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The epigenome and the : bioenergetics and the environment

Douglas C. Wallace1 Center for Mitochondrial and Epigenomic Medicine, Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19104, USA, and The Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19104, USA

In the July 15, 2010, issue of Genes & Development, tained from dietary and fatty acids. The Yoon and colleagues (pp. 1507–1518) report that, in a degradation of carbohydrates proceeds through siRNA knockdown survey of 6363 genes in mouse to pyruvate. Pyruvate then enters the mitochondrion via C2C12 cells, they discovered 150 genes that regulated pyruvate dehydrogenase to generate NADH + H+ and mitochondrial biogenesis and bioenergetics. Many of acetyl-coenzyme A (acetyl-CoA). Acetyl-CoA proceeds these genes have been studied previously for their im- to the tricarboxylic acid (TCA) cycle, which strips the portance in regulating transcription, and nucleic hydrogens from the resulting hydrocarbons and transfers acid modification, and signal transduction. Some notable them to the electron carriers NAD+ and FAD. Fatty acids examples include Brac1, Brac2, Pax4, Sin3A, Fyn, Fes, are degraded in the mitochondrion by b-oxidation, a pro- Map2k7, Map3k2, calmodulin 3, Camk1, Ube3a, and cess that generates NADH + H+, acetyl-CoA, and reduced Wnt. Yoon and colleagues go on to validate their obser- electron transfer flavoprotein (ETF). The electrons from vations by extensively documenting the role of Wnt reduced ETF are transferred to coenzyme Q (CoQ) via the signaling in the regulation of mitochondrial function. ETF dehydrogenase. CoQ is an electron carrier within the mitochondrial inner membrane that accepts two electrons from NADH + H+ via NADH dehydrogenase (respiratory complex I) or reduced flavoprotein dehydro- The discovery that many ‘‘developmental’’ and ‘‘cancer’’ genases such as ETF dehydrogenase or succinate dehy- genes modify mitochondrial function will undoubtedly drogenase (complex II) and passes them on to the bc1 come as a surprise to some readers of Genes & Develop- complex (complex III). From complex III, the electrons are ment. Development is traditionally considered an anatom- transferred to cytochrome c, then to cytochrome c oxidase ical issue involving the ordered proliferation and differen- (complex IV), and finally to to generate water. The tiation of cells to generate tissues and organs, programmed released as the electrons traverse complexes I, III, by the differential expression of nuclear DNA (nDNA)- and IV is used to pump positive charges—protons—out of encoded genes. What does the mitochondrion have to do the mitochondrion to generate an electrochemical gradi- with this? ent across the mitochondrial inner membrane. The inner Development requires growth and reproduction, membrane gradient is positive and acidic on the outside, both of which are limited by the availability of energy. and negative and alkaline on the inside. The resulting Thus, caloric energy is an important factor in the cellular electrical field is enormous, involving a membrane poten- environment that can influence cellular gene expression, tial of about À180 mV separated by the thickness of the DNA replication, growth, proliferation, differentiation, mitochondrial inner membrane. This capacitance within and even programmed death. the ;1017 mitochondria in the human body powers our Usable energy is generated from dietary calories pri- . marily via the mitochondrion. Therefore, mitochondrial One use of this mitochondrial potential energy is to energy production is essential for all cellular processes, generate ATP via the mitochondrial ATP synthase (com- and regulation of gene expression for growth and differ- plex V). Protons traverse an inner membrane proton entiation must be coordinated with regulation of mito- channel within this rotary machine to drive the conden- chondrial bioenergetics. sation of ADP and phosphate (Pi) to ATP. Mitochondria generate energy by the oxidation of the From this simple summary of mitochondrial bioener- electrons from hydrogen—reducing equivalents—by a re- getics, it is immediately clear that fluctuations in the action with oxygen. The reducing equivalents are ob- availability of calories for the cell must result in fluctu- ations in the intracellular concentrations of the mito- [Keywords: RNAi screen; mitochondria; Wnt signaling; IRS-1] chondrially generated intermediates acetyl-CoA and 1Correspondence. E-MAIL [email protected]; FAX (949) 824-6388. ATP. Electron flow through the mitochondrion also Article is online at modulates the redox status of small such as

GENES & DEVELOPMENT 24:1571–1573 Ó 2010 by Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press ISSN 0890-9369/10; 1571 Downloaded from on October 3, 2021 - Published by Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press


