
Endocrine-Related (2010) 17 R287–R304 REVIEW Balancing and : metabolic programs in oncogenesis

Jennifer F Barger and David R Plas

Department of Cancer and , University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio 45267, USA (Correspondence should be addressed to D R Plas; Email: [email protected])

Abstract Cancer biologists’ search for new chemotherapy targets is reinvigorating the study of how cancer cell determines both oncogenic potential and chemotherapeutic responses. Oncogenic metabolic programs support the bioenergetics associated with resistance to programed cell death and provide biosynthetic building blocks for and mitogenesis. Both signal transduction pathway activation and direct mutations in key metabolic can activate the metabolic programs that support cancer cell growth. Cancer-associated metabolic programs include , glutamine oxidation, and metabolism. Recent observations are revealing the regulatory mechanisms that activate cancer-associated metabolism, and the competitive advantages provided to transformed cells by their metabolic programs. In this study, we review recent results illustrating the mechanisms and functional impact of each of these oncogenic metabolic programs in cancer cell growth and survival. Endocrine-Related Cancer (2010) 17 R287–R304

Introduction Glycolysis: the metabolic program Cancer-associated functional changes have been for growth and survival conceptualized as the hallmarks of transformed cells, Glycolysis in cancer cells including unrestrained cell growth, autonomous mito- Glycolysis is the metabolic program of choice for genesis, and resistance to apoptosis. Perhaps to satisfy cells that are actively engaged in cell growth and the metabolic demands of these processes, cell mitogenesis. A number of models have been proposed transformation is also frequently associated with to explain the preference for glycolytic metabolism elevated cellular metabolism. Recently, newly uncov- in transformed cells: i) bioenergetic demand due to ered links between oncogene-induced signal transduc- mitochondrial defect – cancer cells have no other tion networks and metabolic enzymes have rekindled choice, because mitochondrial oxidative phosphoryl- interest in targeting cancer cell metabolism with ation has been compromised by cancer-causing chemotherapeutics. These advances raise fundamental mutations; ii) biosynthesis – glycolytic metabolism questions in carcinogenesis: what determines the generates biochemical intermediates that are useful for metabolic portfolio of cell metabolism in cancer the synthesis of macromolecules for cell proliferation, cells? What is the functional benefit of specific such as fatty acids and ; iii) temporal metabolic programs to cancer cell growth and programing – metabolic programs are utilized by cells survival? In this review, we aim to describe metabolic according to patterns established by oscillating alterations that are associated with cell transformation control mechanisms in the cell, such as cell cycle. (Fig. 1), the mechanisms linking metabolism to Recent advances supporting each of these perspectives oncogenes, and the functional impact of altered and their implications for cancer therapy are metabolism for cancer growth and chemotherapy. discussed below.

Endocrine-Related Cancer (2010) 17 R287–R304 Downloaded from Bioscientifica.comDOI: 10.1677/ERC-10-0106 at 09/27/2021 09:42:32AM 1351–0088/10/017–R287 q 2010 Society for Endocrinology Printed in Great Britain Online version via http://www.endocrinology-journals.orgvia free access J F Barger and D R Plas: Balancing biosynthesis and bioenergetics

Glutamine Fatty acids




P entose Fatty acid ph te G TCA ospha synthesis lycolysis pathway cycle

Biosynthesis Bioenergetics

Figure 1 The bioenergetic and biosynthetic requirements of cancer cells are balanced by regulating the flux of pathways that metabolize glucose, glutamine, or fatty acids. Key regulatory mechanisms that determine the flux from each source into the pathways are highlighted. The model shows HIF-1a and AMPK driving increased bioenergetic input derived from glucose and fatty acids. PKM2, TIGAR, or c-Myc can promote the flux of glucose or glutamine into biosynthetic pathways. SCO2 promotes glucose oxidation via the TCA cycle.

Bioenergetic demand Mutations that disrupt mitochondrial respiration can In his pioneering work describing decreased oxidative occur in genes encoded by nuclear or mitochondrial metabolism coupled with increased glycolysis in DNA. In mitochondrial DNA, deletions and mutations cancerous tissues, Warburg et al. (1931) observed that in coding regions have been associated with the acquisition of glycolytic metabolism is irreversible, multiple , including breast and prostate cancer as transformed cells rarely revert to an oxidative form (Wallace 2005). Sporadic and familial mutations of metabolism. This is in contrast to embryonic tissues, inactivating the nuclear-encoded subunits of the which exhibit high rates of glycolysis but eventually succinate (SDH) complex trigger the switch to oxidative metabolism as proliferation ceases development of pheochromocytoma and para- and cells differentiate. One possible explanation for the ganglioma (Lehtonen et al. 2004). Similarly, loss- inability of cancer cells to engage oxidative metabolism of-function mutations in fumarate hydratase (FH) can is the acquisition of mutations in key enzymes, in contribute to leiomyomas and renal cell carcinomas effect delivering a ‘metabolic injury’ that irrevocably (Sudarshan et al. 2009). Mutations in the SDHB, alters metabolic flux. As genomic data from cancer SDHC, and SDHD subunits of SDH impair the TCA cells accumulate, new oncogenic mutations in meta- cycle, resulting in reduced charging of the electron bolic enzymes are emerging, thus demonstrating the transport chain, decreased ATP production, the gener- critical impact of metabolic pathways in maintaining ation of reactive species (ROS), and elevated cellular . succinate levels. Recently, mutations in Sdh5, a protein

