The September 21st, 2016 Edition of THE REVENGE HUMP DAY! Page 1 of 52

Welcome to the September 21st, 2016 Edition of THE REVENGE HUMP DAY!

This has been one busy week for all of us around Casa Bolgeo. Uncle Bobby came up from Florida last week to attend the wedding of our Grand Nephew Trey Stavrum. On Friday, we go together with our side of the Bolgeo Clan and attended an informal Ribs and Bar-B-Que Party hosted by my niece Peggy and her husband Gil. Trust me, Gil is a great Bar-B-Que chef and his ribs are to die for. Then on Saturday we attended the wedding at the Baylor High School Chapel. Trey’s Bride, Mallory, was just what a Bride should be, gorgeous! Their young son, Hutton, my Great Grand Nephew was the ring bear and my Great Grand Niece, Ella, was the flower girl. It was a wonderful wedding and then the party started at the Venue here in Chattanooga. We boogied until late because they had a great band and plenty of goodies to keep us full.

Sunday was set aside for recovery and we needed it. But on Monday, Jason, The Deposed Emperor, Jamie, SHE WHO MUST BE OBEYED In-Training, and Tristan, Bubba Bear came over for a cookout. Uncle Bobby had brought up a few steaks from Florida and SWMBO went and got a few more and we shared them with the kids. I made the mistake of slowly eating and I at so much that I was miserable. Stuffed, Happy, but miserable. Ms. Barbara and Mr. Bill Durkin stopped by to visit after dinner and see Uncle Bobby before he went home. It was great getting at least a few of the family members and friends to get together and enjoy some quality time. Jason said, “Have Grill, will travel for steak anytime!” We enjoyed ourselves immensely.

After Jason and his brood went home for the night, we all settled in and were relaxing when my father-in-law, John Vannucci, called us back to his room and complained about having trouble breathing. Popee is 92 years old and is suffering from a cold. The doctor had given him a shot that morning to help clear it up, but I guess it didn’t take hold fast enough. Before you knew it, we had him to Memorial Hixson Hospital Emergency Room and they were pumping full with more antibiotics. We stayed until almost midnight and then he was admitted to he hospital just to be careful. Today, SWMBO is staying with him and he is doing a lot better. We hope to get him out of hock tomorrow or on Thursday. When you get as old as he is, you can’t take any chances with his health. It scared us a little, but everything is starting to look up.

So on that ”Hopeful Note”, why don't y'all sit back and relax because here's the best in gossip, jokes and science for your reading pleasure!

Uncle Timmy




From Kerry Kyle’s Facebook Page on Sunday, September 18, 2016, Yorktown, NY · Via "Mike Willmoth" [email protected]

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I have lost one of my very best friends. Dad (David Kyle) died today at 4:30pm of complications from an endoscopy. I know he was 97 and frail, but his spirit was strong, his heart was huge, and I’m still in shock. I’m still surprised. I expected him to last a few more years. I expected to be making him dinner tonight. And I’m bereft. And at the moment I don’t really want to type much.

I know many in the Fannish community loved Dad as well and are equally as bereft reading this. I hope it makes you feel better to know that, as always, Dad chatted about science fiction with the EMT who brought him to the hospital and with the nurses who made him comfortable. He chatted about the love of his life--science fiction--genuinely interested in hearing what they read and watched. Always spreading the word and wishing to instill within them the flame he had within himself. And, yes, he made constant jokes and terrible puns that charmed everyone in the hospital.

And, best of all, a few hours before his death he was doing his best to flatter the pretty nurse fetching him warm blankets.

Remember that. And remember his love of science fiction and fandom.

I wish I could write eloquently and beautifully about him. But I can’t. It’s been a long sleepless 24 hours and his grandson Kyle and I and my brother AC and his family are trying to come to terms with his death and, you know, we’re not doing it so well at the moment. There are too many What-Ifs. Too many wild thoughts of building a time machine and going back for one more visit. I’ll be off Facebook for a short while because I just can’t face it.

Dad loved science fiction and science fiction fandom, and you have been a wonderful and warm extended family to him. He loved you. You loved him. I love you for that. I wanted that 100th birthday bash. Damn.



From: “Mike Kennedy” [email protected]

It has been reliably reported that David Kyle, who was the oldest living member of First Fandom, died today. Some details of his remarkable life can be seen at: (some links on this page are broken)



From: “Tim Bolgeo” [email protected]

The September 21st, 2016 Edition of THE REVENGE HUMP DAY! Page 3 of 52

Bazookoids at the ready! Head behind-the-scenes as Lister, Rimmer and co buckle up for another ride in Starbug. Will the strap-on dreads survive the trip?

Luke Holland, Thursday 15 September 2016 09.31 EDTLast modified on Thursday 15 September 201617.25 EDT

‘I’ve known these guys longer than I’ve known my wife’ … the boys from the Dwarf reunite. Photograph: UKTV

There’s a familiar shape lurking outside a side door at Pinewood Studios, tugging away on a cigarette. Leather jacket. Strap-on dreads. A bit older than you remember, but still very much the same rollie-smoking space waster. As one of the millions of kids who grew up with Red Dwarf – taped the episodes off the telly, made Bazookoids out of boxes – bumping into in a smoking area is more than a little surreal. “You want to be outside having a fag with eight Stormtroopers!” says . Star Wars: Rogue One is filming on an adjacent lot. He launches into his giant, pepper-grinder laugh. “Now THAT’s surreal!”

We’re here – in what, it turns out, is geek paradise – because filming on Red Dwarf series 11 and 12 is under way, a full 28 years after the smash cult sitcom began. Even taking into account its extended periods of hiatus, it’s a pretty extraordinary lifespan for any show – never mind an odd, depressing-sounding sci-fi sitcom about the last human being left alive.

When the show first aired in 1988, no one expected it to go anywhere. TV sci-fi was dead. (Late-80s Doctor Who saw to that.) Red Dwarf only got the green light because money was set aside for a second series of the enthusiastically forgotten Ben Elton sitcom Happy Families, which had the common decency not to be made. All of a sudden, there was some cash spare for a comedy about a man stranded 3 million years into deep space with a The September 21st, 2016 Edition of THE REVENGE HUMP DAY! Page 4 of 52 hologram of his dead bunkmate, a creature who evolved from the ship’s , and a senile computer named Holly.

“When the show took off there was no one overseeing it,” says co-creator and writer , “so we could just do what we wanted.” This meant, rather than established actors like Alan Rickman and (both of whom auditioned), the roles of Lister went to Craig Charles, a zeitgeisty punk poet; his uptight superior Rimmer to amply nostrilled impressionist Chris Barrie; the computer’s to laconic standup , and the Cat’s to a dancer named Danny John-Jules, who arrived to audition an hour late but in character, looking resplendent in one of his dad’s zoot suits.

FacebookTwitterPinterest - ‘It’s like Porridge … in space.’ Photograph: UKTV

Oddly, the show became a hit, enjoying a rude run of form between 1988 and 1993 and winning an Emmy in 1994. Something about it resonated: perhaps it was the exploration of some genuinely intriguing sci-fi ideas, from virtual reality to time travel; genetic engineering to the total absence of alien life. Perhaps it was its invented lexicon, replete with smegheads, goits and gimboids.

Most likely, it was that, removed of all its sci-fi baubles, Red Dwarf was a classic, studio- based odd-couple sitcom. “I always saw this as kind of Porridge in space,” says Charles. It’s no coincidence that the episode – consisting largely of Charles and Barrie, alone, bickering, trapped – is considered by many fans to be the best. “Red Dwarf for me is about the chemistry of the main four,” says Barrie. “If you look at in its pomp, or Porridge, it’s just a great marriage of performance and script. Red Dwarf has always had that.”

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The show’s momentum couldn’t last: at the height of its popularity, Rob Grant (the other half of the writing and production duo) left. An uncertain seventh series in 1997 jettisoned the studio audience; a wobblier eighth in 1999 – which unwisely revived the entire crew of Red Dwarf – brought it back. After this, the BBC declined to renew it. That seemed to be that.

FacebookTwitterPinterest - IT’LL BLOW YOUR ARSE INTO SPACE! … back on board the Starbug. Photograph: UKTV

“There was 12 years where I referred to Red Dwarf as ‘that thing I used to do’,” says , who joined in series three as uppity mechanoid . But the cast still loved the characters. The fan clubs were still around. Red Dwarf had lost none of its cultish buoyancy at conventions or in DVD sales. So, in 2009, Dave commissioned a three-episode special. Everyone returned. They did so again for a further full series in 2012. Both smashed Dave’s ratings records. More Dwarf seemed inevitable, if the cast were game.

“I’ve known these guys longer than I’ve known my wife,” says Charles. “That was what it came down to – a choice between staying in Coronation Street or doing this.” Last year, after 10 years on the cobbliest of soaps, Charles left. He missed comedy, and the opportunity to strap on the famous dreads came up. “I was like ‘I’ve got to do it.’ It’s a career-defining role.” As it was with Llewellyn’s re-application of the rubber head: “The only reason I do it now – and I don’t do any other acting, it drives me mad – is because it’s being with your mates for a few weeks.” “There’s nothing similar about us,” says John- Jules. “Except we all have Red Dwarf.”

The new series sees the return of filming before a live audience. A genuine camaraderie comes across during recording – one anyone who’s seen out-takes compendium The The September 21st, 2016 Edition of THE REVENGE HUMP DAY! Page 6 of 52

Smeg-Ups will recognise. “It would show if we were sick of each other,” says Llewellyn. “There have been shitty times, certainly, but this season has been brilliant fun.” There’s gurning to camera. 25-year-old in-jokes. A lot of corpsing. The cast go and sit in the crowd during pre-recorded scenes. Llewellyn stays in character. Someone asks to lick Lister. “All the faffing, larking about between takes keeps the audience going,” says Charles of the three-hour live taping. “Though in SOME of the cast’s cases,” he snipes, side-eyeing John- Jules, “it’s because they can’t remember a fuckin’ thing.”