NAD(P)+/NAD(P)H + H+, glutathione, and other thiol/ maintain the integrated circuit. This is achieved by disulfide couples, and of the thiol/disulfide status, and placing the key electrical wiring elements on the same thus the activity of many and transcription fac- piece of nonrecombining DNA: the mtDNA. Therefore, tors (Hansen et al. 2006; Kemp et al. 2008; Wallace et al. each new mtDNA mutation that arises occurs on a pre- 2010). existing background of functional variants, and the entire ATP is the coreactant in virtually every signal trans- system is acted on by natural selection as a unit. Unipa- duction pathway, as well as histone phosphorylation. rental inheritance then blocks the mixing of mtDNAs Acetyl-CoA is the coreactant for the acetylation of from different maternal lineages, and thus the exchange histones as well as many other . With phosphor- of circuit components from mtDNAs that are optimized ylation or acetylation, histone tails are converted from for different energetic environments. Consequently, positively charged to negatively charged, resulting in mtDNA lineages can only evolve by the sequential their repulsion from the DNA sugar–phosphate back- accumulation of functional variants along radiating ma- bone. This opens the chromatin, permitting transcription ternal lineages, with each branch of the tree becoming and replication. Thus, to a first-order approximation, optimized to cope with differences in the energetic when calories are abundant, chromatin is phosphory- characteristics of the various regions of the species’ niche. lated, acetylated, and decondensed; genes are expressed; In addition to the mtDNA genes, the mitochondrial and the cell grows and proliferates. When calories are genome encompasses hundreds if not thousands of scarce, the chromatin becomes dephosphorylated and nDNA genes. The nDNA-encoded bioenergetic genes deacetylated and condenses; gene expression subsides; determine the mitochondrion’s structure, replication, and the cell ceases growth until calories again become biogenesis, fission and fusion equilibriums, mitophagy prevalent (Wallace and Fan 2010). turnover rate, intracellular quantity, etc. These genes are Similarly, the redox status of NAD+/NADH + H+ reg- scattered across the chromosomes, yet need to be co- ulates the deacetylation activity of Sirt1, and the redox ordinately regulated to permit optimal energy production. status of NADPH+/NADPH + H+ regulates the redox Unlike mtDNA genes, the anatomical and develop- state of glutathione and the antioxidant defenses. The mental genes found in the nDNA can benefit from NADPH+/NADPH + H+ ratio also regulates the redox recombination. Reassortment of anatomical genes can status of thioredoxins 1 and 2, and of apurinic/apyrimi- lead to new structures. These modified structures may dinic endonuclease/redox factor-1 (APE/Ref1red/ox). The then permit the exploitation of alternative reservoirs of thioredoxin and APE/Ref1red/ox proteins in turn regulate calories within the biosphere, resulting in speciation. the thiol/disulfide status and the activity of a wide variety The mutation rate of the mtDNA is very high, while of proteins, including many of the central transcription that of the nDNA is very low. The high mutation rate of factors for growth, differentiation, antioxidant defenses, the mtDNA, with its vital genes, is potentially quite and inflammation. Hence, there is a direct link between hazardous, since it could result in a high genetic load of the availability of calories in the environment and the deleterious mutations that could erode the vitality of the decision to grow and reproduce, as mediated by the flux species. This problem is ameliorated by the existence of reducing equivalents through the mitochondrion of an intraovarian selection system that eliminates the (Wallace 2009; Wallace and Fan 2010; Wallace et al. 2010). most deleterious mtDNA mutations before ovulation. While the genes for determining the structure of the cell Hence, only the milder and potentially adaptive muta- and the spatial and temporal programs for defining tissue tions are introduced into the population (Fan et al. and organ development are encoded by the Mendelian- 2008; Stewart et al. 2008). This prefertilization selection inherited nDNA, which is encased in chromatin, the key is possible for the mitochondrial genes because energy components for the mitochondrial energy circuitry are production is manifest at the single-cell level, thereby encoded by the maternally inherited mitochondrial DNA permitting phenotypic selection to act on the individual (mtDNA). The mtDNA encodes 13 polypeptides plus the oocyte. In contrast, anatomical structures can be mani- small and large ribosomal RNAs and the 22 transfer fest only after development results in complex tissues RNAs necessary for the bacterial-like mitochondrial pro- and organs, and hence selection must act on anatomical tein synthesis system. All 13 mtDNA protein genes are genes post-fertilization. As a result, the nDNA mutation crucial for the mitochondrial energy production process— rate must remain low to avoid excessive nDNA genetic oxidative phosphorylation—since these 13 proteins are load (Wallace 2010). the central electron and proton wires for energy pro- The high mtDNA mutation rate and its direct effect on duction by complexes I, III, IV, and V (Wallace 2007; bioenergetics make the mtDNA an excellent genetic Efremov et al. 2010). All four of these complexes share the system for the adaptation of species subpopulations to same mitochondrial inner membrane electrochemical regional differences in their energetic environment. gradient or capacitor (Wallace 2007). Therefore, like any These heritable adaptive changes in the mtDNA are integrated electrical circuit, all of the electrical charac- augmented by reversible epigenetic changes in the regu- teristics of these complexes must be balanced to obtain lation of the nDNA-encoded bioenergetic genes. Epige- optimal efficiency, and to avoid one complex becoming netic changes in the regulation of bioenergetic genes leaky and shorting the entire energy production system. permit response to cyclic daily and seasonal changes in Because of the interdependence of complexes I, III, IV, the local energy environment. Therefore, the primary and V, their electronic components must coevolve to systems for animal species to adapt to their bioenergetic

