.--iE EYEXTXG STAR. tVASHiyfiTOX. T). C.. FKTTIAY. DEfEMTiEP 20. Ifl2n. 39

correspondent calls out, as he follows i street. There the colonel saluted, a built by the Reorganized Church of very a new Saints, BARE NOTICE the abstemious little man. whose exit ; civilian salute, and entered Missouri Religious Temple Being Built Jesus Christ of Latter Day an- Jkt '/FUS DRAWS ' apartment house. other division of the original Mormon Go to Eiseman’a tor from the crowded terrace has been as 1 On the third floor of this house, In i Church. Paris, inconspicuous as his (Dreyfus * — entrance. the fashionable sixteenth ward of By Command ¦—» ¦ • ¦ ON BOULEVARDS OF PARIS was rehabilitated, served in the French i Col. Dreyfus, his wife and two young "Divine and Guidance" throughout the retired to Voice. army war ar.d I children make their home. Listen Your Own SWEATERSFor with the rank of lieutenant colonel.) His chief Dreat . . . for Sport He seldom receives callers. 5 Making a permanent record of one’s PARIS, December 20 {&).—At the ter- ture of France was shaken at mention Not a muscle moved in the wrinkled diversion of a Sunday consists in stroll- INDEPENDENCE, Mo.. (A).—A re- | Leaders of the church say their build- . . . for Work. Evory 1 ligious temple, 1 voice through the medium of a slot race of a large case on the Boulevard de of the little old man’s name. face that turned upon the stranger and -1 ing through the Parc Monceau with his i built by “divine command , , ing plans will follow instructions given conceivable etyle mod Sipping strawberry flavored of slightest guidance,” rising : them, from time, jld his water a voice devoid the intona- ¦ wife and children. and is here as a shrine : time to by divine mes- machine may soon be possible and the model it repreeented Courcelles, a slight, unassuming man unrecognized, unnoticed, is former Capt. tion of annoyance, or any other emo- He has for the Church of Christ, one branch of , sages. Therefore no architects have Inventor has great hopes that his de- in He never attends a theater. I our great etoek. k tacking between chairs and tables to Alfred Dreyfus of Paris, Rennes and tion, said when the correspondent ex- had a tragedy of his own, and he does ’s original Mormon band been employed to design a completed vice will fill a popular demand. Slot the very edge of the sidewalk, filled with Devils Island. plained his mission, how did the colonel ¦ not care for comedy. The discovery of two stones, believed structure. machines will be placed on the streets time, 1 to have early noisy, but slow, drinkers. Finally, he Charges of high treason. It was. Led spend his what were his hobbies > . been placed on an assigned Visits of divine “messengers” began of London at an date and if they 95 .Settles into an unobtrusive seat. by the “Tiger.” Clemenceau. then a anti his work: " - ’ here by Joseph Smith him- almost two years ago to Otto Fetting of prove popular and profitable they will $3* to slo*^® No one pays the slightest attention newspaper owner, half of France “I am a private citizen and as such i When a Ixmdon taxicab driver sel' a century ago, has determined the Port Huron, Mich., according to church be sent to other cities. The record is to him, yet 25 years ago, this mans clamored for revision of the sentence, er titled to privacy. I should appreciate 1 learned that a woman passenger was temple’s site. records. Since then Mr. Fetting, one of made upon a thin disk of metal alloy army would respect it.” Figures on the sacred markers, mem- church's 12 composition EISEMAN’S appearance on the boulevards would have which had sent the former officer If you connected with the disabled ex-service apostles, claims to have of secret and when It has created a riot. Cabinets tumbled, erst- to Devils Island for life. The other Dreyfus and the correspondent, ex- bers of the church believe, confirm their received further instructions. been thus impressed the record may be 7th & F Sts. W’hlle friends fought duels, homes were half of France opposed revision. changing not another word, walked I men’s exhibition, held recently, he re- i contention that the temple has been The "temple lot” adjoins the block taken from the machine and immedi- WTecked and even the republican strut- I I “Col. Dreyfus, one word, please!" the about a hundred yards down a side ; fused to accept any fare. located by divine inspiration. ‘ 1 on which a $750,000 auditorium is being ately placed on a phonograph.