The fan-appeasing approach extends to the effects and sets: there is CGI, but much of Dwarf returns to chunky, retro-feeling models. The sets teem with fanboy detail: the Jupiter Mining Corporation-branded chilli sauce on Lister’s shelf (tagline: “IT’LL BLOW YOUR ARSE INTO SPACE!”); dog-eared copies of Morris Dancing Monthly on the coffee table; crushed JMC beer cans next to Lister’s seat in Starbug; the photos of Jim Bexley Speed in his bunk. “Did you have a look at the keyboards in the science room?” asks Charles. “We’ve messed around with the keys on one of them. Now it says YOUWANKER.” John- Jules adds proudly: “But you’ll never see it.”

Even with all the goodwill in the world, it would be a generous viewer who called the resurrected Dwarf a true return to form; the show hasn’t hit light-speed since the sixth series. But few comedies reach the high-water mark of Red Dwarf’s imperial phase to begin with, let alone maintain it for six series. Competing with itself, new Dwarf will always lose. 99% of sitcoms would. But there’s still enough essence of Dwarf to satisfy fans, who – as the show approaches it fourth decade – it is aimed squarely at. “There’s gonna be people out there who have their knives out for us,” says Barrie. “But for the vast majority, the response will be really good.”

As to whether there’ll be more, nothing’s confirmed yet. “It’s been the backbone of my career,” says Barrie. “I’m happy to see it through to . As long as I’m capable and required, I will say yes.” Sounds promising – though they may need to spend a bit longer in the makeup chair for series 18. “For Chris it used to be an “H” on the forehead – done,” says Llewellyn. “Now he needs a bit more help in the ... hair department.” He turns the Bazookoid on himself. “Six days after we finish shooting I turn 60,” he says. “I don’t think it’s right for a 60-year-old man to be covered in rubber. I’ve been very much cured of any temptation towards a rubber fetish.” “I’m sorry,” says Barrie, “but he’s already been a man of 59 doing it. He’ll be there. I know he will.” Llewellyn adds, mock-appalled: “But don’t forget, Craig’s busy DJing for young people.”

Red Dwarf XI starts on 22 September at 9pm on Dave. It’s available to preview on UKTV Play now



Katharine Trendacosta, September 19, 2016

Starting today and going through December, we can finally see The Magiciansthe way it was meant to be seen: uncensored.

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Given that the show takes place at a university, it makes sense that the characters would use language a bit... saltier than is normally seen on the non-premium channels. More than that, it seems like the specific group of magic college students the show focuses on should be cursing a lot more than they currently do.

Image: Syfy

On, the Syfy app, and on demand, the now profanity-filled first season of The Magicians is available right now. You’ve got until early December to catch it, and you really should. The show is much darker than you’d expect, and is one of Syfy’s best shows in years.




From: “Jim Woosley” [email protected]

100 greatest country songs of all time, as by the Rolling Stone harry-choates-jole-blon-1946-0629823


Re: Comment on the Revenge: SUVs

The September 21st, 2016 Edition of THE REVENGE HUMP DAY! Page 8 of 52

From: A Friend

I would add one thing to why SUVs are popular with some older folks - it is much harder to enter and exit a car than a SUV. My mom owns a Rav4 for just this reason; she can get in and out without bending down or climbing up.



From: “Jim Woosley” [email protected]


Uncle Timmy, you cited articles I sent seven times in this issue.

Three times, you got my name and email address correct.

The other four, I became Jim Woolsey, [email protected].



From: "Mike Waldrip" [email protected]


She hurried to the pharmacy to get medication, got back to her car and found that she had locked her keys inside. The woman found an old rusty coat hanger left on the ground. She looked at it and said, "I don't know how to use this."

She bowed her head and asked God to send her some help.

Within 5 minutes a beat-up old motorcycle pulled up, driven by a bearded man who was wearing an old biker skull rag. He got off of his cycle and asked if he could help. She said: "Yes, my daughter is sick. I've locked my keys in my car. I must get home. Please, can you use this hanger to unlock my car?"

He said, "Sure." He walked over to the car, and in less than a minute, the car door was open. She hugged the man and through tears, softly said,

"Thank you, God, for sending me such a very nice man."

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The man heard her little prayer and replied, "lady, I am not a nice man. I just got out of prison yesterday; I was in prison for car theft." The woman hugged the man again, sobbing,

"Oh, thank you, God! You even sent me a professional."


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Lighten Up, This is funny


Pick on one, then it’s time to pick on the other.

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From: "Tom Carpenter" [email protected]



From: “Jim Woosley” [email protected] The September 21st, 2016 Edition of THE REVENGE HUMP DAY! Page 12 of 52

Happy trails to you!



From: “Tim Bolgeo” [email protected]

I heard about this today on the news and can’t see what is wrong with Donald Trump Jr.’s statement.

The September 21st, 2016 Edition of THE REVENGE HUMP DAY! Page 13 of 52

I’m sorry guys, it sounds just like common sense to me. The safety of my family and my country come first. All the rest of it comes way after that.



From: “Jim Woosley” [email protected]


Associated Press, Published September 13, 2016

WASHINGTON – American warplanes eliminated a "significant chemical threat" to Iraqi civilians by bombing a complex of buildings near the northern city of Mosul that Islamic State militants had converted from pharmaceutical manufacturing to chemical weapons production, the three-star general in charge of U.S. air operations in the Middle East said Tuesday.

Air Force Lt. Gen. Jeffrey Harrigian told reporters at the Pentagon that the target was an Islamic State headquarters also used to produce lethal chemicals, possibly including chlorine and mustard gas. He provided no details on the chemical production.

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Harrigian described the airstrike as a large, well-planned operation, which destroyed more than 50 targets at the site with a variety of U.S. warplanes, including Air Force B-52 bombers and Marine Corps F-18D attack planes. Other U.S. officials said later that a total of 12 U.S. planes were used.

Harrigian said the mission was part of a broader effort to cut off the Islamic State's main sources of revenue, kill their leaders and create "organizational dysfunction" in ways that will eliminate the group as a military threat in Iraq and Syria.



By ALICIA A. CALDWELL, Sep. 19, 2016 10:31 AM EDT granted-citizenship

FILE - In this June 5, 2015 file photo, a view of the Homeland Security Department headquarters in... Read more

WASHINGTON (AP) — The U.S. government has mistakenly granted citizenship to at least 858 immigrants from countries of concern to national security or with high rates of immigration fraud who had pending deportation orders, according to an internal Homeland Security audit released Monday.

The Homeland Security Department's inspector general found that the immigrants used different names or birthdates to apply for citizenship with U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services and such discrepancies weren't caught because their fingerprints were missing from government databases.

The report does not identify any of the immigrants by name, but Inspector General John Roth's auditors said they were all from "special interest countries" — those that present a national security concern for the United States — or neighboring countries with high rates of immigration fraud. The report did not identify those countries.

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In an emailed statement, the Department of Homeland Security said the findings reflect what has long been a problem for immigration officials — old paper-based records containing fingerprint information that can't be searched electronically. DHS says immigration officials are in the process of uploading these files and that officials will review "every file" identified as a case of possible fraud.

Roth's report said fingerprints are missing from federal databases for as many as 315,000 immigrants with final deportation orders or who are fugitive criminals. Immigration and Customs Enforcement has not reviewed about 148,000 of those immigrants' files to add fingerprints to the digital record.

The gap was created because older, paper records were never added to fingerprint databases created by both the now-defunct Immigration and Naturalization Service and the FBI in the 1990s. ICE, the DHS agency responsible for finding and deporting immigrants living in the country illegally, didn't consistently add digital fingerprint records of immigrants whom agents encountered until 2010.

The government has known about the information gap and its impact on naturalization decisions since at least 2008 when a Customs and Border Protection official identified 206 immigrants who used a different name or other biographical information to gain citizenship or other immigration benefits, though few cases have been investigated.

Roth's report said federal prosecutors have accepted two criminal cases that led to the immigrants being stripped of their citizenship. But prosecutors declined another 26 cases. ICE is investigating 32 other cases after closing 90 investigations.

ICE officials told auditors that the agency hadn't pursued many of these cases in the past because federal prosecutors "generally did not accept immigration benefits fraud cases." ICE said the Justice Department has now agreed to focus on cases involving people who have acquired security clearances, jobs of public trust or other security credentials.

Mistakenly awarding citizenship to someone ordered deported can have serious consequences because U.S. citizens can typically apply for and receive security clearances or take security-sensitive jobs.

At least three of the immigrants-turned-citizens were able to acquire aviation or transportation worker credentials, granting them access to secure areas in airports or maritime facilities and vessels. Their credentials were revoked after they were identified as having been granted citizenship improperly, Roth said in his report.

A fourth person is now a law enforcement officer.

Roth recommended that all of the outstanding cases be reviewed and fingerprints in those cases be added to the government's database and that immigration enforcement officials create a system to evaluate each of the cases of immigrants who were improperly granted citizenship. DHS officials agreed with the recommendations and said the agency is working to implement the changes.