Downloaded from Bioscientifica.com at 09/27/2021 09:42:32AM via free access R288 www.endocrinology-journals.org Endocrine-Related Cancer (2010) 17 R287–R304 that associates with the SDH complex and may mediate A incorporation of FAD, have been identified in familial HIF-1α HIF-1α paraganglioma (Hao et al. 2009). Succinate HIF-1β It stands to reason that impaired oxidative phos- PHD phorylation in the mitochondria would lead to OH α-KG HIF-1α OH compensatory increases in glycolysis, but it is critical to identify the mechanisms that mediate increased IDH1 Glycolysis IDH2 VHL glycolysis under these circumstances. One possible OH HIF-1α OH explanation is that rising AMP levels in cells trigger Ub Ub Isocitrate Ub allosteric activation of glycolytic enzymes, such as 1 (PFK1). However, the carcino- B ∆SDH/FH genic effect of an AMP-dependent activation of Succinate α glycolysis is likely to be counteracted by the tumor HIF-1 Succinate HIF-1α HIF-1α α suppressor effects of the AMP-activated protein Succinate HIF-1 HIF-1β (AMPK). AMPK can phosphorylate and activate p53 PHD HIF-1β OHOH tumor suppressor activity and directly inactivate the α-KG HIF-1α pro-growth kinase complex known as mammalian VHL target of rapamycin complex 1 (mTORC1; Jones et al. OH Glycolysis HIF-1αOH Ub 2005). Active p53 facilitates glucose oxidation via Ub Ub the TCA cycle by driving the production of cyto- chrome c oxidase assembly factor SCO2 (Matoba et al. C IDH1/IDH2 mutation 2006). Thus, a rise in AMP as a consequence HIF-1α of impaired TCA cycle function is not likely to HIF-1α HIF-1α α contribute to oncogenic metabolism. Succinate HIF-1 HIF-1β β An alternative mechanism for activation of PHD HIF-1 OH glycolysis in SDH mutant cells is based on the α-KG HIF-1αOH integration of key metabolites in the regulation of IDH1 VHL OH the hypoxia inducible factor-1a (HIF-1a). When IDH2 α OH Glycolysis IDH1* HIF-1 Ub Ub HIF-1a pairs with the HIF-1b-binding partner, it IDH2* Ub forms a transcription factor that binds and activates Isocitrate 2-hydroxyglutarate ? the promoters of multiple glycolytic genes (Wang et al. 1995). In resting cells, hydroxylase enzymes Figure 2 Regulation of HIF-1a in response to mutations in metabolic enzymes. (A) HIF-1a is hydroxylated at proline (PHDs) hydroxylate two in HIF-1a, targeting residues by the PHD enzymes, a reaction that requires the protein for degradation by a Von Hippel-Lindau a-ketoglutarate and produces succinate. Hydroxylated (VHL)-linked ubiquitin ligase complex (Bruick & HIF-1a is ubiquitinated by a VHL-containing ubiquitin ligase. (B) Mutations in SDH or FH enzymes trigger accumulation of McKnight 2001, Epstein et al. 2001, Ivan et al. 2002). succinate, impairing HIF-1a hydroxylations. Increased HIF-1a PHD enzymes consume oxygen and a-ketoglutarate drives increased glycolysis. (C) Mutant forms of IDH1 or IDH2 (also known as 2-oxoglutarate) and generate succinate (marked with an asterisk) may reduce the availability of a-ketoglutarate, restricting HIF-1a hydroxylation and activating in the process of hydroxylating proline residues in glycolysis. An alternative model proposes that mutated IDH HIF-1a (Fig. 2). Decreased oxygen abundance is enzymes acquire a novel activity, producing increased sufficient to inhibit HIF-1a proline hydroxylation, 2-hydroxyglutarate. The effects of 2-hydroxyglutarate on the signal transduction and metabolism of transformed cells are not preventing HIF-1a degradation by the VHL ubiquitin yet well described. ligase complex, and thereby triggering the accumu- lation of HIF-1a/HIF-1b transcriptional complexes on the promoters of glycolytic genes. measurement of increased succinate and HIF-1a levels The exquisite sensitivity to oxygen abundance in primary paraganglioma tumor samples (Pollard et al. suggests that PHD enzymes may also be sensitive to 2005). Familial cancer-predisposing mutations in SDH the concentrations of the other metabolites involved in and FH have established the principle that mito- the reaction, namely a-ketoglutarate and succinate. An chondrial injury can be a primary event in oncogenesis, important advance was the demonstration that SDH- but the overall impact of mitochondrial function in the deficient cells accumulate increased succinate, impair- understanding of carcinogenesis has been diminished ing PHD activity and triggering HIF-1a accumulation because of the relatively small proportion of cancers (Selak et al. 2005). This observation was supported by that are affected by these mutations.

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With greater frequency than the SDH/FH mutations, reactions, detoxifying ROS, and initiating signal mutations in 1 (IDH1) and the transduction that controls caspase 2. The key related IDH2 have been detected in glioblast- NADPH-dependent biosynthetic reactions are fatty oma and acute myeloid leukemia (AML; Parsons et al. acid synthesis, synthesis, and 2008, Mardis et al. 2009). Genome sequencing of biosynthesis. In -responsive tumors, fatty acid glioblastoma and AML has identified mutant forms of synthesis is increased by hormone receptor signaling, IDH1 or IDH2 in w33% of cytogenetically normal and inhibitors of are known to be leukemias (Marcucci et al. 2010). In one model, it is cytotoxic for cancer cells in vivo and in vitro (Kuhajda proposed that these mutations cause loss-of-function in 2000, Guo et al. 2009). Increased fatty acid synthesis the IDH1/IDH2 enzymes, decreasing the availability of has been linked to poor prognosis in breast cancer and a-ketoglutarate, and thus depriving the cells of a key prostate cancer (Kuhajda et al. 1989, Shurbaji et al. needed to carry out PHD-dependent HIF-1a 1996). It is thought that increased fatty acid synthesis is hydroxylation (Fig. 2; Zhao et al. 2009). However, it important for modification of signal transduction has also been reported that glioblastomas and AML subunits and the synthesis of new membrane in cells do not have decreased levels of a-ketoglutarate, dividing cells (see below). and instead that IDH mutant enzymes have a gain- NADPH production is also critical for detoxifying of-function in which they produce a new metabolic ROS. Although increased ROS has been noted in many product: 2-hydroxyglutarate (Dang et al. 2009, Gross types of cancers (Toyokuni et al. 1995), it is also clear et al. 2010, Ward et al. 2010). Key experiments to that transformed cells must balance ROS levels to determine the activity of PHD enzymes in IDH mutant maintain cell viability and optimal proliferative tumors are required to determine whether the loss- capacity. Indeed, overproduction of ROS on treatment of-function or gain-of-function mechanisms best with chemotherapeutics, such as 5-fluorouracil and explains the oncogenic effects of IDH mutations. doxorubicin, is thought to be an important mechanism for inducing cell death (Hwang et al.2001). Conversely, reduction of ROS in cancer cells promotes Biosynthetic contributions apoptosis resistance via two mechanisms. In one Many of the biosynthetic pathways in the cell originate mechanism, suppression of ROS promotes cell survival with the conversion of glycolytic intermediates into by increasing the capacity of cells to sustain biosynthetic precursors. Although glycolysis generates metabolism through increased fatty acid oxidation a low yield of ATP relative to oxidative forms of (Schafer et al. 2009). Fatty acid oxidation can sustain metabolism, glycolysis can provide a rich source of cancer cell viability when other metabolic pathways biosynthetic intermediates that can be used for amino such as glycolysis are unavailable (Buzzai et al. 2005). acid production, production, and Furthermore, in some cell types the pro-apoptotic synthesis. Several biosynthetic pathways have demons- activity of cytochrome c can be regulated by the trated critical roles in cancer. reducing potential of the cell (Vaughn & Deshmukh A key biosynthetic pathway fed by the first steps of 2008). ROS-oxidized cytochrome c is more potent in glycolysis is the pentose pathway (PPP). In inducing caspase 9 activation than the reduced form of the PPP, 6-phosphoglucose is diverted from the cytochrome c, after mitochondrial permeabilization. glycolytic pathway to generate pentose sugars and Prevention of cytochrome c oxidation was shown to be NADPH, an important in the cell. dependent on the production of anti-oxidants by the Enhanced activation of the PPP has a number of pro- PPP (Vaughn & Deshmukh 2008). oncogenic effects. In xenograft models of breast There is evidence that the PPP also contributes to cancer, tropism for brain metastasis was shown to direct regulation of pro-apoptotic through correlate with increased expression of PPP enzymes NADPH-induced control of caspase 2. and the production of NADPH (Chen et al. 2007a). Caspase 2 is a potentially useful chemotherapeutic Similarly, three-dimensional culture models of breast target because of its ability to mediate cell death via a cancer oncogenesis have reported increased production mechanism that is independent of p53 and insensitive of NADPH by the PPP as an important metabolic to overexpression of pro-survival Bcl-2 family proteins pathway for maintaining the survival of basement (Sidi et al. 2008). High levels of NADPH induce membrane-detached cells that accumulate in luminal the activity of the calcium/calmodulin-dependent structures (Schafer et al. 2009). II (CaM kinase II), which in turn phos- NADPH production benefits cancer cells via phorylates caspase 2 at S315, preventing caspase 2 multiple mechanisms: facilitating biosynthetic activation by providing a phospho--binding site

