Covering the A7 in roofs will enhance the quality of life for the residents Urban development opportunities of these densely populated districts. Plans for the roof in Altona As at: competition results 2012 A 7 The A7 motorway must be widened and therefore In these newly quiet parts of Altona residential steps to provide better noise protection are needed: developments are to be built to the right and left of in parts of the sections running through Altona the roofed-over motorway, above all in Volkspark and Stellingen the noise barriers are no longer between the old settlement areas of Bahrenfeld village adequate. To offer the best possible noise reduction in the north-west and the formerly independent to road-side residents, therefore, some parts of town of Altona. These houses will stand on the the autobahn are to be enclosed. Noise reduction edge of a continuous green corridor between Altona is a legal requirement and necessary measures are Volkspark and the River Elbe. The Stellingen and funded by the Federal Government. In addition, the Schnelsen sections that will be roofed over are already Holstenkamp City of Hamburg plans to use its own funds to give surrounded by residential districts. Here, covering Schnelsen and Altona a level of noise protection the motorway will benefi t the immediate neighbours over and above that demanded by law. Here too, most of all by reducing noise pollution and creating instead of installing acoustic walls up to 9 m high, new green spaces. The roof over the motorway will the motorway will be covered. also free up land in the Borough of Eimsbüttel for new housing because allotment gardens and planned The city reunites parks can be relocated to the new roof. Covering the When the A7 motorway was built in the 1970s A7 means that houses can be built on sites that were it slashed through the western part of Hamburg, previously out of the question because the levels of Bahrenfelder Chaussee severing old connections; now there is an traffi c noise were too high. Revenues from the sale of Lutherpark opportunity to restore them or create completely municipal land will help to offset Hamburg’s share of Lutherpark new links. The new open spaces on the covering the costs of the motorway roof.

Quick facts: the Altona roof: © Visualisierung: DEGES/V-KON-media © Visualisierung: The A7 slashes through the western part of Urban development objectives COVERING THE A7 Hamburg ››› About 2,200 metres long, from ››› To link the city districts on each side of Behringstrasse to Volkspark MORE OPEN SPACE Published by: the motorway Ministry of Urban Development and Housing ››› A continuous green corridor between Neuenfelder Strasse 19, 21109 Hamburg FOR HAMBURG ››› To create new green, open spaces and Volkspark and the River Elbe Reponsible under press law: Dr. Magnus-Sebastian Kutz new connecting paths ››› Rejoining the two parts of Luther Park [email protected] ››› To give neighbouring city districts and Bonne Park Bonnepark August 2016 greater protection from noise than required by law ››› New housing developments on both sides of the roofed-over motorway ››› More house/apartment building Bonnepark

New allotments Motorway widening and covering The Altona roof New plots for lease From plan to completion Linked by a green chord

Thanks to the roof over the A7 it will again be Before construction work can start, each project Osdorfer Weg Abfahrt The acoustic roof in Altona opens up enormous ARBOS, landscape architects from Hamburg, have Hamburg- feasible to build housing on the adjoining land. requires a legal foundation. Therefore a variety Bahrenfeld urban development opportunities. The gash designed an elongated strip of parkland with a