YOU JUST CAN’T MAKE THIS STUFF UP! The September 21st, 2016 Edition of THE REVENGE HUMP DAY! Page 16 of 52

"Mike Williamson" [email protected]


* Video appears to show Syrian rebel fighters gathering around a camera * One holds up a mobile phone and appears to take a selfie of the eight men * Moments later, a huge blast rocks the room as rebels are heard shouting * It is not known whether anyone was injured or killed in the explosion

By OLLIE GILLMAN FOR DAILY MAIL AUSTRALIA, 15 September 2016 blows-comrades-taking-selfie-phone-rigged-explosive.html#ixzz4KQdyKq6d

This video appears to show the moment a Syrian rebel blows himself and his fellow freedom fighters up by taking a selfie with a phone connected to a bomb.

The footage, which has not been verified, shows members of the Free Syrian Army gathering around a camera.

The eight men are seen sitting in front of a rebel flag as they sing into a microphone, with two rifles propped up in front of them.

When the dust clears, the camera has been blown onto the floor and is pointing towards a ceiling fan.

The rebels can be heard shouting 'Allahu Akbar' - meaning 'God is great' - as they jump over the camera to help their comrades.

The fact that the camera was not destroyed and that the other men in the room appear uninjured suggest the bomb may have been smaller than others seen used by rebels and ISIS in Syria.

It is not known if anyone was injured or killed in the blast.

The Free Syrian Army is allied with the coalition of western nations - including the US, UK and France - in the fight against ISIS.

The rebel group is also fighting against forces loyal to Syrian President Bashar al-Assad following the uprising in the nation in 2011, which has led to vast bloodshed and a refugee crisis.



"Martin L King Jr" [email protected]


by JOHN NOLTE26 Sep 20153,253 the-birther-movement/

New analysis from the Washington Postremoves any doubt that the anti-Obama Birther movement was started in 2007 and 2008 by Hillary Clinton, her campaign, and her Democrat supporters.

As Breitbart News reported earlier this month, other left-wing media outlets, like Politico and the Guardian, had already traced the Birther movement back to Democrats and Ms. Clinton. Using his wayback machine on Wednesday, the Post‘s David Weigel took an in- depth look at the origins of the false rumors that President Obama is a practicing Muslim who was not born in a America. Weigel’s reporting contains the final pieces of a very disturbing puzzle.

What Weigel found and re-reported was astounding, details many of us had forgotten or never heard of, including a 2007 bombshell memo from the Clinton campaign’s chief strategist.

What the left-wing Weigel left out of his reporting was even more astounding, including a documented confrontation between Clinton and Obama over the Birther issue, and video of Hillary herself stoking doubt about Obama’s Christian faith.

Because the Washington Post‘s primary job is to protect Democrats, Weigel’s headline and conclusion are an objective lie. Despite the fact that what he uncovered (and chose to not cover) points directly to Ms. Clinton and her campaign, Weigel concludes she had nothing to do with the Birther movement.

Naturally, Weigel’s own facts support the exact opposite conclusion.

His research, however, is all that matters.

Defcon 4: Mark Penn’s March 2007 Strategy Memo Everything began in March of 2007 when Hillary’s chief strategist, Mark Penn, wrote a now- infamous campaign memo laying out his overall plan to win the election.

Weigel sums up the Birther elements of Penn’s memo as a nothingburger; indeed, according to Weigel, the memo actually proves that the Clinton campaign wanted nothing to do with Birtherism: “But Penn wrote that as a warning, not a strategy,” Weigel writes.

While most of Weigel’s lies in his defense of Clinton are of omission and deflection, the wrist-flicking of Penn’s memo is pure audacity.

Because this is important, I’m not asking anyone to believe my interpretation of the memo. You can read the memo for yourself here. Below are two mainstream media sources. [emphasis added] As you’ll see, the idea that the memo was a warning against “othering” Obama is preposterous:

The Atlantic: The September 21st, 2016 Edition of THE REVENGE HUMP DAY! Page 18 of 52

[Penn] wrote, “I cannot imagine America electing a president during a time of war who is not at his center fundamentally American in his thinking and in his values.”Penn proposed targeting Obama’s “lack of American roots.”

Bloomberg The idea of going after Obama’s otherness dates back to the last presidential election—and to Democrats. … Hillary Clinton’s chief strategist, Mark Penn, recognized this potential vulnerability in Obama and sought to exploit it. … Penn wrote: … “[H]is roots to basic American values and culture are at best limited. I cannot imagine America electing a president during a time of war who is not at his center fundamentally American in his thinking and his values.”

Penn also suggested how the campaign might take advantage of this. “Every speech should contain the line that you were born in the middle of America to the middle class in the middle of the last century,” he advised Clinton. “And talk about the basic bargain as about [sic] the deeply American values you grew up with, learned as a child, and that drive you today.” He went on: “Let’s explicitly own ‘American’ in our programs, the speeches and the values. He doesn’t … Let’s add flag symbols to the backgrounds [of campaign events].” Bloomberg adds: “Penn was not a birther.”

His memo didn’t raise the issue of Obama’s citizenship. Furthermore, he was acutely aware of the political danger that a Democrat would court by going after Obama in this way, even subliminally: “We are never going to say anything about his background,” he wrote.

That is what the memo said. The truth, though, is that the attacks on Obama’s background would come the following year, and those attacks would not only come from Hillary’s supporters but directly from her own campaign and her own mouth during a nationally televised 60 Minutes interview.

In March of 2007, the campaign could afford to attack Obama’s otherness “subliminally.”

By the following year, as the primary losses mounted, the gloves came completely off.




From: “Keith A. Glass” [email protected]


Helena Horton, 19 September 2016 • 3:20pm The September 21st, 2016 Edition of THE REVENGE HUMP DAY! Page 19 of 52

Scientists found the scope and impact of a potentially deadly cat-borne disease was wider than they thought Credit: Bettina Strenske / Alamy Stock Phot

Cuddling a kitten may always make you feel better - but it could be dangerous to your health, according to experts.

Doctors from Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in the US conducted a large-scale survey of the cat-borne bacterial disease cat scratch fever.

They found the scope and impact of the potentially deadly disease was larger than they thought.

The disease causes fever, pustules and in extreme cases, the complications from the illness can cause death.

The doctors have warned that hands should always be washed after touching cats, and to avoid kissing felines where possible.

They also advised cat owners ensure their pet is protected from fleas.

Dr. Christina Nelson of the CDC said: "The scope and impact of the disease is a little bit larger than we thought,

"Cat-scratch is preventable. If we can identify the populations at risk and the patterns of disease, we can focus the prevention efforts." The September 21st, 2016 Edition of THE REVENGE HUMP DAY! Page 20 of 52

Kittens and strays are more likely to carry the disease. The disease is spread when you are scratched by an infected cat, or when you don't wash your hands and touch your mouth after stroking an infected cat.

Kissing and rough play with stray cats and kittens should also be avoided where possible.

Cat owners should also be careful about their animals interacting with stray cats where possible.

However, the disease is relatively rare, with the survey finding that annual incidence was 4.5 outpatient diagnoses/100,000 population.

This is more than expected, but is rare enough to mean you aren't putting your life hugely at risk by kissing a kitten.


From: “Tim Bolgeo” [email protected]


Santiago Piedra Silva | Diego, a tortoise of the endangered Chelonoidis hoodensis subspecies from Española Island, is seen in a breeding centre at Galapagos National Park, Ecuador on September 10, 2016

PUERTO AYORA (ECUADOR) (AFP) - He's over 100 years old, but his sex life is the stuff of legend. Diego the Tortoise is quite the ladies' man, and his exploits have helped save his species from extinction.

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Diego, a Galapagos giant tortoise, has fathered an estimated 800 offspring, almost single- handedly rebuilding the species' population on their native island, Espanola, the southernmost in the Galapagos Archipelago. "He's a very sexually active male reproducer. He's contributed enormously to repopulating the island," said Washington Tapia, a tortoise preservation specialist at Galapagos National Park.

Diego is a Chelonoidis hoodensis, a species found in the wild only on Espanola.

The island is one of the oldest in the Galapagos, the Pacific archipelago made famous by Charles Darwin's studies of its breathtaking biodiversity.

Around 50 years ago, there were only two males and 12 females of Diego's species alive on Espanola, and they were too spread out to reproduce.

He has done more than any other tortoise to turn that around -- with the help of his mates, of course.

Diego lives at a tortoise breeding center on Santa Cruz Island, one of the largest in the Galapagos.

He is the dominant male of the three assigned to repopulate Espanola.

He shares his enclosure with six females, his partners in the task of saving their species.

Tough work, but some tortoise has to do it.

- Mysterious Casanova -

On a cloudy morning with chilly wind, Diego timidly peeks his head out from his thick shell, then slowly plods toward some leaves for breakfast.

"Look, look! He came out. How pretty," said a young girl as she looked on.

Diego weighs about 80 kilograms (175 pounds), is nearly 90 centimeters (35 inches) long and 1.5 meters (five feet) tall if he really stretches his legs and neck.

He has a mysterious, globe-trotting background to go with his reputation as a Casanova.

Diego was found at the San Diego Zoo -- hence his name -- after Chelonoidis hoodensis was identified as a species and an international campaign was launched to find more of the rare tortoises.

"We don't know exactly how or when he arrived in the United States. He must have been taken from Espanola sometime between 1900 and 1959 by a scientific expedition," said Tapia.

After being located at the zoo in California, Diego was brought back to the Galapagos in 1976 and put in the captive breeding program.

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Little did scientists realize just how effective he was, until six years ago. "We did a genetic study and we discovered that he was the father of nearly 40 percent of the offspring released into the wild on Espanola," Tapia told AFP.

In all, around 2,000 tortoises have been released on the small island. Thanks to the program, the species is no longer facing extinction.

"I wouldn't say (the species) is in perfect health, because historical records show there probably used to be more than 5,000 tortoises on the island. But it's a population that's in pretty good shape -- and growing, which is the most important," said Tapia.