Downloaded from Bioscientifica.com at 09/27/2021 09:42:32AM via free access R290 www.endocrinology-journals.org Endocrine-Related Cancer (2010) 17 R287–R304 for 14-3-3 family proteins (Nutt et al. 2005, 2009). These characteristics might suggest that PKM1 would However, there is a need for more extensive analysis of be associated with oncogenesis. However, PKM2 caspase 2 regulation in the context of transformed expression is tightly associated with cell transformation. cancer cells before these mechanisms can be fully By preferentially expressing PKM2 instead of explored for chemotherapeutic targeting. Importantly, PKM1, cancer cells sacrifice the potential to generate caspase 2 is also suggested to be a critical regulator of ATP to increase the abundance of upstream metabolites cell cycle checkpoints in response to irradiation, in the glycolytic pathway. As described above, the indicating that metabolic regulation of caspase 2 diversion of glucose 6-phosphate into the PPP can should also be considered for combination with promote the synthesis of fatty acids and cholesterol therapeutics that disrupt cell cycle progression and through the production of NADPH. However, DNA repair (Kitevska et al. 2009). decreased PK activity also increases the abundance of One mechanism controlling flux of glycolytic -3-phosphate and 3-phosphoglycerate, intermediates to the PPP versus glycolysis is regulated which can contribute to the synthesis of nucleic acids in part through the effects of p53 and its transcriptional and amino acids respectively. Thus, the expression of target TP53-induced glycolysis and apoptosis regulator PKM2 suggests that a major destination of carbon (TIGAR). The TIGAR protein contains a domain that derived from glucose in cancer cells is biosynthesis of is homologous to the phosphatase domain of macromolecular structures. 6-phosphofructo-2-kinase/-2,6 bisphosphatase The importance of PKM2 expression during cellular (PFK2). Increased expression of TIGAR suppresses the transformation is demonstrated by substituting PKM1 flux of glucose to downstream elements of the expression for PKM2 in cancer cell lines (Christofk glycolytic pathway, thereby increasing the abundance et al. 2008a). In vitro, there is no difference in the of glucose-6-phosphate, which then enters the PPP growth rate of cancer cells with PKM1 expression. (Bensaad et al. 2006). Increased TIGAR correlated However, xenograft experiments reveal a striking with protection from apoptosis induced by doxorubicin decline in the growth rate of PKM1-expressing tumor (adriamycin) and other apoptotic stimuli associated cells. This result indicates that in vivo conditions with the generation of ROS (Bensaad et al. 2006). require greater coordination of metabolic pathways to Interestingly, TIGAR can also regulate ROS levels in support biosynthesis, and that PKM2 expression is a cells through effects on autophagy, a process that critical enzyme that supports this process. allows cells to consume intracellular macromolecules Expression of PKM1 versus PKM2 can differ by under conditions of deprivation (Bensaad et al. type, but PKM2 expression is correlated with 2009). The ability of TIGAR to regulate the switch cell cycle progression and cellular transformation between bioenergetic production through glycolysis (Christofk et al. 2008a, Clower et al. 2010). The and biosynthetic production suggests that the splicing factors known as polypyrimidine tract-binding expression of this in various cancer types protein (PTB – also known as PTBP1 or heterogeneous may be key for determining the optimal metabolic nuclear ribonucleoprotein A1 (hnRNP1)), hnRNPA1 pathways to be targeted in chemotherapy. and hnRNPA2 mediate the switch from expression of Beyond the regulation of PPP versus glycolysis in the PKM1 to PKM2 (Clower et al. 2010, David et al. first few steps of glycolysis, the utilization of glucose- 2010). Increased abundance of PTB, hnRNP1, and derived for glycolysis or biosynthesis is also hnRNP2 is increased on expression of the pro- affected by the differential expression of pyruvate glycolytic transcription factor c-Myc (David et al. kinase (PK) isoforms. PK catalyzes the penultimate 2010). Increased c-Myc correlated with PKM2 step of glycolysis, converting phosphoenolpyruvate to expression in gliomas, indicating that c-Myc activity pyruvate and generating ATP as a result. Alternative may be important for reprograming cellular metab- mRNA splicing triggers the production of two isoforms olism to support oncogenesis in this tumor type. of PK in most tissues: PKM1 and PKM2. Compared to PTB and hnRNP proteins regulate PKM splicing by PKM2, PKM1 can form a tetrameric structure that has binding to sites proximal to PKM1-specific Exon 9, a higher affinity for its substrate (phosphoenolpyruvate) inhibiting Exon 9 splicing and resulting in splicing of and is associated with increased cellular ATP:ADP the PKM2-specific Exon 10. Knockdown experiments ratios (Mazurek et al. 2005). PKM2 forms a dimeric reveal that hnRNPA1 and hnRNPA2 function redun- structure, with decreased affinity for phospho- dantly to inhibit PKM1 production, while PTB knock- enolpyruvate and can be allosterically regulated down alone was sufficient to restore expression of by binding to tyrosine phosphorylated peptides and PKM1 (Clower et al. 2010, David et al.2010). by 2,6-bisphosphofructose (Christofk et al. 2008b). Unexpectedly, increased PKM1 expression on

