Notes and References
Notes and References Preface I. Shaw andIbsen: Bernard Shaw's 'The Quintessetlu of lbsenism' and Related Writings cd. and int ro. J. L. Wisenthal (Toronto, Buffalo, London: University of T oronto Press, 1979). I Stoic Leanings 1. Ihsen's fragment of autobiography was first puhlished in the biography hy Henrik Ja e~ e r , Henrik Ibsen: el liusbillede (Christiania, 1888). For modern translations sec Michael Meyer, Henrik Ibsen , Vol. I, The Making of a Dramatistl828-/864 (Rupert Hart-Davies, 196.7), pp. 22lf and Ibsen Lettersand Speeches, Evert Sprinchorn , (Macgibbon & Kay, the Colonial Press, Clint on, Massachusetts, 1965), pp. IIf. 2. See Meyer, p. 20. 3. Ibid ., p. 36. 4. Ihid ., p. 28. 5. Peer Gynt, Act On e, T he Oxfo rd Ibsen, Vol. III, ed. J ame s Walter McFarlane, trans.J am es Kirkup and C hristopher Fry (Oxford Univ ersity Press, 1972). All quotations from Ihsen's plays ar e tak en from the Oxford editions. 6. The Oxford Ibsen, Vol. IV, The League oj Youth , Act One, cd. and trans.James Walt er McFarlane and Gr aham Orton (Oxford Univ ersity Press, 1963). 7. The Oxford Ibsen, Vol. VI , The Wild Duck, Act On e, ed. and trans. James Walter McFarlane (O xford University Press, 1960). 8. Meyer, p. 30. 9. Hans Hei berg, Ibsen: A Portraitofthe Artist, tra ns.J oan T ate (George Allen & Unwin, 1969), p. 28. 10. See Heiberg, pp . 28 f. 11. See Th e Oxford Ibsen, Vol. VI , pp. 446f. 12. Ihsen once said in a speech to students at Christiania that 'to write is essentially to sec' .
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