Of the 15 species of giant tortoise known to have originated in the Galapagos, three have gone extinct -- victims of 18th-century pirates who plundered the islands' fragile ecosystem.

Diego's species has also been introduced on the island of Santa Fe, where a genetically similar one, Chelonoidis spp, disappeared more than 150 years ago.

Not all critically endangered tortoises rise to the challenge as Diego has.

Hopes for another threatened species, Chelonoidis abingdoni, faded when its last known survivor died in 2012 at more than 100 years old.

Known as Lonesome George, he had refused for years to breed in captivity.


David Szondy May 19, 2016

The Gripen E has longer range and greater weapons capacity than previous Gripen fighters (Credit: Saab)

Saab has unveiled its next-generation multi-role fighter. The Gripen E prototype 39-8 "Smart Fighter" is the latest The September 21st, 2016 Edition of THE REVENGE HUMP DAY! Page 23 of 52 product of the Swedish/Brazilian fighter program and is aimed at markets not cleared to purchase the Lockheed Martin F-35 Joint Strike Fighter. According to Saab, the single- seater E is a major advance over previous Gripens with greater range and endurance, as well as more advanced weaponry and electronic warfare capability.

The sixth variant of the Gripen line, the first of which entered active service in 1997, the Gripen E carries on with the basic design of a lightweight, agile multi-role fighter with a fast-turnaround time and the ability to operate from small airfields or even motorways. It's designed for low maintenance and a service life of 50 years. In addition, it has very flexible hardware and avionics, plus a large number of hardpoints designed to carry almost any weapon in the current inventory.

The Gripen E retains the delta wing and canard configuration and fly-by-wire flight avionics, but differs from previous versions in that it has more fuel capacity, a General Electric F414G jet engine for 20 percent more thrust, more pylons, and increased takeoff weight. It also has in-flight refueling capability and is NATO compatible.

At 15.2 M (50 ft) long and a wingspan of 8.6 m (28 ft), the Gripen E isn't very large, but it can manage a takeoff weight of 16,500 kg (36.376 lb). Its service ceiling is over 52,500 ft (16.000 m) and it can do Mach 2 (1,522 mph, 2,450 km/h) flat out. Turnaround time between missions is slated at ten minutes and the entire engine can be replaced in an hour.

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Described by the company as a Network Centric fighter, the Gripen E has the Gripen data link system (TIDLS), and a Link 16 or National Data Link secure, multi-frequency data link system for total situational awareness and the ability to maintain two-way communications with other Gripen fighters and combat units.

There's also the Active Electronically Scanned Array (AESA) that uses an array of radars to track multiple targets individually, the IRST electro-optical system for tracking and locking onto hostiles passively, and a radar jamming system. In addition, the Radar Warning Receiver (RWR) can passively or actively warn of incoming missiles or enemy radar locks, while the Missile Approach Warning (MAW) system tracks incoming missiles.

"Nations need modern air defences to uphold national sovereignty," says Håkan Buskhe, President and CEO Saab. "Meanwhile, the cost in relation to other investments in society needs to be reasonable. Therefore, Saab has developed design and production methods for the Gripen E to both increase capability and to reduce costs."

Earlier Gripens are currently in service with the armed forces of Sweden, South Africa, the Czech Republic, Hungary, and Thailand. The Gripen is also used by the RAF's Empire Test Pilots' School for test pilot training. The first of the Gripen Es are expected to be delivered to Sweden and Brazil in 2019.

The video AT THE WEBSITE shows the Gripen E taking on a hypothetical combat scenario.

Source: Saab

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Ria Misra, September 13, 2016

An excavating team in Argentina just pulled an over 30-ton rock out of the ground. But is it really the world’s second largest intact meteorite?

The rock was pulled on Saturday from Campo del Cielo—a well-known meteorite crash site in Argentina, where iron meteorites abound. Some reports are describing it as the second largest meteorite ever discovered, and, yep, you only have to look at the footage to see that it’s certainly one big rock. But there are still some questions that need to be answered before we give this boulder Earth’s number two meteorite spot.

First, the rock needs to be confirmed as an actual meteorite which, given the field it was found, is not unlikely. But the team from the Astronomy Association of Chaco who weighed the hunk of rock at 30 tons still isn’t sure about the measurement and noted that they want to do a second weigh-inafter rebalancing their scale to confirm what they read.

Even if the rock is confirmed as a meteorite and does measure in at over 30 tons though, that still wouldn’t make it the world’s second biggest. The largest meteorite ever found is a 66-ton meteorite in Namibia called the Hoba. After that, though, the question of who takes the number two spot starts to get murkier.

There’s another meteorite previously discovered in the same field of a similar size: El Chaco. The Astronomy Association of Chaco says that this new rock is the larger of the two. Previous reports, however, put El Chaco’s size at 37 tons, which would give it the number two spot over this new meteorite. For now, though, all we really know is that another really big rock has been plucked from a meteorite field—for everything else, we’ll have to wait.


Kris Osborn, September 14, 2016 buzz/us-navy-develops-laser-weapon- prototypes-destroyers-cruisers-17711

The Navy plans to arm its destroyers and other ships with high-tech, low-cost ship-board laser weapons engineered to quickly incinerate enemy drones, small boats, aircraft, ships and The September 21st, 2016 Edition of THE REVENGE HUMP DAY! Page 26 of 52 missiles, service officials told Scout Warrior.

The Office of Naval Research is working on 12-month, $53-million deal with Northrop Grumman to develop a Laser Weapon System Demonstrator through three phases; the phases include an initial design phase, ground-testing phase and then weapons testing at sea aboard a Navy Self Defense test ship, a Northrop statement said.

“The company will design, produce, integrate, and support the shipboard testing of a 150- kilowatt-class solid state (electric) laser weapon system,” the Northrop statement added. “The contract could grow to a total value of $91 million over 34 months if ONR exercises all of its contract options.”

Office of Naval Research officials told Scout Warrior an aim of the developmental program is to engineer a prototype weapons for further analysis. "This system employs multi-spectral target detection and track capabilities as well as an advanced off-axis beam director with improved fiber laser technologies to provide extended target engagement ranges. Improvements of high power fiber lasers used to form the laser beam enable the increased power levels and extended range capabilities. Lessons learned, operating procedures, updated hardware and software derived from previous systems will be incorporated in this demonstration," Dr. Tom Beutner, director of the Air Warfare and Weapons branch, Office of Naval Research, told Scout Warrior in a written statement a few months ago.

“The possibilities can become integrated prototypes -- and the prototypes become reality when they become acquisition programs,” an ONR official said.

It is not yet clear when this weapon might be operational but the intention seems to be to arm surface ships such as destroyers, cruisers and possibly even carriers or an LCS with inexpensive offensive or defensive laser weapons technology.

“It is way too early to determine if this system will ever become operational. Northrop Grumman has been funded to set-up a demo to "demonstrate" the capabilities to senior leadership, who will then determine whether it is an asset worth further funding and turning into a program of record,” a Navy official told Scout Warrior.

Both Navy and Northrop Grumman officials often talk about the cost advantages of firing laser weapons to incinerate incoming enemy attacks or destroy enemy targets without having to expend an interceptor missile worth hundreds of thousands of dollars.

Navy officials describe this as getting ahead of the cost curve.

"For about the price of a gallon of diesel fuel per shot, we're offering the Navy a high- precision defensive approach that will protect not only its sailors, but also its wallet," said Guy Renard, director and program manager, directed energy, Northrop Grumman Aerospace Systems.

Meanwhile, the Navy has already deployed one laser system, called the Laser Weapons System, or LaWS, which has been operational for months.

LaWS uses heat energy from lasers to disable or destroy targets fast, slow, stationary and moving targets. The system has successfully incinerated UAVs and other targets in tests The September 21st, 2016 Edition of THE REVENGE HUMP DAY! Page 27 of 52 shots, and has been operational aboard an amphibious transport dock in the Persian Gulf, the USS Ponce.

The scalable weapon is designed to destroy threats for about $59-cents per shot, an amount that is exponentially lower that the hundreds of thousands or millions needed to fire an interceptor missile such as the Standard Missile-2, Navy officials explained.

While at sea, sailors have been using the LaWS for targeting and training exercises every day and the weapon has even been used to disable and destroy some targets, service officials said.

Navy sailors and engineers have discovered some unanticipated intelligence, reconnaissance and surveillance value from the laser weapons system by using its long- range telescope to scan for targets as well, Navy officials said.

Laser weapons are expected to figure prominently in the Navy's future plans in several respects. New Navy platforms such as the high-tech destroyer, the DDG 1000 or USS Zumwalt, is engineered with an electric drive propulsion system and extra on-board electrical power called an Integraed Power System. This system is in part designed to power-up ship electrical systems and accommodate emerging future weapons systems such as lasers and rail guns.

"Laser weapons provide deep magazines, low cost per shot, and precision engagement capabilities with variable effects that range from dazzling to structural defeat against asymmetric threats that are facing the US Naval force," Beutner added.

In addition, laser weapons integrate fully into the Navy's emerging "distributed lethality" strategy aimed at better arming the surface fleet with a wide array of offensive and defensive weapons.


By: Nidhi Goyal | September 14th, 2016 thought/38490?utm_source=Industry+Tap&utm_campaign=f75a370e60- Industry_Tap_Volume_3479_15_2016&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_05d6224fe0-f75a370e60- 44103165

Geochemists from the University of California at Los Angeles have found evidence that life likely existed on Earth at least 4.1 billion years ago, which is 300 million years earlier than previous research suggested.

Previously, it was understood that life on Earth began shortly after the massive bombardment of the inner solar system from space that also formed the moon’s craters 3.9 billion years ago.