Downloaded from Bioscientifica.com at 09/27/2021 09:42:32AM via free access www.endocrinology-journals.org R291 J F Barger and D R Plas: Balancing biosynthesis and bioenergetics knockdown of PTB or hnRNPs suppressed lactate transcription factors BMAL1 and Clock. Circadian production, despite the increased catalytic activity of rhythm is established through a negative feedback loop PKM1 to produce pyruvate, relative to PKM2 (Clower in which period:cryptochrome complexes inhibit et al. 2010). This may suggest that the PKM1/PKM2 BMAL1:Clock, until the period:cryptochrome paralogs affect the destination of glucose-derived complexes are dissociated or degraded. The subsequent carbon (TCA cycle versus lactate), or that the PTB increases in BMAL1:Clock transcriptional activity and hnRNP proteins affect multiple enzymes in the drive expression of period and cryptochrome, which glycolytic pathway. accumulate until BMAL1:Clock activity is restrained Increased PTB expression has been noted in some (Fig. 3). The BMAL1:Clock transcription factor cancers, although expression levels do not in all cases regulates the expression of enzyme components of correlate with metastatic potential or stage of malig- multiple metabolic pathways, including glycolysis. nancy (Jin et al. 2000, He et al. 2004, Wang et al. Please see Takahashi et al. (2008) for a recent review. 2008). Interestingly, knockdown of PTB in cancer cell The expression levels of period proteins cycle in lines suppresses cell proliferation in semisolid media. response to changes in the upstream central circadian Owing to the likelihood that alterations in splicing rhythm genes BMAL1 and Clock, and also to various factors affect multiple aspects of cell function, it inputs ranging from metabolism to signal transduction will be necessary to investigate whether the primary (Sahar & Sassone-Corsi 2009). Transcriptional targets effects of suppressing PTB are mediated by alterations controlled by the circadian clock include both cell in PKM isoforms or whether other pathways are cycle regulators and key metabolic enzymes such as also critical. PK, suggesting that the coordination of the replicative cell cycle and the metabolic cycle could be mediated by the period genes (Lamia et al. 2008). Inactivation of Temporal programing the related gene Per2 in mice triggers hyperplasia of Although it is clear that regulation of metabolic the salivary glands, epidermal teratomas, and lym- pathways can solve bioenergetic and biosynthetic phoma. (Fu et al. 2002). In breast cancer, deregulated problems for cancer cells, a new perspective on the expression of Per2 has been tied to estrogen receptor functional benefits of metabolic pathways has activation (Gery et al. 2007b). A modest increase in emerged from studies of the temporal regulation of breast cancer incidence has been noted in women metabolism. Beginning in grown in continuous whose circadian rhythms are altered due to nighttime concentrations of , Tu et al. (2005) observed working hours (Schernhammer et al. 2006). oscillations in the oxygen consumption of yeast, Recently, AMPK, a major effector of the tumor which correlated with entry of cells into S phase of suppressor activity of LKB1, was shown to regulate the cell cycle. In the G1 phase, oxidative metabolism circadian rhythms by phosphorylating and destabiliz- is engaged, while ribosome and protein synthesis ing the circadian transcription factor CRY1 (Lamia generate intense demand for ATP. During cell et al. 2009). AMPK suppresses oncogenic signal replication, cells switch to glycolytic metabolism, transduction by opposing the activation of mTORC1, thereby reducing the risk of genomic damage due to ROS generated by oxidative metabolism (Chen et al. 2007b). These observations establish the concept that CRY cells coordinate their metabolic program in synchrony De gr In ad with major cellular functions, such as cell cycle ac a ti ti Per va o t n progression or ribosome biogenesis. BMAL1 Clock io The importance of temporal coordination in setting n metabolic programs in cancer cells is suggested by the Oscillation CRY observation of decreased expression of the period Per (PER1) gene in human samples of non-small cell lung Metabolic carcinoma and breast cancer (Gery et al. 2006, 2007a). targets Per/CRY The period genes (Per1, Per2, and Per3) are expressed in most mammalian tissues to regulate the metabolic Figure 3 The circadian clock in cancer. BMAL1:Clock machinery in anticipation of events such as nutrient proteins regulate transcription of their inhibitors, period, and influx or increased energetic demand. Period proteins cryptochrome genes. Degradation of period and cryptochrome proteins activates BMAL1:Clock in the regulation of a large associate with cryptochrome (CRY) proteins to number of transcriptional targets, including genes that regulate the activity of the central circadian rhythm regulate glycolysis and other metabolic pathways.