SS&SSZZ ? 1 W of our cuitomeri our % • For the stores If' f * JmlmhtK y'y* open late as per the <^-Y1 I i H BR 81. /V/ pMU V~i IkKI k/L schedule below. May we respectfully suggest Vfr I V M- Ak. M/ W' ' H that you shop early so as to save Christmas Eve 11 \JX M. JAL Jin! f 4 .4a«for making ready the many little home details V egfj[ rm t-^K that always arise on this busy night? <,'.J^BK ; Monday,23rdDec. 9?: S: 2%e Feast of Feasts I MMmmAf I JEve. 10 P. g| Jo.j W$L

. . . gunwales /jjjx h m¦¦ MrrniWl. South America and the Orient laden to the fyj W bHI MJi with good things for your Yuletide Feast. If jjEji buyers combed foreign I fjf _ A&Ps own have marts for these .a fB/Sk tempting the same as in America. A&P’s spe- a\k kSsP Y*W*C! delicacies mKr Swh& cialists have selected the cream of the Nation’s foods in HI ' fe jBQ anticipation of your holiday needs. WB| tiflkvJ I i% What a delight to choose your Christmas foods from I w Km? Hi the wide assortment offered at your A&P Store, and what /_. Bfrjr W ' 'l'll f y 'OSal jWO a satisfaction to be sure that whatever you buy is of high J jft y M'! ttrnj *° f quality and “fre,h “““n be brought you ’ Atmores Keystone U -! / . organization feature W^t mjr* m m Atl Such a world-wide is an exclusive JUI-TT Mlil! 11 IhmK Lb- 1/C of A&P ... an exclusiveness offered without a price ||: 'wUMlt/fT/L. ftp 4PV flj/ffMm wf - Jnl ¦Bin penalty. We urge you to let your A&P Food Store pro- il m}W. fyJf jfj ” ' f l I ' < ‘* ‘' »W Special Christmas vide all of your holiday table need., for Ihere-value W~j TT|*J W k ' ?»w"? **» tradition. .» ll?|||B|r H "lfflr'T W' £1 if! 1 mardA m SJ j fTy% v, wt Jf ill SESs iM VACTifK , UNITED STATES GOVT. OFFICIALLY ], _^jffi*iWbiiieaßiiigife=^' S tej ; _=< ffiftn«/• w-l VC OWt MEAT MARKETS l£ LUCKY STRIKE Jb 11H MhJ A%F #liyVjnffr«MCi And Other Standard Brandt of J fM We cannot stress too strongly the fine quality of the

. Bl|V Lean Frejh HaTOS * | lIV rCarton BA- willcall for it. Our manager will see that you are taken lb. 25c d«n for WMW fQ “ t I ai i n f ft&Ml tOji£ care of to your entire satisfaction. Tender CHUCK Roast lb. of 10 25c DUCKS | Most Every Brand With Special Grocery Spare Ribs lb. 23c APC)NS Christmas Wrapper In AU Stores and Meat Markets C Sauerkraut qt. or 2 lbs. 17c GUINEAS

dark, 5 .25c J " V J~w* »T ~gi* « V. Abner Drury, light or bottles... X Del Monte Apricots large can, 33c J Vyjf Jr IfUlt VdICBS j A&P Pure Grape Juice, pt. 19c; qt 35c Del Monte Cherries large can, 33c | 2-lb. FRESH sG£!SollilftfiJß I L.T«« Grandmothers, C&C Ginger Ale, 2 bottles 25c mm mjwmtm »•- f/P/tuw jnr mm Del Monte Pears large can, 33c m dßfl| Cake c & 18c p- » Canada Dry Clicquot Sec, bottle VEGEF/HJSfsFS Del Monte Fruit Salad No. 1 can,2sc **. i it. * ff Rubbed*Sa ec ’oka 9c Flour, pkg large ! Swansdown Cake 32c Del Monte Peaches can, 27c Thyme . {I JW Rice’!’ 2-lb. ring 98c .pkg. 9c fit, Dorset, 2-lb. cake!! !72c Fleiscbmann Yeast, cake 3c Thin-Skin Florida Del Monte Pineapple large can, 29c Orchard, 1-lb. cut... ,49c Rajah Salad Dressing, 8 oz-, 15c; 16 oz. ,29c Del Monte Grated Pineapple can,2sc BELL’S Jrß Orchard, 11/2 -lb. tin. 95c Gold Medal Salad Dressing, 12-oz. jar... 19c A JASt AmlVlfl Del Monte Corn can, 15c POULTRY Pk * f5Z\ 9 Blue Ribbon Mayonnaise, 8-oz. jar 23c Del Monte Spinach med.can,l4c - ai 11K A SEASONING . $ . ?a V%/ a »»>Co. t in, Best Food Mayonnaise, 8-oz. jar 21c Del Monte Prep. Prunes large can, 29c r