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Image courtesy Allen Nutman


The researchers made the discovery studying specks of graphite trapped in zircon crystals found in Jack Hills in Western Australia.

Zircons are heavy, durable minerals originally formed from molten rocks. Zircons capture and preserve their immediate environment which has led researchers to nickname them ‘time capsules.’

The carbon contained in zircon has a characteristic signature; a specific ratio of carbon-12 to carbon-13 is associated with living things.

One of the zircons that were analyzed contained graphite, which is pure carbon. The graphite is older than the zircon containing it, the researchers said. They know the zircon is 4.1 billion years old based on its ratio of uranium to lead.

The scientists, led by Dr. Mark Harrison, said that the graphite had been completely enclosed in the crystal, which was crack-free and so could not have been contaminated. The first time that the graphite ever got exposed in the last 4.1 billion years was when scientists made the measurement.

They wrote: “This study extends the terrestrial carbon isotope record around 300m years beyond the previously oldest-measured samples from south-west Greenland.”


By: Nidhi Goyal | September 13th, 2016 landfills/38487?utm_source=Industry+Tap&utm_campaign=f75a370e60- %20Industry_Tap_Volume_3479_15_2016&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_05d6224fe0- f75a370e60-44103165 The September 21st, 2016 Edition of THE REVENGE HUMP DAY! Page 29 of 52

Image courtesy

Recycling has become part of daily life in Sweden. Sweden has, in fact, turned it into a profitable business rather than sending garbage to landfills.


Sweden produces around 4.4 million tons of the household waste every year, but only about one percent of this garbage ends up in landfills. In comparison, the U.S. sends 55% of its waste to landfills each year.

The major portion of the waste is used in feeding the country’s 32 waste-to-energy (WTE) plants to generate electricity. Garbage is burned to produce steam which spins turbines to generate electricity.


Sweden is so efficient in managing its waste that it has started importing garbage from neighboring countries. It imports nearly 700,000 tons of waste from other countries; most of the import is coming from Britain and Norway.

Although the idea of utilizing trash for energy might look good, the method used is not a clean form of energy production. According to US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), incineration plants or waste-to-energy (WTE) plants put out more CO2 per megawatt generated than burning coal.

Incineration is not recycling, so it would actually be wrong to say that Sweden recycles 99% of its waste.

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By: Nidhi Goyal | September 12th, 2016 oceans/38484?utm_source=Industry+Tap&utm_campaign=f75a370e60- Industry_Tap_Volume_3479_15_2016&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_05d6224fe0-f75a370e60- 44103165


NASA plans to develop a submarine to explore Titan’s frigid oceans.

Titan, Saturn’s largest moon, is more similar to the Earth than any other body in the solar system, especially its atmosphere, which has layers just like our planet.

Conversely, Titan is extremely cold, with the average surface temperature around 94 degrees Kelvin (minus 179 C, or minus 290 F). Titan is so cold that water is frozen as hard as granite. It also has oceans of liquid methane and no water, but scientists still wonder if life based on methane could exist on Titan.

An autonomous submarine will explore the depths of Titan’s oceans and search for signs of life

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The submarine will carry all the required instruments to measure the chemical composition of Titan’s oceans, the currents, tides, and the structure of the ocean floor.

The submarine will be fully autonomous. It will be packed with all kinds of meteorological tools, sensors, cameras, radars, and sonar equipment to facilitate a complete exploration. The submarine would be able to communicate with the Earth as well.

The project is still in the conceptual stage. A first mission has been tentatively scheduled for 2038 when Earth and Saturn are aligned properly.


By Steve Spaleta | September 15, 2016 04:10pm ET

The "Cislunar Explorers" are a team of Cornell University graduate and undergraduate students that are working on a cubesat design that will electrolyze water in its tank and turn it into combustible hydrogen and oxygen gas.


By Mike Wall, Senior Writer | September 14, 2016 07:00am ET

The competition between billionaire space entrepreneurs Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos has reached new heights.

On Monday (Sept. 12), Bezos announced that his company Blue Origin is developing a family of heavy-lift rockets known as New Glenn, after John Glenn, the first American to orbit the Earth. With a maximum height of 313 feet (95 meters), New Glenn will be taller than the 230-foot (70 m) Falcon Heavy, which Musk's SpaceX is building.

The Falcon Heavy will be more powerful, however, generating 5.1 million pounds of thrust, compared to New Glenn's 3.85 million pounds. [Blue Origin's Private Spaceships in Photos]

The first stages of the Falcon Heavy (including the two strap-on boosters, which will be derived from Falcon 9 first stages) and New Glenn will be reusable, in keeping with the priorities of SpaceX and Blue Origin; both companies aim to slash the cost of spaceflight by landing and reflying their rockets multiple times.

The two companies' parallel efforts to develop this technology spawned aminisquabble between Musk and Bezos in November 2015, after Blue Origin's New Shepard rocket landed during a suborbital test flight, becoming the first booster ever to do so.

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Blue Origin's newly announced New Glenn heavy-lift rockets will feature reusable first stages. The two- and three-stage versions will stand 270 feet (82 meters) and 313 feet (95 m) tall, respectively. Credit: Blue Origin

Musk congratulated Bezos via Twitter at the time, but also stressed that bringing a rocket back during an orbital launch — as SpaceX had been trying to do with its Falcon 9 — was a much more difficult task. (New Shepard is a suborbital rocket designed to take paying customers and science experiments on brief jaunts to space, while the Falcon 9 launches payloads to orbit.)

An artist's illustration of a SpaceX Falcon Heavy rocket at Launch Complex 39A at NASA's Kennedy Space Center in Florida. Credit: SpaceX

Bezos then pushed back, saying that SpaceX was trying to recover just the Falcon 9's first stage, which never makes it to orbit.

"The second point that I would make is that the SpaceX first stage does an in-space deceleration burn to make their re-entry environment more benign," Bezos said during a news conference in November. "So if anything, the Blue Origin booster that we just flew and demonstrated may be the one that flies through the harsher re-entry environment. And then finally, the hardest part of vertical landing and reusability is probably the final landing segment, which is the same for both boosters."

SpaceX succeeded in landing a Falcon 9 first stage in December 2015, during the launch of 11 satellites for the company Orbcomm. Since then, SpaceX has landed five more Falcon 9 The September 21st, 2016 Edition of THE REVENGE HUMP DAY! Page 33 of 52 first stages, some of them on terra firma near the launch pad and some on robotic "drone ships" stationed offshore.

And Blue Origin has successfully launched and landed the same New Shepard first stage four times to date, most recently in June of this year.

In his Monday announcement, Bezos said that the company's goal is to have New Glenn — which will have a two-stage variant and a three-stage version — up and running by 2020. Meanwhile, SpaceX representatives had said that the maiden flight of the Falcon Heavy should take place later this year, but that timeline may be in doubt as the company continues to investigate the explosion of a Falcon 9 during a routine prelaunch test on Sept. 1.

Bezos and Musk aren't the only billionaires reshaping the spaceflight landscape. For example, Virgin Galactic was founded by British entrepreneur Richard Branson in 2004, and in 2011 Microsoft co-founder Paul Allen formed Stratolaunch Systems, which will launch satellites (and, eventually, crew-carrying vehicles) beneath the biggest airplane that has ever flown.

FLYING WING-SHAPED AIRPLANE VALIDATING NEW WING DESIGN METHOD by Jay Levine, AFRC News, Edwards AFB CA (SPX) Mar 23, 2016 ing_Design_Method_999.html

David Lee, Golda Nguyen and Scott Gleason recover the Prandtl-D No. 3 after one of its first flights. Image courtesy NASA Photo and Lauren Hughes.

Future aircraft fuel efficiency could be dramaticall y increased thanks to ideas validated with increasingly complex subscale, experimental, remotely piloted aircraft at NASA's Armstrong Flight Research Center in California. The September 21st, 2016 Edition of THE REVENGE HUMP DAY! Page 34 of 52

Flights are scheduled to resume this summer on the flying wing-shaped Primary Research Aerodynamic Design to Lower Drag, or Prandtl-D No.3. The project features a new wing design method and a twist. If the concept continues to prove its value, it could forward NASA's research goals to prove technologies leading to significant fuel economy and emissions reduction.

The NASA Aeronautics Research Mission Directorate has provided funds for student assistance with the flight research that has been ongoing for more than three years at Armstrong. The Prandtl-D No. 3 is undergoing the addition of instrumentation in preparation for the upcoming flights, said Al Bowers, NASA Armstrong chief scientist and Prandtl-D project manager.

Through a series of remotely controlled-subscale Prandtl-D models in 2013, 2014 and 2015, several with sensors that validated aerodynamic design merits and control expectations of the concept, Bowers, colleagues and students recorded more than three hours of flight data.

That research confirms that the -shaped spanloading method generates proverse yaw. Proverse yaw is thrust, rather than drag, at the wingtips and makes the aircraft's tail unnecessary because of the design and not because of the need for electronic controls. The result is greater efficiency and the potential to reimagine airplane design.

Researchers, industry and academia can learn how wing twist and a radically different bell- shaped spanloading - the load distribution over the wing's span - could lead to a substantial reduction in drag detailed in a technical paper released in March.

The NASA technical publication is entitled, "On Wings of the Minimum Induced Drag: Spanload Implications for Aircraft and Birds," NASA/TP - 2016-219072.

"The NASA technical paper is the right approach because we heartily encourage open access to the data," Bowers said.

This technology is available for licensing through NASA's Innovative Partnerships Office, which seeks to transfer technology into and out of NASA to benefit the space program and U.S. industry. NASA invites companies to consider licensing the Prandtl-D innovations for further development and commercial applications.