Downloaded from Bioscientifica.com at 09/27/2021 09:42:32AM via free access R292 www.endocrinology-journals.org Endocrine-Related Cancer (2010) 17 R287–R304 a critical kinase that controls cell growth, survival, and In the scenario where glycolytic metabolism metabolism. Cry1K/K mice have reduced tumori- contributes to biosynthetic pathways, a different set genesis in a p53K/K background, suggesting that an of chemotherapeutic targets emerges – those metabolic additional mechanism for AMPK tumor suppressor modifiers that reroute glucose-derived carbon toward activity could be mediated by phosphorylation and biosynthetic pathways, such as TIGAR or PKM2. destabilization of CRY1 (Ozturk et al. 2009). Further Association of glycolysis with cell cycle progression, study will be needed to determine whether the perhaps coordinated by circadian clock proteins, seemingly contradictory effects in oncogenesis of indicates a third avenue to regulate glycolytic CRY1K/K (decreased cancer) and Per2K/K (cancer metabolism. Although increased glucose metabolism susceptibility) are reflected in opposing effects on is commonplace in cancer, we predict that glycolysis is cellular metabolism. enlisted for different purposes in distinct tumors. If temporal programing is a key determinant of the Effective targeting of the glycolytic program in activation of glycolysis, then an important question is cancer will therefore require investigation of the whether cancer therapy can be timed to maximize contributions of glucose metabolism across the chemotherapeutic response by anticipating alterations spectrum of cancer. in metabolic pathways. Although the mechanisms are not fully elucidated, there are a number of reports of increased chemotherapeutic responses when adminis- : the ‘other’ tration of drugs is timed according to diurnal cycle Warburg effect? (Haus et al. 1972, Boughattas et al. 1989, Takahashi et al. 2008). In mice, B-cell cytotoxicity in response to ‘In conclusion we may mention a remarkable cyclophosphamide varies according to the circadian connection, the significance of which is not yet clock, an effect that can be genetically replicated clear, which exists between the glycolytic action of by increased cytotoxicity in Clock mutant mice the cell and its action on nitrogen-containing (Gorbacheva et al. 2005). Conversely, CRY1-deficient substances. If sections of Flexner rat-carcinoma are B cells (which have increased BMAL1:Clock activity) placed in sugar-free Ringer’s solution at body- are resistant to the cytotoxic effects of cyclopho- temperature, considerable quantities of ammonia sphamide. Importantly, the differential responses of develop.’ (Warburg et al. 1931). Clock-orCRY1-deficient mice were not linked to alterations in cyclophosphamide pharmacokinetics. If glucose metabolism can be successfully targeted Considering these results in the context of increased in cancer, will limiting glycolysis be sufficient to K K lymphoma in Per2 / mice, it will be interesting to eliminate the bioenergetic and biosynthetic under- learn in future studies whether the effects of circadian pinnings for transformed cell growth? Unfortunately, regulation are related to cell-intrinsic effects on some oncogenic events can activate metabolic metabolism and apoptosis. pathways that can substitute for some or all of the What do we learn from the various roles of effects of glucose metabolism. One example is the glycolysis in carcinogenesis? If increased glucose metabolic program induced by oncogenic expression metabolism is a product of bioenergetic demand, of the Myc transcription factor. Myc is a potent then we must target the metabolites and signaling oncogene that is well known for its ability to drive cell proteins, such as HIF-1a, which are critical to cancer cycle progression coupled with increased glycolytic cell adaptation to energetic stress. Activation of the metabolism (Dang et al. 2006). Increased glucose protein Akt and mTORC1 is strongly linked metabolism driven by Myc might suggest glucose- to increased glycolytic metabolism, as described in dependent cancer cell growth and survival, similar to a review (Robey & Hay 2009). A recently described previous observations of glucose-dependent cell survi- mechanism that may contribute to Akt regulation val driven by Akt (Gottlob et al. 2001, Plas et al. 2001). of glycolysis is the regulation of mTORC1 signaling However, Myc-expressing cells are hypersensitive to pathway by the forkhead box subclass O (FOXO) limited oxygen availability, rather than glucose transcription factors (Chen et al.2010, Khatri et al. metabolism (Brunelle et al.2004, Yuneva et al. 2010). In this model, oncogene-induced Akt would 2007). Dependence on oxidative metabolism in Myc- inactivate the FOXO transcription factors, activating transformed cells may be due to increased glutamine mTORC1-stimualted glycolysis due to decreased func- metabolism (Yuneva et al. 2007). tion of the tuberous sclerosis complex 1 (TSC1)–TSC2 Myc has been shown to directly regulate the tran- tumor suppressor complex. scription of glutamine transporters (Wise et al.2008),

Downloaded from Bioscientifica.com at 09/27/2021 09:42:32AM via free access www.endocrinology-journals.org R293 J F Barger and D R Plas: Balancing biosynthesis and bioenergetics but indirect effects on glutaminolysis have also been Combining glutaminolysis and glycolysis described. Myc promotes increased expression of Similar to the Akt pathway, Myc has the ability to glutaminase, an enzyme that converts glutamine to activate glycolysis. However, Myc does not sensitize glutamate, by repressing the expression of miRNA-23a/b cells to glucose-limiting conditions, while cells with (Gao et al. 2009). In addition, Myc enhances the activated Akt are hypersensitive to interruptions in overall capacity of the cell to conduct oxidative glycolysis. Increased glutaminolysis can explain the metabolism by activating the transcription of genes resistance of Myc-expressing cells to glucose-limiting required for increased mitochondrial biogenesis conditions, but it is interesting to consider the reverse (Li et al.2005). situation: why do Akt-expressing cells fail to acquire Increased expression of enzymes mediating another sustaining bioenergetic program, such as increased glutamine metabolism has been correlated glutaminolysis or autophagy (Lum et al. 2005), under with cell transformation (Knox et al. 1969). Glutamine glucose-limiting conditions? Direct comparison of the contributes to biosynthesis by direct incorporation into metabolic pathways induced by Myc and Akt provides nascent polypeptides, by supporting NADPH pools, a possible explanation: Akt cells are less prepared for or as a precursor for de novo pyrimidine synthesis the switch to oxidative forms of metabolism due to (Fig. 4). Glutamine also contributes to cellular insufficient mitochondrial biogenesis (Fan et al. 2010). bioenergetics by entering the TCA cycle after The unveiling of Myc-induced glutaminolysis in conversion first to glutamate then to a-ketoglutarate. conjunction with glucose metabolism provides a However, decreases in ATP and NAD:NADH cautionary note for the targeting of glucose metabolism ratios were not detected in glutamine-deprived cells in cancer therapy. The studies of Myc-induced (Yuneva et al. 2007). Global metabolic analysis of metabolism demonstrate that increased glucose metab- glutamine-consuming glioblastoma cells suggested olism does not necessarily render cells hypersensitive that glutamine metabolism provided significant to interruptions in glucose metabolism. Although we contributions to cellular levels of NADPH and and others have suggested otherwise in the past (Plas & glutamine-derived carbon contributed to Thomas 2009), the observation of increased glucose synthesis (DeBerardinis et al. 2007, Wise et al. 2008). metabolism by fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission By-products of glutamine consumption are excess tomography (FDG-PET) or other approaches is not quantities of lactate, , and ammonia – the latter sufficient to suggest chemotherapeutic targeting of glycolytic metabolism. It is necessary to understand reminiscent of Warburg’s observation of ammonia and target the complete metabolic effects of oncogenic production in carcinoma samples. mutations. The power of this approach was recently demonstrated in glioblastoma cells with activated metabolism of both glucose and glutamine – cell Gln survival was only compromised on inhibition of both glycolysis and glutaminolysis (Yang et al. 2009).

