The Organ of Student Expression Since 1925 The Morehouse College » Atlanta, GA_______________________ November io - 16, 2010 ____________________________ _____ _______ yoLUME^LX2^2l2£l!i£2, Morehouse Students Petition Obama for Commencement Kevin Mallory write a letter on behalf of to give a commencement ad­ Campus News Editor the student body, and Gerren dress at Hampton University kevincmallory @gmail .com Gaynor, Managing Editor of last May. Hampton was the The Maroon Tiger, will write first, and remains the only fter a couple of years of a letter representing More­ HBCU where Obama deliv­ unsuccessfully attempt­ house’s student organizations. ered a commencement ad­ Aing to have President Barack“ We want to take it to an­ dress. Obama speak at the More­ other level,” Ringgold said. Regardless of those facts, house College Commence­ “We are really trying to get Morehouse College and its ment Ceremony, Carl Ring- him.” student body is still push­ gold and other students are Aziz’s letter will feature ing hard to get the president taking a different approach signatures from the student here to deliver words to the toward bringing him here. body while Gaynor’s will class of 2011. Ringgold, a senior sociol­ have the signatures of the “Obama is the ideal candi­ ogy major, is spearheading leaders of the various More­ date to speak at Morehouse’s “The Obama Letter Cam­ house organizations. The commencement,” senior Eng­ paign” for Morehouse stu­ plan is to have the petitions lish major Rod Taggart said. dents to petition the president and letters delivered to the "He exemplifies what the col­ to come speak at graduation White House by Christmas. lege envisions in the Renais­ on May 15, 2011. The ini­ “Imagine waking up Christ­ sance Man. tiative has already been ap­ mas morning in the White “Obama has defied the proved by The Office of Stu­ House and under your tree you odds, garnered success, en­ dent Services. find a basket with hundreds of dured much scrutiny, and Seniors are encouraged to handwritten letters, all with made history, all while President Barack Obama gives the 2009 commencement address at Arizona State University. write letters addressed to the the famous Morehouse seal in keeping his composure. To president asking him to speak the comer,” Ringgold said. have Obama speak at our at Morehouse, which was one “You start reading those let­ “You read another letter will not be enough. over the past few years, in­ commencement would fur­ of the first colleges or univer­ ters and you hear how revered from the Managing Editor and “We need numbers more cluding this past summer ther inspire the next wave sities in the country to have you are by the senior class. you see more signatures with than we need titles,” Ring- when he was officially invit­ of progressive politicians an Obama support team dur­ You read a letter from the Ed- the SGA President or MBA gold said. ed by President Franklin. and legislators.” ing the president’s historic itor-in-Chief of our newspa­ President beside the name.” The Morehouse College Many students were an­ ‘ Senior Mario Stephens sees 2008 campaign. per and you see the thousands However, Ringgold and administration has asked gered by the fact that while a common thread between The Maroon Tiger Editor- of signatures from students in other students realize that or­ Obama multiple times to Obama has not spoken at in-Chief Nicolas Aziz will their respective classes ganizations and titles simply speak at commencement Morehouse, he did manage See OBAMA, page 2 ► Second Alternative Spring Break in Haiti to Be Available to Students for Continued Relief Service Carl Ringgold devastated by the effects of international organization up New Media Director the January earthquake. to that point. carlringgold'figniail.com Seniors Jacques Pape and As the demand for interna­ Ezekiel Phillips led the tional assistance remains at an fter Haiti was rocked on group that visited Haiti as all time high, seniors Jacques AJan. 12, 2010, many in­ American volunteers in the Pape, Ezekiel Phillips and ternational organizations andrelief efforts. For Pape, a Isaiah Scott have begun to non-profits alike have do­ Haitian native, this trip was mobilize students, faculty, nated supplies, humanitarian a chance for more people to and staff members across the assistance, and other valu­ witness firsthand what the AUC to take part in the 2011 able resources. Morehouse conditions were like in the alternative Spring break in College has also taken part in region Haiti. While these efforts are this relief effort by establish­ “When everything hap­ still in the initial planning ing the Morehouse College pened, 1 was the only stu­ phases, the organizers are ask­ Haitian Relief Effort, an ef­ dent in the AUC who went ing for the help and support of fort led by student coordina­ to Haiti.” Pape said. “Yet one the AUC