In addition to detailing how the Prandtl-D achieved its data, the paper asserts a corollary to birds. Humans first looked to birds as the model of flight but turned away from that model more than a century ago.

Bowers contends that birds are the right place to look. Birds, for example, do not have vertical tails but manage coordinated turns and their wings taper to narrow tips without stalling.

Unlike aircraft with standard elliptical spanload, which achieves the best efficiency in formation flight by trailing one wingtip directly behind another, birds fly in formation with their wingtips overlapped. Prandtl-D demonstrates why the overlapping of birds in flight is the optimal aerodynamic answer. The September 21st, 2016 Edition of THE REVENGE HUMP DAY! Page 35 of 52

The Prandtl-D wing, which is the foundation of the experiment, will reduce aerodynamic drag by at least 11 percent, Bowers said. Aircraft that use the Prandtl-D configuration without a traditional fuselage and tail could see fuel efficiency gains of more than three times that, or divide gains to obtain increased speed or range using the same amount of fuel, Bowers said.

Thrust at the wingtips is an idea that flies against the winds of traditional aeronautical thought and is now developing wider acceptance.

"No one has criticized the math in our paper," Bowers said of peer reviewers.

"No one has found any sort of defect in the logic. The revolutionary part of this is it allows aircraft designers to completely eliminate the tail on an aircraft and you end up with a flying wing. All of the problems that have traditionally been associated with flying wings, and the reason we put tails on airplanes, appear to be solved by doing this."

"The Prandtl-D solution contends that once you pick a certain size of aircraft that the purely aerodynamic answer is no longer sufficient. The amount of payload the airplane is going to carry and the amount of structure necessary to carry that payload changes the answer."

The new research does not preclude traditional methods.

"There are still many situations where the old solution is the correct one. If you have a certain constraint on wingspan, the old solution is the right one. Very large aircraft that barely fit within the current infrastructure we have would still want to solve those problems the exact same way we are now."

However, times are changing.

"There has been a recent trend for airliners to be smaller than the maximum size. We're seeing companies move away from the ultra large capacity airliners. With that move, the Prandtl-D wing offers a very viable solution. We think in the long term most aircraft will use this solution because of its minimum drag for a given amount of structure. The same structure with 22 percent longer wing span will result in 11 percent less drag on the aircraft."

Flight data thus far supports the aircraft wing design solutions first proposed by aeronautical engineers in the first half of the 20th century including Ludwig Prandtl. Prandtl was a German whose research is considered a foundation of modern aerodynamics.

The aircraft's designs are based on glider concepts of German brothers Reimar and Walter Horten and the conclusions of NASA aerodynamics pioneers R.T. Jones and Richard Whitcomb.

Aeronautical engineers labor for ways to gain a few percentage points of efficiency and the idea that a different solution could yield such efficiency, "people can't conceive it can be true," Bowers said.

As Bowers and his colleagues continue to build the case for the concepts proven with the Prandtl-D, the time may be coming for a new paradigm in aviation, Bowers concluded. The September 21st, 2016 Edition of THE REVENGE HUMP DAY! Page 36 of 52


People in seven states, from South Dakota to Texas, were awakened Saturday morning, September 3, by Oklahoma’s most powerful earthquake in recorded history. The 5.8 tremor was centered near Pawnee, Oklahoma. Several buildings sustained minor damage and there were no serious injuries.

That we know.

What we don’t know is what caused the quake—but that didn’t stop the alarmist headlines from quickly blaming it on “fracking.”

Green Party candidate Dr. Jill Stein promptly tweeted: “Fracking causes polluted drinking water + earthquakes. The #GreenNewDeal comes with none of these side effects, Oklahoma. #BanFracking”

Citing a March 2016 report from the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) on “induced earthquakes,” CNN says: “The report found that oil and gas drilling activity, particularly The September 21st, 2016 Edition of THE REVENGE HUMP DAY! Page 37 of 52 practices like hydraulic fracturing or fracking, is at issue. Saturday’s earthquake spurred state regulators in Oklahoma to order 37 disposal wells, which are used by frackers, to shut down over a 725-square mile area.”

Despite these dramatic accusations, the science doesn’t support them. The USGS website clearly states: “FRACKING IS NOT CAUSING MOST OF THE INDUCED EARTHQUAKES.”

An important study from Stanford School of Earth, Energy & Environmental Sciences on the Oklahoma earthquakes, which I wrote about last year, makes clear that they are “unrelated to hydraulic fracturing.”

While the exact cause of the September 3 quake is still undetermined, geologists close to the research do not believe it is fracking related. (Realize 5.5 El Reno earthquake, centered near the western edge of Oklahoma City, in 1952 was from natural causes.) At a September 8 meeting on Seismicity in Oklahoma, according to Rex Buchanan, Interim director of the Kansas Geological Survey: “There was relatively little conversation about fracking and far more conversation about wastewater.”

The error in the reporting occurs, I believe, because people don’t generally understand the difference between drilling and hydraulic fracturing, and produced water and flowback water, and, therefore, merge them all into one package.

Yes, it does appear that the increase in induced earthquakes may be the result of oil-and- gas development, yet totally banning fracking, as Stein and Hillary Clinton support, would not diminish the tremors.

First, not every oil or gas well is drilled using hydraulic fracturing. Fracking is a part of the process used on some wells. However, much of the drilling done in the part of Oklahoma where the seismic activity first occurred is conventional and doesn’t involve fracking.

When a well uses hydraulic fracturing, millions of gallons of water, plus sand and chemicals, are pumped into the well at high pressure to release the resource. When the oil or gas comes up from deep underground, the liquids injected come back to the surface too. This is called flowback water. That water is separated from the oil and/or gas and may be reused, recycled (as I wrote about in December), or disposed of in deep wells known as injection wells—which are believed to be the source of the induced seismic activity.

Produced water is a byproduct of nearly every oil and gas extraction well—whether or not it is fracked. The water, oil, and gas are all “remnants of ancient seas that heat, pressure and time transformed,” explains Scott Tinker, Texas’ state geologist and director of the University of Texas at Austin’s Bureau of Economic Geology. He continues: “Although the water is natural, it can be several orders of magnitude more saline than seawater and is often laced with naturally occurring radioactive material. It is toxic to plants and animals, so operators bury it deep underground to protect drinking-water supplies closer to the surface.”

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While the hydraulic fracturing process is typically only a few days, the produced water can be brought to the surface with the oil and/or gas for years. With the increased oil and gas extraction in the past several years—before the 2014 bust, the volumes of wastewater also soared. In parts of Oklahoma, ten barrels of wastewater are produced with every barrel of oil. Scientific American reports that some of those high-volume injection wells “absorbed more than 300,000 barrels of water per month.”

The authors of the Stanford study were “able to review data about the amount of wastewater injected at the wells as well as the total amount of hydraulic fracturing happening in each study area, they were able to conclude that the bulk of the injected water was produced water generated using conventional oil extraction techniques, not during hydraulic fracturing,” writes Ker Than for Stanford. Professor Mark Zoback, lead author of the study states: “We know that some of the produced water came from wells that were hydraulically fractured, but in the three areas of most seismicity, over 95 percent of the wastewater disposal is produced water, not hydraulic flowback water.”

So, if banning fracking won’t stop the shaking, what will? The geologists contacted for this coverage agree that more work is needed. While the quakes seem to be connected to the wastewater injection wells, there are thousands of such wells where no discernable seismic activity has occurred. Oklahoma has been putting new restrictions on some of its thousands of disposal wells for more than a year to curb seismic activity and that, combined with reduced drilling activity due to low prices, has reduced the rate of the tremors. Other mitigation strategies are being explored.

When you hear claims that hydraulic fracturing causes earthquakes, remember the facts don’t support the accusations. Fracking isn’t causing Oklahoma’s increased earthquakes.


David Szondy, September 17, 2016

The ET-MP is the first lethal hand grenade developed for the US Army in 40 years (Credit: US Army)

The US military is getting its first new hand grenade in 40 years as engineers at the US Army Armament Research, The September 21st, 2016 Edition of THE REVENGE HUMP DAY! Page 39 of 52

Development, and Engineering Center (ARDEC) at Picatinny Arsenal, New Jersey, work on a safer multi-purpose design. Called the Enhanced Tactical Multi-Purpose (ET-MP) hand grenade, it will allow soldiers to choose between concussive or fragmentation blasts with the flip of a lever.

Though many people think of grenades as little green pineapples with pins sticking out of them, there are actually many different types for many different jobs. There are incendiary grenades for destroying equipment, gas grenades for crowd control, smoke grenades, stun grenades, anti-tank grenades, and even illumination grenades to cast a bit of light on the subject.

The two main lethal types carried by foot soldiers are concussion and fragmentation grenades.

Concussion grenades are listed as "offensive" because they kill by means of blast. They have a small danger radius, so soldiers can use them while advancing in the open without fear of being caught in the blast wave.

Fragmentation grenades, on the other hand, are "defensive." In addition to a high-explosive charge, the fragmentation grenade has a sleeve filled with ball bearings or is wrapped in wire or a metal casing that shatters into lethal bits on detonation. These typically have a danger radius of 15 m (49 ft), so soldiers have to be behind cover when using them.

According to the Army, the US inventory of lethal grenades has consisted solely of the M67 fragmentation grenade and its variants since 1975. In that year, the MK3A2 concussion grenade was withdrawn from service – ironically, because of an asbestos hazard.

The ET-MP is aimed at replacing both fragmentation and concussion grenades with a safer, more flexible design. At the flip of a lever, the ET-MP changes from one mode to the other, reducing the need for troops to carry multiple grenades, yet having the one to suit the current situation.