NADP+ NADPH Gln Malate Pyr : metabolism for Malic enzyme long-lived cells Similar to glucose and glutamine, fatty acid metab- Gln olism supports both the biosynthetic and the bioener- GLS TCA getic requirements for cell proliferation and survival. cycle Glu Fatty acids can be converted to for storage, for membrane biogenesis or oxidized to CO for production. In proliferating NH+ 2 4 cells, fatty acids are channeled for lipid synthesis, which contributes to membrane production and Figure 4 Glutamine metabolism in transformed cells. c-Myc induces the expression of glutamine transporters at the plasma posttranslational lipid modification of proteins (Bauer membrane and acts indirectly through miR23 to increase the et al.2005). In addition, fatty acid consumption expression of glutaminase (GLS). Glutamine contributes to through b-oxidation can provide a key alternative several biosynthetic pathways, including the production of NADPH through malic enzyme of malate exported pathway that can support cancer cell survival when from the mitochondria. glucose metabolism becomes limiting. The ability to

Downloaded from Bioscientifica.com at 09/27/2021 09:42:32AM via free access R294 www.endocrinology-journals.org Endocrine-Related Cancer (2010) 17 R287–R304 efficiently support either biosynthetic or bioenergetic produces malonyl-CoA, a key intermediate in fatty needs may explain an apparent connection between acid synthesis that also serves as an allosteric inhibitor fatty acid metabolism in long-lived cell types, such as of fatty acid oxidation. In some cells, if ACC memory lymphocytes and cardiac myocytes (Pearce production of malonyl-CoA drops, fatty acids can be et al. 2009, Chung et al. 2010). diverted to generate bioenergetic equivalents through mitochondrial b-oxidation. ACC- and FASN-mediated Fatty acid synthesis synthesis of palmitate in breast cancer cells is required to maintain viability (Chajes et al.2006). Multiple Oncogenic mutations alter the expression and activity inhibitors of FASN have been developed and show of two key enzymes involved in fatty acid synthesis, promising effects in vitro and in xenografts (Menendez (FASN) and acetyl-CoA carboxy- & Lupu 2007). lase (ACC; Yoon et al. 2007). Under conditions where Increased expression of FASN and related enzymes glycolysis or glutaminolysis produces excess pyruvate, critical for fatty acid synthesis has been noted in increased expression of FASN and ACC promotes multiple types of cancer, including breast, prostate, de novo fatty acid synthesis to maintain the supply of , and ovarian cancers (Menendez & Lupu needed for membrane production and protein 2007). FASN expression can be induced by oncogenic modifications (Fig. 5). Tumors preferentially use activation of the phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K) the newly synthesized fatty acids for membrane pathway or by the mitogen-activated protein kinase production rather than utilize dietary fatty acids (MAPK) pathway (Van de Sande et al. 2002, Yang (Medes et al. 1953, Ookhtens et al. 1984). ACC et al. 2002). The effects of the PI3K and MAPK pathways are proposed to be mediated through control O O Glycolysis of the sterol regulatory element-binding protein-1 HC – C – C – OH Glutaminolysis 3 Pyruvate (SREBP-1) transcription factors, master regulators of fatty acid synthesis (Eberle et al. 2004). SREBP-1a and SREBP-1c are protein products of AMPK A the Srebf1 gene, differing in their amino termini due to C alternative promoter usage. Downstream of Akt, ACC L induction of SREBP-1 proteins has been reported to Malonyl-CoA Ac-CoA be rapamycin sensitive (Yoon et al. 2007) in HER2C FASN breast cancer cells, but rapamycin insensitive in glioblastoma cells (Guo et al. 2009). Interestingly, Fatty acids O cells expressing elevated SREBP-1 are sensitive to the C induction of apoptosis in response to FASN inhibitors OH in vitro and in xenograft models (Guo et al. 2009). It is not clear why acute inhibition of ongoing fatty acid CPT1 synthesis induces apoptosis instead of a cytostatic cell cycle arrest. Although activation of SREBP-1 is O C associated with increased signal transduction, CoA Ac-CoA SREBP-1 is also regulated through proteolytic clea- Ac-CoA TCA vage and by the ubiquitin-proteasome system (Eberle Ac-CoA cycle Ac-CoA et al. 2004). Thus, significant mechanisms for oncogene regulation of this important transcription factor remain to be investigated. FASN requires a source for acetyl CoA to mediate increased fatty acid synthesis. In cells with oncogenic Figure 5 Fatty acid metabolism in transformed cells. Pyruvate derived from upstream metabolic pathways is converted to activation of PI3K/Akt, acetyl CoA is generated by citrate in the mitochondria then exported to the , where it activation of ATP citrate (ACL; Bauer et al. fuels ATP citrate lyase (ACL) production of acetyl-CoA. The 2005, Hatzivassiliou et al. 2005). Acting on excess acetyl-CoA carboxylase (ACC) enzyme produces malonyl-CoA from acetyl-CoA, which together is used in de novo fatty acid citrate generated under nutrient-rich conditions, ACL synthesis by the fatty acid synthase (FASN) enzyme. Fatty converts citrate to acetyl CoA and oxaloacetate. Akt acids can also be catabolized by b-oxidation. Key steps in this directly phosphorylates and activates ACL catalytic process are the entry of fatty acids into the mitochondria via the CPT1 transporter and inhibition of ACC activity by AMPK. See activity (Berwick et al. 2002). Similar to FASN, ACL text for details. has emerged as a promising target for disrupting