community. In the tor Jacques E. Pape and fac­ voice was only so strong. By months and weeks leading up ulty advisor Gwen Wade, the bringing Morehouse students to the trip, supplies (i.e. medi­ Director of the Morehouse to Haiti, they serve as ambas­ cal, scholastic, and toiletries) College Study Abroad pro­ sadors for not just Morehouse will be collected and brought gram. and the AUC but the U.S. in to those in need by the par­ During spring break, many general because not many ticipants. Monetary donations students spend their time on Americans have been able to are still greatly appreciated beautiful beaches tanning, go down there." and can be submitted at any riding jet skis, and indulg­ For the first few days the time to the Morehouse Hai­ ing in other leisure activities. group provided food water and tian Relief Fund. A small group of Morehouse clothes for people throughout If you would like to learn students however, spent this the Port-Au-Prince region. In more about this initiative, Morehouse students are pictured in Haiti as part of the relief effort after the January earthquake in past spring break in Haiti one day they laid the founda­ feel free to contact any of the country. Jacques Pape (far left), a native of Haiti, has been involved with continuing trips to Haiti’s where they used most of their tion for 150 homes in a small the student organizers at Port-Au-Prince region. time giving out food, water, Port-Au-Prince province that mc.haitianreliefeffort@gmail. and clothing to people still hadn't been touched by any com. • inside track =—■----------- News....................... 1 World & Local.......3 Business & Tech......4 Features.................. 6 Opinions 7 A&E...................... 10 Sports.....................11 Recycle The Maroon Tiger November IO - 16,2010 www.themaroontiger.com NEWS THE MAROON TIGER Iconic Poet Nikki Giovanni Speaks to Students Nimks B. Atii T2 petition for Editor-in-Chief [email protected] Morehouse Community About New Book OBAMA at MANAGEMENT Sierra Stokes community. Geïren K. (iaynw T 1 graduation Associate Features Editor In keeping with the theme Managing Editor [email protected] sstokesWscmaiLspdmaiu of hip-hop, the award win­ cdu ning poet stated her belief ◄ continued from front page Chief Layout Editor that hip-hop is indeed po­ jefferydtaylo r@gm ail.com egendary poet Nikki etry. “While some people President Obama and the class Rêmingto» 12 Giovanni visited the may not think of hip-hop as of 2011, and he thinks that an Photography Editor L address from Obama would c. [email protected] Ray Charles Performancepoetry, it fits the definition Wtrewre Campfedl 11 Arts Center on Morehouse’s because it uses cadence and do wonders for the graduates’ Chief Copy Editor campus last Thursday to creativity to capture the hu­ psyche. [email protected] discuss her new book “100 man experience,” Giovanni “Obama should speak at Victoria Plummer SC ' 11 Best African-American Po­ said. graduation because his election Associate Copy Editor year was the first time that most vplummer@spelman. edu ems.” The book is an an­ Giovanni, a graduate of thology of over 200 poems Fisk University and mother of the class of 2011 could vote,” by Black writers. of Thomas Watson Giovan­ Stephens said. “His election EDITORS During the event Giovan­ ni, a Morehouse alumnus, speaks to the power of young Kevin Malfery 11 ni, who currently serves as also spoke about President people, particularly Blacks, in Campus News Editor Paul Danfefc It 12 a professor of creative writ­ Barack Obama and her dis­ making a change. World & Local Editor ing at Virginia Tech Uni­ appointment with his lack “I feel that a speech from Dannieka Wiggins SC 13 versity, broached the top­ of pro-activity. She felt that Obama would encourage More­ Associate World & Local Editor ics of hip-hop and politics. legislative bills should have house Men to achieve their Sescily Coney SC 11 Giovanni was very candid been passed while the gov­ Noted poet Nikki Giovanni visited Morehouse on November 4th to dreams despite racial barriers Business & Tech Editor Pqnnakl Williams 12 in her comments, but Spel- ernment was in his favor sign autographs and read excerpts of her work. and other obstacles.” Associate Bussiness & Tech Editor man sophomore Brianna and that the health care bill Ringgold, a native of Balti­ Elizabeth Sawyer SC T 1 Holland was appreciative of was not fair. more, hopes that all students, es­ Features Editor Giovanni’s candor. “If the health care bill is pecially juniors and seniors, par­ Sierra Stokes SC ‘ 13 “Nikki Giovanni has an going to allow Viagra for ticipate in the effort. He believes Associate Features Editor and then... they are just overall better outlook on tWretl Andemn 13 attitude that is about always men, then why does is not getting us for what we do to life.
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