gmail .com replaced by a fascination with [email protected] takes?” “Should I really be­ electrifying breakaway dunks lieve I’ve ruined my legacy?” n today’s steroid-riddled and stagnant, 3-point addicted 6 CI A That should I do?” is “Should I tell you that 1 am sports world, it seems that offenses. V V the continually looped not a role model? Hi Chuck! Ian abrupt shift in ideologies Weight lifting has replaced question LeBron James asks (James then bites into a sprin­ has occurred, heedless of tra­ hours in the gym, hoisting all his critics in the latest Nike kled, pink frosting doughnut)” dition. hordes of jump shots, per­ commercial. That last quote was directed The average fan adheres to fecting footwork and other James was formerly one of at Barkley, who in his 1993 statistics alone and too many intricacies of the game. Thus, the most beloved athletes in Nike commercial defiantly stat­ commentators preach individ­ the tendency and desire is to all phases of popular culture. ed, “I’m not a role model.” Is it ual dominance. Consequently, breed a generation of players It was near impossible for their fair to hold James to such high many once-revered aspects of athletically superior to any not be a commercial, poster or standards when Barkley previ­ the game have been belittled prior seen, but bereft funda­ publication’s headline with his ously made a “punk” comment and very nearly disregarded. mentally. name not mentioned. Unfortu­ like that? James knows that he Prevailing thought endorses This sentiment even ex­ nately, that praise and admira­ lost a lot of fans over the sum­ the athletically superior. The tends to team officials, as Larry Bird (left) and Magic Johnson (right) raised the bar for the tion has fallen by the wayside mer, but knows he responsibil­ man who is bigger, faster and evident in the frequent up- skill of NBA players. once he decided make the ity as an role model. Unlike stronger, has now become the sizing of basketball's po­ “punk move”, as Hall of Fame Barkley, he hasn’t had any le­ definition of the “better play­ sitions, in particular point 1973. And then there is Kidd, physically imposing individu­ player Charles Barkely elo­ gal and gambling issues for one er”, or the desired player. guard. This spot was once who boasts 105 career triple­ als, with gaping holes in their quently said, to join the Chris to question his role in society. This mindset allows there brilliantly dominated by in­ doubles. arsenals regarding their skill Bosh and Dwayne Wade South James wants people to pon­ to be less tolerance for play­ dividuals like Isaiah Thomas, But the new age game opts sets. Beach instead of staying in der how as a player, a free ers within the class of a Larry John Stockton, Gary' Payton, for a lesser skilled, yet freak­ One must concede that the Cleveland. agent and a person they would Bird or Jerry West, Bill Rus­ Steve Nash and Jason Kidd. ishly gifted athlete like the caliber of athlete is seem­ “Bron Bron”, “(The) L- have gone about the situation. sell or Moses Malone, Kevin They were and. for Nash and 6-foot-6, 225-pound man- ingly extraordinary. The idea Train”, “King James” and a Last week, he addressed the McHale or Kareem Abdul- Kidd, are consummate floor child Tyreke Evans of Sacra­ of 275-pound men with both multitude of other nicknames biggest question about whether Jabbar, Tiny Archibald or generals who maximized the mento. speed and grace, soft hands James once joyful embraced it was appropriate for him to do George Gervin —former NBA capacities of their teammates The position is now domi­ and quick feet was something only scorns those who wish he the hour special. Looking back stars who possessed mag­ within the parameters of their nated by players of this mold, unfathomable years ago. Yet never left. He received numer­ on it James acknowledges he nificent skill sets and artistry. complex offenses. They also like , Der­ elevating these attributes ir­ ous comments from basketball should have taken a different Almost an afterthought in the happened to be normal-sized rick Rose and John Wall . . . respective of all others has re­ legends like Michael Jordan, approach. What that approach present league, they represent men and, with the exception ball-dominant guards whose sulted in dilution of the sport Larry Bird, and Barkley just to would have been is even unbe­ a superior form of basketball, of Thomas, not exceedingly primary objective is to score. at its core. name a few. James and his team­ knownst to James himself. celebrated for its grace and gifted athletes. They subsequently create Though physical domi­ mates must now endure the tar­ This commercial is the best devotion to teamwork. No longer, it seems, is a teams of one or two superstars nance makes for a great ath­ gets on their backs until they ei­ public relations move outside Over the last several years, 6-foot bona fide point guard boasting incredible statistics, lete, it doesn’t necessitate a ther win a championship, bring of winning a championship the approach to the game has suitable, albeit he could be a but also create crippled of­ great basketball player or a Michael Jackson back to life or in Cleveland for James. It is changed as it relates to the Stockton, whose career fenses lacking fluidity and co­ competent one. Basketball cure the incurable diseases. For bold, answers the questions the physical disposition of ath­ average is 10.5 per game. Pos­ hesiveness. is a multifarious sport; one’s the time being he has used his whole world has been waiting letes. Cast aside are numerous sibly there may once again be Nevertheless, this sentiment success isn’t reducible to su­ commercial to assuage the situ­ on and comical simultaneous­ fundamental essentials that a Nate "Tiny” Archibald, who isn’t limited to one position, periority in a single facet. ation he created earlier this year. ly. It portrays him as his own set the standard for great bas­ at the same physical stature as seen in the form of Dwight Oddly enough, it seems the Throughout the commercial, individual and not the puppet ketball, but nowadays equate as Stockton led the league in Howard at center, and Blake teams and men who possess the aforementioned question is that people, Dan Gilbert and to lackluster entertainment. both points and assists, aver­ Griffin and LeBron James at banners and rings still adhere restated like a broken record, the actors in the spoof com­ The art of a beautifully run aging 34 and 11.5 per game in forward. All uber-athletic, to those ancient constructs. but addresses the different crit­ mercial, want him to be. ♦ Recycle The Maroon Tiger