Downloaded from Bioscientifica.com at 09/27/2021 09:42:32AM via free access www.endocrinology-journals.org R295 J F Barger and D R Plas: Balancing biosynthesis and bioenergetics oncogene-induced metabolism. ACL knockdown or triglycerides for storage or b-oxidation for energy treatment with pharmacologic inhibitors induced a production. Upregulation of CPT-1 mRNA in pancrea- cytostatic block of cancer cell growth in vitro and in a tic b cells prevents death induced upon palmitate xenograft model (Hatzivassiliou et al. 2005, Migita accumulation (Wan et al. 2010). Inhibition of fatty et al. 2008). acid oxidation in human leukemia cells through the loss of CPT-1 by shRNA or treatment with etomoxir sensitized cells to chemotherapy (Samudio et al. 2010). Fatty acid oxidation Additionally, MAGL inhibitors suppress the carcino- Cancer cells can shift to oxidation of nonglucose carbon genic potential of aggressive cancer cells (Nomura to maintain mitochondrial membrane function and et al. 2010). support cell survival. For example, stromal cell Of the three metabolic programs that we have interactions can promote a metabolic shift to the considered in this study, fatty acid metabolism holds a oxidation of fatty acids versus glucose to support number of key advantages for chemotherapeutic leukemia (Samudio et al. 2008). Fatty acid oxidation targeting. Specificity of FASN inhibitors for cancer can rescue matrix detachment and promote anchorage- cells has been tested extensively with promising independent survival in an in vitro model of breast results, and the fatty acid oxidation inhibitor etomoxir cancer (Schafer et al. 2009). Indeed, activating fatty has been tried in short-term protocols for cardiac acid oxidation in Akt-transformed cells protects from disease (Schmidt-Schweda & Holubarsch 2000, apoptosis in the absence of glucose (Buzzai et al. 2005). Holubarsch et al. 2007, Menendez & Lupu 2007). Fatty acid b-oxidation is controlled by the carnitine Xenograft tests of efficacy have yielded supportive palmitoyl (CPT) system and the availability results. Furthermore, both glycolysis and glutamino- of cofactors NADC and FADC (Eaton et al. 1996). lysis appear to mediate their oncogenic effects by The CPT transport system facilitates the entry of fatty contributing to NADPH production and fatty acid acids into the mitochondria (Fig. 5). CPT-1 is the first synthesis. It is now time to experimentally define and rate-limiting step of fatty acid transport. CPT-1 the genetic and cell growth parameters that can import of fatty acids into the mitochondria is inhibited maximize cytotoxicity elicited by fatty acid metab- by malonyl-CoA, the product of the ACC fatty acid olism inhibitors, and translate this approach for synthesis enzyme, as described above. Activation of cancer chemotherapy. AMPK promotes import of fatty acids by phosphor- ylating and inhibiting ACC, relieving malonyl-CoA repression of CPT-1 (Davies et al.1990). Signaling pathway control of metabolism In addition to by malonyl-CoA, Specific mutations in oncogenes and tumor suppressors CPT-1 fatty acid transport activity is also controlled are associated with distinct metabolic programs in through transcriptional regulation by upstream signal- cancer. Highlighted below are oncogenic mutations ing pathways. In particular, both growth factors and that activate metabolic programs in cancer through oncogenic mutations can repress CPT1A transcription alterations in signaling pathways. by activating the PI3K/Akt pathway (DeBerardinis Akt-induced glycolysis is a common feature in et al. 2006). Interestingly, re-activation of the dormant cancer due to the prevalence of activating mutations fatty acid oxidation pathway via AMPK activation can in PI3K or inactivating mutations in the phosphatase provide Akt-transformed cells with an alternative and tensin homolog (PTEN). Both of these mutations energy source that can substitute for glycolysis increase the abundance of 3,4,5-phosphatidylinositol (Buzzai et al. 2005). trisphosphate (PIP3), a critical upstream activator of Aggressive cancer cell lines accumulate high levels Akt. The requirement for PIP3 in Akt activation can of free fatty acids, at least partly as a result of increased be alleviated by mutations within Akt itself (Carpten expression of monoacylglycerol (MAGL; et al. 2007). Finally, numerous activating events in Nomura et al. 2010). Accumulation of fatty acid end upstream tyrosine kinases, such as BCR–ABL, induce products, such as palmitate, contributes to the Akt signaling and glycolysis by activating PI3K (Boren generation of ROS and ceramide, a proapoptotic et al. 2001, Gottschalk et al. 2004). Activated growth second messenger (Obeid et al. 1993). Therefore, factor receptors can also trigger increased fatty acid cancer cells with increased fatty acid levels require a synthesis through SREBP-1-mediated transcriptional mechanism to balance lipid synthesis and cytotoxicity. control of FASN (Swinnen et al. 2000, Kumar-Sinha There are two mechanisms that can satisfy this balance et al. 2003). Owing to its central role in regulating the of increased fatty acid synthesis, conversion to activation of Akt and glycolysis, PI3K is a major target

Downloaded from Bioscientifica.com at 09/27/2021 09:42:32AM via free access R296 www.endocrinology-journals.org Endocrine-Related Cancer (2010) 17 R287–R304 for chemotherapeutic drug development, with several resistance and enhance chemotherapeutic responses. compounds now in clinical trial (Liu et al. 2009). Recent approaches aim to interrupt the signaling Downstream of Akt, glycolysis is controlled by pathways that lead to oncogenic changes in metab- evolutionarily conserved substrates: the TSC2 tumor olism, or to directly inhibit the metabolic programs suppressor protein and the FOXO transcription that cancer cells have acquired. factors (Brugarolas et al. 2003, Khatri et al. 2010). FOXO transcription factors regulate the production of TSC1, a chaperone protein that stabilizes TSC2 Targeting metabolism (Khatri et al. 2010). TSC2 is a negative regulator of Direct inhibition of glycolysis has long been the small GTPase protein known as Rheb, which in considered as a chemotherapeutic strategy in cancer. turn is critical for activating the protein kinase We previously showed that apoptosis resistance mTORC1. mTORC1 is a protein kinase complex mediated by Akt can be overcome by reducing cellular consisting of the mTOR catalytic subunit in association glycolysis (Plas et al. 2001). A number of compounds with Raptor, LST8, and other cofactors. Activated Akt directly target the glycolytic pathway, including phosphorylates and inhibits the tumor suppressor-like dichloroacetate (DCA), 2-deoxy-glucose (2-DG), and functions of FOXOs and TSC2, activating Rheb and 3-bromopyruvate (3-Br). DCA is an inhibitor of mTORC1. Loss of either FOXO transcription factors, kinase-1 (PDK-1), a kinase TSC1 or TSC2, is sufficient to activate glycolysis that regulates the flux of pyruvate into mitochondria. (Khatri et al. 2010). Cancer-associated mutations By inhibiting PDK-1, DCA redirects pyruvate away have been reported in TSC1 and mTORC1 (Knowles from the production of lactate, inducing pyruvate entry et al. 2003, Sato et al. 2010). into the mitochondrial TCA cycle. DCA can induce Although PI3K/Akt signaling is sufficient to activate increased mitochondrial function and apoptosis in glycolysis, tumors can also activate glycolysis via Akt- primary glioblastoma cells, and showed therapeutic independent mechanisms. Overexpresion of c-Myc benefits in a small clinical trial (Bonnet et al. 2007, through chromosomal translocation or gene locus Michelakis et al. 2010). 2-DG competes with glucose amplification leads to direct transcriptional induction as a substrate for preventing glucose of glycolytic enzymes (Osthus et al. 2000). Transcrip- phosphorylation and oxidation via glycolysis. In tional activation of glycolysis through the HIF-1a models, 2-DG selectively induced cell death transcription factor is also triggered by mutations in in transformed cells when used in combination with the metabolic enzymes SDH and FH (Lehtonen et al. other anticancer therapeutics such as paclitaxel or 2004, Sudarshan et al. 2009). p53 inactivation, one histone deacetylase (HDAC) inhibitors (Maschek et al. of the most common oncogenic mutations, can lead 2004, Egler et al. 2008). Similarly, the hexokinase to increased glycolysis by reducing transcription inhibitor 3-Br suppressed xenograft growth of human of TIGAR and SCO2, which suppress glycolysis colorectal carcinoma cells containing activated alleles (Bensaad et al. 2006, Matoba et al. 2006). of Ras or Raf, though it was not clear whether Glutamine is emerging as an important this activity is due to cytotoxic versus cytostatic effects contributor of NADPH required for nucleotide (Yun et al. 2009). Although glycolytic inhibitors biosynthesis and carbon for the synthesis of lipids, demonstrate therapeutic potential in animal models, proteins, and amino acids (DeBerardinis et al. 2007, their application in the clinic is limited at best. Wise et al.2008). The c-myc oncogene drives A concern regarding glycolysis inhibition is raised glutamine catabolism in part through suppression of by the observation of a selective advantage of colon miR-23a/b enhancing glutaminase expression render- cancer cells with mutations in K-Ras or B-Raf ing the cells dependent on glutamine to sustain when glycolysis is inhibited (Yun et al. 2009). This viability (Gao et al. 2009). suggests that glycolysis inhibition should be used in combination with other approaches that can prevent the emergence of therapy-resistant cancer cells. Metabolic programs in chemotherapy Although direct inhibitors of fatty acid metabolism We have focused on the metabolic programs that exhibit specific cytotoxicity for cancer cells in vitro, are frequently activated in cancer, and how these toxicity and bioavailability issues in vivo have programs contribute to oncogenesis. As our under- prevented the translation of this approach into the standing of the role of metabolism in supporting clinic. One of the most attractive targets for inhibition oncogenesis grows, the key question will be how to in cancer chemotherapy is FASN, due to the high exploit cancer cell metabolism to overcome apoptosis degree of FASN overexpression in cancer cells.