HOLIDAY SUGGESTIONS . Regular Low Prices \ i jr, j-qvvvvvvq- \KC 1 4SC >VyVVVV>n_. / 8’ Chocolates I '"SrOPS™ 15 Regular Price 1 Dozen ! BUTTER I COFFEE _ Fancy Box Eating Apple*. ..3 lbs. 29c Creamery Lb. i M M fSW"L. ; gm. 4£c D J* i OCO : : Lb, B Juicy Florida Grapefruit 3 for 25c Bokar lb. 39c vIM Fancy Emperor Grape* 3 lbs. 25c Sunnyfield Lb. £OC Wflkins lb. 41c ®",e8 * c ranb •• lb C . Packed -lb. « •,* ; in *4 prints Maxwell House lb. 45c f’at P>TnVD l? *5' ?2 CIDEiI P Celery 2 bunches 25c —;—; mXfy

Tangerines . . Encore Macaroni, Spaghetti pkgs. Doz. 35c, 39c 2 15c *Flaum* Wh.te House .K % Sweet Potatoes 4 lb*. 19c Fancy American Chee.e lb. 35c lOU C ' tx&l Quart 17c : Bnulin! Mf.Vd h"” '.'.'. '.'.'.ih 21 J White Potatoes 10 lbs. 35c Kraft's Cheese Vi-lb. pk. 13c; i-lb. pk. 23c r u J.dl stringless Bean. 2 Cri,co. . I*.can 23c; -ib. can 35c SSsL'SKftKaS::::::::::::::::::::::!S; R lbs. 25c i*/2 , ., M vc.M* : si“™b ftfjj Cfc“,U ".V.V." Royal 49c 98c r&* Gallon 49c SSTIST" :“V•v: \\V.V t !Si Fancy Ripe Baking Powder 4-oz. can 17c Chocolate*, -lb. 39c; S*lb. Hipolite can Carnival A**t. 1 box, box *1.69 J~fc Olm ra er* ig ga Marshmallow Cream ... 10c, 18c w.. m3* ii SSSr?sS2£?gS^V.V.V.V.V."IS&IMIIIBLS 19C Maraschino ehsme. 3-oz. bot. 10c; 5-oz. 17c rff\ c i ®| Duffy Mott’s “7?r.1.* !*?.'JS! SI; L V,m * COe 11« wi N Sweet Sugar fjss £. a j v Com can 10J . r Q«** Me Cut stringi*., Bean, £an c * ; Hi SPECIALTIES ] !! p;KI If » rIHSDUry HunSv A Marvin’* Go’den Date* pk(. 15c Green Lima BfdllSS Can 14c VfriMW ,p * ?«: lf u MEA S & k** 4Jk -‘« Cleaned Currant* '» xxxxPowd’d BrownSugar.2 isc ’l lSL“^L^| , | , , 0 te 9f !oJ1 A^ J J l^ Gallon J?ji.S Aimond*,’saiVed, .. 69c impo !?t*d c?u* , ur*^ .'.*.*!.’!!!!pkf. isc j‘ib.3oc Baker’s Shredded Cocoanut. .pkg. 6c, 12c j l*l9 Ca*hew*, plain, 25c ——— ifßn I r , it- jr - I. to > H-lb. ¦ idl r T Del Monte WMmers Sunnyhetd N.tioo.l BUcaK Co. | R&R i BOG-SWEET Srß&. . !’.j2: S S-g; BP RY PLUM CRA^^ S £l22i*±l± PIT A C PAfiC BACON feife Stsrlight No. Finger, j: wc. ».:c„ SS) ¥?o£*l?A&ui w.'.V. ISS. £ • Crton WU can c «" m? lb-25c Mb. 29c 10c 23c I I 3 47c | of 12 49c 17c 33c ——— — r v r s - /