ARDEC says that the ET-MP is the result of five years development based on requests and feedback from troops wanting an improved grenade, as well as input from Infantry School representatives. Aside from its dual mode, it's also the first US ambidextrous grenade. Previous hand grenades were designed for right handers, which made it difficult for southpaws to use without special instruction.

"We received direct input from the Army and Marine Corps early on, which was critical in ensuring the new arming and fuzing design was user friendly," says Matthew Hall, Grenades Tech Base Development Lead. "With these upgrades in the ET-MP, not only is the fuze timing completely electronic, but the detonation train is also out-of-line. Detonation time can now be narrowed down into milliseconds, and until armed, the hand grenade will not be able to detonate."

The ET-MP is expected to go into service in five years.

Source: US Army

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David Szondy, April 7, 2016

Greg Gatlin, NASA aerospace research engineer, inspects the truss-braced wing during testing in the Unitary Plan Wind Tunnel complex at NASA’s Ames Research Center in Silicon Valley (Credit: NASA)

NASA is developing a stiletto-like plane wing that's so long and thin that it needs a truss to hold it up. The longer, thinner, and lighter truss-braced wing, as it is called, is aimed at making future commercial transport aircraft more efficient and less polluting.

As aircraft become larger, they need larger wings to lift them. But providing enough surface area to create enough lift to get the plane off the ground also adds weight to the plane and more drag, which results in more fuel burned, more emissions, and higher operating costs. One way of getting around this is by making the wings longer and thinner, but this becomes a tradeoff as the wings start to bend down under their own weight, or bend up from lift forces.

Under development by NASA and Boeing engineers, the truss-braced wing allows for a more efficient allocation of wing surface while at the same time providing support. In its present iteration, it has a 50-percent longer wingspan than current designs on comparable aircraft. NASA says the combination of light weight and reduced drag means that an aircraft equipped with the wing should burn half the fuel and have half the carbon emissions of current transport aircraft designs, and outperform advanced unbraced wing designs by four to eight percent.

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The truce-braced wing is undergoing wind tunnel tests at NASA's Ames Research Center in California. The results of these tests will be used with detailed computer models of air flow to tweak the design of the wing, the truss, and their dimensions with the wind tunnel tests providing real-world validation.

The truss-braced wing is part of NASA's Advanced Air Transport Technology project to produce more efficient and cleaner aviation technology and will be incorporated in the agency's proposed new tranche of X-Plane experimental technology demonstrator airplanes, similar to the ones that made so many American aviation breakthroughs from the 1940s onward.

Source: NASA


A piece of 6,000-year-old fabric, dyed indigo blue. (Lauren Urana)

Deborah Netburn The September 21st, 2016 Edition of THE REVENGE HUMP DAY! Page 42 of 52

Take a good look at the piece of cloth pictured at the top of this story. That was made 6,000 years ago by people living on the coast of Peru. Now check out those faint blue lines running through it. Yes, they’re washed out, but you can still see them.

This square of striped cotton, and a few others like it, represents the first known instance of people using indigo to dye a textile blue.

The ancient Peruvian fabric is more than 1,500 years older than the earliest known Egyptian fabrics with indigo-dyed borders and 3,000 years older than the first blue-dyed textiles in , according to a study published this week in the journal Science Advances.

“It is possible it is the earliest known example of cloth dyeing in the world,” said Jeffrey Splitstoser, a textile expert in the department of anthropology at George Washington University. “I don’t know of anything older.”

Researchers have discovered 6,000-year-old pieces of cloth from Peru that were dyed with indigo, a considerable feat for the time.

The blue-tinged pieces of cloth were unearthed at Huaca Prieta, an ancient ceremonial mound on the north coast of Peru that was occupied between 14,500 and 4,000 years ago. Thousands of squares of the prehistoric textiles have been found at the site. Splitstoser said he has personally examined 800 of them.

The swatches were mostly square, ranging in size from 1 to 3 feet in length, although the larger squares were usually two pieces of textile that had been stitched together.

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Not all the squares were made of the same weave, but oddly, Splitstoser said, all the samples he worked on were fragments of cloth that had been cut, torn or ripped from a larger piece of cloth.

“The preservation at the site is excellent, so their fragmentary nature is due to the fact that prior to being discarded, they were in that condition,” he said.

The cloth pieces were not used for clothing because they had no arm, leg or head holes, and the edges were not treated or hemmed the way you would expect for even a simple item of clothing like a poncho, he said. Instead, he suspects that they may have been used to carry items to the site.

“If you got to the Andes today people will take a square of fabric about the same size as what we saw, put whatever they want to carry in the center and then wrap it up,” he said. “I think they were carrying things in the bag to the temple and then ritually depositing or using them there and leaving the textiles there as well.”

In addition, many of the prehistoric squares of fabric look like they had been wet and were discovered twisted and scrunched up, indicating that they had been dipped in liquid and then wrung out.

Splitstoser said many of the cloth fragments were found on a ramp that led to the top of what may have been a ceremonial temple at the time. There were also many smashed-up gourds on the ramp.

“I don’t think it is too big of a leap of faith to think the gourds were carrying liquid and the textiles were carrying the gourds,” he said. “Perhaps when the people got to the ramp, they poured the liquid in the gourd on the textiles and whatever else, then squeezed the liquid out of the fabric.”

When he first started examining the swatches, Splitstoser couldn’t tell they were dyed at all because they were so dirty. However, after they were cleaned in 2011, he started to notice a few faint traces of color.

“That’s when I could see they were blue, and that’s when I started asking around to see if I could get them analyzed,” he said.

It turns out it is not easy to definitely detect ancient indigo. Indigo molecules break down over time and can get washed out of fabrics. It takes extremely sensitive equipment to detect it.

After a few failed tries, Jan Wouters, a chemist at the University College London, was able determine that the blue in the fabrics was indeed indigo and, further, that it was probably made from Indigofera, a genus of plant that has been widely used to produce blue dye across the world. “It’s interesting to see how long people have been using that particular plant,” Splitstoser said.

He added that the find is a little surprising because indigo is not the most intuitive dye. Indigotin, the blue component in indigo, is not soluble in water, so it’s not like you can just throw some Indigofera flowers in a vat of boiling water and extract the dye. Instead, you The September 21st, 2016 Edition of THE REVENGE HUMP DAY! Page 44 of 52 have to ferment the leaves, which turns the indigotin into another chemical that is soluble in water, but is not blue.

“It’s actually kind of a yellowish color,” he said. “In order to get the blue, you dip the clothes in the water with the dissolved indigo molecule, then when you pull it out it oxidizes, and that’s when it turns blue.”

That means that these ancient people living 6,000 years ago not only knew how to turn plant fibers into thread, and weave that thread into cloth, but also how to use complicated dye processes to stain the cloth new colors.

“In the modern world, we sometimes think of ancient people as primitive with a lack of understanding about the world,” Splitstoser said. “But really, you had to be pretty smart to live back then.”


Musk may soon detail the architecture he hopes will colonize the solar system.

ERIC BERGER - 9/18/2016, 5:45 PM beyond-mars/

Elon Musk at the Allen & Co. Media and Technology Conference in Idaho during the summer of 2015. The book is Excession, by Iain Banks. David Paul Morris/Bloomberg via Getty Images

For most of its 14 year existence, SpaceX has focused on designing and developing the hardware that will lead to its ultimate goal: colonizing Mars. These plans have remained largely secret from the general public, as company founder Elon Musk has dropped only the barest of hints. But that is expected to change on Sept. 27, during a session at the International Astronautical Congress, when Musk details some of these plans for the first time in a public forum.

However, on the eve of the meeting, Musk dropped a surprise on Twitter. The workhorse spacecraft that will carry approximately 100 tons of cargo or 100 people to the surface of Mars, which until now has been popularly known as the Mars Colonial Transporter, can't be called that, Musk said. "Turns out MCT can go well beyond Mars, so will need a new name..." he tweeted on Friday evening. By Saturday evening he had a new name dubbing the spacecraft the "Interplanetary Transport System," or ITS.

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Mars, it turns out, isn't the solar system's onlymarginally habitable world for would-be new world colonists. The Moon, Venus, the asteroid Ceres, and outer Solar System moons Titan and Callisto all have some advantages that could allow for colonies to subsist. However, Mars has generally been the preferred destination—due to its relative proximity to Earth, a thin atmosphere, and sources of water ice. Musk now seems to be suggesting that some of these more distant destinations, especially moons around Jupiter and Saturn, might be reachable with the Interplanetary Transport System.

Perhaps the most significant aspect of Musk's musings on Twitter is the signal that he does not intend to pull back from his grand vision of humanity becoming a multi-planetary species, even for a short time. Rather than pausing after the loss of a Falcon 9 rocket and its payload during the run-up to a static fire test on September 1, and focusing on mastering access to low-Earth orbit, Musk appears to be pushing full steam ahead into deep space.

It is not clear the extent to which Musk will detail his Interplanetary Transport System, or the booster that will launch it (the BFR—figure that acronym out for yourself), during the international meeting in Mexico next week. However, he is sure to have the considerable legion of SpaceX fans hanging on his every word while much of the rest of the aerospace community wonders how seriously to take the mercurial Musk. Yes, he has upended the global launch business with his sleek, low-cost rockets. But the company's credibility is also on the line after two losses of a Falcon 9 booster in just more than a year. Regardless, it will be a fascinating show, watched by all with even a remote interest in spaceflight.


By Mike Wall, Senior Writer | September 19, 2016 06:30am ET

China's first-ever space lab will die a fiery death in Earth's atmosphere toward the end of next year, Chinese officials said.

The 9.4-ton (8.5 metric tons) Tiangong-1 spacecraft is currently intact and orbiting Earth at an altitude of 230 miles (370 kilometers), according to Wu Ping, deputy director of China's Manned Space Engineering office. That's a bit lower than the International , which usually stays about 250 miles (400 km) above the planet's surface.