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A single FASN polypeptide chain contains multiple phosphorylation of raptor (Inoki et al. 2003, Gwinn enzymatic activities, and there is a range of inhibitors et al. 2008). By impairing mTORC1 signaling, AMPK that target these enzymatic activities (Menendez & opposes the pathway that signals activation of Lupu 2007). These inhibitors can induce cytotoxic glycolysis in cancers with upstream activating effects in breast cancer cells, especially in combi- mutations. AMPK activation in response to nation with other chemotherapeutic agents including may also impair fatty acid synthesis in cancer cells paclitaxel (Menendez et al.2005). Etomoxir, an through its effects on ACC and its ability to suppress the inhibitor of fatty acid oxidation, can sensitize leukemia expression of SREBP-1 (Zhou et al. 2001). Metformin and colon cancer cells to apoptosis (Hernlund et al. has been shown to delay or prevent carcinogenesis in 2008, Samudio et al. 2010). diabetic patients (Evans et al. 2005). Incorporation of metformin into chemotherapeutic regimens is under development in multiple clinical trials. It will be Targeting signal transduction important to determine whether metformin efficacy Therapeutics that target the Akt pathway are also correlates with suppression of glycolysis, fatty acid being evaluated in the clinic with mixed results. The synthesis, or other alterations in metabolism. most widely used inhibitor is rapamycin, a compound In the above examples, metabolic interventions that forms a complex with the cellular protein FKBP12 induced cytotoxic effects, while signaling inhibitors and inhibits the phosphorylation of substrates by were associated with cytostatic effects. Increasing the mTORC1 (Abraham & Gibbons 2007). Rapamycin specificity of the anti-metabolites or improved targeting derivatives were approved by the FDA for various of signaling pathways is necessary to achieve cytotoxic settings in renal cell carcinoma, based on an ability to responses that can be used in the clinic. Targeting extend median survival (Hudes et al. 2007, Motzer multiple signaling nodes, as exemplified by BEZ235 et al. 2008). Despite the successful application of inactivation of PI3K and mTOR, represents one these drugs, multiple studies have reported cytostatic strategy for improving cytotoxic responses. Combining but not cytotoxic effects of rapamycin and its anti-metabolites with pathway-specific therapeutics analogues, resulting in disease stabilization but not may also improve chemotherapeutic responses. regression (Bissler et al. 2008, Motzer et al. 2008, Maximal cytotoxic responses may be achieved by Wolpin et al. 2009). The lack of cytotoxicity may disrupting the delicate balance between biosynthetic be related to a side effect of inhibition of mTORC1 – and bioenergetic metabolic pathways in cancer cells. activation of Akt. Under homeostatic conditions, Akt activation is restrained by an mTORC1-regulated negative feedback loop. Treatment with rapamycin Conclusions inactivates this restraining mechanism, resulting in Cancer cells derive biosynthetic and bioenergetic increased Akt phosphorylation of multiple substrates benefits from oncogenic mutations that activate (O’Reilly et al. 2006). It is possible that increased glycolysis, glutaminolysis, and fatty acid metabolism. Akt signaling confers increased apoptosis resistance, a The mechanisms that activate metabolism include counterproductive effect in cancer chemotherapy. signal transduction activation of metabolic genes, Dual mTOR/PI3K inhibitors, such as BEZ235, or induction of metabolism in response to bioenergetic mTORC1/mTORC2 inhibitors, such as WYE-125132, demand, and disruption of temporal control of metab- do not suffer from secondary activation of Akt, and olism. Counteracting metabolic alterations in cancer consequently it is possible that these inhibitors will cells in chemotherapy may be achieved, but potential trigger cancer-specific cytotoxicity as opposed to cyto- drawbacks with leading approaches, such as rapamycin static effects (Brachmann et al.2009, Yu et al.2010). or direct glycolysis inhibitors, have been described. The antidiabetic compound metformin has signifi- This suggests that the differences in the ‘metabolic cant potential for use in both cancer chemotherapy programs’ controlled by each oncogene will determine and cancer prevention, associated with its ability the potential efficacy of targeting metabolism in to impede mTORC1 signaling. Cancer cells respond chemotherapy. As genomic sequencing of cancers finally to metformin by activating AMPK (Zhou et al. 2001). reveals the full complement of oncogenic mutations We have already described the ability of AMPK driving a particular tumor, we must understand these to phosphorylate important metabolic regulatory mutations in terms of the metabolic programs that proteins, including p53, CRY1, and ACC. In addition, they control. In this way, metabolic targeting can be used AMPK impedes mTORC1 signaling through in cooperation with other forms of targeted chemo- stimulatory phosphorylation of TSC2, and inhibitory therapy to improve cancer treatment outcomes.

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