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Bioenergetics, the epigenome, and gene regulation environment are genetic alterations in the mtDNA Wallace DC. 2005. A mitochondrial paradigm of metabolic and energy genes and reversible epigenomic changes in the degenerative diseases, aging, and cancer: A dawn for evolu- regulation of the nDNA-encoded bioenergetic genes tionary medicine. Annu Rev Genet 39: 359–407. (Wallace 2010; Wallace and Fan 2010). Wallace DC. 2007. Why do we have a maternally inherited mitochondrial DNA? Insights from evolutionary medicine. The realization that energetics is a highly important Annu Rev Biochem 76: 781–821. environmental factor for the survival of individuals Wallace DC. 2008. Mitochondria as chi. Genetics 179: 727–735. within a species shifts the emphasis in the search for Wallace DC. 2009. Mitochondria, bioenergetics, and the epige- important clinical variation in Homo sapiens from the nome in eukaryotic and human evolution. Cold Spring Harb nDNA, which regulates anatomy, to the mtDNA and the Symp Quant Biol 74: 383–393. epigenome, which regulate bioenergetics. Alterations in Wallace DC. 2010. Colloquium paper: Bioenergetics, the origins the mtDNA would then be predicted to provide the of complexity, and the ascent of man. Proc Natl Acad Sci heritable common variants that predispose to disease. 107: 8947–8953. Changes in the epigenome, which encompasses all alter- Wallace DC, Fan W. 2010. Energetics, epigenetics, mitochon- ations of the genome and associated signal transduction drial genetics. Mitochondrion 10: 12–31. Wallace DC, Lott MT, Procaccio V. 2007. Mitochondrial genes pathways except DNA mutations, modulate the inherited in degenerative diseases, cancer and aging. In Emery and mtDNA effects through the regulation of nDNA-encoded Rimoin’s principles and practice of medical genetics, 5th Ed. bioenergetic gene expression. The status of the epigenome (ed. DL Rimoin, et al.), pp. 194–298. Churchill Livingstone is modulated by the availability of high-energy interme- Elsevier, Philadelphia. diates (ATP and acetyl-CoA) that reflect the energy flux Wallace DC, Fan W, Procaccio V. 2010. Mitochondrial energetics through the cellular mitochondria, and thus provide the and therapeutics. Annu Rev Pathol 5: 297–348. environmental cues. Hence, mtDNA genetic changes Yoon JC, Ng A, Kim BH, Bianco A, Xavier RJ, Elledge SJ. 2010. and epigenome fluctuations may be the primary arbiters Wnt signaling regulates mitochondrial physiology and in- of human and, consequently, the critical fac- sulin sensitivity. Genes Dev 24: 1507–1518. tors in individual predisposition to metabolic and degen- erative diseases (Wallace 2005, 2008; Wallace et al. 2007). Since a key issue for environmental adaptation is bio- energetics, it follows that transcriptional networks im- portant in cellular growth and differentiation must also regulate bioenergetics. Hence, the observations of Yoon et al. (2010) that nDNA regulatory pathways affect mito- chondrial function may be the harbingers for the identi- fication of an ever increasing number of associations between bioenergetics, gene regulation, developmental , and the predisposition to disease.

Acknowledgments This work was supported by NIH grants R01 NS211328, AG24373, DK73691, AG16573, and NS41850; CIRM Compre- hensive Grant RC1-00353-1; and a Doris Duke Clinical Inter- faces Grant.

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GENES & DEVELOPMENT 1573 Erratum Genes & Development 24: 1571–1573 (2010)

The epigenome and the mitochondrion: bioenergetics and the environment Douglas C. Wallace

In the above-mentioned paper, the word ‘‘environment’’ was misspelled in the title. This has been corrected in the online version.

We apologize for the error.

GENES & DEVELOPMENT 24:1961 Ó 2010 by Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press ISSN 0890-9369/10; 1961 Downloaded from on October 3, 2021 - Published by Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press

The epigenome and the mitochondrion: bioenergetics and the environment

Douglas C. Wallace

Genes Dev. 2010, 24: Access the most recent version at doi:10.1101/gad.1960210

Related Content Erratum: The epigenome and the mitochondrion: bioenergetics and the environment Douglas C. Wallace Genes Dev. September , 2010 24: 1961

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