Some of this land is currently occupied by allotment Schnelsen Stellingen Altona of planning procedures must be observed before caused by the motorway will be sealed between promenade on the western side of the cover. Next to 2008 gardens. These will be relocated to the motorway parks and allotment gardens can be placed on the Behringstrasse and Volkspark; the neighbouring this is a wider strip consisting of allotment gardens. roof-tops. Garden plots on one of the busiest motorway roofs. Bahrenfelder districts of Bahrenfeld and and the The long-established Luther Park and Bonne Park, Marktplatz motorways in . Can that be done? Yes, it divided parks will be reunited. New connecting paths both cut in two when the autobahn was built, can. It is important to ensure that the new soil on Competition Competition 1. The legal foundation for constructing or widening and opportunities for leisure and recreation are the will be joined together again. Bordering the new the roof is ideally suited for gardening. Apart from the A7 is the plan’s determination process pursuant result. The Altona roof will also implement a town- sportsground at Baurstrasse a grassy area planted making sure the soil is unpolluted, the layering to the Federal Highway Act. planning idea from the 1920s, when Gustav Oelsner with trees on the roof park will serve to connect of the earth is the most important issue. A high Planning Offi cial suggested a green belt for Altona running from with, and extend, the neighbouring park. Children’s quality soil will be laid to a depth of 1.20 m, so that approval Planning Competition 2. The planned parks and allotment gardens on the “the Volkspark to the River Elbe”. The roof will also playgrounds are planned where the existing parks Offi cial allotment holders’ gardening plans are not restricted of plan motorway roofs are anchored in the legally binding enhance the landscape axis between Volkspark and merge into the new roof-top park, providing approval in any way. Because there will not be room for all land-use plans. the city centre. public meeting points that mingle with the private 2014 of plan the allotments on the roofs, the City plans to create allotment gardens. substitute gardens on other sites. The permanent Determina- In addition to the legal planning procedures, open use of all substitute lots as allotment gardens will be tion of land- space planning competitions were held between use plan Determina- guaranteed in planning documents or by contract. tion of land- 2010 and 2012 to seek designs for the parks and The new green corridor reconnects the divided Bonne Park use plan allotment gardens on each of the three roofs. The Offi cial Sportpark Baurstraße approval land-use plans are based on the competition results. of plan To ensure that traffi c continues to fl ow during the

Widening the A7 construction period, work is being carried out in

Advantages of roof allotments Planning stages. Work on the A7 starts in the north and Determina- progresses southwards. The competition results for Widening the A7 ››› Unlike the situation in some of the tion of land- the roofs at Schnelsen and Stellingen have therefore current allotment gardens, the new soil use plan been developed and revised, and land-use planning

2020 outSetting & allot- parks gardens ment will have no inherited pollution procedures initiated. Park ››› Legal planning instruments will protect While the land-use planning procedure for the Allotment gardens

the allotments on top of the autobahn. outSetting & allot- parks gardens ment covering roofs is still in progress, work has already Paths and open squares Ongoing garden use is assured because started on the autobahn. It will probably take four

Widening the A7 Access to park no larger buildings can be sited on the years to widen and cover each separate section of Sportsground roofs. the motorway. When construction is fi nished the Urban development areas parks and allotment gardens can be established on

››› The allotment gardens are attractively the roofs. m located in the immediate neighbourhood Abfahrt N 2027 outSetting & allot- parks gardens ment Hamburg-Othmarschen

of a new park DEGES/V-KON-media © Visualisierung:

A 7 Esplanade between JungbornandVogt-Kock-Weg neighbouring residential areas. to Vogt-Kock-Weg, providing anew linkbetween the There willalso beafootpath crossing from Jungborn to play boulesmake theparkaninviting destination. pedestrians. Trees, planted beds, seating andaspace with Heidlohstrasse willaccommodate cyclists and Jungborn, awideesplanadelinkingFrohmestrasse approach thepark:parallel to thestreet called people willbeableto choose various routes to opportunities for theresidents of Schnelsen. Local with new connecting pathways that openupmany designed anew green area onthetop of theroof, Landscape architects from Berlin,POLA, have appreciably boost thequality of life inthese areas. of theroof. Less noise from themotorway will centre of Schnelsen are intheimmediate vicinity land. Several residential districts, schools andthe It willlieonthesame level asthesurrounding before theHamburg-Schnelsen motorway junction. Heidlohstrasse, cross Frohmestrasse andendjust The cover over theSchnelsen section willrunfrom Local recreation facilities As at: Revised competition entry 2014 Plans for the Schnelsen roof The Schnelsen Roof