Tiangong-1 will likely fall back to Earth in the second half of 2017, and its demise shouldn't cause problems here on the ground, Wu said.

"Based on our calculation and analysis, most parts of the space lab will burn up during falling," she said during a news conference Wednesday (Sept. 14), according to China's state-run Xinhua news agency.

China is monitoring Tiangong-1 (whose name means "Heavenly Palace" in Mandarin) closely and will issue the appropriate warnings if the space lab threatens to hit a satellite, Wu added. She said that China will release a forecast of Tiangong-1's fall to Earth "if necessary," according to Xinhua. The September 21st, 2016 Edition of THE REVENGE HUMP DAY! Page 46 of 52

Artist's illustration of China's 8-ton Tiangong-1 space lab, which is expected to fall to Earth late next year, unless it's boosted to a higher altitude. Credit: CMSE

The update from Wu seems to confirm speculation that China is no longer in control of the 34-foot-long (10.3 meters) Tiangong-1, which launched in September 2011 to test out docking technologies and other skills that China will need to build its planned space station in the early 2020s.

After all, if operators were still controlling the space lab, they could steer it to a guided re- entry over an empty stretch of ocean at a specified time.

Three spacecraft docked with Tiagong-1 during its operational life — -8 in November 2011, Shenzhou-9 in June 2012 and Shenzhou-10 in June 2013. The latter two missions were crewed, each carrying three Chinese "taikonauts" up to the space lab.

Tiangong-1 stopped sending data back to Earth in March 2016, officially ending the space lab's mission. But its successor is now aloft: Tiangong-2 launched atop a rocket on Sept. 15 from the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center in northwestern China.

Two taikonauts are scheduled to arrive at Tiangong-2 in mid- to late October for a 30-day stay, Chinese officials have said. (The Shenzhou-9 and Shenzhou-10 crews spent eight and 12 days aboard Tiangong-1, respectively.) The September 21st, 2016 Edition of THE REVENGE HUMP DAY! Page 47 of 52

China is not part of the multinational consortium, led by the United States and Russia, that operates the 440-ton (400 metric ton) International Space Station. China aims to have its own 60-ton (54 metric tons) space station up and running in Earth orbit by 2022 or so.


David Szondy March 23, 2016 loading/42405/?li_source=LI&li_medium=default-widget

The new 40 mm Cased Telescoped Cannon System will be installed on British Army Ajax and Warrior (seen here) armored vehicles.

t completely new cannon system in 50 years – and it loads sideways. This loading system on the new 40mm Cased Telescoped Cannon System, which was handed over to the British Ministry of Defence (MoD) in Bourges, France by CTA International (CTAI), is claimed to provide more firepower while saving space.

According to BAE Systems, which is a 50/50 partner in CTAI along with Nexter Systems, the delivery is the first of 515 40mm cannons for the British Army's Warrior and Ajax armored fighting vehicles. The new system has been in development since the 1990s and has undergone extensive testing.

The key to the new 40 mm gun is its Cased Telescoped ammunition. Instead of using traditional bullet-shaped rounds with the projectile upfront and a cannister of propellant behind, Cased Telescoped ammunition consists of a straight tube with the projectile inside The September 21st, 2016 Edition of THE REVENGE HUMP DAY! Page 48 of 52 the tube completely surrounded by propellant and a plug in front that provides a gas-tight seal to drag the shell along. BAE says that this gives the shell four times the power of the previous 30 mm round.

Currently, the Cased Telescoped rounds are available in armor piercing and training forms, but a practice tracer round, general purpose round-point penetrating, programmable airburst, and anti-aircraft rounds are under development.

As to the cannon itself, it uses a new rotating breech system, where the rounds are loaded at a 90-degree angle to the barrel, then rotated into firing position. Loading a new round ejects the spent tube outside the vehicle and the rotating breech allows for significant savings in space. The new 40 mm cannon takes up about the same space as the 30 mm it replaces, and allows more storage space for additional ammunition and more cabin space for the crew.

"This next-generation cannon has been developed through close Anglo-French collaboration and adds significantly to the capability of the UK and our NATO allies," says Minister of State for Defence Procurement Philip Dunne. "The delivery of the first cannon on our Ajax vehicles is another example of how our £178 billion investment in UK Defence is ensuring our Armed Forces have the equipment they need."

Source: BAE Systems The September 21st, 2016 Edition of THE REVENGE HUMP DAY! Page 49 of 52




From: “Tim Bolgeo” [email protected]


Friday at his rally in Miami, FL, Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump made his entrance to “Do You Hear the People Sing?” from the Broadway play Les Miserables to the backdrop of a “Les Deplorablés” banner.

The image is apparently a play off of his opponent Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton, who referred to some Trump supporters as “deplorables” a week earlier.

Trump opened his remarks by saying, “Welcome to all of you Deplorables.”




From: “Tim Bolgeo” [email protected]


Everyone knows that before the global warming scare began in the 1980s, scientists were much more worried about global cooling and the coming ice age.

At least everybody did till a cabal of lying climate alarmists – one then a senior administrator at NOAA, now a president at the World Meteorological Association – hijacked Wikipedia, published a lying paper, and rewrote history by painting the 1970s Global Cooling Scare as an urban myth.

Now the full extent of these activists’ skullduggery has been uncovered by researcher Kenneth Richard, writing at No Tricks Zone.

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Richard shows that during the 1960s and 1970s, there was an 86 percent scientific consensus that the planet was on a cooling path. But this was airbrushed out of history so successfully that even now if you do a Google search on “70s global cooling scare” the top results claim it never really happened.


The top result is this one from Wikipedia on Global Cooling, which says:

This hypothesis had little support in the scientific community, but gained temporary popular attention due to a combination of a slight downward trend of temperatures from the 1940s to the early 1970s and press reports that did not accurately reflect the full scope of the scientific climate literature, which showed a larger and faster-growing body of literature projecting future warming due to greenhouse gas emissions.

This is flat-out untrue – in fact the vast majority of scientific papers (220 out of 264) supported the cooling thesis – and makes a mockery of Jimmy Wales’s oft-expressed desire to reduce Wikipedia’s outrageous left-wing bias.

Possibly, the misleading entry is a hangover from the extraordinary period in which William Connolley, a Green party member – then working for the British Antarctic Survey – was able to abuse his Wikipedia administrator status by rewriting thousands of Wikipedia The September 21st, 2016 Edition of THE REVENGE HUMP DAY! Page 51 of 52 articles in order to give them the ‘correct’ alarmist spin. This scandal was exposed by Lawrence Solomon in the National Post.

All told, Connolley created or rewrote 5,428 unique Wikipedia articles. His control over Wikipedia was greater still, however, through the role he obtained at Wikipedia as a website administrator, which allowed him to act with virtual impunity. When Connolley didn’t like the subject of a certain article, he removed it — more than 500 articles of various descriptions disappeared at his hand.

When he disapproved of the arguments that others were making, he often had them barred — over 2,000 Wikipedia contributors who ran afoul of him found themselves blocked from making further contributions. Acolytes whose writing conformed to Connolley’s global warming views, in contrast, were rewarded with Wikipedia’s blessings. In these ways, Connolley turned Wikipedia into the missionary wing of the global warming movement.

The Medieval Warm Period disappeared, as did criticism of the global warming orthodoxy. With the release of the Climategate Emails, the disappearing trick has been exposed. The glorious Medieval Warm Period will remain in the history books, perhaps with an asterisk to describe how a band of zealots once tried to make it disappear.

Connolley was an associate of the alarmist propaganda site RealClimate which he co- founded with several of the world’s most egregious alarmists, among them, Michael “Hockey Stick” Mann and Gavin Schmidt, notorious for his data manipulations at NASA.




September 15, 2016 | BizPac Review broadcast-390961#ixzz4KQhfTKeO

Fox News’ Shepard Smith has taken heat for suspected Hillary bias over the past few months, and now it he’s taking it for a “Freudian slip” about Hillary.

During a broadcast Thursday, Smith introduced a story about Hillary getting on her plane with her campaign “supporters.”

Oops. Did he mean “reporters?”

Well, that’s what he said he meant.


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Missouri lawmakers override veto, relax conceal and carry rules eliminate-carry-permit-requirement/

KMOV - St. Louis, MO - On September 14 Missouri lawmakers in the House and Senate overrode Governor Jay Nixon’s (D) veto of SB 656, thereby recognizing the Second Amendment as the only carry permit law-abiding Missourians need.

The override passed the Senate on a Republican-led, party line vote of 24-6. The House quickly followed, overriding the Governor’s veto by a vote of 112-41.

According to The Kansas City Star, SB 656 will now become law in 30 days.

Democrats and Michael Bloomberg-funded Everytown for Gun Safety had argued against the bill, claiming the lack of a permit requirement would endanger public safety. Senator Joe Manchin (D-WV) made similar arguments when opposing permitless carry in West Virginia. His arguments won the day in the 2015, but in 2016 West Virginia lawmakers overruled the veto of their governor to make the Second Amendment a sufficient carry permit for that state too.

In Missouri, the NRA, Breitbart News, and others continually pointed out that SB 656 was about self-defense and making it easier for law-abiding citizens to be ready to defend their own lives and the lives of their families. Bill sponsor Senator Brian Munzlinger (R-18) pointed out SB 656 would “allow law abiding citizens to protect themselves from criminals.”

Missouri now joins Alaska, Arizona, Idaho, Kansas, Maine, Montana, Vermont, Wyoming, and West Virginia on the list of states that recognize the Second Amendment as a sufficient concealed carry permit for law-abiding residents.


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