Frohmestraße Grundschule Frohmestraße

A 7


Vogt-Kock- Weg

A 7 Hamburg-Schnelsen Abfahrt Röthmoorweg Grundschule

© Visualisierung: DEGES/V-KON-media Frohmestrasse. The parkoffers thepatients and two elementary schools at Röthmoorweg and on Wählingsallee andto travel between the child care facilities, theSchnelsen leisure centre time neededto get from theresidential areas to Paths through thenew parkwillgreatly cutthe Neighbourhood community space onFrohmestrasse ››› ››› ››› Quick facts: the Schnelsen roof Connecting separated residential areas New parkandallotment gardens, About 560metres long,from Schnelsen and reducing noise inthecentre of Frohmestrasse new outdoor community place at Frohmestrasse Heidlohstrasse to northof Feldmark Schnelsener Access to park Paths squares andopen Allotment gardens Park N m Schnelsen at Frohmestrasse. walk, andbetter access to shopsinthecentre of new, close-by place to sitoutdoors, new paths to living intheoldpeople’shomeonHeidlohstrasse a nursing staff at thegeriatric clinicandpeople the allotment gardens View from thenorthtowards theSchnelsen roof and develop amore vibrant centre. be used for avariety of activities andthushelpto the shoppingstreet. This new meeting point can inviting community place whichleadsstraight into will beaclubhouse for theallotment holders andan a publicpath runningthrough it.To thesouth there planned to establish acompact allotment area with neighbouring roads. Northof Frohmestrasse itis allotment gardens whichcanbeaccessed from the of themeadow. Hedgeswillmarktheborders of the new park, andset inrows ontheeast andwest sides gardens willnot beaclosed area, butpartof the meadow stretches for about350m.The allotment offering shadeonhot summer days. The park Heidlohstrasse trees willbeplanted onthemeadow, recharge theirbatteries, orplay games. Northof area; aninviting place inwhichpeoplecanlinger, Next to theesplanadeisspaciousgrassy

© Visualisierung: DEGES/V-KON-media © Visualisierung: POLA Landschaftsarchitekten, Berlin terrain. park that lieonthesame level asthesurrounding visible anditisnot possible to create aroof and that insome parts thetunnel structure must remain autobahn issomewhat elevated inStellingen, so north. Because of thehighground-water table,the in thesouth to therail freight by-pass lineinthe The Stellingen roof stretches from KielerStrasse Green pathways through thedistrict Open square andparknorthof Wördemanns Weg paths canbeclosed. commercial areas. Agapintheexisting network of together again,itiseasier to get to schools and sides of themotorway. Residential areas draw closer space for anew park, benefiting residents onboth tracks. Covering theA7reduces noise andmakes dominated by alarge numberof major roads andrail cases, very isolated. This partof Stellingen is schools, homesandcommercial areas are, insome In theneighbourhoodof themotorway roof the Stellingen roof is builtshows how muchthecityscape willchange View from KielerStrasse before andafter theroof

© Visualisierung: DEGES/V-KON-media As at: revised competition entry 2014 Plans for the Stellingen roof or for children to runaround andplay. This grassed area offers plenty of space for relaxing meadow isplanned,planted withtrees andhedges. North of Wördemanns Weg aspaciousgrass Strasse. There are two different parts to thepark. alternative to theexisting underpass underKieler park also creates aconsiderably more attractive green route for cyclists andpedestrians. The down to KielerStrasse, withavaried andinteresting the Kollau hikingtrail andtherail freight by-pass WEIDINGER envisages awidepromenade between The designby Berlin-based landscape architects ››› ››› ››› ››› Quick facts: the Stellingen roof The new parkwilllinkupwiththeKollau Gaps intheexisting network of paths New allotment gardens inthesouth, About 890metres long,between Kieler

hiking trail are closed. pedestrians connecting paths for cyclists and public parkinthenorthwithattractive Straße andrail freight by-pass line

Wördemanns Weg Wördemanns A 7 A

© Visualisierung: DEGES/V-KON-media Kieler Straße Kieler

© Visualisierung: DEGES/V-KON-media

spend timeoutdoors. playground equipment creates anadditionalplace to and KielerStrasse. Anopen space withbenchesand grass meadow isplannedbetween theallotments promenade withTheodor-Schäfer-Damm. Another Two footpaths through theallotment area linkthe side of the roof parkandrunsalongtheallotments. Damm. Here thepromenade changesto thewest Access to theallotments isviaTheodor-Schäfer- allotment gardens isto be integrated into thepark. Wördemanns Weg acompact arrangement of places andareas to relax outdoors. Southof places, northandsouth, are intended asmeeting bushes. AlongWördemanns Weg two community the neighbouringresidential areas by hedgesand space at Wegenkamp. The parkisseparated from grounds to theeast andtheneighbouringgreen cover. This creates connections withtheschool Here thepromenade isontheeast sideof the Small square opposite theWegenkamp school

Hamburg-Stellingen Abfahrt

A 7 Imbekstieg Wegenkamp Schule Theodor-Schäfer-Damm Access to park Paths squares andopen Allotment gardens Park N m